KIDStat Requirements - Wisconsin DCF
Date: 01/17/2014
|Version |Date Completed|Primary Author(s) |Description of Version |
|1.0 |11-01-13 |Kevin Clough |Initial version |
|2.0 |11-20-13 |Kevin Clough |2nd draft |
|3.0 |12-18-13 |Kevin Clough |3rd draft |
|4.0 |1-02-14 |Kevin Clough |4th draft |
|5.0 |01-08-14 |Becky Yang |5th draft |
|6.0 |1-17-14 |Kevin Clough |6th draft |
Work group members:
Becky Yang – Project Lead
Margaret McMahon – Project Sponsor
Joe Fornes, BWF
Jeff Esterholm, BWF
Barbara Stiefvater, Bureau of Child Care Administration
Kevin Clough, BITS
Segar Muthuramalingam, BITS
Sagar Awate, BITS
Venkat Lokasani, BITS
Document Purpose
The purpose of this document is to capture all requirements for the Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) program enhancements.
Project background
Project scope
|Reference Number |Scope Description |
|Scope 1 |Enhance non-eligibility Client Registration process to introduce a new RFA type for the Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) |
| |Program |
|Scope 2 |Enhance CARES Work Programs to capture information for participants enrolled in the Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) |
| |Program |
Business Requirements
Business requirements are written from the sponsor’s perspective. They identify the reason the project is being done or what business objective it supports as well as the benefits to the business. Business requirements are typically documented early in the project life cycle and are frequently documented in the project management deliverables.
|Req. No |Business Requirement Description |
| |Enhance non-eligibility Client Registration process to introduce a new RFA type for the Transform Milwaukee Jobs |
| |(TMJ) Program |
| |Enhance CARES Work Programs to capture information for participants enrolled in the Transform Milwaukee Jobs |
| |(TMJ) Program |
User and Functional Requirements
User requirements are written from the user’s perspective. They describe tasks that the users must be able to perform.
Functional requirements are written from the system’s perspective. They specify the software functionality that must be built to enable the users to accomplish their tasks. These are the traditional “shall” statements: “The system shall …”
In order to ensure that the product delivers the most valuable functionality as early as possible, each functional requirement should be prioritized as follows:
• High Priority requirements are very important to the user and are urgently needed. They must be implemented in the first release. These are the “must haves”.
• Medium Priority requirements are very important to the user but not urgently needed. They can wait until a later release.
• Low Priority requirements are neither important nor urgent. The user can wait indefinitely to have these implemented. These are the “nice to haves”.
|Req. No |User / Functional Requirement Description |Test |Priority |
| | |Scenario | |
| |BR01: Enhance non-eligibility Client Registration process to introduce a new RFA type for the | | |
| |Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Program | | |
| |Users will be able to enter a new RFA Type on screen CRPR for the Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) | | |
| |Program. The new RFA type will have the value TM. | | |
| |Users will be able to identify the county of residence for TMJ participants based on the County | | |
| |identification assigned on screen CRPR. | | |
| |Users will only be able to create a TMJ RFA if the county identification is 40-Milwaukee County. | | |
| |Users will enter the Date of Birth of the TMJ applicant on CRIR. The date of birth collected on | | |
| |CRIR will be used on CRTM in validating eligibility for the General Population and Foster | | |
| |Population as follows: | | |
| |General Population – applicant must be at least 18 years old; | | |
| |Foster Population – applicant must be 18 to 21 years old. | | |
| |Users will be able to enter TMJ eligibility related information on new CRTM screen. The | | |
| |following eligibility related information will be captured on this screen: | | |
| |TMJ Contractor – users will select from two contractors – UMOS for the General Population; or | | |
| |Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board for the Foster Population | | |
| |The TMJ Program population for which the TMJ participant is eligible. Users will be able to | | |
| |enter up to three TMJ population types for each of the following population types: | | |
| |General Population criteria: | | |
| |parent with a child support order (G1); or | | |
| |parent under a reunification plan (G2); or | | |
| |be an ex-offender (G3). | | |
| |Foster population criteria: | | |
| |In out of home care or transitioning to independent living (F1). | | |
| |Does participant reside in TMI area? | | |
| |Application Date. This date can be back-dated up to 10 business days from the TMJ RFA date | | |
| |(current date.) | | |
| |Participant’s Last Date of Employment. Based on this date determine whether participant has been | | |
| |unemployed for at least 4 consecutive weeks prior to their start date in the TMJ program | | |
| |(Application date.) | | |
| |Is Participant eligible for Unemployment Insurance? | | |
| |Annual Household Income and household size. Based on household size, the annual income should be | | |
| |below 150% of FPL. | | |
| |Does Participant have any biological/adoptive children under the age of 18? | | |
| |Capture whether participant has not received W-2 services for at least 4 consecutive weeks prior | | |
| |to their start date in the TMJ program (Application date.) | | |
| |Has Participant worked 1040 hours in the in the TMJ program in the past? | | |
| |Is the Participant eligible for TMJ? Users will enter a TMJ determination on CRTM based on what | | |
| |was entered for the above criteria and FR-03. The system will validate the user’s determination;| | |
| |if the determination is incorrect a system generated error message will display indicating why | | |
| |the determination is incorrect. | | |
| |Users will use screen CRTC to enter demographic and address details for the children of the TMJ | | |
| |participant. If participant is 25 or older, capture at least one child’s DOB. The child must be| | |
| |under the age of 18. The following details will be captured on this screen: | | |
| |Child’s name | | |
| |Child’s date of birth | | |
| |Child’s gender | | |
| |Child’s address | | |
| |Users will not be able to navigate to CRWP if no child under 18 is entered on CRTC. | | |
| |Note: The title of the screen will change to Transform Milwaukee Jobs – Children Details. | | |
| |Users will use screen CRWP to refer individuals to the TMJ Work Program office. The default Work| | |
| |Program referral office will be 8040. | | |
|Req. No |User / Functional Requirement Description |Test Scenario |Priority |
| |BR02: Enhance CARES Work Programs to capture information for participants enrolled in the Transform | | |
| |Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ) Program | | |
| |Users will be able to identify the TMJ contractor ID on the new Work Programs screen WPTM. | | |
| |Users will be able to use new Work Program screen WPTM to track the 3 phases of TMJ participation. | | |
| |The 3 phases which will be tracked on this screen are: | | |
| | | | |
| |Orientation Phase. Users will be able to track the following information under this phase: | | |
| |Begin Date of the Orientation Phase | | |
| |End Date of the Orientation Phase | | |
| |Total Hours of Orientation | | |
| | | | |
| |Subsidized Work Phase. Users will be able to track the following information under this phase: | | |
| |Begin Date of the Subsidized Work phase | | |
| |End Date of the Subsidized Work phase | | |
| |Whether an extension has be granted for participation in the subsidized work phase | | |
| |Anticipated End Date of the extension | | |
| | | | |
| |Post Subsidized Work phase. Users will be able to track the following information under the Post | | |
| |Subsidized Work phase: | | |
| |Begin Date of the Post Subsidized Work phase | | |
| |End Date of the Post Subsidized Work phase | | |
| |Whether the participant has started an unsubsidized employment | | |
| | | | |
| |The TMJ participant can be in the Post Subsidized Work phase for a maximum of 60 days from the Begin | | |
| |Date of the Post Subsidized Work phase. | | |
| |Users will be driven to screen WPEH from WPTM when indicating the participant has started | | |
| |unsubsidized employment on WPTM. | | |
| |Users will be able to use WP screen WPWI to enter a completion reason and the date of completion from| | |
| |the TMJ program. | | |
| |Users will not be able to complete an individual from the TMJ program if there are any un-ended TMJ | | |
| |phases on WPTM. | | |
| |Users will be able to view the TMJ Completion Reason as entered on WPWI on screen WPTM. | | |
| |Users will be able to enter new activity code TM on WPCS for TMJ participants placed in subsidized | | |
| |employment. | | |
| |The new TM activity code will have the same properties as defined on WPCM as the existing TS code. | | |
| |Users will be able to enter new activity code TU on WPCS for TMJ participants who obtain unsubsidized| | |
| |employment. | | |
| |The new TU activity code will have the same properties as defined on WPCM as the existing UN code. | | |
| |Users will be able to enter two new Job Type codes on WPEH for TMJ participants entering a TMJ | | |
| |subsidized job or TMJ Unsubsidized job. Users will use code ‘M’ for TMJ Subsidized job and ‘J’ for | | |
| |TMJ Unsubsidized job. | | |
| | | | |
| |Users will not be able to enter the ’M’ or ‘J’ Job Type code if the participant is not open for the | | |
| |TMJ program. | | |
| | | | |
| |Users will be able to enter an Entered Employment for the ‘J’ Job Type code but not the ‘M’ Job Type | | |
| |code. | | |
| |Users will be able to capture on WPEH whether the employer resides in one of the defined TMI areas. | | |
| |Valid values are Y and N. | | |
| | | | |
| |The TMI field on WPEH should only be captured if the Job Type code is M or J. For any other Job Type| | |
| |codes, the user will be not be required to enter the Y or N nor be able to save an entry in that | | |
| |field. | | |
| |Users will be able to use WP transaction screen WPTN to view begin and end transactions for the TMJ | | |
| |program. | | |
| |Users will be able to enter a new Supportive Service code TMJ on Work Programs screen WPSS to track | | |
| |subsidy payments issued for TMJ participants. | | |
| |Users will be able to assign the following activities on WPCS for WP participants open in the TMJ | | |
| |program: | | |
| | | | |
| |BE – Adult Basic Education (ABE) | | |
| |CA – AODA Counseling | | |
| |CE – Career Planning & Counseling | | |
| |CM – Mental Health Counseling | | |
| |CR – Career Advancement Services | | |
| |CS – Community Service | | |
| |DR – Drivers Education | | |
| |EL – ESL (English as a Second Language) | | |
| |EO – Enrollment with Orientation | | |
| |ES – Employment Search | | |
| |GE – GED (General Educational Development) | | |
| |HE – HSE (High School Equivalency Diploma) | | |
| |HR – Housing-Related Activities | | |
| |JR – Job Retention | | |
| |LA – Court-Related/Legal Appointments | | |
| |LF – Life Skills | | |
| |LS – Literacy Skills | | |
| |MN – Mentor/Coach | | |
| |MO – Job Readiness/Motivation | | |
| |OJ – On-The-Job Training (OJT) | | |
| |OR – Program Orientation | | |
| |PA – Parenting Skills | | |
| |PD – Personal Development | | |
| |RS – Regular School (K - 12) | | |
| |A new Document Type code should be added to ECF for the scanning and storing of TMJ related | | |
| |documents. | | |
| |Users will be able to enter a new completion code ‘M – Completed 1,040 hours worked in TMJ’ on WPCS. | | |
| |The M completion code will be valid only for the TM activity code. | | |
| |Users will be able to view two alerts related to the TMJ program under the following circumstances: | | |
| |Alert 508 will be generated when TMJ opens and will be sent to the Default case manager of the | | |
| |referral office. | | |
| | | | |
| |Alert 509 will be generated when TMJ is completed on WPWI and the TMJ participant is open in an | | |
| |eligibility program, such as FSET. The alert will be sent to the case manager identified for the PIN| | |
| |on WPWI. | | |
Non-functional requirements focus on the qualities that must be applied to design and implement the system. These can include requirements related to capacity, speed, security, availability and the information architecture and presentation of the user interface.
|Req. No |Non-Functional Requirement Description |
| |TMJ workers must be assigned to County 40 as their default county assignment on SMUM. |
| | |
Out of scope requirements are those requirements that will not be addressed within the boundaries of this project. The identified out of scope requirements are listed below.
|Req. No |Out-of-Scope Requirement Description |Out-of-Scope Reason |
| |Automating whether a TMJ participant’s address is located in the defined | |
| |General Population Program Service area. | |
| |Automating whether the employer entered on WPEH for the TMJ participant | |
| |is located in one of the defined TMI areas. | |
Assumptions made while writing requirements are listed below.
|Assumption No |Assumption Description |Related Req.|
| | |ID |
| |The new CRTM screen will mirror the functionality of the current CRTJ screen. | |
| |The new WPTM screen will mirror the functionality of the current WPTJ screen, including not | |
| |incorporating WPTM in the informal assessment driver. | |
Detail any external event, condition, or system that must be in place for a requirement to be valid.
|Dependency No |Dependency Statement |Related Req.|
| | |ID |
| |A new CC Activity code for entry on the CWW Child Care Activity page should be added for the TMJ | |
| |program. The new code will be defined as TRNJ. | |
| | | |
Issues related to completing the requirements statements are listed here. Other project-related issues raised should be sent to the Project Manager for resolution. Project risks should also be forwarded to the Project Manager.
|Issue No |Issue Description |Assigned To |Assigned Date |Status/Resolution |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Next Steps
Once the requirements for the project are complete, any further changes or additions to the requirements will be done through the Change Control process.
A review of the complete set of the requirements will be completed during the design phase of the project. The review will be held with the Project Manager and Business Sponsor to present the findings and walk through the requirements list.
After the Requirements document has been accepted and signed off by the Business Sponsor the method for communicating requirements to the team changes. At that point, the Change Control process as explained in the project charter will become effective. While the team will certainly continue to accept new requirements and changes in priority, the change control process will allow those requests to happen in a structured manner.
acceptance agreement
Part 1 – Deliverable Receipt and Acceptance
Copies of the following deliverable have been provided to the appropriate individuals for review and approval:
1. Requirements, version 6.0
Through the signatures on the Acceptance Agreement, the individuals below confirm the completeness and accuracy of the Requirements Document, agree to their inclusion as part of the project’s foundation, and approve their use as a reference in the development of future deliverables.
Becky Yang 1/24/14
_______________________________________ ____________
Becky Yang, Business Lead Date
_______________________________________ ____________
Margaret McMahon, Project Sponsor Date
In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.
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