3543300342900During this pandemic we have been forced to adjust and unfortunately, many of us do not have an effective system to be successful during stressful times. People are frustrated and feel overwhelmed because so much must be done. This project is focused on not only learning how to use history to succeed but how to develop, modify, and maintain systems that will allow you to be successful during the most adverse times. From here on out make DEALS with yourself that you will keep. This project will teach you how to work with others, keep a positive mindset, eliminate excuses and adjust to adversity without compromising your goals and your values. This project will be challenging and will force you to hold yourself and your friends accountable, but it will all be worth it when you start to experience progress. Success is not obtained overnight; failure occurs but you can’t quit when it seems too difficult and the odds aren’t in your favor. Learn from the experiences and move on. Understand that you can’t judge your success on some else’s road. There is a process everyone must go through and everyone’s road is different. It is up to you to decide to fight for what is yours. Remember success can’t be an illusion when you make it your culture. Are you ready to start your journey towards greatness? 00During this pandemic we have been forced to adjust and unfortunately, many of us do not have an effective system to be successful during stressful times. People are frustrated and feel overwhelmed because so much must be done. This project is focused on not only learning how to use history to succeed but how to develop, modify, and maintain systems that will allow you to be successful during the most adverse times. From here on out make DEALS with yourself that you will keep. This project will teach you how to work with others, keep a positive mindset, eliminate excuses and adjust to adversity without compromising your goals and your values. This project will be challenging and will force you to hold yourself and your friends accountable, but it will all be worth it when you start to experience progress. Success is not obtained overnight; failure occurs but you can’t quit when it seems too difficult and the odds aren’t in your favor. Learn from the experiences and move on. Understand that you can’t judge your success on some else’s road. There is a process everyone must go through and everyone’s road is different. It is up to you to decide to fight for what is yours. Remember success can’t be an illusion when you make it your culture. Are you ready to start your journey towards greatness? 194310388620950009500044000341947526225500-2286000133985-68072011176000218752046927330040005007886700never-360000never--2279652625090INVE$T IN YOUR$ELF00INVE$T IN YOUR$ELF-6851655253990ALL YOUR VISION NEEDS IS YOU!!!00ALL YOUR VISION NEEDS IS YOU!!!-6851654682490and EXECUTE…00and EXECUTE…-6851653425190going after your dream is life changing.00going after your dream is life changing.-6851654453890Eliminate your excuses,00Eliminate your excuses,-6851654225290Expand your exposure, 00Expand your exposure, -6851653196590Desiring a dream does nothing,00Desiring a dream does nothing,2203200477519035433005486400THE POWER OF EXCUSES AND COMPROMISEDeveloping Successful Systems00THE POWER OF EXCUSES AND COMPROMISEDeveloping Successful Systems0-571500 1143001670051485900239395“A System Can Trump Limited Knowledge and Experience, but a System Coalesced with Knowledge and Experience will Lead to Greatness.” - Coach RobersonThe San Antonio Spurs, the Women Connecticut Huskies basketball team, and the New England Patriots are great examples of the quote above. Each program has had inexperienced players experience success because of an efficient system. The Spurs have sustained greatness by winning five NBA championships after establishing a winning culture and allowing Coach Popovich to lead the way. The Spurs organization is the “envy of all sports.” The UConn Women Huskies basketball team who are led by Coach Auriemma, have won 11 national championships. The Women Huskies have set a record of winning more than 100 straight games and have won more than 70 straight games three times. Coach Belichick has coached the New England Patriots since 2000. Since 2001 the Patriots have missed the playoffs twice, been to nine Super Bowls and have won six of them. No NFL team has appeared in more Super Bowls.Efficient Systems Breed Success.One of the fundamental reasons why individuals do not achieve their goals is due to their lack of implementing a system and developing a culture to sustain the system. In order to be successful, you must develop a system that is efficient and then buy into it. An efficient system will allow you to succeed when you are not as knowledgeable, lacking experience and are not as talented as your opponent. Eliminate ignorance from your journey and educate yourself on what it takes to be successful. This simple ideal will expedite your journey because ignorance will lead to serious setbacks. Educate yourself on individuals, companies and systems that have been successful. Study and incorporate ideals that you have learned into what you are pursuing. For example, Kobe Bryant wanted to be the best, so he developed a system. Whether it was an injury or personal issue, he followed his system when he was going through adverse times. This system has made him successful despite playing against younger opponents who grew up idolizing him. Kobe established a system by studying success. He studied greatness by studying Michael Jordan and then allowed himself to be mentored by greatness. Kobe not only imitated Jordan on the court, but off the court. He imitated his lifestyle, his mindset and his choices. He hired his trainer; read books about him, talked with him, allowed himself to be mentored by the coach who coached Jordan, and studied countless hours on the idea of success. Kobe’s system was consistent in sacrifice, obtaining knowledge and consistently executing efficient actions to become the best basketball player he could become. Will he become the best of all time? We shall see, but his goal was to be the best ever. He may not achieve his Until goal, but he is already considered one of the best players to every play the sport. From this perspective he will never be considered a failure. Never sell yourself short. If you aim low, you normally will miss lower. If you aim high and you miss, you miss high. Missing high allows you to miss your mark but still experience greatness and leave a legacy that others want to emulate. This is what Kobe’s system provided for him and what yours can do for you.I understand you may not play sports, but life is a sport and there are no sidelines in life. We all have a Michael Jordan we inspire to be better than. Living life is about competing. It’s about never giving up and seeing yourself complete the race only to look forward and prepare for the next. Who is the Michael Jordan of your goals? Have you ever been compared to this person? What made this person successful? What system have you developed that is not only efficient, but you practice even in the midst of adverse situations? If you use the R4L outline, and create an effective Game Plan, you will be prepared to endure adversity until you have completed your goals and objectives that you have set in place.Why do many people fail to achieve their New Year’s resolution? Why do people fall short of their goals when they are more than capable of achieving them? There are many excuses for the two questions above, but here are four critical reasons why people fail to achieve their goals. Individuals sabotage their own progress through FEAR because they have a fixed and negative mindset. Fear is Finding Excuses and Running. If you believe you can’t, you won’t. If you feel defeated how will you ever win? If you don’t learn from your experiences, how will you maintain and build on what you’ve earned? If it is always someone else’s fault and never your own, how will you ever grow? Success starts in the mirror with what you say and how you see yourself daily. Are you treating and talking to yourself how you expect others to treat and talk to you?They broke the DEAL they made to themselves. The goal sounded great, but the individual did not plan correctly on how to achieve the goal. The system to creating a goal is to be Detailed, Efficient, Assessable Logical with a System to follow. Nothing is impossible to accomplish but are you supposed to try and if so, what is your plan to cross to the finish line?There was inadequate or no mentorship. The individual had no clue of how to achieve the goal and did not prepare accordingly and or practiced the wrong methods which set themselves up for failure. Everyone needs help at some point and mentorship is needed from someone who can get you there without slowing your progress down.The individual allowed society’s culture to keep them from reaching their goals. The individual could not maintain the consistency needed to achieve the goal because they allowed what others thought to define them. Culture is the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in personal pursuit. It is the development or improvement of the mind by education or training. It is up to you to accept the definition of how others see you based on their opinions or by you defining yourself based on your WHY and well how you responded and learned from adversity. This is the most critical component in being successful, because your culture should always be stronger than the culture of negativity and defeat. Culture will motivate or deflate; it will create doubt or success. Life is a sport and the people you around the most are your team. Are the people you see most helping and inspiring you get to the next level?Example: Birds of a feather flock together. You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Surround yourself with a bunch of like-minded people, and you will soak up their habits. Millionaires hang out with Millionaires. Businessmen hang out with businessmen. Your mindset attracts your circle. Your circle of friends must match your own aspirations and dreams, or you will find little support. Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. What do you and your friends normally discuss? Do not fall in the trap of focusing on the negativity or challenges of a situation or experience. Focus on how much stronger you will be once you overcome these challenges. Does society influence your personal culture or does your personal culture influence society?If you summed up the four examples in six words, the words would be self-confidence, disciplined, knowledge, systems, action, and consistency. However, before these five words can be effective, the individual must have the desire to pursue something wholeheartedly and commit. Creating a goal is very easy, but for that goal to have a chance of coming into fruition, that goal must have meaning to the individual. Your goal needs to have purpose, and be in harmony with your lifestyle, your mindset, and your actions. Once the goal is in unison with your lifestyle, you will strengthen and maintain your self-confidence by staying disciplined because you have incorporated efficient systems that will allow you to obtain valuable knowledge, to consistently execute efficient actions towards achieving your goal. There will be no more excuses, and you will hold yourself accountable for your decisions. You will not allow anyone or anything to keep you from achieving your goals. An injury, a financial setback, a coach, teacher, or boss who you feel maybe holding you back, or any other form of adversity will no longer matter because you understand how to adjust and you have the mental fortitude to endure until you have acquired what you have set forth to achieve.In order to develop an effective and achievable goal, you must understand why you are pursuing the goal. Creating your WHY will align your goals with purpose and describe why the goal is important to you. You then will develop your Mental Attitude for when life gets tough. Your Mental Attitude is a response to your mental perspective. When things get bad for you, how do you feel? What do you see? How do you respond? Your Mental Attitude is a planned statement or a series of statements you will say daily or when you need to motivate yourself in difficult times. Your Mental Attitude can be one statement, or a series of statements personalized to your problems. It is a simple phrase that is a reminder of your WHY. Next, you will write your Until or Extensive Goal. Some long-term goals are Until goals meaning there is no timetable or no expiration date. These goals are achievable but extremely difficult to accomplish but you can accomplish the goal and it doesn’t keep you from fulfilling your purpose while pursuing it. For example, becoming a partner, a CEO or becoming an NBA head coach or the greatest basketball player of all time. Other long-term goals are called Extensive goals. An Extensive Goal is the goal you will pursue and then develop a Game Plan to achieve. These long-term goals may have a timetable in which you need to achieve them by. For example, becoming a professional athlete or earning a scholarship for college your senior year of high school. These goals will then be broken down into Performance Goals which provide feedback from others and Routine Goals which becomes a part of your lifestyle.No two paths are the same. Your journey to success will be much different from your friends and the people you are competing against. Life is a sport and you must compete to succeed. There are no timeouts, no substitutions, and no sidelines. Take the time to prepare to go after what you want because if you don’t someone else will and you may miss out on what could have been yours because someone else needed it more. Do you want to be successful or need to be successful?“Success Can’t Be an Illusion When it Becomes Culture. Create an Efficient and Disciplined Mindset that Regulates Your Lifestyle Daily.”“Life is a sport. The world is your arena. There are no timeouts, no sidelines, no substitutions. Competition is not voluntary, its mandatory.”0-57150015085586051137863498YOUR SELF IMAGE STATEMENTVOCABULARYPurposeYour objective in life combined with what drives and motivates you. What do you love to do and can be great at while doing it? Your WHYA commandment or direction given as a rule of action, conduct, or lifestyle.Mental Attitude How you choose to respond internally. How you choose to see, hear, and feel mentallyMental Attitude“I AM…”, “I WILL…”An arbitrary decree or pronouncement, by a person having absolute authority to enforce it. LegacyHow you affect people physically, mentally and spiritually. How will your legacy affect people around you and long after you have passed?Until Goal / Extensive GoalUltimate Goal/Long Term Goal that may not have an expiration date or guranteedYour Far-Reaching Goal that can have an expiration date. Easier to achieve.Create your WHY Statement (write a statement using six words that is most important to you and your future): Write a statement that portrays what your life will be like in your future. This should describe your purpose and why it is important to you. Feel this statement. Example: I will… or I am…I will ensure my relationship with God, and my family, comes first while being relentless despite adverse circumstances and fulfill my purpose to help others grow. I will consistently exercise the sacrifice needed to be efficient and effectively disciplined with my time to bring happiness to my family while ensuring financial stability. Possible Why wordsRelentlessMovementChallengesChoiceLoyaltyTime managementFreedomGoalsComfortableMemoriesLongevityFinancially StabilitySuccessStrengthContentBalancedGivingContentSacrificeObsessedMotivationResponsibleInnovativeSpiritualityDedicatedHappinessPreparedFamilyGrowthUncomfortableFocusConfidenceMental ToughnessPresenceActionConsistentStress FreeLearnSelf EsteemLoyaltyProvideExerciseOptionsLovePassionAccountabilityDriveOptimismHarmonyCharacterUse these or any other words that come to mindCreate your WHY Statement Insert your answer here Create your Mental Attitude (Repeat this statement when you need to be reminded or motivated on why you established your goals): Choose the 3 most important words that summarize your WHY statement. Be relentless and disciplined for my family’s happiness. Create your Mental AttitudeInsert your answer here What is your Until/Extensive Goal? Create a sentence about how you see yourself once you have accomplished your goal.Example: I am the most effective teacher/trainer/coach at turning potential into purpose and developing individuals into successful professionals.Insert your answer here Create your Self-Image Statement in present bine your Mental Attitude with your Extensive Goal to create your Self-Image.Example: I am relentless and disciplined for my family’s happiness; I am the most effective teacher/trainer/coach at turning potential into purpose and developing individuals into successful professionals.Insert your answer here Directions: Create a schedule that will show how you plan to make sure you will complete your routine goals daily. You should have a week that is well balanced. Although you are focusing on achieving your goals, you should have time set aside for you, your family, and friends. Relationships and fun should not be completely sacrificed, but you should make sure your daily objectives, and routine goals are prioritized and completed. You will have to make sacrifices in order to achieve your goals, but it will be worth it._____________________________________________________________________________________What can you complete before work/school? Insert your answer here Yes ? No ? Will you wake up earlier to complete your goals? Yes ? No ?Will you focus on completing your goals during the weekend? How much time free time will you give yourself. Insert your answer here What time will you wake up? Weekdays: Insert your answer here Weekends: Insert your answer here What time will you plan to go to sleep? Weekdays Insert your answer here Weekends: Insert your answer here How much time will it take to complete all of your routine goals for the day? Insert your answer here There will certain days that you may not be able to complete all of your Routine goals. Name the most important Routine goal you need to focus on.Performance Goal # 1: Routine Goal # Insert your answer here What is your plan for balancing your life (creating time for you, your family and your friends) without sacrificing the culture or lifestyle you are developing for success?Insert your answer here _____________________________________________________________________________________-525780-208915STAR? INSERT YOUR NAME HERE GOALS Date: 5/8/2020 12:00 PMYour WHY: Click here to enter text.Your Mental Attitude: Click here to enter text.Your Self-Image: Click here to enter text.Psychological and Physical Preparation equals P?. 168 are the total amounts of hours within one week. In order to be successful you must consistently train your mind and body (P?+168). However, if you want to be great you have to put in OVERTIME. Average people put in average hours. Are you trying to just accomplish your dreams or are you trying to dominate your goals? What you will do EXTRA this week mentally and or physically (P?+168+OT) to dominate your goals?The Four Goals of Focus: Career – Your Purpose and Goals connecting with your dreams Academic – GPA, Study goals, grades, etc.Literacy (Reading) – Building vocabulary, books, research (on career), Social Studies Related.Class Goals – Focus on a weakness that needs to be improved. Example: Behavior, Focus, Questioning, Social.Your Until Goal: What career do you see yourself doing after you finish with school? Your Until Goal is connected to ALL the goals you have set for yourself. Are you going to keep or break your DEAL that you made with yourself? Are you going to allow your mindset, excuses and or others keep you from success?Setting up your academic Extensive goalChoose a grade for this quarter you want to earn in your History, English, Math, Science class and the rest of your classes.DCPS GRADING SCALE & GRADE POINT AVERAGEGRADEGPAHONORS GPAAP/IBGPAGRADEGPAHONORS GPAAP/IBGPAGRADEGPAHONORS GPAAP/IBGPAA100% to 93% to 80% to 67% to 90% to 77% to 64% to 87% to 73% & below000B86% to 83% to 70%*Honors GPA and AP GPA can NOT be used for this project. Only the regular GPACourseGradeGPACourseGradeGPAInsert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Insert here.Add up the Grade Point Average for all your classes and divide by the number of classes you have that are being graded. This will give you the grade point average you are trying to achieve.Use the numerical number and not the letter to get the accurate GPA.Input Your overall Grade Point Average Goal 5/29/2020CREATING YOUR GAME PLANAcademic Goal: What is your GPA Goal? Date to accomplish the goal: 5/29/2020Total amount of time you have for ALL your Routine Goals for the week. Click here to enter text.Window of time you can complete your Routine goals throughout the week. Early MorningMorningAfternoonEveningNightLate NightWeekday7 am to 7 am 7 am to 7 am 7 pm to 7 pm 7 pm to 7 pm7 pm to 7 pm7 am to 7 am Weekend 7 am to 7 am 7 am to 7 am 7 pm to 7 pm 7 pm to 7 pm7 pm to 7 pm7 am to 7 am 1. Performance Goal # 1 (PG #1) - How will you know you are succeeding? What type of CREDIBLE feedback will let you know are succeeding and moving in the right direction? Important Performance Goal Dates: 5/29/20205/29/20205/29/20205/29/20205/29/2020Event name Event name Event name Event name Event name Routine Goal # 1 (RG #1) – Name your Routine Goal Name first step to complete this goal. What is your plan to complete this goal? How often will you do this goal weekly?How much time will you invest in this goal per week? Choose an item.When are the best days to complete this goal?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday???????How long will you work on this goal?Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.What time will you work on this goal? – Don’t worry about the date, type in the time12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PMWhat distractions do you need to avoid?Distractions are things and people you need to avoid or limit your interaction with WHILE you focus on this goal.Excuses are ideas that make us feel better. What are your excuses?Click here to enter text.Benefit/Reward for Accomplishment (Talk with your parents to discuss what you can receive):Click here to enter text.PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Summarize your by naming the goal, how much time you will focus on the goal per week, duration of time on selected days, identify who or what you will not allow to distract you and if you will allow any excuses to keep you from your goal.Name Routine Goal.Routine Goal # 1 - Summarize your Routine Goal and how it will help you achieve your Academic Goal. Routine Goal # 2 (RG #2) – Name your Routine Goal Name first step to complete this goal. What is your plan to complete this goal? How often will you do this goal weekly?How much time will you invest in this goal per week? Choose an item.When are the best days to complete this goal?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday???????How long will you work on this goal?Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.What time will you work on this goal? – Don’t worry about the date, type in the time12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PMWhat distractions do you need to avoid?Distractions are things and people you need to avoid or limit your interaction with WHILE you focus on this goal.Excuses are ideas that make us feel better. What are your excuses?Click here to enter text.Benefit/Reward for Accomplishment (Talk with your parents to discuss what you can receive):Click here to enter text.PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Summarize your by naming the goal, how much time you will focus on the goal per week, duration of time on selected days, identify who or what you will not allow to distract you and if you will allow any excuses to keep you from your goal.Name Routine Goal.Routine Goal # 2 - Summarize your Routine Goal and how it will help you achieve your Academic Goal. 2. Career Goal (CG #1): How do you see yourself making money in the future? Date to accomplish the goal: 5/29/2020 Must learn about how to be successful or a career.Total amount of time you have for ALL your Routine Goals for the week. Click here to enter text.Window of time you can complete your Routine goals throughout the week. Early MorningMorningAfternoonEveningNightLate NightWeekday7 am to 7 am 7 am to 7 am 7 pm to 7 pm 7 pm to 7 pm7 pm to 7 pm7 am to 7 am Weekend 7 am to 7 am 7 am to 7 am 7 pm to 7 pm 7 pm to 7 pm7 pm to 7 pm7 am to 7 am 2. Performance Goal # 2 (PG #2) - How will you know you are succeeding? What type of CREDIBLE feedback will let you know are succeeding and moving in the right direction? Important Performance Goal Dates: 5/8/20205/15/20205/22/20205/29/20205/29/2020Event name Event name Event name Event name Event name Routine Goal # 1 (RG #1) – Name your Routine Goal Name first step to complete this goal. What is your plan to complete this goal? How often will you do this goal weekly?How much time will you invest in this goal per week? At Least 1 HR per weekWhen are the best days to complete this goal?MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday???????How long will you work on this goal?Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.Choose an item.What time will you work on this goal? – Don’t worry about the date, type in the time12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PM12:00 PMWhat distractions do you need to avoid?Distractions are things and people you need to avoid or limit your interaction with WHILE you focus on this goal.Excuses are ideas that make us feel better. What are your excuses?Click here to enter text.Benefit/Reward for Accomplishment (Talk with your parents to discuss what you can receive):Click here to enter text.PUT IT ALL TOGETHER Summarize your by naming the goal, how much time you will focus on the goal per week, duration of time on selected days, identify who or what you will not allow to distract you and if you will allow any excuses to keep you from your goal.Name Career goal for project.Career Routine Goal # 1 - Summarize your Routine Goal and how it will help you achieve your Career Goal. I am making a DEAL with myself and I will not break this deal for any reason. I will achieve my goals and I will not allow my emotions to get the best of me. I will not quit, I will adjust. I will strengthen my mind and follow my system in my journey towards success.Student Signature: Click here to enter text.Parent Signature: Click here to enter text.You must be engaged and committed to your goals daily for you to experience the most success. Engaged simply means, being an active learner and making learning your lifestyle. Focus, studying, memory, thinking, application and creating connections are vital actions that are required to becoming a better learner. When these concepts are practiced the correct way, you will become a master learner because you understand how you learn best since you are consistently engaged. Therefore, you will be able to retain a lot more knowledge and create connections which could expedite your journey. This process is beneficial when you are focused on achieving dreams that may seem impossible in the beginning, but you are dedicated to conquering. left-765810-24130011493510287006985 Fill out the charts and list the benefits and consequences for living in and out of harmony with your goals. Will you allow friends and situations to hold you back or slow you down? Will you allow comfort to keep you from fulfilling your goals? Will you allow being uncomfortable to keep you from being consistent with the change need to be in harmony with your precept? Being comfortable and uncomfortable discusses the comfort levels you will experience as you strive towards living in or out of harmony with your goals. You can either decided to accept being uncomfortable and begin to consistently make the choices necessary to align yourself with your Why, or you can be content in being comfortable with where you currently are at. This requires no personal growth or change in lifestyle. This option is often easily chosen through not striving towards your precept.Developing a Disciplined Mindset076200“I AM” & “I WILL” STATEMENTS 00“I AM” & “I WILL” STATEMENTS YOUR MINDSET WILL GUIDE YOU TO WALK TOWARDS OR AWAY FROM YOUR GREATNESS.STAYING POSITIVE AND THINKING STRATEGICALLY WILL EMPOWER YOU TO PERSEVERE WHEN YOU FACE ADVERSITYFORESEEN WEAKNESSES AND OBSTICLESADJUSTMENTS TO BECOME SUCCESSFULWhat are some negative things you say to yourself?What are some things you feel you aren’t good at?NEVER use these statements regardless of how you feelChange these statements into positive statements that start with I AM Use the I AM statements when you are feeling frustrated Insert your examples hereInsert your examples here078740STEPS TOWARDS ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS00STEPS TOWARDS ACHIEVING YOUR GOALSFORESEEN EXCUSES, WEAKENESSES AND OBSTICLESADJUSTMENTS TO BECOME SUCCESSFULInsert your examples hereInsert your examples hereCreate examples in which you can VISUALIZE and FEEL the EMOTION of Success and CompromiseWhat are the consequences of not following your plan?How will it hurt you right now and in the future?What are the benefits if you follow the plan?What are and advantages and benefits you gain now and later?ExampleExample 25790-2628656AFFECTS OF COMPROMISE VS. DISCIPLINE 00AFFECTS OF COMPROMISE VS. DISCIPLINE I will have to keep struggling academically and earn horrible grades that will lead to me work low paying jobs that will force me to work and interact with people during a pandemic like the Corona Virus. These jobs are high risk for catching deadly viruses.Insert your examples hereI will become a better student and I will give myself a better opportunity to get better grades and I will prepare myself to become DC’s best lawyer which will allow me to save enough money to be prepared to make money during an economic depression instead losing my job and possibly becoming homeless.Insert your examples here0-2628900STRENGTHEN YOUR GRIT 00STRENGTHEN YOUR GRIT What’s your Grit?Take the test and record your score.After taking the test. Click on the different links to learn more about grit. Insert your examples hereWhat’s your Academic Grit?Take the test again and apply every question to your academics.Take the test and record your score.After taking the test. Click on the different links to learn more about grit. Insert your examples hereWhat did you learn about grit? Click here to enter text.How can grit help you achieve your goals?Click here to enter text.How can you strengthen your grit? Click here to enter text.What are two ways you will use grit to help you succeed in this project and in your life?Click here to enter text.0-685800EXAMPLEDEVELOPING A SUCCESSFUL CULTURE622306985LIVING IN HARMONY WITH YOUR WHY00LIVING IN HARMONY WITH YOUR WHYTRAITS OF YOUR CURRENT CULTURE/LIFESTYLECULTURE TRAITS THAT NEED TO BE APPLIEDNot going to class and hanging out with friendsDoing drugsHanging out with friends who are not focused on their futureFriends who do not want to see me succeedSelfish/negative friendsTo focused with girlfriend or boyfriend Balance my relationships with my goalsFind friends and mentors who will help me succeedPrioritize my goals and make sure I focus on them consistentlyComfortable vs. UncomfortableComfortable vs. UncomfortableI will be comfortable IF I continue to hang out with my friends without focusing on my life or my goals. I will be uncomfortable if my friends fight or discourage me from achieving my goals as I begin to make changes in my life. If they put their needs and desires before my goals, I will be uncomfortable if I truly desire to be fort may only come after the change has occurred. Being uncomfortable may mean I may need to limit interaction or eliminate friends or associates from my circle, but if my friends understand my goals this transition will have some comfort because I have friends who will help me with the transition and help me focus on my goals.1143000LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE HARMONY OF YOUR WHY00LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE HARMONY OF YOUR WHYBenefits Now IF No Changes Are MadeConsequences Later On IF Not AppliedTemporary funHappinessGreat memoriesCould be the best times of your life Not living in harmony with my WHYMonetary instabilityWill not be living my dreamAlways dreamingBest time of your life are your younger yearsBitterEnviousComfortable vs. UncomfortableComfortable vs. UncomfortableAllowing myself to be comfortable NOW keeps me from obtaining my goals and being comfortable LATER. I will be comfortable temporarily while I am having limited fun but when unexpected events or things that I want to do come up, I will not be able to enjoy or do them. I will be uncomfortable when I will not be able to provide the needs and wants that I have as well as my family’s needs and wants.It is best for me to deal with being uncomfortable now and make difficult decisions that will put in me in a better position for success later on in my life. I will experience both comfort and being uncomfortable, but I rather experience being uncomfortable because I chose to. Sacrifice always brings discomfort, but it can also bring profit after the process has been completed.0-655955DEVELOPING A SUCCESSFUL CULTURE622306985LIVING IN HARMONY WITH YOUR WHY00LIVING IN HARMONY WITH YOUR WHYTRAITS OF YOUR CURRENT CULTURE/LIFESTYLECULTURE TRAITS THAT NEED TO BE APPLIEDInsert your examples hereInsert your examples hereComfortable vs. UncomfortableComfortable vs. UncomfortableClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.495300LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE HARMONY OF YOUR WHY00LIVING OUTSIDE OF THE HARMONY OF YOUR WHYBenefits Now IF No Changes Are MadeConsequences Later On IF Not AppliedInsert your examples here Insert your examples hereComfortable vs. UncomfortableComfortable vs. UncomfortableClick here to enter text.Click here to enter text.MENTAL PREPARATION – Set yourself up to succeed even when you feel like you may notWhy this is Important: Success does not come knocking at our door. You must chase success until you create a system in which success chases you. Many of us are conditioned to sabotage our growth and progress because it is not happening quick enough or you find yourself in a situation where things seem to stressful. When this occurs, mistakes are made, and failure is more likely especially when you begin to see yourself fail and speak failure into existence. When find yourself getting frustrated and you say I am going to fail or I am no good at this, you are more likely to fail. On the other hand, if you keep your composure, you have a better chance of doing a lot better then what you would have if you accepted a negative mindset. Your mindset determines how you attack adversity so give yourself a fighting chance by staying positive. This exercise is a tool to fight against stress and frustration regardless of what you are going through. There is a reason why you are told to calm down and take a deep breath. Start using this strategy more often and combine positive thinking to arm yourself against any adverse situation. Duration of Time: The Mental Rehearsal Routine can be finished in as little as 4 minutes or you can invest 30 minutes. This mental training can be done daily, before practice or special events during work. For big events or games players should take a little more time out to rehearse the “Current Game/Event” section. Rehearse the entire game/event; allow your body to be in harmony with your mind. When this is achieved your performance can be greatly enhanced. Pele followed a 30-minute mental routine before every game which was the catalyst for making him unstoppable. For best results, this practice should be completed daily since this is a weapon to fight of stress and negative thoughts. Keep in mind your brain is a muscle and with exercise your mental toughness will strengthen. Also allow yourself down time because you do not want to subjugate yourself to mental fatigue. This down time can come right after the season concludes, during vacation or in between assignments. Creating two regimens, one: daily workouts which time can be minimized and two: for game days (or events you plan for like big speeches, assessments, or presentations).Do NOT skip over this routine??? This process will help you handle the frustration you will go through!!!Rehearsal OutlineSelf-Image Statement: Click here to enter text.Relaxing Phrase: An encouraging phrase which allows you to stay positive and effective during pressure moments. Your Mental AttitudeInsert your answer here Add additional phrases that will help relax you - Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Your Mental Attitude would be an example you can use. Example: Focus on your steps for success, don’t rush and stay optimistic. See yourself fighting and adjusting in a positive mindset. See yourself being successful in your role. See yourself uplifting and inspiring others instead of feeding into their negative beliefs.As you remember the source of your inspiration (what made you love what you are striving for?), your past highlights and your All-Star performance for the upcoming game/event/assessment. Make sure you rehearse in first person (through your eyes and feel the emotion), if that is difficult rehearse in 3rd person (as if you were watching a show on television). Feel the environment, feel the people, emotions, sweat. Visualize the little things like coming into the room prepared to take the test, read a question and think about how it feels to know the answer, imagine not knowing or not being prepared for an answer on the test and think about how you will still figure out what the correct answer is (could be as easy as looking for clues throughout the test), Feel the confidence of knowing you took the time to prepare for the test and you are ready to take the test on. Ask yourself questions by reviewing different vocabulary terms and using the terms in sentences that answer the different questions. See yourself taking your time completing the questions and assignments without skipping steps or rushing through the process.Your Relaxing Phrase Click here to enter text.Memories/Inspiration: What are the memories or inspiration that is driving you to be successful? Feel the emotion and connect with the images.Example: Watching Michael Jordan highlights and pretending you were doing the same thing. See yourself being successful in what you want or need to do. Prepare for taking tests by seeing yourself taking them stress free even if you come across a difficult question. Describe what you will say to get yourself balanced and Identify what you will do to adjust. Click here to enter text.Past Highlights: What are your highlights? Save the fondest memory/highlight for the last image before transitioning to Current Game.Click here to enter text.Current Game/Event/Assessment/Project: Rehearse that you are having your best experience up to date. Rehearse how a champion prepares for the game/event/assessment/project. How do they feel, act, breath, think, and look? What is their posture and mental attitude? Rehearse how you will attack your event.Click here to enter text.Mental Rehearsal RoutineSay your Self-image Statement - Click here to enter text.Controlled BreathingInhale through nose 6 to 8 secondsHold for 2 to 4 secondsExhale for 6 to 8 secondsRelaxing Phrase - Click here to enter text. Relaxing Phrase should be said before every transitionMental Rehearsal Memories/InspirationPast HighlightsCurrent Game/Event/Feeling of DominanceFollowing the Game Plan (Coach’s and or your own plan)Relaxing Phrase Click here to enter text.Controlled BreathingInhale through the nose 6 to 8 secondsHold for 2 to 4 secondsExhale for 6 to 8 secondsSay you Self-image Statement - Click here to enter text.Control BreathingInhale through nose 6 to 8 secondsHold for 2 to 4 secondsExhale for 6 to 8 secondsThis technique can be used when you get upset or frustrated with your parents, coaches, teachers and friends. Stay positive regardless of if the conversation or experience goes in your favor. Always keep a clear mind. You can show emotion but don’t get emotional. Getting emotional means, you’ve lost control and you are making the situation worse. Don’t let your response burn bridges, keep you from future blessings or put you in a worse situation. Just because it may feel like things are unfair now doesn’t mean things won’t turn out in your favor later.DEVELOPING A CULTURE FOR GROWTH – Team Accountability Instructions No one achieved their goals by themselves. Everyone has had some help along the way. Working with others to achieve your goals allows for relationships to grow and most importantly allow support when things seem too tough to handle. Who can help you with completing your goals? How often will you communicate with each other? Should you communicate daily? You should discuss your gains and challenges. Send reminders to complete goals and objectives for the day. You can set time aside for the day or week so that you all can fill out your Performance Journals and or your daily goals and objectives. Discuss and share your strengths and challenges you are having with your goals. Regardless of the experiences you and your friends go through stay positive. Talk about different adjustments that can be made to move forward and encourage each other. If you are into social media, you can hold yourself accountable and build relationships through this platform as well with or without accountability partners.Choose a colleague, parents, teammates, friend or friends who are focused on accomplishing their goals (Does not have to be a person taking the class. Inspire your friends to greatness). How to choose your partner(s)You want to find someone who wants to be successful just as bad as you do or more and will hold you accountable while staying positive throughout your journey.Decide how you will communicate. You can talk daily, every other day, when needed, weekly or whenever is good for you. Combine video conferencing social media and or your phone (set reminders to remind your friend, send text)Social MediaPhone callTextIn personVideo conferencingCombination of the aboveMeeting Who will lead the meeting if it’s a group?Who will make the call or video call?Talking points – Did you complete, understand, adjust, or compromise on your… ObjectivesGoalsStrengthsChallenges Possible adjustmentsEncouragement Reminder of Why Statement, self-image, precept, I AM statements and other ways to uplift each other.CalendarCreate remindersCreate a daily, weekly and monthly scheduleSocial Media – There is nothing better than competing against each other and showing growth on social media. People show daily pictures, videos and memes when showing friends they are having fun, so why not show them how you are progressing towards your goals. Record your memories and highlights and post as a journal to look back on after they have completed their goals (Ex. Pictures of losing weight, working out). These recordings can be used in your project as links and to show your growth. There have been a number of online challenges. Why not be a part of a challenge that can be fun AND allow you to grow in the process? Be creative and an encouragement to your friends as well as your classmates with posting how you are growing and striving towards your goals. Follow each other by using the #LFT168, #30DayChallenge, and #neveridle168.Great option for extra credit if you have issues completing the Performance Journal regularly.SUCCESS CIRCLEWho would be great to work with? Who do you know will drive you to become better and help you stay on task and help you complete your work? What friends trustworthy and dependable? As you strive for success you will have a people try to hold you back. You will have people try to cut corners and cheat the process. These are the people you need to separate yourself from. Create a circle of people who will help make sure you will be successful during this project. This project requires a circle of people to hold you accountable and your job is to hold them accountable. Success comes much faster and easier if you it’s done it groups. Who is your all-star team and how much can you accomplish during this project? This is a great project for parents to get included. Everything has been completed and a system has been set up that will be easy for them to follow. Parents are your biggest supporter and fan. Have them help you in their journey. Keep in mind that some parents will help you whether you want their help or not. List at least four people who you will reach out to work with in this project. Find people who match your mindset and focus. Don’t overlook that Mr. Roberson is not listed but is a part of your Success Circle.Person 1 - Click here to enter text. Why are choosing this person?Click here to enter text.Person 2 - Click here to enter text. Why are choosing this person?Click here to enter text.Person 3 - Click here to enter text. Why are choosing this person?Click here to enter text.Person 4 - Click here to enter text. Why are choosing this person?Click here to enter text.Will your parents be a part of this project?How will they help you be successful? Click here to enter text. SYSTEM FOR GROWTH – Team Accountability ChartNumber of Group MembersChoose an item.Create your Team Goal Insert your answer here Circle your answersHow will working with a team help you achieve your goals?orHow will working alone help you achieve your goals?Insert your answer here How do you plan to use the communication below to help each other be successful?COMMUNICATIONIn person ?Phone/Text ?Social Media ?Video Chat ?DailyWeeklyOtherDailyWeeklyOtherDailyWeeklyOtherDailyWeeklyOther????????????M?T?W?T?F?S?SU ?M?T?W?T?F?S?SU ?M?T?W?T?F?S?SU ?M?T?W?T?F?S?SU ?Explain your team’s plan.Insert your answer here Explain your team’s plan.Insert your answer here Explain your team’s plan.Insert your answer here Explain your team’s plan.Insert your answer here CHECKING INDate and time you will check in5/8/2020 12:00 PM5/8/2020 12:00 PM5/8/2020 12:00 PM5/8/2020 12:00 PMWeekly Evaluation Meeting Discuss your growth from the past weekWhen will you fill out the Weekly Performance Journal? Daily?End of week?M?T?W?T?F?S?SU?5/8/2020 12:00 PM 5/8/2020 12:00 PM 5/8/2020 12:00 PM 5/8/2020 12:00 PM 5/8/2020 12:00 PM5/15/2020 12:00 PM 5/22/2020 12:00 PM 5/29/2020 12:00 PM Dates above are due dates for the Weekly Evaluations. You should set a time on Friday or the weekend to discuss growthYou should meet up with at least one of your group members and discuss how your week.HOW WILL YOU HELP YOUR TEAM SUCCEED?Weekly - S | M | T | W | TH | F | STime - _____________Accountability NameTheir Academic and Career GoalsWhat does he/she need your help with?QuestionsWhat have learned this week?What connections have you been able to make?What have you struggled with?Give positive “YOUR ARE” statementsRemind them of their Self Image, Mental Attitude and WHY StatementInsert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Group’s Strategic Plan to Achieve GoalDid you create a calendar and or set up a remind system to ensure you do not forget about fulfilling your goals? Yes ? | No ?Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Report of Major AssignmentsTurn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Dear Student,In our effort to ensure our student’s success, this student feels it is imperative to monitor the progress of their weekly grades. This will help ensure that they meet their academic goals for the quarter. They will document any upcoming major assignments, projects, and or assessments. Once they have received their grade on that assignment, they will record it below. This process is to make sure they are organized and studying effectively and to ensure they meet their academic goals. Type of AssignmentAssignmentAmount of PointsDue DateYour Due DateGrade ReceivedCommentsChoose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Choose type of assignmentInsert your answer here Insert your answer here 5/29/20205/29/2020Insert your answer here Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Journal/Notes Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Weekly Research Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Directions: Answer the questions below on a daily basisList 5 takeaways (1 per day) that you discovered while reading a book or article. Research can include watching videos but should not be limited to them. Explain why the takeaways you chose are important to you achieving your goals. List the title, page number or time where the takeaway can be located in the video.Title of article, book, or video that you are reading: Click here to enter text.Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Weekly Research Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Directions: Answer the questions below on a daily basisList 5 takeaways (1 per day) that you discovered while reading a book or article. Research can include watching videos but should not be limited to them. Explain why the takeaways you chose are important to you achieving your goals. List the title, page number or time where the takeaway can be located in the video.Title of article, book, or video that you are reading: Click here to enter text.Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Weekly Research Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Directions: Answer the questions below on a daily basisList 5 takeaways (1 per day) that you discovered while reading a book or article. Research can include watching videos but should not be limited to them. Explain why the takeaways you chose are important to you achieving your goals. List the title, page number or time where the takeaway can be located in the video.Title of article, book, or video that you are reading: Click here to enter text.Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Weekly Research Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Directions: Answer the questions below on a daily basisList 5 takeaways (1 per day) that you discovered while reading a book or article. Research can include watching videos but should not be limited to them. Explain why the takeaways you chose are important to you achieving your goals. List the title, page number or time where the takeaway can be located in the video.Title of article, book, or video that you are reading: Click here to enter text. Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Weekly Grade EvaluationTurn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Before Progress ReportInsert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.After Progress Report/Mid TermBefore Progress ReportInsert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.Insert Course Date of checking your class grades.PERCENTAGESGradeAssessmentClassworkParticipationHomework5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.5/8/2020 12:00 PMGrade Assessment Classwork Particpation HW NOTESClick here to enter text.What is the reason for my progress report grades? Insert your answer here What is the reason for my final grades? What did you learn from this quarter/semester? Is there anything you would do differently? Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Journal/Notes Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Progress Report EvaluationTurn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.WEIGHTED GRADE EVALUATION QUESTIONAREWhat is the reason for my progress report grades? Insert your answer here What is the reason for my final grades? What did you learn from this quarter/semester? Is there anything you would do differently? Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Journal/Notes Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Report Card EvaluationTurn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.WEIGHTED GRADE EVALUATION QUESTIONAREWhat is the reason for my Report Card grades? Insert your answer here What is the reason for my final grades? What did you learn from this quarter/semester? Is there anything you would do differently? Insert your answer here MY SUCCESS PLAN: Journal/Notes Turn Your Dreams into Goals - Invest 5 Minutes: Dreaming only inspires by stretching your imagination. Accomplishing set goals not only stretches you, it changes your life, and lives affected from your success.Insert your answer here ................

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