C o o k i n g G a m e T e a c h e r G u i d e

Cooking Game Teacher Guide

Cooking Game

Teacher Guide







Coding skill level:

Recommended grade level:

Time required:

Number of modules:

Coding Language:

Teacher Guide Outline


¡ñ How to Prepare


¡ñ Activity Overview

¡ñ Getting Started ?(20 minutes)

¡ñ DIY Module ?(30 minutes)

¡ñ Extended Activities

Going Beyond an Hour

¡ñ Do More With Tynker

¡ñ Tynker for Schools



Grades K-5 (U.S.), Years 1-6 (U.K.)

50 minutes

1 module


Cooking Game Teacher Guide


Things are about to get yummy! In this lesson, students will follow a step-by-step tutorial

and apply conditional logic to code their own cooking game. Additionally, students can

create their own cooking game that features their favorite food. By the end of this

lesson, students will have combined creativity, imagination, and coding concepts (e.g.,

sequencing, simple conditionals, conditional loops, motion, and advanced costume

handling) to create a fun, interactive cooking game.

How to Prepare

This ?activity ?is ?designed ?for ?self-directed ?learning. ?Your ?role ?will ?be ?to ?help ?students

?individually and facilitate as students complete the coding activities on their own. The

best way to prepare is to:

1. Familiarize yourself with the material.? After selecting your Tynker lesson (e.g.,

Cooking Game), read through this teacher guide and complete the activity before

assigning it to students. This will allow you to troubleshoot anything in advance

and plan for potential questions from your students.

2. OPTIONAL: Sign up for a teacher account. ?Although an account is NOT

required, creating a free teacher account will allow you to access teacher guides,

answer keys, and tons of additional resources. You¡¯ll also be able to create free

accounts for your students, monitor their progress, and see their projects.

3. OPTIONAL: Create student accounts?. ?From your teacher account, you can

easily create free student accounts for all your students. This will allow them to

save their projects and progress, so they can continue coding when they get

home! Again, this is not necessary to complete the Cooking Game lesson.




Students will...

¡ñ Apply coding concepts such as sequencing, conditional loops, motion, and

advanced costume handling to create a cooking game


¡ñ For web:? Computers, laptops, or Chromebooks (1 per student)

¡ñ For mobile:? iPads or Android tablets (1 per student)

Cooking Game Teacher Guide


¡ñ Code:? The language that tells a computer what to do

¡ñ Sequence:? The order in which steps or events happen

¡ñ Command: ?A specific action or instruction that tells the computer to do


¡ñ Condition:? A logical expression that evaluates to true or false

¡ñ Loop:? An action that repeats one or more commands over and over

¡ñ Conditional loop:? A loop that performs an action if a certain condition is met

U.S. Standards

¡ñ CCSS-ELA:? RI.K.1, RI.K.10, RF.K.4, SL.K.1, RF.1.4.A, RI.1.10, SL.1.1,

RF.2.4.A, RI.2.5, SL.2.1, RI.3.7, RF.3.4.A, SL.3.1, RF.4.4.A, RF.1.4.A, SL.4.1,

RF.5.4.A, ?SL.5.1

¡ñ CCSS-Math:? MP.1, .A.3, .B.4

¡ñ CSTA:? 1A-AP-09, 1A-AP-10, 1A.AP-11, 1A-AP-14 ,1A-AP-15, 1B-AP-10,

1B-AP-12, 1B-AP-15, 1B-AP-17

¡ñ CS CA:? K-2.AP.10, K-2.AP.11, K-2.AP.12, 3-5.AP.10, 3-5.AP.11, 3-5.AP.12,


¡ñ ISTE: ?1.c, 1.d, 4.d, 5.c, 5.d, 6.b, 7.c

U.K. Standards

National Curriculum in England (computing):

¡ñ Key Stage 1 (Years 1-2)

¡ð Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs

on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and

unambiguous instructions

¡ð Create and debug simple programs

¡ð Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs

¡ð Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and

retrieve digital content

¡ð Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information

private; identify where to go for help and support when they have

concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online


¡ñ Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6)

¡ð Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to

detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs

¡ð Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise

acceptable/unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report

concerns about content and contact

Cooking Game Teacher Guide

Getting Started? ?(20 minutes)

1. Tell students that they¡¯re going to use Tynker and apply conditional logic to

create their own cooking game.

2. Open the Cooking Game project and go to ¡°Step 2¡± of the tutorial. Next, use your

projector to show your students the provided examples:

3. Optional:? Read the Cooking Game tutorial out loud to your students.

DIY Module? ?(30 minutes)

This lesson has one DIY (do-it-yourself) module. Facilitate as students complete the

Cooking Game module on their own:

Cooking Game (DIY)

¡ñ In this DIY, students will apply conditional logic to ?create an interactive cooking


¡ñ Tell students to follow the step-by-step instructions and drag blocks from the

tutorial tab to the center coding area.

¡ñ Do students want to expand on their project? Direct their attention to ¡°Step 6¡± of

the tutorial, which includes additional project ideas. Here are some hints to get

them started:

¡ð Make the bread fly up into the air when it¡¯s done toasting-? Tell

students to change the value of the bread Actor¡¯s ¡°change y by¡± code


¡ð Make the bread get darker the longer it¡¯s left in the toaster-? O

? ne

possible solution is to make a ¡°burnt toast¡± costume for the bread and

increase the value of the ¡°wait¡± code block.

¡ð Spread the jam with ¡°pen¡± code blocks-? A

? sk students to explore the

¡°pen down¡± and ¡°set pen color to¡± code blocks.

¡ñ Do students want to create their own cooking game?

¡ð Encourage them to modify their code or ?add new code blocks.

¡ð Ask them to customize their background and Actors. Will your students

create a cooking game that features breakfast, lunch, or dinner food


Extended Activities


Reflect on today¡¯s coding adventure by leading a discussion with your students:

¡ñ What was their favorite part about today¡¯s activity? Why?

¡ñ Were there any parts they found tricky? Discuss.

Cooking Game Teacher Guide

¡ñ Encourage students to describe some of the cooking games they coded: What

type of cooking game did they make? Did anyone create a breakfast-themed

cooking game? What were some other food Actors they used?

¡ñ What is code? (The language that tells a computer what to do)

¡ñ What is a conditional loop? (A loop that performs an action if a certain condition

is met)

Going Beyond Cooking Game

If? ?your? ?students? ?enjoyed? ?Cooking Game,? ?they¡¯re? ?sure? ?to? ?enjoy? ?the? ?rest? ?of? ?what? ?Tynker?

?has? ?to offer!? ?Tynker? ?offers? ?a? ?complete? ?premium? ?solution? ?for? ?schools? ?to? ?teach? ?computer?

?science.? ?Over 400? ?hours? ?of? ?lessons? ?are? ?available? ?to? ?take? ?K-8? ?students? ?from? ?block? ?coding?

?to? ?advanced? ?text coding.? ?We? ?offer? ?tons? ?of? ?resources? ?for? ?teachers,? ?including?

?comprehensive? ?guides,? ?free? ?webinars, and? ?a? ?forum? ?to? ?connect? ?with? ?other? ?educators.

Do More with Tynker

With? ?Tynker,? ?kids? ?don¡¯t? ?just? ?acquire? ?programming? ?skills--they? ?explore? ?the? ?world? ?of

possibilities? ?that? ?coding? ?opens? ?up.? ?Tynker? ?has? ?several? ?interest-driven? ?learning? ?paths? ?that?

?make coding? ?fun,? ?both? ?inside? ?and? ?outside? ?the? ?classroom:

¡ñ Coding? ?and? ?Game? ?Design:?? ?Your? ?students? ?can? ?use? ?Tynker? ?Workshop,? ?a?

?powerful? ?tool? ?for crafting? ?original? ?programs? ?to? ?make? ?games,? ?stories,? ?animations?,

?and? ?other? ?projects?. They can? ?even? ?share? ?their? ?work? ?with? ?other? ?kids? ?in? ?the? ?Tynker?


¡ñ Drones? ?and? ?Robotics:? ?Tynker? ?integrates? ?with? ?connected? ?toys,? ?including? ?Parrot?

?drones and? ?Lego? ?WeDo? ?robotics? ?kits,? ?so? ?kids? ?can? ?see? ?their? ?code? ?come? ?to? ?life.

¡ñ Minecraft:?? ?Tynker? ?integrates? ?with? ?Minecraft? ?so? ?your? ?students? ?can? ?learn? ?coding?

?through a? ?game? ?they? ?love.? ?Tynker? ?offers? ?skin? ?and? ?texture? ?editing,? ?as? ?well? ?as? ?a?

?custom? ?Mod Workshop? ?that? ?lets? ?kids? ?try? ?their? ?original? ?code? ?in? ?Minecraft.

Tynker for Schools

Used? ?in? ?over? ?80,000? ?schools,? ?our? ?award-winning? ?platform? ?has? ?flexible? ?plans? ?to? ?meet?

?your classroom,? ?school,? ?or? ?district? ?needs.? ?All? ?solutions? ?include:

¡ñ Grade-specific? ?courses? ?that? ?teach? ?visual? ?coding,? ?JavaScript,? ?Python,? ?robotics? ?and?


¡ñ A? ?library? ?of? ?NGSS? ?and? ?Common? ?Core? ?compliant? ?STEM? ?courses? ?that? ?are? ?great? ?for

project-based? ?learning

¡ñ Automatic? ?assessment? ?and? ?mastery? ?charts? ?for? ?whole schools and individual

classes and students

¡ñ Easy? ?classroom? ?management? ?with? ?Google? ?Classroom? ?and? ?Clever? ?integration

¡ñ Professional? ?training,? ?free? ?webinars? ?and? ?other? ?teacher? ?training? ?resources


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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