
Biology (SCI210)Mr. Barber (Room 172)724-458-5456 ext. 2172 or nate.barber@ Google Classroom: ry6q33wGoogle Site: Website: Course Description: This lab-based course is designed to be a fundamental introduction to biology for all students. It is a required course for graduation and is usually studied by students in Level I. The course focuses on the global nature of life and the interactions of the biodiversity of the world and their relationships to man. The course content is aligned with the Pennsylvania academic standards for science & technology as well as appropriate components of the environment & ecology standards and emphasizes knowledge in the areas of characteristics of life, biochemistry, cell structure, cellular reproduction, genetics, phylogeny, classification, ecology, dissection*, graph interpretation, and problem-solving involving biological mathematics. Hands-on laboratory procedures, critical thinking skills, and the scientific method of inquiry are strongly emphasized. Additionally, developing reading for comprehension and study skills will be integrated throughout the course. Evaluation includes study guides, lab reports, homework, quizzes, reading comprehension checks, library/Internet assignments and examinations. Content examinations are required for each unit to include a comprehensive mid-term and final examination. As a result of this course, students will have a better understanding of life’s inner workings as well as the interactions occurring between the environment and living organisms. Moreover, student will acquire an appreciation for the influences of humans on the world and what are our needs and responsibilities with regard to the environment. The pace and scope of the course is designed to push to envelope of student learning to the level of not only meeting the academic standards but exceed these standards to produce academically proficient students and citizens capable of making informed decisions concerning contemporary science issues. * Dissection Policy: Any student who chooses to refrain from participation in or observation of animal dissection has the right by law to do so. In the event that a student objects to this activity, an alternative educational assignment may be provided. The objectives of this course are 1) impart a core body of knowledge as determined by the applicable PA State Academic Standards 2) academically prepare the student for higher level science courses in the GCSH curriculum 3) enhance student understanding of the interactions occurring among the environment and living organisms as well as facilitate an appreciation for the influences of humans on the world and what our needs are from the environment.Materials and Resources: Textbook: Prentice Hall Biology by Miller & Levine Online Textbook Website: Content Outline: I. Introduction: Basic Concepts of Biology……………………..………………………………………………….. 4 weeks 1. Characteristics of life and Levels of biological organization 2. Scientific method of inquiry 3. Data tables, graphing and use of lab equipment and safety II. Ecology ………………………………………………………..…………..………………………………………………..….. 8 weeksEcosystems and biomesFlow of Energy & Cycles of matter within the EcosystemEcological population & Biodiversity Humans and the Environment III. Chemistry of Life …………………………………………..………………………………………….……………………. 5 weeks 1. Basic chemistry 2. Biochemistry & the role of enzymes (metabolism) IV. Cells ………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… 7 weeksCell parts & functionsPhotosynthesis (brief overview-within cells (Chloroplast)Cellular Respiration (brief overview-within cells (Mitochondria) Cellular transport V. Cellular Reproduction …………………………………………………………………………...……..…………….. 4 weeksCellular Reproduction: Mitosis & Meiosis VI. Protein Synthesis …………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 1 weekDNA and protein synthesis (brief overview) VII. Continuity of Life ……………………………………………………………………………………….………………… 5 weeksReproductive strategies (asexual & sexual)Mendellian and non-mendellian genetics (patterns of inheritance)Human geneticsGenetic Engineering (brief overview) VIII. Theory of Evolution ……………………………………………………………………………………...………..….. 4 weeksDarwin and natural selectionMicro- and macro-evolution (population genetics)History of Earth IX. Biodiversity of Life ………………………………………………………………………………...…… Throughout course 1. Classification/Taxonomy of the Six Kingdoms of Life (review from principles of science)Keys to Success: Students are expected to come to class prepared to learn, take notes as required, participate when appropriate, complete all homework assignments (including reading worksheets) with fidelity and avoid missing class. Suggested test preparation methods include: study your lecture notes, read the textbook and lab packets (reread as needed) and review homework assignments. Extra Help: Those students that require additional help with course requirements may also seek assistance from 1) Bozeman Science instructional videos: 2) Textbook Tutorial CD-ROM that is issued by request. 3) Online tutorial links (Ask Mr. Barber for specific sites. 4) Ask Mr. Barber for further assistance. Classroom Policies:Grading: Grade distribution will consist of the following components: 1). Exams/Quizzes/Comprehensive Midterm and Final (aligned with applicable PA State Academic Standards) 2). Laboratory Packets/Reports 3). Library/Internet Activities 4). Seatwork/Homework 5). Notebook inspection (Grade based on completeness of required elements.) 6). Class/Lab Participation (See note concerning lab activities.) Point values will be earned in each of the above areas and a percentage will be calculated at the end of each grading period based upon the total score (earned points / possible points = %). Grades will be assigned in accordance with the marking system outlined in the Grove City Senior High Student Handbook.Homework: Homework assignments will be displayed on the bulletin board to assist students with preparing for class and making-up missed assignments. In addition, grades, assignments and tests will be posted weekly online. At no time should a student be “surprised” by the homework due, or the grade they have earned in the current grading period or year- to-date. Biology Laboratory Activities: All labs are to be neat and completed in pencil! Science of Biology:Use of Compound Light Microscope Using SI Units & Scientific Notation Using Data Tables and Graphs Ecology:Environmental Effects on an Eagle Population (2-day lab) “Oh Deer” Biochemistry:Mini-Lab using pH probes and pH strips on various solutions Biochemistry of carbohydrates Cells and Cellular Transport:Diversity & Structure of Cells Mini-lab: Osmosis using Dialysis BagsNormal and Plasmolysis Cells Cellular Reproduction:Virtual Mitosis Internet ActivityStages of the Cell Cycle of Somatic Cells Virtual Meiosis Internet ActivityGenetics: Using Punnett Squares to Make Predictions (beads) Simulated ABO Blood Typing Evolution:Natural Selection of the Peppered Moth Classification:Use of a Dichotomous Key (North American game fish) Frog Dissection (optional enhancement activity if time permits) Note: All labs are subject to the possibility of a quiz on lab procedures before the lab and/or a quiz following the lab covering both procedures and results/interpretation. Information from labs will be included on quizzes and unit exams. All students are expected to participate in lab activities, including setup, data collection, data analysis and cleanup. Students who choose not to participate will face grade and/or discipline consequences dependent on the nature of the infraction. All labs are to be neat and completed in pencil! Quizzes & Tests: There will be periodic reading/note quizzes as a method of indicating the extent of student knowledge and understanding of the concepts presented within specific section(s) of the unit. The students should review the assigned reading and notes for the section(s) indicated. Unit exams will cover all of the reading, notes, homework, labs and activities of that unit. The students should review for both quizzes and unit exams on a daily basis. Keystone Exam Preparation: The students will be given a keystone, midterm and final exam review packet. They should frequently use this packet to prepare for these exams. Additional study resources are available at and many other online sites. It is strongly encouraged that the students download the Keystone Practice App ($ .99) and begin to review from the beginning of the year.Make-up & Late Work: In the event of an absence you are expected to adhere to the guidelines in the student handbook. It is expected that students will make up all missed work immediately following their absence(s) from school. If a student missed one day, the student has one day to make up the work, if a student missed two days, the student has two days to make up the work, etc. Being absent for any reason the day before a previously announced exam or assignment due date does not excuse a student from taking the exam or completing and turning in the assignment on the due date. If you are going on a field trip, college visit, or vacation you must see me prior to the trip and obtain any assignments you might miss, or make arrangements with me to make up any tests/quizzes you will miss.Hall Pass Use: Hall passes will be issued on an emergency basis in accordance with the GCHS Student/Parent Handbook. Students must use the Student Handbook and classroom sign out log in order to obtain a hall pass. Academic Integrity:Cheating & Plagiarism: Please refer to the GCHS Student/Parent Handbook for our district policies.Internet Usage: Please to the GCHS Student/Parent Handbook, and our Acceptable Use Policy for our district policies on computer use. ................

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