No: 135 B U L L E T I N Monday 29th March 2004

Bulletin No: 087 B U L L E T I N Thursday 19th February 2020


Thursday – S2/S4

Friday – S1/S3


Library: - The library will be closed Blocks 1+2 today.

S Shiels

Going for Gold: - A reminder to all pupils that the deadline for the cartoon strip competition is Friday 28th February. Choose one of the 42 United Nations Right of the Child by scanning the QR code outside Miss Drummond's room (room 7). Once you have chosen your right design and create a cartoon strip which is a short story about this right in the modern world. All cartoon strips must be handed in to Miss Drummond, thank you for all the submissions so far! 

K Drummond

Gold DofE Group: -Remember we are in after school, Friday 21st and Friday 28th February to do our mapping and route planning for the Practice and Qualifying expeditions. Attendance is essential if you want to walk! Meet in room 27 to collect maps by 12.30. Any issues come speak to me before Friday.

A Coleman

The My Future Friday Programme: - This continues this week as we welcome Alan White, a football development officer at Hearts FC and within the Scottish Football Association. Mr White will be providing us with a short presentation followed by time for Q&A for any S3-S6 pupils who may be interested in a career in coaching or sport development, even out with the world of football. Sign-up via the sheet in the grubby. Should you require any further information, see Mr Terris in the P.E. department. The session will take place in Room 44 on Friday morning.

J Terris

Sports Group Photographs: - We have been advised by Tempest Photography that the deadline for online orders with free postage and delivery back to school will close by Midnight on Thursday 20th February 2020 to avoid any postal charges. Orders can, however, still be handed into the school for another week. Order forms can be picked up from the PE base where the photographs can also be viewed.



Scripture Union (SU) Group: - This group meets every Thursday lunchtime in room 39. Bring your lunch and come along for a relaxed time of games and chat/questions about faith, Christianity and living a life of faith.

H Crow

Minecraft Club: - This club will run on Thursday lunch time in computing room 3. Come along, bring your lunch and play some amazing Minecraft. There will be challenges every week.

K Fraser

Table Tennis Club: - There is a new S1-S2 Table Tennis club at lunch time in the upper gym on Thursday’s. Make sure you have paid your yearly sports membership via parent pay to attend. There will be no food allowed in the upper gym. See you there!

M McLachlan

School Captains: - Some of the S6 Captains and Nation Captains will be in Room 41 every Friday at break so feel free to come along if you have any questions or want to raise any issues.

L Krauth

Eco Club: - This club is cancelled this week and will resume next Thursday.

C Ewart

Knitting and Crochet Club: - This club is cancelled this week and will resume next Thursday.

A Collins



S6 Ball: The final payment of £45 is due by the 23rd March for S6 pupils who have already paid the £10 deposit for the leavers ball. This can be done through parent pay or by cheque/cash in an envelope (with your name, form class and amount on it) to the office. If anyone needs financial assistance, please speak to a member of the guidance team.

The Ball Committee

English & History Departments: -The English and History corridor is out of bounds at break and lunch every day, unless you have a pre-arranged appointment with a teacher or a club to attend.

D Arbuckle

S4, S5 & S6: The S6 senior team have plans to set up a text book bank in the library.  This would allow pupils to borrow textbooks and revision books in the same way as other library books. If you have any subject revision guides or textbooks that you no longer need and would be happy to donate, please hand them in to the office.

J Saddler

The S6 Captains have set up email addresses so if you have any concerns or questions feel free to contact us:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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