January 26, 2006

DBYS Meeting AgendaMay 11, 20147:00 pm?@ Hill Road Pavilion________________________________________________________________________________?Called to order 7:03pAttendance: Ron Tindall; Nan Tindall; Brian Jarvis; Traci Huddleson; Tom Curley; Rick Schellinger; Jason Meyer; Kelli Eisenhower; Eric Detwiler; Todd MacLaren; Mike PenceOfficers’ Reports: ?Called to order 7:03p Secretary’s Report (Sharon Brennan)Reading of April minutes: Deferred (Eric Detwiler 1st; Traci Huddleson 2nd)President’s Report (Randy Yenser)?– Defer to agenda belowVice President’s Report (Dan Brown) – Defer to agenda belowTreasurer’s Report (Greg Whelan) Checking account: $53,097.78Treasurer Cash Held: $1,244.56Snack Stand Cash Boxes: $400.00Total Funds Held: $54,742.34 Comments: ?Inflows: collecting outstanding registration fees/ tournament / sponsorships Outflows: ?Snack stand supplies; DBCA registration fees back to them/ Softball uniforms/ Tournament registration fees/ Fundraiser tickets. ? Baseball uniforms to be reflected in May. Approve report: (Ron Tindall 1st; Eric Detwiler 2nd)Softball Director’s Report (Wayne Dotterweich) – Wayne not present – Sharon: May Day tournament went off; Suggest DBYS enter teams next year as a good showing. May mean moving dates. Greg agreed as there seemed to be conflicts with other tournaments as well.Logistics Coordinator’s Report (Lori Pence) – ?nothing to reportLeague Representative’s Report (Matt Gonder) –First 8U tryout today for TT. Second tryout is next week.Buddy Ball Report (Traci Huddleson) –?Mother’s Day celebration was today. The extra flowers were given to residents at the Villa as we have done in previous years. ?Two (44 total) more players were added to the teams. ?Looking ahead to next year we may need more changes if we have continued missioner’s Report – T-ball (Dan Welker) - not present (Matt G. - Lake hard to get supplies to field - snack bar going well)Rookie (Tom Curley) - Fields are getting bad. ?grass needs to be cut. ?Asked board if they can out into outfield about 12 ft. ?Randy will check with township. ?Mike P asking an email to go out again about proper dragging of fields as we continue to see issues with how coaches are dragging (and continue to drag dirt off field and into grassy areas)Minors (Mike Pence) - no issues. (Greg is asking that parents must be the one to be in snack stand (they can accompany adult) - there must be an adult.Majors (Todd MacLaren) - no issues (same above)Township Fields (Bill Duffy) - Fence keeps coming down. ?Maybe consider not putting them up or consider taking them down?Hill Road (Jay Hall) –?No issues.Old Business: Updates on Capital ImprovementsStorage Shed at Hill Road - Simon starting tomorrow morning. Should be down within a week or so.DBMS field dugouts - East Brandywine - submitted specs to local contractors to get some quotes. ?Matt sent info to township. ?Starting field 42.Hill Road dugout painting – volunteers still needed.Updates on Maintenance Lake Drive – Light - Chaz has been out of office. ?Randy to follow up.Township Snack Bar/Shed – wasp/bee issue - still an issue; carpenter bees becoming a big issue.Lock at township is not working well.New Business: Nominations for:Vice President - Dan Brown was nominated last meeting and accepted- ?Rick Schellinger nominated (Jason Meyer 1st; Matt Gonder 2nd) –Rick acceptedLeague Rep - Matt Gonder (Tom Curley 1st; Jason Meyer 2nd) – Matt accepted; Eric Detwiler nominated (Todd MacLaren 1st; Ron Tindall 2nd) – Eric accepted.Treasurer - Nan Tindall nominated last meeting and accepted. Tom Curley nominated (Traci Huddleson 1st; Matt Gonder 2nd) – Tom accepted.Softball Director - Greg Whelan nominated last meeting - accepted.?Softball Tournament Nominations - 12U Jess DiFuria (Sharon Brennan 1st/Lori Pence 2nd) – Jess confirmed by email she will accept.Major/Minor playoff seating process. ?- Drawing names for seedingMinors - Lori will manage bracket - single eliminationPosition 1 - AsPosition 2 - Red SoxPosition 3 - DiamondbacksPosition 4 - OriolesPosition 5 - YankeesPosition 6 - PadresPosition 7 - RedsPosition 8 - PhilliesPosition 9 - GiantsMajors: double eliminationPosition 1 - Red SoxPosition 2 - PadresPosition 3 - OriolesPosition 4 - PhilliesPosition 5 - GiantsPosition 6 - DiamondbacksPosition 7 – RedAdditional Item: Traci requested adding a board seed for buddy ball - Randy stated we need to discuss as a board. ?Would need to add another or have one board member break the vote if have even number. ?Meeting Adjourned: 7:35p (Tom Curley 1st; Jason Meyer 2nd) ................

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