Created by: Joanne Warner Visit my website: www ...

Created by: Joanne Warner

Visit my website: mrswarnerarlington.

This product provides weekly practice of language and grammar skills in a spiral review format that promotes mastery. Common Core Standards: L.4.1, L.4.2, L.4.3, L.4.4, L.4.5, L.4.6

Included in the "Weekly Language Review": ? Grammar: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs, Pronouns, Prepositions, Conjunctions

Common & Proper, Singular & Plural Nouns, Past, Present, & Future Tense Verbs, Linking & Helping Verbs

? Types of Sentences: (Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative, Exclamatory)

Subjects & Predicates (Simple & Complete), Fragment and Complete Sentences

? Proofreading sentences: Noun/Verb Agreement, Dialogue ~ Quotation Marks

Capitalization & Punctuation ~ Rules for Commas, Friendly Letter Writing Alphabetical order, contractions, spelling patterns

? Vocabulary Development: Antonyms, Synonyms, Homophones, Analogies, Multiple

Meaning Word, Prefixes, Suffixes, Greek & Latin root words, Base (root) words

? Reference Materials & Parts of a Book: atlas, almanac, dictionary, thesaurus,

phone book, preface, table of contents, glossary, index, appendix, bibliography

? Figurative Language: idioms, similes, metaphors, hyperboles, personification,

alliteration, onomatopoeia

Created by: Joanne Warner

Visit my website: mrswarnerarlington.

Note to Teachers:

I created this product out of frustration with students not mastering the same language arts skills year after year. After teaching second grade for 16 years and moving to fourth grade, I noticed that students struggled to retain skills taught in previous years and even skills taught earlier in the semester.

Most reading/language arts series introduce a new grammar/language skills every 2 weeks with little or no spiral review until the next school year. After creating and using this product in my classroom, I had my first "Ah Hah!" moment when 2 of my students said.... "Subjects and Predicts are easy!".

Learning a new skill and successfully transferring that knowledge to long term memory requires a great deal of repetition. This product provides many opportunities for review.

I used this product daily in my classroom as morning work. I projected the page on the dry erase board and went over the answers with my class ? Monday ? Thursday. We used the adopted language skill pages from our reading series as well. This took about 30 minutes of our language arts block. The rest of our language arts block was devoted to 6 Traits mini-lessons and writing time. I have included many opportunities for students to improve their vocabulary by looking up words in the dictionary or thesaurus. I wrote a grant for electronic dictionaries, so my students would want to look up all the new words they encounter in text and/or to improve their word choice by using the thesaurus button on the same device.

Created by: Joanne Warner

Visit my website: mrswarnerarlington.

Week #1

Name ____________________ #____

Day 1

Underline the subject once and the predicate twice.

The dangerous tiger devoured the prey.

Circle the adjectives.

The slimy, green frog jumped into the cold, muddy pond.


Circle all the nouns.

Correct this sentence.

leap pond frog send girl cute Bob catch

city net green

Tony ran to the pond and caught frogs fish and turtles.

Choose the correct verb in parenthesis. ( )

Emily and Sophia _______ to the beach to swim.

(go, went, gone)

Day 2

Write the base (root) word for each word.

restate _____________ unwind _____________ disapprove __________

What type of sentence? Where is my pencil?

a. declarative b. interrogative c. imperative d. exclamatory

What is the meaning of the following idiom?

They are like two peas in a pod. ___________________

Singular or plural noun?


a. singular b. plural

Where would you look to find the definition of a word?

dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, almanac, phone book

Past, present, or future tense verb?

The boy is catching the frogs and turtles.


Write a synonym for the following word.

annoying ___________________

Circle the correct verb.

We (was, were) eating tacos with friends.

Write an antonym for the following word.



Where would you look to find a good synonym for a word?

dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, almanac, phone book

Day 3

Put the following words in ABC order.

Correct this sentence.

Replace the nouns with Write a homophone for Circle the cause and


each word below.

underline the effect.

Day 4

___fruit ___frolic ___fork ___flock

The frog (jumps, jumped) on the lily pad yesterday.

Tony ran all the way to school. __________________

male ____________ hear ____________

My brother got a ticket for speeding in a school zone.

Created by: Joanne Warner 4th Grade

Week #2

Name ____________________ #____

Which of the following words is an adjective?

Correct the following sentence.

Day 1

a. lizard b. owl c. slimy d. flying

I need to buy milk eggs cheese and bread at the store today.

Underline the subject once and the predicate twice.

The large, brown owl flew over the barn.


Circle all the nouns in this sentence.

Give an example of a common and proper noun.

The turtle swam in the pond and rested on the rock last Sunday .

Common ___________ Proper _____________

Day 2

Circle the words with prefixes.

reread funny prepay

landed dislodge spin

Circle the cause and underline the effect.

The tornado winds blew the roof off our house.

Are the words clever and intelligent synonyms or antonyms?


Write a word that rhymes with sound.


Which word would be on the same dictionary page as the guide words:

tore toward?

tentacle tomorrow torment taken

Which reference book would you use to find the rivers in Europe?

dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, almanac, phone book

Write the root or base word for the following. annoying __________

disloyal ___________

unharmed _________

Which homophone is correct?

to, two, too

We want to go to the movies, _____?

What do you think the underlined word means? (use context clues)

I screamed in terror during the movie

because it was petrifying. _______________

Complete Sentence or Fragment (incomplete)?

Launched the space shuttle yesterday.


Day 3

Day 4

Which homophone is correct?

there their they're

________ van needs to be repaired.

What is the plural form of half?


What is the meaning of the following idiom?

We bit off more than we could chew. __________________

Circle the words that are proper nouns and should be capitalized.

owl joe mall teacher pond lincoln florida

What type of sentence?

Stop following me.

a. declarative b. interrogative c. imperative d. exclamatory

Created by: Joanne Warner 4th Grade

Week #3

Name ____________________ #____

______ is an antonym for quiet.

Circle the verbs.

Day 1

a. quit b. silent c. loud

buy star seed flower swim nice run swiftly

Put an X on each adjective.

round starfish yellow

seed nice hop gopher


Circle the synonym pair.

rock ? stone quick ? running answer - question

Circle the correct punctuation mark for an imperative sentence.

! ?.

Day 2

Mark an X on the misspelled words.

families familyes

babyies babies

Circle the correct contraction for will not.

a) willn't b) won't c) woen't

Write the prefixes for the following:

a) replay ______ b) disobey _____ c) unfounded _____

Choose the correct plural of puppy.

a) puppys b) puppyes c) puppies

Underline the words that have the "f" sound.

phone phrase rough elevate cough thought

Day 3

What type of sentence?

Go clean your room.

a. declarative b. interrogative c. imperative d. exclamatory

Put the following words in ABC order.

___think ___thunder ___thought ___that

Circle and correct the proper nouns.

day friday easter

mr. smith summer

Underline the subject.

The cute hedgehog is hiding underground.

library main street

Circle the cause and underline the effect.

Replace the nouns with pronouns.

The car stopped running because it ran out of gas.

The teacher found the marker.


Fill in the blank.

We will ______ a new car this weekend.

by bye buy Correct the sentence.

Where would you look to find a map of the world?

dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, almanac, phone book

Choose the correct verb.

Rex eat a hot dog.

My older brother (went, gone) to the movies.

Created by: Joanne Warner 4th Grade

Day 4

Week #4

Name ____________________ #____


Day 1

Which of the following words is not an adjective?

a. cute b. old c. puppy d. hundred

Correct the following sentence

They don't got no words to explain it.

Circle the subject and underline the predicate.

The pink flamingo waded into the water.

Circle the synonym pair.

jumping swirl bought purchase

puppy kitten

Choose the correct ending punctuation.

Why are you late for school ___

. ! ?

Day 2

Put an X on the misspelled words.

friend becasue said

thay caught gril

Circle the correct contraction for does not.

a) don't b) dosen't c) doesn't

Where would you look to find weather information for farmers?

dictionary, thesaurus, atlas, almanac, phone book

Write the prefixes for the following:

a) resend ______ b) dislocate ______ c) misfortune _____

Write an antonym for the following word.

bumpy _______________

Day 3

What type of sentence?

My engine is ruined!

a. declarative b. interrogative c. imperative d. exclamatory

Complete the analogy.

egg: nest :: ________: garage.

The listing of all resources used for a report is called:

preface, table of contents, bibliography,

appendix, or index

Which homophone goes in the blank.

there, their, they're

_______ bikes all have flat tires.

What is the meaning of this idiom?

The cat's got his tongue.


Day 4

Put the following words in ABC order.

Circle the cause and underline the effect.

___quarter ___quick ___quiver ___quaint

The shooting star lit up the sky.

Replace the nouns with pronouns.

Tim hid the money under the girl's hat. __________________

Write a homophone for each word below.

pear ____________ pale ____________

Circle the correct verb.

My sister will (swim, swam) in the lake this afternoon.

Created by: Joanne Warner 4th Grade

Week #5

Name ____________________ #____

A declarative sentence is a statement. Bubble the declarative sentence.

Circle the plural nouns. geese child parties

Day 1

Where is the party? Go to sleep. I got a new game.

mice bushes bus monkey pencils


Bubble the sentences that are future tense.

My party will be next month at the park. We ate the cupcakes and ice cream. We will have a great time at the pool.

Replace the underlined word with the correct verb.

We eats cupcakes for dessert. ___________

My parents be nice to me. _____________

Day 2

Underline the complete predicate and circle the simple predicate.

My friends bought presents for me.

Add punctuation to make this sentence correct.

We ate pizza breadsticks cupcakes and ice cream at my party.

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

He was ecstatic to receive the award for athlete of the year.


Circle the pronoun that should replace the underlined word.

We bought a new video game for Steven.

he them him us

Day 3

Underline the complete subject and circle the simple subject.

The lucky, golden ticket was found by Charlie.

Write the base words (root words) for each.

pretest ____________

disconnect ________________

Complete the analogy.

short: tall :: ________: heavy.

Circle the two guide words that would be at the top of the dictionary page for the word: disconnect

a) destroy ? detest b) dictate ? dictionary c) disc - distroy

Circle the proper nouns in the sentence below.

Mrs. Hall was born in Nashville, Tennessee on

November 12, 1975.

Bubble if the word is a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb.


verb adjective adverb

What is the meaning of this idiom? He's like a fish out of water.


Bubble the complete sentences.

With a swirly cloud of frosting on top. He jumped for joy! Joey shouted, "Yahoo!"

Created by: Joanne Warner 4th Grade

Day 4


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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