Discord Alternative Reality 617

Discord's Alternative Reality No. 617

As a beautiful Pink & Green coloured sunset was rising in the 14th dimension the ruler of all things chaos was waking up to the sound of a goat-cow howling as this was a very special day for him.

It was just turning around to become April 1st in Equestria, or as it was also know as...


For some time now Discord had been making it a tradition to himself that on the very day when it was April Fools (Or rather whenever he was just feeling for it) he would give himself a bit of a treat by turning the whole land of ponies into a weird alternative reality of itself! (From which he then would just be watching on TV at home, and laugh his multi animal butt off over the results it would give.)

He had been previous times done things like made them all do gymnastics and ballet acts while going on with their normal lives, or turned them all into talking vegetables, or even made all of Equestria into looking like Minecraft! (It was a good game, what could he say?)

Best part was that when doing so none of the ponies even was aware of the changes happening to them, so they just went on acting as if all this craziness was normal to them, meaning that Discord never had to worry about being found out for what he was doing to them.

But since today was April Fools day and all he wanted to try and do something less "Silly" and more "Naughty", and that's when he got the perfect idea for the most kinky of his ideas yet.

"Oh, this is going to be soooo much fun to watch." Discord said to himself as with just a snap of his fingers he got his TV starting, and as soon as the screen had start working he was on his way to spend the day binge-watching just what all the well-known residences of Ponyville was up to.


First thing being shows was the insides of the Castle of Friendship, as the well-known "Map Room" was what was in focus, and currently it was looking pretty empty.

That all changed when the big doors burst open, and Twilight Sparkle (The Princess of Friendship) made her entrance.

Not only was she now changed to be a anthropomorphic version of herself in human cloths, but she was also a lot more chubbier now!

Wearing some baggy jeans and a large sweater the dorky Princess came walking in carrying about a dozen paper bags ladled "Mc. Hays" on them, that she then placed onto the map table before getting herself a notepad and pencil.

Despite her very soft and open clothes Princess Twilight was still showing to be a pretty overweight girls, as her belly was hanging out a lot from her sweater not covering it all, and her tights was looking thick enough to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste with.

Packing up her first fresh warm Hayburger Princess Twilight took a big deep bite into it, before then chewing and swallowing it down with lots of joy on her face.

After that she put the burger down and started to make some notes while saying, "Nice seasoning, just thick enough." to herself.

Once she put down the pen she open up the next container and pulled out her second burger, before then repeating the process of taking a bit test bite and then starting to make a small review of it.

"Like the pickles and cheese added to it. Could have used a bit more salt." Princess Twilight said to herself as she put down the pen, and then went on to pack up the next item.

And so it went on as she worked her way through all 20+ items in her little buffet, that also included fries, cheese sticks, and large cans of different flavoured sodas. (While still only eating about a handful, or very large sip from each thing.)

All together it was still a lot of food for one girl like Twilight to eat out of, but for sure one thought that she would have been trying to eat it all at least!

"What is this?! Is she just taking little bites before just pushing the rest to the side? It's almost like she is some kind of food critic or something!" Discord asked himself as he was crossing his arms and legs all around himself, and looking annoyed over how Twilight even when fat being such a boring dork. "I better hope something fun happens soon, or I will be changing the channel again!"

Just as Discord felt at most tempted to reach for that remote Twilight Sparkle had just finished analyzing all the fast food items she had got herself.

"I have to say that overall "Mc. Hays" new line-up for this Fall is a great A+ in quality!" Twilight said very pleased, as she look at the mountain of remaining food and knew just what to do with it.


"Oh Spike! Can you come over here for a second?" Princess Twilight shouted, as some very heavy stomps could be heard by something BIG moving towards the room.

Looking very intrigued now over what was going on Discord leaned in closer towards the TV, and almost fell out of his seat laughing over what he was seeing!

Entering the room was Spike, who one had to guess was forced to work as the Princess's personal garbage dissocial since he was HUGE!!!

Being his usual only 3 feet in height Spike's overweight outlasted way more then any of the ponies as he looked to be a literal ball of fat now!

Probably weighting a solid 400lbs in weight Spike looked very heavy as he tired legs was waddling this small mountain of Dragon flab around towards the map table.

At first glance Spike almost looked like he was only gut fat since his hanging belly and saggy lovehandles was hiding most of his legs, and his head was on it's way to sink into his massive chest with giant moobs!

As the sickening obese Dragon boy finally made his way to Twilight he was both short on breath and starting to build up a sweat as the magical Princess smiled at him and asked, "Is my little Dragon boy feeling hungry?"

He really wished he could say no to that question, but knowing how there was nothing he could do to stand up against his mighty Alicorn master he said, "Y-Yes..." back to her.

"Good. Cause I've got a whole bunch of treats for you!" Twilight said in an almost lovingly mother way as Discord was looking really excited now and said to himself that, "Now this is going to be fun!"

What looked at first like it was going to be Spike having to eat all of the food himself at his own pace with the assistance of Twilight's magic leading the food to him, pretty quickly turned into the Princess starting to use her magic to make ALL the food start levitating and finding it's way down into poor Spike's mouth at the same time!

Being unable to move his flabby arms much there was pretty much nothing Spike could do to stop this ordeal, as Discord was enjoying this little case of force feeding on this display.

"Given how many times you often liked to give some witty comment to me, I wonder now what you feel like being unable to talk back Spike!" Discord said to himself as he made sure to have this part being recorded on his DVD, as he planned to show it to regular Spike at a later time.

As if this doughy meatball of a Dragon couldn't look any more filled up then he already did before then he sure did now, as when asked if he enjoyed his 28 course meal Spike could only nod before then letting out a painfully loud, "BUUURRRPPP!!!" in response.

"Oh look at you, looking so well feed and all." Twilight said as she then allowed Spike to leave, giving her (And Discord) a chance to see the equally fat backside of Spike.

He had always had a bit of a plumb butt, but this was looking about as massive as some of the tree trunks from the old treehouse where he and Twilight used to live in. (That, and it was pretty hilarious to watch how the tail of Spike was so fat and heavy that he couldn't use it, and instead just had it drag along the ground as he walked.)

While getting into the room had been hard getting out proved to be even harder, as there was a single step that the super fat Dragon boy needed to get over.

When you have both your front, sides, and back being filled up with low hanging fat reaching ones knee enough to lift your leg over a step proved to be almost impossible, as Spike was forced to try reach down and lift away enough of his belly flab to make it happen.

Once finally able to get his one leg over it was relatively easier to get the other one over as well, as for now Spike felt so sweaty and tired that he didn't know if he needed to first hit the bed, go to the shower, or just combine the two by sleeping under the running water.

For Discord what he had first thought would be a boring sitting had now been a wonderful start on many other curious things for him to zap around and take a look at!


Having a remote control to help change things to his own liking Discord took the pleasure to zap to different places of Ponyville, and see just how he could take this whole "Fat Anthro" thing and turn it on it's head some more!

Finding himself at the local school Discord could see the teacher pony Cheerilee trying to explain to the students present on how their weirdly fat bodies was in fact NOT unhealthy in any way!

"Studies shows that this is actually how we are suppose to be looking like, as no kinds of inner injuries or sickness has been reported in any connection to our wonderfully large bodies." Cheerilee was explaining, as she was having the blackboard behind her all filled up with boring looking equations to try and further explain what she was talking about.

"Let me go into further details for you all..." The fat Cheerilee said as Discord back home very quickly said "Nope to that!", as he quickly pressed a button to try and change things up a bit in the setting he was watching!

As Cheerilee was turning back to add something to the blackboard the tubby teacher suddenly found herself sandwiched stuck between her desk and blackboard, as her desk took and backed itself far back to pin her close!

Cheerilee could barley move with her big belly and big butt pressing hard into the desk and blackboard, so the only way for her to get free was to awkwardly wiggle herself out to the side.

It was a very slow process to get herself free, and once she finally had done it she found her whole class snickering at her for some reason.

As they pointed both at her and her blackboard it all got pretty clear to Cheerilee, as when getting out her belly had been dragging and working like an eraser to smear out most of the stuff she had been writing out! (And her dark Purple coat of her exposed gut was now having a big white spot from all the chalk it had been in contact with.)

"Oh dear!" Was all that Cheerilee could say before another quick click from Discord's remote had the school bell start going off, and having the class start getting out of the chairs quickly over their class being cut short.

"I guess that's all we had time for today, but just remember that you don't need to worry about overeating, since there is no consequences for it!" Cheerilee told the class as Discord couldn't help but add "I think Spike might disagree on you with that." as he then went to switch to something else yet again.


Looking at the next location that his TV had been taking him it seemed to be a place that Discord had never seen before, and he was about to ask himself what's what when a very annoying sound was being heard.

"Ommmm. Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee! Ommmm. Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee!"

Discord just wanted to make his ears dissapear as the sound was like pure torture to him, as he only knew one pony that could be the source to such a terrorizing behaviour.

And once said pony stopped making that noise and instead say "Boy, my throat feels a lot better now after that little voice exercise." as she came into view Discord's eyes got all red as he shouted in anger "TREE HUGGER!!!"

He had not forgotten about that time when she got picked over him to be Fluttershy's company at the Galloping Gala, and despite having had all things explained in the end the god of chaos was still having more then a few scores to settle with this hippie horse.

"Well. But now I am the one with all the control on my side, so how about we start having some fun?" Discord asked menacingly to his TV, as Tree Hugger couldn't hear him and just went on with what she was planning to do next.

Watching the dreadlock and caftan wearing (The only type of clothing that someone as big and round like her could be wearing, without having to worry about being a size to small.) pony heading into the kitchen of her home Discord could see that she was in the middle of baking a cake, and when looking at the stuff at the table he could see that it was some very special looking things that would be added into it.

"Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that Weed she's going to added into it?!" Discord asked in a very fake sounding shock, as making some harsh filled sweets did not seem weird at all coming from Tree Hugger.

As he watched her prepping the cake he could see that she was only adding a small portion of her goods into the dough of the cake she was making, and thinking that it looked to small Discord made a quick edit with his remote to make ALL of the weed ending up inside of the cake dough!

Shortly after that Tree Hugger went ahead of setting the thing into the oven, and knowing how long time things like these would take Discord very quickly took and fast forward through it all until it was finally baked.

Pressing "Play" again Discord was watching how Tree Hugger was now taking the finally baked "Weed Cake" out of the oven, and just the aroma from the funny smells was enough to make her start acting a bit tipsy.

Still she wanted to take a big bite out her own creation as Tree Hugger cut out a huge slice, before then taking it all straight into her mouth and chewing it up, before then finally swallowing it.

Discord did not have to wait for long until the effects started to happen for Tree Hugger, as while she knew she would feel something this was WAY more then she had been planning!

"Oh my! OH! OH MY!!!" Tree Hugger said as she clearly looked like she was having the trip of her life, as all this high was making her need to have more!

Starting to consume the rest of the cake like a manic a now very messy looking Tree Hugger was still wanting more to eat, as she went straight towards her refrigerator!

Being in this strange hunger craze with her mind all going mad Tree Hugger almost ripped the door off with the force she was using, before then just starting to grab literally EVERYTHING in her fridge and stuffing herself madly!

As she kept feeding herself she could feel her caftan getting tighter and tighter to wear, and once all filled up with food the tightness was starting to get to much to handle.

So in order to help "free herself" Tree Hugger took and ripped the one-piece clothing into two pieces and let it fall onto the floor, revealing that underneath it she was completely nude!

By now her mind was partly starting to come back as all Tree Hugger could focus on was getting her already stuffed gut even more full, as next she unlocked her door and started to head out into the wilderness of the great big forest.

"Aaaaaand I'm bored now!" Discord said as this little "revenge game" he was planning on Tree Hugger had stopped being fun, as he switched for something else.


Next thing to be seen was a very familiar place for him, as it was the "Sweet Apple Acres" apple farm, meaning that another one of Fluttershy's friends shouldn't be far off now.

"Given how literally everything is about Apples in that family I'm guessing not much will have changed here." Discord as saying to himself as he suddenly got quiet over a big stomping sound, that was being so loud and powerful that it was causing even his little TV to start shaking from it!

Sounding like it might end up being an Applejack T-Rex stomping it's way into the scene, it turned out to not be to far off from that.

It was Applejack stomping across her apple filled lands, as the big Mare was sporting a pretty big and thick looking body, as she looked to be one of the largest ladies that Discord had seen today!

Not only was there a lot of fat but there was also layers of big muscles being visible, as Applejack looked like she could easily take on anypony possible!

Cloths wise Applejack was sporting some very short and wide looking shorts, while using a farm like looking tied up blouse to keep her big breasts under control, and of course sporting her very iconic Cowboy hat.

Walking up to the closest Apple tree Applejack looked up to see that the Apples seemed to be perfectly fresh now, and planned on getting them down.

Placing herself right in front of the tree Applejack then came charging straight at it, as her massive gut came slamming into the big trunk of said tree!

The impact of that force was more then enough to cause all off the Apples to come off from it, and where most of them was landing into placed out buckets the ones being right underneath Applejack ended up right into her massively sized gullet.

Still feeling hungry for more Applejack knew she was having another tree right behind her, so with that one she ended up pressing her fat rear hard into it, and causing that one also to drop it's fruits for her.

"Nothin beats a sunny day filled with delicious Apples to sell and eat!" Applejack said proudly, as she patted her bare hanging gut and let out a burp from her little Apple snack.


Now this was all fine and good, but given how Discord never held very highly of that Apple one he felt the steaks needed to be a higher for things to remain interesting.

"Let's see how much you truly care about your Apples, shall we?" Discord asked as he made one click, and had Applejack getting some unwanted company!

For Applejack things at first seemed to be working as normal until she heard the sound of a branch snapping, and knew that something was up!

Looking around like a ninja over her acres Applejack was then suddenly attacked by two very familiar looking faces.

"Flim and Flam! I should have known!" Applejack shouted as it was indeed the two legendary con brothers, who not only was just as fat as everyone else in Equestria but also being dressed like Sumo Wrestlers! (Or rather wearing Sumo Mawashi belts around their waists, while still wearing their traditional barbershop like shirts with bowties, and hats.)

"You really thought you could handle us before, didn't you?" Flim said with Flam quickly adding, "But as you can see there is even more of us then it was before!"

"Well, I've got news for you two..." Applejack said as she ripped off her shorts to reveal a Mawashi of her own underneath! "...I've also been getting bigger since last time!"

Facing off against each other it was worth pointing out that while Flim & Flam was making it 2 vs. 1, Applejack was packing on more weight then both of them combined!

As the fight started Flim came charging first towards Applejack at full speed, leading to her getting the time to bend forward, picking him up, and then tossing the fat stallion over her head and into the nearest tree! (Causing it to almost tumble over from the impact!)

Looking back at the seemingly defeated Flim Applejack's ears picked up the sound of his brother coming towards her, and at the very last second the massive Mare turned around so that he could end up getting fully into contact with her Apple smacking belly!

Using the same technique as on the trees Applejack gave Flam such a powerful slam from her gut that it sent him flying a good 10 feet backwards, before getting stopped by a tree of his own.

Thinking that she had just done enough to prove herself Applejack wasn't ready when she was suddenly put into a headlock by the quickly recovering Flim, urging his brother to come over and start attacking her!

Flam wasted no time getting over as he started to punch several hard hoofs into the flabby middle of Applejack, who did start to feel a bit of a pain from it.

"What's the matter? Thought a belly like that could handle a few punches!" Flim said mockingly as Flam pointed out that it was feeling, "Very soft, and very easy to hurt!"

"Well usually my trees don't try to fight me back when I do it." Applejack was saying as she took both brothers by surprise by starting to make a big spinning motion with her whole body, causing Flam to back away and Flim to hold onto those fat neck rolls for his life!

Eventually the force of that spin Applejack was managing to do lead to Flim losing his grip and flying off, leading to the Apple Pony to focus her next move onto Flam.

Facing away from him once she stopped spinning Applejack shouted "Just cause I use my belly mostly doesn't mean I forgot how to Buck the old fashion way!" before then lifting up her hind legs, and giving Flam such a hard kick that he was sent right into his equally hurt brother.

Fearing for what next that crazy Mare would try to do the two Flim Flam Brothers took off as fast as they could, proving once more why Applejack was the best when it came to Apple farming.


Watching all of it from a distance was Applejack's big brother Big Machintosh, who never tried to interfere since he knew that his sister was more then capable on taking care of two stallions at the same time, and instead went on to now focusing back on his part of the Apple business.

Making some Cider.

And while he was carrying a gut large enough to make it look like he was pregnant with Octuplets, he still sported some pretty thick muscular arms and legs. (Being the prime example of what defined a Muscle Gut!)

Those strong arms and legs was coming pretty handy when he had to make the cider, as on the Applefarm they still did it the old fashioned way.

Carrying a large container of freshly picked Apples over to a large pressing looking machine Big Mac took and poured all the Apples inside, before then closing and sealing the lid shut.

After that came the real strength test as by pushing and pressing a massive lever downwards Big Mac was squeezing all the Apples inside completely flat, forcing out all of their wonderfully sweet juices and having it pour down through small holes into a small barrel that was placed under it.

Doing this for about 3-4 more times Big Mac had managed to fill up the barrel, which her placed next to all the other ones he had been making so far. (Adding up to at least 100 of them.)

He was a hard working farm Stallion, and his work really showed off.


But while being all focused on his work Big Mac didn't notice that he was being watched on by a trio of Mares from Ponyville, that where all VERY interested in watching such a hunk of a Stallion working out.

"Just look at that man, girls!" Lily Valley said as both Daisy and Rose could agree that Big Mac was a real catch to get.

"While I personally LOVE Stallions with a big gut, they often are also so lazy and, urgh!...weak." Rose said as Daisy added, "But he is also so STRONG!!! Just look at how he works that machine like it was nothing!"

Seeing Big Mac flexing his arm and leg muscles another time as he pressed really hard with the lever was enough to drive all three of the Mares mad with arouse over how they just wanted to get on him right then and there!

Almost feeling like he was being warmer from the ladies watching him Big Mac felt he needed to take a break from squeezing Cider, and decided to maybe use some of it on himself.

Taking one of the small barrels Big Mac lifted the whole thing up the blood red Stallion started to take a few sips of the 100% natural nature nectar, before then finding it so good that he started to take nice big chugs of it instead!

Being able to literally seeing his stomach growing out a few extra inches as he kept emptying the barrel the Mares all started to get so turned on that they would probably start losing their minds of this tease went on much longer.

"Can't you just take off that shirt and show us how big your belly is?" Lily Valley asked out, despite knowing that Big Mac wouldn't be able to hear her voice at such distance.

But as fate would have it Big Mac's flannel shirt was already sitting pretty darn tight around his frame, and with each more gulp of the cider the ever-growing wideness of it all was enough to strain those buttons ever so slightly until...





Finally getting to big for his own clothes to handle it Big Mac's shirt gave away as all the buttons flew off, completely letting his bright red sack of a belly get completely into view!

All the way back over at the fence watching that moment was like the wet dream they had all been having, as seeing that flabby liquid filled sphere get set lose was more erotic then they could have ever imagine as they all ended up letting out a huge moaning sound, before all collapsing onto the ground completely exhausted!

This did caught Big Mac's ear, as he looked around confused over what he had been hearing, before then looking down and sighing a bit over his now ruined shirt.

"Guess I have to start going for XXXXXL now." Big Mac said to himself, as he took off his shirt completely. and decided to do the rest of his shores for the day shirtless.


Having enjoyed what a ladies man Big Mac could be like in this version of Ponyville Discord still felt like he was forgetting someone, until he said to himself "Oh yeah! That tiny Apple one." before then asking "I wonder what she is up to?" and then using his remote to switch the channel to find her.

After a few random clicks he found the tree house from which Apple Bloom and those other CMC's was known to hang out, and Discord figured that one more click would take him inside.

"I do wonder what those little kids are up to right now?" Discord was asking himself pretty casually, before he almost got his Pickles & Coconut Coffee caught in his throat from what he saw!

Clearly altering this world had also done a bit with the aging, as inside the tree house was not three little fillies, but three teenagers on the verge of young adult!

All of them was also looking pretty chubby, but it did feel pretty odd seeing the ones that used to be just kids now having "matured" a great deal as women.

While they all look like pretty smoking teenage versions of themselves Apple Bloom was very noticeably having the largest butt of the three, as Sweetie Belle had the largest breasts, and Scootaloo by far had the largest belly!

Having put up lots of mirrors in the tree house the now older CMC's was all admiring their progress in getting larger, as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo was seen pulling off their clothes to look at their bare butt and belly better, while Sweetie Belle was trying to keep a much more modest approach with how she was looking at her own breasts.

"I honestly don't get why you even do this, and why you don't just start going naked around here while you're at it?" Sweetie Belle complained as Apple Bloom just took it with ease and said, "It is only the three of us here, so what harm is it in me mooning at myself?"

"Besides, ma sister says that I've got such great potential in my rear, that I might soon be ready to start using this thing to buck me some Apples all day!" Apple Bloom said as she slapped her big round rear, making it jiggle like jelly in response.

"Yeah! Besides, why are you acting like we are looking like freaks when pretty much ALL ponies are just as big?" Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle, who in response just let out a small "humf!" sound before saying, "Well darlings, you just don't seem to get how to make your fat look good like I do." as she then went and lifted up her big breasts a bit with her hoofs to show just how thick and sexy these all natural babies was making her look.

"You are aware that you are really starting to sound like your sister now, Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom pointed out, to which Sweetie Belle very quick countered back, "Well, you have always sounded like your sister, haven't you?"

"If we are up talking about who has the best sister then I know that while technically she's not my actual sister, Rainbow Dash is by far the most Awesome and best overall Pony there is!" Scootaloo said very loudly and proud as she added, "Heck! Why wouldn't she be when she has won the Equestiran Eating Contest SIX times in a row?!"

"Is that why you are the one of us that has the largest belly, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked as Scoots proudly put both of her front hoofs onto it and said, "You bet! My dream is to become such an eating champion like she is, so I have to push myself each day to take in more and more food for my body to handle."

"Where is Rainbow Dash right now, by the way?" Sweetie Belle asked as Scootaloo had to think for a second before answering, "I think she said she was off to try and pick up on a eating duel that Gilda had challenged her on."

This caught Discord interest, as he had heard stories of just how intense the rivalry between those two could be like at times, but he had never been able to see any of them for himself.

"Well, time to change that!" Discord said as he made a new switch click on his remote, and changed the channel once more.


At first Discord was a bit unsure on where he had gone to now, since all the screen was showing was this run down looking empty building.

Reading the dusted sign of it in the corner Discord could see it read "Bulk Bicep's Gym", and knowing how in this world all ponies was always fat it was no hard guessing on why this place looked to have been closed down for years.

"I'm pretty sure that fellow in this world simply goes by the name "The Bulk" if I am to guess his body is much less muscular then back in regular Ponyville." Discord said to himself as he still didn't get why his TV remote had been taking him here.

Then he spotted two figured entering the place with each carrying what looked like a huge sack filled with all kinds of foods, and once in frame it was none other then Rainbow Dash and Gilda. (Both looking just as fat as everyone before them.)

"So..." Rainbow Dash said as she twisted her neck from side to side a bit. "...are you ready for me to eat you up, Gilda?"

"Heh! Not if I eat you up first!" Gilda replied as she licked her lips already over the thought of having beaten this super cocky Pony at her own game.

Rainbow Dash then looked around a bit and asked, "Or do you think we should just take some time to try and trim off some fat while here?" which lead to the both of them rolling around on the floor laughing like crazy over the thought of them actually working out and losing weight!

Once they recovered both of them sat down and started to pick out all the things they brought for their eat off.

From Gilda's bag was things like Lasagnes, Pizzas, Dumplings, and many other types of junk food.

From Rainbow's bag was things like fried Chicken, Hen nuggets, Duck stew, and many other types of food with smaller birds as their main protein.

"Are you just trying to make fun of me with that?" Gilda asked as the feathery one of the two couldn't help but find Rainbow's sense of humour to be just a bit disturbing at times.

"What? Nah! I even have some special dessert made for myself." Rainbow Dash said as she picked up a small box, which upon opening showed a bunch of cupcakes with Rainbow coloured frosting on top.

"You like it? Pinkie Pie made these for me just last night, which was pretty impressive given how busy she usually is now a days." Rainbow Dash said as she felt so confident in winning, that she seemed to even had time to have her little sweets for last once she was done with the main course.


"Ready...Set...EAT!!!" Rainbow Dash shouted as the two of them came diving into each of their own little mini buffets, with Gilda being the noticeably more aggressive since she felt she had something to prove of the two.

Being a seasoned pro at this by now Rainbow Dash knew just what kind of technique to use, as she selected first the largest of her bunch of dishes to fully consume before then steadily working her way to the smaller stuff as she was getting more and more filled up. (Hence, saving her precious cupcakes for last.)

Gilda on the other hand had no real plan with anything, as she just took a bite of everything at once, and just hoped that eventually one thing would stop existing and leaving her with less things left to finish.

Still Gilda had been letting herself starve before coming here, so there was a lot more empty space for her to work with then with Rainbow Dash, who started to look a little bit worried when she saw Gilda being halfway through her foods and still not slowing down!

Knowing she might actually have to pick up the pace or risk losing Rainbow Dash speed up her own eating, as she was starting to feel the food piling on as she was still 1 third left. (Not including also those Cupcakes.)

That's when Gilda's momentum came to a screeching halt, as when being just 1 fourth left on her side the Griffon's swollen looking belly started to yell for a break, as Gilda herself started to clutch her stomach and tried to by force pushing it into digesting what was inside of it faster.

Seeing this chance on catching up Rainbow Dash dived down for the smallest bits of food that was left (The Nuggets, which she took and swallowed down whole with ease), before then going for her much awaited dessert.

As Gilda tried despertaly to get those final slices of pizza into her system, Rainbow Dash slammed down her empty box of Cupcakes onto the ground, while licking her frosting covered lips clean before then calling herself done!


Sitting down together now with a pile of empty food containers both Rainbow Dash and Gilda had their exposed bellies all filled up to the brim, but it was only one of them that was feeling like a winner from it.

"Do you get now why I am know as "The Champion", Gilda?" Rainbow Dash asked very overly confident, as Gilda just muttered a "Yeah, yeah, don't burst yourself with your big talk." as she was trying to settle her hard working digesting stomach.

"What's the matter? Is the Turkey feeling a bit angry over losing?" Rainbow Dash then asked, making Gilda give her a very angry stare as she said, "Hah, hah, I get it. I'm a very stuff bird, so you just had to do the "Turkey" joke on me!"

"Hey, take it easy. At least I didn't mention Thanksgiving also." Rainbow Dash added, making the over feed Griffon just roll her eyes over that comment.

Hearing all this talk about stuffed birds and food was starting to give Discord the munchies himself, and that got him thinking about a very special kind of dish that he had heard of.

The Turducken!

Basically it was a dish where you took an already very stuffed bird, and then stuffed that one into another stuffed bird, making that one even more stuffed then it already was!

This gave the God of chaos an idea as he decided to make a small "alteration" to this scene.

With a quick zap of his remote Rainbow Dash's mindset was all messed up, as she now felt super hungry all of the sudden, and with all food already being eaten there was only one thing left for her toe consume.

Laying on her back to try and massage her super stuffed belly Gilda suddenly felt how her barefoot clawed feet was getting encased in something warm and slimy, and when lifting her head enough to make it past her towering gut she almost fainted from what she saw!

Rainbow Dash newfound hunger had made her feel like she could eat something much larger then before, as she had now been swallowing Gilda up to her tights, and wasn't showing any signs of stopping!

"Rainbow Dash, what in the hell are you doing?!" Gilda shouted as she tried to pull herself free, but found Rainbow's jaws and arms holding her legs firmly stuck inside of her mouth as she started to swallow them into her throat.

It was insane to even think that Rainbow Dash would be able to swallow something equally as large as her, but yet here she was gulping down on Gilda without much problems.

As she came to the belly part of Gilda the Griffon started to feel a bit safer, as she knew that at this point she would be WAY to big to even fit inside of Rainbow's mouth.

But that was when not counting on Discord making stuff more interesting, as one more quick click of his remote caused Rainbow's jaws to suddenly shoot out widely like a snake, as Gilda suddenly found the top half of the Pegasus's face covering up her massive dome and looking back at her!

Starting to freak out for real now Gilda knew that this wasn't normal but it was still happening, and that she herself could do nothing now to stop it!

Trying desperately to use her arms to stop Rainbow Dash from getting any further only lead to her getting them swallowed up also, leaving Gilda 100% unable to defend herself now.

Letting out a bit of a whimper the fat Griffon soon found herself completely swallowed up by the hungry Pegasus, and shortly thereafter she was all settled down inside of her belly.

Once having completely eaten Gilda did Discord's curse lift from Rainbow Dash, as she was still aware of what she had done but also strangely okay with it.

"Huh. Guess I can eat even more then I thought of!" Rainbow Dash said to herself, as she knew there was nothing she could do to save Gilda, and instead focused on just getting a rest and letting her belly work on this massive threat. (She was to stuffed to even move, so simply digesting and then moving on in life was all that she could do about it.)


Feeling there was nothing more going to happen then a long slow digestion process Discord started to just zap to random ponies he could find, and hope that some of them had something of interest to show.

First was the always clumsy Derpy Hooves, that was currently walking around at the Ponyville market.

"Oh yee, I wonder what will happen? Will she end up making a fool out of herself?" Discord asked sarcastically as he watched the happy go lucky Derpy walking around in a long summer dress, which seemed to have a loose string at the very bottom of it.

Being a very hot day one of the market stands had a fan going on at full speed, and as Derpy walked past it that lose string managed to get hooked into it!

Without her knowing the whole thing getting untied Derpy happily walked along until she felt a sudden air drift, and when looking down found in horror that she was now all naked in public! (having decided at home that she didn't need to wear any bra or panties under her dress.)

Seeing the derp eyed one now having to cover herself naked chubby self off was enough for Discord to yell "BORING!!!" as he pressed the remote once more.


Next thing to come up was the Great and Powerful Trixie, who was doing a stage show from her wagon in front of a smaller audience of ponies.

Her outfit looked as one would have expect when being an anthro and needing more clothes then a hat and a cape, but what was intersting to mention was the big empty space under her chest area which left her big belly hanging all freely for all to see.

"And for her next trick the Great and Powerful Trixie, will be making this cake dissapear right before your eyes!" The blue magic Unicorn said as she pretended to do some grand hand gestures, before then tossing a smoke bomb at the stage!

Once the smoke was gone the crowd could see how Trixie was using her cape to hide both the cake and herself behind it, before then quickly pulling it away to show that the cake was indeed all but gone now.

It all seemed like a perfect trick...excepted for the fact that some audience members pointed out that she had noticeable cake crusting left around her mouth, causing Trixie to quickly turn around and trying to clean herself up as good as she could.

Upon turning back she tried to play it off as them seeing things "During the act of magic" and all that, when one random Pony asked her "Then why is your stomach looking so big now?"

While her belly was indeed looking a tad bit larger now Trixie insisted that this was the same size that her belly had been just a few moments ago.

"Besides, do you really want to argue about the size of THIS?" Trixie asked a bit seductively, as some pretty sexy tones started to play from the speakers and Trixie herself started to do a whole Belly Dancing routine now. (With an extra large focus on the "Belly" part of it.)

Looking at Trixie having managed to actually save that situation was enough for Discord to yell once more "BORING!!!", and then switching channels yet again.


Next to be shown was Spitfire and Soarin of the Wonderbolt group, with both looking like they are in a bit of a pain when all suited up.

"Do you really think it is a good idea to try and do a Sonic Rainboom in these?" Soarin asked nervously as he could feel his gut being painfully held back, as an equally ill fit Spitfire was saying "We have a crowd on over 1000s ponies who has come to see us, so we can't just leave them hanging on the big finish, now can we?"

"Besides, what's the worst that could happen?" Spitfire asked as she playfully slapped her stuffed in butt as she and Soarin took off.

"They are both going to end up completely naked, aren't they?" Discord was asking himself as it felt like something he had already been watching.

Once flying up high enough the two Wonderbolts took off diving down, as they both very quickly started to enter the speed of sound.

Being already on the verge of bursting the super tight sitting spandex suits of Spitfire and Soarin was now finally starting to give in to the intense pressure happening all around them!

Not being able to hear during this extreme diving neither Spitfire or Soarin was able to hear how big rips was happening to their suits, but they did start to feel a sigh of relief as large chunks of their flabby bodies no was being able to hang loose and jiggle against the cool airwaves.

Then the big moment came when the two Pegasus's came shooting through the sound barrier like two guns being fired, as the speed and momentum was so powerful that it was literally starting to rip the suits off of their bodies!

The massive crowd down bellow watched on in awe as the two flyers at first looked like they where getting skinned by the pressure, only to then see their natural coats being fully on display as they started to slow down.

At first Spitfire and Soarin thought that they had managed to do this without anything bad happening, but they started to notice something was off as they looked each other in the eyes.

"Hey! Where is your mask?" Was what both was asking at the same time, before then seeing their naked arms pointing at each other, and then that they where missing the rest of their suits!

Flapping right above the giant crowd both Pegasus's quickly took and started to cover themselves up with their arms, as even from the high distance many members of the audience could spot how the two flyers cheeks was starting to turn red over this embarrassment.

"Okay, firstly...I called it. And secondly, this is just a repeat of the Derpy one from earlier." Discord said, as he was starting to sound a lot like a nitpicking viewer watching his favourite show running out of ideas.

"Isn't there anything that is not boring to watch?!" Discord asked himself, as he hoped that the next switch would be giving him something more exciting.


Discord's hopes for that very quickly got smouldered into dust as the TV took him to an incredibly empty looking and dry farm place. (Looking like it was located literally in the middle of nowhere!)

Looking around for anything to keep his interest going Discord could see a lonely Pony sitting with her back turned away, right next to a small pile of rocks.

"Who is that? Is it?..." Discord asked himself as the Pony in question sloooowly turned around, until finally revealing herself to be none other then Maud Pie. (The very, very, VERY, boring sister to Pinkie.)

Discord almost wanted to just chew his remote into pieces over how he was now sharing some of his precious TV time with her, as he still decided to not leave until at least seeing what Maud was up to.

"She has to have something of interest to do...right?!" Discord was asking as Maud was seen still sitting on her fat ass, and doing nothing but looking at that pile of rocks with the most dull expression possible on her face.

Suddenly (Seeing her show movement again was enough for Discord to call it "suddenly") Maud reached out and picked up the one rock at the very top of the pile as she said, "Enjoying the view from up there, boulder?" to it.

Being her pet rock and all Maud pretended to be listening as she tried to act surprise when saying "You want me to let you see my WHAT?!", but her voice still kept that same boring sounding monotone voice throughout it all.

"Okay then. Since you asked for it." Maud then said as she open up her mouth and placed her little Boulder inside of it, before then closing up and swallowing it down her throat.

Watching a noticeable bulge moving down her neck like the prey of a snake, Boulder soon ended up entering into Maud's very roomy and spacey stomach.

"What's that Boulder?" Maud asked as she put her ear onto her big gut. "You want all of your friend to join you in there also? Okay then."


What followed then was Discord watching Maud picking up one rock at a time, placing it carefully into her open mouth, closing it, bending her head backwards slightly, swallowing, and then watching that rock bulge moving it's way slowly through her throat, before then finally making a noticeable "Click!" sound as it made contact with another rock already inside of the rock loving Mare's belly.

It was without a doubt the most boring eating session Discord had ever seen in his life, and yet he found himself strangely into it!

There was this bizarre fascination in seeing these rocks being eaten up and then swallowed down so slowly and elegantly, as if they where living things that Maud was being extra careful to.

Then there was also Maud's repeatedly movements as she did ever single act of motion in her one arm and head in exactly the same way every time, almost as if she was a robot version of herself. (A robot version that is that wanted to eat rocks for fun.)

Having been starring obsessively at this act for some time Discord took a brief look at the nearest clock to see how much time had passed, and he could see that he had been spending almost 20 minutes watching it now!

"20 minutes?! That eating contest with Rainbow Dash and Gilda took less time then this!" Discord said to himself in shock, as he seriously couldn't believe that he had been spending so much of his time watching Maud eating rocks!

He wanted to just switch the channel and go for something else, but by now Maud was almost done with consuming that whole rock pile and had Discord been wasting so much time on it now then he might as well stay tuned and see how it all ends.

"It better be something amazing that happens!" Discord said to himself, as he seriously was starting to question his own levels of insanity for being such a dedicated watcher of this.

Once the final rock had gone down and settled inside of Maud's now very well stuffed and very weight down belly the Mare put both her hands onto it, before then giving it a little shake and listening to how they where all rattling inside of her.

"I hope you all enjoy being in here." Maud said to her rock filled gut, before then suddenly lifting her head up and looking straight into the direction of Discord's eyes!

This was seriously freaking Discord out, since there was no way she could actually know she was being watched by him!

But if she wasn't aware then what was she looking at? Given that there was literally nothing else out there she must just been starring out into emptiness.

Those eyes though, starring so dead straight at him, showing no emotions and barley even blinking.

What was she looking at? Why was she starring so much at nothing?

"And I hope you enjoyed watching me do this for your pleasure." Maud finally said, making Discord jump out of his seat and hide behind his couch in fear!

She was looking at him! She knew he was watching her!

"But how?! Is she able to do the same fourth wall breaking as her sister?!" Discord was asking himself as he quickly was trying to reach for the remote, as he had dropped in on the couch cushion in his panic.

"What's the matter? Do you have to leave so soon?" Maud was asking directly into the camera in a tone that could either be seen as her loving to play these mind games on Discord, or just generally wondering if he had to leave so quickly. (Given her dead flat voice it was pretty impossible to know what she was meaning by it.)

Finally Discord got a grab onto the remote as he peaked up from behind the couch and shouted "GO AWAY!!!" with general fear in his voice, as he knew switching to anything else would be less creepy!


Hearing the sound of the channel zapping Discord carefully looked back to see that Maud was finally gone, and he could go back into relaxing in his comfy couch again.

Being so relieved of not having to see that death blank stare again Discord didn't even notice he was at a VERY special place now, until he heard a very soft spoken voice saying "Oh my! I sure hope that nopony is here to see me now."

"Is that...?" Discord asked surprised before then seeing entering the room was none other then Fluttershy, his very best friend!

Looking around now he noticed that not only was he watching the insides of Fluttershy's cottage, but it seemed to be taking place in her bedroom!

"Should I actually be doing this? I know this is not the "real" Fluttershy, but what if she finds out about it?" Discord was asking himself as he for once was getting a bit of a bad feeling for spying on these fat anthro Ponies.

"Well, since it is just you and me here how about we have some fun, Discord?" Fluttershy was then heard asking as she was now also looking straight into the camera, and reaching he hands out towards him!

Discord wasn't sure if he should give in to her offer, or getting reminded that she wouldn't be able to get her arms through his TV, before suddenly the god of chaos noticed that she had just been reaching for something just behind from where the camera was filming and pulled what was the last thing he had been expecting.

A small plush toy of himself!

Seeing that thing all that was going through Discord's mind at the moment was "I wonder if my Fluttershy back home also has that?", as he had now made up his mind on remaining watching this and see just what this version of Fluttershy would be doing to the toy version of him.


"I might as well practice a little with you, to see if the real Discord later will like it." Fluttershy said a bit nervously as she placed the plush toy carefully onto her bed and letting it rest against her pillow, all while the Discord watching on his TV got an idea of how to get an ever better view of it.

With a small click on his remote the angle of the camera was changed, so that instead he was now watching it all from the eyes of the doll that Fluttershy was about to "practice" on.

"Okay girl, you got this." Fluttershy said to herself as she took a few deep breaths, before then turning away and later facing the doll again.

As she did so she did it very slowly and tried to have a very sexy look in her eyes as she said, "Oh my! I didn't know you where here also." as she pretended to be a bit shy to talk to her toy. (Which she kind of sort of was.)

For Discord this was like the opposite of the Maud situation, as this was a case where he didn't want Fluttershy to ever stop talking to him, as he felt like he was watching his own personal dreams happening on screen.

Letting out another "Oh my!" Fluttershy then asked her Discord doll if he felt "It was starting to get very hot in here?", before then starting to pull over her shirt and push down her pants! (Leaving her in just her bra and panties.)

Discord had never thought that seeing Fluttershy both chubby and Anthro while in her undergarments would be such a turn on for him, but he sure wasn't complaining as Fluttershy then leaned forward greatly and placed her hands onto her mattress. (Giving both the doll and Discord a chance to see that sexy cleavage of the yellow Pegasus.)

Pretending to be hearing her doll saying stuff to her Fluttershy first asked surprised "Oh! So you think that my breasts are really nice looking?" before then telling him to "Have a good look at them then!" as she started to push her big boobs all over the doll, as it almost looked like she was "chest humping" the bed!

For Discord the view of the camera was mostly being made out of close ups of Fluttershy's coat and bra, but he wasn't complaining as this all was some of the most beautiful footage he had ever seen in his life!

Once done with her breasts Fluttershy pretended to hear her doll speaking to her again as she asked "Are you looking at my butt now?" before then turning over and wiggling her blubbery bum for him.

"I hope you are ready for this!" Fluttershy then said as she made a jump backwards and landed her almost naked rear onto the doll, causing most of her panties to wedge up between her cheeks upon impact!

Discord might be immortal but even he felt like he had almost felt his heart stop when he saw that butt of Fluttershy crush against the eyes of the doll, as this officially could work as his birthday gifts for the rest of all years!

Starting to feel a bit turned on by this herself Fluttershy started to feel how the tail portion of the Discord doll was reaching up and touching at her front, making her tingle a bit over the teasing of her sensitive area.

"Oh Discord! Oh! Oh! OH!!!" Fluttershy shouted as she was humping her Discord plush so hard and fast until she ended up making a minor orgasm from it, and collapsed fully onto the bed!

Discord was also feeling about the same, as despite having only been watching it he too was feeling like he had been through all that action too, as he needed both a fan and a thermostat to try and make this raging heat inside of him cool down a bit!

Patting heavily from that experience Fluttershy was heard asking to her doll "I sure do hope you liked what I did for you Discord, cause there is something I have always wanted to tell you..." as the real Discord back home was on his edge waiting to hear what she had to say.

"I...I love you Discord." Fluttershy said with a lot of effort despite being seemingly all alone, and at home it was a very teary eyed Discord that just wished he could grab and kiss this version of Fluttershy for over 100s of times now!

"I hope that you will some day show me that you share the same feelings for me as I do for you." Fluttershy then said making Discord finally decided that he needed to let her know!

So opening a small portal to this version of Ponyville a single arm of Discord made it's way through, as it showed up right behind the very thong looking rear of Fluttershy, holding a big fat stamp in his hand!

With a powerful "SMACK!!!" Fluttershy let out a small "yelp!" as she made a jump forward in shock out of bed, landing once again onto her fat floppy belly as she asked herself what had just happen.

And while she couldn't see it right now she would later be told by other ponies that onto her left butt cheek right above her cutie mark there was a text that somepony had put there that said, "Best Pony".


Having no idea what could possibly top this Discord still decided to keep watching on as he switched the channel to just outside the Town Hall, where a larger crowd was gathered outside.

Listening in on all the ponies there they where talking about how "The Mayor is about to make a big speech.", and that did get him pretty curious on who could possibly be in the role of leading this wacky and weird version of Ponyville.

"Presenting the Mayor of our town, Pinkie Pie!" A random pony announced as walking out from the Town Hall to big sheers was indeed Pinkie, as the pink pony with the familiar cotton candy mane was seen looking a lot more elegant then she normally was. (And also like she had been enjoying the high lift of massive food buffets on charity events too, given how porky and hefty she was looking in this version.)

Sporting a top hat, button up coat, and puffy pants Pinkie was truly looking like she was the one in charge of this town. (As if wearing a big sash over her body that read "MAYOR" in major letters wasn't obvious enough.)

Still being her very usual Pinkie self the pink pony greeted everypony present by saying, "For this wacky wonderful day of April Fools! My favourite day of the year, and the day when I have decided to make my speech to tell you why you should let me keep being your trusty mayor!"

Going further into it she explained that while she could seem like a bit silly at times, she was still clever enough to even outsmart the smartest.

"Just take Discord for example." Pinkie was saying, causing the regular version of him watching to raise his eyebrow slightly. "I never forget that one time I convinced him into swallowing what he thought was a funny colored donut, which in really was a inflatable float that caused him to become the size of a house!"

"I have never seen him become such a bloated fatty before, and we all know how fat he is normally!" Pinkie Pie said, causing the whole crowd to laugh and applauded her wildly.

But someone that wasn't laughing was Discord who looked down at his own slim and tender body as he shouted back at the TV "And SHE'S the one to call me fat?!", before realizing something.

"Oh wait, she is probably talking about the Discord that lives in their universe, that's it." He said calmly before starting to have his mind go all haywire again!

"But wait...does that mean that I also exist in this universe, but fat?! No...it can't be possible! When I made this I made it knowing that I could follow what everypony was doing, without having to be a part of it at all. But does that mean that the fat version of me is also sitting at a couch and maybe looking at my version of Ponyville? Does that mean he can alter ME if he wants to?! Am I actually the clone, and he is the real one?! Or am I just looking like fat in their eyes, while I am still my normally thin self?" Discord kept asking himself as all the alternative universe paradoxes he was creating for himself was really starting to pile up largely now!

Hearing Pinkie Pie laughing again before then saying "That Discord for you. Always easy to fool." was what really settled it for him, as he had been trying to just be pulling pranks at the previous ones.

"But you Pinkamena Diane Pie, you will be humiliated more so then any other pony has ever been!" Discord said as he truly was going to show the silly mayor of Ponyville just what type of revenge a pissed off god of chaos could create!


"Curse you Pies, and your ways of messing with my mind!" Discord shouted as he cast his first spell to utterly ruin the speech of mayor Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie was just in the middle of explaining on how to make the infrastructure of the city the best in all of Equestria when just as she came on telling what the final price point for it all would be, instead she said a loud "Buck,cu!!!"

Making the crow very confuse Pinkie Pie tried to explain herself, but as she open her mouth only more clucking sounds was coming out of her.

To make matters worse she started to feel something "building up" inside of her, and when a sudden urge hit her all she could do was to quickly pull down her pants and squat behind the lectern she was speaking from!

Not believing this was actually happening Pinkie was feling how her back end was letting out something big from her bum, and loud gasps from the crowd had her fearing for the worst!

But when finally looking at it herself she was surprised to see that she seemed to have managed to lay a pink egg somehow, as said egg seemed to be about to hatch very quickly!

To everypony's surprise it ended up letting out an explosion of confetti and small fireworks, as just off stage a couple of ponies prepared to push out Pinkie's famous "Party Cannon" was starting to wonder if she had changed plans suddenly.

This freakish incident was having Pinkie looking very embarrassed as she now stood there pantless in front of her crowd, and having put on this whole chicken act for them.

But instead of mocking laughter the audience was sounding a lot more genuinely entertained, as they thought this had all been planned out by their great mayor.


For Discord this was the complete opposite of what he wanted, since he wanted to make this the worst speech in history of speeches!

"Guess I have to be a lot more straight forward with this sort of thing!" Discord said as he snapped a headphone set with mic onto his head, as Pinkie's mouth was starting to act a bit funny.

Fearing that she was about to let out another cackle she instead got a lot more surprised to be hearing herself speak perfectly normal...except for the fact that she was not the one doing the talking!

Thanks to the magical headset the voice of Discord speaking into the microphone was translating into the words coming out of Pinkie's mouth with her voice, making it seem like it was all her talking when it actually wasn't!

"But as you all can see the only reason someone like me can get the role of mayor is if you are a dumb fat pony, and I'm pretty sure you can't get more fat and dumb then me, right?" Pinkie Pie asked as the crowd seemed to find it all super funny, while Pinkie herself was screaming of panic inside over what was happening!

"I hope you like the view of my bare butt out in the open, cause then I've got only two words to say!..." Pinkie Pie was saying before she then tried to cover her mouth with her hands, in an attempt to avoid saying something more stupid!

But Discord had a plan for that too as he made Pinkie's butt start glowing a bit, before then forcing her feet to turn her around and reveal that her rear now had the words "WIDE LOAD" painted onto it!

The crowd couldn't get enough of this, as they by now was almost rolling around the ground in the fits of laughter they where given!


Deciding to make a literal big final to all of this Discord had Pinkie Pie's mouth bite into one of her hands, in order for her to stop covering herself up and have her say "Well, you know how they say us political figures are usually filled with nothing but hot air?" before putting his final plan into motion!

Suddenly Pinkie Pie was starting to feel a bit of a swelling sensation as her belly was starting to literally inflate out like a balloon!

Feeling her button up shirt and coat bursting from the pressure there was lots of buttons that came flying out into the audience like bullets, as the pink pony mayor was now starting to float up into the air!

Starting to end up as a complete sphere almost now Pinkie just wished that there was a way for her to get all of this air out of her, and who would Discord be if to not help that wish come true?

Feeling a deep pressure from down bellow building up Pinkie Pie was opening her mouth only to let out the loudest burp ever heard to anypony!


The force from the burp itself was enough to have Pinkie Pie flying all over the town square over her potential voters, as those bursted bits of clothing had no chance staying on as Pinkie did start to get smaller and smaller again as she was letting all the air out.

Eventually she ended up dropping back onto the stage on her fat belly, as she let out one last natural small "burp!" from that whole ordeal.

Getting up there was a lot of snickering going on at her, and when looking down she could see why.

Having already lost her pants, shirt, and hat (As it flew off during the burp part) Pinkie Pie was now having only her "MAYOR" sash to help cover up her naked tits, as her low hanging gut had to work as a natural censor bar to not let them see any of her private parts!

Standing there now all nude and humiliated Pinkie Pie was ready to throw in the towel and call this a failed campaign, only to instead be greeted by tons of sheers as all the Ponies now wanted to vote for her more then ever before!

This made her all forget about her naked state as she let out tears of joy and promised to make Ponyville, "More fat and crazy then it has ever been before!"

Hearing that voting promise Discord started to stop see what he had done as failures, as he said that even he "Might put my vote at Pinkie now." as he pulled out a voting card and sat a mark for Pinkie's slot.

"Sorry Crackle. Better luck next time." Discord said as he zapped his voting card into the voting box over in the alternative Ponyville, before then seeing what else he can find on another channel.


Going from one crowd to another Discord saw that he now seemed to be looking at the inside's of Rarity's clothing shop, where a smaller crowd was gathered and a catwalk had been installed.

Providing the music was a lot more thicker version of Vinyl Scratch, who should now probably call herself BMI Pon-33 given how big she was. (Good thing being a DJ meant she didn't have to do more the moving her arms ever so slightly.)

Walking in on stage was Rarity herself, as this plus-sized version of the white Unicorn was wearing an elegant looking purple jacket, with matching long pants.

"Welcome all you darlings to the "XXXL Rarities" fashion outline!" Rarity proclaimed, as the crowd consisting of fashion journalists, fellow cloth designers, and general interested was all looking forward to what this would have.

"As we all know we all can look good when being a bit big, but what if we would aim to try and look GREAT instead?" Rarity asked as she had the music starting and her first model ready to make an entrance.

First out walking out was a Mare who at front seemed to be wearing just a big sweater with no arms, that was long enough to be going all the way down past her hips.

But as soon as she turned around there was some large gasps from the crowd as it turned out they had been seeing pretty much all of the garment that had made the sweater, as not only was the model's arms fully exposed but so was her side-boobs, waist, back, and besides the head part the only thing holding all of it together was the small portion at the bottom that ended right underneath the tail. (Showing of a good portion of bare butt also as a final tease.)

"This little creation here is something I like to call "The Virgin Killer Sweater", cause honestly girls once you show yourself in this to your special somepony neither you or him is going to be a virgin for much longer." Rarity explained, as the crowd truly was loving what she had made, and especially how much of the model's fleshy body was being shown without fully exposing her private parts.

After that the second model made her entrance in a bathing suit, and boy did she have a belly to show!

Not only did she make herself stand out from looking like she might be very late in her pregnancy, but the bathing suit had a big cut open hole in the shape of a heart right in the middle of it. (Making the pregnant belly practically hang out almost fully for all to see.)

"As we all know us ladies sometimes end up getting a bit to much fun after an evening with that shirt we just saw, so it might happen that we will soon be carrying a little off-spring to the world." Rarity said as she went on to explain further. "This swimming suit has a cut open hole just for awaiting mothers to be, as the stretchy fabric along with the opening helps in releasing pressure and helping the carrying mare to feel less packed and tight while she is out swimming. The choice of a heart is to also show the love they share with their partner, as they all can still share a nice day at the beach together."

Third model to make an entrance really went all out with the showing off part, as there was next to nothing that was remained hidden on her body once she came out on stage!

It seemed to be a "bikini" of some sort, except this one was so skimpy looking that it wasn't even having any sort of string to hold it's bits together!

Instead it looked more like the mare in question had been placing two small top bits over her nipple areas, and then one final one right between her legs before walking out! (The bits also having the shapes and desings of looking like two sea stars, and a crab.)

"And here my darlings we got the ultimate show off of beach wear, as this thing is just something you apply directly to you bare skin, and then just lets it hang on as neither wind or water will be able to make it lose it's grip." Rarity said as the model was then asked to turn around, showing that when wearing this trio of pads the backside was now 100% bare, which would make anyone seeing her only from behind to think that she was walking around all naked on stage.

Finally Rarity announced that she had a special threat for all the ladies in the audience, as there was one last outfit to show, and this one was going to be worn by a Stallion model!

Walking out on stage most mares almost started to faint as it was none other then Big Machintosh that had been jumping in as guest model for this event, and he was really showing off all his goods when doing so!

His outfit consisted of some shirt cuffs (Minus the shirt), a matching bowtie, and a tight sitting thong that was showing off all his goods in the bulge and balls!

"After all an evening like this does need some eye-candy for the ladies also, right?" Rarity said, having many of the mares in the room yell wildly over Big Mac and his package.

Even Discord was pretty surprised by this turn of events, as he had never been guessing that Big Mac would willingly want to do something like that! (But seeing all the attention he was getting from the ladies it wasn't very hard to imagine why he had said yes to it.)

Looking at all the ladies adoring him and finding him super hot the otherwise pretty stage shy Big Mac could help but smirk a bit to himself and say "Yup." over how this felt so right.


With the fashion show now seemingly over as all the models came out to line up it was a somewhat dozed off Discord that suddenly woke up and said, "Oh right! I almost forgot to do something to ruin their fun!" as he started to quickly brainstorm what would work best here.

After having coming up with no working ideas he just tossed his hands up and said, "Eh, forget it! I can always just go for another nude scene." as he pressed his remote.

Taking their bow for the crowd all four models suddenly suffered each an embarrassing wardrobe malfunction, as the girl in the sweater had her neck part snap off and making it drop to the floor, the pregnant one felt her swimming suit shrinking which caused it to rip up everywhere and burst, the sassy one in the seas star and crab bikini suddenly had her clothes come alive and simply jump off her body, and Big Mac felt first how his thong got uncomfortably tight around his groin before then snapping off and flying out into the audience for a lucky mare to grab a hold on!

In one second Rarity went from having four sexy dressed models to a bunch of naked fatties, that all started to rush off the stage and hide behind the curtains as the audience wouldn't stop laughing at them!

Trying to save the evening Rarity tries to save the evening by saying that "Accidents does happen, but I can assure you that nothing else will go wrong now!", to which Discord gave a small snap with his fingers in response.

The audience and Rarity then got to witness how for seemingly no reason at all the host's outfit started to literally disintegrate into nothing ness, leaving Rarity with not a single spec of fabric onto her body!

Standing now on stage just as nude as her models had done moments before Rarity instinctively started to cover herself with her arms in traditional ENF pose, as the laughter's and humiliation never seemed to end for her.

Looking over at the corner of her eye she could see her fellow models poking their heads out to see how she too was now just as ruined as they where, and seeing just how hurt and broken they all felt Rarity knew she had to do something!

Feeling a sudden urge inside of her Rarity stopped being scared or ashamed as she with great courage removed her arms from covering her private parts, and stood tall and proud in front of her public.

"I know that it is not normal to see Ponies being without clothes like this, but I want to let you know that it is the most normal thing a pony could do! We weren't born with clothes, we where born naked! And what shame is it to show ones body? We are all big looking, and our fatness is nothing strange to look at either! So if you decide to laugh at us, then you are actually just laughing at yourself!" Rarity said as she then encouraged her fellow naked models to come back out to join her.

With a bit of resistance and attempts to at first cover themselves all 5 ponies stood next to each other, showing all their naked features and parts. (Giving those mares in the crowd a really good view on what why he was truly called BIG Mac, as it wasn't just his gut that was gigantic!)

"We want to show with this that no matter the season, no matter what era, no matter what trend, being naked is something that will ALWAYS be the most natural of outfits to be in. So with this we want to show the ultimate collection in fashion. The Birthday Suit!" Rarity announced as they all got standing ovations from their crowd over this bold and brave statement, with some even starting to get naked themselves to show their support!

This had not been by a mile what Rarity had been aiming for, but when standing up there with her modelling friends and getting this feedback it felt like the most perfect way to end the evening.

Once again things had only ending up saving the day when Discord was trying to ruin it as he rolled his eyes a bit over all the joy being on display and saying "Now I hope I wont have to hear them tell me back in the normal world how I "Never help them with anything", when I clearly has done nothing today then being helpful." before he went to find something else to watch.


By now evening was starting to hit Ponyville in the alternative universe that Discord was watching, so that meant there was less and less things happening in the little town.

It wasn't until he ended up at a pretty fancy looking restaurant that he spotted somepony he was very familiar with.

Arriving to the place was none other then Starlight Glimmer (Fellow reformed villain, who Discord help in saving the mane six from the Changeling hive), as she seemed to be on a dinner date with this bearded and nerdy looking unicorn guy.

"I see we both ended up picking dresses for the evening." Starlight said as both of them was indeed wearing long robe like outfits that could be seen as dresses, but her date insisted that his wasn't.

"It is an old medieval gown used by the most skilled and talented of wizards back in the day, so it only makes sense that I chose to wear this for our little date." The male unicorn said as Starlight giggled a little bit and added, "Good thing then that it matches us so well, Sunburst." as his gown and her dress did have almost the same looking pattern and colours.

Realizing this now Sunburst started to feel a lot less like a powerful wizard, and more like he had just been borrowing it from his date.

"Shall we just try find our tables?" A now slightly embarrassed Sunburst asked as he and Starlight got and had themselves settled down, as they where being served some wine and a look at the menu.


Fast forwarding a bit Discord then came to see how the two dating was having their food served, and it looked to be a some nicely grilled vegetables and fish.

Looking at their portions Starlight asked as a joke if Sunburst had been given a larger portion then her, to which he asked back why she thought so.

"Let's me honest here, maybe you picked this outfit of yours cause it was the only thing that fit around your frame?" Starlight asked as Sunburst pointed back that she too was looked pretty pudgy in her dress.

"But mine is still only size XXL while yours is...?" Starlight asked as Sunburst mumbled back "XXXL." under his breath.

"I'm just saying that working all day to just read old spell books might not lead to your body moving around that much compared to mine." Starlight said as she let out a delightful little laughter, as Sunburst just rolled his eyes and said "Yeah, sure..."

Seeing how he didn't seem to find it as funny as she had Starlight quickly apologized, as she then suggested to do something for him.

"Let me show you that I want to be nice to you by giving you a free taste of my cod." Starlight said as she was using her unicorn magic from her horn to make a piece of her dish start to flying in the air towards Sunburst's mouth.

Liking the idea of this Sunburst decided to also make a piece of his salmon dish float, as the two lovers was planning on feeding each other.

Discord however had other plans as he with a quick click took control over both the unicorn's magic, before then using his hands to make the floating food go wherever he wanted to!

So instead of getting it into their mouths, Starlight and Sunburst ended up getting their piece of food in the hair and skewed on the horn respectively.

"What the hay was that for?!" Sunburst asked as Starlight was looking just as confused as he was when her horn suddenly started to make an apple levitate, and his horn started to make a glass of bubbly water next to Starlight to start shaking a lot.

Before anyone of them knew what was going to happen next Sunburst got silent by having the apple stuffed into his mouth like an overfeed pig, as Starlight ended up forced to swallow the whole glass with heavily bubbly water, which made her let out a very large burp that caused the whole restaurant to stare at them both.

"Seriously, what are you doing with your magic?!" Sunburst asked as he got that apple out of his mouth before adding to Starlight that "Burping like that in public makes you look like a real piggy."

This was the final straw for Starlight who this time used her magic on purpose to stuff that apple back into Sunburst's mouth as she said, "Funny, given how you are the one of us two that looks most fat like a piggy!" before then forcing him this time to swallow the fruit instead of spiting it out.

Once having that whole apple settled inside of him Sunburst just looked at Starlight and said, "Oh it's on now!"


What followed then was the two of them starting to create a big food fight, except that instead of trying to mess each other up they used their magic to try and force the other one's food into themselves! (They still where ending up getting pretty messy because of it.)

Discord of course would not settle for just any plain food fight so he decided to spice things up a bit by altering the food, making it so that once parts of it got swallowed down by one of the two ponies it would start adding some extra weight into their frames!

So without thinking about it Starlight and Sunburst was force-feeding each other to get fatter and fatter, as their intense fighting with the food was causing great damages to both their clothes and the restaurant.

Once they started to also take the food from other tables to be used as their ammunition did the other guests start to evacuate the place, as soon only the two fighting fatties remained.

Eventually came the point when their bodies got so bloated that both of their long dresses came bursting into pieces, leaving them both buck naked at the place!

Seeing each other's naked state first got them to want to cover themselves up, before the anger over the other one having ruined their outfit got them to slam into each other and wrestle themselves onto their table! (Which crumbled underneath the pressure and went flat!)

Claming down from the whole ordeal both Starlight and Sunburst was feeling a bit ashamed over causing such a crazy outburst over each other, as they now laid naked and obese, all alone in this deserted restaurant, on top of their crushed table.

"You know, I think you might have some food left on your lips." Sunburst pointed out as Starlight was about to try and lick it off when he leaned in and said "Let me help instead.", before the two of them then embraced in a deep kiss together.

Watching the two of them ending up with a pretty successful date overall Discord was pondering to himself "I wonder if I should be turning them into pigs while I'm at it?" before then coming to the conclusion, "Nah, they already look close enough to that." as he instead went for one last check with the channels.


Remembering that one thing he always had to do when watching one of these alternative universes was to go outside of Ponyville, and head towards the most grand place of them all.

The Canterlot Castle!

"Cause who am I to ever forget paying a visit to Princess Celestia from time to time?" Discord was asking himself as he couldn't wait to see what the Alicorn of the Sun was going to look like in this version!

Looking inside Celestia at first seemed to look relatively normal (Besides being a bit more round on the flanks and having a noticeable belly), as she just sat on her throne minding her own business until she looked like she knew something wasn't right!

"I can feel a presence in here!" Celestia said as she looked around, and at times ended up looking directily in the direction of which Discord was watching her from. (But unlike Maud Pie the all mighty Celestia didn't seem able to see him.)

"Something bad! Something really, really, bad!" Celestia said as she continued on looking worried, until a small light bulb lit up in her head and it all seemed to make sense to her now.

"Of course! How could I have not seen it? This is the works of someone that is more wicked and crazy then anypony else in the whole of Equestria!" Celestia shouted out, making Discord a bit worried that she might actually know it being him. (And having the powers of an Alicorn she might even be able to enter into his home and punish him if she wants to!)

"The works of none other then..." Celestia said as she then suddenly put on a rainbow wig, a tutu, and clown nose before then saying a super silly voice, "Elmo, the clumsy clown!"

Celestia then got off her throne and started to dance around (and tumbling over) everything from statues and suits of armor, until finally getting to the kitchen.

"Oh chocolate cake! Where are you?" Celestia asked out before then gasping in shock over seeing somepony else eating of her precious cake!

First when seeing who it was did Celestia become a lot more forgiven, since it was none other then her sister Luna who was sleepwalking. (And sleepeating)

Having started to raid the fridge on all foods Luna's pyjamas shirt had already popped a few buttons, as her growing belly had proved to much for it to hold back.

Celestia on the other hand didn't mind as she just settled for "The nest best thing!", which in her case seemed to be a cone of peanut butter ice-cream, with sprinkles the taste of carrots, and finally a layer of mayo sauce on top of it!

Once having this creation of hers done Celestia then took and lifted her wig a bit to push the ice-cream cone deep into her head, before then calling herself the first ever "Two-Corn!"

Watching this rave of madness going on in the Canterlot Castle Discord could help but chuckle a great deal as he asked himself "Oh Celestia, why do you always end up being the silly, wacky, or downright stupid in all of my alternative universes?" as he then reminded himself that despite some of these encounters today having not been as he had hoped for it was always worth it just to see Celestia being portrayed like such a fool.

Seeing how the sun in actual Equestria was about to rise very soon Discord decided to call it a day, as he himself couldn't wait until the next time when he got to do some more exploring into alternative realities like this one.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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