[pic]New England Annual Conference[pic]

Of The United Methodist Church

The Commission on Equitable Compensation


Conference Year 2020

Grant Application and Instruction Booklet


Equitable Compensation Commission Mission p. 2

Base Cash Salary p. 2

Special Compensation Package Arrangements with MOU p. 3

Eligibility p. 3

Additional Considerations, Strategic & Missional Grants p. 4

Maximum Award Size p. 4

Emergency Compensation Grants p. 5

Note about changes in Rules and Procedures p. 5

Application Instructions p. 5.

Special Considerations p. 7.

For the District Superintendent p. 7

For the Cabinet Representative to CEC p. 7

Equitable Salary Grant Application p. 8

Important Reminder:

This Application is due no later than November 15, 2019

for all Grants to begin January 1, 2020

This Application is due no later than May 1, 2020*

for all Grants to begin July 1, 2020

*in case of new appointment, please contact CEC Chairperson

Equitable Compensation Commission

New England Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church

The Mission of the Conference is to equip, connect, and support the local church. The Commission on Equitable Compensation is a Conference resource committed to that mission. Further, The Commission exists to fulfill the requirements of Paragraph 625 of the 2016 Discipline. The members of the Commission recognize their fiduciary and stewardship responsibilities in the operation of the Commission, and our deliberations and policy-setting actions are evaluated to make sure that we are acting fairly and in the best interest of the all parties involved in the Equitable Compensation process.

The Commission believes that Equitable Compensation is just one part of the total support congregations need in their quest to fulfill their vision and mission. We work in conjunction with other Conference resources such as the District Superintendent, the District Finance Team, the Office of Congregational Development, the Conference Consultant Network, the United Methodist Foundation of New England, and others. All Conference and ancillary resources, not just money, should be utilized to assist the local church. Thus the Commission has made it a requirement that congregations seeking CEC support should also seek support from these other resources.

Base Cash Salary for 2020:

The New England Annual Conference set the following minimum Base Cash Salaries, based on the recommendation of the CEC:


| | | | | | |

| |FE/PE/FD/PD/AM | |42,900 | | |

| |3-5 Years | |43,500 |Additional $600 |

| |6-10 Years | |44,100 |Additional $1,200 |

| |11-15 Years | |44,400 |Additional $1,500 |

| |Over 15 Years | |44,900 |Additional $2,000 |

| | | | | | |

| |LP M.Div / Adv COS | |40,800 | | |

| |3-5 Years | |41,400 |Additional $600 |

| |6-10 Years | |42,000 |Additional $1,200 |

| |11-15 Years | |42,300 |Additional $1,500 |

| |Over 15 Years | |42,800 |Additional $2,000 |

| | | | | | |

| |LP COS or Equiv. | |39,800 | | |

| |3-5 Years | |40,400 |Additional $600 |

| |6-10 Years | |41,000 |Additional $1,200 |

| |11-15 Years | |41,300 |Additional $1,500 |

| |Over 15 Years | |41,800 |Additional $2,000 |

| | | | | | |

| |LOCAL PASTOR | |38,800 | | |

| |3-5 Years | |39,400 |Additional $600 |

| |6-10 Years | |40,000 |Additional $1,200 |

| |11-15 Years | |40,300 |Additional $1,500 |

| |Over 15 Years | |40,800 |Additional $2,000 |

Compensation Package Special Arrangements with MOU:

In some instances and for very particular reasons, pastors and congregations make arrangements for compensation and benefits that are outside of the requirements outlined in this resolution. The Commission appreciates that such arrangements are warranted on occasion, and are in the best interest of the parties involved “provided that no member in good standing who is appointed to a pastoral charge is denied the minimum base compensation (2016 Discipline ¶ 625.9).” To maintain the integrity of the compensation and benefits system, the Commission recommends:

• The specifics of such arrangements, including explaining how the arrangement provides for at least minimum base compensation as approved by the Annual Conference be spelled out in a Memorandum of Understanding that limits the conditions to one year. This may be as an addendum to the salary forms signed at Charge Conference, or as a separate letter included in the pastor’s and SPRC’s files.

• The MOU shall be signed by the Pastor, the District Superintendent, and the SPRC Chair.

• The MOU shall be reviewed and renewed annually.

• It is provided in the MOU that such arrangements have no impact on compensation and benefits packages to be negotiated for future appointments.

• In the case where a salary package includes special arrangements regarding salary or reimbursable funds, review of a clearly defined MOU will be required for consideration for any Equitable Compensation funds.

Eligibility for Equitable Compensation grants:

To be eligible for an Equitable Compensation grant, a charge must:

a. Pay Mission Shares in full or must demonstrate commitment to pay each year in full. If Mission Shares are not paid in full, succeeding applications may be denied. Churches and pastors should note the relationship between payment of Mission Shares and payment of the pastor’s salary. (See Para 622 of the 2016 Book of Discipline. Churches are expected to pay minimum salary and at the same time pay Mission Shares). If a church is unable to pay the full apportioned Mission Shares, we encourage you to consult with your District Superintendent and apply for Mission Share Relief.

b. Increase on an annual basis the amount of local support for the pastor’s cash salary

c. Conduct a stewardship campaign for financial support consisting of dated parameters and specific financial objectives directed to all members and constituency of a given church. Annual, reconcilable, and reportable results are to be indicated in the Lay Leadership section of the application.

d. Employ no additional ordained or licensed personnel for pastoral services.

e. Submit a Grant Application request by e-mail to your District Superintendent and the Commission on Equitable Compensation (revdocpat@) no later than November 15 of the year preceding the grant, or May 1 (or later in the case of a pastoral appointment change, with communication with the CEC Chair) for a half-year grant.

f. If support is being sought for a multiple point charge, regardless of how funds will be disbursed to the pastor, only one application is needed. However, financial information for each church in the charge must be included.

g. Consult with your District Superintendent as to whether this is an appropriate grant for your church. The grant application form is attached to these instructions. The application is to be electronically completed and signed (or electronically signed) by the Pastor and either the Lay Leader or Ad Council Chairperson and sent to your District Superintendent, the chairperson of the Commission on Equitable Compensation, and your Grant Monitor by the appropriate deadline date (see “e.” above). In the case of a new application, once the application has been received by the Chairperson, a Grant Monitor will be assigned to assist you and to review your grant application.

h. EACH APPLICANT CONGREGATION MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF THE LAST EXTERNALLY AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT ON THE FUND BALANCE REPORT FORM. An external audit must be performed every 2 years. This is to be sent as an attachment. For this purpose an external audit is defined as being performed by a person that is not a member of your church. One way to meet this requirement is to exchange auditors with another church.

i. Complete ALL the questions found in the Grant Application Form.

j. Churches wishing to apply for a Minimum Salary grant must pay exactly Conference set minimum salary plus any years of appointment addition (except in the case of churches eligible for an additional Strategic or Missional Salary Grant*).

*Additional Considerations for Strategic and Missional Compensation Grants

Additional Compensation Grants in Strategic and Missional situations will be determined by the Cabinet and will be administered by the Commission on Equitable Compensation based on the recommendation of the Cabinet, with input from the Director of Congregational Development as requested by the Cabinet. These additional grants may be used for Strategic Appointment initiatives and for appointments to Missional churches which provide vital ministry to an underserved community, in order to provide the additional funding needed for salaries above the Minimum Base. These grants may be in addition to a Minimum Compensation Grant or may be stand-alone grants. The Compensation Grant Application shall be completed by the local church in all situations.

In consultation with the Cabinet and Director of Congregational Development, the Commission will expect clear financial management and total reporting of all assets from the local church for Strategic and Missional grants received in conjunction with Minimum Compensation Grants. Whether in conjunction with a Minimum grant or as a stand-alone grant, in the case of Strategic Compensation grants, the church(es) and/or District Superintendent shall report the strategic plans for ongoing mission and ministry in this appointment. In the case of Missional Compensation Grants, the church(es) and/or District Superintendent shall have developed a ministry plan detailing how the congregation provides vital ministry to an underserved community, and/or the church shall have been designated a Mission Church by the Annual Conference. Questions related to these requirements are included in the application form.

Compensation Grants provide support for the pastoral appointment; they fulfill the requirements of ¶ 625 of the 2016 Discipline. Except for Missional Grants, the goal should be to bring this funding to zero by having each church become self-sufficient over time. While our United Methodist connectionalism requires this support, which is embodied in our Conference’s Mission statement, the Commission strives to have each charge independently support its pastor. Compensation grants cannot be used to fund new staff positions, programs, or church improvements, either directly or indirectly.

Please note, grant amounts will be determined based on eligibility and need as determined by the Commission on Equitable Compensation after consultation with the Pastor, the Charge and the District Superintendent.

Maximum Award Size for 2020:

Equitable Compensation Grants will begin at a maximum of 30% of Minimum Base Compensation according to the Cash Salary Resolution*, declining 5% each year for up to 5 years (except in the case of Missional Grants which have no particular time limit). Some of the rationales of need for the Minimum Grant may include: minor or temporary disruptions in Church life; when transitioning appointments from LP to Elder (e.g., at Commissioning), etc.

*Less than full time (2020 only) grants will be prorated.

*Half-year grants beginning July 1 shall be counted as Year 0 for determining continued eligibility and will be eligible for up to 50% of the maximum grant.

Emergency Compensation Grants:

The primary responsibility for paying the pastor remains with the local Church/Charge—for this reason, the responsibility to apply for Equitable Compensation assistance lies with the local Church/Charge. If the local Church/Charge encounters difficulties or fails to pay a pastor in a timely manner at any time throughout the appointment year, after the church has initiated the process of the NEAC Arrearage Policy (adopted in 2014), the pastor whose charge is unable to meet its compensation obligation has a right to an Emergency Minimum Salary Grant based on ¶ 625.9 of the 2016 Discipline. The pastor should immediately contact her/his District Superintendent who shall immediately contact the Commission on Equitable Compensation for assistance and, if necessary, begin the process of applying for emergency Equitable Salary assistance.

Working with both the local Church and the Commission, the Superintendent will work to assure the Pastor is paid for the remainder of the appointive year. If the Cabinet determines a need for the appointment to continue beyond the appointive year, the District Superintendent shall instruct the Church/Charge to apply for an Equitable Compensation grant, in consultation with the Commission on Equitable Compensation.

Note about Changes in CEC Grant rules and procedures:

The basic rules for grants changed substantially for 2020. Going forward, CEC’s primary focus will be on assuring that all full-time clergy receive a sufficient grant to cover the Minimum salary as approved by the Annual Conference, according to our Disciplinary mandate. It will be the responsibility of the Commission, through the process of application, monitoring, and dialogue with DS, pastor and laity, to provide a Grant which will assist the church to meet the Minimum salary for their pastor. In situations where a higher salary is warranted for strategic or missional purposes, additional funds for that particular appointment will be made available using a process involving Cabinet, Congregational Development, and CEC in collaboration. For the current time, these additional funds will be included in the CEC budget as Strategic and Missional salary grants.

Since churches have been eligible for CEC Minimum and Strategic grants for a period of 4-5 years, as we move into this new way of processing and distributing grants, CEC will continue to ensure that those churches which are currently in process will be supported as needed. The continued eligibility that such churches have for the remaining number of years of their current grant will be grandparented to them. In addition, for 2020, we will continue to provide support for the part-time appointments under our care, but beginning in 2021 Equitable Compensation Grants will be available only for full-time appointments, except in the case of emergency grants (¶ 625.9 of the 2016 Discipline).

Instructions for Application Form:

All grant applications are to be submitted electronically. They require a computer with Microsoft Word and Excel installed, at a minimum of Office 2000. If using a newer version of Office, please save all forms in the ‘Legacy’ (Word 97-2003).doc format, NOT .DOCX FORMAT for ease and uniformity of assessment by the various monitors. If using a MAC computer, please submit your application as a pdf document. Use a subject line as follows: Name of Church, City, State, Year of Grant, Year. (Example: Wesley UMC Concord NH 3rd year 2020)

For Churches with no computer or internet access: The Commission recognizes that there may be some churches in the conference without access to computers. In such instances, contact your District Office, your Grant Monitor or the Commission chairperson for further instructions. Please note that the responsibility for completing the application and submitting it on time remains with the applicant congregation and that these applications are still due by the due date.

Please submit all materials electronically NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 15 (May 1 for ½ year grants) to your District Superintendent, the Chairperson of the Commission (revdocpat@), and to your Grant Monitor once this person is assigned to you.

Filling in the forms:

The Pastor and Church complete the application by filling in the indicated blocks in the file. The file is in template format, so only data entry may be made – the format of the application cannot be changed. These template forms allow direct entry of typewritten information, as well as a “cut and paste” option in locations where essay or tabular information is needed. The file is set up as a form - therefore, you may to use the tab key or your mouse to move from one entry location to another within the form. Certain sections allow you to “Cut and Paste” information into the application form, others have pull-down menus for automatically filling in the required information.

Budget information must be provided in the embedded Excel form which only allows information to be inserted into the shaded areas. To open the form, double click on the form itself. Please be sure to completely fill in the income and expense for the previous year, current year to date and next year’s budget.

The following Expense and Income information for each church must be included in the application form:

a. Previous Year-end report

b. Current year-to-date information

c. Next year Income and Expense Budget projections

Indicate how “investment income” is used in the ministry of the church in the budget information of the Financial Statements of the application. If earnings are being accumulated, what are their designated purposes as a ministry of the church?

Vouchered travel expenses, continuing education, parsonage, and other ministerial expenses through an Accountable Reimbursement Plan should be paid by the church in addition to Base Cash Salary. List that information in the application where indicated. Please note that while Travel, Continuing Education, Professional Expenses may be individually adjusted up or down the total of the 3 must be at least the total listed in the grant application form after it is completed.

If you can’t find a line to enter specific information, then total up all the amounts for unlisted categories and enter it in “other”. If “other” is greater than 10% on the total income and or expense, please send an explanation under separate cover for the major items included in “other”. Failure to include all information will cause delays and may result in a smaller (or no) award.

On the Compensation Worksheet please enter the total number of years under appointment where indicated, and complete the other items requested.

If support is being sought by a pastor serving more than one congregation or ministry, only one application is needed. However, the financial report(s), especially concerning compensation, are required for each church/ministry in the appointment.

If applicants experience difficulty with this process or need examples of financial reporting, please call either a member of the commission or refer to the denomination’s GCFA website for examples of Financial Statements and Budget Plans. Questions concerning this form or the process may be addressed to the Commission Chairperson or your assigned monitor.

Audit: EACH APPLICANT CONGREGATION MUST SUBMIT A COPY OF THE LAST EXTERNALLY AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT ON THE GCFA FUND BALANCE REPORT FORM. An external audit must be performed every 2 years. This is to be sent as an attachment. For this purpose an external audit is defined as being performed by a person that is not a member of your church. One way to meet this requirement is to exchange auditors with another church. The auditor does not need to be a CPA. If you have questions, please check with your Grant Monitor.

Reminder: When saving the file, rename the file as follows: Church Name, City, State, year of grant, 2020.

Special Considerations:

For the year 2020 only, less-than-full-time pastors are entitled to a prorated portion of the minimum salary.

Full-calendar-year applications (January - December) are due as indicated. Notification of any grant awarded will be sent to the applicant as soon as possible once the application is complete and a grant is awarded. Check distribution begins in January, unless otherwise indicated.

For applications approved in December, checks will start in January of the year of the grant and will be issued on a monthly basis thereafter. Mid-year applications (July – December) due date is May 1st (or in special circumstances before Annual Conference) with notification thereafter. Checks will start in July, unless delayed, and will be issued monthly.

Applications which require additional work will be delayed, and if approved they will begin at a later date, and the grant amount will be divided by the remaining months of the grant term. Thus it is important that churches gather and submit the requested information in the specified format by the required date. The Commission and the Cabinet review cycle is at fixed times in December/January and June.

Reminder: The Application is to be sent to:

• The Commission on Equitable Compensation chairperson (revdocpat@) and your grant monitor, by email no later than Nov. 15, or May 1 for a ½ year grant (for July-December). In the case of new applications, the Commission chair will forward the application to the person assigned to be your Grant Monitor.

• The Office of the District Superintendent by e-mail no later than Nov. 15, or May 1 for a ½ year grant.

• Note: Be sure to keep a copy for the church and your use.

For the District Superintendent:

1. The District Superintendent reviews the Application Packet as submitted by the pastor for determination of completeness.

2. The District Superintendent answers the questions in Part 11 (District Superintendent Reflections).

3. The District Superintendent sends the file to the Equitable Compensation Commission Cabinet Representative by November 22 of the year preceding the grant year.

4. The District Superintendent sends a Summary of District Grant Requests including church number, church name, pastor’s name, type and amount of the request to the Commission Chairperson via the Cabinet Representative to the Commission.

For the Cabinet and Cabinet Representative to the Commission:

1. The Cabinet reviews the application.

2. The Cabinet discerns how this congregation and pastor support the vision and mission of the New England Annual Conference, and how the Annual Conference can best “equip, support, and connect” with this congregation.

3. Based on the application process, the Cabinet Representative reviews all of the requested information and comments and forwards or brings their recommendations to the Equitable Compensation Commission Chairperson (revdocpat@) no later than the December meeting of the Commission.

Additional Contact information for the Chairperson of the Commission

Mailing Address Equitable Compensation Commission, NEAC

c/o Rev. Dr. Pat MacHugh

Weston United Methodist Church

377 North Avenue

Weston, MA 02493


For 2020

(Version 9-20-19)



The United Methodist Church

Note: After downloading this file rename it using Name of Church, City, State, Year of Grant, Year. (Example: Wesley UMC Concord NH 3rd year 2020) and save it immediately on your computer.

Note: When you are finished with the application and it is ready for submittal, E-mail it to the CEC Chairperson, Pat MacHugh (revdocpat@), your Grant Monitor, and to your District Superintendent.

Note: The due date for all 2020 applications is November 15. All applications must be sent by then to assure consideration by the committee and by the DS and Cabinet.

Note: This is a “fillable” form. You can only insert information where information is requested.

Part 9 must be filled out by the pastor.

For assistance with the application or the process, please contact anyone on the Equitable Compensation Commission:


Pat MacHugh, chair revdocpat@ 207-951-0529

Daniel Ames pastordfames@ 207-702-9230

Julie Coons jbcoons14@ 802-377-9144

Jordan Fiore jodyfiore@ 774-451-1013

Byungmoo Lee bmlee66@ 603-731-8366

Bruce Maxwell bpmaxwell@ 781-944-7493

Stephen Mockler Stephen.Mockler@ 207-610-2120

Susan Sarosiek SSSaro@ 603-770-3439

David Williams dwrev@ 860-749-7098

Jackie Brannen (Cabinet Rep) jbrannen@ 207-862-8089


Please list your District and DS      


Please enter the information for each church in the charge.

Church 1 Name


Street Address


Mailing Address








Church Number


Church 2 Name


Street Address


Mailing Address








Church Number


Church 3 Name


Street Address


Mailing Address








Church Number


Church 4 Name


Street Address


Mailing Address








Church Number







Preferred Address








E-mail Address


Home Phone


Office Phone (Church 1)


Office Phone (Church 2)


Number of Years in this appointment


Pastor’s Number of FT Equivalent Years Under Episcopal Appointment


Pastor’s Minimum Salary


Pastor’s Contracted Salary as Determined at the Relevant Church/Charge Conference or at Appointment


This salary may be higher than the Minimum.

Has the pastor received funds from the Equitable Compensation Commission in the previous 6 years?

Yes No

If Yes, list the amounts (whole dollars only) and the grant type.

|Grant Type |

|Year |Amount |Minimum |Strategic |Sustaining |Missional |

|2020 Request |$      | | | | |

|2019 YTD |$      | | | | |

|2018 |$      | | | | |

|2017 |$      | | | | |

|2016 |$      | | | | |

|2015 |$      | | | | |

|2014 |$      | | | | |


Has the church(s) received funds from outside sources other than the Equitable Compensation Commission in the previous 4 years? (includes any other funding sources such as any agency of the New England Conference, the General Board of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Foundation of New England, etc.)

Yes No

If Yes, please list the amounts (whole dollars only) and from whom the funds were received.

Church 1

|Year |Amount |Grantor |

|2020 Projected |$      |      |

|2019YTD |$      |      |

|2018 |$      |      |

|2017 |$      |      |

|2016 |$      |      |

Church 2

|Year |Amount |Grantor |

|2020 Projected |$      |      |

|2019YTD |$      |      |

|2018 |$      |      |

|2017 |$      |      |

|2016 |$      |      |

Church 3

|Year |Amount |Grantor |

|2020 Projected |$      |      |

|2019YTD |$      |      |

|2018 |$      |      |

|2017 |$      |      |

|2016 |$      |      |

Church 4

|Year |Amount |Grantor |

|2020 Projected |$      |      |

|2019YTD |$      |      |

|2018 |$      |      |

|2017 |$      |      |

|2016 |$      |      |

Have the churches received funds from the Equitable Compensation Commission in the previous 6 years?

Yes No If Yes, list the amounts (whole dollars only) and the grant type.

Church 1

|Grant Type |

|Year |Amount |Minimum |Strategic |Sustaining |Missional |

|2020 Request |$      | | | | |

|2019YTD |$      | | | | |

|2018 |$      | | | | |

|2017 |$      | | | | |

|2016 |$      | | | | |

|2015 |$      | | | | |

|2014 |$      | | | | |

Church 2

|Grant Type |

|Year |Amount |Minimum |Strategic |Sustaining |Missional |

|2020 Request |$      | | | | |

|2019YTD |$      | | | | |

|2018 |$      | | | | |

|2017 |$      | | | | |

|2016 |$      | | | | |

|2015 |$      | | | | |

|2014 |$      | | | | |

Church 3

|Grant Type |

|Year |Amount |Minimum |Strategic |Sustaining |Missional |

|2020 Request |$      | | | | |

|2019YTD |$      | | | | |

|2018 |$      | | | | |

|2017 |$      | | | | |

|2016 |$      | | | | |

|2015 |$      | | | | |

|2014 |$      | | | | |

Church 4

|Grant Type |

|Year |Amount |Minimum |Strategic |Sustaining |Missional |

|2020 Request |$      | | | | |

|2019YTD |$      | | | | |

|2018 |$      | | | | |

|2017 |$      | | | | |

|2016 |$      | | | | |

|2015 |$      | | | | |

|2014 |$      | | | | |


List the Mission Share percentage paid to the Conference into funds 1-3 for the years listed below.

|Year |Church 1 Percent Mission Shares |Church 2 Percent Mission Shares |Church 3 Percent Mission Shares |Church 4 Percent Mission Shares |

| |Paid |Paid |Paid |Paid |

|2019YTD |     % |     % |     % |     % |

|2018 |     % |     % |     % |     % |

|2017 |     % |     % |     % |     % |

|2016 |     % |     % |     % |     % |


List the number of pledging units and financial information (whole dollars only) for each church.

Church 1

|Year |Average Attendance |Number of Adult|Total Income for |Total Expenses for |Church Funds held|Investment Income |

| | |Pledging Units |the church |the church |by the Trustees |applied to Current |

| | | | | | |Expenses |

|2019YTD |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2018 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2017 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

Church 2

|Year |Average Attendance |Number of Adult|Total Income for |Total Expenses for |Church Funds held|Investment Income |

| | |Pledging Units |the church |the church |by the Trustees |applied to Current |

| | | | | | |Expenses |

|2019YTD |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2018 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2017 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

Church 3

|Year |Average Attendance |Number of Adult|Total Income for |Total Expenses for |Church Funds held|Investment Income |

| | |Pledging Units |the church |the church |by the Trustees |applied to Current |

| | | | | | |Expenses |

|2019YTD |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2018 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2017 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

Church 4

|Year |Average Attendance |Number of Adult|Total Income for |Total Expenses for |Church Funds held|Investment Income |

| | |Pledging Units |the church |the church |by the Trustees |applied to Current |

| | | | | | |Expenses |

|2019YTD |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2018 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |

|2017 |      |      |$      |$      |$      |$      |



This information will be used by your Grant monitor to calculate the eligible grant award amount.

1. Clergy Status (check one):

Full-time FE/FD/AM

Full-time LP M.Div/Adv COS

Full-time LP COS or Equivalent

Full-time Local Pastor

Part-time PE/PD/AM

Part-time LP M.Div/Adv Cos

Part-time LP COS or Equivalent

Part-time Local Pastor

2. Appointment time (Full Year Equivalency under Episcopal Appointment):      

3. Enter Minimum salary from Page 2: $      

4. This grant request is for:

Full year: January – December

Half year: January – June

Half year: July – December

5. Grant Year (check one):

-0- (first time grant, for half year July – December only)

1st year

2nd year

3rd year

4th year

5th year

Other: (explain)

6. Pastor’s Salary Approved (or to be proposed) at Church Conference for 2020: $     

Part 9: PASTORAL STATEMENT – The following questions must be answered by the pastor. If this is other than the first year of your grant please update the Commission on your progress in each indicated area.

Note: These fields are of virtually unlimited length – the field expands as you type. You can also cut and paste from another document, such as your strategic plan.

1. Explain why this grant is needed. Describe your congregation's vision for its future. How do you plan to become financially viable? If this is a renewal grant, how have your needs, vision and plan for viability changed?


2. What steps you are taking to assist the church in reaching that vision? What Conference resources are you using to achieve the vision?


3. What spiritual life enrichment events do you plan on attending in the next year to enrich your ministry, and what your expectations are from that attendance? If this is a renewal grant, how have your previous year’s plans impacted your ministry and ministry setting?


Note: Remember to SAVE YOUR DOCUMENT

Part 10: LAY LEADERSHIP STATEMENT – to be answered by the lay leadership.

Note: These fields are of virtually unlimited length – the field expands as you type. You can also cut and paste from another document, such as your strategic plan.

Please answer the following statements:

1. What are (1) the vision and (2)strategic plan of the congregation to carry the church into the future? For a NEW SALARY Grant application, what are the goals, and the objectives as well as the plans/steps to reach the goals? For continuation of an EXISTING SALARY Grant, if your vision and strategic plan has not changed, please copy that in question 1 and answer questions 2 – 5, what has been the progress made in reaching the goals and objectives since last year, and what is the plan/steps for reaching the goals for the coming year?


2. What progress has been made towards the realization of the goals listed in your strategic plan in the past year?


3. What specific objectives in your strategic plan will you attempt to accomplish in the coming year? Please itemize


4. What steps is the congregation taking to realize the vision? What are the specific resources that you plan to use to carry out each objective?


5. Describe your church(s) stewardship plan for the coming year. List goals, objectives, and evaluation methods.


6. What spiritual life groups are underway in your congregation(s) to enrich the church in your local community?


7. What is the projected length of time that this grant is needed?


8. Estimate of dollar amount of grant assistance needed this year:


Please name person(s) completing this form:

Church 1 Name(s)      


Church 2 Name(s)      


Church 3 Name(s)      


Church 4 Name(s)      


Note: Be sure to save this file.

The following checklist is provided for you to ensure that you have included all the elements. An incomplete application will result in delayed grant disbursement or grant denial. I have:

Answered every question

Provided all requested financial data or have formally requested and received approval for late submission

Provided a copy of an external audit completed on the GCFA Fund Balance Report Form within the last two years

Entered the correct number of years under Episcopal appointment (this number should match the most recent years of service in the current Journal plus the current appointment year; part-time service is to be pro-rated)

I am e-mailing this application to the CEC chairperson, email address (revdocpat@)

I am e-mailing a copy of the application to the DS

I am e-mailing this application to my Grant Monitor

Note: When you are finished with the application and it is ready for submittal, E-mail it to Rev. Pat MacHugh (revdocpat@), to your Grant Monitor, and to your District Superintendent.

Note: The due date for all 2020 applications is November 15. All applications must be sent by then to assure consideration by the committee and by the DS and Cabinet.

Part 11: DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT REFLECTION – to be answered by your District Superintendent and returned to the Chairperson of the Commission and the Grant Monitor by November 22nd.

Note: These fields are of virtually unlimited length – the field expands as you type. You can also cut and paste from another document.

Note: Failure to receive this information will cause delay in processing the application.

1. Does this application reflect the congregation(s) you know? If not, why not?


2. Is there anything else the Commission should know while considering this grant?


District Superintendent Name:      

Note: The commission must have the comments from the DS by November 22 to be able to meet our deadline of making the grant decisions in December. These questions are intended to help Monitors better understand the local congregation and its particular gifts and needs. Delays may result in decisions on grants being delayed until January.





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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