Comprehensive Mine and Sensor Simulator

Comprehensive Mine and Sensor Simulator




Developed By


Night Vision and Electronic Sensor Directorate

Modeling and Simulation Division

Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction 3

Overview of CMS2 3

System Design for CMS2 3

Chapter 2 Installation Procedures 7

System Requirements 7

Installing Distrobution 7

Chapter 3 Start-up Procedures 8

Starting CMS2 8

Required Command Line Variables 8

Additional Command Line Variables 9

Chapter 4 Menu Bar 14





Chapter 5 ToolBar 16

Field Selection 16

Create/Edit 17

Move Fields and Field Entities 18

Delete Fields and Field Entities 19

Duplicate Fields 20

Place Mines 21

Place Sensors 22

Place Cameras 23

Chapter 6 Map Display 24

Zoom 24

Display Features 24

Chapter 7 Data Collection 25

Appendix I Other Simulation Tools 26

Appendix II: Running with Snap Server 28

Appendix III: Modifying Damage tables ____________________________ 29

Chapter 1 Introduction

Overview of CMS2

The Comprehensive Mine and Sensor Simulator (CMS2) is a landmine and ground sensor simulator developed to provide realistic models into Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) and High Level Architecture (HLA) exercises.

CMS2 landmine simulation was developed in order to provide the Modular Semi-Automated Forces (ModSAF) application with a realistic mine model. Mine models are based on real data collected from live landmines in order to provide the most realistic simulations. It has since been adapted to OTBSAF (One SAF Test Bed Semi Automated Forces), and includes several updated, accurate mine models, including M16, M21, M19, TM62, POMZ, Hornets, and side attack mines, to name a few. Mine fuses are configurable (based on actual mine fuses), and include pressure plate, tilt rod, trip wire, magnetic, and command activated/detonated. Each individual landmine is simulated, allowing OTBSAF’s simulated forces the ability to interact and react to each mine, and very accurate data to be collected.

CMS2 sensor modeling provides the simulation community with scientifically accurate, physics based ground sensor models. Using data from the Army Research Lab (ARL), our sensor simulation takes into account the terrain, weather, and the environment. Integrated into an OTBSAF simulation, CMS2 sensors accurately detect, track, and provide situational awareness. Current sensors include various magnetic, seismic, and acoustic unmanned ground sensors (UGS), as well as both snapshot and full motion Infra-Red (IR) cameras.

An entity state and protocol data unit (PDU) logger is included for data collection and analysis. Data pertaining specifically to sensor and mine simulation is logged, such as; detonations, detections, and false alarms to name a few.

See Appendix I for additional information on OTBSAF and Paint-the-Night (PTN). For additional information on Universal Controller, Snap Manager, or Snap Server, see their respective manuals.

System Design for CMS2

Sensor Model Development

The sensor models were developed in conjunction with Army Research Lab (ARL) and Night Vision Electronic Sensors Directorate (NVESD). Acoustic and Seismic models were developed using the Acoustic Battlefield Aid (ABFA), a prototype decision aid for assessing the performance of acoustic sensors in different environments. ABFA combines accurate modeling of atmospheric and terrain effects on acoustic signals with newly developed methods for determining acoustic array performance. The models account for transmission loss, noise, terrain variations, landscape, and day/night conditions using a variety of selectable algorithms. Using these models, the user can generate tables of detection probabilities, direction finding accuracy, position-finding accuracy, and velocity-finding accuracy of a sensor network for a variety of targets.

Since the ARL model does not currently operate in a real time environment, CMS2 utilizes tables generated by ABFA. CMS2 analyzes the CTDB to determine the relative roughness of the terrain and the surrounding landscape, and uses the simulation time to determine the time of day. It then selects a set of tables that matches these parameters and the layout of the sensor field. Tables were generated for flat, hilly, and mountainous terrains, open and wooded landscapes, and day or night. For each set of conditions, we generated detection, classification, recognition, location error, and velocity error tables for 10 different targets, ranging in the heavy, medium and light track, or wheeled vehicles. This process was repeated for each sensor field layout.

When a target moves within range of a sensor, CMS2 selects the table, which most closely matches the target type. For eight targets we have an exact match; others use the closest matching table or a generic table. A random outcome is determined and compared against probability tables. If the target is detected, a target spot report is generated containing the acquisition level, information on the target type, and the target location and velocity. The target type will be incompletely filled out, with more information provided at higher acquisition levels. The location and velocity error tables are used to apply an error metric to the target’s actual location and velocity.


A cluster consists of a collection nodes working within a field. A long-range radio and autonomous imager are contained within a main node. A control system passes spot reports and imager snapshots to the long-range radio.


A node is a group of acoustic, seismic, and magnetic sensors working in conjunction with each other. Each node communicates with other nodes in the cluster using short-range radios with approximate transmission times of 400m or less.

Sensor Reports

The sensor models in CMS2 generate target reports each time they detect a target. The sensor control node in the field filters these reports before sending them to the long-range radio to prevent the field from constantly chattering (and to reduce simulation network load). The control node uses three criteria:

1. Target reports are re-transmitted after a configurable timeout. The default timeout is one minute.

2. Reports are transmitted once the target moves a configurable distance. The default distance is 500m.

3. A report is sent immediately if the acquisition level is upgraded.

Track Database

GEC is used to control the sensor and munition fields simulated by CMS2. It receives the target spot reports sent by CMS2 and other systems via the MWTB Spotted PDU. GEC maintains a database of targets. This database is populated by Entity State PDUs for blue force and by Spotted PDUs for all other forces. When a target spot report is received, the report is fused into the target database using the following algorithm:

1. A quad-tree lookup is performed for existing targets near the location from the spot report, using a configurable fusion distance. The fusion distance is scaled by the reported velocity, so that fast-moving targets are fused properly.

2. For each target that is close enough to the reported location, the target types are compared. The closest existing target with a compatible type is selected to fuse with. If no target with a compatible type is within the query region, or no targets are within the query region, a new target is generated.

3. If a compatible target is found, the existing target’s location and velocity are updated. If the spot report provides more detailed information than the database had on the target, then the target type and acquisition level is upgraded.

4. Targets, which are not updated for a configurable amount of time, have their acquisition certainty downgraded. Once the certainty reaches zero, the target is removed from the database.

Deployment Methods

Using the target-pairing tool, the Ft Knox SAF supports deployment of sensors and smart anti-personnel and anti-tank mines. CMS2 will automatically simulate fields when it receives an experimental munition detonation PDU with certain munition types. CMS2 can be configured to deliver the munitions payloads in user defined or random dispersion patterns. The payloads can contain sensors, mines, or any combination.

Chapter 2 Installation Procedures

System Requirements

Processor - 2 (> 2 GHz Processors)

RAM - 2 Gb

Video Card – Radeon 9700 Pro or better

OS - RedHat Linux 8.0

Installing Distribution

Insert the installation CD into your CD-ROM. If your CD-ROM does not auto-mount, the command

>mount /mnt/cdrom

will mount the drive on most systems. Contact your system administrator if you are unable to mount the drive.

Change to the directory where you want to install the distribution. This can be any directory in which you have write permissions. Copy the archive file from the CD-ROM to your install directory by typing the command

>cp /mnt/cdrom/version_x_x_distro.tar.gz .

Extract the software by typing

>tar xvfz version_x_x_distro.tar.gz

This will create a directory called version_x_x_distro. Change into this directory and type


You will get the following directory listing:

bin/ data/ lib/ resources/ scripts/ third-party-lib/

Chapter 3 Start-up Procedures

Required Simulation Tools

In order to run CMS2, OTBSAF must also be running on the same disport, terrain, multicast address, network device, and exercise number. If CMS2 is being used to generate snapshots, Snap Manager must also be running. Snap Manager and CMS2 must be communicating on the same unique port number

Note: The port number Snap Manager and CMS2 communicate on must be different from the disport number the OTBSAF and CMS2 communicate on.

Starting CMS2

To run CMS2, change into the directory called version_x_x_distro

Type ./cms2

Required Command Line Variables

-terrain -disport -exercise


Additional Command Line Variables

Options can be seen on screen by typing: ./cms2 --help

Terrain Options:

-terrain | -nowhere

Specifies the name of the terrain file. The available terrains can be found in resources/visuals. The available terrains will have *.scm file extensions. Note: when using the string for the – terrain variable do not include the .scm file extension


Specifies which type of GCS cell database that is being sought (values: none, single, multi) (defaults to none)

Miscellaneous Options:


Specifies amount of time (in seconds) between entity refresh cycles.

(defaults to 30)


Specifies amount of time (in seconds) between field refresh cycles.


Specifies the path where CMS2-related data files are located.


Specifies the path where common project data files are located.


Specifies the starting index for simulated fields.

-send_gateway_entity_state | -no_send_gateway_entity_state

Send Entity State PDUs for Gateway Nodes

Save/Restore Options:

-autosave | -noautosave

Enables or Disables automatic save to disk of simulation state.


Specifies the interval (in seconds) between autosaves.

-load_autosave | -noload_autosave_file

Enables loading of a previous simulation. The loaded fields are automatically simulated.


Specifies the name of the autosave file to load. If none is specified, the most recent is used.

-autologger | -noautologger

Automatically starts a logger on CMS2 startup.


The name of the autolog file if using autologger.

Network Options:


Specifies the IP port number to use for sending and receiving DIS PDUs.

(defaults to 3000)


Specifies the network device to send and receive DIS PDUs.

(defaults to (null))

-unicast | -multicast

Specifies a IP multicast address to send and receive DIS PDUs.

(defaults to (null))


Determines how far a PDU propagates in multicast mode. (defaults to 32)

Snap Manager Interface Options:

-snap_manager | -no_snap_manager

Enable to broadcast image generate signals on another port to Snap Manager.

Following Options only available if (-snap_manager) is specified:

-sm_unicast | -sm_multicast

Specifies an IP multicast address to send and receive DIS PDUs on.


Specifies the IP port number to send signals to snap manager on.

(not the same as disport)


Specifies the format to use when saving snapshots.

Exercise Options:


Overrides the default simulation site ID. (defaults to 26073)


Overrides the default host (application) ID. (defaults to 7821)


Sets the exercise ID for this simulation. (defaults to 1)

DSIF Options:

-dsif | -nodsif

Activates the DSIF network interface thread (defaults to nodsif)

Following Options only available if (–dsif) is specified:


Specifies address (hostname or IP) of the DSIF DaVinca collaboration server.


Specifies the ‘well-known’ port number of the DSIF DaVinci collaboration

server (defaults to 3450)


Specifies the session name to join on the DSIF DaVince network.

(defaults to DSIFSession)


Specifies the client ID of UC on the DSIF DaVinci network.

(defaults to UC_DSIF_Client)


Specifies the URL to send DSIF snapshots


Specifies the format to use when saving DSIF snapshots (defaults to JPG)

JVB Options:

-jvb | -nojvb

Activates the JVB network interface thread (defaults to nojvb)


Specifies the input path of the JVB Federation


Specifies the output path of the JVB Federation

Comms Effect Gateway Mode Options:

-ceg | -noceg

Activates the Comms Effects Network interface


Specifies address (hostname or IP) of the Comms Effect Gateway


Specifies the ‘well-known’ port number of the Comms Effect Gateway

Simulation Options:


Specifies the amount of time between simulation cycles in milliseconds.

(defaults to 100)

-mwtb | -nomwtb

Send Mounted Warfare Test Bed PDUs. (defaults to nomwtb) Now needed to run the FCS vehicles.

-sa_server | -no_sa_server

Display Targeting Information from the SA Server Only

-overlay_stream (integer)

Specifies the stream on which overlay PDUs are sent (0-31)


The distance (in meters) a target must move before an update is sent. (defaults to 100.000000 )


The minimum time (in seconds) between target-sensor pairing updates. (defaults to 60.000000 )


The amount of time (in seconds) before a target-sensor pairing is discarded. (defaults to 120.000000 )


The distance (in meters) a target must move before a new snapshot is taken. (defaults to 250.000000 )

-track_air_targets | -no_track_air_targets

Allow ARL sensors to track air vehicles. (Defaults to track_air_targets)

CHAPTER 4 Menu Bar

This chapter focuses on the menu bar at the top of the CMS2 screen. These menu controls allow the operator to set or customize the controls.

Selection exits and shuts down controller.

This function allows the user to set the map display features.


Figure 3-1

When selected, this feature allows the operator to test the field of view for each simulated camera on the map. The operator must click the middle mouse button over a camera and a black circle will appear to illustrate the field of view. The shading within the informational mode shows the field of view available for the camera. The amount of shading determines how much the actual view is affected. For example, a black area shows that there is no view for that area.

To undelete a deleted field, select the Undo Delete function. This will bring back multiple deleted fields. The Undo Delete will not undelete individually deleted cameras, mines, or sensors.

Starts the CMS2 data logger

Stops the CMS2 data logger

This button displays information about Invoke LLC.

CHAPTER 5 Tool Bar

Field Selection Button

The Field Selection Button allows the operator to scroll around the map, view a list of created fields, load fields and save fields. When the field selection button is active, an information window appears at the bottom of the screen. The information window consists of the following.

Simulation window: The simulation window displays a list of fields that have not been simulated. To simulate a field, the user clicks on the field name.

Field window: The field window is a list of the fields created showing the field name, controller, item count within the field, and status.

Load Fields: To load a field, click on the Load field(s) button. A “Load Saved Field(s)” window will appear allowing the user to locate and load the saved file.

Save Fields: To save a field or group of fields, click on the fields to be saved in the field window. After all the desired fields are selected, click on the Save Field(s) button. A “Save Selected Field(s)” window will appear allowing the user to chose the name for the saved field(s).


Create/ Edit Button

The Create/Edit button allows the user to place and edit a field on the map.

Creating a field: To create a field, the user clicks the map where the first vertex of the field is placed. The user then continues to click the map to place the desired vertices. The user must double-click the last vertex to close the field area.

Editing a field: To edit the field, the user single-clicks within the field when the outside field border is yellow. The Field Information window appears at the bottom of the screen when the desired field to edit is selected. The Field Name, Force Type and Controller Name can be entered in the spaces provided.

Note: A field cannot be edited after it has been simulated.


Move Fields and Field Entities Button

The Move Fields and Field Entities button is used to move a mine, sensor, camera or field before it has been simulated.

Moving a field: To move a field, click the Move button then click the field in an area when the desired field is yellow and drag it to its desired location. To move a mine, sensor or camera, click the Move button then click on the entity to be moved when it is yellow and drag the entity to its new location.


Delete Fields and Field Entities Button

The Delete Fields and Field Entities button allows the user to delete a mine, sensor, camera or field.

To Delete a Field or Field Entity: Click the delete button, then click the mine, sensor, camera or field to be deleted.

Note: A Field Entity cannot be deleted after the field containing it has been simulated.


Duplicate Fields Button

The Duplicate Fields Button allows the user to make a copy of an existing field, including entities in the field.

Duplicating Fields: To duplicate a field, click on the field to be copied when the field border is yellow. After the original field has been selected, click on the area for the replica to be placed.

Note: A simulated field can be duplicated.


Place Mines Button

The Place Mines button allows the user to place mines in a field. When selected, the Mine Placement window appears.

Selecting the mine type: The user selects a mine type from the mines list then chooses the fuze type, burial depth, model and orientation for the selected type.

Placing the mine: The user can select the method of placement, choosing from Individual, Grid, Row or Scatter.

a. To place an individual mine, click Individual, and then click in the field where the mine should be placed.

b. To place a grid of mines, click Grid, enter the distance of vertical or horizontal spacing, and then click in the field where the grid should be placed.

c. To place a row of mines, click Row, enter the spacing and offset distance, and then drag a line in the field where the row should be placed.

d. To place a random scattered set of mines, click Scatter, enter the radius for the scatter and the number of mines in the scatter set, and then click in the field where the mines should be placed.


Place Sensors Button

The Place Sensors button allows the user to place sensors in a field. When selected, the Sensor Placement window appears.

Select the sensor type: The user selects a sensor type from the sensor list and model type from the drop down model list.

Placing the sensor: The user selects the method of placement, choosing from Individual, Grid, Row or Scatter.

a. To place an individual sensor, click Individual, and then click in the field where the sensor should be placed.

b. To place a grid of sensors, click Grid, enter the distance of vertical or horizontal spacing, and then click in the field where the grid should be placed.

c. To place a row of sensors, click Row, enter the spacing and offset distance, and then drag a line in the field where the row should be placed.

d. To place a random scattered set of sensors, click Scatter, enter the radius for the scatter and the number of sensors in the scatter set, and then click in the field where the sensors should be placed.


Place Cameras Button

The Place Cameras button allows the user to place cameras in a field. When selected, the Camera Placement window appears.

Select the camera type: The user selects a camera type from the camera list then specifies the height and orientation of the camera.

Placing the sensor: The user selects the method of placement, choosing from Individual, Grid, Row or Scatter.

a. To place an individual camera, click Individual, and then click in the field where the camera should be placed.

b. To place a grid of cameras, click Grid, enter the distance of vertical or horizontal spacing, and then click in the field where the grid should be placed.

c. To place a row of cameras, click Row, enter the spacing and offset distance, and then drag a line in the field where the row should be placed.

d. To place a random scattered set of cameras, click Scatter, enter the radius for the scatter and the number of cameras in the scatter set, and then click in the field where the cameras should be placed.


CHAPTER 6 Map Display


The CMS2 operator shall be able to zoom in and out of the map display to see and select individual mines, sensors, cameras or fields. The right Mouse button zooms out the map centering the CMS2 PVD on the point that was clicked. The center Mouse button zooms in on the map centering the CMS2 PVD on the point that was clicked. The operator can also zoom by center clicking and dragging a box around the area.


The CMS2 operator can choose the way icons are displayed on the map. The user can use an icon picture or the military symbol representation. The icon display is changed in the Map Properties window.

Display Features

When a field is simulated the field and entities within the field will change color from orange to green to indicate to the operator that the entities and field is simulated. A list of what color an entity will change to when simulated can be found in Table 6.1.

|Entity State |Color when simulated |

|Command Activated Mine |Light Red |

|Target Activated Mine |Purple |

|Uncontrolled “dumb” Mine |Purple |

|Detonated Mine |Red |

|Sensor |Green |

|Camera |Green |

Table 6.1

CHAPTER 7 Data Collection

CMS2 has a logger built-in for data collection purposes. The logger logs all of the status changes for CMS2 sensors and mines. Status changes include the creation of a mine and/or sensor, tripping of a mine and/or sensor, changing of a mine’s state (command-activated, target-activated, disarmed), and detonation of a mine.

There are two ways to start the CMS2 logger.

1. The user can start the logger using the -autologger command line option. The autologger starts logging information as soon as CMS2 is started saving the data in the directory also defined using a command line option at startup. Additional information on using the autologger function can be found in the Save/Restore Options Section of Chapter 3.

2. The user can start/stop the CMS2 logger manually using the Start/Stop Logger function located in Tools on the menu bar.

Note: If the data contained in the CMS2 log is very important, it is recommended that the autologger be used to insure all the data is logged.

Appendix I Other Simulation Tools

One SAF Test Bed Semi Automated Forces (OTBSAF)

OTBSAF is a set of software modules and applications used to construct Advanced Distributed Simulation (ADS) and Computer Generated Forces (CGF) applications. OTBSAF modules and applications let a single operator create and control large numbers of entities that are used for realistic training, test, and evaluation on the virtual battlefield. OTBSAF represents the seven battlefield operating systems of maneuver, air defense, intelligence, mobility and survivability, combat service support, command and control, and fire support. Various entities (configured at the vehicle, section, flight, squad, platoon, company and battalion echelons) simulate tactics and behavioral characteristics. These entities, which include ground and air vehicles, dismounted infantry (DI), missiles, and dynamic structures, can interact with each other and with manned individual entity simulators to support training, combat development experiments, and test of evaluation studies.

Paint the Night

Paint the Night (PTN) is an HLA and DIS-compatible, electro-optic infrared, thermal scene generator. PTN integrates real-time sensor effects and atmospheric effects into high-resolution, physics based synthetic DIS exercises.

PTN is meant to recreate the experience of moving through a virtual space, along with the sensation of looking through IR devices. IR signatures and atmospherics include high-resolution terrain, trees, roads, cultural features, and targets.

Figure 1-1 Figure 1-2

Appendix II Running with Snap Manager

When using Snap Manager, sometimes the configuration gets a little confusing. Here is how the scripts should look like in regards to the different ports, directory names, and terrains.

Choose 3 Disport Numbers

SAF Disport = xxxx (defaults to 3000)

Disport 1 = xxxx (defaults to 6051)

Disport 2 = xxxx (defaults to 6052)

Disport 3 = xxxx (defaults to 6053)

Disport 4 = xxxx (defaults to 6054

Disport 5 = xxxx (defaults to 6055)


./cms2 –terrain (visual name) –sm_port (Disport 1) –disport (SAF Disport)


Snap Server

./snap_server –terrain (visual name) –sm_input_port (Disport 2) –disport (SAF Disport)

–sm_output_port (Disport 3) -snap_manager

-sm_address (IP of Snap Manager Box)

-sm_dir_name (mount point for images to be stored)

Snap Manager

./snap_manager -ss_output_port (Disport 2) -image_gen_port (Disport 1)

-ss_input_port (Disport 3) –uc_input_port (Disport 5)

-uc_output_port (Disport 4)

-sm_dir_name (mount point for images to be stored)


./uc –terrain (visual name) –sm_port (Disport 1) –disport (SAF Disport)

-snap_manager -sm_dir_name (mount point for images to be stored)

-sm_address (Name or IP of Snap Manager Box)

–sm_input_port (Disport 4) -sm_output_port (Disport 5)

Appendix III Adjusting CMS2 Lethality Tables

Mine Probability of Kill (PK) tables indicate the likelihood that a particular mine from the table will damage an entity within range of the blast. There are two files that should be checked to ensure accurate data; ifdam_wc.rdr and ifdam_vulnerable.rdr.

Both files are located in the OTB/data/ directory.


Check this file to ensure that there are the following entries. All ranges in this file are default ranges and should not be modified without checking the accuracy of the new data.

Ensure that there is an entry for the generalized munition type that CMS2 is simulating in the top portion of this file.

;;; range pk pmf pf pm

"MINE_AT_VUL" { ((3.0 (1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))

(8.0 (0.75 1.0 1.0 1.0))

(16.0 (0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))


"MINE_AP_VUL" { ((6.0 (1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0))

(15.0 (0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0)))


“MINE_AT_VUL” is the data for the anti-tank mine.

“MINE_AP_VUL” is the data for the anti-personnel mine.

The lower portion of this file lists the OTBSAF naming convention of the munitions nomenclature and maps it to the generalized category of that munition.

;; Projectiles

(munition_US_M19 MINE_AT_VUL)

(munition_US_M21 MINE_AT_VUL)

(munition_US_M14 MINE_AP_VUL)

(munition_US_M18A1 MINE_AP_VUL)

(munition_US_M16A2 MINE_AP_VUL)


This file will almost definitely need to be modified with the appropriate data for the munitions that will be used. The PK’s should add to 1. The ranges should be increasing. The range is from the impact point to the target.

The first section of this file maps vehicle types to generalized class names. For example,


(apc1 thin_skin)

(apc2 light_armor)

(tank1 armor)

(T72 armor)

(di1 infantry)

Ensure that there is an entry for all entities being utilized in the exercise.

The second section lists the ammunition and the effects that they will have on a particular vehicle type at various listed ranges.

; (class_name (

; (range pk-k pk-mf pk-f pk-m pk-n)

; (range pk-k pk-mf pk-f pk-m pk-n)

; ...

; )

This small table describes the templated format that is used for this portion of the file.

class_name: ammunition name

range: Impact point to target

pk-k: Probability of Kill – Catastrophic

pk-mf: Probability of Kill – Mobility and Firepower

pk-f: Probability of Kill – Firepower

pk-m: Probability of Kill – Mobility

pk-n: Probability of Kill – No effect

For example,

(munition_US_RCM1618-2 (

(infantry (30.0 0.90 0.50 0.05 0.05 0.05))

(infantry (20.0 0.95 0.95 0.85 0.05 0.05))

(infantry (10.0 0.99 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.05))

(thin_skin (0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))

(light_armor (0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))

(armor (0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))


(munition_US_HORNET (

(infantry (0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))

(thin_skin (10.0 0.55 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.20))

(light_armor (10.0 0.55 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.20))

(armor (10.0 0.55 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.20))


(munition_USSR_TM62 (

(infantry (30.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))

(thin_skin (10.0 0.50 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.10))

(light_armor (5.0 0.50 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.10))

(armor (5.0 0.50 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.10))


(munition_YUGO_PMA2 (

(infantry (30.0 0.80 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05))

(thin_skin (5.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.00))

(light_armor (0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))

(armor (0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00))



Icon Type: Selects the display of the icons on the 2d map

Map Features: toggles on off selected map features

Icon Size: Selects the display size of the icon on the 2d map can be set smallest 1 to largest 20

Executes or Cancels above selections

Center Point: an operator can type in the X and Y coordinates and move to a specific map location

Vehicles/Minefields: an operator can toggle on or off the display of entities

Map: scale can be set from1:125 to 1:2,00,000

Field Selection Button

Field Window

Simulation Window

Field Information Window

Create / Edit Button

Move Button

Delete Button

Field 2 is a copy of Field 1

Duplicate Fields Button

Mine Placement Window

Place Mines Button

Sensor Placement Window

Sensor Button

Camera Placement Window


Camera Button


Distribution limited to US Government agencies and their contractors; critical technology; Sept. 2003. Other requests for this document shall be referred to Director, US Army Night Vision and Electronic Sensor Directorate, 10221 Burbeck Rd. Ft. Belvoir, VA. 22060-5806


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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