A Rough Guide to Llanelli.A Family Learning CurriculumThe aim is to learn together and enjoy the activities.These are examples of activities that you can do as a family in your community. The work can be presented in a variety of ways; drawing, art and craft, model making, map work, writing, ICT, poetry…be as creative as you like.‘My Place in the World’ - create a flipbook, start with Me, Our House, Our Street, Our Town, Our County, Our Country, Our Continent, Our World.?What are your likes and dislikes about where you live? Create a Venn diagram or table.My School Environment- How is the land around your school used? Describe the area around your school.?Drawing a map is a good way to consider scale and the shape of buildings and streets from a bird’s eye view. Make a map of your street or local area. Write a set of directions from your house to your favourite place in Llanelli. Remember to use compass directions. Test your family. Can they follow the instructions correctly to guess your favourite place???Extra Challenge – Draw your map on a grid to show co-ordinates. Use Minecraft to plan your street.??A to Z of Llanelli – on a roll of wall paper, write the names of places in Llanelli starting with A and Ending on Z. Draw a picture to illustrate each one. It could be a street, park, church, shop, café, takeaway, football club, post office, pond, river or monument.??Label whether they are man-made of physical/natural features.Create a model of a man-made feature and a collage of a natural feature or Draw the view from a window in your home. What man-made and natural objects can you see? How would the view differ during the different seasons??Egg box mystery tour - Use a 6 or 12 empty egg box and create some clues to help players go on a magical mystery tour of Llanelli without leaving their living room. Clues can be drawings, coded clues, riddles or natural materials.??Llanelli Monopoly. Use the inside of cereal boxes to create a board game of some of the streets in your area. Use the same colours as the Monopoly board game.??Play the game with your family.Famous People - Can you think of famous people who were born in Llanelli? Create a fact file or write a biography. (rugby/football player, actor/actress, singer)Draw a caricature or portrait of a famous person from Llanelli.?Sut mae’r tywydd? – Keep a record of the weather in Llanelli over the next two weeks in Welsh. Use this information to create a bar chart. Write sentences in Welsh. Heddiw mae hi’n…create a welsh snap game with welsh words you see in the community.My Local Heritage - What can you find out about your local heritage? Speak to older members of your family like your grandparents (on the phone if they don’t live with you) about their childhood memories of being in Parc Howard (Band Stand, paddling pool, café, Queen’s visit in 1977, snow days etc) , Llanelli Entertainment Centre (Saturday morning cinema, pantos, Miss Llanelli) .Make a memory book and include some old photos.?Find out about Llanelli House, Copperworks School, Llanelli Docks, and Railway Riots. Create a PowerPoint or mind map.Radio Advert - Identify the unique and special features of Llanelli. Prepare a speech for a radio programme to encourage people to visit Llanelli.?. Use different members of your family as the actors’ voices. Write out the radio script and practice with your family.?Improving Llanelli - What would you do to improve Llanelli??Design a new feature for the local community. This could be a playground ride for your local park or a community allotment. Draw, label and explain how your new feature will improve the local area. Design a poster or leaflet to advertise the new park.??Extra Challenge:? Label your drawing and consider aspects as size and materials. You may choose to build a model of your design from LEGO or card.?Improving Llanelli - Imagine you can turn an old, run-down building no longer in use that is close to your home into a new café/place to eat. Design a name and logo for the new business. Create a new menu for your local café. Include prices and descriptions of the different dishes include traditional Welsh foods in the menu??A Holiday in Llanelli - What entertainment and leisure facilities are available for adults and children?? What new ones would you like to see?Write a postcard from Llanelli, describe what you have done or seen. Include their address on the back. Draw a picture on the front of something in Llanelli.Relaxation - The painted Lady butterfly visits gardens in Wales at this time of year – flying all the way from North Africa! Take a break in your garden or go on a local walk and see what animals and plants you can spot. Take a photo, draw a picture of your favourite animal/plant or create an animal fact file.?Quiz Night – Use all the interesting facts that you have found out about Llanelli and create a quiz for your family.Poetry - Write a poem about Llanelli and add illustrations…make a flag for Llanelli.Jar of rainbow wishes. What would you like to do in Llanelli after lockdown? Who would you like to see? Who are you missing? Write down your thoughts, messages or draw a picture on a Post It note and put it in the jar.Write about yourself and how you have found the last 2 months do it together as a family…what have you learnt about the way we have had to live…what do you think has changed for the better? We would like to say thank you for supporting the children and their learning in this difficult time. We look forward to seeing what you can all do and if you have better ideas please go ahead and have a go. There will be some examples on the twitter feed to get you going if needed.Diolch o galon,Ysgol Pen Rhos. ................

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