Mr. Farshtey

War on Terror Web QuestI. Security Vs. PrivacyRead each of the articles about security and privacy, and answer the questions below.Article 1: Privacy vs. Security? Privacy The Huffington Post, 2011 1. What argument is the author making about security vs. privacy? In your own words, explain the argument and two reasons the author gives to support that argument.Article 2: The security vs. privacy debate is already over, and privacy lost The WashingtonExaminer 2014 1. What argument is the author making about security vs. privacy? In your own words, explain the argument and two reasons the author gives to support that argument.II. Apple vs. FBIRead the article about Apple’s battle with the FBI over cell phone privacy and answer the questionsthat follow.Apple vs. FBI: What’s Really Going On Live Science 2016 1. Why is this particular cell phone of interest to the FBI? What does the FBI want Apple to do?2. Apple has refused to do what the FBI wants – what are some of their reasons for refusing?3. What are two larger implications of what the FBI is asking Apple to do?III. Political CartoonFind a political cartoon relating to the War on Terror and WOPAQ/KTFD it below. Try Googling “War on Terror political cartoon”, “NSA political cartoon”, “Guantanamo Bay political cartoon”, “Patriot Act political cartoon”, or some other issue/concept/person related to the topic. Include the title of the cartoon and the website where you found it.WOPAQ (words, objects, people, actions, questions you have)andKTFD (what does the artist want you to know, think, feel, do?)W:O:P:A:Q:K:T:F:D:IV. Terror Groups Making HeadlinesUse the website theSkimm’s Guide to International Terror Groups to familiarize yourself with some of the terrorist groups around the world being mentioned in the news. Write a short summary of each of the groups listed, in your own :al-Nursa FrontBoko Haram: Hamas:V. Global Terrorism Index 2017Use the short article and map at the following link to answer the questions provided.These are the countries with the most terror attacks, mapped1. What five countries had the highest number of terrorist-related deaths?2. Look at the map and charts, other than the Middle East, what other regions of the world are highly affected by terrorists? VI. Politicians and the War on TerrorFind out the stance of four current politicians of the War on Terror. For each politician listed below, find a tweet from them about the War on Terror and write it below. Use Google to find tweets - for example, search “Mike Pence War on Terror Twitter” (or use a more specific topic, like ISIS or al Qaeda) and you will find relevant tweets.Donald Trump: Mike Pence:Bernie Sanders: Elizabeth Warren:VII. How Has Terrorism Changed?Read the article about how terrorism has evolved over the last 14 years. Read each paragraph and summarize it under its heading below with at least 2-3 sentences or bullet points.9/11 anniversary: How has terrorism changed? Who is in Charge? Controlling TerritoryGeographic MetastasisInspired, Motivated, or Directed?The Terrorist DiasporaSocial Media and CommunicationThe Long Run ................

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