Dark ages castle: Minecraft edition

Dark ages castle: Minecraft edition

By Cole Morgan


The drawbridge was an important aspect of a dark ages castle. In addition to being the only way across the moat. It could be raised when the castle was under siege, making it extremely hard to enter the castle.


The gate is another essential part of a castles defenses. When a castle fell under siege, the gate would come crashing down. And if you were unfortunate enough to be standing under it, you were about to have a bad day.

Arrow Slits


The arrow slit is an extremely effective defense. The way it is shaped makes it easy to shoot out but near impossible to return fire. In real life they are wide on the inside, and extremely skinny on the outside.


The wall is the largest, and most iconic, defense of a castle from the thirteenth century. They were very tall and were usually made of stone,concrete,ect. They also had a tower at each corner and sometimes there were smaller towers on each side of the gate.


The castle moat was a pool of water that surrounded the castle and came up to the wall. And no, there were no alligators.

Inner Bailey

The inner bailey is the area of the castle inside the walls. This is where the residents of the castle reside and where all the buildings are.


This is the castle keep. The king and queen reside here along with their servants.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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