Lookup to SubjectHeading_Table - City of Milwaukee





Interurban (TMER&L - Devil's Teapot Washout - Spring 1917)

Advertisements see Posters & Advertisements


Curtis Wright Airport

First Milwaukee County Airport

Maitland Field

Mitchell Field

Mitchell Field - Aerial Views

Mitchell Field - Interior

Timmerman Field


Between 36th St. & 37th St.

Between 37th St & Park Hill Place

Between 38th St. & 39th St

Between 39th St. & 40th St.

Between 63rd St. & 64th St.

Between 65th St & 66th St.

Between 66th St. & Conttrell

Between Garfield & North

Between Mt. Vernon Ave & Park Hill Ave

Between Park Hill Place & 38th St.

Apartments & Condominiums

Adler Apartments

Alabama Apartments

Ambassador Apartments

Ann Manor Apartments

Arcade Apartments

Ardmore Apartments

Ardmore Apartments - Construction

Astor Apartments

Auditorium Court

Bay View Terrace

Belvedere Apartments

Biltmore Grande


Burnham Flats

Cambridge Apartments

Caroline Apartments

Cass Apartments

Cass-Wayne Apartments

Central Market Apartments

Chacona Apartments

Clybourn St.

Clyman Apartments

College Courts

Cudahy Towers

Diamond Tower

Drew Apartments

Essex Flats

Grace Apartments

Harbor View Apartments

Harborside Apartments

Hollywood Enterprises

Inbusch Tenements

Jefferson Apartments

Juneau Village

La Casa Esperanza

La Salle Apartments

Lake Crest Apartments

Lake Shore Apartments

Lincoln Terrace

Lodgewood Apartments

Mann Apartments

Marquette Apartments

Martin Apartments

Mozart Apartments

Munkwitz Apartments

Nevada Apartments

Newport Apartments

Newport Apartments - Construction

Oxford Apartments

Portland Apartments


Rex & Roth Apartments

River House Condos

Robinson Apartments

Roosevelt Arms

Roth Apartments

Shoreham Apartments

Sovereign Apartments

St. Clair Apartments

St. Lawrence Apartments

St. Montrose Apartments

Strafford Apartments

Teweles Seed Tower Apartments

Twelve Sixty Apartments

Unnamed – 3rd St.

Unnamed – Jefferson St.

Unnamed – Milwaukee St.

Unnamed – National Ave

Unnamed – Virgina St. (423 W. Virginia)

Wayland Apartments

White Manor Apartments

Zonta Manor Apartments

Armories see Historic Buildings

Art Galleries & Institutes

Layton Art Gallery

Milwaukee Art Center

Milwaukee Art Institute

Auditorium & Arena

Milwaukee Arena

Milwaukee Arena - Construction

Milwaukee Arena - Interior

Milwaukee Arena - Technical Study Committee

Milwaukee Auditorium

Milwaukee Auditorium - Artwork

Milwaukee Auditorium - Board and Managers

Milwaukee Auditorium - Booth

Milwaukee Auditorium - Booth - Exhibit

Milwaukee Auditorium - Booth - Model

Milwaukee Auditorium - Construction

Milwaukee Auditorium - Equipment

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : American Chemical Society

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : American Dental Assembly

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : American Hospital

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : American Medical Association

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : American National Fox Breeders Association

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Aqua Star and Style Show (Milwaukee Journal)

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Bicycle Race

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Brewers Expo

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Charity Bazaar

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Dairy Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Direct Mail Adv. Asso.

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Evangelical League National Convention

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Flower Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Governor Alfred E. Smith (NY) Address (1928

Democratic Presidential Candidate)

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Grand Opening

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Health Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Hobby Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Independent Grocer's Association

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Internatonal Lutheran Walther League

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Knights of De L'Epee

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Loyal Order of the Moose, Lodge 49

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Mass, Catholic

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Master Builders

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Medical Association of North America

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Milwaukee Auto Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Milwaukee Co-operative Milk Producers

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Milwaukee Journal Food and Household Exposition

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Milwaukee Journal Style Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Milwaukee Sentinel Cooking School

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : National Association of Master Plumbers

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : National Catholic Action Social Conference

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : National Council of Catholic Women

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : National Grocers Convention

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : National Retail Jewelers

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Dinners

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Outdoor Advertising Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Photographers Association of America

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Photographers' Exposition

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Police Chiefs Banquet

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Power Engineers Banquet

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : President Roosevelt's Birthday Ball

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Radiological Society

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Shoe Retailer Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Silver Fox Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Socialist Bazaar

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Sports Show (Outdoor Expotition)

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Swimming Show

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Verteran Employees of C.M.StP.R.R

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : War

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Canners Association

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin I.G.A.

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Implement Dealers

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Medical Society

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Radio Trades Exposition

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Retail Hardware Expo

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Retail Lumberman's Association

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Skat Players

Milwaukee Auditorium - Events : Wisconsin Teachers

Milwaukee Auditorium - Floor Plans

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Engelmann Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Juneau Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Kilbourn Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Main Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Market Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Mechanics Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium - Halls : Plankinton Hall

Milwaukee Auditorium – Interior

Milwaukee Auditorium - Interior – Construction

Milwaukee Auditorium – Tablet

Milwaukee Exposition Convention Center and Arena (MECCA)

Milwaukee Exposition Convention Center and Arena (MECCA) - Construction

Automobile Service Station

Bands see Music - Bands


American City Bank & Trust

Bank of Commerce

Bank One – Riverside

Continental Bank & Trust

First Wisconsin National Bank

First Wisconsin National Bank – Interior

German American Bank

Great Midwest Savings

Guaranty Bank

Hopkins Street State Bank

Marine Bank – South Milwaukee

Marine National Exchange Bank

Marshall & Ilsley Bank

Midtown State Bank

Mitchell Bank

National Exchange Bank

Old Mitchell Bank (Wisconsin Marine & Fire Ins.)

Second Ward Savings Bank

State Bank of Wisconsin

West Side Bank

Wisconsin State Savings Bank

Beer Gardens see also Restaurants - Schlitz Palm Garden; Restaurants - Gargoyle; Whitefish Bay Resort

Beer Gardens

DeWerth's Park

Schlitz Palm Garden

Blizzards see Storms - Blizzards

Borchert Field see Sports – Baseball – Borchert Field


Best (Jacob) Brewing Co.


Blatz - Construction

Blatz - Interiors

Capitol Brewing Co.

Cream City Brewing Co.

Empire Brewery

Falk, Jung & Borchert Brewing Co.

Gallagher Brewery

Gettelman (A.) Brewing Co.

Gipfel Brewery

Graf, John Brewery

Independent Milwaukee Brewery

Meister Brewery

Miller Brewing Co.

Miller Brewing Co. - Interiors

Munzinger (C.H.) Brewery

Pabst Brewing Co.

Pabst Brewing Co. - Interior

Schlitz (Joseph) Brewing Co.

Schweekhart Brewery

Bridges & Viaducts

11th St. South

16th St. Viaduct

1st St.

27th St. Viaduct

35th St. Viaduct

59th St. Viaduct

6th St. Bridge

6th St. Viaduct

9th St. South

Atwater Bridge

Bartlett Ave

Becher St.

Broadway St.

Buffalo St.

Capitol Dr.

Cedar St. Bridge

Cedarburg (Covered Bridge)

Cherry St.

Clybourn Ave.

Farwell St.

Folsom St.

Fond Du Lac Ave.

Fond Du Lac Ave. - Near Timmerman Field

Foot Bridges

Hawley Rd.

Highland Blvd.

Hoan Harbor Bridge

Hoan Harbor Bridge - Construction

Holton St.

Humboldt Ave

Huron St.

Juneau Ave

Kilbourn Ave.

Kinnickinnic Ave.

Lafayette Crossing

Layton Ave.

Lincoln Ave.

Lincoln Memorial Drive

Locust St.

Michigan St.

Morgan Ave.

Muskego Ave.

North Ave

Plankinton Ave.

Pleasant St.

Port Washington Rd. (Old bridge)

St. Paul Ave.

State St.


Water St. (N)

Water St. (S)

Water St. (S) & Erie St. Railroad Span

Wells St. Street Car Trestle

Wells St.

Wisconsin Ave

Wisconsin Ave at 39th St

Brooks see Creeks; Rivers

Business & Industry - A

A. O. Smith

A. O. Smith – Interiors

A. O. Smith - Products

Abel & Bach Co.

Abresch (Charles) Carriage Works

Ahren's Mill in Grant Park

Albecht's Hot Fudges, Inc.

Alcazar Range & Heater Co.

Allcott (J.M.) & Co.

Allen-Bradley Co.

Allis (Edward P.) Co.


Allis-Chalmers - Erector Shops - Interior

Allis-Chalmers - Gear & Tractor Plant

Allis-Chalmers - Gear & Tractor Plant - Interior

Allis-Chalmers - Office Building - Construction

Allis-Chalmers - Supercharger Plant

Allis-Chalmers - Supercharger Plant – Construction

Alpine Printing & Business Forms Inc.

American Can Company

American Candy Co. Building

American Plumbing Supply Co.

American Wholesale Grocery Co.


Andy Thon’s Sporting Goods

Anton Express Line Furniture Moving

Armstrong Florist

Aschermann & Co. Cigar Factory

Atrium Sales & Exhibit Center

Auction Service Co.


Business & Industry - B

Babcock Agency

Badger Candy Co.

Badger Feeds

Badger State Shoe Co.

Badger State Tobacco Works

Ballard Bicycle


Barkow (H.) Co.

Barkow (H.) Co. - Interior

Barrett (G.M.) Co. (Toy Store)

Barrett's (Penny Store)

Batchelder Co.

Batzner (Ed.) - The Friendly Exterminator

Bauch (Hugo E.) Co.

Baumann Hoffmann Hardware

Bay View Rolling Mills

Becker Victrola Service

Becker, Post & Lumber Co.

Bell Telephone

Bendfelt (W.H.) Co.

Bert’s Worldwide Fabrics

Best & Gerber

Best Block Co.


Bitker-Gerner - Company Picnic

Bitker-Gerner - Fire

Bitker-Gerner – Interior

Black Forest Imports

Blade (A.) Son & Co.

Blair & Persons


Blumenfeld, Locher & Brown Co.

Bodden Packing Co.

Boettcher (Chas.)

Borden Dairy

Boruszak (Harry) Tailor's Trimmings & Woolens

Boston Store

Bradley & Metcalf Shoe Co.

Branta (Wm. J.) - Furniture

Brick (Nathan) Furniture

Briggs & Stratton

Brodesser Manufacturing Co.

Brumder Publishing Co.


Buemming, Alex & Guth Architects

Buergermeister (E.F.) News Depot

Busy Bee Clothing Co.

Business & Industry - C

Campbell Laundry Co.

Caspar (C.N.) Book Emporium

Casual Corner

Certified Concrete Co.

Chain Belt

Chapman (T.A.) Co.

Cherry Mill & Wool Factory

Cisco Printing

Clark's Towing Co.

Club Deli Delicatessen (770 N Marshall)

Coal Yards

Colossal Stumpf & Langhoff Co.

Concord Furniture Co.

Consolidated Hat Works

Conway, Clement & Williams Furniture

Cream City Trimming Co.

Cream City Woven Wire Works

Cullen (J.P.) & Sons

Cutler & Hammer Co.

Business & Industry - D

Dahl Motors Co.

Dairy Distributors, Inc

Daisy Roller Mill

D'Amore (M.) & Sons Co

David’s Gifts

Deep-Rock Motor Oil

Deicken Pharmacy

Des Forges Book Shop

Despine’s Greek Imports

Dewey's Harness Shop

Dewey's Sporting Goods

Dobre's Bakery

Doerfler's (A.) Market

Dohmen, Schmit & Co.

Donges Hat Shop

Dousman Warehouse

Dreyer Meyer

Droegkamp (John) Co. Furnaces and Sheet Metal Works

Dunlop Tire & Rubber Corp

Dutcher (J.A. & P.E.)

Business & Industry - E

Eagle Buffet

Eagle Flour Mill

Eggert's Office Supply

Ehnert, Jodecus Mill

Eiffel Hosiery

Ender's (Frank) Studio

Espenhain Dry Goods

Business & Industry - F

Fairbanks - Morse Co.

Falk Co.

Federal Malleable Co.

Fein Bros.

Felsecker (J.P.) Laundry

Ferry & Clas Architects

Fischbeck (D.) & Sons Wholesale Saddlery

Fischer (C.W.) Furniture Co.

Fisk Rubber Company

Fox-Midwesco Theatres, Inc.

Frank Seneca Service

Frankfurth (Wm.) Hardware Co

Franzen (William) Paper Stock & Bottles

Friedlander Knitting Works

Friedrich (E.O.) Cutlery & Grinding

Friend Bros. Clothing Co

Froedert Malt & Grain Co

Fueldner (John) Box Factory and planning & Resa Wing Mill

Fuller & Warren Company

Business & Industry - G

Gaenselen Bros. Leather Co.

GAF Corp

Gallun Tannery

Galvanized Iron Works

Ganhs Bakery

Garens (George) Co.

General Parking, Inc

Gimbel Bros. Store

Gimbel Bros. Warehouse

Globe Union

Goddfrey (E.R.) & Sons Co.

Golden Guernsey

Goldsmith & Co.

Goll & Frank Co

Good Old Days

Goodrich Dock

Goodwill Industries

Goodyear Rubber Co.

Grand (The)

Grasselli Chemical Co

Greenleaf & Co.

Greenwood Bros

Gridley Dairy

Groeling Grocery

Gross (Phillip) Hardware Co

Gruhl Sash & Door Co

Guaranty Company of Wisconsin

Gugler Lithographic Co.

Gumz (R.) & Co.

Gunnis (Helen) Music Shop

Business & Industry - H

Hacks Furniture

Hale (I. D.) Company Auto Electricians

Hansen's Empire Fur Factory

Harley Davidson Co.

Harnischfeger Corp

Harper's Wallpaper

Haupt Barrel & Cooperage Co.

Helen's Food Market

Heller (S.) Elevators

Hilgen Manufacturing Co.

Hilty-Forster Lumber Co.

Hoffer’s Tropical Fish

Holmes Motor Co. (Ford)

Home Bros. Co.

Home Furniture Co.

Hometown Inc.

Hong Fat Co.

Hummel & Downing Co.

Business & Industry - I

Illinois Steel Co. Rolling Mills

Business & Industry - J

Jacobi & Richter Co.

Janssen and Beach Galvanized Iron Works

Jo-Ell Auto Service

Johnson Controls

Johnston (Robert A.) Co.

Joynt Venture Pipe Shop

Business & Industry - K

Kaiser's Hair Bazaar

Kausch Garage

Kearny & Trecker Corp

Kehr’s Kandy Kitchens

Kiefert (F.) Moving Company

Kiewert (Emil) & Co.

Kirby's (Abner) Jewelry Store

Kissinger (J.P.) Co.

Kissinger's Wholesale Meats & Poultry

Kleinsteuber (Charles F.) Machinist & Engraver

Klug (Wm.) & Sons

Knights Tower

Knudten Bros

Koehring Corp. - Machinery

Koehring Corp. - Paving



Kosciesza (B.) Meat Market

Koss Corp

Krause (Chas. A.) Milling Co.

Krause (Emil A.)

Krieger & Vietmeyer

Kroeger Bros. Department Store

Krueger Printing

Krueger Printing – Interior

Krumbholz (J.O.)

Kuesel Coal Co.

Kuhl Motor Company

Kummer Engineering & Tool Co.

Kuphal (Aug.) Boots & Shoes

Business & Industry - L

La Grange Bros. Co Battery Service

Ladwig, Schranck & Co.

Lakeside Hand Laundry

Landuer & Co.

Lapin Electric Co.

Lasky Corp

Layton Packing Co.

Leisings Jewelers

Leon's Frozen Custard

Lincoln Tool & Die Co.

Lindsay (E.J. & Wm.)

Loan & Trust Co.

Loeffelholz Co.

Lou Fritzel

Luick Dairy Co.

Luick Ice Cream Co.

Business & Industry - M

Maciolek Co.

Mack (H.S.) & Co.

Mahler, Albenberg Co.

Main Express & Storage Co.

Mann, Beals & Co.

Mannack (B.) Meat Market

Manpower Inc.

Manufacturer's Home Building

Martinez Grocery

Master Lock Co.

Matthew's Brothers Furniture Store

Matyas Bakery

Mayer (F.) Boot & Shoe Co.

McNally (C.W.) Co.

Meinecke (Adolph) & Son

Menger Florist Shop

Merchant Mills Building

Meyer’s-Krueger Florist

Michael Best and Friedrich Law Firm

Middleton Manufacturing Co.

Mid-Empire Electric Co.

Midtown Sporting Goods

Miller Compressing Co.

Miller Park - Crane Collapse

Miller Smart Apparel

Miller Smart Apparel - Construction

Milwaukee Auto Engine Co.

Milwaukee Auto Wreckers

Milwaukee Barber's Supply Co.

Milwaukee Bronze Casting Co.

Milwaukee Cement Co.

Milwaukee Coke & Gas

Milwaukee Co-operative Foods

Milwaukee Corrugating Co.

Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Co.

Milwaukee Forge and Machine Co.

Milwaukee Gas Light Co.

Milwaukee Growers

Milwaukee Journal

Milwaukee Map Co.

Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co.

Milwaukee Power Co.

Milwaukee Press & Machine Co.

Milwaukee Rubber Works

Milwaukee Saddle Shop

Milwaukee Solvay Coke Co.

Milwaukee Steel Division

Milwaukee Vinegar Works

Milwaukee Western Fuel Co.

Milwaukee Willow Works

Monday (A.J.) Co.

Mondschein (S.A.) Piano Co.

Monogram Midwest Film Co.

Moratz & Steinfuhr

Moritz & Winter Co.

Motor Transport Company

Mount Flora Cigar Factory

Mount Pleasant Dairy

Movie Mart

Mutual Drug Co.

My Favorite Things

Business & Industry - N

National Biscuit Co.

National Brake & Electric Co.

National Spencerian

Nelson Brothers Furniture Store

Newhall Warehouse

Newton (Ralph) Real Estate

Niedecken (H.) & Co.

Niss Furniture Co.

Niss Furniture Co. - Interior

Nordberg Mfg. Co.

Norris (G.D.) & Co.

North Chicago Rolling Mill

Northern Glass Works

Northern States Life Insurance Co

North-Western Chemical Co.

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co - E. Wisconsin Ave. Building

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co 611 N. Broadway

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co Construction

Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co - Employees

Northwestern National Life insurance Co.

Nutrigla Milk Co

Business & Industry - O

Obenberger (Joseph) and Sons Co.

Ogden Carriage Factory

Orth (P.H.) & Co.

Oster Bros. Furniture Co.

Business & Industry - P

P&H Co

Patton (J.E.) & Co.

Penney (J.C.)

People's Bakery

Perfex Corp

Peter’s Pharmacy

Pfister & Vogel Leather Co.

Phoenix Hosiery Co.

Phototron Film Developing

Piano Factory

Pieper (O.R.) Co.

Pierrons (Louis M.) Pottery

Pietsch (Ferdinand) Iron Works

Pietsch (Otto) Dye Works

Pittelkow & Siegart

Pittsburg Plate Glass Co.

Pittsburg Plate Glass Co. - Interior

Plaum (Ed E.) Hatter

Plymouth Creamery

Poss (Jacob)

Pretschold (Ernst) Co.

Prinz & Rau Mfg. Co.

Pritzlaff Hardware

Puttler's Cigar Store

Business & Industry - Q

Quirk Co.

Quirk Co. - Interior

Business & Industry - R

Rainbow Jersey Bike Shop

Rank & Motteram Co.

Reckmeyer (William) Co.

Red Star Yeast

Red’s Barber Shop

Reichardt & Devitt Popular Hatters

Reimers Photo

Reliance Works

Rex Chain Belt

Rex Chain Belt - Interior

Rex Chain Belt – People

Rexall Drug Store

Rice & Friedman

Rice’s Deli

Riebs Grain Elevator

Rigas Candy Store

Rohlfing (Wm.) & Sons

Roloff's Grocery

Roundy, Peckham & Co.

Royal Tea Co.

Royal-Globe Insurance Companies

Rudig Trophies

Rundle Spence Mfg. Co.

Business & Industry - S

Salvation Army

Sawyer Buick Service

Schaeffer Brush Manufacturing Co.

Schemmer (L.) & Sons

Schinz Bottling Co.

Schmitt-Orlow Co.

Schneider Fuel & Supply Co.

Schoenleber (Adoph) Furniture Store

Schultz Market

Schuster's Department Store

Schwaab Stamp & Seal Co.

Schwalbach (M.) Star Tower Clock Works

Scott's Tire Service

Seaman (A.D.) & Co. Furniture Mfg.

Seaman Body Co.

Sears, Roebuck & Co.

Second Chance

Seefeld Drugs

Shadbolt & Boyd Iron Co.

Sheboygan Chair Co.

Sherin (W.R.) Co.

Sherman Park Shoppe

Shop ‘N Save

Sisson & Sewell

Skinner (M.L.) - Commission Merchant


Smith (Angus) Elevator Co.

Smith (Jabey M.) Confectionary

Sperry & Hutchinson - Green Stamp Redemption Center

Stahl (John) Second Hand Barrels

Steinmeyer (Wm.) Co

Steinmeyer (Wm.) Co. - Display

Steinmeyer (Wm.) Co. - Interior

Stelloh & Druse Manufacturing Co.

Stenzel (H.O.) Co.

Sterling Motor Truck Co.

Stern (H.) Jr. & Bros.

Sullivan's Warehouse

Svoboda Industries

Business & Industry - T

20th Century Fox

Tainsh (D.) Boots & Shoes

Talisman House

Tegtmeyer (Archie) Inc.

Tessner Motor Boats

Thomas Brass & Iron Co.

Thrift Store: American Council for the Blind

TMER&L Power Plant

TMER&L Power Plant – Commerce St

TMER&L Power Plant - Oneida St (Wells St)

TMER&L Power Plant - Port Washington Powerhouse

TMER&L Public Service Building

Toepfer (F.R.) Workshop

Toser (Herman) Co.

Trans World Airlines

Traub's Delicatessen and General store

Trostel (Albert) & Sons Co.

Turner Tanning Machine Co.


TWA - Interior

Business & Industry - U

United Coal Co.

United Fire Proof Storage House

Universal Joint Services Inc.

Urich Hardware


Business & Industry - V

Van Cott (A.B.) Block

Vilter Mfg Co.

Volkmann (Henry C.) Horse Shoer

Business & Industry - W

W.E. Stockmore Furniture

Wadhams Oil & Grease Co. - pagoda gas station

Waldheim's Dept. Store


Walker Mfg.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Waterman (Charles) Builders

Waukesha Milk Co.

Wauwatosa Glass

Wegner Piano - Interior

Weisel's Finest Sausage

Weissenborn Bros. Co.

Wells Fargo

Westside Home Buyer's Clinic

Wholesale Grocery

Widrig Motors Inc.

Widrig Motors Inc. – Interior

Wiener (E.) Mfg of Parlor Suits

Wig Mart, The

Williams Bros. Carpenters and Builders

Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co.

Wisconsin Bridge and Iron Co. – Interior

Wisconsin Cheese Mart

Wisconsin Electric Power Co.

Wisconsin Energy

Wisconsin Energy – Interior

Wisconsin Gas Co.

Wisconsin Gun Co.

Wisconsin Lakes Ice & Cartage Co.

Wisconsin Magneto Co.

Wisconsin Motor Car Co.

Wisconsin Tanners Leather Co.

Wisconsin Telephone Co.

Wissenborn Bros. Co.

Wittig & Gerhke, Silver Platers

Woolworth Co.

Business & Industry - Z

Zarne, D. & Co Tailors

Ziegler (George) Candy Co.

Zita Inc.

CCC Projects

Civilian Conservation Corps


Blessed Sacrament Cemetery

Calvary Cemetery

Elizabeth Cemetery

Fairview Mausoleum

Forest Home

Grunhagen's Cemetery

Holy Cross Cemetery

Indian Mounds

Indian Mounds – Waukesha

Lake Protestant Cemetery

Luther Parker Cemetery

Milwaukee Cemetery

Port Washington Road

St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church Cemetery

Union Cemetery, Milwaukee Township

Wisconsin Memorial Park

Wood National Cemetery (Soldiers Home)


All Saints Episcopal Cathedral

Antioch Missonary Baptist Church

Ascension Lutheran Church

Basilica of the National Shrine of Mary Help of Christians at Holy Hill

Bethlehem Lutheran Church

Blessed Martin de Porres Church

Calvary Presbyterian

Central United Methodist Church

Christ the King Church

Church of Christ Scientist

Church of the Annunciation, Greek Orthodox

Church of the Open Door

Church Spires

Cross Lutheran

Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church

Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran Church

First Baptist

First Church of Christ, Scientist

First Congregational Church

First Evangelical United Brethren Church

First Evangelical United Church

First German Methodist Church

First German Methodist Episcopal Church

First Methodist

First Methodist – Demolition

First Methodist – Interior

First Presbyterian Immanuel

First Unitarian

First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee

First Welsh Presbyterian Church

Forest Home Avenue Church

Fourth Church of Christ, Scientist

Friedens Church

Friedens Evangelical and Reformed Church

German Methodist Church

Gesu Catholic Church

Gesu Catholic Church – Interiors

Grace Evangelical Church

Grace Lutheran Church

Grand Avenue Baptist Church

Grand Avenue Congregational Church

Grand Avenue Methodist Church

Hanover Street Congregational Church

Haven Church

Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church

Holy Trinity

Immanuel Presbyterian

Incarnation Lutheran

Joan of Arc Chapel

Kenwood Methodist Church

Kingsley United Methodist Church

Lake Park Lutheran Church

Lutheran Hospital Chapel

Methodist Episcopal Church

Mother of Good Council Church

Mt. Zion Baptist Church

Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church

New Divine Redeemer Lutheran Church

North Presbyterian Church

Northwest Baptist Church

Notre Dame Convent Chapel Roman Catholic

Our Lady of Good Hope Church

Our Lady of Pompeii Roman Catholic Church

Our Lady Queen of Peace

Pentecostal Deliverance Spiritual Church

Pioneer Methodist

Plymouth Church

Plymouth Congregational Church

Providence Missionary Baptist Church

Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church

Redeemer Lutheran Church

Reformation Lutheran Church

Resurrection Church

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Scandinavian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Second Church of Christ, Scientist

Sherman Park Church

Sixth Church of Christ, Scientist

South Baptist Church

SS. Constantine and Helen Church

SS.Kyril and Methodius Russian Orthodox Church

St. Agnes Roman Catholic Church

St. Aloysius Church

St. Andrew Episcopal Church

St. Anne's Roman Catholic Church

St. Boniface

St. Casimir Roman Catholic Church

St. Elizabeth's Church

St. Eugene's Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church

St. Francis Seminary

St. Gall's Roman Catholic Church

St. Hedwig's Catholic Church

St. Jacobi Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. James Episcopal

St. James Guild Hall

St. James Methodist Church

St. Joe's Convent Chapel

St. John's Cathedral Roman Catholic

St. John's Cathedral Roman Catholic – Interior

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Josaphat Basilica Roman Catholic

St. Josaphat Basilica Roman Catholic-Construction

St. Josaphat Basilica Roman Catholic-Interiors

St. Joseph's Church

St. Joseph's Convent Chapel

St. Joseph's Kirche

St. Leo's

St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church

St. Martini Lutheran Church

St. Mary Ukrainian Church

St. Mary's - Port Washington

St. Mary's Catholic - Menomonee Falls

St. Mary's Catholic Church - Forest Home Ave

St. Mary's Roman Catholic (Old)

St. Mary's Roman Catholic (Old) – Interior

St. Matthew

St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Church

St. Olaf Lutheran

St. Patrick’s

St. Paul Episcopal

St. Paul Episcopal – Interior

St. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran

St. Peter's Roman Catholic (Old)

St. Philip's Lutheran Church

St. Rita Roman Catholic

St. Robert's Roman Catholic

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox

St. Sebastian Roman Catholic

St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church

St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church – Interior

St. Stephan's Evangelical Lutheran

St. Vincent de Paul

Summerfield United Methodist

Tabernacle Baptist Church

Third Church of Christ, Scientist

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran

Wauwatosa United Methodist Church

Welsh Presbyterian

Westminster Presbyterian

Young Men's Bible Class

Zion (Forest Home)

Zion Lutheran

Zion Presbyterian Church - Delafield

Circus Parade see Parades

Circuses & Shows

Carl Hagenbeck - Wallace Circus



Ringling Brothers and/or Barnum & Bailey Circus

Tripoli Temple Circus

City Departments

City Clerk Office

City Engineers

City Garage

City Service - Civil Servants

Department of City Development

Department of Public Works - Bureau of Electrical Service

Department of Public Works - Forestry Bureau

Department of Public Works - Forestry Bureau - City Nursery

Department of Public Works – Vehicles

Elected Officials - Common Council

Elected Officials – Comptroller

Mayor's Beautification Committee

City Hall

City Hall - Built 1893

City Hall - Built 1893 – Interior

City Hall – Built 1893 – Interior – Architechtural D

City Hall - Municipal Building

City Hall (Original)

Civic Center see County Institutions - Civic Center; Panoramic Views - Civic Center

Civil Defense, Dept. Of

Civil Disturbances see Civil Rights Movement; Demonstrations; Riots; Strikes

Civil Rights Movement

Counter Demonstrations


Demonstrations – Allen-Bradley Co

Demonstrations – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Anniversary March

Demonstrations – Eagles Club (Segregation)

Demonstrations – Joseph Brown Rental Agency

Demonstrations – Joy Foods Store

Demonstrations – McKissick (Clifford) Death

Demonstrations – Open Housing

Demonstrations – Political Prisoners

Demonstrations – Puerto Rican

Demonstrations – Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Demonstrations – Welfare Cuts

Lectures and Debates

Legal Action

Legal Action – Father James Groppi Trial (July 1967)

Legal Action – Joseph Brown Rental Agency

Legal Action – McKissick (Alvin)

Legal Action – Police Brutality Investigation

Legal Action – Tucker (John Oraa) Trial

Lobbying – Hillside Housing Project

Lobbying – Midtown Housing Plan

Lobbying – Model Cities

Lobbying – Open Housing

People and Organizations

Police Action

Civil Service Commission see City Departments – Civil Service Commission

Civilian Works Administration see WERA-CWA-FERA

Clocks see Street Clocks


American Legion Post

American Red Cross

Arcana Club


Badger Yacht Club

Boy Scouts

Builders Clubs

Calument Club

Camera Club

Catholic Knights

Chevrolet Corvair Club

City Chess Club

Deutscher Club

Deutscher Press Club

Eagles Club

Eagles Club – Milwaukee Auto Show

Elks Club

Elks Club – Construction

Employed Boys Brotherhood

Fenwick Club

Free Thinkers

Freemasonry – Knights Templar – Ivanhoe Temple

Freemasonry – Shriners

Freemasonry – Shriners – Tripoli Temple Shrine

Freemasonry – Temples and Lodges

Freie Gemeinde

Girl Scouts

Golden Age Club

Grand Army of the Republic

Hellweg Club


Ivanhoe Commandery

Jefferson Club

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Pythias

Laf-Alot Canoe Club

Millioki Club

Milwaukee Amateurs Radio Club

Milwaukee Association of Commerce - Awards

Milwaukee Athletic Club

Milwaukee Boat Club

Milwaukee Canoe Club

Milwaukee Club

Milwaukee Country Club

Milwaukee County Nurses Club

Milwaukee Gymnastics Societies

Milwaukee Jewish Community Center

Milwaukee Laundry Mens Club

Milwaukee Liederkranz

Milwaukee Mannerchors

Milwaukee Master Baker Ladies Association

Milwaukee Press Club

Milwaukee Sangerfest Association

Milwaukee Turners

Milwaukee Yacht Club

Moose Club

Moustache Club

Musik Verein

National Lodge Bowling League

North Milwaukee Outing Club

Old Settlers Club of Milwaukee

Olympic Bowling Club


Phoenix Club

Polar Bear Club

Retail Grocers

Retail Hardware Dealers

Rifle Club & Drill Team

Sangerbund, Nord-Amerikanischer (North American Singers Association)

Schwaben Society

Scottish Rite Masonic Temple


Socrates Society

South Division High School Old Timers Football Reunion

South Shore Yacht Club

St. Hyacinths Auxiliary

Stammtisch Café Martini

Sunday Morning Breakfast Club

Teutonia Avenue Advancement Association

Town Club and Tennis Courts

Tripoli Temple Shrine Mosque

UCT No. 54 - Hard Time Smokers

University Club

Wisconsin Club

Wisconsin Consistory Valley of Milwaukee

Wisconsin Gun Club

Wisconsin Seaman’s Friend Society

Women's Club of Wisconsin


Young Men's Association

Coast Guard





Colleges & Universities

Alverno College

Badger State Business College

Cardinal Stritch College

Carroll University

Evangelical Lutheran Seminary

German and English Academy

Hantke's Brewers' School and Laboratories

Marquette University

Marquette University – Booster Club

Marquette University – Dormitories

Marquette University – Events

Marquette University - Graduation Scenes

Marquette University - O'Donnell Hall

Marquette University - Schroeder hall

Marquette University - Sports Activities

Marquette University – Stadium

Marquette University - Students

MFB Snowdrift icing and Decorating School

Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)

Milwaukee Downer College

Milwaukee Female College

Milwaukee Female Seminary

Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design (MIAD)

Milwaukee Medical College

Milwaukee School of Engineering

Mount Mary College

North Western School for Stammerers

Pio Nono College

Spencerian Business College

State Normal School

State Teachers College

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Art Building

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Bolton Hall

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Chapman Hall

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Curtin Hall

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Curtin Hall - Construction

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Curtin Hall - Interiors

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Curtin Hall - Plans

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Engelmann Hall

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Ernest Spaights Plaza

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Extension

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Golda Meir Library

University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee - Graduation

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Holton Hall

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Kenilworth Building - Interior

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Kimberly Hall

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Klotsche Center

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Mitchell Hall

University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee - People

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Planetarium

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Student Union

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Student Union - Construction

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Student Union - Interiors

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Student Union - Plans

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Students

University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee - Theater Building

Veterans Administration Hospital - Students

Wisconsin College of Music

Wisconsin College of Physicians

Wisconsin College of Physicians & Surgeons

Wisconsin Conservatory of Music

Wisconsin State Normal School - Students

Comfort Stations


Commodity Exchange - Employment

Common Council see City Departments – Elected Officials – Common Council

Comptroller Office see City Departments – Elected Officials - Comptroller

Conventions see also Auditorium and Arena – Milwaukee Arena - Events

American Legion - Sept 1941

American Legion – Sept 1941 - People

Elks Convention – 1901

Jehovah’s Witness Convention – 1901

Milwaukee Teacher’s Association Convention, November 1983

Modern Woodmen of America

Painters and Decorators Convention, 1927

Professional Photographers’ Association Convention, 1956

Shriners Convention, August 1968

Teachers Convention

Wisconsin Hobby Exposition, 1949


Holy Cross Convent

Notre Dame Convent & St. Mary’s Institute


Nuns – Sisters of St. Mary

Coroner’s Office see Police – Coroner’s Office

County Institutions


Civic Center Plaza

County Courthouse

County Courthouse-Annex

County Courthouse-Construction

County Courthouse-Interiors

County Supervisors

House of Corrections

Juvenile Court/Detention Home – W. Galena St.

Mental Health Services

Milwaukee Asylum for the Chronic Insane

Milwaukee City and County Safety Building

Old County Jail – Broadway & Wells

Toy Loan Program

Creeks see also Rivers

Mud Creek (Lincoln Creek) Project



Dams see also Rivers - Milwaukee River, North Ave Dam

Milwaukee River Dam






Demonstrations see also Civil Rights Movement - Demonstrations


Adway (Eric) Death

Allied Council of Senior Citizens of Wisconsin




Army Training

Beat Patrolmen

Business Closings

Committee on Palestinian Human Rights

Cooperation West Side Association

Counter Culture

Day Care Funding

Dixon (Daniel E.) Arrest

Earth Day

Equal Rights Amendment

Federal Income Tax


George Webb (Cocoa)

Hunger Hike

Ice Arena

Jobs and Peace


Lacy (Ernest) Death

Lennon (John) Memorial

Milwaukee County Budget Cuts (1982)

Milwaukee Public Library

National Emblem


Nestle Company

Nixon, Richard

Nuclear Power

Nuclear Weapons

Peltier (Leonard) Incarceration

Performing Arts Center Opening

Property Taxes



School Closings

Sexual Assault


Telephone Service

Vietnam Era

Vietnam Era – Democratic National Convention (Chicago, IL)

Vietnam Era – Milwaukee 14

Vietnam Era – University of Wisconsin (Madison)

Welfare Workers

World War II



Election Commission


Polling Locations

Republican Convention

Voter Registration

Voting Machines

Wallace (George) for President

Ethnic Groups

African Americans







Indians of North America

Indians of North America – Indian Urban Affairs Council








Exposition Building see Historic Buildings

Farm Equipment see also Occupation & Trades – Farming

Portable Saw Mill

Federal Buildings see also Post Office

Old Federal Building & Post Office

Reuss Federal Plaza

Festivals & Celebrations

Afro Fest

Apple Love In

Bastille Days

Big Brava

Black History Month Celebration

Brady Street Days

Carnival Week

Centennial – Wurst

Centurama (Milwaukee Centennial Celebration, 1946)

Christmas Season

Christmas Season – Christmas Tree Committee

Cultural Heritage Days

Earth Day

Easter Season

Festivals Office

Folk Fair

Fourth of July

George Washington’s Birthday

Greek Festival


Harley Davidson 90th Anniversary

Harley Davidson 95th Anniversary

Holiday Craft and Gift Show

Irish Fest

Italian Fest


Japanese Spring Festival

Jewish Holidays

Juneteenth Day & Afro Fest

Lakefront Festival for the Arts

May Day

Memorial Day

Mexican Festivals

Midsummer Festival

Milwaukee County Transit System

Milwaukee Public Schools Music Festival

Mother’s Day

Music Fest

Neighborhood Festivals

New Games Festival

New Year's Day

Peace Celebration

Polish Fest

Riverwest Neighborhood Association Festival

Rock Festival

Rock ‘n’ Roll Revue

South Shore Water Frolic

State Street Festival


Thanksgiving Holiday

V.J. Celebration

Veterans Day

West Side Festivals


Wisconsin State Fair

Women’s Festival

Fire Department

Baseball Team

Call Box


Early Equipment

Fire & Police Alarm System Warehouse 922 W. Galena

Fire Engines & Equipment – Early Equipment

Fire Engines & Equipment - Fire Chief Officers Car

Fire Engines & Equipment - Fire Engines

Fire Engines & Equipment - Fire Hoses

Fire Engines & Equipment - Fire Trucks

Fire Engines & Equipment - Snowmobile

Fire Engines & Equipment - Tow Trucks

Fire Engines & Equipment - Water Tower

Fire Fighters

Fire Prevention

Fire Pumping Station – 2067 S. 1st St.

Fire Station – 13th St, S. (1738)

Fire Station – 17th St, N. (502)

Fire Station – 26th St, S. (1126)

Fire Station – 2nd St, N. (534)

Fire Station – 30th St, N. (2901)

Fire Station – 30th St, N. (424)

Fire Station – 3rd St, N. (3160)

Fire Station – 47th St, N. (2669)

Fire Station – 4th St, N. (1325)

Fire Station – 6th St, N. (533)

Fire Station – 7th St, N. (755)

Fire Station – 8th St, S. (1439)

Fire Station – 8th St, S. (2400)

Fire Station – 9th St, S. (1400)

Fire Station – Bartlett Ave, N. (2647)

Fire Station – Broadway, N. (176)

Fire Station – Broadway, N. (784)

Fire Station – Bruce, W. (1554)

Fire Station – Capitol Ave, W. (2509)

Fire Station – Center St, W. (2622)

Fire Station – Chase, S. (3174)

Fire Station – Cherry, W. (2622)

Fire Station – Fiebrantz Ave, W. (4927)

Fire Station – Forest Home Ave, W. (2932)

Fire Station – Franklin Place, N. (1693)

Fire Station – Galena, W. (1125)

Fire Station – Hawley Rd, N. (407)

Fire Station – Hopkins, N. (5174)

Fire Station – Kinnickinnic Ave, S. (1685)

Fire Station – Kinnickinnic Ave, S. (1803)

Fire Station – Kinnickinnic Ave, S. (2526)

Fire Station – Lisbon Ave, W. (8814)

Fire Station – Lloyd St, W. (3100)

Fire Station – Lloyd St, W. (3920)

Fire Station – National Ave, E. (217)

Fire Station – North Ave, W. (1900)

Fire Station – North Ave, W. (642)

Fire Station – Oklahoma Ave, W. (1615)

Fire Station – Palmer, N. (2050)

Fire Station – Richards St, N. (2602)

Fire Station – St. Claire Ave (2455)

Fire Station – State St, W. (2228)

Fire Station – Teutonia Ave, N. (2903)

Fire Station – Virginia Ave, W. (100)

Fire Station – Walnut St, W. (2423)

Fire Station – Water St, N. (105)

Fire Training Academy

Fire Training Academy


Insurance Patrol #1 - 517 N Milwaukee St

Insurance Patrol #2 - 921 W Galena St

Insurance Patrol #3 - 431 W. Scott St

Repair Shop - 118 W. Virginia

Rescue & Recovery

Rescue Squad #3

Signs & Symbols


Strikes - February 29, 1981


10th St, N. (3000 block)

12th St. Store – Walnut, W. (1134)

13th St, S. (6100)

14th St, N. (1110)

14th St, N. (1313)

10627 S 27th St - Best Disposal

1110 N 14th St

1111 W. Vliet St

15th St, N.

15th St, N. (1323)

16th St, N. (1322 & 1326)

16th St, S. (1207-1213)

17th St, N. (2766)

19th St, N. & State St, W.

20th St, S. (1919)

23rd St, N. (628-630)

24th Place, N. (3817A)

28th St, S. (747)

29th St, N. & Wisconsin Ave, W.

29th St, S. (639)

30th St, N. & Walnut St, W.

35th St, N. (5353)

38th St, N. (1934)

3rd St, N. (3300 block)

3rd Ward Fire

56th St, N. & Lisbon Ave, W.

6th St, N. (2469)

6th St, S. (726)

71st St, N. (2217)

7th St, N. & Juneau Ave, W.

7th St, S. & National Ave, W.

99th St, N. & North Ave, W.

Afram Metal Processing – 12th St, N. (260)

Astor Hotel - Juneau Ave, E. (924)

Atlas Mill Company - Commerce Ave, (490-506)


Badger Leather Goods - Garfield, W, (1022)

Badger State Canning Co - 25th St, N. (305)

Best Disposal - 27th St, S. (10627)

Big Top Fruit Co. - Silver Spring Drive, W. (1935)


Bitker's Department Store - Fond du Lac Ave, (1801-1813)

Bridge fire

Bronz-Vil Bar - 3rd St, N. (1731)

Burleigh, W. (3824-3832)

Calvary Presbyterian Church - Wisconsin Ave, W. (935)

Capitol Lumber Co. - Capitol Drive, W. (400)

Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co. - Highland Ave, W. (528)

Caspari Shoes - Downer Ave, N. (2559)

Center St, W. (911-913)

Chambers, E. (1014)

Charles A. Krause Milling Co. - Burnham, W. (4222)

Charles H. Jurss Quality Meats - 35th St, S. (1601)

City Fruit Market - Vliet St, W. (1320)

Cutler-Hammer Inc - 20th St, S. (3019)

Dash Inn - Fond du Lac Ave, W. (2331)

Debris Fire

Donohue-Stratton Elevator

Dorecrest Rabbit and Poultry - Muskego Ave, N. (125)

Eagles Club - Wisconsin Ave, W. (2401)

Elevator Fire - October 13, 1903

Emmaus Evangelical Lutheran Church - 23rd St, N. (2818)

F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. - Water, N. (342)

Forest Fires of 1967

Garage Fire - 34th St, N. (2400 block)

Garland's Women's Apparel - 3rd St, N. (2377)

George Seelman & Sons - 7th St, N. (1127)

Great Milwaukee Discount Center - 3rd St, N. (2345)

H. Theis Company (Plumbing Supplies) - Fond du Lac Ave, W. (1819)

Hack's Furniture & Appliance Stores - 3rd St , N (1023-1025)

Hack's Furniture & Appliance Stores - Green Bay Ave, N. (3390)

Hampton Ave, W. (500)

Hartman Furniture & Carpet Co. - Water, W. (286-290)

Hilty-Forster Lumber Co - Wisconsin Ave, W. (3846)

Hoffmann and Billings Mfg Co. - St. Paul, W. (1819)

Hopkins Drugs - Hopkins, N. (4970)

I. D. Hale Company (Auto Electricians) - 738 N 16th St

Jewett & Sherman Warehouse Fire - Florida Ave, W. (106)

Joe Goldman Jewelers - Mitchell St, W (838)

K. W. Jacobs Cooperage Co. - St. Paul, W. (1907)

Kenmore Apartments - State St, W. (1201)

Kepec Chemical Company - Cherry St, W (401)

Kohl Brothers Fine Foods - Vliet St, W. (3826)

Lady Lynn's Shoppes - Wells, W. (1627)

Legion Barber Shop - 5th St, N. (755)

Lincoln Creek

Lincoln Fireproof Warehouse Co. - 3rd St, N. (1116)

Louis Allis Co. - Stewart St, E (427)

Luick Dairy Company

Marc Plaza Hotel - Wisconsin Ave, W. (503)

Meyer Furniture Store - Fond du Lac Ave, W. (1815)

Mid West Tire Auto Store - 3rd St, N. (2332)\

Middleton Mfg. Co. - Broadway Ave, N. (354-356)

Midwest Poultry - 2nd St, N. (433)

Miller Fisheries Inc - Becher St, W. (333)

Miller's Flat - Market St, N. (939)

Milwaukee Equipment Mfg Co - 4th St, N. (1251)

Milwaukee Horse & Cow Commission Co. Barn - 84th St, N. (616)

Milwaukee Malleable & Grey Iron Works - 29th St, S. (2773)

Milwaukee River

Milwaukee Welders - Monarch Place (4300)

Milwaukee Yacht Club - Lincoln Memorial Drive, N. (1700)

Mueller Engraving - 8th St, N. (632)

Munkwitz Apartments - 27th St, N. & Highland Ave, W.

National Bar Room - National Ave, W. (3530)

National Wood Products - 11th St, N. (1630)

Nick's Nicabob - State St, W (2538).

Nino's Super Bar - Vliet St, W. (1111)

Northern Paper Mills - Thomas, E. (1514)

Northwestern-Hanna Fuel Co. - Washington St, E. (301)

Oswald Jaeger Bakery Co. - Somers St, W. (918)

Palmer Ave, N. (2763)

Paper Co. - Newhall Ave, N. (2300)

Park Sport Shop - Vliet St, W. (3820)

Peltz Brothers Waste Material - 32nd St, N. (4875)

Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. - Pittsburgh Ave, E. (235)

Plankinton Ave, N. (431)

Post Office

Propane Gas Truck

Red Owl Store - Hampton Ave, W. (4925)

Rose & Aaron's Child Development Center - 6th St, N. (1901)

Ruby Chevrolet - Broadway, N. (807)

Ruby Chevrolet - Capitol Drive, W. (5101)

S & M Manufacturing Co - Wisconsin Ave, W. (1324)

Saint John Cathedral - Jackson St, N. (802)

Saint Joseph's Home - Lincoln Ave, W. (5301)

Saint Paul's Episcopal Church - Knapp St, E. (904-914)

Saint Vincent de Paul Society - Walnut St, W. (607)

Schowalters Pharmacy - Humboldt Ave, N. (1802)

Seaman-Andwall Corp - 25th St, N. (305)

Shine Shop - North Ave, W. (3428)

Ship Café Restaurant - Bluemound Rd.

State Fair Park

Stone's Jewelry - 3rd St, N. (2238)

Structural Fires

Super Kleen Laundromat - Lisbon Ave, W. (4513)

Sydney Hih - Juneau Ave, W. (310)

Tabernacle Baptist Church - Wells St, W. (1713)

Ted & Marilyn's - Lincoln Ave, W. (1551)

Thelma's Calypso Room - Center St, W. (910-912)

Thomas H. Bentley & Sons - Mitchell St, W. (4610)

Toepfer & Bellack Inc. - Wisconsin Ave, E. (3300)

Town Club - Farwell Ave, N. (1642)

Trester Service Electric Co. - Ogden Ave, E. (235)

Vliet St, W. (1422-1430)

W.B. Bottle Supply Co. - 5th St , S. (917)

Waldeim's Furniture Co. - Plankinton Ave, N. (857)

Walnut St, W. (1704)

Walnut St. School - Walnut St, W. (2318)

Washington St, W. (1200)

Washington St, W. (1206-1208)

Water St, N. (634)

Wells St, W (521-533)

Wells St, W. (1628)

Wirth's Colonial Ballroom - Wells, W. (1835)

Wisconsin Ave, W. (1631)

Wisconsin Ave, W. (3414)

Wisconsin Ave, W. (415)

Wisconsin Hobby Craft Store - Fond du Lac Ave, W. (1743)

Wisconsin Job Service and Incentive Program - National Ave, W. (500-512)

Wisconsin Plumbing & Heating Supply Co - 2nd St, S. (822-832)

Yunger & Stilcke Wholesale Cookery - Water St, E. (354-356)


American Flag

Community Service Flag

Milwaukee City Flag


Forestry Bureau see City Departments – Department of Public Works – Forestry Bureau


16th St. &Pearl St. Fountain

19th Ave. & Mineral

1st Ward Park

8th Ward Park

Artesian Well/Spring

Cathedral Square

Clarke, Monroe, Tamerack and N. 24th St

Downer and Hackett

Drinking Fountains (Bubblers)

Forest Home Cemetery

Forest Home Triangle

Franklin Square Park

General Information (no photos)

Henry Bergh Fountain

Milwaukee City Hall

Milwaukee Journal

Milwaukee Public Museum

Mitchell Park Conservatory

N Water, E Ogden & N Market St Fountain

Notre Dame Convent

Old Courthouse Square

R. D. Whitehead Fountain

Saint Mary's Hospital

Soldier's Home

Veterans Administration Center (Wood, WI)

Walker Square (S 10th St. & Walker)

Water Fountain Exhibit

Watering Trough


Fourth of July Committee see Festivals & Celebrations – Fourth of July Celebrations

Freeways see Streets - Freeways

Funerals and Memorials

Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial

Fire Department

John F. Kennedy Anniversary

McKissick, Clifford

Mortuaries and Undertakers (Billboards)

Pearl Harbor Survivors War Memorial

Police – Callura, Rosario

Police – Laubenheimer, Jacob (Chief)

Police – Lesnieske, Leonard R.

War Dead








Kite Flying



Boston Store

Boston Store - Interior

First Wisconsin National Bank

Magnetic Realty Co.

Magnetic Realty Co. - Interior

Grain Exchange see Commodity Exchange - Employment; Historic Buildings - Mackie Building



Greeting Cards

Grocery see Occupations & Trades

Harbor - Milwaukee see also Jones Island; Lakefront; Panoramic Views - Lakefront

Boats in Harbor


Historic Scenes

Loading of Boats

Naval Vessels

Views of Harbor

Health Department

Historic Buildings

A.D. Button Block Building

Adams, Phineas Residences

Adelman House

Adelman House - Interior

Aitken House

Akin House

Albany Hall

Allis, Margaret Residence

Armory - Kosciusko Guard

Armory - Lighthorse

Armory - Wisconsin National Guard

Austin, George Residence

Bacon, E.P. Residence

Bank of Milwaukee Block

Basse, Gerhard D. Residence

Bauer, Adam Building

Baumbach Building

Bean, Jane Residence

Bell Telephone Building

Bemis, Herman & Caroline

Benjamin, H.M. Residence

Benjamin, Mrs. A.L. Residence

Berg, L. Building

Berlin Arcade

Best, Philip Residence


Bielfeld Building

Birchard Block

Blatz, Val Jr. Residence

Blatz, Val Sr. Residence


Bockl Building

Bodden, A.G. Residence - Interior

Bogk, Frederick C. Residence

Bradley House

Bradley Residence

Brand, Sebastian Residence

Breidenbach Residence

Brinton, Beulah House-2590 S. Superior St.

Brinton, Beulah Residence

Brown, Samuel Residence

Brumder Residence

Buemming, Herman W. Residence

Burnham Building

Burnham Residence

Button House

Caloroga Residence

Camp Building

Cary, Joseph Residence

Caswell Block Building

Caswell, N.B. Residence

Cawker Estate Building

Centennial Building

Chamber of Commerce Building

Chapman, T.A. Residence

Childs, Paul House

Church, Benjamin Residence - 1315 N Van Buren St

Church, Benjamin Residence - Estabrook Park

Colby-Abbot Building

Colby-Abbot, 320 E Mason

Coleman, John Casper Residence

Collath Cabin

Commerce Building

Commission Row

Comstock Residence

Comstock Residence – Interior

Comstock, Cicero Residence - W Galena Ave.

Cramer, Adolph Residence

Cramer, Eliphalet Building

Crocker, Hans Residence

Cudahy, John Residence - Interior

Curtin, Jeremiah Residence

Cushing, John W. Residence

Damon, Lowell Residence

Dearholt House

DeBow, John Residence

Deutscher Club

Dewey, Linus House

Diedrichs, Edward Residence

Dousman Residence

Dousman, George Residence

Downer, Jason Residence

Downtown Garage

Ely Residence

Empire Block

Enterprise Building

Eschweiler House

Excelsior Block

Exposition Building

Exposition Building - Fire Damage

Exposition Building – Interior

Falk, Frank Residence

Falk, Otto Residence

Faries, Robert J. Residence

Federal Building (Old)

Ferguson, David Residence

Finney, Fredrick Residence

Fitch, Eliot Residence

Fitch, Grant Residence

Fitzgerald, Robert Patrick

Fowler, George J. Residence

Fowler’s (Albert) Office

Freethinkers Hall

Friend Building

George Hambach Building

German-English Academy

Germania Building

Goldberg/Martin Mansion

Goll & Frank Building

Goodrich, William O. Residence

Gordon Cottage

Graham House

Gray, Dr. N.A. Residence

Greene House

Guaranty Building

Gustorf, Edmund B. Residence

Hall, O.J., Residence

Hambach, George Building

Harnischfeger, Henry Residence

Harrison, Stephen A. Residence

Hathaway Building

Hawley-Bloodgood Residence

Hays House

Hicks' Block Building

Hill, Priam B. Residence

Hinkel, J. Building

Hinton, Francis Residence

Hippodrome Building

Hochmuth, F.H. Building

Hokanson Building

Hollister Residence

Hull, Lemuel B. Residence

Inbusch, John G. Residence

Insurance Building

Insurance Exchange Building

Iron Block Building

Jacobs Mansion

Jewish Community Center

Jewish Community Center-Construction

Jewish Community Center-Interiors

Jewish Community Center - Plans

Johnson, Martin Q. Residence

Joys Building

Julien Home

Juneau, Solomon Residences

Juneau, Solomon Residences - Log Cabin

Juneau, Solomon Residences - Market St

Juneau, Solomon Residences - Michigan St

Juneau, Solomon Residences - Theresa, WI

Juneau, Solomon Residences - Wisconsin Ave

Kalvelage, Joseph B. Residence

Kasten House

Keenan, Matthew Residence

Keltner Home

Kennan, T.L. Residence

Kern Residences

Kilbourn, Byron Residence

King, Rufus Residence

Kleser House

Kneeland, James Residence

Koch House

Kunckell Home

Lapham, Increase A. Residence

Lee, William Residence

LeFevre, Clement Fall

Library Building (Old)

Line Material Building

Lion House

Lipps Building

Loan & Trust Building

Lowry Residence

Loyalty Building

Ludington Building – Plankinton Ave.

Ludington Building – Wisconsin Ave

Ludington, Birchard & CO.

Luening, Dr. Frederick August

Luick House

Mabbett’s and Breed’s Block

Machek-Nasgowitz House

Mack Building

Mackie Building

Mackie Building – Interior

MacLaren House

Maier Block Building

Majestic Building

Manegold, Henry Residence

Manhattan Building

Manschot, Henry Residence

Mariner Realty Co. Building

Mariner Tower

Marshall, Samuel Residence

Martin, James B. Building

Martin, James B. Residence

Mathews Building

Mayer Building

McIntosh House

Medical Arts Building

Meinecke Building

Meinecke, Adolph Residence

Meister Building

Melm's Schandein Residence

Merrill Building

Messenger Home

Metropolitan Building

MGIC Building

Miller Block

Miller, George P. Residence

Miller's Hall

Milwaukee Hall

Milwaukee Manufactures Building

Miner, Dr. George B. Residence

Mitchell Building

Mitchell, Alexander Residence

Mitchell, Alexander Residence - Summer Gazebo

Mix, E. Townsend Residence

Morton Home

Munkwitz Apartments

Munkwitz Residence

Noonan House

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Building-Old (N Broadway)

Northwestern National Life Insurance Co.

Nunnemacher Building

Nunnemacher Residence

Obermann Building

Octagon House

Odell Residence

Office on the Square Building

Ogden Row

Old Block on Spring Street

Old City Jail and Armory

Orth Residence

Ott, Walter S., Residence

Pabst Building

Pabst, Frederick Capt., Domestic's Residence

Pabst, Frederick Capt., House-828 Chestnut Ave

Pabst, Frederick Capt., Residence

Pabst, Frederick Jr., Residence

Paetzold House

Panorama Building

Peck, George W., Residence

Pereles Building

Perkins, Dr. D.W.

Perkins, Dr. D.W. – Interior

Petit, Louis J. Residence

Pfister, Guido Residence

Pierce Building

Pilgrim, George W. Residence

Pizzala, Gottlieb Residence

Plankinton Arcade

Plankinton Arcade - Construction

Plankinton Arcade - Interior

Plankinton, Elizabeth Residence

Plankinton, John Homestead

Plankinton, John Residence

Plankinton, William C. Residence

Post Office (Old)

Prentiss Home

Preusser, Christian Building

Preusser, Christian Residence

Pritzlaff, John Building

Public Service Building – 231 W. Michigan St.

Railway Exchange Building

Ray, Charles Residence

Reilly, W.P. Building

Rescue Mission

Richards, Daniel Residence

Rogers, Charles Residence

Rogers, Donald Residence

Rogers, James H. Residence

Roundy, J.A. Residence

Row Houses

Sanger, Casper M. Residence

Sawyer House

Schandein, Emil Residence

Schoenleber, A. Building

Schroctor, Edward Residence

Scottish Rite Temple

Seaman, Horace M., Residence

Security Building

Sentinel Building

Sexton Building

Slocum House

Smith, A. Residence

Smith, A. A. L. Residence - Interior

Smith, A.L.L. Residence

Smith, Clement Residence

Smith, Edwin L., Residence – Interior

Smith, Edwin Residence

Smith, Edwin Residence – Carriage House

Somers, Peter House

South Side Armory

Stanford, Edward Residence

Stein, Mathias Residence

Steinmeyer Building

Stern, Carl Residence

Stern, Carl Residence - Interior

Stern, Henry Residence

Stern, Henry Residence - Interior

Stewart, Alexander Residence

Stotzer Building

Swallow, Arthur C.

Swan, Seth B. Residence

Tannhaeuser Building

Temperance House

Teweles Building - Construction

Treat Block

Triangle Building

Trimborn, Werner Residence

Turner Hall

Uhrig, Franz Joseph Residence

Uihlein Building

Uihlein, Alfred Residence

Uihlein, August Residence

Uihlein, August Residence - Interior

Uihlein, August Summer Residence Exterior & Grounds

Uihlein, Henry Residence

Uihlein, Joseph Sr. House

Uihlein, Paula Residence - Interior

Underwriters Exchange

Usinger House

Van Dyke Building

Van Dyke Residence

Vieau, Jacques Cabin

Villa Terrace

Vogel, August Residence

Wadhams Oil & Grease Co. – 76th & National

Wadhams Oil & Grease Co. - Pagoda gas station

Wadhams Oil & Grease Co. – Wisconsin Ave

Watkins Building

Wells Building

Wells, Daniel Residence

Winding, George Residence

Winding, George Residence - Interior

Wisconsin Building

Wisconsin Club

Wisconsin Club - Interiors

Wisconsin Electric Power Plant

Wisconsin National Guard Armory

Wisconsin Telephone Co. - Main Exchange

Wisconsin Tower Building

Wisconsin Tower Building - Construction

Wisconsin Tower Building – Interior

Wurster House

Yale, Horace P. Residence

Zielsdorf House

Zimmerman Bros. Building

Historic Markers

Court House Square

First Paper Mill

Fourth Ward Square

Highland Avenue Marker

Honey Creek Settlement

Juneau Park – Knights of the Round Table

Lapham, Increase

Lest We Forget

Letter Carrier Tablet

Lincoln, Abraham

Mackie Building Cornerstone Marker


Mitchell Building

Mitchell Park

Oneida Street Power Station

Pabst Building

Schroeder Hotel – Indian Village Site

Senn. Dr. Nicholas Marker

Ten Commandments – Municipal Building


Vieau, Jacques Cabin – Mitchell Park

Walker Square

Watertown Plank Road

Home Front see Victory Gardens; World War II, 1939-1945 – Milwaukee; World War II, 1939-1945 – War Work

Home Shows

Milwaukee Home Show

Milwaukee Home Show – 1927

Milwaukee Home Show – 1928

Milwaukee Home Show – 1929

Milwaukee Home Show – 1931

Milwaukee Home Show – 1933

Milwaukee Home Show – 1934

Milwaukee Home Show – 1935

Milwaukee Home Show – 1936

Milwaukee Home Show – 1938

Milwaukee Home Show – 1940

Milwaukee Home Show – 1941

Hospitals & Clinics see also VA Hospital

16th St. Community Health Center

Bread & Roses Women’s Health Center

Columbia Hospital – Construction

Columbia Hospital – Interior

Deaconess Hospital

Deaconess Hospital – Interior

Elmbrook Memorial Hospital

Froedert Hospital

Hanover Hospital

Indian Health Center

Johnston Community Health Center

Johnston Emergency Hospital

Lutheran Hospital

Marquette University Hospital

Mental Health Services

Milwaukee Children’s Hospital – Interior

Milwaukee County Dispensary

Milwaukee County Emergency Hospital

Milwaukee County Hospital

Milwaukee Eye & Ear Clinic

Milwaukee Hospital (formerly Passavant)

Milwaukee Hospital – Interior

Milwaukee Sanitarium

Misericordia Hospital

Mount Sinai Hospital

Mount Sinai Hospital – Interior

Muirdale Tuberculosis Sanatorium

Post Graduate Hospital

Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Hospital

Sacred Heart Sanitarium

South View Isolation Hospital

St. Anthony Hospital

St. Camillus Hospital

St. Francis Asylum

St. Joseph's Hospital

St. Joseph’s Hospital - Construction

St. Luke's Hospital

St. Luke’s Hospital - Interior

St. Mary's Hospital

Trinity Hospital

Trinity Memorial – Cudahy

Trinity Memorial – Cudahy – Construction

Veterans Administration (VA)

Hot Houses see Greenhouses


Abbot Crest Hotel

Aberdeen Hotel

Albany Hall

Ambassador Motor Hotel

American House Hotel



Atlantic Hotel

Auditorium Hotel

Axtell House Hotel

Axtell House Hotel - Demolition

Baltic House Hotel

Bechtel, J. Mansion House Hotel

Berninger Park

Blatz Hotel

Brown Hotel

Carlton Hotel


Clifton Hotel

Clinton House

Coach House

Community Hotel

Cottage Inn

Cross Keys

Downtown Motor Inn

Eagle Hotel

Fond du Lac House Hotel

Fountain House


Globe Hotel

Grand Central Hotel

Hyatt Regency

Hyatt Regency – Interior

Juneau Hotel

Juneau House

Kilbourn Hotel

Kilbourn House

Kirby House Hotel

Knickerbocker Hotel

Knickerbocker Hotel - Interior

Lake House Hotel

Lakeshore Hotel

Lakeside Hotel

Layton Home

Marc Plaza

Marc Plaza – Interior

Marc Plaza - Plans

Martin Hotel

Maryland Hotel

Mayer Motel


Menomonee Hotel


Milwaukee House Hotel

Milwaukee Inn

Newhall House Hotel

Newhall House Hotel - Fire & Ruins

Pabst Hotel

Packard Motel

Park East

Park Hill Hotel

Pfister Hotel

Pfister Hotel - Interior


Plankinton House Hotel

Plankinton House Hotel - Interior


Plaza - Interior


Remerstsen's Boarding House

Republican House Hotel

Republican House Hotel – Interior

Rooming House

Schlitz Hotel

Schroeder Hotel

Schroeder Hotel - Interior

Schuster Hotel


St. Charles Hotel

Stag Hotel

State Hotel

Sydney Hotel

Terminal Hotel

United States Hotel

Washington House


Westmore Hotel

Wettstein hotel


Wisconsin House Hotel

Housing see also Apartments & Condominiums; Historic Buildings

Arlington Court


College Court

Covent Hill

Garden Homes



Hillside – Construction

Hillside area before housing project

Hillside area demolition before construction

Holton Terrace

Lapham Park

Milwaukee Tenants Union


Northridge Lakes


Plymouth Hill





Humane Society see Wisconsin Humane Society

Jones Island see also Schools, Public – Jones Island; Water Department; Harbor; Panoramic Views - Lakefront

Miscellaneous Photos

Treatment Plant

Labor Unions


Brotherhood of Boiler-Makers and Iron Shipbuilders of America

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers - Operator's Local No. 9A

Junior International Association of Machinists

Lake Front

Lake Front


Land Commission

Letter Carriers







Suburbs-Hales Corners


Suburbs-South Milwaukee

Suburbs-West Allis

Light Houses

Mailmen see Letter Carriers; Occupations & Trades – Letter Carriers; Post Office


Central Market

Daily Green Market

Division Street Market

Jahr Market

North Avenue Public Market

Old German Market

West Side Market

MECCA see Auditorium and Arena - MECCA

Menomonee Valley see Panoramic Views – Menomonee Valley; Railroad Shops & Yards; Rivers – Menomonee River; Stockyards; Bridges & Viaducts – 27th Street; Bridges & Viaducts – 35th Street

Military see also Coast Guard; Conventions – American Legion; National Guard; Parades – Military; Veterans Activities

Armed Forces – American - Air Force

Armed Forces - American – Army

American - Army - Army Disciplinary Barracks

Armed Forces - American - Marines

Armed Forces - American - Navy

Armed Forces - American - Wisconsin State Guard


Civil War


Education - Basic Training


Missile Sites

Mobilization - Korean War

Mobilization - Punitive Expedition into Mexico, 1916

Mobilization - World War I




Prisoners of War - Germans (World War I)

Prisoners of War - Germans (World War II)

Recruiting & Enlistment

Recruiting & Enlistment - World War I

Recruiting & Enlistment - World War II

Rites & Ceremonies


Spanish-American War, 1898

Training Camps - Janesville

Training Camps - Madison

Training Camps - Milwaukee


Model City Agency

Municipal Buildings

Municipal Buildings

Construction 1957-1958


East Troy Trolley Museum

Grand Avenue Dime Museum

Milwaukee Art Center/Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum

Milwaukee Art Museum - Artwork

Milwaukee Art Museum - Interiors

Milwaukee Art Museum - Plans

Milwaukee County Historical Society

Milwaukee Public Museum

Milwaukee Public Museum - Actual on scene safaris

Milwaukee Public Museum - American Indian Exhibits

Milwaukee Public Museum - Animal Exhibits

Milwaukee Public Museum - Construction

Milwaukee Public Museum - Ice Skate Exhibit

Milwaukee Public Museum - Landscape Exhibits

Milwaukee Public Museum - Miscellaneous

Milwaukee Public Museum - Pacific Isles Exhibits

Milwaukee Public Museum - Prehistoric Exhibits

Milwaukee Public Museum - Public Activities

Milwaukee Public Museum - Skeletal Exhibit

Milwaukee Public Museum - Staff

Villa Terrace



Bands – 32nd Division Memorial Band

Bands – Circus Band

Bands - Custer High School Band

Bands - Fraternal Order of Eagles, No. 137

Bands – G.U.G.G. Band

Bands - Hamilton High School

Bands - Madison High School Band

Bands - Marquette University Band

Bands - Milwaukee Exposition Band

Bands – Milwaukee Sentinel Newsboys’ Band

Bands - Police Bands

Bands - Pulaski High School Band

Bands - Rufus King High School Band

Bands – Soldiers Home Band

Bands - Sousa Band (John Philip Sousa)

Bands - South Division High School Band

Bands - South Milwaukee High School Band

Bands - Thirty-eighth Street Elementary School Band

Bands - Turnverien Milwaukee Drum Corps

Bands - West Milwaukee High School Band

Black & Blue Rock Concert – Building Damage

Choral Groups

Choral Groups – Lyric Male Chorus

Choral Groups – Madison High School

Choral Groups - Maencharr Eintracht

Choral Groups-Maennerchoir Edelweiss

Choral Groups – Sounding Board

Chorus – Lyric Glee Club

Chorus – Milwaukee Public School 7th and 8th Grade Chorus

Chorus – Philharmonic Chorus of Milwaukee Teacher’s Association


Civic Music Association

Music Groups – Miscellaneous


Orchestras - Children

Orchestras - Milwaukee Chamber Orchestra

Orchestras – Milwaukee Public Schools’ Young Peoples Symphony Orchestra

Orchestras - Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra

Orchestras - Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra

Natatoriums see Swimming Pools

National Guard


Daily News

Evening Wisconsin

Free Press


Milwaukee Herald

Milwaukee Journal

Milwaukee Journal - Construction

Milwaukee Journal - Employees

Milwaukee Journal - Interiors

Milwaukee Journal - Interiors

Milwaukee Journal - Plans

Milwaukee Leader

Milwaukee Sentinel

Newspaper Row

North Point Water Tower see Water Dept. – North Point Water Tower

Nursing Homes see Rest Homes

Occupations & Trades

Air Traffic Controllers

Airline Attendants

Appliance Stores


Assembly Line Worker

Auto Repair

Bakeries & Bakers

Barber Shops


Beer Growler


Book Stores


Bus Drivers

Butcher Shop

Candy Manufacturer

Carriage Shops & Wagon Makers

Cemetery Workers

Cigar Manufacturer



Clothing Manufacturer




Cooper Shop

Crane Operator


Data Processor


Dock Workers



Dry Cleaners

Elevator Operator


Firewood Vender



Fuel Terminal Operator

Furniture Manufactures


Glove Manufacturers

Grocery Stores



Hair Salon

Home Improvements

House Movers

Ice Cream Shops

Ice Industry


Junk Dealers



Letter Carriers


Liquor Stores

Livery Stables

Lumber Industry


Merchant Marine



Miners and Mining

Models and Modeling

Motor Drivers

Music Store



Nurses and Nursing

Opera Singers



Panoramic Painters

Paper Manufacturers



Physical Therapy



Print Shops

Radio Announcer


Railroad Engineer

Repair Shop


Scissor Sharpening

Service Stations

Sewer Workers

Ship Captains


Social Workers

Soda Shop

Stadium Vender

Store Clerk

Street Vendors





Telephone Operators

Toy Store

Truck Drivers




Window Cleaners


Milwaukee County Home for Dependent Children

Protestant Orphan Asylum

St Joseph Orphanage

St Roses

Panoramic Painters see Occupations & Trades

Panoramic Views

Central City - Civic Center

Central City East

Central City North

Central City Northeast

Central City South

Central City West

East Side of City

Expressway System

Folders, Brochures, Clippings

Lakefront Views

Lithographs of Milwaukee

Menomonee Valley

North Side of City

North West

River Views

South Side of City


West Side of City


20 Mule Train Movie Parade

American Legion

American Legion Parade

Armed Forces Parade

Armistice Day-Nov. 11, 1918

Be Kind to Animals Week

Cavalcade of Transportation

Center Street Parade

Charles Lindbergh Parade

Christmas Parade

Circus Parade

Crispus Attucks Day

Flag Day


Grand Army of the Republic

Labor Day Parade

Liberty Loan Parade

Loyalty Parade

Memorial Day


Milwaukee 100th Anniversary Parade

Milwaukee 50th Anniversary Parade

Milwaukee Flower Parade

Milwaukee Homecoming Parade

Modern Woodmen of America

National Hospital Day Parade

Perry Centennial


Polish Parade

Preparedness parade

Santa Claus parade

Schuster’s Christmas Parade

Shriner's Parade

Spanish-American War Veterans

St. Patrick's Day Parade


V.J. Day Parade

Veterans Day Parade

Veterans of Foreign Wars Parade

War Hero's Parade

West Allis Frontier Days

Wiley Post & Harold Getty Parade

Parking Garages


Atwater Beach Park - Shorewood

Back Bay Park

Bay View Park

Blatz Park

Bluff Park

Bradford Beach

Brown Deer

Cathedral Square, Formerly Courthouse Square

Crystal Spring Park

Currie Park

Doctors Park

Eastbrook Park (Estabrook)

Eighth Ward


Flushing Tunnel

Fourth Ward


Garfield Park, Formerly Pabst Park

Gordon Park

Grand Avenue Park, Now Court of Honor

Grant Park, South Milwaukee

Greenfield Park

Havenwoods State Forest

Henry Maier Festival Park

Holt Park

Humboldt Park

Jackson Park

Juneau Park

Kaszube's Park – Dedication

Kern Park

Kern Park & Hubbard Park Looking South along the Milwaukee River

Kilbourn Park

Kletzsch Park

Kosciuszko Park

Lake Park

Lake Park – Pavillion and Band Stand

Leidersdorf Parks

Lincoln Park

MacArthur Square

McKinley Park (Beach)

Miscellaneous A-M

Miscellaneous N-Z

Miscellaneous Parkways

Mitchell Park

Mitchell Park - Bandstand

Mitchell Park - Boat House

Mitchell Park - Conservatory

Mitchell Park - Conservatory - Interior

Mitchell Park - Dancing Pavilion

Mitchell Park – Domes

Mitchell Park – Domes - Construction

Mitchell Park - Domes - Interior

Mitchell Park - Domes - Plans

North Point

North Side Bathing Beach

Pabst Park

Parks - Unidentified

Pere Marquette Park

Pulaski Park

Ravenna Park

Red Arrow Park

Reservoir Park

Riverside Park

Schlitz Park, Lapham Park, also known as George Washington Carver Park

South Shore Park

Trimborn Farm

Urban Park

Veterans Park

Walker Square

Washington Park

Washington Park - Music Temple

Washington Park - Winter Scenes

West Park

Whitnall Park

Wilson Park

Wonderland on the River

Zeidler Park

Performing Arts


Autographed Portraits – addressee Carl Zeidler

Classical Performances

Fountains & Sculptures

Miscellaneous A-Z

Performing Arts Building

Performing Arts Building - Construction

Performing Arts Building - Interior

Performing Arts Building - Interior - Construction

Poetry-Dirty Rice Poetry Ensemble

Poetry – Rainbow Pen Poetry Group

Rainbow Summer Act

Receptions & Activities






Buildings – Interior

Coroners Office

Dispatch System



Historical - Police Call Boxes

Horse Mounted Police

Miscellaneous A-Z

Motorcycle Police

Motorized Police


Public Relations


Traffic Control

Political Parties

All Peoples Congress / Workers World Party

Progressive Party

Port of Milwaukee see Harbor

Post Office


First Post Office 1859-1896

Post Office in Action

Second Post Office

Third Post Office

Posters & Advertisements

Posters & Advertisements

MPL Poster Collection

Power Plants

Power Plants



TMER&L - Interior

Prisoners of War see Military – Prisoners of War

Public Health

Public Housing see Housing

Public Works Department see also City Engineer; Forestry Bureau; Jones Island; Sanitation, Bureau of; Traffic Engineering & Electrical Services; Tunnels; Ward Yards; Water Dept.; Weights & Measures

Pumping Stations see also Water Dept.


Central Board of Purchasing

Radio & Television

Miscellaneous A-Z



WTMJ RADIO (The Old Timers)


Railroad Accidents

Chicago and North Western

Milwaukee Road

Soo Line

Union Pacific

Railroad Bridges

Railroad Cabooses

Escanaba and Lake Superior

Railroad Construction & Maintenance

Railroad Crossings

Railroad Employees

Chicago and North Western

Milwaukee Road

Railroad Ferries

Grand Trunk

Railroad Freight Cars

Chesapeake and Ohio

Chicago and North Western

Lake Superior & Ishpeming

Milwaukee Road

New York Central

Northampton and Bath

Soo Line

Railroad Locomotives

Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe

Baltimore and Ohio

Baltimore and Ohio - Centennial Celebration

Bessemer and Lake Erie

Boston and Albany

Boston and Maine

Boyne City Railroad Company

Buckstaff Lumber Co.

Burlington and Missouri River

Calumet & Hecla

Canadian National

Canadian Pacific

Central Railroad of New Jersey

Chesapeake and Ohio

Chicago and Illinois Midland

Chicago and North Western

Chicago and North Western – Engine Numbers0-99

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 100-199

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1000-1099

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1100 to 1199

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1200 to 1299

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1300 to 1399

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1400 to 1499

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1500 to 1599

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1600 to 1699

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1700 to 1799

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 1800 to 1899

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 200 to 299

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2000 to 2099

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2100 to 2199

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2200 to 2299

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2300 to 2399

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2400 to 2499

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2500 to 2599

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2600 to 2699

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2800 to 2899

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 2900 to 2999

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 300 to 399

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 3000 to 3999

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 400 to 499

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 4000 to 4099

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 4100 to 4199

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 500 to 599

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 5000 to 5999

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 6000 to 6999

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 700 to 799

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 800 to 899

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 900 to 999

Chicago and North Western - Engine Numbers 9000 to 9999

Chicago and North Western – Pioneer

Chicago and North Western - The 400

Chicago Great Western

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy

Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific

Cincinnati, Wabash, Michigan

Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.

Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis

Colorado and Southern

Danville and Western

Delaware and Hudson

Delaware, Lackawanna and Western

Delta Chemical and Iron Co.

Denver and Rio Grande Western

Detroit and Mackinac

Duluth and Iron Range Railway

Duluth Union Depot and Terminal Co.

Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic

Elgin, Joliet and Eastern


Escanaba and Lake Superior

Great Northern

Green Bay and Lake Penn

Green Bay and Western

Illinois Central

Illinois Terminal Co.

Illinois Traction System

Indiana Harbor Belt

Ives Quarry

Lake Superior and Ishpeming

Lake Superior and Mississippi

Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer

Lehigh and New England

Lehigh Valley

Louisville and Nashville

Milwaukee & Whitefish Bay Railway

Milwaukee Lakeshore and Western

Milwaukee Northern

Milwaukee Road

Minneapolis and Rainy River

Minneapolis, Sault Ste Marie & Atlantic

Minnesota Valley

Missouri Pacific

Mohawk and Hudson

Nahma and Northern

New York Central

New York, Chicago and St. Louis

New York, Ontario and Western

North West Cooperage and Lumber Co.

Northern Pacific

Pennsylvania Railroad

Pere Marquette

Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Co.

Rahway Valley

Reading Railroad

Rock Island

S & C. R. R.

Snowplow Locomotives

Soo Line

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 0-99

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 1000 to 1999

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 2000 to 2999

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 300 to 399

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 400 to 499

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 4000 to 4999

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 5000 to 5999

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 700 to 799

Soo Line - Engine Numbers 900 to 999

South Carolina

South Shore

Southern Pacific

Thunder Lake Lumber Co.

Union Pacific

Virginia and Tennessee


Western and Atlantic

Western Maryland

Wheeling and Lake Erie

Wisconsin and Southern

Wisconsin Central

Railroad Mail Service

Chicago and North Western

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy

Railroad Observation Cars

Chicago and North Western

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy

Milwaukee Road

Railroad Passenger Cars

Arcadia and Betsey River Railway

Baltimore and Ohio

Chicago and North Western

Chicago, Burlington and Quincy

Milwaukee Road

New York Central

Sperry Rail Service

Railroad Roundhouses

Railroad Schedules

Time Plans

Railroad Shops and Yards

Chicago and North Western

Menomonee Valley

Milwaukee Road - Fowler Street

Railroad Station


Chicago and North Western Depot

Chicago and North Western Depot - Interior

Chicago, North Shore Line Depot

Elevator Office

LaCrosse and Milwaukee Railroad Depot


Merrill Park Depot

Milwaukee and Mississippi Railroad

Milwaukee Road

Milwaukee Road - Interior

National Avenue

North Avenue

Union Depot

Waukesha Beach Electric Railwau

Railroad Strikes

Railroad Switching

Railroad Tracks

1st Street (S)

6th Street (S)

Bay View St (S)

Commerce Street


Fond Du Lac Avenue

Humboldt Avenue

Lake Front

Milwaukee & Beloit – Abandoned Tracks

National Avenue

Prospect Avenue

Third Ward X Airports-Maitland Field

Redevelopment Authority Committee




Roman Catholicism

Roman Catholicism – Papal Mass

Religious Orders see also Occupations & Trades - Nuns; Convents

Religious Orders

School Sisters of St. Francis

St. Mary’s

Rest Homes

Bayside Nursing Home

Home for the Aged Jews

Layton Home

Protestant Home


A&W Root Beer Drive-In

Abu's Jerusalem of the Gold

Berlin Café

Bill’s Restaurant

Boulevard Inn

Boulevard Inn - Interior

Brighton Inn

Bruno's Country Restaurant


Cape Cod Inn

Casey Jones Green Parrot Café

Central Hall Restaurant

Charcoal Pit, The

Chef’s Corner Café


Chips & Py's

Church's Fried Chicken

Club Milwaukee

Cobble Stone Inn – East Troy

College Inn


Commission Row Café


Deutsch, Joe's Café

Dina Grill


Dos Bandidos

Ernst, John's Café



Fountain Inn

Fred G. Smith's Restaurant

Frisch's Big Boy Boat In

Fritz Gust


George Webb's

Gilpatricks Restaurant and Lunch Room- Interior

Glatz's German Kitchen

Golden Zither

Green Room

Ham n' Egger

Hamburger Stand

Heinemann's Restaurant

Home Restaurant

Hot Dog Stand

Immaculate Restaurant

Jefferson Inn

Karl Ratzsch Restaurant

Kegel's Restaurant and Bar

Kneisler’s White House


Kurtz Bros.

La Joy Chop Suey

Leon's Custard Stand


Mader's German Restaurant

Mamies Grotto

Manning's Restaurant

Natural Food Dining Food

North Point Snack Bar

Ogden Café

Old Heidelberg

Palm Garden Terrace

Pan American Club

Pick's Club Madrid

Pieces of Eight

Pinnacle Peak

Pollworth, John F.’s Home Restaurant

Post, The

Puritan Restaurant

Purple I

Red Snapper Fish

Ritz Eat Shop

Riverboat Restaurant

Sargent's Quick Lunch Counter

Schlitz Palm Garden

Schlitz Palm Garden - Interior

Schuch's Dinner

Schuster's Lunch


Six Corners Restaurant

Spot Restaurant

Stage Coach Drive In and Restaurant

Strachota's Sea Food Restaurant

Tangney's Buffet

Top of the Marine

Toy's, Charlie

Volpano's Restaurant

Wally Schmidt Restaurant

Whitey's Restaurant

Wrigley's Restaurant

Retirement Homes see Rest Homes

Riots see also Strikes

Curfew Violations

National Guard

Police Action

Property Damage

Rivers see also Creeks

Kinnickinnic River

Menominee River

Milwaukee North Ave Dam

Milwaukee Rescue Operation

Milwaukee River

Milwaukee Tug Boats

Milwaukee Upper River


Roll of Honor

Safety Building and Jail

Safety Commission

Sanitation, Bureau of

Building - 1333 N 33rd


Incinerators - Construction



Refuse Collection

Snow Removal

Street Cleaning

Schedules (Time Plans)

School Board

Schools – Private see also Swimming Schools

Blessed Sacrament School

Brookfield East High School

Evangelical Lutheran Trinity School

Freinen Gemeinde

Gesu School

Grace Lutheran School

Holy Angels Academy

Holy Assumption School

Holy Trinity Roman Catholic School

Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School

Krenz Evangelical Lutheran School

Layton School of Art

Marquette High

Martin Luther High School

Messmer High

Milwaukee Academy

Milwaukee University School

Miss Brown’s School of Business

Miss Treat's School

New West Side


SS. Peter and Paul School

St. Adalbert School

St Agnes School

St Hyacinth School

St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran School

St. John’s Institute for Deaf Mutes

St. John’s Military Academy

St Joseph’s School

St. Mary’s Institute

St. Mathew’s Evangelical Lutheran School

St. Matthias School

St. Monica Rectory

St. Stephen’s Evangelical Lutheran School

Wheelock School for Girls

Wisconsin Conservatory of Music

Schools - Public

Administration Building

Albert E. Kagel School

Alexander Graham Bell Junior Hugh

Alexander Hamilton High

Alexander Mitchell School

Allen School

Allen-Field School

Andrew Jackson School

Atwater Elementary (Shorewood)

Auer Avenue School

Auer Avenue School - Children

Bartlett Avenue School

Bay View High

Benjamin Franklin School

Berger School

Blaine School

Boy's Technical High School

Boy's Technical High School - Children

Boys' Trade and Technical High

Brown Street School

Browning School

Burbank School

Burdick School

Burroughs Junior High

Byron Kilbourn School

Carleton School

Cass Street School

Center Street School

Clara Barton School

Clarke Street School

Clarke Street School Annex

Classrooms - Children

Clement Avenue School

Clement J. Zablocki Elementary - Interior

Clybourn Street School

Cold Spring Avenue School

Concordia Book Warehouse

Congress School

Cooper Elementary School

Craig School

Custer High School

Daniel Webster Junior High

Davis Street School

Delaware Warehouse

Detroit Street School

Detroit Street School - Children

Doerfler School

Douglas Road School

Douglas School

Dover Street School

East Division High School

East Side High School

Edward A. MacDowell School

Eighteenth Avenue School

Eighteenth Street School

Eighth Street School

Eighth Ward School

Eighty Eighth Street School

Eighty First Street School

Eighty Second Street School

Eleventh District Primary School No. 5

Elm Dale Elementary (Greenfield)

Elm School

Elm Street School

Elm Street School - Children

Engleburg School

Eugene Field School

Fairview School

Fernwood School

Fifteenth District School - Children

Fifth Avenue School

Fifth District School

Fifth District School - Children

Fifth Street School

Fifty Fifth Street School

Fifty Third Street School

First District School

First District School - Children

Forest Home Avenue School

Fourteenth District

Fourteenth Street School

Fourteenth Street School - Children

Fourth District School

Fourth District School - Children

Fourth Street School

Fourth Ward

Franklin Pierce School

Franklin School

Franklin School Annex

Fratney Street School

Fulton Junior High

Fulton Junior High Annex

Gaenslen School

Garden Acres School

Garden Homes School

Garfield Avenue School

Gilbert Stuart School

Girls' North Junior Trade School

Girls' Prevocational School

Girls South Junior Trade School

Girls' Trade and Technical High School

Golda Meir School

Goodview Elementary

Grant Street School

Grantosa Drive School

Granville Elementary

Green Bay Avenue School

Greenbush School

Greenfield School

Gustav Fritsche Junior High

Hadley School

Hamlin Garland School

Hampton School

Hampton Warehouse

Hanover Street School

Happy Hill School

Hartford Avenue School

Hawley Avenue School

Hawthorne Elementary

Hayes School

Henry David Thoreau School

Henry David Thoreau School - Children

Highland Avenue School

Hill School

Hi-Mount Boulevard School

Hi-Mount Boulevard School - Children

Hopkins Street School

Humboldt Park School

Industrial School for Girls

Island Avenue School

James B. Madison School

James B. Madison School - Children

James Fenimore Cooper School

James Russell Lowell School

Jeremiah Curtin School

John Audubon Junior High School

John Greenleaf Whittier School

John Muir Junior High

Jones Island

Joyce Kilmer School

Juneau High School

Kagel School

Keefe Avenue School

Kilbourn Junior High School

Kilbourn Prevocational School

King High School

Kosciuszko Junior High

Kosciuszko Prevocational School

Lady Pitts Center

LaFollette School

Lancaster Avenue School

Lapham Park Open Air School

Lee School

Liberty School

Lincoln Avenue School

Lincoln High School

Lincoln School

Lisbon Avenue School

Lloyd Street

Longfellow School

Longfellow School - Children

Louis Alcott Elementary

Lowell P. Goodrich Elementary

Ludington School

MacArthur School

MacDowell School

MacDowell School - Construction

MacDowell School - Interiors

MacDowell School - Plans

Madison Street

Madison Street - Children

Manitoba School

Maple Tree School

Marshall High School

Maryland Avenue School

Maryland Avenue School - Children

Meinecke Avenue School

Meinecke Avenue School - Children

Mineral Street School

Mineral Street School - Children

Mitchell School

Morgandale School

Mound Street School

Nathaniel Hawthorne School

Neeskara School

New Road School

Ninety Fifth Street School

Ninth District School

Ninth District School - Children

Ninth District School - Faculty

Ninth Street School

North Division High School

Oklahoma Avenue School

Oliver Wendell Holmes School

Palmer School

Palmer Street - Children

Park View School

Parkman Junior High

Paul Binner School

Peckham Junior High

Philipp School

Pierce School

Pierce Street School

Pierce Street School - Children

Pleasant View Elementary

Pleasant View Elementary - Children

Pulaski High School

Pulaski High School - Classrooms

Ralph Waldo Emerson School

Recreation Warehouse

Riley School

Ring Street School

Riverside High (East Division)


Roosevelt Junior High

Rufus King High

Rufus King High - Children

Samuel Clemens School

Samuel Morse Junior High

Schlitz Park Open Air School

School for the Deaf

School for Women's Work

Scott Street School

Second Avenue School

Second District School - Children

Second Ward

Seventh District School

Seventh Street School

Seventh Ward

Seventy Eighth Street School

Sherman (William T.) School

Sholes (Christopher Latham) Junior High

Shorewood High School

Siefert School

Silver Spring School

Sixteenth Avenue School

Sixteenth District No. 2 - Children

Sixteenth District Primary School

Sixth District School - Children

Sixth Ward

Sixty Eighth Street School

Sixty Fifth Street School

Sixty Seventh Street School

Sixty Sixth Street School

South Division High

South Side High

South View School (Greenfield)

State Street School

Steuben Jr. High

Stores Division

Stores Division-Warehouse

Story School

Tenth District Primary No. 4

Teutonia School

Third District School

Thirteenth District No. 2 - Faculty

Thirteenth District School

Thirty Eighth Street School

Thirty Fifth Street School

Thirty First Street School

Thirty Seventh Street School

Thirty Sixth Street School

Thomas Edison Jr. High School

Thomas Jefferson School

Thomas Elementary School (St. Francis) - Children

Tippecanoe School

Townsend Street School

Trowbridge Street School

Twelfth Street School

Twentieth Street School

Twentieth Street School – Children

Twenty Fifth Avenue School

Twenty First District School No. 3

Twenty First Street School

Twenty Fourth Street School

Twenty Seventh Street School

Twenty-first District No. 2

Twenty-first District Primary School

Twenty-Third District School No. 2 - Children

Union School

Victor Berger School

Victory School

Vieau School


Walker Junior High

Walnut Street School

Walt Whitman School

Walt Whitman School - Children

Walter Allen School


Warnimont School

Washington Annex

Washington Avenue School

Washington High School

Washington High School – Construction

Washington Irving School

Wauwatosa East High School

Wauwatosa High School

Wells Street Junior High

West Allis High School

West Allis Vocational School

West Division High

West End School

West Milwaukee High

Whitefish Bay High School

Wilbur Wright Junior High

Wilbur Wright Junior High - Children

William Cullen Bryant School

William George Bruce School

William McKinley School

Williamsburg School


Windlake Avenue School

Wisconsin Avenue Elementary School

Wright Street School

Schools - Special

Gaenslen School - Children

Guadalupe Head Start

Interior Views Miscellaneous A-Z

Miscellaneous A-Z


Vacation School

Shoemakers see Occupations & Trades - Cobblers

Shopping Centers

Brookfield Square

Capitol Court

Capitol Court - Interior

Grand Avenue Mall

Mayfair Mall

Mayfair Mall - Interior


Northridge Mall



Spring Mall

Treasure Island

Social Services

Socialist Party


Miscellaneous Scenes - Zeidler Collection

Portrait Collection

Sunday School

Soldiers Home see also VA Hospital


Corbett, Elizabeth

Miscellaneous Views

Sports see also Auditorium & Arena; Clubs; County Institutions – County Stadium; Swimming Pools; Swimming Schools


Arm Wrestling

Auto Racing

Automobile Stunt Show



Baseball - Brewers, Braves, Amateurs, Borchert Field, Miscellaneous


Basketball – Marquette Warriors

Basketball – Milwaukee Bucks

Basketball – Milwaukee Bucks - Players

Bicycle Racing




Bocce Ball

Body Building



Broom Ball




Cross-Country Skiing



Demolition Derby


Dog Sledding


Figure Skating



Football – Green Bay Packers

Football - Marquette




Horse Racing


Ice Boats

Ice Skating



Log Rolling

Motorcycle Racing

Mud Wrestling

Ping Pong



Roller Derby

Roller Skating

Rope Skipping




Scuba Diving





Soap Box Derby


Special Olympics

Speed Skating



Table Tennis




Trap Shooting



Water Polo

Weight Lifting


St Lawrence Seaway

State Fair see Festivals & Celebrations – State Fair

State Legislature

Joint Sessions

Wisconsin Assembly

Wisconsin Senate

State Office Building

State Office Building

State Office Building - Construction

Statues and Monuments

Abraham Lincoln

Baron Von Steuben

Casimir Pulaski

Cenotaph for Lincoln Memorial Bridge

Civil War Monument

Cenotaph for Lincoln Memorial Bridge

Civil War Monument

Court of Honor (Carnival Column)

Douglas MacArthur

Elk Statue

Erastus B. Wolcott

George Washington

Goethe & Schiller

Henry Bergh

Immigrant Mother

John Plankinton

King Gambrinus

Leather Shoppe

Leif Erickson

Memorial Arch

Miscellaneous A-Z

Pere Marquette

Robert Burns

Sacred Heart Sanitarium

Servicemens' Memorial

Soldiers Home at Wood

Solomon Juneau

Spanish American War Monument

Thaddeus Kosciuszko

Valiant Immigrant Mother

Western Leather Products



Stores & Shops see Business & Industry; Occupations & Trades



Wind - Rain

Stoves see also Business & Industry – Alcazar Co.

Streams see Creeks; Rivers

Street Clocks

Street Lights

Street Maintenance

Street Signs


100 (Hwy)

10th St (N/S)

11th Lane (N/S)

11th St (N/S)

12th Lane (N/S)

12th St (N/S)

13th St (N/S)

14th St (N/S)

15th Place (N/S)

15th St (N/S)

16th St (N/S)

17th St (N/S)

18th St (N/S)

19th St (N/S)

1st St (N/S)

20th St (N/S)

21st St (N/S)

22nd St (N/S)

23rd St (N/S)

24th Place (N/S)

24th St (N/S)

25th St (N/S)

26th St (N/S)

27th St (N/S)

28th St (N/S)

29th St (N/S)

2nd St (N/S)

30th St (N/S)

31st St (N/S)

32nd St (N/S)

33rd St (N/S)

34th St (N/S)

35th St (N/S)

36th St (N/S)

37th St (N/S)

38th St (N/S)

39th St (N/S)

3rd St (N/S)

40th St (N/S)

41st St (N/S)

42nd St (N/S)

43rd St (N/S)

44th St (N/S)

45th St (N/S)

46th St (N/S)

48th St (N/S)

49th St (N/S)

4th St (N/S)

51st St (N/S)

52nd St (N/S)

53rd St (N/S)

57th St (N/S)

59th St (N/S)

5th St (N/S)

60th St (N/S)

61st St (N/S)

62nd St (N/S)

63rd St (N/S)

64th St (N/S)

65th St (N/S)

66th St (N/S)

67th St (N/S)

68th St (N/S)

6th St (N/S)

70th St (N/S)

71st St (N/S)

72nd St (N/S)

73rd St (N/S)

74th St (N/S)

76th St (N/S)

77th St (N/S)

79th St (N/S)

7th St (N/S)

81st St (N/S)

84th St (N/S)

8th St (N/S)

90th St (N/S)

91st St (N/S)

92nd St (N/S)

9th Place (Midland Avenue)

9th St (N/S)

Adler St (W)

Albion St

Aldrich St (N/S)

Allis St (S)


Appleton Ave (E/W)

Arthur St (W)

Astor St (N)

Atkinson Ave (W)

Auer Ave (E/W)

Austin St (N/S)

Barclay St (N/S)

Bay Street

Becher St (W)

Bettinger Court (S)

Bluemound Rd (W)

Bradford (E)

Brady St (E)

Branting Lane (W)

Bremen St (N)

Brisbane Ave (S)

Broadway (N)

Brown St (N)

Bruce St (W)

Buffalo St

Buffum St (N)

Burleigh St (E/W)

Burnham St (W)

Burrell St (S)

Cambridge Ave (E)

Cameron St (W)

Canal St (W)

Capitol Dr (E/W)

Cass St (N)

Cedar St (W)

Center St (E/W)

Chambers St (E/W)

Chase St (S)

Cherry St (E/W)

Chicago (E)

Christine Ln (W)

Clarke St (E/W)

Clement Ave (S)

Cleveland Ave (E/W)

Clybourn St (E/W)

Cold Spring Road

Commerce St (E/W)

Cornell St (W)

Crawford Ave (W)



Davidson St (S)

Delaware Ave (S)

Detroit St (E)

Dickinson St (W)

Division St (W)

Dixon St (W)

Donges Bay Rd (W)

Dousman St (N)

Dover (E)

Downer Ave (N)

Dunbar Place (N)

Edison St (N)

Elizabeth St

Ellen (S)

Emery Ave (N)

Erie St (E)

Euclid Ave (W)

Fairmount Ave (W)

Farwell Ave (N)

Ferry St (S)

Fiebranz Ave (W)

Florida St (W)

Fond Du Lac (W)

Forest Home Ave (W)

Fowler St (W)

Franklin St. (N)

Fratney St (N)

Freeways & Highways

Freeways & Highways – Highway 100

Galena St (W)

Garfield Ave (W)

Glendale Ave (N)

Glenview Ave (N)

Grand Ave

Grange (E/W)

Grant Blvd (N)

Grant St (E/W)

Granville Rd (N)

Green Bay Ave (N)

Greenfield Ave (W)

Greeves St (W)

Griffin St (S)

Grove St (S)

Hackett Ave (N)

Hadley St (E/W)

Hampton Ave (E/W)

Harrison Ave (W)


Hawley Rd (N)


Herman Ave (S)

Hi Mount Blvd

Hibernia (W)

Highland Ave (E/W)

Hilbert St (S)

Holton (N)


Hope Ave (E)

Hopkins St (N)

Howard Ave (E/W)

Howell Ave (S)

Hubbard St (N)

Humboldt Ave (N)

Huron St (S)

Irving Pl

Ivanhoe Place (E)

Jackson Park Drive (W)

Jackson St (W)

Janesville Rd (W)

Jefferson St (W)

Julia St (N)

Juneau Ave (E/W)

Juneau Place


Kane St (E)

Kassner Place (W)

Kathryn (W)

Keefe (W)

Kilbourn Ave (E/W)

Kingston Place (W)

Kinnickinnic Ave (S)

Knapp St (E)

Kneeland St (W)


Lake Drive (N)

Lakefield Drive (W)

Lapham (E/W)

Layton Ave (W)

Layton Blvd (S) (S 27th St)

Lenox St (S)

Lincoln Ave (E/W)

Lincoln Memorial Drive (N)

Linden Pl (W)

Linus St (E)

Lisbon Ave (N)

Lisbon Ave (N)

Lloyd St (W)

Locust St (E/W)

Logan Ave (S)

Loomis Rd (W)

Lyon St (E)

Madison St (E/W)

Main St (W)

Maple St (W)

Marietta Ave

Market St (W)

Marshall St (N)

Martha Washington Dr

Martin Ln

Martin Luther King Dr

Mason St

McKinley Ave/Blvd (W)

McMyron St

Medford Ave (E/W)

Meinecke Ave

Melvina St (W)

Menomonee River Parkway

Michigan St (E/W)

Mill Rd

Milwaukee St (N)

Mineral St (E/W)

Mitchell St. (E/W)

Morgan Ave (E/W)

Mt Vernon Ave (W)

Murray Ave (N)

Muskego Ave (S)

National Ave (E/W)

Neenah St (W)

New York Ave

Newberry Blvd (E/W)

Newhall St (N)

Nicholas St (W)

Noble St

North Ave

Oakland Ave (W)

Oakwood Rd

O'Connor (W)

O'Dell St

Ogden St

Oklahoma Ave (E/W)

Old World 3rd St


Oneida Street

Ontario St (E)

Orchard St (E/W)

Oregon Ave

Pabst Ave (E/W)

Packard Ave (S)

Park Hill Ave

Park Place (E)

Pennsylvania Avenue (S)

Pier St (E)

Pierce St

Pittsburgh Ave

Plankinton Ave (N)

Pleasant Ave (E)

Port Washington Rd (N)

Potter (E)

Prospect Ave (N)

Pryor Ave (E)

Puetz Rd (E/W)

Pulaski St (N)

Reservoir Ave (E/W)

Richards St (N)

Ring St (E/W)

Robinson St (S)

Rogers St

Russell (E)

Schlinger Ave (E/W)

Scott St

Seeboth St (E/W)

Sercomb Rd (N)

Sheridan Pl (W)

Sherman Blvd (N)

Sholes Ave (N)

Silver Spring Dr (E/W)

Smith St (E)

Sobieski St

Somers St (W)

St Louis St

St Paul Ave (E/W)

State St (E/W)

Stevenson St (W)

Stewart St (E)

Stickney Ave (N) – Wauwatosa

Story Parkway (N)

Superior St (S)

Terrace Ave (N)

Teutonia Ave (N)

Thomas St (E)

Toelle Ave

Tomah St (N)

Tripoli Ave (E/W)

Union St (S)

Van Buren St (N)

Villard St (W)

Vine St (E/W)

Virginia St (E/W)

Vliet St (E/W)

Walker St

Walnut St (E/W)

Warren Ave (N)

Washington Circle (S)

Washington St (E/W)

Water St (N/S)

Weil St (N/S)

Wells St (E/W)

Whitnall (N/S)

Wilbur Ave (E/W)

Windlake Ave (W)

Windsor Place (E)

Winnebago St (W)

Wisconsin Ave (E/W)

Wright St (E/W)

Strikes see also Fire Dept. – Strikes; Letter Carriers – Strikes; Public Works Dept – Sewage Plant – Strikes; Teachers Strike



Allis Chalmers

American Motors

Briggs & Stratton

Fire Department – 1966

Fire Department – February 29, 1981



Miller Brewery Co.

Patrick Cudahy

Plankinton Packing Co.


Post 1980

Pre 1960

Schlitz Brewery Co.

SIU (Seafarers International Union)



United Air Lines

Wisconsin Electric & Power Co

Wisconsin Telephone Co


Orlandini Studios

Potter's Wheel


Brown Deer


Elm Grove

Fox Point




Hales Corners


North Milwaukee

Oak Creek


South Milwaukee



West Allis

Whitefish Bay

Swimming Pools


Natatoriums - Interiors

Outdoor Pools & Wading Pools

Swimming Schools

Bechstein's Swimming Schools

Rohn's Swimming School

Whittaker's Swimming School


Anshe Sford

Beth el ner Tamid

Bne Jeshurun

Congregation Beth Israel

Congregation Emanu-El B'Ne Jeshurun

Temple Emanuel

Temple Menorah


Ace of Clubs


Al Howard's Tap (7th & Wells)

Altenberg’s, Art Concertina Bar

Best, P. B. Saloon (12th & Sherman)


Borkenhagen, E. Saloon (12th & Sherman)

Budar's Fountain

Chatter Box Tavern

Cricket, The

Druml's Tavern (1758 N. Water)

Dry Nite Club - Interior

Dugout Tavern

Fiesta Club (639 S 5th St)

Fogg's, John (Jones Island)

Goergen's Saloon - Interior (National Ave)

Gold Coast Bar

Greg Logan's Cocktail Bar

Highway 15 (619 W Kilbourn)

Hudai’s. Angeline A. Tavern (Erie & Jefferson)

Isle of Cyprus - Interior

Joe Steak's Saloon

King's Tap (Kinnickinnic Ave)

Knew Boot


Kuolt, Auton Saloon (322 W. State)

Lass, Tony Tavern (1216 E. Brady)

Layton Park Exchange

Le Pines (2579 N Pierce)

Lee Tollens

Liebl, Joseph A.

Logan’s, Greg Cocktail Bar

Marble Hall

Marble Hall - Interior

Mike & Verna's Tavern

Mike's Bar (945 N Van Buren)

Miller Brewery Saloon (753-57 N Water St)

Miller High Life Spa (502 W Wisconsin Ave)

Milwaukee Garden

Mueller’s, Chas. Pavillion

Munzinger, John

One Gallon Joe (National Ave)

Pabst Brewery Saloon (124-126 N Water St)

Pabst Saloon - Interior (12th St)

Pabst Garden – Employees

Port of Europe (1338 W Scott St)

Rock Taverns

Rozman's (644 S 9th St)

Sam's Hideout (1100 N 4th St)

Sam's Tap (1301 W State St)

Schlitz, Jos. Brewing Saloon

Seaway Tap (637 S 2nd St)

Smally's Tavern

Stan's Bar (National Ave)

Sting (4952 W Forest Home Ave)

Sullivan's Bar (540 W Wells)

Sunnyside Hall

Terris Theatrical Grill

Three Brother's Tavern (2414 S St Clair)

Vitucci, Frank Tavern (222 N Jefferson)


Whole Thing Tavern

Willow Springs Tap

Teachers Strike

Television see Radio & Television


24 Theatre

Academy Theater

Academy Theater - Interior

Alhambra Theater

Alhambra Theater - Interior


Bijou Opera House

Butterfly Theater

Crystal Theater

Davidson Theater

Davidson Theater - Interior

Esquire Theater

Garfield Theater

Garfield Theater - Construction

Garfield Theater - Interior

Gayety Theater

Granada Theater

Juneau Theater

Majestic Theatre

Melody Top Theater


Milwaukee Theater

Miramar Theater

Modjeska Theater

Music Hall

National Theater - Construction

National Theater - Interior

New Star Theater - Interior

Oriental Theater

Pabst Theater

Pabst Theater - German Rep Co

Pabst Theater - Interior

Palace Theater

Paradise Theater

Paramount Theater

Parkway Theater


Peoples Theater

Princess Theater

Riverside Theater

Sherman Theater

Shubert Hall

Southtown Cinema

Standard Theater

Star Theater

Strand Theater

Tower Theater


Uptown Theater - Construction

Uptown Theater - Exterior

Vaudette Theater

Ward Memorial Theater (Soldiers Home)

Ward Memorial Theater - Interior (Soldiers Home)

Warner Theater

White House Theater

Wisconsin Theater

Wisconsin Theater - Cinema

Wisconsin Theater - Interior

Theatrical Productions


Plays – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Plays – The Miracle

Puppet Show


Traffic Engineering & Electrical Services

Traffic Lights



Automobiles – Ambulances

Automobiles – Buick

Automobile – Chevrolet

Automobile – Ford

Automobiles - Gas Stations

Automobiles – Graham Page

Automobiles – Haynes

Automobiles – Hupmobile

Automobiles - International Harvester

Automobiles - Johnson Roadster

Automobiles - Kissel Kar

Automobiles – Marmon

Automobiles – Mitchell

Automobiles – Nash

Automobiles – Overland

Automobiles - Pierce Arrow

Automobiles - Plymouth

Automobiles - State Regulations

Automobiles – Studebaker

Automobiles - White Motor Co.

Automobiles - Yellow Cab Co.


Aviation - Blimps & Lighter than Air Ships

Aviation – United Airlines




Buses – Miscellaneous

Buses - Stations - Greyhound

Buses - TMER&L

Buses - TMER&L - 1919 La. Geneva Reo's

Buses - TMER&L - Twin 30R R, Rw, GW, 35GW - 650-660, 705-714, 797-806, 840- 854, 686-699, 755-761, 807-823, 874-884

Buses - TMER&L - Twin Coach 30 534-39, 540-42

Buses - TMER&L GM 715-28, 777-81

Buses - TMER&L GM3207 934-973, N 40 Buses

Buses - TMER&L GM4511, 5105, 1195-99, 1200-1319, 1320-1483

Buses - TMER&L Misc. Motor Buses -TM Transport Co M & St

Buses - TMER&L Twin 34-SW, 41SW, 891-921, 974-84, 1000-74, 1075-96, N 139

Buses - TMER&L Twin 40s - 450-51, 475-79, 486-509, 524-33, 544- , 590-95

Buses - TMER&L Yellow W, YZ, Z - 400- , 410-19, 480-485, 510-512, 520-23

Buses - Transfer Station

Buses - W & St. GM 5301-2,3, 1484-1586, 1601-75, 1701-30, 1751-70, 1801-63, 1901- 60, 2001-30, N 381 Buses - Milwaukee & Suburban Transport Corporation

Buses - W.M.B.L. 1936 Twin 23R 661-678

Buses - W.M.B.L. 1940 GM P.G. 25 642-649

Buses - W.M.B.L. 5th Ave ""J"" 360-69, 401-09"

Buses - W.M.B.L. Aero Coach 600-07

Buses - W.M.B.L. Double Deck 5th Ave - Yellow ""Z"" 460-69, 470-474"

Buses - W.M.B.L. Fagerols 375-77, 388-89, 597, 600-04, 605-10, 614-16

Buses - W.M.B.L. Misc 600 I.U. Buses

Buses - W.M.B.L. Misc. WMBL

Buses - W.M.B.L. Twin 30-R - 680-85, 700-04, 750-54, 855-59, 762-66, 792-96, 824-28

Buses - W.M.B.L. Twin 40 Parlor 627-30

Buses - W.M.B.L. White 250-53, 268-75, 350-59, 370-74, 378-82, 390-93

Buses - W.M.B.L. Yellow Parlor 589-99, 511-13, 617-23, 631-35

Electric Interurbans

Horse Drawn Vehicles

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Abresch, Charles Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Aldrich Bakery

Horse Drawn Vehicles - American Express Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Banner Dairy Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Corcoran Bros. Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Cudahy Bros. Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - D'Amore, M. Wholesale Fruits

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Dewey, Edward & Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Gallun, A.F. & Sons

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Gridley Dairy Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Groeschel, Jac.

Horse Drawn Vehicles – Hearse

Horse Drawn Vehicles – Hebard

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Holcomb Bros.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Horse car barns

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Johns, H.W. - Manville Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Kieckhefer, A. Elevator Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Kilbs Market

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Lehigh Valley Coal

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Lion Compressed Yeast

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Luick Ice Cream Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Miller Brewing Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - National Biscuit Company

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Neumueller, Jac. Ice Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Nichols, Janssen & Klein

Horse Drawn Vehicles - O'Neil Oil & Paint Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Palmyra Dairy

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Red Star Yeast

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Sanfilippo, Sam Wholesale Fruits

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Seefeld, J. & Son

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Sleigh

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Smith, L.W. (Watkins Remedies)

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Standard Oil Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles – Streetcars

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Tewes, L.C. Ice Company

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Tews Bros.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Waukesha Milk Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Wetzel, A. & Bro.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Wilbur Stock Food Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Wollering & Co.

Horse Drawn Vehicles - Ziebach's Sale Stable


Interurbans - 0-99

Interurbans - 100-199

Interurbans - 300-399

Interurbans - 500-599

Interurbans - 800-899

Interurbans - Bridges

Interurbans - 'Milwaukee' Funeral 1000 Parlor Car 99

Interurbans - Milwaukee Northern Railway Co.

Interurbans - North Shore Line

Interurbans - North Shore Line - Stations

Interurbans - Special Cars

Interurbans - Speed Rail

Interurbans – TMER&L – Utility Cars

Interurbans - TMER&L – Utility Cars - ""A"" Utility"

Interurbans - TMER&L – Utility Cars - ""B"" Utility"

Interurbans - TMER&L – Utility Cars - ""C"" Utility"

Interurbans - TMER&L – Utility Cars - ""D"" Utility"

Interurbans - TMER&L 1100-1200 Type Rapid Transit

Interurbans - TMER&L 1107-1110 Niles Rapid Transit

Interurbans - TMER&L 1110-1120 Rapid Transit

Interurbans - TMER&L 1126-1129 Rapid Transit

Interurbans - TMER&L 1130-1132 Rapid Transit

Interurbans - TMER&L 1133-1136 Parlor

Interurbans - TMER&L 1137-1141 Rapid Transit

Interurbans – TMER&L 400-499

Interurbans - TMER&L B1641 1111-1214 Inspection Trip

Interurbans - TMER&L Container Cars M33-43 Express Service

Interurbans - TMER&L Deck Roof 1100's as Built

Interurbans - TMER&L Deck Roof 1200's as Built

Interurbans - TMER&L Deck Roof M Cars Express Service

Interurbans - TMER&L M-1-2 13-16 Express Service

Interurbans - TMER&L Misc Deck Roof as Built into 1000 type

Interurbans - TMER&L Mixed Cars Express Service

Interurbans - Tracks

Interurbans, TMER&L 1180-1195 Duplex

Interurbans, TMER&L 1196-1199 Soup Trains

Motor Homes


Shops - Cold Spring Shops TMER&L


Snow Removal Equipment - TMER&L Miscellaneous Equipment

Stations & Substations - Burlington, WI

Stations & Substations – Burnham St, Milwaukee

Stations & Substations - East Troy, WI

Stations & Substations - Milwaukee, WI

Stations & Substations - Racine, WI

Stations & Substations - South Milwaukee, WI

Stations & Substations - St Martins, WI

Stations & Substations - Watertown, WI

Stations & Substations - Waukesha, WI

Stations & Substations - Wauwatosa, WI

Stations & Substations - West Allis, WI

Street Cars

Street Cars - 0-99

Street Cars - 1000-1099

Street Cars - 100-199

Street Cars - 103, 110, 151-170 Double Truck, 1898 B&S

Street Cars - 1200-1299

Street Cars - 131-150 Double Truck 1897 B&S

Street Cars - 171-198 Double Truck, 1899 St Louis

Street Cars - 200-299

Street Cars - 300-399

Street Cars - 30-40 Racine Double Truck - Osgood Bradley Wagon

Street Cars - 376-500 Double Truck, 1905-06 St Louis

Street Cars - 500-599 Double Truck Rebuilt

Street Cars - 60-99 Birney - Single Truck

Street Cars - 700 Type Double Truck Rebuilt

Street Cars – 700 to 799

Street Cars - 751 - 760 Double Truck Also 20-29, 990-999

Street Cars - 900 Type-Double Truck Rebuilt

Street Cars – 900-999

Street Cars – Accidents

Street Cars - Marguerite

Street Cars - Milwaukee Horse Railways - Misc. Horse Cars

Street Cars - Milwaukee No. Railway Elect. - Misc

Street Cars - Open Sided Car

Street Cars – TMER&L – 100-199

Street Cars - TMER&L - 600 Type Double Truck Rebuilt Special

Street Cars - TMER&L - 601-660 Double Truck as Built

Street Cars - TMER&L - 701-750 Double Truck as Built

Street Cars - TMER&L - 800 Type Double Truck Rebuilt

Street Cars – TMER&L – 800-899

Street Cars - TMER&L - 800-900 Type Double Truck

Street Cars - TMER&L - 900 Type Double Truck Rebuilt

Street Cars - TMER&L - 900-999 Double Truck as Built

Street Cars - TMER&L - Misc.

Street Cars - TMER&L 1031-1050 3 Truck Train

Street Cars - TMER&L 196-275 Double Truck, 1900 St Louis

Street Cars - TMER&L 20-40 Single Truck 1892 Jones 95 Pullman

Street Cars - TMER&L 276-375 Double Truck, 1903-04 St Louis

Street Cars - TMER&L 3 Truck Train 103-500

Street Cars - TMER&L 41-51 Single Truck 1912-13

Street Cars - TMER&L 501-600 Double Truck as Built

Street Cars - TMER&L Closed Cars - Misc.

Street Cars - TMER&L Open Cars - Misc.

Street Cars - Tracks

Street Cars - Westside Street Railway (Horse Elect.)

Switches & Rails

Switches & Wheels

TMER&L - Advertising Misc.

TMER&L - Employee Administrative

TMER&L - Misc. Street Signs

TMER&L - Right of Way

TMER&L - Scrap Disposal

TMER&L - Special Vehicles - Training cars

TMER&L - Station Plant Maintenance

TMER&L - Uniforms

TMER&L - Weekly Pass

TMER&L Car Station (Fiebrantz)

TMER&L Car Station (Fond du Lac)

TMER&L Car Station (National Ave)

TMER&L Car Station (Oakland Ave)

TMER&L Freight Terminal Central Office (St Paul Ave)

TMER&L GM 18, 30. 545, 546-77, 578-88

TMER&L Misc. Motor Vehicles

TMER&L Stations - Car Station (Kinnickinnic Ave)

TMER&L Stations & Substations – Lake Park

TMER&L Stations & Substations - Miscellaneous

TMER&L Stations & Substations - Miscellaneous - West Junction, Hales Corners, East Troy, Greendale

Trackless Trolleys

Trackless Trolleys - Pullman Standard Post-War

Trackless Trolleys - TMER&L

Trolleys - TMER&L - GMC

Trolleys - TMER&L - Marmon Herington, 324-349, 42-449

Trolleys - TMER&L - Pullman Standard Pre-War

Trolleys - TMER&L - St Louis, MO 80

Trolleys - TMER&L - Twin Coach 50-79

Trolleys - TMER&L Misc. Trolley Bus

Trackless Trolleys – Wires



Trucks – A&D Cartage

Trucks – A&P

Trucks – Airaldi Brothers

Trucks – Allis-Chalmers

Trucks – American Candy Co.

Trucks – American Express

Trucks – Bake-Rite

Trucks – Bell (George) the Mover

Trucks – Bendfelt Ice Cream

Trucks – Benson’s Moving

Trucks – Best Lumber Co.

Trucks – Bethesda Lutheran Home

Trucks – Blackhawk

Trucks – Blatz

Trucks – Bonwit, Teller & Co.

Trucks – Brinkman, Fred

Trucks – Buchert Transfer Line

Trucks – Burlington Rescue

Trucks – Canada Dry

Trucks – Carpenter, M. Baking Co.

Trucks – Century Steel

Trucks – Chicago, Aurora & Elgin Railway

Trucks – Cho-Cho-Chocolate

Trucks – County Creamery

Trucks – Cream City Casket Co.

Trucks – Crystal Soda Water

Trucks – Cutler-Hammer

Trucks – Dad’s Milwaukee Bottling Co.

Trucks – Dairy Despatch

Trucks – Dairy Lane

Trucks – Davis (H.) Window Cleaners

Trucks – Dengel Co.

Trucks – Downey Heating Co.

Trucks – Drenk’s Potato Chips

Trucks – Eichenkrantz Water Wagon

Trucks - Ever-Pure Ice & Coal Co.

Trucks - Falk-Anderson Co.

Trucks - Fond du Lac Ave. Cartage

Trucks – Formetal

Trucks - Forsyth Leather Co.

Trucks - Frederick Bros. Music Corp.

Trucks - Fresno Wine Co.

Trucks - Fricano (S.) Sr.

Trucks - Gagliano (J.) Commission Merchant

Trucks - Galloway-West Co.

Trucks - Gehl's Ice Cream

Trucks - Giant Gasoline

Trucks - Glen Ellyn Fire Co.

Trucks - Globe Express & Storage Co.

Trucks - Godfrey, E.R. & Sons Co.

Trucks - Goldman, David L. Wholesale Fruits

Trucks - Graf's

Trucks - Grafton Fire Department

Trucks - Gristede Bros.

Trucks - Gross Brothers

Trucks - Hanson Bros.

Trucks - Havoline Oil

Trucks - Heileman's

Trucks - Heinemann (William) Bakeries

Trucks - Heller (S.) Elevator Co.

Trucks - Herziger Sausage Co.

Trucks - Hoffman, B. Mfg. Co.

Trucks - Hummel & Downing Co.

Trucks - I.G.A. Stores

Trucks - Independent Milwaukee Brewery

Trucks - Jaeger (Oswald) Baking Co.

Trucks - Jefferson County

Trucks - Jensen, S.C. Creamery Co.

Trucks - Johnston, Robert A. Co.

Trucks - Kalmbach Publishing Co.

Trucks - Karl's (Mrs.) Bread

Trucks - Klenzade Products

Trucks - Kosciuszko Furniture Stores

Trucks - Kranz (W. H.) Co.

Trucks - Krohn Cartage Co.

Trucks - Krueger (W. A.) Co.

Trucks - Kunzelmann-Esser

Trucks - Lentz (A.) Co.

Trucks - Line Material Co.

Trucks - Luick Dairy Co.

Trucks - Lurie Glass Co.

Trucks - Main Express & Storage Co.

Trucks - Mansco Corp.

Trucks - Marshall Field & Company

Trucks - MASCO Corp.

Trucks - Masterpiece Mirrors

Trucks - Mecklenburg Tuberculosis Association

Trucks - Meier's Ice Cream Co.

Trucks - Merchandising Corp.

Trucks - Merchant's Delivery

Trucks - Metropolitan Liquor Co

Trucks - Meyer (Robert L.) Furniture Mover

Trucks - Mid-West Tire Auto Stores

Trucks - Militzer's Bakery

Trucks - Miller Brewing Co.

Trucks - Miller Fuel Co.

Trucks - Milwaukee Cheese Co.

Trucks - Milwaukee Gas Co.

Trucks - Milwaukee Goodwill Industries

Trucks - Milwaukee government trucks

Trucks - Milwaukee Journal

Trucks - Milwaukee Leader

Trucks - Milwaukee Meat & Provision Co.

Trucks - Milwaukee Pepsi-Cola Co.

Trucks - Milwaukee Plate Glass Co.

Trucks - Milwaukee Solvents and Chemicals

Trucks - Milwaukee-Waukesha Delivery

Trucks - Mueller Climatrol

Trucks - Mueller, L.J. Furnace Co

Trucks - National Casket Co.

Trucks - National Oil Co.

Trucks - National Tea Co.

Trucks - Nieman (H.) & Co.

Trucks - North Shore Line

Trucks - Northfield Company

Trucks - Oscar Meyer Co.

Trucks - Peacock Meat Products

Trucks - Pennsylvania Railroad

Trucks - Pieper (O. R.) Co.

Trucks - Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.

Trucks - Plankinton Packing Co.

Trucks - Pleasant Valley Farms

Trucks – Porters

Trucks - Porth Pie Co.

Trucks - Premier Manufacturing Co.

Trucks - Public Service Express

Trucks - Pure Oil Co.

Trucks - Puritan Bread

Trucks - Rapid Delivery Express

Trucks - Red Cross

Trucks - Red Star Yeast

Trucks - Reliable Paper Co.

Trucks - Royal Transit Inc.

Trucks - Saunders Express & Moving Vans

Trucks - Schave, J.

Trucks - Schiffler Biscuit Co.

Trucks - Schilffarth (O. L.) & Co.

Trucks - Schlei (C.) & Son

Trucks - Schlitz Brewing Co.

Trucks - Schmidt Glass Service

Trucks - Schneider Fuel

Trucks - Schroeder's Cart

Trucks - Schuette Brothers Co.

Trucks - Schuster's

Trucks - Schwandt Transportation

Trucks – Sealtest

Trucks - Shea-Matson

Trucks - Simons Brothers

Trucks - St. Vincent de Paul, Society of

Trucks - Standard Oil Co.

Trucks - Stegeman Motor Company

Trucks - Steinman Lumber Co.

Trucks - Steinmeyer's Foods

Trucks – Sterling

Trucks - Stolper Steel Products

Trucks - Sunshine Dairy

Trucks - TMER&T Co.

Trucks - Toledo Plate Glass

Trucks - Uncle August's Sausage

Trucks - Urbanek Furniture Company

Trucks - Van Denberg Plumbing & Heating

Trucks - Vilter Manufacturing Co.

Trucks - Wadham's Oil Co.

Trucks - Wesley Freight Co.

Trucks - Wesley Steel Treating Co.

Trucks - Western Metal Co.

Trucks - Wetzel Brothers Inc.

Trucks - Wheeler Transport Co.

Trucks - White Motor Co.

Trucks - Wisconsin Electric Power Co.

Trucks - Wisconsin Telephone Co.

Trucks - Wisconsin Valley Transfer

Trucks - Yahr & Lange Drug Co.

Trucks - Yellow Cab Company

Trucks - Ziegler's Candies

Trucks - Zinda Cartage Co.

Utility - Misc - Telescoping Line Repair Truck

Utility - Misc - TMER&L

Utility - Misc. Repair & Construction Equipment

Utility - Motor Transport Co. Truck Fleets

Utility - TMER&L - Differential Dumps

Utility - TMER&L - E-F-G-H-J

Utility - TMER&L -Horse Drawn Telescoping Line Repair Wagon

Utility - TMER&L - L

Utility - TMER&L - Numbered Unlettered Utility Cars

Utility - TMER&L - Trucks Converted Buses

Utility - TMER&L Misc. Express Service

Utility - TMER&L Steam Rollers

Utility - TMER&L Trucks & Autos Also Badger Cab Co.

Treasurer's Office





Urban Renewal


Milwaukee Street

VA Hospital see also Soldiers Home

Veterans Activities see also Conventions – American Legion; Military; Parades

Victory Gardens see also World War II, 1939-1945 – War Work

World War 1914-1919

World War 1939-45

Vietnam Era – Protests see Demonstrations – Vietnam Era

Voting Machines see Elections – Voting Machines

Ward Yards

Waste, Dept. of

Water Department

Bradford Beach Pumping Station

Filtration Plant

Howard Ave Plant

Kinnickinnic Plant

Lincoln Plant


New Paper Clippings

North Point Pumping Station

North Point Water Tower


Pipes – Chambers St force main installation


Riverside - Interior

Weights and Measures, Dept. of


Pryor Ave


Whitefish Bay Resort


Winter see also Storms - Blizzards

Wisconsin Humane Society

Works Progress Administration see WPA Projects

World War I, 1914-1918

Regiments and Camps

War Work

World War II, 1939-45






War Work

WPA Projects


Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Bears

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Big Cats

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Birds

Milwaukee County Zoo - Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens - Deer, Elk, &


Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Elephants

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Giraffes

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Goats

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Hippos

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Iguanas

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Kudu

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Otters

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Primates

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Rhinoceros

Milwaukee County Zoo-Milwaukee County Zoological Gardens-Zebras

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Alligators & Crocodiles

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Bears

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Big Cats

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Birds

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Bison

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Cows

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Deer & Elk

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Donkeys

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Elephants

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Foxes

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Giraffes

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Goats

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Hippopotamuses

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Primates

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Rhinoceros

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Sea Lions

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Wolves

Milwaukee County Zoo-Washington Park-Zebras


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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