Bellingen High School NEWSLETTER

27 September 2019

Bellingen High School


Telephone: 02 66551 315

Fax: 02 66552 630


From the Principal

Another term closes and another Year 12 farewells our hallowed halls. We wish each student considerable success in their ensuing exams and in the futures, post compulsory education.

Many students marched in the Student Strike for Climate Change action on Friday, September 20, 2019. I am always proud of students who use their voice in strong opinion for things they are passionate about. Well done to those who organised, led and spoke at the local rally. I would suggest that it is great to be passionate about the environment and the world you live in and I wholeheartedly encourage it, however, I would really like those who do to consider the respect they show others when speaking to them of it and that those same students consider the ways they, and their peers, consider our school environment and the waste management issue we face here daily ? the litter and rubbish is quite a problem; as is the issues we face with the toilets.

On that same day last week, we concluded our NAIDOC month with a wonderful assembly and the formal opening of the seasonal garden. The memories are shared in the school website pages ? but I wanted to pay tribute to the work of Jenni and Andy for this occasion to have been so successful. I would also like to acknowledge the beautiful opening to our assembly by Tahahni and Tui and the dancing of Micah, Tui, Blake, Codi and others. It was powerful and beautiful.

Holidays are here: look after each other. Have a rest from the rigour of school and return for a strong end to the 2019 academic year:

Kim Dixon

Thanks Dorrigo Fireys

Students spent time cooking up cakes and biscuits, and writing thank you notes to the Dorrigo Fireys for all their hard work over the last few weeks. The goods were kindly dropped off to the RFS Command Centre - looks like they went down a treat.



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ENGLISH (80+5mins)

MARINE STUDIES (Y Elective) (40+5mins)


MATHS (90+5mins)

AG (X & Y Elective) (40+5mins)


SCIENCE (80+5mins)

PDHPE (40+5mins)

Down at the Ag Plot

Year 9 Buffalo Farm Excursion

We travelled to the buffalo farm to study animal production on a working buffalo farm. Of course, that did include buffalo burgers and gelato. The students enjoyed meeting two very friendly buffalos, some pigs and horses. Everyone learnt that agriculture sometimes meets with tourism. People come to the farm to see the buffalos, and while they are there, eat in the farm restaurant. It was great to see such a wonderful farm, and to promote Agriculture as a future career. Can't wait until next year

The New Cattle Arena

The Year 12 Primary Industry students have been busy building our new cattle parading area. A lot of soil has been moved, and it is starting to look very good. When it is finished it will be a safe place to parade our Red Poll cattle.

Dorper Stud Report

The sheep are busy raising their lambs. They are growing quickly, and look very healthy. The Dorper ewes are now registered. The students have been busy feeding them and trying to remember all their names. It is going to be very demanding over the next 6 months preparing the Dorper Sheep for the show ring.

News from the Greenhouse

The students this week potted the tomato seedlings into larger saleable pots. The seedlings are a cash crop, intended for sale during week 4 of next term. Everyone was proud of producing a professional tomato seedling.

The Flower Project

Wow. The flowers are beautiful. The Year 9 students presented their flowers for judging. It was great to see such care taken to produce flowers of a professional standard. Well done, Year 9 Agriculture.

Chickens have hatched

An amazing 63 Silver Pencil Wyandotte chickens hatched out of the incubators last week. All are doing well and will form the basis of our poultry show team, next year. For now, they are cute fluffy chickens much loved by many students. The incubators are back on with more chickens due out early next term.

Stephen Boyd Agriculture and Primary Industries Teacher


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