Minecraft forge download server

minecraft forge download server

Minecraft forge download server.

Forge is an open sourced modding API that facilitates alterations to Minecraft on both the client and server side.

All of the most popular modpacks are built on Forge. It is an extremely powerful API that opens up infinite possibilites to how Minecraft is played.

If you enjoy playing around with Minecraft mods and would like to use your own blend, Forge is the solution. There are countless numbers of

community created mods that you can download and use to change your Minecraft experience.

We provide several Forge releases for you to use for your server and we keep them updated regularly.


Installing Minecraft Forge differs from other server jars such as bukkit because it requires downloading an installer jar, which downloads the actual

executed jar (as well as the official Minecraft server jar).

This increase in procedural complexity can be handled relatively easy using the web-ui profiles, however. The steps outlined here have been tested

to work for 1.7.x (1.6.x and previous require manual jar META-INF adjustments).


Create the forge172_installer profile.

Use the following template and change where versions and URLs differ:

profile name: forge172_installer type: standalone, runnable JAR download url:

save download as: forge1.7.2- jarfile to run: forge-1.7.2- jarfile arguments: --installServer

Update your profile so a checkbox appears in the profile listing.

Create your server.

Using the 'Create a new Server' tab, name and establish starting settings for your server. For profile, choose "forge172_installer".

Start the server. For a few moments (

20 seconds), your server will download the Forge libraries and the official Minecraft server jar. You can verify successful completion of this step

by checking the files in your server's live directory (sample server name is a below):

root@core servers/a# ls forge-1.7.2- server.config server.properties root@core servers/a# ls forge1.7.2- minecraft_server.1.7.2.jar forge-1.7.2- server.config libraries server.properties

At this point, the server will go "offline" ; the installer jar isn't meant to be long-running. Next, looking at the file directory, two new server jars have

downloaded, forge-1.7.2- and minecraft_server.1.7.2.jar . You will use the former to complete the next step. Note,

that other Forge-based server suites may have different names such as cauldron-1.6.4-1.965.21.89-server.jar . You should be able to identify the

jar intuitively by dismissing the official Minecraft server jar file as well as any jar with the word "installer".

Create the forge172 profile.

Use the following details, ensuring that the 'jarfile to run' matches precisely the downloaded file referenced above.

profile name: forge172 type: unmanaged jarfile to run: forge-1.7.2- jarfile arguments:

"Unmanaged" means "do not download anything, simply run the jar file as entered."

Start your server.

Change your server to use the new profile forge172 . Now when you start the server, it should again indicate 'Server successfully started', and stay

"up" . Successful configuration can be verified by checking for log entries in the console.

Convert a Forge Modpack into a Server.

This guide is for intermediate to advanced users. Before using this guide, we suggest looking through our current list of installable modpacks in

Command Center. If you don't find the modpack you want to play in the list, you should also look on CurseForge on the modpack's files page to

see if there is a server download available. In that case, you will want to follow our guide for installing a custom modpack.

This guide will help you take nearly any Minecraft modpack and turn it into a server. You can follow this guide for any modpack for Minecraft

1.7.10 and newer .

Finding the files may depend on the launcher that you are using. For this guide, we will use the CurseForge Launcher as an example.

Open the CurseForge Launcher window and navigate to the modpack profile that you are using. In the upper right of the window, click on the

three dot menu button and select open folder.

If you aren't already using a modpack, you will need to install one. The above steps will work from that point.

This will open a window inside your system's file browser that contains all of the files for the modpack. Not all of the files or folders are necessary

for the server. Every modpack has a core set of files that must be present. This includes the config and mods folders. Some mods also require an

extra folder of content. For example, modpacks made with Craft Tweaker will have an extra folder named scripts , and questing mods may have

their own folder for questing data. Refer to this list for the most commonly required folders:

config llibrary local mods resources scripts.

Now that you know where your files are, you have to setup the server environment.

Create a new folder somewhere easy to access. Copy the above files from your modpack into this new folder. for your modpack's version of


You're almost done. From here, you will be able to follow some of our other guides to get your server up and running.

Create a new Custom Minecraft server inside Command Center. to the custom server. . Start your server.

Some mods only work on the client and will cause the server to crash. Those mods will need to be removed manually before you will be able to

play. Newer versions of MinecraftForge ( 1.12.2+ ) have addressed this issue.

Start your server in Command Center. If the server crashes, go to the Files tab and open the newest crash report. If the cause of the crash is from

a client side mod, you will see an error saying that a client class was missing. You can also look further down in the crash report to find the list of

loaded mods to find any that are marked ' E '. Remove these mods from the mods folder using FTP.


The server will crash because the mod requires bits of code that are only present on the client version of the game while the server version is

trimmed down to only have the most important core bits. This can include mods for altering graphics or sound, custom main menus, minimaps, or

keybindings. However, some of the mods that alter these things are written to work on the server too; for instance: JourneyMap Universal. Many

client side mods are marked as such on CurseForge. But in the case where you don't know if a mod will work on a server, the best solution is to

run the server and see if it crashes!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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