Minecraft pocket edition crafting guide pdf

Minecraft pocket edition crafting guide pdf

Minecraft pocket edition crafting guide pdf. Crafting guide in minecraft.

This article is about the GUI system for crafting. For the item, see Knowledge Book. The crafting recipe book, as it appears in the survival inventory screen. The recipe book is a mechanic in Minecraft that serves as a catalog of recipes and as a crafting, smelting, and banner patterning guide. Interface[] Java Edition[] The recipe book can be displayed in inventory, crafting table, furnace, blast furnace and smoker. The player must enter the GUI and press the knowledge book icon; the recipe book then opens to the left. Recipes are stored in several different tabs: Crafting Table and Inventory The first, topmost tab contains every unlocked recipe. The second tab contains tools, weapons, and armor. The third tab contains building materials. The fourth tab contains food items and miscellaneous things. The fifth tab contains redstone materials. Furnace The first, topmost tab contains every unlocked recipe. The second tab contains food items. The third tab contains building and decorative materials. The fourth tab contains miscellaneous things. Blast Furnace The first, topmost tab contains every unlocked recipe. The second tab contains the smelting recipe for Redstone Ore.[1] The tab tab contains smelted ores and recipes for recycling iron, gold, and chainmail gear. Smoker The first, topmost tab contains every unlocked recipe. The second tab contains food items. Interacting an item in the recipe book shows all the patterns. Clicking on an item in the list displays its recipe in the grid. The item can then be crafted if the materials are available; otherwise, the button containing the item is highlighted red. Each click shows alternate patterns for the same crafting recipe, if there are several patterns (for example, each click on a banner crafting recipe shows all the possible banners using different colored wools). Right-click on the item shows all the alternate patterns. Shift-clicking an item in the list puts all available materials in the crafting grid. The button in the top right corner of the recipe book toggles between "Show all" and "Show craftable"; the latter displays only recipes for which the player has the necessary materials in their inventory. The top-left corner also contains a search bar to further narrow the list. There are also recipes for campfires and stonecutters, but they don't have a recipe book interface. The recipe book as it appears in the survival inventory screen. The recipe book as it appears in the crafting table screen. The recipe book as it appears in the furnace screen. The recipe book as it appears in the blast furnace screen. The recipe book as it appears in the smoker screen. Bedrock Edition[] Unlike Java Edition, the recipe book can only be displayed in inventory and crafting table. The player must enter the GUI and click on the recipe book tab. Recipes are stored in several different tabs: The first tab contains building materials. The second tab contains tools, weapons, and armor. The third tab contains ore items and miscellaneous things. The fourth tab contains nature-related materials and food. The fifth and last tab contains every unlocked recipe. Clicking on an item in the list puts all available materials in the crafting grid, displaying the recipe. The item can then be crafted if the materials are available; otherwise, the button containing the item is highlighted red. Right-click on the item automatically crafts it, and pressing Shift crafts all items based on how many materials the player have in the inventory. The button in the top right corner of the recipe book toggles between "All" and "Craftable"; the latter displays only recipes for which the player has the necessary materials in their inventory. The top-left corner also contains a search bar to further narrow the list. The recipe book as it appears in the survival inventory screen. The recipe book as it appears in the crafting table screen. Unlocking[] This section needs to be rewritten. [discuss] It might not follow the wiki's style guidelines. Please help us by rewriting it.Reason: furnace/smoker/blast furnace/campfire recipes; bedrock "unlock" system This feature is exclusive to Java Edition. The notification that pops up when new recipes are unlocked [Java Edition only] Recipes are unlocked upon meeting certain criteria (for instance, gathering materials, being near water, having a certain number of filled inventory slots, etc.) or by using a knowledge book. Using a crafting recipe also unlocks it, so long as /gamerule doLimitedCrafting remains false. Recipes can also be given or taken away by using the /recipe command. Crafting table recipes[] Crafting recipe result Unlocking criteria Have an iron ingot Have a gold ingot Have a diamond Have redstone dust Buttons Doors Pressure Plates Slabs Stairs Trapdoors Walls Have the appropriate block or item Furnace Stone Axe Stone Hoe Stone Pickaxe Stone Shovel Stone Sword Have blackstone or cobblestone Have nether quartz Ladder Wooden Axe Wooden Hoe Wooden Pickaxe Wooden Shovel Wooden Sword Have a stick Bow Bundle Fishing Rod Loom Tripwire Hook White Wool Have string Have a minecart Block of Amethyst Spyglass Tinted Glass Have an amethyst shard Eye of Ender Fire Charge Magma Cream Have blaze powder Book and Quill Bookshelf Lectern Have a book Glass Bottle Glass Pane Stained Glass Have glass Item Frame Leather Armor Leather Horse Armor Have leather Glistering Melon Slice Melon Melon Seeds Have a melon slice Barrel Crafting Table Stick from planks Have planks Fence Gates Signs Wooden Fences Have the appropriate planks Dark Prismarine Prismarine Prismarine Bricks Have a prismarine shard Activator Rail Detector Rail Powered Rail Have a rail Lead Slime Block Sticky Piston Have a slimeball Have the appropriate colored wool Scaffolding Stick from bamboo Have bamboo Beetroot Soup Red Dye from beetroot Have a beetroot Gray Dye Light Gray Dye from black and white dye Have black dye or white dye Blaze Powder Brewing Stand Have a blaze rod Anvil Iron Ingot from block of iron Have a block of iron Chiseled Quartz Block Quartz Pillar Have a block of quartz, a chiseled quartz block, or a quartz pillar Bone Block White Dye from bone meal Have bone meal Have a brick Have cocoa beans Have the appropriate copper block Copper Block Lightning Rod Have a copper ingot Andesite Polished Diorite Have diorite Have an eye of ender Golden Carrot Gold Ingot from gold nuggets Have a gold nugget Have glowstone dust Simple Firework Rocket TNT Have gunpowder Honey Block Sugar from honey bottle Have a honey bottle Have a honeycomb Have an iron ingot or an iron nugget Blue Dye from lapis lazuli Lapis Lazuli Block Have lapis lazuli Nether Wart Block Red Nether Brick Have nether wart Block of Netherite Lodestone Have a netherite ingot Banner Pattern Flower Light Gray Dye from oxeye daisy Have an oxeye daisy Have paper Chiseled Polished Blackstone Polished Blackstone Bricks Have polished blackstone Have a popped chorus fruit Have a snowball Have stone Paper Sugar from sugar cane Have sugar cane Have wheat Have wooden slabs Be in water Have a boat Have ten slots occupied in the inventory Have an allium Have andesite Light Gray Dye from azure bluet Have an azure bluet Have basalt Have blackstone Have a block of coal Have a block of diamond Have a block of emerald Gold Ingot from gold block Have a block of gold Netherite Ingot from netherite block Have a block of netherite Have a block of redstone Have a block of quartz Magenta Dye from blue, red, and pink dye Have blue dye, pink dye, or red dye Magenta Dye from blue, red, and white dye Have blue dye, red dye, or white dye Have blue dye or green dye Have blue dye or red dye Light Blue Dye from blue and white dye Have blue dye or white dye Light Blue Dye from blue orchid Have a blue orchid Have a bone Bone Meal from bone block Have a bone block Have a bow Have a bowl, mushroom, or mushroom stew Have the appropriate dye or a candle Have a carrot Have a carved pumpkin Have a carved pumpkin or pumpkin Have charcoal, coal, or a stick Have chiseled red sandstone, cut red sandstone, or red sandstone Have a clay ball Have coal Have cobblestone Have a compass Copper Ingot from copper block Have a copper block Have a cooked rabbit Have a cornflower Have a creeper head Have crying obsidian Yellow Dye from dandelion Have a dandelion Have dried kelp Have a dried kelp block Stained Glass Pane from glass pane Have the appropriate dye or a glass pane Have the appropriate dye or a white carpet Have an egg Have a emerald Have an enchanted golden apple Have end stone Have a feather or flint Have flint Have flint or obsidian Have a furnace Have glowstone Have granite Have gravel Have gravel or sand Light Gray Dye from gray and white dye Have gray dye or white dye Have green dye or white dye Have a hay bale Have a heart of the sea or nautilus shell Have a honey block Have a honeycomb or string Have ice Have an ink sac Have an iron ingot, stick, string, or a tripwire hook Iron Ingot from iron nuggets Have an iron nugget Have a lapis lazuli block Have a lilac White Dye from lily of the valley Have a lily of the valley Have the appropriate log or stem Have an item from the appropriate log or stem item tag. Have magma cream Have mossy cobblestone Have a mushroom or mushroom stew Have a nether brick Have nether bricks Have nether brick slab Have a nether star Netherite Ingot from netherite scrap Have netherite scrap Have obsidian Orange Dye from orange tulip Have an orange tulip Have packed ice Have a peony Magenta Dye from pink and purple dye Have pink dye or purple dye Have a pink tulip Have a poppy Have prismarine crystals Have a pumpkin Have a purpur block Have a rabbit hide Orange Dye from red and yellow dye Have red dye or yellow dye Pink Dye from red and white dye Have red dye or white dye Have red sand Have red sandstone Have a redstone torch Have a red tulip Have a rose bush Have sand Have sandstone Have a sandstone slab Have a scute Have a shulker shell Have a slime block Have smooth stone Have a smooth stone slab Have a soul torch Have soul sand or soul soil Have a spider eye Have the appropriate stained glass Have a stick, soul sand, or soul soil Have stone bricks Have a stone pickaxe Have a stone slab Stripped Wood or Stripped Hyphae Have the appropriate stripped log or stripped stem Yellow Dye from sunflower Have a sunflower Have terracotta Have a tripwire hook Have vines Have warped fungus Have a water bucket Have a white bed Light Gray Dye from white tulip Have a white tulip Have white wool Black Dye from wither rose Have a wither rose Have a wither skeleton skull Have wool Have mud Have packed mud Mud Brick Stairs Mud Brick Slab Mud Brick Wall Have mud bricks Have a disc fragment 5 Smelting Recipes[] Smelting Result Blast Furnace Recipe Smoker & Campfire Recipe Unlocking Criteria Yes No Have ancient debris No No Have a cactus Yes No Have chainmail armor, iron armor, iron axe, iron hoe, iron horse armor, iron pickaxe, iron shovel, iron sword No No Have chorus fruit No No Have clay No No Have a clay ball Yes No Have coal ore Yes No Have copper ore Yes No Have diamond ore Yes No Have emerald ore Yes No Have gold ore or nether gold ore Yes No Have golden armor, golden axe, golden hoe, golden horse armor, golden pickaxe, golden shovel, or golden sword Yes No Have iron ore No Yes Have kelp Yes No Have lapis lazuli ore No No Have a flammable log, wood, or stripped variant No No Have nether bricks Yes No Have nether quartz ore No No Have netherrack Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks No No Have polished blackstone bricks No Yes Have a potato No No Have block of quartz No Yes Have raw beef No Yes Have raw chicken No Yes Have raw cod No Yes Have raw mutton No Yes Have raw porkchop No Yes Have raw rabbit No Yes Have raw salmon No No Have red sand or sand No No Have red sandstone Yes No Have redstone ore No No Have sandstone No No Have sea pickle No No Have stone No No Have stone bricks No No Have respective terracotta No No Have wet sponge Stonecutter Recipes[] Data values[] Player data[] Player.dat root tag recipeBook recipes A list of all recipes the player has seen. : the name of a recipe, for instance minecraft:gold_nugget or minecraft:gold_ingot_from_nuggets toBeDisplayed A list of all recipes the player has unlocked, but not viewed in the crafting helper yet. : the name of a recipe, for instance minecraft:gold_nugget or minecraft:gold_ingot_from_nuggets isFilteringCraftable: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has enabled the "Show Craftable" feature in the crafting recipe book. isGuiOpen: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has the crafting recipe book GUI open. isFurnaceFilteringCraftable: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has enabled the "Show Smeltable" feature in the smelting recipe book. isFurnaceGuiOpen: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has the smelting recipe book GUI open. isBlastingFurnaceFilteringCraftable: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has enabled the "Show Blastable" feature in the blasting recipe book. isBlastingFurnaceGuiOpen: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has the blasting recipe book GUI open. isSmokerFilteringCraftable: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has enabled the "Show Smokable" feature in the smoking recipe book. isSmokerGuiOpen: 0 or 1 (true/false). True if the player has the smoking recipe book GUI open. History[] Java Edition October 30, 2015Developers discussed the possibility of a recipe book during a Pocket Edition/Windows 10 Edition Q&A livestream. September 25, 2016At MineCon 2016, Tommaso Checchi explained the need for a recipe book while discussing the unification of the desktop and pocket platforms. 1.12March 23, 2017Maria Lem?n revealed the new recipe book feature. 17w13aAdded the recipe book. 17w14aChanged the icon on the trigger button from a standard book to a knowledge book. Added a shift-click ability to the recipe book that puts all available materials in the crafting grid.Added a new pop-up notification that appears when new recipes are unlocked.Added an easter egg that appears when searching for "excited" within the recipe book. 17w15aThe icon in the pop-up notification now quickly cycles through all recipes that were unlocked. 17w17aOptimized the recipe book. Added the toBeDisplayed NBT tag, which stores recipe names that the player has unlocked, but not viewed in the crafting helper yet (used for the animation for new recipes). 17w18aOptimized recipe book, fixing several issues with the "Show craftable" option. The word that triggers the easter egg is now "excitedze" rather than "excited". pre1Further optimizations to the recipe book. pre3Optimized recipe searching. pre6Further optimizations to searching, especially while using mods. releaseAdded sliding sounds for the notification that appears when recipes are unlocked. 1.1318w06aRecipe book icon now is a separate file, it's stored in the recipe_button.png. Added a recipe book for the furnace. 1.1620w09aStained glass pane recipes now only unlock when the player has the same color of stained glass in their inventory. Prerelease 1Smithing Tables now have a recipe book with currently no function. 1.1720w45aSimple firework rockets with one gunpowder can now be crafted using the recipe book. 20w48aThe chiseled nether bricks recipe is now unlocked by having a nether brick slab instead of a nether bricks block. 21w03aThe chiseled polished blackstone crafting

recipe is now unlocked by having a polished blackstone slab, instead of polished blackstone. 21w16aThe recipes for stonecutting diorite into polished diorite slabs and stairs now unlocks when the player has diorite as opposed to polished diorite. Bedrock Edition 1.2.0beta the recipe book. beta a button for how to use the recipe book. beta a button to open/close the recipe book. Trivia[] In Java Edition, if the player searches for "excitedze" in the recipe book, the language switches to Pirate Speak.[2] This is a reference to "ExcitedZE", an alias used by Maria Lem?n, whose avatar is a pirate. Issues[] Issues relating to "Recipe book" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there. Gallery[] First look at the recipe book. Image tweeted by Maria Lem?n. Using the "show craftable" option. Using the search feature to narrow the list to items containing only "stone". References[] Gameplay Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game originally created by Markus "Notch" Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens "Jeb" Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development. It features music by Daniel "C418" ... Bedrock Edition version Java Edition Version Programming Language Platform Remarks Geyser: GeyserMC Team / Open Collaboration: 1.16.100 - 1.16.201: 1.16.4: Java: Added movement / arranged items from inventory for use in crafting and chest saving. ProtocolSupport (PE) ProtocolSupport 1.8 ? 1.12: Java Edition 1.13.2: Java: Currently has ... 08.04.2020 ? Download Minecraft: Pocket Edition for Windows 10 for Windows to explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things. Minecraft: Pocket Edition for Windows 10 has had 1 update within the ... 1.0.0, the first release of the Ender Update, is a major update to Minecraft: Pocket Edition that was released on December 19, 2016. Major additions included the End, new achievements, in-game music, increased world height, and new mobs including the Ender dragon, shulkers, and polar bears. With the release of the Ender Update, Pocket Edition was becoming more ... Minecraft ? um jogo eletr?nico sandbox de sobreviv?ncia criado pelo desenvolvedor sueco Markus "Notch" Persson e posteriormente desenvolvido e publicado pela Mojang Studios, cuja propriedade intelectual foi obtida pela Microsoft em 2014. Lan?ado inicialmente em maio de 2009 como um projeto em desenvolvimento, seu lan?amento completo ocorreu em novembro ... Minecraft ist ein SandboxComputerspiel, das urspr?nglich vom schwedischen Programmierer Markus ,,Notch" Persson und seinem dazu gegr?ndeten Unternehmen Mojang entwickelt wurde. Mojang samt Spiel geh?rt seit September 2014 zu Microsoft. Minecraft erschien erstmals am 17. Mai 2009 als Early-Access-Titel f?r PC.In der Folge wurde Minecraft f?r diverse weitere ...

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