Minecraft silah modu nasıl indirilir 1.12


Minecraft silah modu nasil indirilir 1.12.2

Homepage ? Minecraft Mods ? Modern Warfare Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 (Call Of Duty) Author: Vic4Games September 1, 2019 3,003,021 views Modern Warfare Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 offers a wide selection of different 3D modeled guns, and the selection will be wider in the future. It also offers a small but growing selection of 3D modeled armors. Ever get tired of the classic diamond sword? Classic diamond gear? Is it just... not satisfying anymore? This mod offers a wider arsenal at your disposal! Craft the guns, add attachments! Shoot mobs! Shoot Players. Play with your friends! Do a little minigame if you like. The point is to have fun with the expanded arsenal filled with these 3D modeled guns. Screenshots: AKM with no magazine .357 Desert Eagle with no ammo .357 Deagle mid-reloading M4A1 with no attachments M4A1 w/ reddot, suppressor, and grip M4A1 w/ drum mag M4A1 w/ normal mag How to use: Attachment Mode: Press `M' to enter attachment mode. To add attachments, you must have the attachments in your inventory. Further instructions will be displayed on screen of your game. Press the `UP' arrow key to change sights/scopes. Press the `DOWN' arrow key to add grips/laser attachments (press L to toggle laser on/off when equipped). Press the `LEFT' arrow key to add a silencer that fits the gun's caliber (displayed under gun in inventory). And press the `RIGHT' arrow key to change the gun skin. Keep in mind that not every gun takes the same skins. Selective Fire: Press `RIGHT SHIFT' to change the firemode of the weapon. Optics: Certain optics have special effects. Press `I' to zoom in, and `O' to zoom out. Ammunition: Press `R' to load the gun with the proper magazine in your inventory. Press `R' to unload a magazine currently loaded into the gun. To refill a magazine, hold it in your hand and press `R' with the correct rounds (bullets) in your inventory. Each magazine name will display the amount of ammo it holds first, then the type of bullet it requires. Live Combat Feed: This feature is mainly purposed for multiplayer however it can be used in single player as well. This feature allows you to monitor other players or NPCs via a tablet. First you need a wireless camera and a tablet. When acquired, right click with it in your hand to throw it onto a mob or player, then switch to the tablet. The tablet will allow you to view the perspective of which the camera is placed upon. You can place multiple cameras at the same time, and cycle through the cameras using the right and left arrow keys when wielding the tablet. Each camera has a battery life, meaning they won't last forever. When monitoring a player/mob, you will notice the battery life of the camera you are watching in the bottom right of the tablet screen. Also keep in mind that the transmission range is limited. The farther away you are from the camera, the worse the signal will be. Eventually, the signal will disappear. Melee weapons: Each melee weapon will have a light and heavy attack. Naturally, the heavy attack will be slower than the light, however it will deal more damage than the light attack. Each attack for each weapon has a unique attack animation. There is also a cool-down period. After you attack, you will not be able to do so again until the cool-down is finished. The heavy attack will have a longer cool-down period than the light attack, naturally. Each melee weapons can be equipped with skins as well via attachment mode. To apply a skin, press the `RIGHT' arrow key. Also keep in mind that you need to have said skins in your inventory to use them. Grenades: It's relatively simple. Left click to throw far, and right click to throw close. M67 Frag works exactly as a frag. LMB or RMB to pull out the pin. After pulling the pin, you're pressing on the lever. The five second timer doesn't start until you let go of either button, which means you let go of the lever. Impact grenade (from Rainbow Six Siege) is exactly what it sounds like. It explodes of impact. The smoke grenade works exactly how a smoke grenade does. Nightvision: First, make sure your brightness is on moody, otherwise the visuals won't show as intended. Then press `N' to toggle it, when wearing the goggles. Player Movement: Press `Z' to crawl. More player motions will be added in the future. Commands: There are certain commands to help you out: `/mw s r' this command shows you the recipe of any item held in your hand (try it out in creative) `/mw s a' this command allows you to view which attachments are compatible with the firearm held in your hand. Requires: Minecraft Forge How to install: Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge. Locate the minecraft application folder. On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed. Modern Warfare Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 Download Links: For Minecraft 1.7.10 Universal version: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Contagion version: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 For Minecraft 1.8.9 Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 For Minecraft 1.9.4 Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 For Minecraft 1.10.2 Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 For Minecraft 1.11.2 Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 For Minecraft 1.12.2 Universal version: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Contagion version: Download from Server 1 ? Download from Server 2 Tags:

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