Create your Own Country - La Clase de Sra. Piña

Create your Own Country

In the next 4-5 weeks you will have the great opportunity to work, create and form a country. In completing this project, you will also learn how difficult it is to run a country. All aspects of your core classes will be utilized in creating this project. In working on this project, you will also learn how to organize your time to complete a project. This project will enable you to use your creative natures along with using what you have learned in the classroom

Included in this packet are an outline of the material to be discussed and researched, a calendar to help keep your group focused and on task, and a rubric/checklist to help you understand what is expected of you in completing this project. Follow this checklist and you will get that “A”

Have fun with this project. You will be amazed at the learning you will put in that brain of yours.

There will be random assessment throughout the weeks to make sure you are keeping up with your project.

Everything will have to be turned in as a packet prior to presenting.

Have Fun and Be Creative.

Subjects you will include in your project:

➢ History-using past information and material that has been discussed, write a two page story that explains the discovery and formation of your country. Think about the Spanish and English explorers’ reasons why they came to the new world. You will also create a flag that represents your country. On a sheet large enough to be shown in a presentation, create a flag for your country. Be creative with it! Are there any important (appropriate) symbols of your country? What about the colors you use, do certain colors represent different things? On the back of your map, briefly explain your design. Why did you choose those symbols or colors?

➢ Geography-where is your country located? You will create a political and physical map that shows some detail to your country. You should also include the name of the region/continent that your country is located on. Poster size maps.

➢ Civics/Government-your group will have to create a form of government in your country. You will also need to compare your country to another country with that form of government.

➢ Math-Create a budget. Your group will be given an amount of money to work with. You will create a working budget for your country. Graphs and charts should be used to show me where your money went. Health care, education, military, transportation, etc.

➢ Science-you will need to explain the weather in your country. Factual information needs to be used. Meaning, the weather you mention must match the region you are in. I will explain. You must also come up with a scientist that has contributed to your country in a huge way. Tell us what kind of scientist he or she is and what the contribution entails.

➢ Language Arts-putting your exhibit board together. You must also create a national anthem or national song. You will receive extra credit if you sing it.

➢ Technology-power point presentation or video tape.

➢ Fine Arts-traditional entertainment in your country-music or dance. You could perform. What is your country’s national sport? Explain. One page story on a national hero.

➢ Presentation-7-15 minutes long. No more, no less!

1. What is the name of your country?

2. Where is your country located?

3. Describe the physical geography of your country. Does it have mountains? Is it an island? Is it landlocked? Does it have multiple regions?

4. Describe the climate and vegetation of your country. What kind of weather does your country normally get? Is it cold and snowy? Is it dry? Is it a desert? Does it have rain forests? Remember to take your country’s physical geography into account when discussing its climate.

5. Discuss the natural resources found in your country. Do the people in your country have an abundant energy resource, or are they required to import it? Do they have resources to export? Do they mine for gold and diamonds?

6. Describe the population of your country. Where do people live? Why do they live there? Does your country have a huge population, or a very small one? Is your country’s population growing? Why or why not? Do people in your country migrate a lot or do they stay put?

7. Describe your country’s cultural traits. What kind of work do they do? What are their beliefs? Do they have any interesting ways of doing things? What kinds of food do they eat? What it the language of your country? Do they have multiple languages? Are there any challenges to your country’s culture or cultures?

8. Describe the religion of your country’s people. Are they Christians? Are they Buddhist? Are they polytheistic?

9. Describe the social structure of your country’s people. Are there social classes in your country? What are they? Is family important to the people of your country? If so, are nuclear or extended families more prevalent?

10. What kind of economic system do the people of your country use? Do they use capitalism, socialism, or communism? Do they have their own unique system? What is the money called in your country? Do people even use money?

11. What kind of political system does your country have? Is it a monarchy, a direct democracy, or a dictatorship? Is your country governed by one big central government, or is it run by many smaller governments at the local level?

______________________ 1. The Geographer - The Geographer has the following jobs:

_____ a. Create a physical map and a political map of their country which must include the following: Major landforms (such as mountains, plains, deserts, rivers, lakes, other major bodies of water like an ocean or sea), and at least 3 major cities. You need to show if it located next to other countries or if it is an island. Your map must also include a compass rose and a key.

_____ b. Choose climate regions: Choose at least 2 different climate regions for your country.

_____c. Choose vegetation: Choose at least 2 different types of vegetation.

_____d. Choose Natural Resources: You need to choose at least 2 different natural resources. Remember, if you choose hydroelectric power, you need to make sure your country has rivers.

_____e. Natural Disasters and How people affect the environment: You will need to

include at least one natural disaster that affects your country and one environmental issue your country faces.

______________________2. The Historian and Demographer– The Historian and Demographer has the following jobs:

_____ a. Founding of your country: In your PowerPoint you will include information that explains how your country was founded. When was your country founded? When did it start? How did it start? Did it break off from another country? Was it settled by people who left their homeland? Did one very rich person decide to create their own country one day? Be creative here.

_____ b. You need to write about your country has gone through. You will write about the history of your country. What good times and bad times has your country gone through? Use at least one of the following: War, famine, epidemic disease (like the Black Death), natural disasters, industrial revolution, change in government (for example, a change from monarchy to democracy). You need to say when it happened, how long it lasted and how it affected the people of your country.

_____ c. Demographics: In your power point you will list the following: Population, Birth Rate, Death Rate, Life Expectancy, What percent of your country is urban (major cities), suburban (smaller cities), and rural (farmland and countryside).

______________________3. Economic and Political System Designer - The Economic and Political Designer has the following jobs:

_____a. Choose a government: In your PowerPoint you will explain what type of Government your country has. If you choose a democracy, list the voting age and who is allowed to vote (if you choose to have restrictions.

_____b. Choose an Economic System: In your PowerPoint you will explain what type of Economic System your country has.

_____c. Exports and Currency: You need to make up a currency and create an exchange rate with US money. Like $1 = 5000 chincos (chincos being your country’s currency). You need to list at least 2 items your country exports/trades with other countries. This can be a natural resource like petroleum, agricultural products, minerals like salt, metals like silver, gold, copper or iron, and/or precious gems like diamonds or rubies.

_____d. Industries: You need to list the industries in your country. You need at least 2 main industries. Is it mainly farming? Are their factories? What kind? ______________________

4. Cultural Designer – The Cultural Designer has the following jobs:

____a. Design a Flag. This can be created on your computer, on poster board, or with fabric like felt. You need to explain in your PowerPoint. You need to explain how your flag relates to your country. Do the colors have special meanings? Do the shapes on your flag have special meanings?

_____b. Design the Culture of the People in your country. This information will be included in slides of your power point. Use your creativity. You must include the following: Customs - What traditions/customs do they have? Do they celebrate holidays? Do they have sports? What type of technology do they have? Food and Clothing - What types of food do your people eat? What kind of clothes do they wear? Language - What languages do they speak? Religion - What religions exist in your country?

____ c. Careers: In your PowerPoint you will include what types of careers/jobs the people of your country have. You will need to talk with the Economic and Political System Designer and the Geographer to see what industries, agriculture and natural resources your country has. For example, if your country farms watermelons, then many people would work in farming watermelons.

Country Rubric and Checklist

12 points-History-to earn full credit for the history content you must include:

____2 page history of your country

____flag-creative and colorful

12 points-Geography-you must include:

____map-political with key and legend

____map-physical-shows land features

____what continent are you on

10 points-Civics-you must include:

____explain the form of government your country has-correctly

____compare it to a country

12 points-Math-you must include:

____Create a budget-where is that money going

____Explain why you put the money in those areas

____Graph or chart that shows detail

12 points-Science-you must include:

____what is the weather in your country

____Biography/research on a scientist

5 points-Language Arts-you must include:

____putting the whole project-use of an exhibit board

____Exhibit board is well organized

____National song or anthem

5 point-Technology-use of power point or video tape

12 points-Fine Arts-you must include:

____traditional song or dance-music

____National Sport

____Biography of a national hero

____ Tourist Brochure

10 points-Presentation-7-15 minutes

____explain all the parts and aspects of your project. Make it exciting. Audience participation is good, too!!

10 points- Peer Evaluations

____ How your peers rate your productivity and willingness to help

Total Points=100 points


Week of February 23-during this week you should work on and complete the following: pick your country’s name; start creating your flag, rough draft of your country’s history. We’ll have the laptops this week and meet in the lecture hall.

Week of March 2- Complete geography content, start working on and researching civics and science material, brainstorm your countries budget-where is that money going and why? Work on and start on your country’s weather information. We will be in the computer lab this week.

Week of March 9- Complete biography research(science), you should be done with civics contents by the end of the week, write your final 2 page history, continue working on your country’s budget-include graphs and charts, complete science/weather graphs and charts. We will be in the computer lab this week.


Week of March 23- Budget-graphs and charts, science material, brainstorm fine arts contents, Language arts should be worked on. We’ll have laptops this week

Week of March 30-Finalize the Fine Arts contents, national sport, complete national anthem, brainstorm ideas for setting up and organizing your exhibit board, work on the technology content. Go over the checklist and rubric to make sure that you have included everything. Is your exhibit board organized and colorful-use of titles? Review your presentation-how are you going to make this presentation shine!!! Finalize all aspects of your project. We will be in the computer lab this week.

Week of April 7- PRESENTATIONS


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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