Studies Weekly

Veterans DayK & 1 If you have a Studies Weekly teacher account, please log in to access the videos and articles mentioned in the lesson plan. If you do not have a Studies Weekly teacher account, or you do not have access to the publication listed, please be our guest and use our demo account. To log in with the demo account:Go to example: TXteacherPassword: demo Materials list:Projector ComputerAccess to Studies Weekly Online Texas Kindergarten Studies Weekly publication, American Monuments weekly unit, Veterans articleChart paper or board space for student responsesVideo – Veterans DayLined or other paper for a letterWhite copy paperCrayons/pencils(Extension activity materials)Computers or mobile devices with an internet browser appApproximate time the lesson will take not including the video:35 minutesBalanced Literacy Format: Shared ReadingLesson Presentation Format:Whole ClassSpecific Strategy:ObservingListeningIndependent WritingFine Motor SkillsActivity:Introduce the lesson with a shared read aloud of the article Veterans, found in Texas Kindergarten Studies Weekly, American Monuments weekly unit.Discuss with children that we need soldiers to protect our country and our freedoms. Explain what freedoms are and have students give examples of some freedoms that we have. Write students’ responses on the board.Ask students what sacrifices soldiers may make. Write students’ answers on the board. Have students raise their hand if anyone in their family has served or is currently serving in the military. Explain to students that soldiers that have served in the military are called veterans. Watch the video Veterans Day. Have students listen for why we celebrate Veterans day. After the video, ask students to share what they heard. Explain to students that we celebrate Veterans day because our veterans did so much to protect us and our freedoms.Ask students to write a thank you letter to a veteran. Have students draw a picture at the end of the letter.Differentiation:Students can work on letters as a group.Write the letter as a whole class. Students can then draw pictures to be included in the letter.Extension:Individually, or in small groups, students will go to to create a poster to remind everyone to honor veterans on Veterans Day. Hang up posters in your classroom or around the school.To learn more about this program, go to online > log into your account > click on a publication > select a week > scroll down to K-6 General Resources > Lesson Resources > Digital Developments.Quiz:Someone who has served in the military is called a ________________.veteransuperheroI can celebrate Veterans Day by ___________________________.playing with my friendsremembering and honoring veterans Answer Key/Complexity Level:1. aLow/12. bModerate/4 ................

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