The Nature of Hypnosis

|Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy |


|Hypnotherapist |

© 2013 Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy

|Table of Contents |

Table of Contents 2

The Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy – Regression Therapy Protocol 5

Program of Study – Hypnotherapist 6

Course Descriptions 6

HT301 - Introduction to Regression 8



Introduction to Regression – Video Matthew Brownstein with Lacey 10

Running Time: Approximately 90 minutes 10


Introduction to Regression – Audio Session of Matthew Brownstein with Carmen 12



Notes on Regression Therapy 14




Follow the Client… 18


Regression – Video Gil Boyne with Bunny 20

HT302 – Pre-Hypnosis Interview 21




Regression Video – Gil Boyne with Bud 26

HT303 - Uncovering Techniques 29


FIH Language Pattern for Intensifying Underlying Feelings 30


HT304 -Age Regression 32












Regression Video – Gil Boyne with Mary 46

HT305 -Gestalt Dialogues 47




Regression Video – Gil Boyne with Lee 51

HT306 -Basic Transactional Analysis 52






HT307 - Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas 59

HT308 - Integrating Core Transformation 62


Review – Audio Recording of Matthew with Carmen 66

Review – Video of Matthew with Lacey 67

HT309 -Regression Therapy Protocol Integration 68



In-House Video – Resolving Barriers with Matthew Brownstein 69



BODY ARMORING (Wilhelm Reich) 72



Group Lectures 75




The Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy – Regression Therapy Protocol

This training manual lays the foundation for the Florida Institute of Hypnotherapy’s advanced 16-Step Regression Protocol. It integrates powerful modalities to form a highly refined and truly transformative client experience. These modalities include many techniques already learned throughout your training and also new techniques that follow. These include:

1. Rapport Building

2. Listening Skills

3. Stem-Sentence Completion

4. Focusing

5. Client Education

6. Developing a Yes-Mind Set

7. Responsiveness Exercises

8. Building Belief, Building Expectation and Exciting the Imagination

9. Inductions with the Misdirected Attention Formula

10. Fractionation

11. Deepening of Trance

12. Compounding

13. Suggestibility Tests

14. Regression using an Affect Bridge

15. Authentic Emotional Release

16. Gestalt Dialogues

17. Processing Belief Systems

18. Raising Self-Esteem

19. Assertiveness Training

20. Analytical Hypnotherapy

21. Transactional Analysis

22. Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas

23. Core Transformation

24. Suggestion Therapy

25. Future Pacing Visualization

26. NLP Anchors and Triggers

27. Identification of Transference

28. Trance Termination

29. Ratification of the Trance State

30. Post Session Processing

|Program of Study – Hypnotherapist |

|Class Code |Description |Clock Hours |

|HT301 |Introduction to Regression |10 |

|HT302 |Pre-Hypnosis Interview |10 |

|HT303 |Uncovering Techniques |10 |

|HT304 |Age Regression |10 |

|HT305 |Gestalt Dialogues |10 |

|HT306 |Basic Transactional Analysis |5 |

|HT307 |Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas |5 |

|HT308 |Integrating Core Transformation |5 |

|HT309 |Regression Protocol Integration |5 |

|HT310 |Practical Hours |30 |

|Total Clock Hours |100 |

Course Descriptions

HT301 Introduction to Regression

(10 clock hours)

Introduces the concept of using the hypnotic state to access memories usually related to childhood. Discusses the indications and contraindications for its use as well as the many types of regression that can be used.

HT302 Pre-Hypnosis Interview

(10 clock hours)

Prepares the student to work with clients in a regressive hypnotherapy model through encouraging a more through intake process then the fundamentals program. Includes more elaborate information gathering techniques as well as rapport building skills.

HT303 Uncovering Techniques

(10 clock hours)

Prepares the student to discover the underlying emotions associated with a client’s problems and works to use these emotions as a bridge back to the cause of the problems. Involves a more expanded view of intake, Focusing and uncovering core belief systems.

HT304 Age Regression

(10 clock hours)

A course of study detailing the uses of regression, the means of regression and the processing of the information uncovered. The course prepares the student to work with more advanced techniques by laying the foundation for the confident use of regressive methods.

HT305 Gestalt Dialogues

(10 clock hours)

Prepares the student to facilitate positive change through a modified Gestalt process of dialoging with key figures involved in a regression. Includes training in cathartic emotional release and advanced methods for healing and resolving sensitizing events.

HT306 Basic Transactional Analysis

(5 clock hours)

An introduction to working with the various ego-states of parent, adult and child as a means of resolving conflicts held deep within the subconscious mind.

HT307 Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas

(5 clock hours)

Regression therapy requires that the memories that are brought to consciousness are thoroughly resolved and therefore very practical and simple formulas are taught to bring the client to a place of forgiveness and compassion for themselves and others.

HT308 Integrating Core Transformation

(5 clock hours)

The Core Transformation process, as taught in Advanced Hypnotism, is now integrated into the regression therapy protocol to lead a client into the core state where very deep experiences of love, joy and personal wholeness are experienced.

HT309 Regression Therapy Protocol Integration

(5 clock hours)

Hypnotherapist training involves the comprehension and application of a 16-step regression therapy protocol that includes many components. It is here that these components are integrated into an entire session that leads to the culmination of the first 300 hours of training.

HT310 Practical Hours

(30 clock hours)

Practical (hands-on) hours are interspersed throughout this program to encourage students to practice each and every technique that they have been taught on their fellow students. This allows students to not only practice what they are learning, but also to experience it for themselves.

|( Books are available through the FIH Amazon aStore or through Westwood Publishing – Use the links at ww. to order. |

1. Transforming Therapy – Gil Boyne – Required

2. Analytical Hypnotherapy – E.A. Barnett – Required for Clinical Hypnotherapy Training – Optional for this section

|HT301 - Introduction to Regression |

(10 clock hours)

Introduces the concept of using the hypnotic state to access memories usually related to childhood. Discusses the indications and contraindications for its use as well as the many types of regression that can be used.

Deal with what emerges!

This is the most important rule in hypnotherapy. Don’t try to psychoanalyze! Don’t be a “rescuer” (savior); don’t try to force change! Work creatively and allow change to happen. Listen to the voice quality. Watch the body language carefully.

Gil Boyne – Transforming Therapy


1. Designed by Gil Boyne founder of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

2. Often utilizes rapid inductions to induce trance and a rapid forcing of impressions that lead quickly to the underlying cause of the problem

3. Processes the sensitizing event using various transformational modalities and works to resolve the cause of the problem in that very session

4. Uses an Affect Bridge to regress directly back to the cause of the problem

5. Incorporates cathartic emotional release to desensitize suppressed emotions

6. Incorporates Gestalt dialogues to heal the relationships that were involved with the past events.

There are many other styles of regression – The style of Transforming Therapy is an Immersion Style where a client is usually fully associated with the memory and emotion. We will cover this style completely now and address other styles of regression in this training manual and in Clinical and Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Training.

** As Gil Boyne pioneered Transforming Therapy, his book and training videos accompany this section of training. Boyne’s language patterns are printed in this training manual. Please note that FIH has revised these language patterns and that you will be supervised and tested using the most up-to-date FIH protocols and not Boyne’s original protocols.


The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) requires a written, oral and practical exam to be taken for becoming a Certified Hypnotherapist or a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Individual ACHE approved schools are required to administer these exams by a certified examiner. These exams have basic standards that need to be met; however, schools are allowed to expand upon the oral and practical exams and to go beyond required ACHE core competencies. The FIH Regression Therapy protocol is unique to this institution in that there are 16 steps of the protocol, each step containing multiple subsections, which makes for a comprehensive and powerfully transformative style of regression.

Most students take the ACHE exams at the end of their clinical training during their practical in-house hours. This test can be taken at the end of the certified hypnotherapist training; however, students feel much more comfortable having an extra hundred hours of training before taking these exams. Instead of taking the exams at the end of 300 hours of training, we recommend taking this exam at the end of 400 hours of training. Those wishing to take the exam at the end of 300 hours should contact the FIH Student Services Director.

The ACHE exam consists of:

Written Exam: 45 multiple choice questions and 5 long answer questions

Oral Exam: Proper language patterns must be demonstrated when administering the FIH Regression Therapy Protocol.

Practical Exam: The FIH Regression Therapy Protocol serves as the practical exam in which students must demonstrate the core competencies required to facilitate a client’s process through all 16 steps.

**Each exam requires 70% or more to pass.

**The FIH student resources section, found at , contains a pre-recorded review, available to you now, to prepare you for these exams.

**Remember the italics in the training manual are specific items you need to know for the ACHE written exam.

Upon completion of the exams, students send a check to the ACHE for $175 for two years of certification. Every 2 years 30 CEU hours are required with $150 to renew one’s certification. Most students receive their certifications before graduation from FIH’s Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Program. The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Program is considered an elective topic by the ACHE, yet does count towards one’s first 2 year CEU requirements.

Aside from your ACHE certification, FIH offers state-licensed diplomas/certifications for Certified Hypnotherapist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. These diplomas/certifications are usually given out on your graduation day of the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy training. You are entitled to these diplomas/certifications at the end of each Program, therefore if you wish to receive your certifications for Certified Hypnotherapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist before graduation date, please contact the FIH Student Services Director.

|Introduction to Regression – Video Matthew Brownstein with Lacey |

This video is shown now without commentary to give an overview of the powerful nature of the FIH Regression Therapy Protocol. This video will be reviewed again at the end of this section of training once the entire protocol is learned and understood.

Running Time: Approximately 90 minutes


1. Pre-Hypnosis Interview

___ Establish Rapport

___ Determine Symptoms

___ Determine Emotions

___ Determine Beliefs

___ Determine Felt-Sense

___ Determine Goal(s)

___ Educate About Hypnosis and Regression

___ Check for Comfort

___ Develop Yes-Mindset

2. Responsiveness Exercises

___ Exercise One ________________________

___ Exercise Two________________________

___ Build Belief and Expectation

___ Excite the Imagination

3. Induction with Refocused Attention

___ Induction One (Simple)_________________

___ Fractionation

___ Induction Two (Rapid)__________________

4. Deepening with Compounding

___ Simple Deepening Technique(s) __________

___ Longer Deepening Technique ____________

___ Compounding

5. Suggestibility Testing

___ Suggestibility Test One _________________

___ Suggestibility Test Two _________________

6. Intensifying the Underlying Emotion

___ Intensify Emotion

___ Ensure Emotion is Present

___ Word for Feelings is Elicited

7. Regression – Bridge to the Memory

___ Affect Bridge to ISE

8. Explore the Memory

___ Force the Impression

|Introduction to Regression – Audio Session of Matthew Brownstein with Carmen |

Follow along with the Regression Therapy Protocol and listen carefully to each step. This is just an overview and was done intentionally only in audio with no video. Simply listen to how a session unfolds as an introduction to this work. A video of Matthew Brownstein played during this first course will show the powerful nature of this work in action. Follow up videos of Gil Boyne will show you the origins of this style of regression and other follow up FIH videos will show you how this work has evolved.

You will review this audio and your first introductory video again at the end of this section of training. This audio recording is available in the FIH online student resources for your review anytime as an excellent review for the ACHE oral and practical exam. Many students download it and listen over and over again to memorize the flow of the session and the proper language patterns. The audio allows you to take this with you wherever you go.

The session was done on an issue that had already been resolved and is only in audio so as to focus only on language patterns and session structure. The ACHE oral and practical exam can be done within one hour when demonstrating on a classmate who has already resolved the issue that comes up. Most regressions, however, will take 1 ½ to 2 hours. Beginners are advised to allow 2 hours.

Running Time: Approximately 52 minutes







Past events lead to our belief systems and to the emotions that follow. When a client comes in with emotions or the accompanying symptoms or behaviors, we use the emotions and beliefs to bridge back to their cause. Stem-sentence completion is learned in HT302 – Pre-Hypnosis Interview for uncovering these beliefs and emotions. This explanation is given here again for review and because all FIH training is rooted in this understanding.

A basic presupposition in this work is that how a person feels about his or her problem is usually the emotion associated with the problem. For instance, it is not that your ulcer makes you angry; it is anger that is causing your ulcer. It might appear that the ulcer is making the person angry, yet in regression we can always consider that the anger caused its physical manifestation and that by resolving the anger the body will often restore itself to health and balance.

** Remember to always abide by state and federal hypnosis laws when practicing regressions. Florida law requires a prescription, referral, direction and/or supervision from the appropriate licensed practitioner of the healing arts when dealing with conditions of human injury, illness or disease, either physical or mental.



From the American Heritage Dictionary

• To go back; move backward.

Age Regression

A phenomenon in hypnosis that involves the giving of suggestions to the hypnotized subject that he is of a younger age so he will relive certain experiences that took place at this age.


Going back in time during trance to remember past events, and replaying them in the imagination, often with accompanying emotions

Associated Regression

The experience of reliving the memory of an event in the first person, i.e., seeing directly out of your own eyes.

Dissociated Regression

The experience of reliving the memory of an event in the third person, i.e., as an observer.


To move forward ; to look ahead in time to a probable future

|Notes on Regression Therapy |

1. The client may or may not be aware of memories that are held in the subconscious

2. Not all regression therapy is about uncovering repressed memories

3. We really do not go back in time, but rather we review memories that are stored there now

4. Regression therapy gets to the root cause of problems and keeps you from treating only symptoms

5. Regression therapy helps you to access the emotions underneath a problem – It helps you to find the initiating factors behind a symptom or behavior

6. Regression therapy can be used for seeking answers

a. To find core beliefs

b. To find repressed memories

c. To find the ISE – Initial Sensitizing Event

d. To recall important information that has been forgotten

7. When performing a regression have the client dissociate from the memory if the emotion or discomfort is too strong.


1. Not always advisable in a first session – can require more rapport and does not allow a first session for developing client resources to deal with uncovered information

2. Use it often to uncover the cause of problems and not just to manipulate symptoms

3. Difficulties may be found when regressing those who have had trauma to the brain or who have had a drug or alcohol induced amnesia.


1. To get to the cause of feelings

2. To get to the cause of behaviors/addictions

3. When behavior modification is not working to make the change.


1. For those who are not willing to take responsibility for the uncovered information

2. For those who are not ready to deal with their emotions or memories

3. When there is a lack of trust/rapport between you and your client

4. Major psychological disturbances: With Schizophrenia, Psychosis or other severe personality disorders, regression should be limited to hypnotherapists who are licensed psychotherapists.

The subconscious mind will only show your clients what they are ready to deal with…

Nothing will come up that they cannot handle…


1. Self-Discovery

a. Positive Memories

b. Curiosity – Good parts of forgotten childhood

2. Finding Lost Valuables

a. Circular Regression

b. Ideomotor Questioning including subconscious ulterior motives or secondary gains

3. Remembering Important Details

a. Names

b. Addresses

c. Phone Numbers

d. Combination Locks

e. Directions

4. Forensic Hypnosis- Witness to a crime – Working to remember details such as:

a. Description of Subject

b. Letters of Numbers of License Plate

5. Exploring Dreams


“Hypnotized clients produce a mixture of reality, fantasy, and dreams. Much of this is recorded in the mind as historical events. But the memory is the reality of psychic existence. It doesn’t matter if the events are truly historical. The psychic effect is the same.

…the therapist must learn to be gullible. Accept what your client says. You are not in the lie detection business.”

-Gil Boyne, Transforming Therapy

1. The memories stored in the subconscious mind, as taken in through the senses, are not historical information, but are subjective interpreted information.

2. Confabulation – Is to fill in gaps in one's memory with fabrications that one believes to be facts. Here multiple memories can be taken together to form what seems like one.

3. It does not matter if the memory is real or unreal. We treat it as if it were real.

4. ***The hypnotherapist’s job is to follow the client and to facilitate their movement into a state of health, wholeness, peace and well-being.

5. The client must take personal responsibility for the information that comes up, but is not encouraged to act-out on this information. He is not to confront those who “wronged” him and is not encouraged to process the uncovered information with those who are involved. The healing occurs in the therapeutic setting within the subconscious and conscious minds.

Follow the Client…


Suppression (in this context) is when a client consciously denies a memory or emotion. For instance, an emotion or event is too uncomfortable and the person turns to alcohol to numb the pain and to forget about the problem. In this case the emotions and memories are not forgotten, but are merely denied temporarily.

Repression (in this context) is when a client unconsciously blocks memories and emotions due to the fact that the experience was so traumatic that it gets blocked from consciousness. The memory gets stored in the subconscious mind and is temporarily unavailable to the conscious mind. The beliefs are still intact causing emotions, which motivate behavior, yet the person is not aware of why they feel and act as they do.

Nothing can truly be suppressed. It is like holding a beach ball underwater. It eventually finds ways to slip out to the surface.

Suppressed/repressed emotions block life-force energy and lead to many maladaptive behaviors and psychosomatic illnesses.

This energy needs to be released so that it can be transformed and used in a positive way.

The following concepts tend to have a powerful impact on behavior:

1. The emotional intensity of a sensitizing event

2. The frequency of reinforcing events

3. The decisions made or ideas accepted during the sensitizing and reinforcing events.

|Regression – Video Gil Boyne with Bunny |

Boyne demonstrates instantaneous inductions with several subjects. While testing one of them by making her upraised arm rigid she exclaims, "It's a miracle!" She explains that she has been unable to lift her arm higher than her shoulder for over two years. In an exciting and highly dramatic age regression Boyne discovers the cause of her arm, neck, and shoulder problems to be a result of early sexual abuse by her alcoholic father. Using several original and unorthodox techniques, Boyne creates a complete release from these disabling symptoms. Includes a one-year follow-up interview.

Running Time: Approximately 1 hour, 22 minutes

|HT302 – Pre-Hypnosis Interview |

(10 clock hours)

Prepares the student to work with clients in a regressive hypnotherapy model through encouraging a more through intake process then the fundamentals program. Includes more elaborate information gathering techniques as well as rapport building skills.


(From Transforming Therapy by Gil Boyne)

Pre-Induction Interview


Have you ever been hypnotized before?

Have you ever made an effort to be hypnotized?

Was that for therapeutic purposes or for entertainment in a night club or theater?

Tell me about it.

Goal Setting


If you were free of this (symptom, problem), how would your life be different?

Tell me what you want and need from me. Not what you don’t want or no longer want-these are amputations. The goal is to be transformed; to replace the way you feel and experience life today with a new and better way. Tell me what you want to bring into your life!

Follow-Up Hypnotherapy Sessions

(Start session with this statement.)


Tell me about your thoughts and feelings since our last session.


(Page 369 – Transforming Therapy)

Readiness for change depends on:

1. The creative value of suffering – mental, physical, or emotional/psychic. (When we have suffered enough we can overcome our fear of change)

2. Overwhelming anxiety triggering either life-affirming (reaching out for help) or life-negating (entering into addictions) activity

3. The realization that change is possible by mobilizing and using one’s own inner power. (Our altered perception enables us to overcome a conditioned disbelief in our ability to use our inner power creatively.)

|Key Questions for Determining Readiness for Change: |

From Peace Under All Circumstances by Matthew Brownstein

1. Have you suffered enough?

2. Are you willing to let this go?

3. Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?


4. How much longer would you like to keep these problems?


|Step 1 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Pre-Hypnosis Interview |

|___ Establish Rapport |

|___ Determine Symptoms |

|___ Determine Emotions |

|___ Determine Beliefs |

|___ Determine Felt-Sense |

|___ Determine Goal(s) |

|___ Educate About Hypnosis and Regression |

|___ Check for Comfort |

1. Establish Rapport

Listening and Rapport Building Skills

a. Primarily Reflective and Empathic Listening

b. Mirroring and Matching

c. Pacing and Leading

** Take notes on all of the client’s relevant Symptoms, Emotions, Beliefs, Felt-Sense and Goals

2. Determine Symptoms/Behaviors/Presenting Issue


What can I help you with today?

If I were a magic genie and could change one thing for you today, what would that be?

3. Determine Emotions - “Feel so…”

Stem-Sentence Completion for Emotions:


I smoke when I feel so…

I overeat when I feel so…

My ulcer makes me feel so…

Repeat stem-sentence for emotions approximately 5 to 7 times, listening for at least 3 significant emotions (Primary Emotions: Hurt, Fear, Anger, Guilt)

Examples of Emotions:

Sad, Hurt, Scared, Frustrated, Angry

4. Determine Beliefs –“Like I am…”

Stem-Sentence Completion for Beliefs


I smoke when I get so sad because I feel like I am…

I overeat when I am afraid because I feel like I am…

My ulcer makes me feel so angry because it makes me feel like I am…

Repeat stem-sentence for beliefs approximately 5 to 7 times, listening for at least 3 significant beliefs (Beliefs Include: Powerless, Hopeless, Unloved, Worthless, Not Good Enough, Sacred, Trapped, Helpless, Useless, Bad, Incapable, Invisible, Disgusting)

5. Determine Felt-Sense

From Dr. Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing model, address the body felt-sense related to the emotions and beliefs.


When you feel so sad and hopeless check in with your body and where do you feel that?

Note: Once the symptoms, emotions, beliefs and felt-sense are uncovered, have the client close his or her eyes and read these words back to the client. For example: “If I said to you, you know how sad and scared you feel. It is a hopeless feeling of feeling not good enough and worthless. It comes up in your belly. Check in and when I read these words back to you, what do you notice?” If the client feels these feelings, then you can move on with a higher probability of a successful regression knowing that emotion is flowing. If the client is not in touch with his or her feelings, then spend more time talking about the issue and do more Focusing work.

6. Determine Goals

How will your life be different when we resolve your issue? (Client states this using positive words)

7. Educate About Hypnosis and Regression

Explain at least 5 points about hypnosis


When you are hypnotized you are fully conscious, fully in control, you will never say something you would not want to say, will never do something that you would not want to do and you will remember the entire session when it is complete.

Explain the basics of a regression


Today we will be doing a regression to the cause of your problem. You will enter into hypnosis and we will do a few exercises to show you that you are in the proper place for a successful regression. We will then temporarily amplify your feelings, which will serve as a bridge to their cause, and then we will explore the reason for your current issue, upon which we will go through a very powerful process to transform what we uncover and to have you leave feeling much better.

8. Check for Comfort and Develop Yes Mind-Set

Is there anything else you need before we begin?

Are you comfortable? Yes. Is the temperature good? Yes. Is the position of the chair good? Yes. Are you ready to go into hypnosis and do a regression? Yes.

|Regression Video – Gil Boyne with Bud |

A depressed male in his mid-fifties is convinced that he is a loser in life. Suffers from alcoholism, insomnia, low self-esteem, self-isolation and negative thinking. In two one-hour sessions on consecutive days, Bud experiences an amazing personal transformation. Filmed live before a hypnotherapy class of forty-five therapists in Chicago. Shows age regression, abreaction, Gestalt dialogues and many of Gil Boyne's original uncovering/reprogramming techniques.

Running Time: Approximately 2 hours

|Step 2 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Responsiveness Exercises |

|___ Exercise One ________________________ |

|___ Exercise Two________________________ |

|___ Build Belief and Expectation |

|___ Excite the Imagination |

Examples of Responsiveness Exercises (Listed from more simple to more complex):

1. Lemon Test

2. Balloon/Bucket

3. Hand Clasp

4. Finger Clamp

Choose two and remember to always move from more simple to more complex.

Review BEMAH from the Fundamentals training manual about Building Belief and Expectation and Exciting the Imagination.

Use the responsiveness exercises and the pre-talk to Build Belief, Build Expectation and Excite the Imagination.

|Step 3 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Induction with Refocused Attention |

|___ Induction One (Simple)_________________ |

|___ Fractionation |

|___ Induction Two (Rapid)__________________ |

Examples of the first Simple Induction:

1. Eye Fixation

2. 2 Finger Eye Closure

3. Hand Wave

Examples of the second Rapid Induction:

1. Hand Press

2. Hand Shake

3. Modified Hand Press with Hand Wave

Fractionation – Occurs in between induction and is literally known as deepening by re-induction.


In a moment I will count from one to three and when I do you will open your eyes. At that point we will go through an even more powerful induction that will put you back into hypnosis and therefore will bring you even deeper than you are right now. 1, 2, 3…Good now let your eyes open. (Begin second induction).

|Step 4 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Deepening with Compounding |

|___ Simple Deepening Technique(s) __________ |

|___ Longer Deepening Technique ____________ |

|___ Compounding |

Simple Deepening Technique(s)


1. Pretend Eye Catalepsy

2. Head Roll

3. Arm Drop

4. Eye Open and Closure with Compounding

Longer Deepening Technique


1. Countdown from 10 to 1 – Countdown is recommended. To be done fully associated and not down a staircase and away from their felt-sense.

2. Progressive Relaxation – Associated and moving down from head to toes

Compounding – To multiply the effects of a suggestion


In a moment I will drop your arm and when I do you will go three times deeper than you are right now. 3, 2, 1…Sleep now (Drop arm and snap fingers)

|Step 5 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Suggestibility Testing |

|___ Suggestibility Test One _________________ |

|___ Suggestibility Test Two _________________ |


1. Eye Catalepsy

2. Arm Catalepsy

FIH recommends using these two tests with every regression. They ensure the client is not sleeping and that they are in a medium hypnotic state, in which regression works best. Too much deepening beyond this point can cause a person to feel too good and not want to access his or her negative emotions. Also, tests such as arm levitation can take too long and such a test is easy for people to fail. Eye and arm catalepsy are relatively easy for most people to pass and if the client does not pass these, after a good intake and period of induction and deepening, then most likely there is something that is inhibiting them.

Even if a client fails eye or arm catalepsy, we recommend that you attempt the regression anyway because if they successfully regress then it would have been a mistake to abort the session to find out what is inhibiting them.

Remember that we do testing to gain a deepening by realization for the client. Tests are not only for you to evaluate how responsive a client is, they also are for the benefit of the client as well.

Arm catalepsy serves as a good transition to the Affect Bridge as it can be intensified a bit more than the possible relaxation that came before it.

|HT303 - Uncovering Techniques |

(10 clock hours)

Prepares the student to discover the underlying emotions associated with a client’s problems and works to use these emotions as a bridge back to the cause of the problems. Involves a more expanded view of intake, Focusing and uncovering core belief systems.


(From Transforming Therapy by Gil Boyne)


There’s a feeling that you hold about yourself. It’s a feeling that you __________ (are unlovable, etc.). It causes you to feel __________ (anxious, fearful, etc.).

As I count from one up to ten, I want you to become aware of that feeling. I will grow more intense as I count.

One, two, three. Now the feeling begins to emerge.

Four, five It’s a feeling that you _________ (no one loves you.)

Six. This feeling grows more and more intense.

Seven. You feel alone and unloved (etc.)

Eight. You feel fearful, nervous, anxious, afraid!

Nine. It’s like the floodgates on a dam opening up and a great wave of feeling is rolling across you now.

Number ten. I’ll count to three and tap your forehead, and I’m going to ask you a question. The answer will come out by spelling letter by letter. The answer will come up from your subconscious mind.

One, two, thee. (TAPPING FOREHEAD)

What is it that causes you to feel _________? (that makes you [eat, drink, etc.] obsessively?) The first letter, quickly. Speak out. (TAPPING FOREHEAD.) The next letter? (Etc.)

(After a word or words have been spelled out:)

I’m going to tap your forehead again and you’ll speak a sentence, a phrase, or a paragraph that uses the word (spelled word). Speak. Now. (TAP FOREHEAD.)

|FIH Language Pattern for Intensifying Underlying Feelings |

|Step 6 - Regression Therapy Protocol - Intensifying the Underlying Emotion |

|___ Intensify Emotion |

|___ Ensure Emotion is Present |

|___ Word for Feelings is Elicited |

Begin with:

Now Client’s Name there is a feeling that you have a feeling of:

(Insert client’s beliefs, emotions and felt-sense here)


Now Joe there is a feeling that you have - a feeling of feeling sad, scared and angry. You know that feeling when you feel worthless, helpless and not good enough. You feel it right there in your lower abdomen. That’s right.

(Either observe the emotion is present on their face or say, “As soon as you start to notice that feeling, nod your head yes.”)

Now, as I count from 1 to 10 you are going to notice these feelings getting more and more intense.

1, 2, 3…You know how you feel so sad, scared and angry

3, 4, 5…It’s that feeling of being worthless, helpless and not good enough

6, 7, 8…That’s right, you feel it getting stronger right there in your stomach

Like the floodgates of a dam open and a great wave of this feeling begins to wash over you now

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Quickly (tap forehead) give me one word that best describes that feeling?


1. Distracts the conscious analytical editing mind

2. Keep things moving fast to avoid thinking

3. Tapping on the forehead, arm drop, head roll

5. Encourages them not to edit, but simply to report what is happening.

5. Is not necessary to use with every regression, but should be used if you notice that they are


|HT304 -Age Regression |

(10 clock hours)

A course of study detailing the uses of regression, the means of regression and the processing of the information uncovered. The course prepares the student to work with more advanced techniques by laying the foundation for the confident use of regressive methods.


(From Analytical Hypnotherapy by E.A. Barnett, MD)

Watkins (1971) gave the name affect bridge to a technique in which regression is accomplished by means of establishing a direct connection between the present, in which an uncomfortable emotions exists, and the earlier situation in which this same emotion was first experienced. In practice the hypnotherapist draws the patient’s attention to the emotion that he is feeling or to the symptom that is present; such emotion is enhanced by increasing the focus of attention, and when sufficiently strong, the therapist is able to lead the patient back to its origin and effectively bridge him from the present to the past causative experience. In this manner the patient is encouraged to deal with the original experience which is really responsible for the current uncomfortable tensions. This technique requires some skill in dealing with the strong abreactions which so often ensue as a direct result of its employment.

The affect bridge is indirectly an important factor in many uncovering techniques and each of those so far described involves the use of emotion to track down the original experience responsible for it. In each case the therapist is seeking associations in the past for present uncomfortable feelings. For example, the technique of visualizing episodes of one’s life on a screen utilizes the uncomfortable feeling existing in the present to locate the memory projected on that screen. Also, in using the ideomotor questioning techniques, an affect bridge is constantly being subtly employed to locate the origin of tensions which may be only partly perceived at a conscious level. The affect bridge technique illustrates very clearly how the hypnotherapist depends entirely upon the associative mechanisms of the mind in his task of uncovering the unconscious origins of problems.



(From Transforming Therapy by Gil Boyne)


I’m going to count from ten down to one. As I do, we’re going back to a time and place that has to do with this very same feeling. (TAP FOREHEAD WHEN COUTNING.)

Ten, nine, eight. You’re drifting back.

Seven, six, five. You’re growing younger now.

Four. Your arms and legs are shrinking, growing smaller.

Three, two, one.

Where are you now, indoors or outside? Make a choice quickly!

Is it daytime or nighttime?

Are you alone or are others with you or around you?

How old do you feel?

You’re __________ years old. You’re (in/out) doors. It’s (day/night)time and you are (alone/with __________). Give a report of whatever you see, hear, feel or experience.


Let your mind grow clear.

I’ll count from one to four and when I do, you go to another time that has to do with this same feeling, a feeling of __________.


Go to another time when you had these same feelings.

One, two, three, four. Where are you now, indoors or out? (Etc.)

During a hypnotic age regression you are to tell the client “go back to an earlier event that has

to do with the feelings attached to this issue.”


|Step 7 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Regression – Bridge to the Memory |

|___ Affect Bridge to ISE |

From the Pre-Induction Talk to the actual Regression you are creating a bridge to the past.

The Affect Bridge is also known as a Somatic Bridge.

After a count from 1 to 10 to amplify the emotions and beliefs and after a word for the feeling is elicited, then:

- “Now, I am going to count backwards from 5 to 1 and when I get to one you will be back in time in the past event that causes these feelings.

5 – you are becoming younger

4 – as if your arms and legs are shrinking

3…2…1 “Be There Now!”



1. Immersion Style or Direct Style

- As found in Gil Boyne’s Transforming Therapy

2. Progressive or Incremental Style

- Moving backwards through time from memory to memory until the cause is uncovered

- May move backwards following an emotion to its cause or through events where the symptom was still present until the cause is revealed at a time before the symptom arose.

3. Circular

- Regressing to times before and after an event, gradually moving in to the event itself

- Can be helpful for finding lost objects; yet also consider regressing before the item was lost and then moving forward.

4. Silent or Ideomotor

- Taught in Clinical Hypnotherapy

5. Hypnoanalysis

- Taught in Clinical Hypnotherapy

6. Counting

- A direct style of regression, not necessarily using an Affect Bridge. Down a staircase to a closed door can reveal the cause of a problem through the power of suggestion. Trusting the subconscious mind and speaking with authority can yield simple and powerful results.

7. Pinpointing

- Covered in Hypnoanalysis during Clinical Training

8. Television or Movie Screen

- Allows for easy dissociation when desired

- Useful for children.

9. Hypnotic Dreamwork

- Covered in the last page of this Training Manual

10. Dream Induction

- Covered in Hypnoanalysis during Clinical Training

1. During Induction

2. Post-hypnotically


1. The event in the client's life that started or caused the problem

2. Can be the beginning of a pattern with many reinforcing events that follow

3. Is usually a perception that lead to an emotional response

4. These perceptions are not always rational, but are real to the subconscious mind

5. An emotional event that is the origin of a problem, creating a sensitivity to feelings or situations

6. These are usually traumatic events (at times repressed), such as claustrophobia being traced back to being locked in a closet at age 3.

7. These impressions will remain intact until they are changed in some way, for example through hypnotic regression


Uncovering the ISE is not a therapy in and of itself. Many therapists make the mistake that simply uncovering the cause of the problem is the solution to the problem; however in regression therapy the memory is not all that important. It is the client’s reactions to the memory that are important. The beliefs and emotions developed at the time need to be processed. The relationships with those involved need to be healed. A regression is far less concerned with the memory and far more with using that memory as the foundation from which therapy can truly begin.


|Step 8 – Regression Therapy Protocol - Explore the Memory |

|___ Force the Impression |

Forcing the Impression

1. Are you indoors or outdoors?

2. Is it day or night?

3. Are you alone or with others?

4. Are you older or younger than 10 years old? Older or younger than 5? Are you 6…7…8….9?

How old do you feel?

5. Give me a report what’s coming up?


Move quickly from question to question to avoid them analyzing, intellectualizing, judging or editing the information that arises.

Avoid leading. Use a style of eliciting information that has a limited range of answers and yet the question can only be answered one or the other.



1. When I snap my fingers any other relevant information that you need to know about will come to you now…1,2,3 – snap.

2. When I snap my fingers you are going to move ahead to whatever happens next…1,2,3 snap

3. When I snap my fingers you are going to move ahead to the outcome of this event…1,2,3 snap

4. When I snap my fingers we are going back in time to the cause of this event…3,2,1 snap

5. Unfold the event until you are clear that all relevant information has been uncovered.

6. If the emotion from the event has settled down because the exploration led away from the ISE, then regress the client back to the peak of emotion before beginning Gestalt. “I am now going to count from 3 to 1 and when I get to 1 you will be right back at __________, 3,2,1 snap – Be there now!”


E.A. Barnett, Analytical Hypnotherapy – Read from Page 74 to Page 83











F – False

E – Evidence

A – Appearing

R – Real

1. A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined.

2. Fear deals with the expectancy of pain or death and entails a belief that the person cannot handle that which may happen.

3. Arises from past programming

4. Is not necessarily paralyzing and a person who is afraid can most likely still engage in a fight or flight response


1. A state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation, often impairing physical and psychological functioning.

2. Often is the result of a fear of other emotions

Panic Attacks

1. Intense, acute episodes of anxiety

2. Also known as acute anxiety attacks

3. A strong feeling of helplessness accompanies strong physical symptoms such as sweating, hyperventilation, nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath, choking, etc.


1. Are also panic attacks with one main difference; the likely precipitating factors are known by the client and are carefully avoided because of the severe anxiety response that contact with these factors will produce.

2. The anxiety is likely to subside rapidly when the individual is no longer exposed to the precipitating factor.

3. Phobia is based upon fear, yet when it is considered a phobia it controls the person to the point of strong avoidance behavior


1. Hypnotic Programming – using suggestions, affirmations and guided imagery

2. Subliminal Programming

3. NLP – especially the Fast Phobia Cure

4. Parts Therapy – to talk to the parts that are afraid

5. Regression Therapy – to the cause of the fear

6. EMT – to desensitize the fear

7. Opening the Heart Teachings – teach client how to deal effectively with their own emotions

8. Breathwork - as another means to uncover the cause of the fear

9. Past-life Regression when there is no apparent cause in the present life

***NOTE – A hypnotherapist does not treat mental health conditions. Anxiety is actually considered as a psychiatric disorder and therefore a hypnotherapist does not treat it directly. In your advertising mention “anxious feelings.” Anxiety is mentioned here so that you know what it is, but as a mental health condition it is not something that we as hypnotherapists treat directly without the proper prescription, referral, supervision or direction.


Depression - A condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason.

Clinical Depression - Depression so severe as to be considered abnormal, either because of no obvious environmental causes, or because the reaction to unfortunate life circumstances is more intense or prolonged than would generally be expected.

A hypnotherapist does not treat mental health conditions. Depression is actually considered as a psychiatric disorder and therefore a hypnotherapist does not treat it directly. In your advertising mention “depressed feelings.” Depression is mentioned here so that you know what it is, but as a mental health condition it is not something that we as hypnotherapists treat directly without the proper prescription, referral, supervision or direction.

1. Opening the Heart work is crucial for the depressed person. Emotions have been turned inwards and are being suppressed.

2. Depression and anxiety go hand-in-hand, as both deal with an unwillingness to feel emotions.

3. The major theme in helping to heal the depressed person is to get to the real emotions that lie underneath the surface. There is no need to treat depression directly as it is only the blockage of other emotions.

Once a person begins to open his/her heart and deal effectively with emotions, then depression is lifted even as sadness, hurt, fear and anger remain. Now the real work is to regress to the cause of those emotions and heal the underlying events that cause the negative feelings with special emphasis on reversing the learned mechanism of suppression.


|Step 9 – Regression Therapy Protocol – Authentic Emotional Release |

|___ Completed Step Nine |

1. This is effective in this context because it is done in trance, after the true cause of the emotion is brought to the surface; and it is only one part of a 16 step formula

2. After Forcing the Impression and determining the nature of the Event, most likely the client will need to release some emotions towards the person(s) who hurt him/her.

3. This does not always have to be anger, but must be the authentic feeling.

4. While the release does not have to be anger, it is important that the “victim” feels re-empowered.

5. Work towards Cathartic Emotional Release when possible

6. Have the client yell, hit, kick and scream until the emotion is discharged and relief has occurred.

7. “Victim” expresses emotions to “Villian” (not to therapist to avoid transference)

8. Therapist paces and leads the client by getting louder and encouraging more intensity.

9. Tim Simmerman’s “Run the horse up hill.” – Keep releasing until the emotion is exhausted.

10. Ask the client, “How do you feel?” If not “Relieved,” then continue with emotional release until this occurs.

11. After emotional charge has been released, “Now, what else do you say to __________?”

12. Begin Gestalt to Resolution.

“If clients begin to cry intensely, let them cry for as long as they need to. Say “Stay with the feeling.” Do not give tissues for “mopping up” or try to close down their crying until the session is over.

In age regression, clients are not reliving an experience; they are remembering it with great emotional intensity and vivid clarity.”

-Gil Boyne

|Regression Video – Gil Boyne with Mary |

Mary learned as a child that it's "nasty" to feel good. Regression uncovers the discovery of "good feelings" in the genitals. Mother warns Mary, "Nice girls don't do that." As an adult, Mary avoids sexuality through obesity and an unattractive appearance. A two-day follow-up shows Mary nicely dressed, with her hair styled and groomed. She reports a different body image and new eating patterns.

Running Time: Approximately 1 hour, 6 minutes

|HT305 -Gestalt Dialogues |

(10 clock hours)

Prepares the student to facilitate positive change through a modified Gestalt process of dialoging with key figures involved in a regression. Includes training in cathartic emotional release and advanced methods for healing and resolving sensitizing events.


Dialogue with significant others at the time of a sensitizing event.

Involves role-playing and is often used for the release of feelings.

Gestalt defined:

American Heritage Dictionary

A physical, biological, psychological, or symbolic configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that its properties cannot be derived from a simple summation of its parts.

Gestalt therapy - A humanistic therapy, developed by Fritz Perls, that encourages clients to satisfy emerging needs so that their innate goodness can be expressed, to increase their awareness of unacknowledged feelings, and to reclaim parts of the personality that have been denied or disowned.

Excerpt from Gestalt Therapy Verbatim

by Frederick S. Perls, M.D., Ph.D.

“I have often been called the founder of Gestalt Therapy. That’s crap. If you call me the finder or re-finder of Gestalt Therapy, okeh. Gestalt is as ancient and old as the world itself. The world, and especially every organism, maintains itself, and the only law which is constant is the forming of gestalts-wholes, completeness. A gestalt is an organic function. A gestalt is an ultimate experiential unit. As soon as you break up a gestalt, it is not a gestalt any more. Take an example from chemistry. You know that water has a certain property. It consists of H2 O. So if you disturb the gestalt of water, split it up into two H’s and one O, it’s not water any more. It is oxygen and hydrogen, and if you are thirsty you can breathe as much hydrogen and as much oxygen as you want, it won’t quench your thirst. So the gestalt is the experienced phenomenon. If you analyze, if you cut it further up, it becomes something else. You might call it a unit, like, say, volts in electricity, or ergs in mechanics and so on.

According to Perls, the essence of Gestalt theory is contained in two words – now and how.

The first commandment is, “Remain in the here and now.” The healthy person lives in awareness of his present situation and does not become captive to resentment of past injuries or prey to catastrophic expectations about what the future may bring. By contrast, the neurotic is in anxious tension between the now and the then. He destroys spontaneity by remembering, or by rehearsing and programming the future. As a result he suffers continual stage fright because his existence must be justified before the critical eyes of a fantasy audience made up of his parents and peers.

|Concept of Maturation |

- Perls described maturation as “the transcendence from environmental support to self-support”, which first begins at birth

- Following the idea of self-support, the intention of therapy is to help the individual move away from a dependency on others and to discover the deep resources and potentials that lie within.

Example from Transforming Therapy with Gil Boyne


This time when I count to three, your father (mother, etc.) is seated in a chair about six feet in front of you, and you are seated in a chair facing him (her, etc.).

One, two, three. There sits your (father). I want you to talk to (him) now. How would you address (him)? Do you call (him) (Dad, Daddy, Father)?

Say, “(Dad) I want to talk to you. I want to tell you my true feelings.” Now tell (him.) (Wait for statement of feeling to begin. Then say:)

Now I want you to change places. Be the (father). Answer your (son/daughter). Speak to your (son/daughter0 who says (he/she) feels this way about you.

Be the (son/daughter). Answer your (father).


|Step 10 – Regression Therapy Protocol |

|___ Completed Step Nine |

1. Done in hypnosis so that direct access to the subconscious mind is achieved.

2. Regression is done to an event that needs to be healed

3. Roles of “victim” (client) and “villain” (father, mother, abuser, bully, etc.) are established and a dialogue begins between the two

4. This can happen in an “empty chair” 2 to 3 feet in front of the client or it can happen in the regression as if the “victim” and “villain” are directly speaking in the past

5. The client begins telling the “villain” how he feels about the event at hand

6. The therapist should encourage the release of authentic feelings – “Tell them how you really feel.”

- Ask the client, often, “How do you feel?”

7. To encourage authenticity the therapist matches the emotions of the client or actually encourages the client by modeling how to express the emotion

8. Avoid questions (form you or the client)

- “Why are you doing this?” Have the client make a statement about their feelings. Turn questions into statements. Such questioning leads to the use of the intellect and can diminish the trance state.

9. The movement of the dialogue needs to be towards integration

10. First the dialogue should unfold similar to how it did in the past and then it can be paced into a healthier relationship based upon forgiveness, love, understanding, commonality and compassion

11. The relationship is reframed with a movement back into one of mutual respect

12. The client is re-empowered


1. Body Part Dialogue

2. Inanimate Object Dialogue

i.e. “I’m just a doormat.”

3. Emotions – Internal Feelings

4. Sub-Personalities – Parts or parts of a Part

5. “External” People

6. Characters or objects from dreams

7. Archetypes

a. Controller and Rebel

b. Bully and Victim

c. Parent and Child

d. Higher Self and Lower Self

|Regression Video – Gil Boyne with Lee |

In a dramatic two-hour hypnotherapy session using age regression and "uncovering techniques" Gil Boyne unveils the "battered child" syndrome and fear of castration as an initial sensitizing event for a life-long pattern of stuttering. Three years later, Lee remains totally free of stuttering. Gestalt dialogues, bodywork techniques and Parts therapy.

Running Time: Approximately 1 hour, 33 minutes

|HT306 -Basic Transactional Analysis |

(5 clock hours)

An introduction to working with the various ego-states of parent, adult and child as a means of resolving conflicts held deep within the subconscious mind.




Child to Parent


Parent to Child

* Work to resolution


Adult to Child


Child to Adult

* Resolve False Beliefs and Limiting Emotions – Reverse Updated Decisions


Child to Parent


Parent to Child


Integration – A balance of all Ego States



1. Using the imagination to imagine a different outcome of a past event, such as combining Gestalt therapy with regression therapy to facilitate release; also used in NLP with guided imagery

2. Remember that the subconscious does not know fact from fiction.

1. Clients often object that “this is not how it really happened,” or “My mother never would have said such things.” – Explain to them the nature of the subconscious mind and what therapy is really about.

2. Work to create positive experiences for the inner child where that part can feel safe, nurtured, loved and cared for.

3. If the change cannot occur from the Parent Ego State, then it can come from the Adult

4. If the change cannot occur from the Parent or the Adult, you can bring in another Parent that the Child may have known or some other Adult.


1. The Adult reeducates the Child about false beliefs/limiting decisions

2. The Adult reeducates the Child about new behaviors

3. The Parent also can be reeducated

4. The Adult can also be reeducated

5. Child can reeducate the Parent and/or the Adult

6. Therapist can reeducate any and all ego states (however, ideally the client is encouraged to utilize his/her own inner resources.)


|Step Eleven – Regression Therapy Protocol – Healing the Memory |

|___ Process Belief Systems (3 Steps) |

|___ Raise Self-Esteem |

|___ Assertiveness Training |

|___ Irrelevance of Negative Emotions |

Process Belief Systems

1. What did you conclude about yourself based upon what happened in this event? (Elicit 5 to 7 beliefs)

2. How have these beliefs been playing out in your life? (This step is the key to making the connection to the past event and its belief systems and the client’s present day symptoms)

3. Adult reeducates child about the erroneous nature of each belief.

Adult to Child and Child to Adult Dialogue

Raise Self-Esteem

And what do you say to that young boy (or girl) inside to raise his self-esteem?

Adult to Child Dialogue

Assertiveness Training

And what do you say to that young boy (or girl) to teach him about asserting his rights as a human being?

Adult to Child Dialogue

Can also happen in a more aggressive way during Authentic Emotional Release, where the child says something like, “If you ever do that to me again I will…” Eventually, the aggression should be turned into true high self-esteem and appropriate assertiveness.

Irrelevance of Negative Emotions

Relates to Principle Three of Analytical Hypnotherapy on the following page:

Can you now see that these emotions that you have been holding are now irrelevant in your present life situation as we have cleared these old beliefs, raised your self-esteem and helped you to be more assertive in getting what you truly want or need?

Question is asked to the Child Ego State


From Analytical Hypnotherapy by E.A. Barnett (pages 90-93)

Principle One

Identification of the Critical Experience

Principle Two

Understanding the Repressed Emotion(s) and the Associated Feeling of Guilt

Principle Three

Recognition of the Current Irrelevance of the Previously Repressed Emotion

Principle Four

Relinquishing the Repressed and Repressing Emotions

Principle Five

Recognition of the Resolution of the Child/Parent Conflict

Principle Six



From Reinventing Yourself, Dick Sutphen

The book Reinventing Yourself is no longer in print, yet the information in it is still quite helpful. The book can be found on , yet FIH does have an agreement with Dick Sutphen’s publishing company, Valley of the Sun, where you can order a PDF version of the book for $12 and whereby FIH pays the publisher a royalty. Call or email the school to place this order.

During a regression or at any other relevant time in a client’s session you can identify one of the Critical 15 factors that cause suffering and the Action Required to resolve it.

1. Beliefs

2. Assumed Limitations and Faulty Assumptions

3. Blaming and Victims

4. Negative Payoffs

5. Masks or Acts

6. Incompatible Goals and Values

7. Resistance To “What Is”

8. Mirroring

9. Fear

10. The Need To Be Right

11. Expectations

12. Clarity of Intent

13. Lack of Aliveness or Motivation

14. Lack of Self-Discipline

15. Misplaced Passion

|HT307 - Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas |

(5 clock hours)

Regression therapy requires that the memories that are brought to consciousness are thoroughly resolved and therefore very practical and simple formulas are taught to bring the client to a place of forgiveness and compassion for themselves and others.

|Step Twelve – Regression Therapy Protocol - Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas |

|___ Forgiveness Formula (6 Steps) |

|___ Compassion Formula (5 Components) |

|Forgiveness Formula |

1. Separate the person from their behavior.

2. Is this person inherently evil and deserving of punishment or were they just doing the best they could do based on their given resources?

3. And to a greater or lesser degree have you ever done anything similar to what they did? (Establishes one level of commonality)

4. Did you do that because you are inherently evil and deserve punishment or are you just a human being doing the best you can do with your given resources?

5. Can you forgive yourself for being a human being who just does the best he/she can do with his/her given resources?

6. Good, now are you willing to forgive _____ knowing that he/she is just a human being doing the best he/she can do with his/her given resources?

Continue Gestalt on this theme of forgiveness – Child to Parent and Parent to Child Dialogue

“Help clients to understand a relationship; do not criticize it. Everyone is innocent even when they are guilty. If father had sexual feelings towards his daughter, it may be that he felt unlovable and sought the uncritical acceptance of the child. Do not poison the relationship with Dad by saying he was sick, wrong, or evil – especially if he is still alive. Actual reconciliation may not be possible, but the client must learn to reconcile her psychic rage, fear, and ambivalent feelings for her own personal development.”

- Gil Boyne

|Compassion Formula |

1. Understanding

Understanding is ideally elicited during the Gestalt by asking the Parent or “Villian” why they did what they did. Here the hypnotherapist says, “Dad, tell your daughter why you did what you did.”

Continue with Parent to Child and Child to Parent Dialogue

Understanding is a key time during the Gestalt where a shift from the authentic negative dialogue begins to turn towards a reframed healthier dialogue.

2. Forgiveness

Forgiveness occurs during the Forgiveness Formula after Step 11 – Healing the Memory

3. Commonality

Commonality occurs during the Forgiveness Formula after Step 11 – Healing the Memory

4. Acceptance

Acceptance can occur at this time by asking, “Now that you have forgiven this event are you willing to accept that this is what happened and to now let it go?”

5. Love

Love ideally is elicited during the Gestalt and is the key to knowing that the Gestalt is complete and you are ready to move on to Step 11 – Healing the Memory.

Through the Gestalt, Healing the Memory and the Forgiveness Formula and the asking for Acceptance we have all of the 5 components of compassion. With that established, we will say to the client:

“Now that you have Understanding, Forgiveness, Commonality, Acceptance and Love that is the formula for compassion. Can you now feel compassion for ______?”

If yes, then continue Child to Parent Gestalt by saying, “What can you now say to _____ about compassion?”

If no, on compassion, or any component of the compassion formula, then Gestalt about that which they are having trouble moving into, with you as the hypnotherapist gently guiding them to actualize that quality when possible and when applicable.

|Optional - Release expectations on each other |

Gil Boyne uses an optional releasing of expectations formula in many of his regressions. The formula uses suggestion therapy whereas the client will repeat after the hypnotherapist the following statements:

I am free

(Have client make some statements about the line “I am free.”

I don’t have to live up to your expectations of me.

(After many of these statements Gil Boyne will have the client say “And that means”, so they can put it in their own words)

And I now realize that you don’t have to live up to what I’ve been expecting of you.

For I am I and you are you.

From now on I’ll do my thing.

And you can do your thing, even if I don’t like it.

Gil Boyne also uses the same style of having the client repeat suggestions to work towards forgiveness:

(After love is established in the Gestalt)

I now forgive anyone who has ever harmed me in any way.

I bless them with my love.

I want for them the same good that I want for myself.

I forgive myself for every mistake that I’ve ever made.

I now know that each mistake has simply been a stepping stone to greater understanding.

And to greater opportunity.

I freely forgive as I would be forgiven.

How does that feel?

|HT308 - Integrating Core Transformation |

(5 clock hours)

The Core Transformation process, as taught in Advanced Hypnotism, is now integrated into the regression therapy protocol to lead a client into the core state where very deep experiences of love, joy and personal wholeness are experienced.

|Step Thirteen – Regression Therapy Protocol Core Transformation |

|___ Check for Current Feelings |

|___ Elicit the Outcome Chain |

|___ Reverse the Outcome Chain |

|___ Grow the Part Up |

|___ Integration |


1. After the dynamic is healed between child, parent and adult, and healing has occurred in regards to reframing the event, reeducating the beliefs and forgiveness and compassion have occurred, then begin the core transformation with the Child Ego State.

2. Ask the child, “How do you feel now?”

3. What else would you need to feel even better?

4. Good, now as you can conceive of that feeling you can step into it. When you can feel __________ fully and completely let me know; if anything holds you back you can let me know as well.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the Core State is reached.

6. As the child is now in the Core State have them speak to the Parent from that place.

7. Check to be sure that there is nothing but love, forgiveness, understanding and oneness.

8. Have the Adult speak to the Child about how life can be different now that this state is achieved. (Be sure the Adult is also actualizing the Core State at this time, if not do Core Transformation on the Adult.)

9. Continue the rest of the Core Transformation (if time allows) by reversing the outcome chain.

10. Ask the Child if he/she would like to grow up feeling this good.

11. “If the Child stops at any point, let me know, or when you are all grown up you can let me know as well.”

12. Integration – “Now imagine that you can hug that child who just grew up into you so that you become her and she becomes you. You might imagine that she turns around so that her back is facing your chest as you blend her into you becoming one whole person – an emotionally mature and free adult.”

|Step Fourteen – Regression Therapy Protocol – Suggestion Therapy/Future Pacing Visualization |

|____ Suggestions Delivered |

|____ Visual Images Encouraged |

Deliver suggestions that are relevant to the client’s goals based upon the proper rules for structuring suggestions as taught in the Fundamentals training manual. These suggestions are more organic now and flow smoother than the ones that may have been written out in formal suggestion therapy.

Paint pictures of the client integrating these suggestions into their lives using the word “see.” Encourage Future Pacing to have them imagine themselves in actual future events where they are applying the changes that occurred during the session.

|Step Fifteen – Regression Therapy Protocol - Conclude Hypnosis Session |

|___ Set Anchor |

|___ Create Trigger Phrase |

|___ Check for Readiness to End Session |

|___ Body Scan – Check Felt-Sense |

|___ De-hypnotize with 4 R’s |

|___ Relevant Sneaky Pete |

|___ Identify Transference |

Setting an Anchor and Trigger Phrase at the end of a Regression

Ask the client if they know what an anchor and trigger is and if they have an existing anchor already that they would like to use to be able to return to these positive feelings anytime that they wish. If the client is not familiar with anchors and trigger phrases explain as follows:

“An anchor is something that you can do physically to return to this state anytime that you wish. You can touch your fingertips together, or touch your thumb and index finger on one or both hands, or you might put your hand on your heart. Go ahead and do that now.

A trigger phrase is a word or phrase that you will say out loud or silently to yourself when you fire your anchor and wish to return to this state. What would be a good word or phrase that would describe this feeling?

Good, now place your hand like that, take a big breath in and as you exhale repeat that word or phrase out loud or silently to yourself.

Good, now take another big breath in, and as you exhale fire your anchor and repeat your trigger phrase once again.

And one more time, take another big breath in, and as you exhale fire your anchor and repeat your trigger phrase one more time.

Now anytime that you place your hand(s) like that and take a big breath in and think or say that trigger phrase, all of these positive feelings wash back over you and you easily return to this state anytime you wish.

Now you can release your hands and just let go.”

Checking for Readiness to End the Session

“In a moment I am going to bring you back to your full and regular waking consciousness. Before I do, is there anything further you want to say, or ask or have me say to you at this time?”

Body Scan – Check Felt-Sense

“Check in with your body, how do you feel?”

“Check in with your heart (or belly or throat - refer back to the original felt-sense) and how does that feel now?”

If clear, move on. If not clear, go within and ask what this may still be trying to communicate.

Remember the body does not lie. If the original felt-sense from the intake is still there, then the client may need further processing in another session since time is most likely up at this point.

De-Hypnotize with the 4 R’s

Count from 1 to 5

Use the 4 R’s – Rested, Refreshed, fully Remember this experience and you easily Return to this state anytime you wish.

Relevant Sneaky Pete

To anchor the positive outcome in a covert manner

Touch an appropriate body part and deliver a relevant suggestion based upon the client’s desired outcome.

Example for a session for a better night’s sleep:

Touch your client’s hand and say, “You are going to sleep wonderfully tonight.”

Identify Transference

Questioning to check for transference – To determine psychic identification with the hypnotherapist.

1. Quickly now, who do I remind you of?

2. What qualities do I share with __________?

3. How am I like _______? How am I different from _______?

This step is required on the ACHE exam as Gil Boyne found this to be very important. Once in private practice you may want to do this for your first few months to see what clients are projecting onto you. At your own discretion you may end up not using this step based upon your client’s responses.

|Step Sixteen – Regression Therapy Protocol - Post-Talk |

|___ Discuss the Session |

|___ Ratify the Trance |

Remember that the session is not over just because the client is de-hypnotized. They are still highly suggestible and should be allowed some time to discuss their session. Use this time to reinforce the positive changes that will occur for them.

To Ratify the Trance, ask, “At what point did you feel that you were hypnotized?”

Optional from Gil Boyne

1. Review the trance through client’s feedback

- “You really surprised yourself, didn’t you? Tell me about it.”

2. Set the climate for the next session with post-hypnotic suggestion

- “You will sleep well tonight and be ready for the next session. You will gain many insights during this coming week.”

|Review – Audio Recording of Matthew with Carmen |

Teacher is to annotate each step of the regression protocol in the chat pod as it occurs and to comment on relevant sections of the regression through voice.

Approximate running time with commentary: 1 ½ hours

|Review – Video of Matthew with Lacey |

Teacher is to annotate each step of the regression protocol in the chat pod as it occurs and to comment on relevant sections of the regression through voice.

Approximate running time with commentary: 2 hours

|HT309 -Regression Therapy Protocol Integration |

(5 clock hours)

Hypnotherapist training involves the comprehension and application of a 16-step regression therapy protocol that includes many components. It is here that these components are integrated into an entire session that leads to the culmination of the first 300 hours of training.


If an Impasse develops and the client appears to be “stuck”, you can bring the client out of hypnosis saying: (Page 368 – Transforming Therapy)

“This week you will have many uncomfortable feelings, but you can cope with them. You’ll feel your conflict attempting to resolve itself. Let your creative intelligence help you to go past being “stuck.”

“You are going to dream and solve these problems. Your creative intelligence will help you.”

“You are going to sleep poorly with lots of dreaming. Your subconscious mind will use this time to bring you through the impasse.”


Protection Mechanisms

1. Circumvent Them

2. Remove Them

|In-House Video – Resolving Barriers with Matthew Brownstein |

This video occurs in-house only, to demonstrate how to move through blockages when a client is not easily regressing.


Recorded Audio in Student Resources

1. Induction – Hand Press

2. Deepening – Progressive Relaxation

3. Test 1/Further Deepening - Arm Drop with Compounding

4. Test 2 – Eye Catalepsy

5. Test 3 – Arm Catalepsy

6. Bridge – 5 Stairs to a closed door

7. Begin with Dissociated Recall

8. Force the Impression

a. Indoors or outdoors

b. Day or Night

c. Alone or with Others

d. How old do you feel? Older or younger than 10?

e. Give me a report

9. Move to Associated Recall

10. Intensify the feeling – Count 1 to 10

11. Create Anchor and Trigger Phrase

12. Future Pace with Visualization and Suggestion Therapy to integrate this feeling into the present

13. Check for Readiness to Conclude

14. Terminate Trance


Recorded Audio in Student Resources

1. Pre-Induction Interview

a. Rapport Building

b. Education

c. Clarity of Problem

d. Clarity of Emotion

e. Clarity of Goal

f. Check for comfort

g. Yes-Mind set

2. Induction

3. 2 Suggestibility Tests

4. Intensify emotion

5. Check for word/phrase

6. Affect Bridge – Regress to cause of emotion

7. Force the Impression

8. Emotional Release

9. Gestalt

10. Resolution

11. Future Pacing with Suggestions and Visualization

12. Check for Readiness to Conclude

13. Terminate Trance

|BODY ARMORING (Wilhelm Reich) |

From Gil Boyne Transforming Therapy

Clients may use a part of the body as an armor against feeling, for example, jutting out the chin as a physical attempt to keep from crying, or a lump in the throat which restricts breathing. Restricted breathing lessens the oxygen supply needed for heightened feeling, and thus prevents the emergence of intense feeling.

An example of complementary unconscious needs is when a woman’s maternalism and succorance is complemented by her husband’s need for a mother figure. When a child is born, the husband is displaced and feels neglected and resentful.

To get rid of introjected feelings, clients may vomit or have diarrhea. Dry heaves happen during therapy as clients rid themselves of introjected feelings:

“He makes me sick.”

“I just can’t stomach it.”

“She turns my stomach when __________.”

“It really gripes me when __________.”


Read from E.A. Barnett, Analytical Hypnotherapy Page 115


This format can be applied to almost any problem. It is of course flexible and can be modified to the needs of the client.

Ideas for Use:

Smoking Cessation, Weight Loss, Alcohol, Study and Test Performance, Prosperity and Abundance, Insomnia, Fears/Phobias/Anxiety, Depression

Session 1:

• Hypnotic Programming CD Including:

• Induction

• Special Place

• Deepening

• Suggestions

• Visualizations

• Metaphors

• De-hypnotize

Session 2:

• NLP and/or EMT for the first hour

• Hypnotic Programming for reinforcement of the first session plus adding the NLP exercises and EMT language patterns as appropriate

Session 3:

• Stem-Sentence completion to determine the nature of remaining symptoms (if any)

• Parts Therapy for remaining parts that still are causing problems

Session 4:

• Regression Therapy to the cause of the problem

Session 5:

• More Regression Therapy if needed

• Breathwork

• Past-Life Regression

• Life Mastery Work – Getting Organized or Creating and Manifesting

• Teach Self-Hypnosis

|Group Lectures |




Due to the amplified state of mind that is achieved through the hypnotic state, dreams can be easily re-experienced and understood. Deep insight into the messages from the subconscious becomes clear when a dream is processed in the hypnotic state.

1. Have the client describe everything that he/she can remember from the dream

2. Take notes writing down every component of the dream with special attention on nouns – people, places and things

3. Induce Hypnosis

4. Regress into the dream

5. Gestalt with each dream figure – Be the wall, what are you doing? Be the car, what are you doing?

6. Have client dialogue with each part until the dream message becomes clear.


9. Authentic Emotional Release

___ Completed Step Nine

10. Gestalt

___ Complete to Resolution of Conflict(s)

11. Healing the Memory

___ Process Belief Systems (3 Steps)

___ Raise Self-Esteem

___ Assertiveness Training

___ Irrelevance of Negative Emotions

12. Forgiveness and Compassion Formulas

___ Forgiveness Formula (6 Steps)

___ Compassion Formula (5 Components)

13. Core Transformation

___ Check for Current Feelings

___ Elicit the Outcome Chain

___ Reverse the Outcome Chain

___ Grow the Part Up

___ Integration

14. Suggestion Therapy/Future Pacing Visualization

___ Suggestions Delivered

___ Visual Images Encouraged

15. Conclude Hypnosis Session

___ Set Anchor

___ Create Trigger Phrase

___ Check for Readiness to End Session

___ Body Scan – Check Felt-Sense

___ De-hypnotize with 4 R’s

___ Relevant Sneaky Pete

___ Identify Transference

16. Post-Talk

___ Discuss the Session

___ Ratify the Trance


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