Harvest Bible Chapel Worship Ministry Application Form

Harvest Bible Chapel Worship Ministry Application Form

“We exist to help our people experience the sufficiency

and express the supremacy of Christ in all things.”

This is an application to serve in worship at Harvest Bible Chapel. Based on your specific giftedness and other ministries’ needs within our church, we may recommend your participation in other Harvest ministries.

Name: __________________________ Today’s Date:_____________

Address: ____________________________________________________________

Home Phone:______________________ Work Phone: ____________________

Cell Phone: _______________________ Birthday: _______________________

E-mail address: _________________________________

Marital Status (single, married, divorced, widowed, etc.) ___________________

Spouse’s Name (if applicable): ________________________

Does your spouse support your participation in the worship ministry?


Children (names and ages, if applicable):


Instrument or voice part: ______________________________________________

Employment: ________________________________________________________

1. Are you a participating member of Harvest? ( yes ( no

If yes, how long have you been attending? _____________________________

If no, are you in the process ? _______________________________________

2. What ministries are you currently involved in? _________________________



3. Are you in a Harvest Bible Chapel small group? ( yes ( no

If yes, who is your small group leader? ______________________________

If no, do you have plans to be involved in the future?



4. How did your walk with God begin? Have you accepted Christ as your

personal Savior? __________________________________________________






5. Tell us about your relationship with God.




6. Why do you desire to serve in the worship ministry?



7. What training and/or experience do you have in the area of music?




8. Please list any worship ministry experiences at previous churches.



9. What do you see as your primary strengths and weaknesses as an






10. How familiar are you with what the Bible teaches?




11. Do you feel comfortable counseling people from the Bible? Describe any

formal or informal experience you’ve had.




12. What does the word “servant” mean to you in the context of the music

ministry at Harvest? What do you think it means to be a team player?




13. Are you willing to see your frequency of usage adjusted to fit the

changing needs of the ministry or to make room for others with more

developed giftedness?



14. What is your availability for weekly rehearsals and participation in our

weekend services? (once a month, twice a month, etc.)


15. List three personal references (preferably members of Harvest).

Please list their names, phone numbers, and your relationship to them.

Name: ___________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Relationship: __________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Relationship: __________________________________________________

Name: ___________________________ Phone #: ____________________

Relationship: __________________________________________________

16. Jesus warns us in Matthew 6 of “practicing your righteousness before other

people.” Leading people in worship is done, by definition, in front of

people. How would you guard your heart to heed Christ’s warning against

mere performance?






Auditions will take place once a month, most likely on a Tuesday. We will be available for auditions from (4pm-9pm). Each audition will be 20 minutes long. You will be asked to prepare one song for us to hear, and then we will have you play some other familiar songs. Please give us a time range of when you might be available (4-6pm, 5:30-7:30pm, etc.). Once we get enough applications in, you will be contacted about a specific audition time. However, this will give us a better sense of what a good time would be for you. Thanks!



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