
November 5, 2020 History NotesTHE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR 1754 – 1763 Who? England v. France and her allies—most of the Indians of Eastern North AmericaWhy? Both countries wanted control over the land between the Appalachian Mts. and the Mississippi River. It was valuable, full of fertile land, wildlife, and resources. England wanted more land for farming, to build settlements, and expand their empire.France wanted to grow the fur trade, maybe find gold/silver, and expand their empire.France controlled the Mississippi River, Great Lakes area, New France (Canada), and part of the Gulf Coast (Biloxi, MS and Mobile, AL were both French settlements Quebec, Montreal, Detroit, St. Louis, and New Orleans were also French settlements.French traders extensively used navigable rivers of this area, especially the Mississippi and Ohio.It was along these rivers that they traded with the Indians for pelts (furs).With both countries wanting the same territory, hostilities were bound to occur. The OHIO RIVER Valley would become the center of this conflict Named the French and Indian War by the English. (France called it the Seven Years War)Most of the Indians sided with France because of their trading relationships.French traders often lived with the Indians, many times they even married Indian girls.French traders generally treated Indians with respect-their livelihoods were at stake.Frenchmen often reminded Indians that the English settled permanently and had already driven many Indians from their native lands. WHY WAS THIS WAR SO IMPORTANT?It would decide the fate of much of North America…would it be English or would it be French?It would decide our culture, our language, and influence our religion—Frenchmen were usually CatholicEvents of the F and I War would also pave the way for the American Revolution! WHO HAD THE ADVANTAGE?The French had the Indians on their side, and France claimed more territory than the English. However, there were far more English settlers living in America than there were French. Not only did the English outnumber the French, but the English colonists had built permanent settlements, so they were eager to fight for their homes. The advantage was with England. HOW DID THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR BEGiN?Virginia Governor Dinwiddie learned that France had built a fort in Western Pennsylvania, at the headwaters of the Ohio River—on land he thought should belong to Virginia. France named it FORT DUQUESNE. Dinwiddie ordered 21 year old GEORGE WASHINGTON, an officer in the Virginia Militia, to lead a group of soldiers and friendly Indians to Fort Duquesne with a letter from Dinwiddie demanding that France abandon their fort. Of course the French refused.Washington’s return trip to Gov. Dinwiddie was full of adventure. Page 2He survived a ‘point blank’ assassination attempt by one of his Indian ‘companions’ and later fell into the flood swollen Delaware River. (It was a miracle that he did not drown.)Dinwiddle was very impressed with Washington and promoted him to Colonel. Washington advised the governor that the English should build a fort of their own at ‘3 rivers’This advice was taken and G.W. was sent with a small squadron of troops to man this new English fort. FIRST BATTLE OF THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARBy chance Washington’s troops encountered a French scouting party near their new fort.Shots were fired/the French commander was killed.This was the first battle of the war. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????France immediately sent reinforcements (fresh, extra troops) to secure the area. Washington and his men were forced to surrender to the much larger French force.However, after a time of being a POW, Washington was given his freedom, so he returned to Virginia **************************???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Because of the importance of the land west of the mountains, England sent GeneralBraddock and a force of professional English soldiers to take Fort Duquesne.Braddock asked that G.W. accompany him and his men to serve as a guide/advisor In battle English soldiers wore RED COATS w/gold trim and marched in straight lines.They announced their presence with musical instruments (drums, fife, and bagpipe).G.W. advised against these practices and suggested that they learn to fight Indian style.Indian warfare—or guerilla warfare as it is known today—used trickery, surprise attacks, hit and run attacks, camouflage, ambushes, etc. G.W.’s advice, however, went UNHEEDED (Braddock did not take G.W.’s advice)Just as Washington had predicted…Braddock’s army was attacked as they marched to Fort Duquesne. The English army was soundly defeated, and Braddock was killed. READ THE ATTACHED ARTICLE TITLED ‘BATTLE FOR FORT DUQUESNE’ before reading the remainder of these notes. Some very interesting details are provided.During the fighting Washington had several horses shot from under him and 4 bullet holes in his coat—yet he was not injured in any way!His extraordinary bravery had almost gotten him killed! He would later say God’s grace and God’s providence saved his life that day. Washington became famous following this military action—and gained valuable military experience which he would use as the future American commander of the Revolution.2 consequences of Braddock’s defeat: Page 31) Indians in the Ohio Valley decided that if the French could defeat the English, so could they—many Indian raids on frontier settlements followed. Hundreds of frontier colonists were killed and their homes burned. Many frontier colonists chose to flee to more civilized areas where the danger was not nearly as great.There were no English soldiers available to provide frontier protection. Therefore, the COLONISTS DECIDED TO UNITE IN THEIR EFFORTS TO PROTECT THEMSELVES by enlisting in their own militia. Large numbers of men volunteered.Soon the Indians would find the colonial militias very skillful opponents. 2) England learned quickly from Braddock’s defeat that their European style tactics would NOT work against American Indians! New Sec. of State WILLIAM PITT took control of the English war effort and planned all future military strategy which included training for his soldiers. ?????His ‘trained’ army eventually took Fort Duquesne and renamed it Fort Pitt.?????Fort Pitt was located on the present day sight of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Shortly thereafter, France, already engaged in another war in Europe, did not have enough troops or enough money to continue fighting. The French army retreated or withdrew to Quebec, their stronghold in New France (Canada). Pitt then planned the famous attack on Quebec, one of the great military accomplishments in all of military history when the English captured Quebec.The Battle of Quebec was a great victory for England. With the fall of Quebec, France decided to ask for peace, thus ending the F and I War.???? Pitt used some questionable tactics in winning the French and Indian War:He had the English offer bounties (money) for the scalps of Indian warriors…which led to the deaths of hundreds of Indians ?Consequently, the Indian threat waned (lessened) considerably. ?Pitt also forcibly removed settlers who were ‘too’ loyal to France from their homes in New France. Many of the Frenchmen who were forced from their homes in New France eventually went to Louisiana where they settled. These Frenchmen were the ancestors of present day CAJUNS, Americans of French decent. ??TREATY OF PARISThe Treaty of Paris officially ended the French and Indian War.Terms of the Treaty: ??1.??England claimed New France and renamed it Canada and 2. England also claimed all land east of the Mississippi River (except Florida which belonged to Spain)EXAMINE THE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA ON THE NEXT PAGE. Page 4 ................

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