How to improve your enchantment table in minecraft


How to improve your enchantment table in minecraft

How to strengthen enchantment table. How to increase enchantment table. How to improve enchantment table.

24.329 ARTICLESON this wiki spells s? ? o, Changes permanent m¨¢gicos to weapons, armor and tools to improve them on multiple aspects. Beyond ? m the set of improvements provided by Minecraft vanilla, v¨¢rios mods contribute spells [1] of its pr¨®pria. Items dispon?veis and blocks for charming s? ? o the following; Vanilla Enchantments [edit] Name Max Navel item Effects Prote?? ? IV Armor Improves redu?? ? global damage Fire Protection IV Armor puts out fire faster and reduces pain of fire damage falling IV Boots Reduces Frost damage fall Walker II Boots generates ice below the wearer to walk on the ¨¢gua explosion ? ? Prote?? IV armor reduces damage proja lock explosive and ethyl Protec?? ? ? IV armor reduces damage proja ? cteis (e.g. arrows) increases Breathing- ? III helmet subaqu¨¢ticas Breathing- time the aqua ? I Affinity helmet minera?? speed increases subaqu¨¢ticas ? for the above ground and improves aims ? subaqu¨¢tico the thorns Armor III provides an opportunity for the confusion ? attackers to take damage. Only the highest Navel of an armor count peda?o. Sharpness V [2] Sword, Ax increases damage V I struck Sword, Ax increases against damage vivo (e.g., skeletons, Moto and its variants) Bane artr¨®podes V Sword, Ax increases the damage caused A A artr¨®podes (e.g., spiders and Silverfishs) Knockback II sword beats beat multid?es further aspect tr¨¢s fire flames hit sword II III multid?es raiding sword increases mob drop or the possibility of a drop Increases sweeping edge sword III damage done by attacks Efficiency scanning V [2] pick, shovel, Ax, scissors ? speed increases extrac?? Silk touch I pick, shovel Ax Shears most extra?dos always loosen blocks instead of their normal drops Unbreaking III armor, weapons, tools adds a chance to redu?? ? negate the durability Fortune III pick, shovel, ax units increases the yield to drop items. Tamba ? m works with wheat (seed drops), tall grass, Nether Wart and mel?es. Power V [2] Bow increases the damage caused by shot arrows punch II Bow Knocks mob hit by arrows back further called I Bow ignites arrows shot and hit mob they Infinity I Bow arrows in ? sera ? the consumed, however at least an arrow ? ? Required invent¨¢rio player stick III Sea fishing Luck Decreases "junk" catch while fishing and increasing catches "treasure" Lure III fishing Rod Decreases time before fish bite the hook Mending I all tools, weapons and armor Increases durability when orbs XP s? ? o collected and the item on hand ? est¨¢ or the armor slots ? Canaliza?? the Trident I generates a Relay ? ? LIGHTNING when an entity ? reached during a storm loyalty III Trident Trident voltar¨¢ the player. The higher the charm ? ?, the faster it voltar¨¢ Increases Impaling V Trident damage done to ¨¢gua mobs Riptide Trident III lan?ao player forward when est¨¢ in the water or during rain Multishot I Beast three shots arrows together but only consumes an arrow IV Penetrating the Beast arrows plan pass atrav? ? s navel charm 1 + Quick charge III multid?es Beast reduce the charging time arrows. Curse [edit] Maldi??es s? ? o negative enchantments that degrade the item. Name Max item Navel Effects Curse of Binding I Armor, ? liters, pumpkin, directs the item in ? can be removed the armor slot ATA ? it breaks or the player dies. (Ser¨¢-Only that occur by enchanting books or discarded items) Curse of Escape I armor, weapons, tools, ? liters, pumpkin, cabe?as Shield the item in the ? ser¨¢ lan?ada on player death ( occurs only by charming books or discarded items) mod Enchantments [edit] Ars Magica 2 [edit] Name Max Navel item Effects Magic Resistance V armor reduces damage magician Soulbound I most items When the player dies the item / tool / ? armor will be kept in the invent¨¢rio Do not drop into the ground, similar to the "keepinventory" flag for this item BIBLIOCRAFT Effects [Edit] Max Name Item Reading i Helmet while looking at Bibliocraft blocks of the world Your focus text will be displayed Eternal Compass I Atlas (Bibliocraft) when OO Die, they will appear with an eternal compass, that will take them back to your death point. COFH CLEASE [edit] DartCraft [edit] name Max. Max. Effect force effect 2 Damage 5 Tools Speed 5 Forces: Increases efficacy (mining speed) of a tool in blocks that tool is normally effective against proportionately to the level. Forces Bow (Max Lvl 1 ..): Make arrows fly faster and further. Force Armor (Max Lvl 1 ..): Increases the player's base motion speed, as well as the control of the movement it has in the air. Forces Rod (Max Lvl 3 ..): Grants 10 seconds of speed per level of activity. Power Tools: Increase EU consumption exponentially per level, beyond normal effects. Lumberjack 1 Forces Ax: Pauses to each block of wood in a vertical column, instantly using double the durability than usual by broken block. Heat Tools 4 Carvan Carvan Force Flame: Attempts to blow all drops of mined blocks. Armor Forces (Max Lvl 1 ..): Increases the Damage Perforator Vigor by half of a heart per level, and sets beating mobs on fire. Forces Rod: Transforms the rod into a Rod of Fire, which grants 20 seconds of resistance to fire in use. Luck Tools 4 Forces: Imbui a fortune level per level. Sword Forces: Impregnates a level of serves per level. Forces Bow: Impregnates a level of serves per level. This type of looting is different from vanilla looting and will increase drops of ranging instead of body to body kills. Armor Forces (Max Lvl 1 ..): Increases Mob drops forces punch, similar to looting in a weapon. Grinding 1 Note: Any temperature or industrialCraft2 is required to use this effect. Rainbow 1 Forces Shears: randomly sliced sheep fad. Experience 1 Forces Take: Creates a Tom?'s experience. Hold 1 For?a Package: Adds 8 additional storage slots. Several times can be added, increasing the level tomorrow. Additional forces Upgrading package can be added to add extra storage. Forces Rod: Allows you to store certain entities in force Bottles when clicked right with the Rod, at the cost of charges Rod. Crafting Card 1 Item: It turns into carton card design. Bane 1 Force Sword: Imbui Bane, which will flourish enemies hit. Forces Bow: Imbu Bane, who will curse enemies hit. Armor Forces: Imbu Bane, who will curse enemies struck with any attack. Do not Bane accumulates from various items. Bane will permanently remove certain monsters inherent skills, leaving them harmless or even quite comic,: Creepers reached with the Bane effect forever lose the ability to explode. They go, however, still follow it around. Creeping. Enderman and Ender Tots hit with the Bane effect permanently lose their ability to teleport. Not so difficult without your theater to bend space, is not it? Camo 1 * Invisibility For?a Po??o Rod: Creates an invisibility wand that gives the player the invisibility Chandelier Force armor,: makes the armor invisible, showing the skin players instead of the armor pieces Sangro 3 * Arrow Forces Sword: Imbui Bleeding, which will flourish enemies hit with this weapon. Forces Bow: imbui of bleeding, which will flourish enemies hit with this weapon. Armor Forces: Imbui de bleeding, which will curse enemies struck with any attack. Bleeding infigate half heart damage twice per second. It lasts a second by accumulated bleeding. Bleeding different items accumulates, for a maximum of 15 seconds. Cure 2 Forces Rod (2): turn the stick into healing rod I (or II), which will add 5 seconds of regeneration I (or II) in each use, until 18 Seconds. Touch 1 Force tool: Impregna Silk Touch. Load 5 Forces armor,: It takes 10,000 EU responsible per item, instead of durability does not accumulate with repair can be recharged in the IC2 Storage EU Vista 1 Force Rod: give a minute full of night vision to the player, stacking of up to three minutes. Alma 5 Soul Wafer - require soul Shards Force Sword: Give the Enchantment Soul Stealer. Ala 1 Volid for the Force Sword and Core Update, ASA update allows for the limited vain. The sword of the force with wing wing Transformed into a sword-wing ?, and while held the user to slow down for a short time, keeping space. While using a sword wing or wearing wing * activated strength armor to a metering wing will show up at the top left of the screen. You can not literally lose. When this meter is exhausted you will fall and be unable to slow your fall until it repeats. The wing meter will refill at a constant rate when you are not in the air, however, there is a short time shipping if the gauge completely exhausted. If the user maintains the space and clicks on the right button with a sword wing, they will throw forward to a short distance, spending a moderate amount of feeding wings O. The player can start the vain with the sword wing, holding shift and space at the same time, and then clicking with the right button. Without any buffs to the wing meter this will last only 8 seconds. All Wing experience is totally from the client's side as for death to avoid lag. When Socketed in Vigor Armor, each piece with ASA will increase the maximum amount of power wing that the player has 100% of the original value. With a complete set of forces armor socketed with wing, the wing meter can be increased to a maximum of 5x the standard value. If even a piece of up-to-date armor is used, the user can fly at any time using their wing permanence by holding the Shift + Space key and then right * by clicking with the empty hands To start the Vain. In addition, if the player began vain wing while using at least one piece of wing socketed forces armor the player can exchange items detained without falling. The maximum consecutive vain time for a complete set of socketed wingband armor is about 40 seconds. The player will be able to automatically walk a block tilted with at least one wing-socketed gear piece. Players with wing-socketed gear also will be able to skate to walk through water using meter's ala energy as if they were under the effects of a speed po??o. Wing on the strength armor allows players to jump louder the longer the space hold the space bar. With 4 pieces of wing-socketed force armor a player will be able to jump up approximately 10 blocks, or higher if he learns a player to hold a "force bounce", which is very fast half to get around. Ala Armor will absorb falling damage using load on the wing meter instead of damaging the player or armor. Manually retarding your fall is more preferable, however. Rate of 2 5 Crystal Energy - Requires IC2 Force Armor: It takes 100,000 EU responsible per item, instead of durability does not accumulate with repair can be recharged on the IC2 EU storage device, following Requirements Crystals IC2 Energy ( Tier 2, for example MFE or higher) Ender 1 force Rod: Create a Return Rod, which can be configured to teleport to a location known in use. Force Package: Create an Ender package. Forces Bow: Teleport the target for a random site. Sword Forces: Creates a Ender Sword. Shift + Click Certain Teleports that you direct location. Light 5 Forces sword: Give feri to a 1-to-1 racium with a maximum of 5. Robust Tool 3 Forces: Impregnate the Archant Unbreaking vanilla in a proportion of 1 For 1. Unbreaking also affects tools that use extra durability for fusing / grinding etc. Force Armor (Max Lvl 1 ..): Reduce damage from all sources for a certain amount. Sturdy's maximum level in armor forces will result in a reduction of damage 75% of all fountains (disapproved), rounded to the closest half of the heart. (Lava Nata, Someone?) Force Package: prevent the entity form from the item from spawning and makes it indestructible. Repair 1 Thaumcraft Shard - Requires Thaumcraft Repair Do not accumulate. It will impregnate thaumcraft repair enchantment in force tools, armor strength and rods of any kind, allowing DartCraft tools to recharge using Thaumcraft's aura. Forces Rods can now also be updated with repair when they are updated in the infuser force. Unlike repair forces Rods can still only have an unique update. Forces Rods with repair within a Belt will recharge, but only half so quickly as if they were on hotbar. She grafts a forced Axea: act as a forest grafter at the cost of significant durability. Ender Zoo [edit] Name Max Item Effects WITHERING 1 BOW Applies Wither Effect on Hit For 5 Seconds Decay 1 Sword Applies Wither Effect on Hit For 5 Seconds Forbidden Magic [edit] Max Name Effects Capitalist Item I Spy Drops Emerald de Villages . Chance of falling emerald fragment of hostile mobs. Consuming i pick, it is worthy cobblestone, dirt, gravel, netherrack. Corrupting I Pick Adds Chance to drop low fragments of Infusion Stone. Educational v sword increases amount of fall XP. Fiery Normal IV Pick increases chance of falling ore cluster. Impact I pick, it makes 3x3x1 mine tool. VoidTouched I Tools, weapons, armor makes it recharge your durability. Ira v Sword, Machado increases damage of weapons attack (similar to sharpness. It is also accumulating with it). Mariculture [edit] Note: standard key to use incomprehensions is left control Max Name Effects item 1 above III Jewelry, Chestplate Each enchantment Cure of Level 3 Hearts Player Blink III Jewelry, Sword Greater the enchantment, One more player can teleport (needs there to be 2 air blocks above the destination block, also player needs an empty hand) V Luck Vest Irelands Rod, Hammer increases enchantability, and increases the possibility Getting a Fall Sting Resistance IV Jewelry, Launchers, Boots Every Prevents Level Charming Damage Damage + 3 Focus Distemble + 3 Focus Punch III Jewelry, Chestplate Damage Mother Players Increased half of a heart for each enchantment Leapfrog IV Jewelry, Leggings, Boots Each enchantment increases height height jump. Jewelry is activated with a Jewelry Key Inferno III, Chestplate Enchantment 1 inflammation creatures when perforated, level 2 spawn fire with right click + key, on the 3 player's lava and fire never hungry v Jewelry, helmet every level of Enchantment increases how much saturation how it provides, at the same time always recharges bar players famine paraglide II jewels, sword alternating skill with a key player, level 1 can only alternate it, level 2 increased speed players in fall. Pressing SHIFT slows down. Toxidendro III Jewelry, Sword Each charm Duration Level increases poison. Level 1 applies venom with punches, level 2 with the right button and on the 3 player level is cured of poison immediately harvester III Jewelry, Level sword in 1 players Items are kept after death, on the 2 player can spawn where he died, on the level 3 about respawning, player is resistant to damage for short-time time restoration III Jewal on level 1 that will repair items player has, the level 2 that will repair hottar players and on level 3 Also you will repair Sonic Armor Pieces to J?da Hedgehog V, Launcheiros, Boots Activated capacity with a key, each level increases players Run Speed Spider I Jewels allows player to climb walls, holding disables Transfer it step up III Jeweles Each Level Enchantment Allows Player to Intensify Half Quadra Superman III Jewelry, Sword Each enchantment increases the speed of vain, holding down The key will change Timelord i J?ds allows freezing Time (Day / Night) Flying, right click on your hand to switch the elemental configurations affinity I Jewels has different effects Depending on the color of openblocks [edit] Max name Max Effects Last Stand II Armor When the user is half a heart, instead of dying from the next blow that uses XP levels to absorb instability damage III armor when taking damage, P?lvora will be consumed Create an explosion that damages mobs and blocks of Flim Flam IV armor brings "M? ? For anything that attacks the player. Effects The invader may receive include: - Add Anthropod Leather in Random Items - Spawn loaded Creepers (with 0 explosion ray) - cause negative po??o effects such as blindness and nausea. Can can Give Go Boost and Speed. These effects have extremely short duration, but very high potency (around the levels 50). - Encase the striker in the dirt when they lower the torches - shuffle your inventory - Make about 30% mobs in a 20x20x20 centered around the invisible invisible - make them discharge their items - add some random frames Tool tips for your items - make them mount mobs next (except squid and creepers) - Rename Mobs in a 20x20x20 area around them - Change the color of the sheep in a 20x20x20 area around them - If they are surrounded by air from all sides, it creates an ice platform above the ground and teleport them there - Play snowballs in a random direction - Play random sounds - spawning a squid with a personalized name and make it your hat - teleport them randomly throwing a nurse feet as if it were launched by them - spawn on durability items from 0 with random floods, the effects are different "weights" , which means that some are more common than others. The "worse" effects will be the least common. As effects are applied to a player, your luck will gradually decrease. Railcraft [edit] name maximum effects declaration v crowbar ba'nus of crowbar creeper b?'nus destruction destruction III crowbar area of crowbar decontestation of blocks RedPower 2 [edit] Level Name Maximum Effects Fuel Efficiency IV JetPack decreases the use of fuel from a jetpack or flux pack while flying or damaged. Soul Shards [edit] Special MOBS [edit] Name Maximum Item Effects Pain 3 Sword This enchantment causes your attacks or arrows to cause additional damage that circumvent all the protection. Each level adds 1 damage (1/2 heart). Agony 3 Bow Prague 3 Sword This enchantment makes your attacks or arrows afflict your target with random and negative effects of po??es. Each level applies an extra population effect by hit. Possible position effects are: lenting, nausea, blindness, hunger, weakness and poison. Keep in mind that nausea, blindness and hunger affect only players, and venom affects very few hostile mobs, but the combination of lenting and weakness is incredibly powerful. Scourge 3 Bow Poison Penen Space This enchantment makes your attacks or arrows push poison in your target, until poison III. Each level increases the venom level applied by a single attack. While poison III can very quickly surprise the health of something, you can not kill and affect very few hostile mobs. However, it can be very effective in dispatching creepers. Venom 2 Bow Thaaumcraft [edit] Name Effects of the item of the maximum frugal III The foundation wand reduces the cost of VI by 5% per level Treasury III Retail retail variant of the fortune with the same Potency Potence III Fund wand Increases the power of the wand, the exact effects depend on the power of the wand in the type of wand. Also increases VI costs by 5% per level. Loading I launch slowly recharges with aura Aura VIS Boots increases the speed of riding repeat II Thaumium armor and tools slowly repairs the item with aura Aura Aura Thimic Tinkerer 1 [edit] Name Maximum item Effects Frozen I, decelerating them (effect denied by fire) Soulbringer I potentially sword makes attacking dead-alive other dead instead of the player vampirismi II sword The player will be healed with 1/4 damage damage asham I armor, weapons when the item breaks, It will be restored, but will lose this and two other charms random thaumic Exploration [edit] Name level of maximum item effects Binding II sword on level I, decelerates mobs for a few seconds. In Level II, it prevents the end of teleporting and creepers exploded for a few seconds. Night Vision i Helmet NightVision Permanent Effect Disarming Pion III Sword Enemies Wholesale have a chance to leave weapons, do not work in other players. Note: Vanilla's Enchants also provokes it. Credit forest [edit] Name max Item Effects Fiery Aura II Armor If present in all four armor pieces equipped, Mobs hit the player player Be defined in fire notes [edit] ? "There are other enchantments and mechanics to enchant, such as the construction of tinkers and new thaumcraft 4 'constructions. ? 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.4 The Lovely Book Level can be obtained by combining two books of Level IV in an anvil, can be found in a serve baons in the dungeons, it can be obtained through negotiations of Village, or can be obtained with the advanced enchantment table if this mod is enabled. activated.

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