"By virtue of the service they render, teachers deserve due respect and esteem within the society... it is only when teachers act as one corporate professional body that teaching will begin to enjoy any degree of one corporate professional body, teachers will be in a position to direct and control their own affairs.

As a united body teachers will be able to...control standards of performance and the ethical behaviour of teachers... (and) maintain professional discipline among teachers..."

Taken from "Rationale for Having a Single Organization" COMFUT News Issue #1, June 27th, 1979.

First Printed Reprinted

August, 1989 January, 2002


THE CONSTITUTION of the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers' Association (T&TUTA) affirms among the aims and objectives the promotion of "the cause of education" and "the professional, economic, spiritual and social well-being of its members".

In order to help achieve these aims, improve the status of teachers, promote the dignity of the teaching profession and fulfil its responsibilities to education, the Association publishes the CODE OF ETHICS OF THE TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO UNIFIED TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION.

The Code is a guide to the personal and professional conduct of teachers who, as they act "in loco parentis", have to discharge their sacred, vocational duties in the education and training of students of all ages and at all levels in the society.

A first Draft Code of Ethics was framed by the Professional Advancement Committee (P.A.C) and published in the TUTOR News of April 1982.

In 1985, the Central Executive formally commissioned the P.A.C to finalise work on the Code of Ethics.

In 1986, the P.A.C formulated a new Draft Code of Ethics, held a national consultation on this draft, was informed by the material from the codes of ethics of other professional and teacher organizations, and obtained suggestions from a cross-section of prominent persons and organizations in Trinidad and Tobago.

Published as an APPENDIX to the Code, and forming an integral part of the accepted guide to teachers' behaviour as outlined in the Code, is the "Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers" adopted by the Special Intergovernmental Conference on the Status of Teachers, Paris, October 5, 1966.

The General Council of Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers' Association formally adopted the Draft Code of Ethics and the Recommendation on Saturday May 14, 1988 at Mount Hope Junior Secondary School. At this same school was launched in 1979 the Committee for the Unification of Teachers (COMFUT), the original parent organization that gave birth to T&TUTA.

The General Council formally declares the CODE OF ETHICS and RECOMMENDATIONS that are printed below as the official CODE OF ETHICS of the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers' Association and enjoins all teachers to adhere to its articles.

SIGNED THIS 7th DAY August 1989

Anthony Garcia President

Urich Loutoo General Secretary


It is with heartfelt joy that I congratulate the President and members of the Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers' Association on your adoption of a Code of Ethics for teachers. Indeed, this is the dawning of a new era in the teaching profession in Trinidad and Tobago.

Traditionally, the members of the teaching profession have been looked upon as the communicators of knowledge, exemplars of morality and uprightness and as those who will help to guide our children along the path of spirituality to oneness with God. These are expectations which a great number of our teachers continue to live up to despite the many negative factors which have become characteristic of education in our modern society. Your adoption of this Code of Ethics is, therefore, most encouraging for it represents the injection of hope that we need so much for the future of our country's education system. It is your statement of continuing dedication and commitment to the highest ideals synonymous with the teaching profession; it is your statement of the faith you possess in yourselves and in the unique contribution which every one of you is capable of making to the total development of our nation's children ? your children. It is also a vote of confidence in TTUTA as a professional body promoting the interests of its members while pursuing the national good.

May I ask God's blessings and guidance on you all as you apply yourselves, with love, to the many challenges ahead. I know that together, in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, we will be able to realize that dream of excellence which we cherish for the education system of Trinidad and Tobago.

CLIVE PANTIN Minister of Education


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