Revised 4/06

I. Inquirers and Candidates must meet all requirements specified in Section G-14.0300 of The Book of Order of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), including items not explicitly enumerated below. Requirements must also be in compliance with the Presbytery of Southern Kansas Manual of Operations.

II. Inquirers and Candidates must complete a minimum two-year process with interim steps and documentation as specified by the document entitled Manual for Preparation for Ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). This manual and all forms may be obtained through the PCUSA website (prep4min.)

III. Inquirers and Candidates are expected to attend a Presbyterian Seminary for their ministry education and training.

A. Those desiring to attend a non-Presbyterian seminary must receive special approval from the Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) based on the guidelines and requirements specified in Appendix A of this document. Approval of a non-Presbyterian seminary will be considered an exception rather than a general rule by the CPM. Exceptions will be made on the basis of the candidate, not the seminary; that is, approval of attendance at a particular seminary for one person will not serve as precedent or assurance of similar approval for another person. Each persons’ request will be evaluated individually by the CPM.

B. Appendix B of this document (Required Areas of Study in Seminary) outlines areas of coursework not specifically stated in The Book of Order but required by the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.

C. Inquirers and candidates are generally expected to maintain at least a “B” average (3.00 on a 4.00 system) in the required areas of coursework.

IV. Those desiring to be enrolled as an inquirer under care of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK) must be an active member of one congregation for a minimum of six months, and submit Form 1 with an endorsement from their Session. Sessions are strongly encouraged to invite a member of CPM to discuss the process with them and the candidate before formal application is made to the CPM.

V. In addition to other requirements embodied in the documents referenced above, a psychological assessment is required during the Inquiry phase before the Inquirer will be considered for Candidacy. Normally, the assessment must be conducted at Prairie View through the Process Solutions Department. However, the Inquirer may petition the CPM to be assessed at an equivalent center if it is more geographically expedient. The assessment must be conducted by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist approved by the CPM. CPM will pay one-third of the negotiated fee for Prairie View, Process Solutions. Sessions are strongly asked to pay one-third and the Inquirer will pay one-third. If the assessment is conducted elsewhere, the Inquirer may submit a request to CPM for reimbursement of one-third the cost if the assessment is cleared with the CPM ahead of time. The Inquirer must submit the results of the psychological assessment to the CPM one month prior to the scheduled application to move to candidacy. The results will be kept strictly confidential.

VI. Those seeking to move to Candidacy status must complete Form 5 and submit it to the CPM 1 month prior to meeting with the committee. Those Inquirers whom CPM recommends to move to Candidacy must appear before the PSK at its stated meeting.

VII. All Inquirers and Candidates are required by the Book of Order to complete an Annual Consultation with their CPM liaison. The CPM reserves the right to call the candidate/inquirer to Wichita to have the Consultation with the entire committee if there are questions or concerns requiring the whole committee’s attention.

VIII. Final Assessment as Ready to be Examined for Ordination, pending a call, requires written documents be submitted 1 month in advance of a scheduled CPM meeting as specified in Appendix C of this policy. The Final Assessment will also include oral questions in the areas of theology, English Bible, polity and worship and sacraments. The candidate will have successfully completed the Bible Content Examination and the 4 Standard Ordination Examinations and will either have graduated or be in the final semester prior to graduation from seminary to be Assessed Ready.

IX. Appendix D of this document (Limits to the Care Process) provides guidelines regarding extension of the care process.

X. This policy does not state all requirements of the Presbyterian Church (USA) or the Presbytery of Southern Kansas. Inquirers and Candidates are referred to the documents referenced above for the other specific requirements, or they may visit the PCUSA website.


Inquiry Phase—Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK)

Revised 4/06

The process of discerning a call to the ministry is a covenant between the candidate, their Session and the Presbytery. This is a parallel but distinct process to the educational process. The first step is applying to be an Inquirer in the Presbyterian Church (USA). This is an outline of the steps for this phase:

___1. Applicant will be an active member of a PCUSA congregation for a minimum of 6 months (G-14.0303b).

___2. The applicant holds initial conversations with pastor and church Session about his/her call to ministry. Further information may be obtained from PSK, PCUSA website and the CPM about the process (G-14.0303a).

___3. The Clerk of Session sends a letter to the Stated Clerk of PSK indicating the applicant’s desire to begin the inquiry discernment phase, and Session endorsement of his/her inquiry into ministry. The Stated Clerk will notify the chair of CPM of the desire to become an Inquirer.

___4. CPM representative meets with church Session to establish a relationship and orient them to their role in the process (G-14.303c).

___5. The following items are required to be submitted to CPM 1 month prior to being scheduled for an interview:

a. Form 1—Application for Inquiry Phase, completed by applicant and sent to Clerk of Session.

b. Form 2-A—Application to be enrolled as an Inquirer.

c. Form 2-B—Covenant Agreement, completed after application is approved by CPM.

d. Official college transcripts.

e. One page statement of faith.

___6. References will be contacted by CPM prior to scheduling an interview.

___7. Interview with CPM, at which time, a decision will be made about recommending to PSK that enroll the applicant as an Inquirer. If the decision is positive, the applicant will be assigned a CPM liaison. If the decision is negative, CPM will discuss with the perceived deficits and a timeline when the applicant might choose to apply again.

___8. CPM recommends that PSK enrolls the Applicant as an Inquirer (G-14.0303e) at the next stated meeting of the Presbytery. The Inquiry Phase of discernment begins.

___9. The Inquirer needs to communicate often with her/his liaison about classes, field assignments and requirements for the process.

__10. Each year, each person under care is required to have an Annual Consultation (G-14.308, G-14.309). These are normally done with the CPM liaison by phone. However, CPM reserves the right to require the Inquirer to do this with the entire committee in Wichita. CPM will pay the transportation expenses for this.

__11. The Bible Content Exam is usually taken during the second year of seminary and/or in the Inquiry Phase. Written permission from CPM is required to sit for the exam.

__12. After 12 months, the Inquirer may consider application for the Candidacy Phase of the process. Prior to that application, the Inquirer is required to have a psychological evaluation at the Counseling and Mediation Center in Wichita, or apply to CPM to have it done at another accepted site. CPM will pay one-third the expenses. Sessions are strongly encouraged to pay one-third. The Inquirer will pay the remainder.

Any questions about this process should be directed to your CPM Liaison, CPM moderator or the General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.


Candidacy Phase—Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK)

Revised 4/06

The process of discerning a call to the ministry is a covenant between the candidate, their Session and the Presbytery. This is a parallel but distinct process to the educational process. The second step is applying to be a Candidate in the Presbyterian Church (USA). This is an outline of the steps for this phase:

___1. Applicant will be enrolled as an Inquirer in the Presbyterian Church (USA) a minimum of one year.

___2. Inquirer shall make application for candidacy to the Stated Clerk of PSK through the Session of his/her congregation (G-14.0305a). The Stated Clerk will notify the chair of CPM of the Inquirer’s desire to apply for candidacy status.

___3. The Session will make a recommendation to PSK (through CPM) about the individual’s readiness to become a Candidate. CPM strongly recommends that the Session consult with the Inquirer before making a recommendation.

___4. The following items are required to be submitted to CPM 1 month prior to scheduling the Inquirer for an interview:

a. Official transcripts from your seminary.

b. Field education evaluations.

c. Psychological evaluation report from CPM-approved licensed psychological professional.

d. Form 5A—Application to be enrolled as a Candidate by PSK.

e. Form 5B—Covenant Agreement, completed AFTER application is approved by CPM & PSK.

f. A New One-Page Statement of Faith including beliefs about the Trinity, human nature and sin, sacraments, the Church and Scripture.

g. Annual Consultation Reports

___5. Psychological examinations must be obtained through the Process Solutions program at Prairie View in Newton, Kansas (316/284-6446). The Inquirer’s home congregation is asked to pay one-third of the cost, CPM will pay one-third and the Inquirer is to be one-third. If the Inquirer desires to be tested elsewhere, s/he must contact the CPM chair prior to the testing for consultation and permission. CPM will not pay for unauthorized psychological testing.

___6. Interview with CPM, at which time, a decision will be made about recommending to PSK that Inquirer be enrolled as an Candidate (G-14.305c). If the decision is positive, CPM will schedule the Inquirer to appear before PSK at its next stated meeting. If the decision is negative, CPM will discuss with the perceived deficits and a timeline when the Inquirer might choose to apply again.

___7. The Inquirer will appear before the presbytery at one of its stated meetings to present a statement of faith and respond to questions from commissioners. Upon action of PSK, the Inquirer is enrolled as a Candidate in the PCUSA.

___8. Annual consultations with the liaison continue. Candidates are required to consult with CPM through their liaisons before committing to CPE and field education placements. They must also continue to submit transcripts and supervisory evaluations to CPM after every semester.

__9. The four standard ordination exams are usually taken during the senior year of seminary and/or during the Candidacy phase. Written permission from CPM must be obtained to sit for the exams.

Any questions about this process should be directed to your CPM Liaison, CPM moderator or the General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.


Requirements to be Certified Ready for Examination

Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK)

Revised 4/06

The process of discerning a call to the ministry is a covenant between the candidate, their Session and the Presbytery. This is a parallel but distinct process to the educational process. The final step is the Final Assessment to be certified ready for examination for ordination in the Presbyterian Church (USA). This is an outline of the steps for this phase:

___1. A minimum of two years will have elapsed between the date of enrollment as an Inquirer and the Final Assessment. One full year of that time must be as a Candidate (G-14.303e).

___2. Candidates will present satisfactory grades together with the examination papers in the five areas of study covered by the Presbyteries’ Cooperative Committee on Examinations for Candidates (G-14.03010b-4), also known as the Bible Content and Standard Ordination Examinations. Written permission from CPM is required to sit for these examinations.

___3. Official transcripts from a theological institution accredited by the Association of Theological Schools acceptable to PSK must be submitted. The transcript must demonstrate satisfactory completion of the theological degree including Hebrew and Greek, and exegesis of the Old and New Testaments using Hebrew and Greek texts (G-14.0301b-3). The CPM of PSK also has areas of study which must be satisfactorily completed before the final assessment can take place (see Appendix B). Candidates in their senior year of seminary may be Assessed Ready, pending graduation, if all other criteria have been met.

___4. One month prior to the scheduled assessment interview with CPM, the candidate will submit the following papers in addition to the above requirements:

a. A New Statement of Faith—Current one page statement.

b. Theological Paper—It is acceptable to submit an academic paper but it should be representative of the Candidate’s current theological thinking and competency.

c. Exegesis Paper—Same criteria as theological paper.

d. Sermon—Based on exegesis paper.

e. Form 6—Completed AFTER candidate is assessed ready for examination.

___5. CPM will determine the Candidate’s readiness to begin ministry of the Word and Sacrament as required in G.14.0305j. Oral examination will be in the areas of English Bible, Worship and Sacraments, Polity and Theology, in addition to the content of the papers submitted. If the decision is positive, a summary of the Candidate’s assessment will be presented to PSK at one of its stated meetings (G-14.310a). If the decision is negative, CPM will discuss with the perceived deficits and how they can be made up before applying for final assessment again.

___6. Successful Assessment clears the way for the Candidate to seek a call in the PCUSA. The Candidate remains under the care of CPM until he/she receives a call. Annual Consultations must continue as long as the Candidate remains under care.

___7. Candidates who want to circulate their PIF may do so if the following criteria are met:

a. All ordination examinations have been satisfactorily passed.

b. Written permission is obtained from the chair of CPM.

c. Those in their senior year of seminary who have yet to be Assessed Ready, may circulate their PIF with permission of the CPM. They must attach a letter from CPM to their PIF stating their Final Assessment is pending. Permission to circulate the PIF is not a tacit guarantee that Candidate will automatically be Assessed Ready.

Any questions about this process should be directed to your CPM Liaison, CPM moderator or the General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas.




Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK)

Revised 4/06

I. The policy of Southern Kansas Presbytery is that Inquirers and Candidates receive their education at a Presbyterian Church (USA) seminary (Manual of Operation 8.8e). Those desiring to pursue their ministerial training at a seminary not affiliated with the PCUSA must present a paper (not to exceed 10 pages) to CPM 1 month in advance of its scheduled meeting, specify the seminary training desired, with presenting evidence and rationale for that selection. After a review of the case, the CPM will allow or disallow such study. In the case of disallowal the Inquirer or Candidate will have the right of appeal to the Presbytery.

II. The CPM’s evaluation will include (but not be limited to) consideration of the following factors:

A. The Inquirer or Candidate’s personal background, faith journey, previous preparation, past church affiliation, personal strengths and weaknesses, family responsibilities and experience of call.

B. The validity of the reasons and rationale presented.

C. Membership of the seminary in the Association of Theological Schools.

D. Whether the theological position and orientation of the seminary is within the Presbyterian and Reformed traditions. CPM is concerned with how the seminary offers adequate education in Presbyterian polity, theology and program, whether the seminary encourages the student’s loyalty and support of the PC(USA), and the extent to which the seminary provides for the building of relationships and experiences that promotes the student’s identity with the denomination.

E. Presbyterian polity, worship and sacraments and Reformed Theology, in accordance with the PSK Manual of Operations (8.8e3) must be completed through a PCUSA seminary.

III. In the case of Inquirers or Candidates who are not in seminary, approval of an exception must be secured from the CPM before matriculation in a non-Presbyterian seminary.

IV. Inquirers and Candidates currently enrolled in non-Presbyterian seminaries at the time they come under care of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas, and who desire to complete their ministerial training in such locations, must discuss their reasons for remaining there with CPM, through their liaison.

V. All Inquirers or Candidates in non-Presbyterian seminaries must submit to the CPM prior to the beginning of the second seminary year a written statement interpreting their experiences in the seminary and field assignments, and discussing how these experiences equip them for ministry within the denominational framework of the PC(USA).

VI. Any applicant who has already finished work in a non-Presbyterian seminary prior to being received as an Inquirer or Candidate must submit to the CPM both of the papers described above in paragraph I. The paper will be the basis of dialogue between the applicant and the CPM in evaluating the adequacy of the education, training and field work undertaken and in taking subsequent action on the application.



Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK)

Revised 4/06

I. Inquirers and Candidates should refer to Sections G-14.0305j and G14.0310 of the Book of Order for other specified requirements.

II. In addition to the requirements listed in the Book of Order, the Presbytery of Southern Kansas requires that study be demonstrated in the following areas:

A. General biblical overview such as introductory courses to the Old and New Testaments.

B. General study in theology.

C. Reformed theology, including but not limited to John Calvin’s thoughts and the confessions of the PC(USA).

D. General study of Christian ethics such as an introductory course.

E. General study in church history, which includes the Early, Medieval Reformation and Modern Periods.

F. Study in the area of practical theology, including worship in the Reformed tradition, homiletics, Christian education and pastoral care.

G. Prior to ordination all candidates must successfully complete a course in Presbyterian polity at an approved PCUSA seminary.

H. At least one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education. Students shall get approval from CPM prior to placement to ensure that all CPM internship requirements also are met.

III. Satisfactory information about study in these required areas may be provided by transcripts, catalogue descriptions, class syllabi and/or other documentation requested by the Committee on Preparation for Ministry.





Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)

Presbytery of Southern Kansas (PSK)

Revised 4/06


In order to be Certified as Ready to be Examined for a Call, which is the last step before you are examined by the Committee on Ministry and the Presbytery which calls you, you must submit to the Committee on Preparation for Ministry a packet of materials one (1) month prior to being scheduled for your final interview:

• A one-page personal statement of faith

• A theological paper

• An exegesis of a scripture passage

• A sermon based on the exegesis

The purpose of these requirements is two-fold. First, CPM will read these materials as part of the information used to assess your readiness to accept a call from a congregation or other ordained position. Second, they represent a final opportunity for you to receive feedback and coaching from CPM to help you better prepare for examination by the Committee on Ministry (COM) and the Presbytery. For us to perform our role as assigned by the Book of Order properly and to be of greatest assistance to you, we need to be able to assess your personal, spiritual and academic development and readiness. The materials you submit are central to this purpose.

We recognize that the candidacy process is long, involved and demanding. To facilitate the process for you and to ensure consistency and clarity regarding the requirements, we have prepared these guidelines. They are not designed to constrain your creative instincts or to be onerous. Remember that a major component of our role is to provide guidance and assistance to you throughout the process. When you prepare to submit your materials, if you have any questions or need further clarification, please contact your Committee Liaison.

In preparing your papers, keep in mind that we want to see your most recent thinking. Thus while a paper or exegesis may have started as a class assignment (which is certainly acceptable) it may require editing or extension to reflect your current understandings and thinking. It is also the case that your first submission may require further work and revision before the CPM formally assesses you as Ready to be Examined for a Call. We ask that you submit your papers at least one month before meeting with the CPM for your Final Assessment. If we receive them early enough we will be glad to give you feedback before you come to meet with us. An especially good idea is to send a draft of your papers to your Liaison before you submit them to the full Committee. He or she will be glad to offer comments so you can make revisions if necessary before the Final Assessment.


The following points will make reproducing, circulating and reviewing your papers easier for us:

a) All of your papers should be typewritten, double-spaced, single-sided, and have numbered pages. PUT YOUR NAME AND THE DATE ON YOUR PAPERS!

b) You should follow the conventions of an accepted academic-style manual regarding matters of format and style. Your seminary may have such a manual. The University of Chicago Manual of Style and the American Psychological Association Style Manual are both widely accepted.

c) It is difficult to assess the content of a paper when technical or grammatical errors distract from the flow and thought. You should write, rewrite and proofread until the paper reflects the quality of your scholarship.

d) For both the exegesis and theological papers, you should include citations in the text and a complete reference list.

e) Inclusive language is essential. You should follow appropriate modern conventions to avoid the use of masculine pronouns for the generic case.

Personal Statement of Faith

This should be a short (no more than a page) statement of your personal faith. This statement may take many forms, for example, a free-verse poem, a confessional statement, an integrated paragraph or a series of linked paragraphs. It is important that you place in words your personal faith and beliefs. It should not be filled with quotations or attempt to restate your understanding of church doctrine. You will have submitted Faith Statements to CPM before now; this needs to be a fresh and new Statement, not a copy of an old one.


An exegesis shall show the candidate’s ability to understand and apply a given portion of Scripture so that it may be preached. We are looking for the paper to establish the text, deal with the literary form, display knowledge of the historical circumstances, use word syntactical and grammatical studies, show acquaintance with the history of interpretation of the passage and deal with the historical and theological implications of its conclusions. These represent the objectives you should strive for in this paper. It will prepare you for your final COM and presbytery examinations.

While there is no one format according to which all exegesis papers should be written, certain elements are generally considered customary or essential. The following points describe the major components which we believe to be important in your exegesis. They are not intended as a complete outline or required headings in your paper.

a) Text—A general practice is to begin by quoting the text from which you are working. You should include the original language of the passage and your original translation of it. Please be sure that the presentation of the original language (whether typed or handwritten) is clear, both here and throughout your paper. In particular, if you handwrite the language, recognize that photocopies may be lighter and may distort the symbols if they are not sufficiently dark and clear.

b) Introduction—Many writers use an introductory section to begin the discussion. For example, you might frame the issues that are crucial for understanding the text and identify special problems (e.g.. textual or structural questions). The introduction is also an appropriate place to discuss and reference the exegetical approach(es) that you have adopted.

c) Exposition—Your commentary on the passage may proceed in various ways, for example, verse-by- verse or thought-by-thought. You should incorporate word studies to explicate the phrases in context and place the passage in its proper linguistic, literary, historical, social and theological context.

d) Conclusion—This section generally represents a synthesis of the knowledge you have gained about the text. The conclusion addresses the twin questions of What did the text mean when it was written? and What does the text mean now? This latter question should represent your lead into the sermon based on the text.


The sermon you submit should be based on the exegesis which accompanies it. It may be one which you have already preached, or one which you would like to preach. Remember, however, that it is to be a sermon and should require no more than 15-20 minutes for delivery. Occasionally we may ask candidates to deliver their sermons orally to the CPM but if so, we will ask you in advance so you may be prepared.

Theological Paper

The Book of Order G-14.0305j.3, states, each candidate to be ordained shall demonstrate readiness to begin ministry of the Word and Sacrament by ... expressing theological views compatible with the confessional documents of the church. To fulfill this standard, the Presbytery of Southern Kansas requires that candidates in preparation for ministry and ordination present a theological paper 15+ pages in length. Reflecting an acceptable academic style, the paper should include adequate acknowledgement of ideas and quotations through the use of footnotes or endnotes. A bibliography citing all sources consulted is required.

This requirement may be accomplished through scholarly research that demonstrates a knowledge of the Reformed Confessions [Part I of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (USA)]. The paper shall state and defend a thesis. The contents of the paper shall include the historical context of the topic, various ways in which the topic has been understood by other theologians in other times, an analysis of the topic with respect to its nature and issues involved, and the student’s own conclusions and positions on the topic.

It is suggested to the Candidate that the production of this academic paper may be most easily accomplished during a theology course taken as part of the seminary curriculum or by directed study.

Appendix D




Revised 4/06

Each situation for each person under care warrants dialogue and careful evaluation. The Annual Consultation offers to both CPM and persons under care the opportunity to discern spiritual growth and possibilities for new directions under the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The following guidelines are intended to indicate when conversation regarding continuance in the process should take place.

• An Inquirer or Candidate of the Presbytery of Southern Kansas who notifies CPM in writing that he/she has withdrawn from seminary before graduation may be granted up to two years’ leave of absence. During the leave of absence, this person will meet annually with members of the CPM and plans for completing the seminary degree will be included in the annual consultation. After two years, the person may request the CPM to extend the leave of absence for one year. Without such a request, or if an extended leave is not granted, the CPM will recommend to presbytery that the person’s name be removed from the roll of Inquirers and Candidates of the PSK.

• A seminary graduate who has been Certified as Ready to be Examined for ordination and remains under care, will have up to two years to search for and receive a call as Minister of Word and Sacrament. During these two years, this person will meet annually with members of the CPM and review of the Personal Information Form (PIF) will be included as part of the annual consultation. After two years, the person may request in writing to remain under care for an additional year, after which time, the candidate will meet with the entire CPM for a frank discussion about her/his difficulty in securing a call. At that meeting, CPM will decide to either grant the candidate one final year to search for a call, or recommend withdrawing the candidate from care. Without a written request for extension, or if the extension is not granted, the CPM will recommend to PSK that the person’s name be removed from the roll of Inquirers and Candidates.


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