
Lego reportOle kirk Christiansen was a wooden toy maker in Denmark in 1932, he began calling his company Lego after the Danish phrase ‘play well’ he first began making the plastic interlocking blocks in 1949.In 2004 the company nearly went bankrupt due to prebuilt easy build Lego sets the audience didn’t want to buy. The company listened to the consumer and Lego is used around the world in many different ways some use the Lego bricks for art making big or small sculptures or filling pieces of old building in with Lego. Some people use the Lego in architecture designing buildings, or if someone has an ides Lego is a great way of quickly displaying the idea in a three dimensional format. Lego is also used in teaching things like history animation and is often used in therapy for motor skills and creativeness. Lego brings many people together at things like conventions where people that like Lego can meet mega builders and show off their creations. Legos main target audience used to be mainly boys but nowadays it appeals to men women boys and girls of all ages. Lego is also used in animation in short film on YouTube and is used in big blockbuster films. This brings me on to another point, Lego has also influences many things over the last 50 years from Lego animations on the internet, to big movies about Lego like The Lego Movie and Lego Batman. It has also changed buildings in Denmark as buildings have to be built quickly due to the weather they are assembled in big pieces and stuck together in a simple style like Lego. The creative streak Lego brings to people is massive, artists, architects, designers, even people building a pre-set set of Lego it inspires people to make their own creations. Lego is so influential that it is the key feature in many films and games as well as having multiple Lego sets themed off films and games like Minecraft and Star Wars. I think that the movies and games industry changed Lego as the company only had themed sets like castles space and city. Now they have loads of themed set most being film and games sets like Minecraft. Lego has even aided with scientific research in creating designing and even sending rovers and rockets into space. The mini figures play an important role in Lego nowadays as they have a big connection with the films and games that are made in Lego. The company Lego has a strict policy on having guns in its Lego sets as the target demographic used to be younger people and Lego still want to keep with the no guns policy. The only guns that Lego have manufactured are Wild West and star wars guns. The company Lego have a website for people that want to send in their ideas for Lego sets made out of their own Lego and the ideas that get 10,000 votes get a chance to be real Lego sets. I think this interactivity with its audience is the future of Lego where they listen to what the consumers like and design towards it.Lego in my life has impacted my life as when I was younger I wanted to make games and environments and create stories and playing with Lego was the only way of doing that in 3D. It helped me come up with different stories and it was at one point the only thing I played with, as I loved how versatile it was it helped my creativity. ................

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