Mesa Public Schools
SECTION IXATTACHMENTS AND FORMSATTACHMENTSKronos Absence ChartIX-2Kronos Clock InstructionsIX-4Common Position Codes for ClassifiedIX-5Position Code List (Classified Job Master)IX-6Timekeeping Conversion ChartIX-8Rounding to Nearest QuarterIX-9Reporting Certificated Hourly Time WorkedIX-10ONLINE DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ON THE PAYROLL WEBSITEIntranetAbsence Report StatementHow to Read Your Pay StubIs Your Paycheck Correct?Kronos Scheduling FormOut of Current Week Adjustment FormEmployee Pay SchedulePARF & Payroll Due DatesRetention Schedule for Payroll RecordsAlternative Week 9/80 SchedulesONLINE DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE ON THE HUMAN RESOURCES WEBSITEStaff Resources – Forms Absence Report StatementBadge Request FormPunch Adjustment FormPersonal Data Change FormKRONOS ABSENCE CHARTABSENCE TYPEPAY CODEDESCRIPTION / EXPLANATIONADMINISTRATIVE LEAVELAdministrators are allowed 8 days per fiscal year, which will be deducted from their sick leave balance. MUST PARFCOMP TIMETClassified Hourly who have previously earned comp (in lieu of overtime) may use comp hours for an absence.COURT SUBPOENAHEmployees that are eligible for sick leave will be paid their workday on the day(s) of the absence. MUST PROVIDE COPY OF SUBPOENA FOOD AND NUTRITION NON-WORKED TIMEFFood and Nutrition pay code for tracking non-worked, unpaid time.FURLOUGH TIME*FTUnpaid, non-work day that would otherwise be a paid workday.INDUSTRIAL INJURY PAIDWIf an employee has a work related injury, earns sick leave, and is on a continuous leave; only the first 5 work days will be posted and paid (if there is time available from the sick leave accrual).INDUSTRIAL INJURY UNPAID*WUOnce an employee is considered to be on an Unpaid Work Comp.INDUSTRIAL INJURY VACATIONWVIf an employee has a work related injury, earns vacation, and is on a continuous leave; only the first 5 work days will be posted and paid (if there is time available from the vacation accrual). Used after ‘W’ is exhausted within the first 5 workdays.INDUSTRIAL INJURY (COMP TIME)WTIf an employee has a work related injury, earns comp time, and is on a continuous leave; only the first 5 work days will be posted and paid (if there is time available from the comp time accrual). Used after ‘W’ is exhausted within the first 5 workdays.INDUSTRIAL INJURY PERSONAL LEAVE (2L)W2LIf a certified employee has a work related injury and is on a continuous leave; only the first 5 workdays will be posted and paid. Used after ‘W’ is exhausted within first 5 workdays, but cannot exceed the 3-day limit for 2L use. (See 2L description below)JURY DUTY 1 DAY ONLYYEmployees that are eligible for sick leave will be paid their workday on the day(s) of absence due to Jury Duty. They MUST provide paperwork to prove jury service (cannot be summons). If jury service cannot be confirmed personal leave, vacation, or off contract time must be used. If released they must report to work. A deduction will take place if paid by the court, excluding mileage.JURY DUTY $12 PER DAYJJURY DUTY $40 PER DAYKMILITARY LEAVE PAIDMEmployees are allowed 30 days paid every 2 years. A copy of the orders must be provided to Human Resources as well as a PARF.MILITARY LEAVE UNPAIDMUOnce an employee has exhausted their Military Leave. Eligible accruals may be used if requested by the employee. A copy of the orders must be provided to Human Resources as well as a PARF.OFF CONTRACTOWhen an employee has exhausted all eligible leave (Personal Leave, Comp Time, and Vacation), excludes sick leave.OFF CONTRACT/NO SICK LEAVEQOnce sick leave has been exhausted, all other eligible leave must be exhausted before going off-contract/no sick leave. (Other eligible leave = Comp Time, Personal Leave $85, or Vacation)PERSONAL LEAVEL1Personal leave is deducted from sick leave (must have sick leave time available in order to use). Certified are allowed 2 days per fiscal year (MUST PARF), Classified Hourly are allowed 3 days (12 mo) or 5 days (<12 mo) per fiscal year, and Supervisors are allowed 7 days per fiscal year.PERSONAL LEAVE DEDUCT $852LCertified are allowed 3 days per fiscal year where they will pay the cost equal to a substitute, even when no sub is needed. MUST PARFPROFESSIONAL LEAVEPEmployees attending workshops, conferences, conventions, seminars, and/or clinics approved by the Superintendency.KRONOS ABSENCE CHART (continued)ABSENCE TYPEPAY CODEDESCRIPTION / EXPLANATIONSICK LEAVEGEmployee's own illness, an illness involving a member in the immediate household, medical exams, bereavement, FMLA.STUDENT INFLICTED INJURYSJIf an employee was intentionally injured by a student or parent. MUST BE APPROVED BY RISK MANAGEMENT IN EMPLOYEE BENEFITS.TRADE DAYUTAdministrators may work up to 5 non-work days a fiscal year. Supervisors may work up to 3 non-work days a fiscal year. They may use these days on non-student workdays. Days must be used by end of fiscal year. Time must be authorized and approved by Superintendency prior to the days being worked. MUST PARF WORKED DAYS AND DAYS TO BE USED.UNENCUMBER*UCUnencumbering is used when an employee does not work all of the hours PARFed. This is a way to add back unpaid dollars into your accounts. Unencumber all non-worked hours for part time hourly who do not earn accruals OR non-worked hours for part time employees who do earn accruals and have exhausted all eligible leave OR contract employees who are off-contract 'O' because they have exhausted all eligible leave. UNPAID LEAVE OF ABSENCEZEmployees going on an unpaid leave need a 'Z' posted on both the first and last day unpaid.VACATIONVIf the employee earns vacation, they may use it as needed. Administrators MUST PARF.Absence reports must be completed for all listed *except Furlough time assigned by Human Resources, Industrial Unpaid for Part Time, and Unencumber.KRONOS CLOCK INSTRUCTIONSTo swipe your badge (record a punch): Slide your card (picture facing you) through the card reader. To verify your punch was successful, you will hear a single beep and on the screen, then you will see your name, the time, and then the date. Press the Esc key to return to the main screen.KRONOS CLOCK FUNCTIONSView Hours: Allows you to view total hours worked for the current week and available accruals.Total Hours = Total hours worked for the week through the prior dayG, L, L1, W, Absenc = Available sick leaveVac Absence = Available vacationComp Earned 1.5 =Available comp timeReview Punches: Allows you to view your prior punch date and times done in the last 72 hours. The most recent punch will be at the top. To scroll through, use the page down button or the arrows.Punch Status: Allows you to view the following: the time of the last punch (at that clock), the date, and how many minutes since the last punch.Transfer: Allows you to use a 3-digit code to designate a specific job when working multiple jobs.Certified Hourly: Allows certificated employees who are working hourly positions to report their hourly hours worked. You must designate the date worked, time of day worked, duration (hours and hundredths), a 4-digit position/job code, and then punch (swipe).Kronos Clock ScreenTIMEDateMesa Public Schools■View Hours■■Review Punches■■Punch StatusCertified Hourly■■Transfer■Press the ESC button to return to the main screenHOW TO SWIPE IN USING A TRANSFER CODE:Push the button on the Kronos clock for Position Code TrnsfrEnter your 3-digit transfer code, Press ENTERSwipe your badgeDO NOT ENTER YOUR BADGE #This process will also change positions. The process will clock you 'OUT' of the last job, and 'IN' to the new job. When you are ready to clock 'OUT', simply swipe your MON POSITION CODESThis is a partial listing of position codes. See your site secretary for your specific codes.FOR PART-TIME EMPLOYEESFOR SUBSTITUTE EMPLOYEESCodeJob Title?CodeJob Title?604Career Ladder Technician?705Clerical Aide Sub?600Clerical Aide - Site-funded737Clerical Aide - Regular - SUB ONLY598Clerical Aide - Special Ed???499Computer Lab Tech????521Crossing Guard?730Crossing Guard - SUB ONLY516Instr Assist - Title703Instr Assist Sub?517Instr Assist - Community Ed749Instr Assist - Comm Ed - SUB ONLY497Instr Assist - Site-funded712Instr Assist - Ext Kg - SUB ONLY518Instr Assist I - Special Ed732Instr Assist - Site-funded - SUB ONLY529Instr Assist II - Special Ed748Instr Assist - Special Ed - SUB ONLY???651Resource Center Aide752Toddler Program Manager - SUB ONLY?506Toddler Program Manager - Comm Ed????MISCELLANEOUS POSITION CODESCodeJob Title?CodeJob Title?759Extended Contract?527F&N Lunch?775Additional ?531F&N Lunch POS?773Rentals - Out of District573F&N Breakfast?760Rentals - Within District *574F&N Breakfast POS?777Student Activities?575F&N Free & Reduced – Overtime778Overtime576F&N Free & Reduced - Additional755Summer - Summer Rate622F&N Special Event 758Summer - Regular Rate766F&N Temporary Assignment for TraineesNOTE: Code 497, Instr Assist, includes Playground Monitors, Cafeteria Monitors, andClassroom Aides funded by the school site, Early Childhood, and/or Title.* Rentals - Within District will include: ~ School to School functions~ Department to School functions~ Program to School functionsCLASSIFIED JOB MASTER (used to determine last two digits of position #)Job Code is linked to KRONOS # and cannot change.JOB CODEKRONOS CODEJOB TITLECONTR STATUSCALNSCHEDRANGE1st STEPPB497Instr AssistP180US131PC498Home/School LiaisonP180US211PD499Computer Lab TechP180US151PE405Facility AssistP180US211PF501SEI Technician IIP180US191PJ505Interpreter I P180US321PK506Toddler Program Mgr P180US201PL507Hearing Impair Assist w Cert P180US201PM508SEI TechnicianPESLUS171PN509Hearing Impaired Assist w/o CertP180US171PR513Office TechnicianPFISYRUS201PS500Speech & Language Assist IP180US421PT514Security MonitorP180US231PV516Instr Assist TitleP180US131PW517Instr Assist Community EdP180US131PX518Instr Assist Special Ed IP180US151PZ520Instr Assist SEIPESLUS131QA521Crossing GuardP180US131QB522Bus AideP180US131QC523Arts AideP180US131QE525Computer Lab AideP180US131QF526Office Specialist – ElementaryP180US231QG527Food Service Employee (Lunch)P180US101QI529Instr Assist Special Ed IIP180US201QJ530Cafe Special ProgramsP180US201QK531Cafeteria Assistant (Lunch)P180US121QL532Classified NurseP180US431QN534Video Specialist P180US331QP536HVAC TechPFISYRUS431QQ537Instr Assist Pre KP180US131QS539TutorP180US171QT540Comm LiaisonP180US181RA547Delivery Worker PFISYRUS221RB548Bus Driver P180US261RC549Courier P180US141RD550Custodian Part-TimePFISYRUS171RE551Records ClerkP180US221RG553Operations Worker P180US81RH554Attendance ClerkP180US181RK557Service Worker I P180US231RL558Parent EducatorP180US221RO561Whse WorkerPFISYRUS251SA573Food Service Employee (Breakfast)P180US101SB574Cafeteria Assistant (Breakfast)P180US121SC575Free and Reduced – OvertimePFISYRUSSD576Free and Reduced – AdditionalPFISYRUSSY597Student Store ClerkP180US201SZ598Clerical Aide Special EdP180US131TB600Clerical AideP180US131TC601Office AssistantP180US191TE603Health AssistP180US241TF604Career Ladder TechP180US311TK609Special Ed ClerkP180US191TO613ReceptionistP180US201TP614R & E Assistant IIPFISYRUS281TQ615File ClerkPFISYRUS151TT618Office Specialist PFISYRUS211TX622Special EventPFISYRUXfrom reg pos?VA651Resource Center AideP180US131VB652Stage MgrPFISYRUS251VC653Stage Mgr LeadPFISYRUS362VE655ParaprofessionalP180US131CLASSIFIED JOB MASTER (used to determine last two digits of position #)Job Code is linked to KRONOS # and cannot change.JOB CODEKRONOS CODEJOB TITLECONTR STATUSCALNSCHEDRANGE1st STEPVF656AccompanistP180UM71VG657Lunchroom Supervision (Cert for Class)P180US137VI659Stage CrewPFISYRUS133WX700Crossing Guard Second AccountP180US131XA703Instr Assist (Sub)P180US131XB704Clerical Aide Spec Ed (Sub REG)P180US131XC705Clerical Aide (Sub)P180US131XD706Instr Assist Diff Acct #2 (Sub)P180US131XE707Instr Assist Special Ed I (Sub REG)P180US151XG709Instr Assist ECPE (Sub REG)P180US131XJ712Instr Assist Ext KG (Sub REG)P180US131XK713Instr Assist Pre KG (Sub)P180US131XU723Additional - Fac Assist/CustPFISYRUSXX726Fourth AdditionalPFISYRUSXY727Third AdditionalPFISYRUSXZ728Second AdditionalPFISYRUSYB730Crossing Guard (Sub only)SUB180US131YD732Instr Assist (Sub only)SUB180US131YE733Health Assist (Sub only)SUB180US241YF734Hearing Impair Assist w/o Cert (Sub Only)SUB180US171YG735Food Service Employee (Sub Only)SUB180US101YI737Clerical Aide (Sub only)SUB180US131YJ738Cafeteria Assistant (Sub only)SUB180US121YK739Records Clerk (Sub only)SUB180US221YM741Instr Assist Early Ed (Sub only)SUB180US131YN742Facility Assist (Sub only)SUB180US211YT748Instr Assist Special Ed (Sub only)SUB180US151YU749Instr Assist Comm Ed (Sub only)SUB180US131YV750Instr Assist Title (Sub only)SUB180US131YW751Instr Assist SEI (Sub only)SUBESLUS131YX752Toddler Pgm Manager (Sub only)SUB180US201YY753Home School Liaison (Sub only)SUB180US211ZA755Summer 1?FISYRUM2?ZB756Summer 2?FISYRUM2?ZC757Summer 3?FISYRUM2?ZD758Summer - Regular position/pay?FISYR???ZE759Extended ContractFFISYRUS??ZF760Rental - School FunctionP180UM 6?ZG761Bus Driver TrainingPFISYRUS269ZH762Supplement ECPEP180US13?ZJ764Stu Funds Police OfficerXTR180UM72ZK765Stu Funds Police SergeantXTR180UM73ZL766F & N Temporary AssignmentF9HRLYUS??ZM767Stu Funds Classified (no other positions) XTRFISYRUM71ZS773Rental - Out of DistrictPFISYR???ZT774Temporary Assignment (Acting for FT)?FISYRUS??ZU775Additional?FISYRUS??ZV776Student EmployeeSTU180UM1?ZW777Stu Funds Classified?FISYR???ZX778Overtime?FISYRUS??ZY779Temporary Employee (Temp for FT)TMPFISYRUS??ZZ780Second Overtime?FISYRUS(11-12)TIMEKEEPING CONVERSION CHARTMINUTESHUNDREDTHSTO QTR HRMINUTESHUNDREDTHSTO QTR HR0. TIME CONVERSIONMIDNIGHT = 1200ANOON = 1200P1:00 a.m. = 0100A7:00 a.m. = 0700A1:00 p.m. = 0100P7:00 p.m. = 0700P2:00 a.m. = 0200A8:00 a.m. = 0800A2:00 p.m. = 0200P8:00 p.m. = 0800P3:00 a.m. = 0300A9:00 a.m. = 0900A3:00 p.m. = 0300P9:00 p.m. = 0900P4:00 a.m. = 0400A10:00 a.m. = 1000A4:00 p.m. = 0400P10:00 p.m. = 1000P5:00 a.m. = 0500A11:00 a.m. = 1100A5:00 p.m. = 0500P11:00 p.m. = 1100P6:00 a.m. = 0600A12:00 a.m. = 1200A6:00 p.m. = 0600P12:00 p.m. = 1200P\sMEAL TIERINGFromToDeductMinutesMinutesMinutes170*8220*23373038524553676068827583979098112105113127120*considered a break - compensableTimeConvertsTimeConvertsTimeConvertsTimeConvertsTimeConvertsTimeConverts7:017:007:117:157:217:157:317:307:417:457:517:457:027:007:127:157:227:157:327:307:427:457:527:457:037:007:137:157:237:307:337:307:437:457:538:007:047:007:147:157:247:307:347:307:447:457:548:007:057:007:157:157:257:307:357:307:457:457:558:007:067:007:167:157:267:307:367:307:467:457:568:007:077:007:177:157:277:307:377:307:477:457:578:007:087:157:187:157:287:307:387:457:487:457:588:007:097:157:197:157:297:307:397:457:497:457:598:007:107:157:207:157:307:307:407:457:507:458:008:00Hour is Interchangeable Minutes will remain ConstantREPORTING CERTIFICATED HOURLY TIME WORKED:Human Resources will send notification back to the person who initiated the PARF, at the time the PARF is approved. The PARF notification will include the Kronos code to be used at the clock when entering the time worked. Hours are entered on a daily basis, as worked. DO NOT ENTER FUTURE HOURS.Step 1Press the Certified Hourly button.Step 2Display will read: Edit DatePress the 'ENTER' button to accept the current day’s date, OR enter the date the hours were worked, then 'ENTER.' Step 3Display will read: Edit Time – the time of day must be different for multiple entries on the same date.Enter the time (in military format, see chart below) to the approximate time of day the hours were worked, then 'ENTER', OR Press the 'ENTER' button to accept the current time as displayed. Step 4Display will read: Duration (hh:mm)Enter the hours and minutes worked in 15-minute increments (as 15, 30, or 45 minutes); press the 'ENTER' button.Step 5Display will read: Position CodeEnter the 4-digit code and then press the 'ENTER' button.Step 6Display will read: Employee Badge-IDSwipe your badge through the reader (keypad entry will not work).Step 7Press ESC to clear the screen.Conversion Chart for Military Time12:00 AM = 00006:00 AM = 060012:00 PM = 12006:00 PM = 18001:00 AM = 01007:00 AM = 07001:00 PM = 13007:00 PM = 19002:00 AM = 02008:00 AM = 08002:00 PM = 14008:00 PM = 20003:00 AM = 03009:00 AM = 09003:00 PM = 15009:00 PM = 21004:00 AM = 040010:00 AM = 10004:00 PM = 160010:00 PM = 22005:00 AM = 050011:00 AM = 11005:00 PM = 170011:00 PM = 2300Kronos Clock Screen■View HoursBUS WKDY/END NO STAY ■■Review PunchesWeekend/Holiday Trip■■Punch StatusCertified Hourly■■TransferSpcl Presenter Hours■For questions, call the Payroll Department. ................
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