Minecraft forge 1. 6 4 installer


Minecraft forge 1. 6 4 installer

Minecraft forge 1.6 4 installer download.

Copyright ? ? 2018-2021 by Forge Development LLC ? ? Cursing ads ? Privacy information Design is designed by and used with permission from Paleocrafter Multiply Mod. Have you wanted more articles? Now you can multiply the items you already have! The multiply mod ad 6 multipliers; X2, X, X8, X16, X32, X64, and multiplies the mineral. Put a multiplier on the elaboration table with your element / block, and you will have up to 64 times that article! Where do you have multipliers? Mine below level 16 and is multiplying the mineral (spawning at the same rhythm as diamonds) in groups up to 4. When you mine the mineral (the peak of iron or better required) you will get a multiplier. The better the multiplier, the more rare it is. Multiply Sabialy; There are more for Minecraft that only diamonds! Download Use the download button up. Installation The multiplier mod requires Minecraft 1.6.4 and Minecraft Forge. Download the last version of Minecraft Forge here (I recommend the installer): videos mod Review by jackdavid3141: Review by newukegaming : The ID for the Multiplied Mineral is 450the ID of the article are 4500-4506 This can be changed in the multiplied. CFG file in the configuration folder. This mod was created by Alex Socha (Playerindistress) (ME). Author: Lexmanos ? ~ 1 week ago ~ 19,661,987 Minecraft Forge visualizations is not really a mod by yourself, but rather a modding API that supports a wide variety of mod while it comes to MOD compatibility problems and vanilla. This API makes it easier for several mods work together while guarantees a stable game. Minecraft Forge is as old as Minecraft Modding and has evolved next to Vanilla Minecraft in many ways. Basically, Minecraft Forge Add support for the game to other minecraft mods. With Forge. You can install mods that provide new weapons, NPCs, alter existing mobs, add new mobs and much more. Forge duty is to compile and make sure that Of the mods you installed it has no conflict and are compatible with each other. In the event that you have two or more conflicting modifications, then Forge will warn you in that scenario and give you some options on how to proceed. By itself, Minecraft Forge API does nothing except add a button add a "Mod" button on the game's title screen. It also shows how many mods (if applicable) are installed, and other useful information. FORTE Forging Forging Forging is very easy to install. All you need to do is follow the next steps: Make sure you have the Minecraft running once before you start installing FORGE API.GO to (also, you can download from the continue buttons.) Choose the version you want to install and download the ? ? Intaller? ? ? runs the installer as administrator. After the above steps, a new Minecraft profile will appear in your Minecraft drop-down list. Just click on it, tap Play and enjoy. The initial start-up of your Minecraft forging will take some time, as you will try to download and process the files needed for a smooth start. How to install other mods with the person being discussed, not all mods follow the same installation process, most mods Minecraft mods use Forge's Standard Installation Procedure. For your standard mods, all you need to do is download the .ZIP or .JAR MODS file, and place it in the MODS folder in your Minecraft directory. That's so simple! For more complicated modifications, the installation may differ depending on the mod. For such mods, it is best to consult the Mod installation procedure. If you get a MOD installation and keep everything compatible while still having a decent FPS, then you'll end up with dozens of mods at once. We also recommend installing Optifine HD on top of Minecraft Forge to make use of the impulse FPS added and make Minecraft even more beautiful. Should I install it? About 90% of existing Minecraft mods also use MC Forge as their platform, so unless you you to play a vanilla without modifying Minecraft, then it is better to install forge before trying other elegant mods. Installation of Minecraft Forge is quite easy and free of discomfort, and simplifies installation of other mods for a hundred times more! If you plan on modding the heel of your Minecraft game, or if there is an elegant game change mod you want to use, then Minecraft Forge is an essential modding API that you can't play without. Minecraft Forge Showcase This thread was marked as blocked by master801.1224116224622462246824 (Note: all questions/requirements/demands for versions/updates/schedules mod, including "reminders" on the current version of Minecraft or doubts about the uncle's commitment to Sparkle Motion, will be folded, spooked, mutilated, tritured, polished Last version - Gulliver v0.14.3 for Minecraft 1.6.4! New Features: Updated to Minecraft 1.6.4! Mod installers! Better climb blocks when it's small! No more falling directly in the instant you stop moving! The plants will beHelp break your fall when small! Settings for horse riding! As always, press and hold the chain and use the forward / backward keys to control the murcation. A little better handling of personalized blocks added by other mods, including Little Blocks! Even more corrections and settings! It works with too many articles, Rei? TM s Minimap, Optifine, some forjes, small blocks, and more! Do not work with Smart Moving, Player API, More Player Models and much more! Important Tips: Back up your world files before trying Gulliver or Gulliver Forged! You do not open the Minecraft 1.7 or 1.8 worlds in previous versions of Minecraft! Gulliver (or Gulliver Forged) should not be installed in the Minecraft JAR file or in the MODS folder. Use your installers instead. Language Support Multiples: Gulliver includes locations for Polish, German, Portuguese, Spain, Dutch, H?ngaro, Swedish, Norwegian, Dan? ? s, Franc? ? s, Italian, Turkish, Czech, Thailand , Chinese, Japanese, Finland, Hebrew, Arab, Pirate, Russian, Ukrainian, Filipino, Romanian and Slovak. The translations are really yours, and can be variable quality ? "Corrections and suggestions are appreciated. (Note: I choose what languages adding based on the countries that visit my ADFLY links ? oeTheirs could be the following! Little Blocks Users: Little Blocks will work very well with Gulliver Forged 0.14. 3 for 1.6.4! You will have to download the previous versions of MC 1.6.4 of Little Blocks and Slimevoidlib, specifically Little Blocks and Slimevoidlib Important Warning for Users 1.6.2 Gulliver + LB! Open Little Block Worlds 1.6.2 in 1.6.4 can make blocks disappear in Little Block areas, especially boxes, ovens and other blocks based on ?tile entity.? Backup your world, then remove all the "Small" chests etc. and its contents before using 1.6.4 If you are playing with Gulliver Forged 0.14.2 for Minecraft 1.6.2, you will have to download the previous versions of MC 1.6.2 from Little Blocks BlocksSlimevoidlib, specifically small blocks V2.2.0.1 and Slimevoidlib v2.0.2.0. Two things you should know when playing with Gulliver and small Blocks: / Based 0.125 or Poteling Potion II or 3 batteries of cyan Dygold Armor (any piece) will slow down the speed of responsibility: Do not upload Gulliver to the sites of FileShare accommodation or Mod do not make Mochiles with GulliveryBody who wants to share Gulliver must be linked to this thread, and should not share the direct download links of this publication. You can use this link to the download section if your visitors have difficulties with the English. In general, Gulliver downloads through this thread are v?lides, i (subleme) can not guarantee the copies that have been downloaded from another place. Very well, now that we are out of the way, I know how to tell you about my mod! Some ranking links to sections: introduction [/ anchor] Howdy friends! My mod is called Gulliver. It is appointed by the trips of the Gulliver book, although much of the inspiration comes from borrowers, Alice in Wonderland and other stories related to size. What he does from outside, looks like the Vanilla Minecraft plain. There are no new blocks, articles, entities or biomes, only two effects of potion. But with Gulliver installed, now you have the ability to change your own sizes or sizes of MOBS and NPCS! The world works differently when you and the MOBs change sizes. Look what happens! Starting tips for small players: Observe your passage step or your sprint to jump 1 block of high-quarter tall blocks! Press and hold the paper to slide, the silt ball for climbing, or the lily pad to RAFTHOLD an article for a greater range, the attack power and excavation of Speedhold (like a stick or a sword) to make open levers or Door door of fishing door carrying cats swelling and Spiders. Boot tips for huge players: Look at your step: hurting! Keep the shift to jump the higher drill blocks or the mobs that are delivered or jump Mobs to hurt them (or, otherwise, keep the shift to sneak over them), right-click, click on the drops with empty hands (or holding a one-offRight click on empty hands to pick them up! Then use the left button to launch them, ? TM q 'to launch them, right click to place them, or ? TM v' to put them on your shoulder! Back to top Screenshots [/ Anchor] You want to see some of the things you can do with this mod? Great! OPLASSED! Slide with paper! RAFTING WITH A LILY PAD! Riding an iron golem with ropes! Back to top How to change the size [/ anchor] Botter 3 different ways to change the size in Gulliver! (Note that resizing men are combined, so a pocket of embarrassment does not make you 4 times the normal size, but 4 times the size you would have without the effect of the potion.) Resize Potions Development Recipe: A? ? adir Nether Wart to the water bottle to make Poci?n Awkward.Greate red mushroom to make pocket of embarrassment, or: add brown mushroom to make color emalessly. Add Redstone Dust to prolong the effect duration or add Glowstone Dust to convert them to level II. Convert them into splash potions with fly to throw them into the mobs. Embigggening POCION You 4 times your stature, Poci?n de Embigggeing II makes you 8 times your stature. Emancening Poci?n makes you 1/4 of your height, POCION OF ENSMALLENING II makes you 1/8 of your height. You can drink milk or a potion with the opposite resizing effect to eliminate the effect. Resizing dyes Having a pile of Cyan Dye in your inventory will make half of your size, and a pile of Purple Dye (it was Magenta Dye in versions 0.13.8 and later) will make you twice your size or. You can have several dye batteries to apply the resizing several times, so 3 cian dye batteries will make you 1/8 size, and 3 piles of pelpure dye will make you 8 of size. Apply dyes to the sheep and tame the necklaces of the wolves also resize them. If you do not want to allow it in a player, edit the Enable-dye-resizing in the Gulliver configuration file (Gulliver.cfg or GulliverForged.cfg) in the Minecraft game directory configuration folder: B:enable-dye-resizing=false If you want to disable it on a server, server, The same property mentioned above in the Gulliver configuration file in the configuration folder where your Minecraft server resides. COR sizeB resizing Note: This requires both "cheat mode" (or OP permission on a server) and creative mode to work. You can adjust its size by pressing the 'R' key to double its current size and the 'F' key to halve its current size. (Size limits are 1/8 for the smallest and 8 for the largest). If you hold a stick and point it to a mafia, then the size changes 'R' and 'F' will apply to the mafia you are pointing at. The player or the mafia will remain that size unless affected by a size change potion or dye. Resizing Note (Advanced) Note: This requires "Trick Mode" (or OP permission on a server). Use the / Basesize command to directly configure your base size. This is the normal size: / BASESIZE 1.0 This is 1/4 Normal size: / Basesize 0.25 This is 3x Normal size: / base 3.0 The base size limits are 0.125 for smaller and 8 for smaller. You can even give a "real" size, so: / basesize 200 cm / basesize 5ft4in, it will keep that size unless it is affected by a punch or sizing change dye. Configuration Options If you want to start a new world at a particular size, such as making a survival challenge, change the "Base Player Size" option in the Gulliver configuration file (either gulliver.cfg or gulliverforged.cfg) in the configuration Folder from your Minecraft game directory. To start new worlds at a scale of 1/8, use this: S: Base Player Size = 0.125 Back to top Mechanics (How things work when they are resized) [/ Width] So, what difference does changing size make? Players assembled: have a shorter range to use/hit the blocks of blocks longer to travel to it That a regular size player, and also needs to jump to Moredon not jumping so high (but can stay shit or sprint to jump to a block). Hit the longest blocks to break them, even flowers and torches, less damaged when the attack hurts me more when the biggest attacks are staggered by the biggest players or the mafia no Activates the stone pressure plates (but activate wood or gold). gold). Runs of water in motion (but can claw along the side / down of a stream) Take more time to eat or drink are more vulnerable for poison purposes are hurt by Roses but not cactus will be slowly drowning in The rain if the excess water (1/8-scale) may have something pointy (for example, Stick, SWORD, HOE) to open doors, trapdoors, doors and Chests, and activate ... but delighted players too : They can do fresh new things with some articles - Keep paper to slide through the air, Lily Pad to cross the water, Slime Ball to climb walls, right click MOBS with String to ride them, and use the fishing rod as a hook Immersion can scale some types of blocks, such as leaves, grass, clothing, cactus, cactus, etc. Meanwhile, the embarrassed players: they have reached more time can travel great distances with less exhaustion, and upload 2 blocks tall inclinations without jumping higher than usual (and can keep shift to jump even higher) break blocks with less blowscanal and break multiple blocks at the same time (in survival) do more damage when attacking can walk, jump or fall into small turbos or players for "schish" them (or with empty hands or while holding a bucket ... but, also: they need higher walking gaps (the jungles and caves are a pain) can not hit entities or break blocks / use through narrow tools of vacuo (1 block) more quickly get less than Foodget benefit less XP from killing smaller creatures suffering more damaged damage, and can break blocks when they land (in survival) can not Sleeping in BedScan't Equip Boats or Minecarts (or less (the classic trial "on being the right size" Mention a series of ideas that I used to design how the mechanics would work differently in Gulliver .) Small players can ride in large entities by clicking with the right button on them while holding string. This includes biggest players in multiplayer! you will disassemble if you hurt while you ride, or if the trip falls more than a c Ay Distance! Leave comments on what you think, or any other suggestion on how Minecraft could work differently when you are tiny / inspiration. Or even simply talk about something fun you did with Gulliver; I like to listen to the different ways in which people use the mod test also the server if you can, this mod is most fun when you can inflict it to share it with your friends keep in mind that customers will also need N Having Gulliver to be able to connect to the server, and you should try to use the same version of Gulliver as the server. Top Gulliver in [/ Anchor] ACCI?N! Gulliver's survival challenge! Can you survive Minecraft at 1/4 scale? What is 1/8 scale or 2? Visit the Gulliver Survival Challenge thread for details and advice on how to survive when sizes! Videos and Maps Av?same If you make a video using this mod! I would love to see some examples of Gulliver in Acci?n. The same with the of adventure, although I me It ensures that subsequent releases will not break them. I would also like to see some maps that are like replicas of an 8x-scale Minecraft home or city, it would be fun to walk through 8x Size and feel "normal," and then to a small size to feel microscopic (the "Great House" maps I've seen are usually scales much larger than that). Here's an example of the kind of video I like to see: these two role games through Minecraft maps in the style of adventure time, and use Gulliver to improve the experience when having Jake, the dog can change size in the will (Jake actually in survival mode using / Doubleize And / / / Halfsize Commands, if you were wondering why it carries damage in creative mode). If you want to contact me about this mod before making a video. or MAP (to get tips on features, etc.), or if you want to make a suggestion or request, you can send me the PM (Sublemion) here on the forum, or email me: UNCLEMION {AT} Gmail {Full stoptop } com. Or you can find me on Twitter through @unclemion. Anyway, it's becoming a lot of video projects in Gulliver, so I'm selective about what I add to this section. I'm considering making some YouTube playlists link to But for now: it's better if the videos are well edited, they have decent audio and use clean language. Recount of creativity, as well as the value of entertainment. Have fun! I really like some more multiplayer videos, they are fun to watch and help me find server errors, try to show a Gulliver feature that has not been shown in one of the other videos. There are many of them, take a look at the change log if you are stuck by Ideas.PM, your video link or post the link here in the thread. That doesn't guarantee you'll add it to this.but nevertheless. How to pronounce the sponnection: I am "T?o" Mion, my sister is Shion: Mii and Shii, she and me. (I have organized the videos by number of version to help help confusion about why some features are not mentioned or do not work as in the current version.) (note: this section is very outdated.) gulliver v0.9.3 (minecraft 1.3.2) member of the forum thediamondminecart has a fairly complete mod review of gulliver v0.9.3 gulliver v0.9.2 (minecraft 1.3.2) member of the forum thescorpi0n shows the new features of gulliver (but where are the giant sheep)? the British jolly ol' take a look at gulliver in multiplayer: gulliver v0.8 (minecraft 1.2.5) gamechap and bertie fight against a giant ghast, and also make a burning demonstration of the new mob feature: gulliver v0.7.1 (minecraft 1.2.5) gamechap and bertie really enjoy creepers. And who wouldn't? gulliver v0.7 (minecraft 1.2.5) the yogscast makes a little villageception highlighting how the mod little blocks and gulliver can play together in multiplayer: gulliver v0.6 (minecraft 1.2.5) Gulliver appeared in the yogscast! finally we came to see the paperwork and the lemonger go up in action, along with miscreages: the member of the (it also helped me notice some more errors to fix.) gamechap and bertie have created a series of unfortunate events with gulliver. I have no idea what language they speak but they seemDivirting, and that is what matters. Gulliver V0.4 (Minecraft 1.2.4) Here is the first Gulliver Gulliver video by Chazofftopic, Using Gulliver V0.4: Thank you for trying Gulliver, guys Banners Forum Member MinecraftShoman19 made this beautiful SIG Banner style achievement for Gulliver (Thank you!): [URL = http: //ic/1112856- Gulliver-Changing-yourperspective-of-minecraft /] [img] [/ img] [/ url] Here is my own banner: [URL = http: / /ic/1112856-gulliver-changing-your-perspective-of-minecraft/][img] /img][/url] Back to Top (in) Compatibility [/ Anchor] Note: I can not guarantee Gulliver's compatibility with other mods, but I am certainly looking to do it more compatible. Gulliver v0.14.3 Only operates in Minecraft 1.6.4. Gulliver Forged V0.14.3 Only operates in Minecraft 1.6.4 + Forge Build 9.11.1,965. Gulliver v0.14.2 Only works in Minecraft 1.6.2. Gulliver v0.14.1 Only operates in Minecraft 1.6.2 + Modloader 1.6.2. Gulliver Forged V0.14.1 and v0.14.2 Only operate at Minecraft 1.6.2 + Forge Build Gulliver V0.13.7 and v0.13.8 Only operate in Minecraft 1.5.2 + Modloader 1.5.2. Gulliver Forged V0.13.8 Only works at Minecraft 1.5.2 + Forge Build I have changed a lot of class files to encode this, so the odds are that it will not work with some particular mod. Av?same if you find a mod that works perfectly well and I will check it for my compatibility list. Mods that seem compatible with Gulliver but actually do not work: more Models of players (change of reproduction, positioning of the player, illegal illegal ") smart removals (special movements with problems, incorrect movement speed, Stack underwater) Other mods change the player of the player or height / width ... Compatible mods (Gulliver): Minimap of OptifineReitoo Many Items ? "Potions in TMI Menu! ... Supported Forge Mods: Forge / FML (compile 965 for MC 1.6.4, 871 for MC 1.6.2) Small blocksClay Soldiers (in MC 1.5.2 and above) Biomes O'Plenty... Mods de Forge incompatibles (Gulliver Forged): GalacticraftMetaworlds... GalacticraftMetaworlds...Note that the compatible mods work mostly with Gulliver, but I have not coordinated any Gulliver feature with the other mods yet, so you will not find mod-specific creation behavior or other things you probably expected. top Troubleshooting[/anchor] If Minecraft crashes into you after installing Gulliver, not Panic! First, if you are using the new Minecraft launchers, and Minecraft closed and returned to the launcher after crashing, that's how you get the bug log: click on the "Development Console" tab on the launcher, then right-click on that panel, and select "Copy all the text." If you need help, make a post in this thread with that bug record, preferably between spoiler labels. It will help identify the source of the problem and get you to play the Gulliverized Minecraft again before. If you experience a strange non-crashy error while playing with Gulliver installed, you are welcome to make a video showing the problem and post a link with it in this thread. I can find out a lot about watching a playthrough video. Also a bonus if it's fun. (Note that some errors can be intentional.) back to top Downloads[/anchor] Customer/Singleplayer (No-Forge:) Gulliver Installer - v0.14.3 for Minecraft 1.6.4 (adf.ly) (mediafire) MD5: 9b096d8de2e40c438766727d8722a575 Install by running the installer and selecting the option. When running the new Minecraft launcher, launch or copy the "1.6.4 Gulliver" profile, or select the 1.6.4-Gulliver version in the profile editor. Server: Gulliver Server v0.14.3 for Minecraft Server 1.6.4 (adf.ly) (mediafire) (alternate) MD5: 6cd77fb5aaa600e66d3e3fe1b09c24f88 Install by placing gulliver_server-0.14.3-MC1.6.4.jar in the same directory as the minecraft_server.1.6.4 file.jar (where the server is). That's it! Start the Gulliver serverthe gulliver_server bottle (usually by double-clicking it). Do not install ModLoader. Players will need to have Gulliver 0.14.3 installed on their The client will otherwise not be able to log in (gives you a "Bad Packet Error 171"). Players running Gulliver Forged V0.14.3 can connect to non-forged Gulliver servers running version 0.14.3. FORGE VERSION (UNIVERSAL): Gulliver Forged Installer v0.14.3 for Minecraft 1.6.4 (adf.ly) (mediafire) (Alternative) MD5: C6DE33E7 670 613C8C6BCAc4C770EA4EA Do not place the forged bottle of Gulliver in the MODS folder, it will NOT work! Gulliver Forged V0.14.3 requires Minecraft Forge Build It will not work on different forging compilations. The installer does not include FORGE, so you will need to install FORGE separately. To install the client, first install Forge 965 with your installer, then run the forged Gulliver installer and select the "Client" option. The installer creates a new launcher profile called "1.6.4 Forge965 Gulliverforged", which has the proper JVM arguments to prevent the forge from breaking. You can select it from the drop-down list of profiles, or just click on "New Profile", while the profile "1.6.4 forge965 Gulliverged" is displayed in the drop-down list to make a copy of it, and then edit that profile as you like to play with Forged Gulliver. If you've already made a new profile for Gulliver forged in some other way, you should "edit the profile" and make sure that your "JVM arguments" have the following argument (probably with other things you can leave there): -Dfml.ignorepatchdiscrepancies = True, otherwise Forge will get angry and quit without even launch Minecraft for you. To install Forged Gulliver 0.14.3 to a server, first install Forge 965 to the server with its installer, then run the Forged Gulliver installer and select the "Server" option. Give both installers the path to the directory containing Minecraft_Server.1.6.4.jar where you intend to have your server installed. To run the server, double-click on the bottle forged from Gulliver Forged 0.14.3 that was installed in the folder on your server. Previous versions (for Minecraft 1.2.3-1.6.2): there has been enoughto Gulliver and how it interacts with other mods that I'm more or less losing support for older versions. I still have links to them if you really want to download. Forged: Gulliver Forged v0.14.2 for Minecraft 1.6.2 (installer) (universal), requires forge build Gulliver Forged v0.14.1 for Minecraft 1.6.2 (installer) (universal), requires forge build Gulliver Forged v0.13.8 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (installer) (universal). al), requires forge build Forge build Gulliver Forged v0.13.7 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (link), requires Forge build Gulliver Forged v0.13.6 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (link), requires Forge build Gulliver Forged v0.13.5 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (link), requires Forge build 7.8. 0.684 Gulliver Forged v0.13.4 for Minecraft 1.5.1 (link), requires Forge build Gulliver Forged v0.13.3 for Minecraft 1.5.1 (link), requires Forge build Gulliver Forged v0.13.2 for Minecraft 1.5.1 (link), requires Forge build Client/ Un jug gulliver v0.14.2 for Minecraft 1.6.2 (installer) (zip) Gulliver v0.14.1 for Minecraft 1.6.2 (link) Gulliver v0.13.8 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (link) Gulliver v0.13.7 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (link) Gulliver v0.13.6 for Minecra Gulliver v0.13.5 for Minecraft 1.5.2 (link) Gulliver v0.13.4 Minecraft 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver v0.13.3 for Minecraft 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver v0.13.2 for Minecraft 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver v0.13.1 for Minecraft 1.5 Gulliver v0.13 for Minecraft 1.5 (link) Gulliver v0.12.2 for Minecraft 1.4.7 (link) Gulliver v0.12.1 for Minecraft 1.4.7 (link) Gulliver v0.12 for Minecraft 1.4.7 (link) Gulliver v0.11 for Minecraft 1.4.6 (link) Gulliver v 0.10.1 for Minecraft 1.4.5 (link) Gulliver v0.10 for Minecraft 1.4.5 (link) Gulliver v0.9.3 for Minecraft 1.4. (link) Gulliver v0.9.2 for Minecraft 1.3.2 (link) Gulliver v0.9.1 for Minecraft 1.3.2 (link) Gulliver v0.9 for Minecraft Minecraft 1.3.1 (link) Gulliver v0.8.1 for Minecraft 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver v0.8 for Minecraft 1.2.5 (link) (link) v0.7.1 for Minecraft 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver v0.7 for Minecraft 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver v0.6 for Minecraft 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver v0.5 for Minecraft 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver V0. 4.2 for Minecraft 1.2.4 (link) Gulliver v0.3.1 for Minecraft 1.2.3 (link) Server: Gulliver Server v0.14.2 for Minecraft Server 1.6.2 (JAR RUNNABLE) Gulliver Server v0.14.1 For Minecraft Server 1.6.2 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13.8 for Minecraft Server 1.5 2 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13.7 for Minecraft Server 1.5.2 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13.6 for Minecraft Server 1.5.2 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13.4 for MINECRAFT Server 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13.3 for Minecraft Server 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver Server v0.1 (link) Gulliver Server v0.10.13.2 for Minecraft Server 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13.1 for Minecraft Server 1.5.1 (link) Gulliver Server v0.13 for Minecraft Server 1.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.12.2 for Minecraft Server 1.4.7 (link) Gulliver Server v0.12.1 for Minecraft Server 1.4.7 (link) link) Gulliver Server v0.12 for Minecraft Server 1.4. 7 (link) Gulliver Server v0.11 for Minecraft Server 1.4.6 (link) Gulliver Server v0.10.1 for Minecraft Server 1.4.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.10 for Minecraft Server 1.4.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.9.3 for Minecraft Server (link) Gulliver Server v0.9.2 for Minecraft Server 1.3.2 (link) Gulliver Server v0.9.1 for Minecraft Server 1.3.2 (link) Gulliver Server v0.8.1 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.8 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.8 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.0). 7.1 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.7 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.6 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.5 for Minecraft Server 1.2.5 (link) Gulliver Server v0.4.2 for Minecraft Server 1.2.4 (link) Gulliver Server v0.3 for Minecraft Server 1.2.3 (link) Back To improve development [/ anchor] There is a lot I still want to implement and In Gulliver, and I want to make him play better with other mods if possible. Gulliver could make a good API for other mods foronce you mark the design. As it stands, a non-vanilla creature that inherits from the EntityLiving and using AI classes must also be resilient and exhibit a reasonable predetermined behavior for interactions with mafias and players of other sizes. To-Do List: Hooking and fling other players (tiny) with multiplayer fishing bar Holding a sliding ball allows small players to stick to the walls and slowly climb/down (*almost done at 0.14.3*) Move small mobs/players with Hoppers, let them enter Chests (as entities) , not inventory items)... Compatibility Requests: Smart Moving More player modelsBukkit (server)... Gulliver's Items mod extension item list: Lily Pad Boat (Lily Pad + Stick?) Sticky Boots Big hat? (Layer + string + paper?) Papa Airplane (4 paper: 3 in a row, one under the center) Small Fez (5 wool in the shape of a normal helmet, 1 string above) Snow ShoesResizing rayguns... Other Suggestions that people have already made: Let the little players sprinkle through the water without sinkingLet the little players/mobs fit through Iron Bars and under Fences ? maybe FencesResize non-creative entities (such as vehicles) ? maybe, but not with Potions or R/FResize blocks ? NO, no giant TNT for you Generate new structures like small towns ? perhaps in a mod extension Allow sizes larger than 8 and smaller than 1/8 ? noLet players put smaller crows/players into their inventory ? noLet the players put smaller crowds/players into their inventory ? noLet the players giants

eat smaller players/mobs ? NO No eating smaller players/mobs would be kewl/awesom ? NO. Anyone who wants to eat smaller players can bite me Aw because he doesn't let us eat smaller turbas ur media ? Don't make me take away the characteristic of collecting things. For the last time, stop asking... Known Bugs: Glitchy when huge players get up, hold Launch Boats or Minecarts A player who is being held by another player may see things as jittery when the stand is walking or movingHuge mobs are still "high centered" over Fences or small depressions and end up making the disc rollThe small mobs have problems with with and half of slabs (vanilla?) The Limo ball does not maintain a small player stuck to the wall unless they continue moving "towards" the wall, fixed on 0.14.3! Confusion about where they are in the first person. Legs of a huge player. Visualists occasionally reappear partially within the soil at the inflection point (Bug vanilla?) ... Cleaning: The representation could be seen at the location of Nicerbetter when riding in Mobschange less basic classes! Try to make forged in a coreModreorize this postmark of a wiki ... Back to the top Changelog: [/ Anchor] These are the changes in the most recent version: You can see the full change record here. v0. Assignments added to some other LANG files; Fixed RU_RU.LANG FILEBUGFIX for the small food / drink people of the person of the person of the person of the person who use the Forge Playerinteract and the player. Adjust the reimbursement range of the player and access to the blocks, including small blocks / other custom blocks / containers (thanks to the Slimevoid team for example code); He eliminated most of the changes in the bases of container and the teilement, also some Baelssessessed blocks for work with Optifine 1.6.4 D1 (Forged) eliminated the code related to all the shaders, to allow Shaders to make their own adjustments of coder injection for murcils and domesticated the sound of the surge trial, Soundsbugfix for Tinys doing too much SlimEball Noisenerfed pelting on a wolf sitting for pets: Much more slow, a height of step much more s cut, do not climb blocks or plants They make the two move more slowly and avoid slipping, but also reduces the speed of the fall and autumn damage: this includes plants in pots SPET movement movement movers harder When it is placed against block blocks to scale the climbing blocks or with SlimEball: it no longer falls directly to the ground when they stop moving to the blockage slowly fall when next to a block of ladder or sticky. sticky. Slimeball), also preventing fall damage (like with a ladder) fall slower when sneaking away, will not fall at all if smaller players climb regular blocks of ladder slower.Now it is possible to climb over the top edge of a block against a current of water on the move... back to top Donations?[/width] Spreading goodwill is the best donation, so tell your friends, classmates, co-workers and favorite Youtubers about the awesome Mod Gulliver Be sure to send them right here to the thread from the mod forum to get the latest updates and information! But if you insist on making a donation, here's a button that I get something if you use the adfly download links, so you really don't have to donate money unless you want to.Return to top Terms and Conditions[/anchor] Mojang made Minecraft. Mion made this modification of Minecraft. The rest of the conditions of use are found below. Don't make fun of Happy Fun Ball. 1. LIABILITY THIS MOD IS PROVERY "AS IS" without WARRANTIES, USED or OTHER. THE OWNER OF THIS MOD WILL NOT TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMES INVOLVED FROM THE USE OF THIS MOD. THIS MOD ALTERS THE FUNDAMENTAL PARTIES OF THE MINECRAFT GAME, MINECRAFT PARTIES MAY NOT FUNDED WITH THIS MOD INSTALLED. ALL QUALIZED DAMAJES OF THE USE OR MISUATION OF THIS MOD HOLD IN THE USER. 2. USE The use of this MOD to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restrictions. 3. REDISTRIBUTION This mode may only be distributed when the OWNER has uploaded, duplicated or otherwise linked it. All replicas of this mod, and Mod Packs containing this mod, must have prior written permission from the OWNER. ANY attempts to make money with this MOD (sell, sell modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTELY OBJECTIVE, and the OWNER may claim damages or damages. other measures to rectify the situation. 4. DRAFT WORKERS/MODIFICATION This mod is provided free of charge and can be decompiled and modified for private use, either with a decompiler or bytecode editor. Public distribution ofversions of this MOD require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms. back to top To post a comment, please login. |>| >>>|

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