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Curriculum Vitae

Leora Auslander

Work Address Home Address

History Department 5429 S. Eastview Park, apt. 1

University of Chicago Chicago IL 60615

1126 E. 59th Street Tel. 773/324-8401

Chicago IL 60637

Tel. 773/702-7940



Ph.D., Brown University, 1988. History.

A.M., Harvard University, 1982. History.

A.B., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1979.

Majors in History and Medieval and Renaissance Studies.


Professor: History Department, University of Chicago, 2004-.

Professor: Committee on Jewish Studies, University of Chicago, 2004-2009; Member Center for Jewish Studies, 2009-.

Professor: Committee on the History of Culture, University of Chicago, 2004-2006.

Founding Director: Center for Gender Studies, University of Chicago, 1996-1999.

Member, Center for Gender Studies, 1999-.

Associate Professor: History Department, University of Chicago, 1995-2004.

Assistant Professor: History Department, University of Chicago, 1988-1995.

Instructor: History Department, University of Chicago, 1987-1988.

Teaching Assistant: History Department, Brown University, 1983-1984.

Cabinet-maker: Boston, Mass. 1980-1983.

Visiting Positions

Visiting Professor, Université de Paris, VII, March, 2011.

Participating Professor, PUF, Paris-X-University of Chicago, 2010-2011.

Visiting Professor, Potsdam University, June-July, 2010.

Visiting Professor, Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Michigan, Ann

Arbor, Michigan, 2009-2010.

Senior Research Fellow, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Summer Semester, 2009.

Visitor, Max-Planck-Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen, August-September, 1995.

Maître de Conférences Associée: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales,Paris,

Nov.-Dec. 1988.



Cultural Revolutions: Everyday Life and Politics in Britain, North America, and France (Oxford: Berg Press, 2008; Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009).

French translation: Des révolutions culturelles: La politique du quotidien en Grande-Bretagne, en Amérique et en France. Series: Le Temps du Genre, Agnès Fine and Michelle Zancarini-Fournel, eds. (Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2011).

Taste and Power: Furnishing Modern France. Studies in the history of society and culture, Victoria Bonnell and Lynn Hunt, eds. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996).

Current Book Projects

1) Strangers at Home: Jewish Parisians and Berliners in the Twentieth Century

2) Commemorating Death, Obscuring Life? The Conundrums of Memorialization

3) Race and Racism in the Twentieth Century Atlantic World (with Tom Holt)

Edited Volumes

Les objets ont-ils un genre?. Fall, 2014 issue of Clio: Histoire, femmes et sociétés. Co-editor (with Michelle Zancarini-Fournel).

Le genre de la nation. Fall, 2000 issue of Clio: Histoire, femmes et sociétés on gender, citizenship and the nation. Co-editor (with Michelle Zancarini-Fournel).

Différence des sexes et protection sociale (XIXe-XXe siècles), co-edited volume with Michelle Zancarini-Fournel. (Paris: Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, 1995).


Participant in a Conversation on the articulation of markets, consumption, and revolution in the Annales Historiques de la Révolution, Autumn 2012.

“America’s Cultural Revolution in Transnational Perspective,” chapter 33 in the Oxford Handbook of the American Revolution, eds. Jane Kamensky and Edward Gray, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), pp. 612-632.

"Jews and Material Culture," Mitchell Hart and Tony Michels, eds. Cambridge Modern Jewish History (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012).

"Material Culture," in Travelling Concepts for the Study of Culture. Eds. Birgit Neumann and Ansgar Nünning (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter 2012).

“Negotiating Embodied Difference: Veils, Minarets, Kippas and Sukkot in Contemporary Europe,” Archiv für Sozialgeschichte 51 (2011): Säkularisierung und Neuformierung des Religiösen.

Review Essay on Inga Markovits' Justice in Lüritz, Texas Law Review (2011).

“Looking Across the Threshold: Persistence as Experiment in Time, Space, and Genre," Postwar: The Films of Daniel Eisenberg, ed. Jeffrey Skoller, (London: Blackdog Press, 2010), pp. 98-121.

“Approche croisée des aspects culturels des révolutions modernes dans le monde atlantique,”Les Cahiers d'IRICE, (Winter, 2010).

“Archiving a Life: Post-Shoah Paradoxes of Memory Legacies,” in Unsettling Histories, eds. Alf Lüdtke and Sebastien Jobs (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2010), pp. 127-146.

Participant, “AHR Conversation: Historians and the Study of Material Culture,” American Historical Review, (December, 2009): 1354-1404.

“The Boundaries of Jewishness or when is a Cultural Practice Jewish?” Jewish Social Studies, vol. 8, no. 1 (March, 2009): 47-64.

"Accommodation, Resistance, and Eigensinn: Evolués and Sapeurs between Africa and Europe," in Belinda Davis, Michael Wildt, eds. Alltag, Erfahurng, Eigensinn: Historisch-Anthropologische Erkundungen (Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, 2008), pp. 205-217.

“Gender at the Intersection of the Disciplines,” Cahiers Parisiens/Parisian Notebooks, vol. 2 (2006) pp. 434-446.

“European Social History: Questions for Architectural Historians,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians vol. 65, no. 1(March, 2006): 10-11.

“Beyond Words,” American Historical Review, 110/4 (October, 2005): 1015-1045.

“Regeneration through the Everyday? Furniture in Revolutionary Paris,” in a special issue of Art History (vol. 28:2, April 2005), pp. 227-247 ed. Katie Scott and Deborah Cherry. Republished as Between Luxury and the Everyday: French Decorative Arts in the Eighteenth Century (London: Blackwell, 2006).

“Coming Home? Jews in Postwar Paris,” Journal of Contemporary History Vol. 40, No. 2 (2005): 237-259.

“Resisting Context: The Spiritual Objects of Tobi Kahn,” in Objects of the Spirit: Ritual and the Art of Tobi Kahn, ed. Emily Bilski (New York: Avoda/Hudson Hills, 2004) pp. 71-78.

“Sambo in Paris: Race and Racism in the Iconography of Everyday Life”, co-authored with Tom Holt, in Susan Peabody and Tyler Stovall, eds. The Color of Liberty: Histories of Race in France, (Raleigh, N.C.: Duke University Press, 2003).

“Des femmes en revues: un point de vue d’outre-atlantique,” Clio, Histoire, femmes et sociétés, 16/2002: 93-98.

“’Jewish Taste’? Jews, and the aesthetics of everyday life in Paris and Berlin, 1933-1942,” in Rudy Koshar, ed. Histories of Leisure (Oxford: Berg Press, 2002), pp. 299-318.

“’National Taste?’ Citizenship Law, State Form, and Everyday Aesthetics in Modern France and Germany, 1920-1940,” in Martin Daunton and Matthew Hilton, eds. Material Politics: States, Consumers, and Political Cultures. (Oxford: Berg Press, 2001).

“Women's Suffrage, Citizenship Law and National Identity: Gendering the Nation-State in France and Germany, 1871-1918," in Patricia Grimshaw, Katie Holmes and Marilyn Lake, eds. Women's Rights and Human Rights: International Historical Perspectives (London: Macmillan, 2001), pp. 138-152.

“Actualité de la recherche anglophone,” Review essay in Clio, Histoire, femmes et sociétés 12 (Fall 2000): 179-212.

Introduction (with Michelle Zancarini-Fournel)to our co-edited (12 Fall 2000) issue entitled Le genre de la nation of Clio, Histoire, femmes et sociétés: 5-13.

"Bavarian Crucifixes and French Headscarves: Religious Practices and the Postmodern European State," Cultural Dynamics 12/3(2000): 183-209.

"Le vote des femmes et l'imaginaire de la citoyennété: L'Etat-Nation en France et Allemagne," in Anne-Marie Sohn and Françoise Thélamon, eds. L’Histoire sans les femmes est-elle possible? (Paris: Perrin, 1998), pp. 73-86.

"Do Women's+Feminist+Men's+Lesbian and Gay+Queer Studies=Gender Studies?" differences 9/3 (Fall 1997): 1-30.

"The Gendering of Consumer Practices in Nineteenth-Century France," in Victoria de Grazia and Ellen Furlough, eds. Sex of Things: Essays on Gender and Consumption (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996), pp. 79-112.

"Erfahrung, Reflexion, Geschichtsarbeit. Oder: Was es heißen könnte, gebrauchsfähige Geschichte zu schreiben," Historische Anthropologie 3/2

(1995): 222-241.

"Introduction," co-authored with Michelle Zancarini-Fournel in our co-edited volume Différence des sexes et protection sociale (XIXe-XXe siècles).

"Perceptions of Beauty and the Problem of Consciousness: Parisian Furniture Makers," in Lenard Berlanstein, ed. Rethinking Labor History: Essays on Discourse and Class Analysis (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1993), pp. 149-181.

"After the Revolution: Recycling Ancien Régime Style in the Nineteenth Century," in Bryant T. Ragan and Elizabeth Williams, eds. Re-creating Authority in Revolutionary France, (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1992), pp. 144-174.

"Feminist Theory and Social History: Explorations in the Politics of Identity," Review Essay, Radical History Review, 53 (Fall 1992): 158-176.

Encyclopedia Articles

“Furniture in Europe 1789-1914” in Encyclopedia of Europe 1789-1914 (Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference, 2006).

“I am Woman, Hear me Shop” in Encyclopedia of Women in World History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006).


Occasional reviewer for the American Historical Review, the Annales, Clio, The Journal of Modern History, International Labor and Working Class History, and Modernism/Modernity.

Conferences Organized

"Sites/Traces/Manifestations of Jewish Pasts, Presents and Futures," Center for Jewish Studies, University of Chicago, Fall 2011. A version of this is being planned for the Center for Jewish History in New York, December 2013.

“Everyday Practices,” Conference organized with Sheila Fitzpatrick, History Department, University of Chicago, Fall 2003.

“Politics, Rights, and Representation: Gender and Race Equality in the United States, France and South Africa,” Center for Gender Studies, University of Chicago, October, 1999.

“Embodied Utopias: Gender and the Built Environment,” Co-organizer. Center for Gender Studies, University of Chicago, April, 1999. (With funding from the Graham Foundation.)

"Racing Gender/Gendering Race: Towards an Emancipatory Social Science," with Michael Dawson, University of Chicago. Dean's Symposium, Division of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago, November 7, 1997.

"Gendered Politics," Planning Conference, Center for Gender Studies, University of Chicago, May 1997. (With support from the Harris Fund, University of Chicago.)

"The Gendering of Labor Law: From Protective Legislation to Affirmative Action," with Michelle Zancarini-Fournel, Univ. of Paris VIII at the Centre Jean Bouvier, Univ. of Paris VIII, June 24-25, 1993. (With funding from the Centre Jean Bouvier and the Social Sciences Division, Univ. of Chicago.)

Publications edited by others based upon conferences I organized

Amy Bingaman, Lise Sanders and Rebecca Zorach, Embodied Utopies: Gender, Social Change, and the Modern Metropolis (London: Routledge, 2002). They were all graduate students at the University of Chicago and affiliations with the Center for Gender Studies at the time. Rebecca Zorach was also one of the three co-authors of the grant to the Graham Foundation.

Feminist Studies published a special issue based upon the South African contributions to the “Politics, Rights, and Representations,” conference. That issue came out in 2003. Claire Moses, a participant in the conference and the editorial director of Feminist Studies editorial board took the lead on this issue.

Exhibitions Curated

“Jewish Life in Europe: the Harry Sondheim Collection” Special Collections, Regenstein Library, Spring 2008.

Honors and Fellowships

Berthold Leibinger Fellow, American Academy in Berlin, Fall 2008.

Burkhardt Fellowship, ACLS, received 2000. Taken 2002-2003.

Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, 1995-1996.

School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study,Princeton, 1992-1993.

NEH, Newberry Library, 1992-1993, declined.

Humanities Institute Fellowship, University of Chicago, 1991.

ACLS Travel Grant, 1990.

University of Chicago Social Science Division Research Grants, 1988-1989;

1989-1990; 1991-1992; 1994-1995; 1999-2000.

Bourse Chateaubriand, 1985-1986.

Susan O'Connor Fellowship of the Tocqueville Program, 1984-1985.

Fulbright-Hays Fellowship, 1984-1985.

Social Science Research Council Fellowship, 1984-1986.

Doctoral Examinations passed with High Distinction.

Council for European Studies Pre-Dissertation Fellowship, 1983.

Danforth Fellowship, 1979-1980; 1981-1984.

A.B. with Distinction and Honors in History.

Hayes Fellowship for Study at the Graduate Summer School in Medieval Studies

at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1978.

Institutional Grants for the Center for Gender Studies

"Gendered Spaces," Chicago Humanities Institute, University of Chicago,

1997-1998, $3000.00.

Graham Foundation, 1997, $20,000.

Chicago Humanities Institute, University of Chicago, 1996-1997, $3000.00.

"Gender Gap," Harris Fund, University of Chicago, 1997, $1000.00.

Invited Lectures and Conference Papers

"Domestic Traces: Photographic Portraits of German-Jewish Homes, 1933-1940," Conference on History and Photography, London, June 2013.

Participant, Round-Table on Boundary-Crossing, AJS Chicago, December, 2012.

Keynote Lecture: Royal Netherlands Historical Society, 2012 Annual Conference, "Objects Make History," November 2, 2012.

Master Class on Material Culture, University of Amsterdam, November 1, 2012.

Keynote Lecture: Transatlantic Revolutionary Cultures Workshop, University of Munich, June 27, 2012.

Participant, Conference on Memory, EHESS, Paris, June 21-22, 2012.

"Bodies Covered and Exposed: Feminist Reflections on 'Choice' in the 21st Century," Iris Marion Young Distinguished Faculty Lecture for the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality," University of Chicago, January 18, 2012.

Keynote: “Negotiating Embodied Difference: Veils, Minarets, Kippas and Sukkot in Contemporary Europe” Conference, "Shifting Modes of Inclusion and Belonging," Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany, October 27, 2011.

“Burkas, Sukkahs, and Vegetarian Lunches: Negotiating Embodied Difference in Contemporary France,” Davidson College, Charlotte, NC, October 17-18, 2011.

"Pedagogies of the Body: Revolutionary Material Culture and Everyday Practice in the Atlantic World," University of Kentucky, Knoxville, September 12-13, 2011.

"Gender and Gender Studies in the 21st Century," Lecture for the Program in Gender Studies, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, June 28, 2011.

"Material and Emotional Claims" and 'Commemorating Death, Obscuring Life," Taft Memorial Lecturer, University of Cincinnati, April 28-29, 2011.

Panel on Inga Markovits' Justice in Luritz: Experiencing Socialist Law in East Germany University of Texas, Austin, April 22, 2011.

“What made a Home Jewish? Ruminations on Material Culture and Embodiment in Interwar Paris and Berlin” Symposium on private places/public power, Rice University, April 8, 2011.

"The Jewish Sensorium," Frankel Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Michigan, April 6, 2011.

Keynote lecture, European Studies Conference, College of William and Mary, April 1, 2011.

“Travail de dames et citoyenneté : étude comparée de la politisation des femmes en France et aux États-Unis,” Université de Lyon, March 17, 2011.

"Le regard d'un historienne américaine sur la place des femmes et du genre" ENS, Lyon, March 16, 2011.

Presentation on my work and Gender History in the U.S. in Gender History seminar, Université de Paris, VII, March 9, 2011.

"Vivre ensemble. Pratiques quotidiennes, ethnicité et culture matérielle dans les métropoles européennes à l’époque contemporaine," Université de Paris, VII, March 8, 2011.

"'What's Home got to do with it?': Rethinking the Social." Presentation at workshop, "Reinvigorating the Social after the Cultural Turn," Freiburg Institute for Advanced Study, March 3-4, 2011.

"From Photo Albums to Samovars: The Stuff of Memory," Midwest Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago, February 24, 2011.

Participation, Plenary Round-Table on Public History, AHA, Boston, January, 2011.

Participation in a Round-Table on the Gendered Jewish Sensorium, American Jewish Studies Conference, Boston, December, 2010.

"Chairs: A Performance," with Amanda Davis, Shaul Mitelpunkt, Chris Dingwall, Sarah Weicksel, and Jolie Nahigian. Object Cultures Project, University of Chicago, in conjunction with the Smart Art Museum, November 3 and 12, 2010.

Presentation at a conference on Material Culture and British Studies, Yale University, September 24-25, 2010.

“Material and Emotional Claims: Restitution in Post-war Europe,” "Objects and Emotions - Loss and Appropriation of Jewish Property". Leo Baeck Institute, London, June 25-26, 2010.

"Making Space Private: Interactions between Bodies and Things," Smart Museum, University of Chicago, April 9, 2010.

"Conundrums of Commemoration," part of the "Genesis" series at the Center for Jewish Studies, University of Chicago, April 28, 2010.

“Material and Emotional Claims: Restitution in Post-war Europe,” Midwest Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago, April 17, 2010

“What made a Home Jewish? Ruminations on Material Culture and Embodiment in interwar Paris and Berlin” History Seminar, Vanderbilt University, April 5, 2010.

"Pedagogies of the Body: Revolutionary Material Culture and Everyday Practice in the Atlantic World," Keynote Lecture, “Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850,” Charleston, South Carolina, February 25-27, 2010.

“Domesticity, Women and Politics in the American and French Revolutions,” Roundtable Participation, Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850, Charleston, South Carolina, February 25-27, 2010.

"Sexy Challahs, Pregnant Shabbat Candlesticks, and Women with Sidelocks: Anna Shteynshleyger's Embodied Judaism," Renaissance Society, University of Chicago, February 7, 2010.

“Looking in Windows: The Paradoxes of Style in Interwar France and Germany,” Bard Graduate Center, January 20, 2010.

“"Barbecues et nudisme, Vélibs et interphones: ‘Vivre ensemble’ en Europe au 21ème siècle." Centre Canadien d'études allemandes et européennes, Univerité de Montréal, Montréal, December 11, 2009.

“Jewish Sensibility?” Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Michigan, December 2, 2009.

“Is there a Jewish Relationship to the Senses? Material Culture and Embodiment in Germany, 1890-1930,” "Terms of Central European Jewish Identities" University of Michigan, October 22-23, 2009.

“Material and Emotional Claims: Restitution in Post-war Europe,” Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Michigan, September, 2009.

Participant, Workshop on the Future of Jewish Studies in Germany, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, July 6, 2009.

“Things”: Masterclass on Material Culture, International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, July 2, 2009.

“State-Sponsored Commemoration of National Shame,” Conference on Public History in Germany and the United States,” Freie Universität Berlin, June 26-27, 2009.

“Looking in windows: A comparative approach to citizenship, dwelling, and domesticity,” Universität Erfurt, May 29, 2009.

“Materiality and Affect: Jewish “Homemaking” in Interwar Paris and Berlin,” in the "Asia and Europe in a Global Context. Shifting Asymmetries in Cultural Flows" project at the Universität Heidelberg, May 27, 2009.

Keynote Lecture, “Commemorating Death, Obscuring Life? The Conundrums of Memorialization,” International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, May 26 2009.

“Is there a Jewish Relation to the Senses?” Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, May 20, 2009.

Presentation on Material Culture in the Workshop Concepts and Theories for the Study of Culture” at the International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture, Justus Liebig University, Giessen April 21, 2009.

“Commemorating Death, Obscuring Life? Conundrums of European Jewish History

after the Shoah,” Jewish Museum, Frankfurt, March 25, 2009.


2 “Confrontation d’échelles: l'histoire comparée des pratiques quotidiennes,” Conference on L'histoire croisée : Réflexions méthodologiques autour de la comparaison internationale en histoire, L’IRICE, Paris I, March 13, 2009.

“American Exceptionalism: Material Culture in Colonial and Revolutionary America” Center for American Studies, University of Heidelberg, December 11, 2008.

“Commemorating Death, Obscuring Life? Conundrums of European Jewish History

after the Shoah,” American Academy in Berlin, December 8, 2008.

“Inclusion, Participation and Participation. Jewish Parisians and Berliners between the two World Wars,” Berliner Kolleg fuer Vergleichende Geschichte Europas,” November 25, 2008.

"Jewish Berlin/Jews in Berlin:  Reconciling Presence and Void?" Metropolitan University, Berlin, November 24, 2008.

“Changing Hearts and Minds: The Division of Labor Between Emotion and Reason in Revolutionary Transformation,” Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, November 4, 2008.

“Revolutionary Homes”, Session on “Configuring Hearth and Home in Comparative Perspective, Part 2: Putting the Household into Practice,”American Historical Association, January, 2008.

Kenyote Lecture, “American Exceptionalism: Material Culture in Colonial and Revolutionary America” Conference on: “Fields of Vision: The Material and Visual Culture of New England, 1600-1830”American Antiquarian Society, Colonial Society of Massachusetts, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, November 9 and 10, 2007.

Panel on: “Weimar Paradoxes: Gender, Jews, and the New Visuality” German Studies Association Meetings, October 2008.

Panel on: Gendering the Modern European Survey,”German Studies Association Meetings, October, 2008.

“Archiving a Life: Post-Shoah Dilemmas of Memory Legacies,” Conference on: “Histories: Unsettling and Unsettled”, Erfurt, June 14-17, 2007.

"Consuming and Collecting: Jewish Homes in 20th century Berlin and Paris," Hochschule fuer Juedische Studien, Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg, Germany, June 13, 2007.

“The Politics of Habit: The power of the body in eighteenth-century revolutionary theory and practice,” Conference on: Sensing and Feeling: The Embodiment of Experience in the Eighteenth Century," Indiana University, May 24-27, 2007.

"Homecomings: Parisian Jews after 1944," Jewish Studies Program, University of California at Davis, April 16, 2007.

"Homecomings: Parisian Jews after 1944," Jewish Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, April 13, 2007.

“The stuff of memory (and of forgetting),” Poster Session, AHA, Atlanta, January, 2007.

“The Boundaries of Jewishness or when is a Cultural Practice Jewish?” Association for Jewish Studies, December, 2006.

“The Future of Women’s/Gender Studies”, Loyola University, Chicago, November 7, 2006.

"Do Clothes Make the Jew? Jewish Consumer Culture, Jewish Consumers, or Just Jews buying Things?” Jewish History and Consumer Culture in Modern Times" at University College London on June 20th, 21st and 22nd 2006.

“Les Mots et les choses: Quelle histoire peut-on écrire à partir de la culture materielle?" Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, 14 June, 2006.

"The Temporality of Things and Words: the Évolués and the Sapeurs between Europe, the Congo and Zaire,” "Standing Waters. Media and Temporalities of Stagnation,” University of Weimar, Germany, April, 2006.

"Leaving Traces of Trauma: Memoires, archives, and photographs," ‘Beyond Camps and Forced Labour – 60 Years On’, Imperial War Museum, London,11-13 January 2006.

“The Aesthetics of Time and Place: Visual and Material culture in Jewish Homes,” Keynote Lecture at the Annual Locating Design Conference. London Metropolitan University, London, September 2005.

Participation in conference on “Beyond the Disciplines” University of Chicago, Université de Paris, VII. Paris, May 2005.

"Leaving Traces of Trauma: Memoires, archives, and restitution petitions," Franke Institute, October 2004.

“Did Jews have ’Jewish’ Homes? Material culture, visual culture, and identity in Interwar Paris and Berlin,” Visual Culture Series, University of Texas, Austin, April, 2004.

“Challenges for Feminism in the 21st Century,” Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Texas, Austin, April, 2004.

“Revolutionary Taste,” Council for European Studies Meeting, Chicago, March, 2004.

“Remembered homes: The work of memory in Postwar Paris” Wisconsin French History Group, January 31, 2004.

“Restitution claims as narratives of mourning: Paris, 1944-1948” American Anthropology Association meetings, November 2003, Chicago.

“Quelle place pour les femmes dans l’histoire enseignée?” Audition at the Conseil Économique et social, Paris, May 27, 2003

“Compensating for Lost Homes: From ‘restitution’ to ‘reparation’

Paris, 1944-1985” Conference on The Post-War European Home. AHRB Centre for the Study of the Domestic Interior, Victoria and Albert Museum, London May 12, 2003.

“Le genre de la nation: France et Allemagne,” Seminar the University d’Avignon, April 11, 2003.

“Récits de Perte: Demandes de Restitution” Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, February 20, 2003.

“Art/craft, national/regional, paternal/maternal, state/nation: The binaries of culture in France’s Third Republic,” Art and Society Conference, German Historical Institute, Washington DC, December 7, 2002.

“Restitution de quoi? La Quête du passé, de la mémoire, et de reconnaissance par l'état français dans les demandes de réparations des juifs parisiens, 1944-1945," Seminar on Reparations at the Sorbonne, Paris I, November 28, 2002.

“Do States make Style? German, French, and Jewish Taste in the 1920s and 1930s.” Humanities Institute, UCLA, April 2002.

“Thinking national consumption” Brown University, September 2001.

“’Jewish Taste?’ Jews and the aesthetics of everyday life in Paris and Berlin, 1920-1942,” Workshop on Gender and Consumption, FU, Berlin, September 2001.

“The Everyday of Citizenship: Aesthetics, Affect and Law in France and Germany, 1890-1933,” in the Comparative History Seminar, at the Freie Universität, Berlin. February 2001.

“’Jewish Taste?’ Jews and the aesthetics of everyday life in Paris and Berlin, 1920-1942,” in Prof. Ingrid Gilcher-Holtey’s seminar at the Universität Bielefeld. February 2001.

“’Jewish Taste?’ Jews and the aesthetics of everyday life in Paris and Berlin, 1920-1942,” in Prof. Gisela Bock’s seminar on the History of Consumption at the Freie Universität, Berlin. February 2001.

“Women’s Suffrage and Concepts of Citizenship: The Nation-State in France and Germany, 1871-1918,” AHA, Boston, January, 2001.

“National Differences in Thinking the Nation? French and United States Perspectives on the Modern Nation-State,” New York Area French History Group, New School for Social Research, January, 2000.

"'National taste?' Citizenship law and everyday aesthetics in France and Germany, 1900-1930," Cornell University, October, 1999.

"Bavarian Crucifixes and French Headscarves: Religious Practices and the Postmodern European State," Cornell University, October, 1999.

"'National taste?' Citizenship law and everyday aesthetics in France and Germany, 1900-1930," Conference on Material Politics, Cambridge University, September, 1999.

“Gender Studies/Women’s Studies: The Future?” Albion College, May, 1999.

“Feminist Theory and the History of Everyday Aesthetics,” Women’s Studies, University of Iowa, May, 1999.

"'National taste?' Citizenship law and everyday aesthetics in France and Germany, 1900-1930," History Department, Emory University, April, 1999.

“Women’s Suffrage and Concepts of Citizenship: The Nation-State in France and Germany, 1871-1918,” Conference on “Women and Human Rights, Social Justice and Citizenship: International Historical Perspectives,” University of Melbourne, Australia, June 30 – July 2, 1998.

"An Outsider's take on Feminist Archaeology," Advanced Seminar at the School of American Research on "Doing Archaeology as a Feminist," April 19-23, 1998.

"Bavarian Crucifixes and French Headscarves: Religious Practices and the Postmodern European State," Conference on "Decolonization: Painful Transitions in the Cold War Period," Trinity College, Hartford, March 13-14, 1998.

"Le genre de l'Etat et de la Nation: comparaison entre la France et l'Allemagne," Conference on "L'histoire sans les femmes est-elle possible?" GRHIS, Université de Rouen, November 27-29, 1997.

"Revolutionary Homes: New Nations and Domesticity in England, France, and America," Conference on "Private Life/Private Space: Understanding the Home," University of Virginia, Charlottesville, October 24-26, 1997.

"Forms of state and the meaning of things," French Historical Studies meeting, Lexington, Kentucky, March 1997.

"'National taste?' Citizenship law and everyday aesthetics in France and Germany, 1900-1930," History Department, Harvard University, February 1997.

"'National taste?' Citizenship law and everyday aesthetics in France and Germany, 1900-1930," History Department, University of Texas, Austin, February 1997.

"La place de l'experience dans l'écriture de l'histoire des femmes," Seminar on Histoire et histoire des femmes. Parcours intellectuels d'historiens et d'historiennes." Université de Lyons II, December 1996.

"An Exemplary Life? Thoughts on Simone de Beauvoir's Public Representations of her Private Life," Midwest Faculty Seminar, Chicago, November 1996.

"'Sambo' goes global" (co-authored with Tom Holt), Conference on globalization, University of Chicago, November 1996.

"Bavarian Crucifixes and French Headscarves: Religious Practices and the Postmodern European State," Conference on Religious Transformations: Colonial and Post-Colonial Encounters at the Center for Historical Analysis, Rutgers University, October, 1996.

"The Everyday of Citizenship, or, How Does the Law Matter?" Einstein Forum, Potsdam, July 1996.

"Thinking about Material Culture and Politics," Volkskunde, University of Göttingen, July 1996.

"The Everyday of Citizenship, or, How Does the Law Matter?" Max Planck Institut für Geschichte, Göttingen, July 1996.

"Nationalism, Internationalism, and Bourgeois Class Formation in Nineteenth-Century France," AHA Convention, Atlanta, January 1996.

"Commodity Fetishism and National Identity," Conference on Fetishism at the University of Amsterdam, December 1995.

"La production et la consommation du meuble à Paris à la fin du XIXème: entre le marché, l'état et la nation," Centre Jean Bouvier, Université de Paris VIII, December 1994.

"Using Bourdieu's Theory of Practice to think historically about the politics of the everyday," Midwest Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago, March 1994.

"The Politics of the Everyday, or, Why the Trivial Matters," Department of Anthropology, University of Washington, January 1994.

"New Directions in Scholarship: The Politics of Material Culture in Nineteenth-Century Europe," Symposium on "Prussia in the Age of Biedermeier: Art, Architecture and the Decorative Arts, 1800-1848," Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, January 1994.

"Political and Social Representation in the Third Republic: Making the State and the Nation," New York Area French History Group, New School for Social Research, December 1993.

"La consommation comme travail des femmes: entre le doméstique et l'état," Groupe d'Etudes sur la Division Sociale et Sexuelle du Travail, CNRS, December 1993.

Round Table on Production and Consumption. Social Science History Association Meeting, Baltimore, November 1993.

"The Gendering of Consumer Practices: A Problem of Political and Social Representation in Nineteenth-Century France," Conference on "Creating a Public: The European 'Public Sphere' and its Alternatives under Colonialism," SSRC and the Humanities Institute, University of Chicago, October 1993.

"The Politics of the Everyday, or, Why the Trivial Matters," NYU Program in French Literature and Civilization, April 1993.

"The Politics of the Everyday, or, Why the Trivial Matters," School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, March 1993.

"The Gendering of Consumerism: Housewives, garçonnes, collectors and dandies,"Roundtable on Consumerism, Center for Historical Studies, Rutgers University, February 1993.

"A Critique of Foucault's Utopian Vision in The History of Sexuality vol. 2" Midwest Faculty Seminar, University of Chicago, March 1992.

"Theories and Practices of Consumerism," American Historical Association Meeting, Chicago, December 1991.

"Perceptions of Beauty and the Problem of Consciousness: Parisian Furniture Makers," Fordham University, November 1991.

"Historicism and Gender in Nineteenth-century France." Minda de Gunzberg Center for European Studies, Harvard University, November 1990.

"The Constitution of Class Position through Social Practice: Consumption and the Creation of Taste." Round Table on the Petite Bourgeoisie, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bad-Homburg, FRG, June 1990.

Presentation of several articles in the French History Group at the University of California, Berkeley, May 1990.

"The Revival of the Ancien Regime in the 1830s's: Copy or Pastiche?" Conference on the Old Regime and the French Revolution, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, November 1989.

“Representations of Good Taste: Parisian 'Taste Professionals' and the State in the Mid-Nineteenth Century." Western Society for French History, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 1989.

"The Place of Consumption in the Gendered Construction of Identity." Rutgers University, September 1989.

"La création du goût: l'ameublement à Paris de 1860 à 1914." Centre d'Ethnologie Francaise, Musée des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Paris, December 1988.

"Vers une théorie historique de la création du goût." Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, November 1988.

"Le goût et la consommation de masse dans l'industrie du meuble, XIX-XXè siècles." Centre Pierre Léon, Université de Lyon II, November 1988.

"Le goût et la stratification sociale." Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, November 1988.

"The Genesis and Gendering of Collecting: The Case of French Furniture in the Nineteenth Century," Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, Ann Arbor, October 1988.

Presentation on the work of Clifford Geertz, round-table on the uses of metaphor in history, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, March 1988.

"Were Women to Consumption as Men to Production? The Case of the Parisian Furniture Industry, 1860-1914." French Historical Studies Meeting, Columbia, South Carolina, March 1988.

"Women as Producers, Consumers and Images in the Creation of the Style 1900," Berkshire Conference, Wellesley College, June 1987.

"The Social Construction of Taste: Furniture in Paris, 1860-1914," History Department, University of Chicago, March 1987.

"The Social Construction of Taste: Furniture in Paris, 1860-1914," History Department, University of Kansas, February 1987.

"The 'Culture of Production' in the Parisian Furniture Industries," School of Social Sciences, Georgia Technical University, February 1987.

"The Gendering of Consumption," History Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, January 1987.

"La création de l'intérieur: piège ou possibilité libératoire pour les bourgeoises parisiennes à la fin du XIXè siècle?" Université de Paris, VII, January 1986.

Series of presentations on American women's history and on my own research in the Work Group on Women's History, Université de Paris, VII, 1984-1986.

Series of talks on the Parisian furniture industry in the 18th century at the American College in Paris, Winter, 1985:

1) "Did the Ancien Regime Guilds Hamper or Encourage Innovation in the Trades? The Case of the Parisian Furniture Industry."

2) "Gendered Furniture? Attributions of Femininity and Masculinity in Furniture Design and Usage."

3) "The Construction of Memory: The Symbolic Meaning of 18th Century Furniture in the Late 19th century."

"L'historiographie des femmes aux Etats-Unis: de l'histoire des femmes à l'histoire du 'genre'," Centre Pierre Léon, Université de Lyon, II, 1984.


“Of Hearts and Minds: The Gendering of Politics in the Age of Revolution,”

Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, June 2008.

"Text Envy and Artifact Allure: Evidence, Methods, and Epistemologies across the History/Prehistory Divide," University of Chicago, May 2007.

“Le Musée du quai Branly,” France Chicago Center, Paris, June 1-2, 2006.

Paris at the Periphery, Urban History Association Meeting, Milwaukee, October 2004.

Consumption and Modernity, Emory University, April, 1999.

Commentator on Daniel Miller’s work at the Morgan Lectures, Anthropology Department, Rochester University, October, 1998.

Roundtable on Rethinking German History in the Twentieth Century, American Historical Association, Seattle, Washington, January, 1998.

"Rhetorics of Slavery and Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century British Feminist Thought," Social Science History Association Meeting, Washington, October 1997.

Third Republic Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October, 1997.

"Weimar Culture," Social Science History Association Meeting, Chicago, November 1995.

"Consumerism," Council for European Studies, Chicago, April 1994.

"The Gendering of Paternalism," Round-Table on Business History,Montreal, November 1992.

"Universality and Difference" Social Science History Association Meeting, Chicago, November 1992.

"Overnight Sensations: Art and Women's Experience of the Prussian Siege of Paris." Chicago Area Art History Colloquia, UIC, March 1992.

"Modern Sexuality," Foucault Conference, University of Chicago, October 1991.

"Difference Within: Peasants, Criminals and Women in Old Regime France," French Historical Studies Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 1991.

"The Construction of Identity," Eighth Berkshire Conference, Rutgers University, June 1990.

"Gender and Theories of Subalternity," Asian Studies Association Meeting, Chicago, April 1990.

Research Presentations at the University of Chicago

Transnational European History Workshop, September 2011.

Anthropology Department, November 2009.

Politics Workshop, October 2009.

Social Theory Workshop, October 2004.

Franke Institute, October 2004.

Jewish Studies Workshop, January 2004.

Built Environment Workshop, January 2004.

Modern European History Workshop, October 2001.

European Studies Workshop, May 1997.

Gender and Society Workshop, May 1995, January 1997.

20th Century European Culture Workshop, October 1994.

East Asian Studies Workshop, January 1994.

Social History Workshop, October 1993.

Social History Workshop, January 1992.

Humanities Institute, October 1991.

Committee on Critical Practice, June 1991.

Visual Studies Conference, May 1989.

Sociology of Culture Workshop, November 1988.

Feminist Theory Workshop, October 1988.

Comparative Politics Workshop, May 1988.

European Studies Workshop, January 1988.

Cloth and Clothing Workshop, November 1987.

Departmental and University Service


Co-organizer, Material Cultures Workshop, 2010-2011.

Co-organizer, Jewish Studies Workshop, 2006-2007.

Co-organizer, Dissertation Colloquy, 2006-2007.

Co-organizer, Twentieth-Century European History Workshop, 1998-1999;

2000-2001; 2002-2005. 2009-.

Organizer, Embodied Utopias Workshop, 1998-1999.

Co-organizer, Workshop on Contemporary European Culture, 1994-1995.

Co-organizer, Social History Workshop, 1993-1994.

Co-organizer, Gender Studies Workshop, 1991-1992.

Co-organizer, European Studies Workshop, Spring, 1990.

Co-organizer, Gender and Society Workshop, 1988-89; 1994-1995; 1996-1999.

Organizer, 1993-1994.

Co-organizer, Feminist Theory Workshop, 1988-89; 1989-1990.

Organizer, European Studies Workshop, Winter, 1988.

Fellowship and Grant Committees

Member, Fulbright Committee, 1987; 1989; 1994; 1996; 2003; 2006; 2007.

Member, CGMF Fellowship Committee, 1997, 1999; 2005.

Chair, Chicago Group on Modern France, Fellowship Committee, 1994.

Chair, Fulbright-Lurcy Committee, 1993.

Chair, Fellowships Committee, 1991-1992.

Member, SSDR Fund Committee, 1988-1989; 1989-1990.

Co-Chair Fulbright Committee, 1988.

Search and Promotion Committees

Member, Promotion Committee, 2012.

Member, Promotion Committee, 2011.

Member, Imperial Russia Search Committee, 2009-2010.

Member, Promotion Committee, 2010.

Member, Renewal Committee, 2009.

Member, African Search Committee, 2006-2007.

Member, Early Modern and Modern European History Search Committee, History

Department, 2001-2002.

Chair, Ad Hoc Personnel Committee, History Department, 1997-1998.

Member, Search Committee in South Asian History, 1997-1998.

Member, Search Committee in Early Modern European History, 1996-1997.

Member, Search Committee in American History, 1990.

Member, Ad Hoc Personnel Committee, the College, 1989-1990.

Member, Search Committee in 18th century French History, 1988-89.

Standing Departmental Committees

Chair, Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 2011-2014.

Member, Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 2010-2011.

Chair, Graduate Student Affairs Committee, 2006-2008.

Member, Advisory Committee, 1998-1999; 2000-2002; 2006-2008; 2011-2012.

Chair, Placement and Fellowships Committee, 2001.

Member, Placement Committee, 2000-2001.

Chair, Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 1998-1999.

Member, Undergraduate Affairs Committee, 1997-1998.

Member, Graduate Student Affairs Committee, 1993-1995.

Member, Admissions and Aid Committee, 1988-89; 1989-90; 1991-92; 1994-95;


Committee on Jewish Studies

Member, Curriculum Review Committee, 2005.

Center for Jewish Studies

Member, Governing Board, 2011-2014.

Center for Gender Studies

Chair, Core Course Development Committee, 2012.

Curriculum Committee, 2011-2012.

Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2007-2009.

Member, Dissertation Fellowship Selection committee, 2006-2007.

Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2004-2005.

College Governance

Member, Faculty Search Committee for the Dean of Students in the College,


Member, Faculty Committee on International and Second Language Education,


Member, Committee of the College Council, 1997-1999.

Member, College Council, 1997-1999.

University Governance and Committees

Member, Advisory SSD Dean's Search Committee, 2011-2012.

Member, Committee of the Council of the Senate, 2011-2012.

Member, Ad Hoc Committee to review divisional master's programs, Winter 2011.

Member, Committee on Awards and Prizes, 2009-2012.

Member, Council of the Senate, 2010-2013.

Member, Faculty Governing Board, Franke Institute for the Humanities,


Member, Advisory Committee on the University of Chicago’s Center in Paris,


Member, Council on Advanced Study, 2000-2002.

Member, Council on Teaching, 1994-1995.

Co-organizer, Gender Studies Program (planning stage), 1990-92.

Member, Committee on Critical Practices, 1988-1994.

Steering Committee, 1993-1995.

Member, University Committee on Teaching, 1989-90.

Member, Humanities Center Committee, 1989-90.

Member, Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment, Summer-Fall, 1988.

Courses Taught

Western Civilization from 800 to the Present.

Topics in Modern European Gender History.

Theories of Class and Gender.

19th and 20th century European Social History.

Social and Cultural Theory.

History and Fiction: Narrative Practices.

The Self and the Other in Modern Europe.

European Gender Theory and History.

The Invention of "the Social" in 19th Century Europe.

Gender Studies Praticum.

The Gendering of Nations and Empires.

Theories and Practices of the Everyday.

Inventing Modern France.

Capitalism and Feminism in the Late 20th Century.

Good Taste and the Modern Nation: Revolutionary Conceptions of Goods in

England, France, and the United States.

Problems in Gender Studies, II: Capitalism and Desire.

Introduction to Gender Studies: Engendering the Nation/State.

Subjectivity, Desire and Goods.

Paris and Vienna at the Fin-de-siècle.

Gender, Sexuality, Capitalism, and Fetishism.

Nation, Race, and Gender in the Atlantic World,1890-1930.

Jewish Life in France and Germany.

Doing History with Things.

Everyday Life in the USSR and Western Europe.

The Politics of Memory in France and Germany.

European Jewish History as Minority Culture.

Europe 1930-Present.

Cultural Revolutions.

Colonizations III: Post-colonial cultures.

Problems in the Study of Gender.

Politics and Religion in France, Central Europe and Germany.

Politics of Commemoration.

Race and Racism in Europe.

Race in the Atlantic World.

Jewish Civilization II and III.

Professional Service

Member, Editorial Committee, Clio, Histoire, femmes et sociétés. Clio is a French journal in gender history, 2012-.

Chair, AHA Committee on Women's Historians, 2011-2013.

Visiting Committee, History, Indiana University, 2010.

Visiting Committee, Women’s Studies, University of Michigan, 2005.

Advisory Editorial Board, Home Cultures 2003-.

Editorial Board for the Book Series: Leisure, Consumption and Culture, Berg Press, 2002-.

Member, Steering Committee, Council for European Studies, Columbia University, 2002-2005.

Council for European Studies, Pre-dissertation fellowship selection committee, 2001.

Evaluation Committee, German Marshall Fund, Winter 1999.

Advisory Editorial Board, Clio, Histoire, femmes et sociétés. Clio is a French journal in gender history, 1994-.

Associate Editor, Wilder House Book series in Politics, History and Culture, with Cornell University Press, 1988-1990. (With David Laitin, Political Science Department, University of Chicago and George Steinmetz, Sociology Department, University of Chicago.)

Manuscript reviewer for the University of Chicago Press, University of California Press, University of Michigan Press and Princeton University Press. Article reviewer for the Journal of Modern History, Comparative Studies in Society and History and American Historical Review.

Member, Screening Committee for Western Europe, Social Science Research Council, 1988-1989, 1990-1991.

Graduate Teaching

Over the last twenty-three years I have read (or am reading) PhD oral examination fields with approximately 150 students. The areas include: Modern French History; Modern European Cultural History; Modern European Social History; Feminist Theory; Social Theory; European Gender History; European Labor History; and The Cultural and Social History of Aesthetics and Design.

I am the chair or co-chair of seven dissertations and am second or third reader on an additional five, and I was a first reader on eight and second or third reader on forty-seven completed dissertations.


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