Migration to and Throughout America Webquest

Section 1: Ellis Island and Waves of Immigration

Go to across the top menu on Ellis Island, click on Ellis Island History. Answer these questions.

1. How many immigrants entered through Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954? Where is it located?

2. Who regulated immigration before 1890?

3. Who came to the U.S. in the “first wave of immigration?”

4. What were push factors that made these immigrants leave their home country in Europe? There are 3.

5. What was the theory about 1st and 2nd class passengers in regards to the inspection process?

6. Describe the journey and arrival for a 3rd class passengers or the “steerage.”

7. Scroll down to “Arrival at the Island and Initial Inspection.” Describe the process of inspection. Why did they do this?

8. Go back to the Ellis Island menu and click on Family History Center. Scroll down to click on “SEARCH FOR ANCESTORS IN OUR PASSENGER ARCHIVE” If you know you have European ancestors, search names. If you don’t, you can search the name Salvatore Zummo (possibly my great grandpa!), or whoever you want – Write down the name of the person you found, the year they came to Ellis Island & the Birth Place!!

9. Under the Ellis Island menu, click Famous Passengers at the bottom. Click through each of the “Presidential, Theatrical, Musical, The Art, & Historical” lists. Write down 3 people you recognize. A famous magician? E = mc 2? Canned spaghetti?!

Section 2: When did they come? Destination America

Go to

10. If this does not load correctly, click on “Non-flash version” under where it says WHY DID THEY COME? Click on each time frame on the left side and answer which group primarily came to America during that time period AND why the push and/or pull factors were for them. (hint: read the short summary and look at the map key!)







Section 3: Angel Island: Independent Research

11. Independent research: Where was the Angel Island Immigration Station? What group of people used this to immigrate to the U.S.? How were they treated?

Section 4: Mapping Migration in the United States

Go to Read under the heading what each shape and color represent within a state. The percentage in the circle represents the percentage of people who live in that state that were born in that state. You can click on an area to zoom in to see more specifics.

12. Go to Georgia and analyze it’s colors and percentage. Make 3 observations and use terms such as INTERregional, INTRAregional, and international migration.

13. Click on 1900, then 1950, and back to 2012 in the top right corner and watch what happens to Georgia. Make inferences about WHY Georgia’s migration percentages have changed over the years.

14. Do the same thing from the previous 2 questions for California, Iowa, & Florida.

Section 5: Where We Came From and Where We Went, State by State

Go to Scroll down a little and you can choose states on the small country map on the left side just under the graph.

15. Go to Georgia and read about migration in and out of Georgia and write down some info from each. Look at the graph, use the switch button at the top left to change it and see what happens.

16. Choose 2 other states to do the same thing as above (do not use California, Iowa, or Florida).

Section 6: How did you get here?

17. Explain your migration story below in complete sentences and IDENTIFY EACH MOVE USING UNIT VOCABULARY…have you moved around? Where and when? If you haven’t moved, have your parents, grandparents, or even what you know of your ancestors? What is the story of how you ended up here? (Everyone has one unless you are 100% Native American ()


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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