Crafting recipes mod minecraft 1.12 -

[Pages:4]Crafting recipes mod minecraft 1.12.2


Crafting recipes mod minecraft 1.12.2

Minecraft more crafting recipes mod 1.12.2. Minecraft random crafting recipes mod 1.12.2. Minecraft custom crafting recipes mod 1.12.2.

By tmq July 8, 2021 17,015 views Roughly Enough Items Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5. If you're a veteran Minecraft player and use mods, you've probably heard of two famous mods: Just Enough Items and Not Enough Items. They are the two legendary mods with the main uses for viewing recipes, managing inventory, spawner items and many other features and utilities. In later versions, Not Enough Items becomes the Just Enough Items add-on. These mods become almost inevitable when you play Modded Minecraft and include Vanilla Minecraft as well. However, at the moment, Just Enough Items and Not Enough Items have not updated to the latest versions (1.13 and 1.14) and this makes Modded Minecraft quite difficult because you will be hard to find. get the recipe of the item. But don't worry about having Roughly Enough Items! Roughly Enough Items is a replacement for JEI and NEI in the latest versions of Minecraft. Rouhgly Enough Items allows you to view the recipe of the item, see which item is used in any recipe, and so on. You can also turn on the "Cheat" mode to get the item you want. Roughly Enough Items also has the Config section to customize some things! Requirements: Forge Mod Loader (for 1.13.2). Fabric Mod Loader (for 1.14). Rift (for 1.13's). How to Install: Download Forge Installer, Roughly-Enough-Items-1.13.2.jar file Right click Forge Installer, Run as Administrator and press OK to install Forge. (You can skip this step if you've installed Minecraft Forge) Open Start on desktop > Open Run (Or you can use the Windows + R keyboard shortcut) Type %appdata% into Run and press enter. Go to folder /.minecraft/mods Put jar file of the Mod into mods folder and then run Minecraft. Done! Download links for Roughly Enough Items Mod 1.17.1/1.16.5 > Forge version: for Minecraft 1.16.5 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.14.4 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.15 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.15.2 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.16.3/1.16.2 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.16.4 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.17 ? Mirror link > Fabric version: for Minecraft 1.17.1 ? Mirror link Click to rate this post! UPDATE 10/21/21 I am very sorry for not keeping this post accurate with the latest version of Scramble Craft. We have just updated the download to 2.8.5 from 2.3.7. There were so many things changed inbetween these updates that I cannot list them out. Redownload the mod and get some epic new randomizer features implemented into the game! Scramble Craft is finally released! This does not mean there are no bugs, but it is very much playable for you and your friends. If you want to play scramble craft you need to read to know how to use the mod. If you don't then you will run into many frustrating issues. You can not reupload this mod on any website. If you play the mod on youtube please credit voids wrath and link this download page. If you find any illegal uploads of the mod please report them. You cannot use this in a public mod pack unless you have written permission. This is to prevent bug reports from old versions of the mod as its going to be updated very frequently. We will lift this once we have a stable version. When you download Scramble Craft you will need to have the latest 1.12.2 forge. We reccomend any custom mod packs being created using multimc. There are many guides on how to use multimc. You place the mod inside the mods folder and you then load up your mod pack. After you load up the mod pack it will generate the config folder. Inside the config folder you will find for cfg files. You only need to worry about 2 files named "recipes" and "recipescramble". The recipes file can be opened with notepad or notepad++. This is essentially a cheat sheet and shows you what all the new recipes for the items are. If you load this once it has to be deleted to get new recipes. Each time you delete the file it will generate unique recipes for all items in your mod pack. If you add a mod after generating the recipes cfg file you must delete it. Adding mods after generating the recipes cfg will not work and will not scramble the new items. We advise you pick out what mods you want before you start your world. Unless you don't mind having to scramble recipes each time. The next config file you must look at is recipescramble. This file has all the information to change your experience. You can play scramble craft an infinite amount of ways. You can add any mods you want and alter your adventure or you can edit the recipescramble config and change the way you discover recipes. The config is detailed very well and you should be able to figure it out on your own. When playing scramble craft all your recipes will be changed. Even the modded crafting recipes. You can alter your adventure by changing configs and have a different experience. There are 3 ways to get recipes if you change them in the config folder. The default way without changing anything gives the player a recipe for an item if you have it in your inventory. The second way is only awarding recipes after you craft it. Meaning if you pick up the item from a dungeon it will not give you the recipe in your recipe book. This would be hardcore mode. I do not recommend it. The final way is the easiest and it awards all recipes that require the item(s) in your inventory. That means if you pick up a gold ingot it, your recipe book will now display all the recipes that require a gold ingot. Other features include random items from decaying leaves, random blocks from melon farming, random blocks when using concrete powder in water, portals take you to a random dimension (insane if you have modded dimensions), random mobs if you breed pigs or sheeps, random uncraftable items from killing boss monsters (that means command blocks), random drops from neutral/aggressive mobs, random liquids when milking a cow and many more. If you have suggestions please let us know! We have a list and plan to keep updating scramble craft. If you don't like a feature simply open the recipescramble config and disable it. To rescramble your portals you will need to navigate to your world save folder and open it. Find the file "DimensionalRemap.json" and delete it. Then reload your world. To create a scramble craft server YOU NO LONGER NEED TO SYNC CONFIGS WITH CLIENT AND SERVER. However if you made config changes on client you will need to change them on the server. You no longer need to sync the recipes.cfg file. Changelog: 2.8.5? too many things were changed and we failed to keep track2. eating out of bowl gives you random item instead of bowl? random items from breaking glowstone/snow blocks? block walk scroll added to dungeon loot? trees when planted are randomized to other trees? dupe mobs scroll added to dungeon loot(killing mobs duplicates them)? more compatibility for new mods added if configs were generated previously? Many other bug fixes/crashes2.1.7? JEI integration (you can look up old recipes to reference when crafting)? random drops when raining? milking cows gives random liquid? projectile compatibility with lucraft and infinity gauntlet mod (let us know more crashes)? crafting an item over and over may result in a total random item (configurable percentage in configs)? hostile mobs have rare chance to drop UNCRAFTABLE items (they already could drop random craftable items)? Many other bug fixes/crashes2.0.1? crops randomization fixed? fixes for incompatible recipes? fixed furnance recipes to sync properly on servers? improvements to furnance UI? improvements to recipe book sorting? Many other bug fixes/crashes1.9.9? all farming is now randomized. This may work for other mods and their farming? Trees from other mods now drop random items from decaying leaves? when water freezes it will produce random blocks at a certain percentage (you can change % in configs)? new scramble altar created. Guide on this soon? random recipe scrolls no longer infinite. They are now 1 time uses. FIXED FOR REALS? crafting book in crafting table displays latest recipes acquired. This resets when you reload your game? random trades from villagers. These can include any items/blocks and even modded items/blocks? TNT explosion radius is now random. Meaning you better be careful? placing paper in a dropper will create a random item voucher. Once the timer expires you can redeem the random item? Many other bug fixes/crsahes1.9.8? bookshelf breaking gives chance to drop random item other than books? melon breaking gives chance to drop random item other than melons? snow golems now have a chance to spawn blocks underneath where they walk? craftable items put inside hoppers will be randomized. Crap items like mob drops and easy to obtain items won't work. Config to change? random recipe scrolls no longer infinite. They are now 1 time uses? config added for fishing? Many other bug fixes/crsahes1.9.7? added additional masked weapons for server use? Syncing of furnace recipes.? Fixed the issue with recipe scrambling leaking from MP to SP instances.? Many other bug fixes1.9.6? added cobblestone generator block scrambling? config options for fishing item scramble? improvements to scrambled fishing? fixed server syncing for furnance outputs? breaking gravel flint now has item randomization? fixing on servers timing you out? fixes for sapling exploit for infinite free items? crash fixes1.9.2? fixed portal randomization? Server and client recipe syncing (no longer need to sync configs between both) (please report if thats an issue)? Sheep when sheared give random wool now? and many other bug fixes (sorry we didn't track updates too well)1.8.8? added new feature that scrambles projectile types from all range weapons. (Yes this means you can shoot a nuke from a bow if you have techguns installed)? further fixed end portal teleport glitch (please report if thats an issue) If you have any questions or bugs PLEASE report them here. Do not post bugs anywhere else or I won't be able to help you.

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