Application Note

Note: WinNT_Networking

Product: Interact 5.X

Date: 12/11/1998

Application Note

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While precautions have been taken in the preparation of this note, CTC and the author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

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Windows NT Network Setup for DDE and NetBIOS

If you do not have the NetBIOS protocol in your NT Networking, follow these steps. If you do have NetBIOS, proceed to the bottom of this page.

1. In Windows NT, go to the START button on the taskbar, then go to SETTINGS, and then on to the CONTROL PANEL.

2. In the Control Panel, go to the NETWORK icon and double-click on it.

3. Under the SERVICES tab go to the ADD… and click on it.

4. Under the Select Network Services property sheet select the NetBIOS Interface, and then select OK.

5. Next go the PROTOCOLS tab and select ADD…

6. When the list is shown, select NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport. Select OK.

*NOTE: The setup program might prompt you to insert the Windows NT CD.

Please have the CD ready if it does.

NT Network Setup for NetBIOS

1. In Windows NT go to the START button on the taskbar, then to SETTINGS, and then to CONTROL PANEL.

2. Once in the Control Panel, go to the NETWORK icon and double-click on it.

3. With the property sheet of the Network Settings open, go to the SERVICES tab.

4. Go to the NetBIOS Interface and highlight it. Click on the Properties… button.

5. Find the Lana Number for NwlnkNb -> NwlnkIpx and write it down on a piece of paper.

6. Next go to the Protocols tab of the Networking property sheet.

7. Highlight NwLink IPX/SPX Compatible Transport and select Properties…

8. Make sure that the Frame Type for the adapter is 802.3

9. Select OK.

10. Next go to the Bindings tab of the Networking Properties Sheet.

11. The NetBIOS Interface should be branched out, so that all of the sub-bindings are seen.

12. These sub-bindings have to be in order or the Interact DDE Server will not work.

13. The first sub-binding should be NwLink NetBIOS.

14. The second should be WINS Client (TCP/IP), if installed.

15. The third and final entry should be NetBEUI Protocol if it is installed.

16. Select OK.

17. The NT Networking is now completed. Install the Interact DDE Server on the NT machine.

DDE Server Setup

1. After the installation of the Interact DDE Server, go to the START button. Click on it.

2. Then go to Programs and find Interact.

3. Select Interact DDE Server.

4. The Interact DDE Server will start and then minimize to the Windows NT toolbar.

5. Maximize the Interact DDE Server program.

6. Go to Settings on the DDE menu bar and select NetBIOS.

7. In the Settings for NetBIOS, you will have to give the Interact DDE Server the Node Name for the PC that you are on.

8. You will have to also give it a Lan Adapter Number. The Lan Adapter Number will be the same number you found on step number 5 of the NT Network Setup for NetBIOS.

9. The next and final step is to set the Max Interact Nodes. This setting has to be a number 8 or higher, even if the number of nodes on the network is less than 8.





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