Developing the Education System in the Sultanate of Oman …

Developing the Education System in the Sultanate of Oman through Implementing Total Quality

Management: the Ministry of Education Central Headquarters - a Case Study

by Maryam bint Belarab bin Mohammed ALNabhani

B.Ed (English), M.Ed (Educational Administration)

A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D)

Educational Studies Department, Faculty of Education 2007

? Maryam Belarab ALNabhani 2007


This study seeks to identify the issues that need addressing in the Ministry of Education in Oman as it seeks to expand and improve its education system. The aims of this are (1) to highlight the issues that need addressing in the Ministry of Education, (2) to present a background survey on different approaches of managing change (3) to survey the literature about TQM in order to discover the underlying philosophy of TQM, its gurus, its development and its tools and techniques, (4) to review the experience of TQM in education, its success in this field and to also identify limitations of TQM, (5) to examine the feasibility of applying TQM in the MOE and (6) to design a model for implementing TQM in MOE .

Firstly, an overview of the context of the study is presented. The major internal and external challenges that face the Ministry of Education and call for change are highlighted. This is followed by a description of the Sultanate of Oman, its location, climate, economy, employment, population and how all these affect education and calls for change. After that, education in Oman, its development and structures are examined. To ascertain an understanding of the key issues in relation to the working of the MOE a preliminary study was carried with four focus groups of MOE's central headquarter directors, regional directors, head teachers and teachers. The sample consists of 40 persons, 10 from each group. From this study the following issues were identified; centralization, weak communication, insufficient management support, weak teamwork motivation and faulty planning.

Secondly, seven different approaches for managing change are discussed; the problemsolving approach, the learning organization, the three-step model, the action research model, the reengineering, Fullan's theories of managing change, and Total Quality Management. It is argued that six of these approaches were highlighted as effective approaches in dealing with change but do not fully match the development needs of the Ministry of Education in Oman. However, TQM seems to provide a possible approach for developing the Ministry of Education Central Headquarters in Oman to be able to deal with the internal and external challenges, to solve the existing issues highlighted by the pilot study and fulfil the aspiration of the country and its demands. Drawing on the data from both the pilot study and the literature on TQM, a draft of TQM Model for the MOE was generated. The proposed TQM Tree Model consists of seven TQM principles that suit the MOE; commitment toward TQM, focus on stakeholders, involvement and empowerment,

Maryam ALNabhani, 2007


continuous improvement, training and education, tools and techniques, and rewards. The views of different groups -top management, internal stakeholders and external stakeholders- on the proposed model of TQM and views on issues related to implementation -were also- gathered.

The third part of the thesis reports on the methodology; the data collection and analysis; and the conclusions and recommendations. This stage of the research used a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. It used a closed item questionnaire to gain a broad feel for the acceptability of the TQM ideas and to establish a broad baseline. In addition, open-ended questions in the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were used for the same purpose and to provide additional information regarding the TQM implementation; the possible obstacles and facilitating factors. The analysis showed that TQM Tree Model was seen to be a possible approach by top management and stakeholders to develop the Ministry of Education in Oman. The final stage of the study was to gather the views of those in executive positions in the MOE regarding the proposed model of TQM and to identify issues to be considered in an implementation framework. Thus semi-structured interviews were conducted with six of the key personnel in the MOE. Some issues arising from the analysis of all the data collected including final set of the interviews with the executives led to the modification of the proposed TQM Tree Model. Three supportive factors were added as roots for the model; teamwork, budget and communication. In the light of the results from this study, the TQM principles and implementation in education, an implementation framework for the TQM Tree Model in the MOE in Oman is proposed. This implementation framework consists of five stages: the decision, the preparation, the implementation, the evaluation and rewards, and the continuous improvement. Finally the thesis concludes with some recommendations for education development in the light of TQM, some recommendations for the MOE regarding the TQM and some recommendations for further studies.


This thesis is dedicated to the soul of my father who encouraged me to be the best I can be, to have high expectations and to fight hard for what I believe. He always provided me with best opportunities in life. I feel he is always with me supporting and guiding.

My Mother was a great tower of strength during our time in the United Kingdom as she has ever been. Her practical and prayerful support, her confidence in me, taking care of the kids, keeping the house together, comforting me and most important loving me enabled me to cope with the changes and stresses that accompany life and study in another country. I could not have done it without her. She shares in my success and I will be forever grateful for her loving support. This thesis is as much hers as mine.

My mother-in-law has always believed and continues to believe in me. Her encouragement is always uplifting and her faith in me never fails.

My husband, Yousuf, his love, understanding and encouragement have helped me struggle through the most difficult times. His presence and unwavering support have been a continuous source of motivation and inspiration throughout the study.

My son Basil, the sun of my life, who kept asking "When are you going to be done, Mum?". He was a constant source of inspiration and motivation. I see my future through his loving eyes.

My first daughter Reem, the moon of my life, is a source of joy to me. She has been so patient and so loving throughout the journey; it would be just kill me when I would have to say, "Sorry, I can not play now sweetie, I have to work on my thesis."

My second daughter Rahaf, the star of my life, who was born in the middle of the critical writing stage. Her cute smile, loving eyes and cuddles were a constant source of encouragement and support.

My brothers and sisters, who are my heroes. They have always been an inspiration and "the wind beneath my wings".

To my aunties, uncles, my brothers and sisters in-laws, my cousins, nephews, nieces and the rest of my family and all who have helped me along the way, and all who would like to get a glimpse inside the "black box" I dedicate this thesis.


The completion of this thesis has been part of my commitment to life long learning and the journey of attending this Ph.D programme was a bit challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. I have gained a great deal which will help me both personally and professionally for the rest of my life. First and foremost, my deepest thanks and gratitude go to God for providing me with the means and perseverance to complete this journey. Without His will and generosity, none of this or any other accomplishment would have been possible.

I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Forde who has always made time regardless of her busy workload. I would like to thank her for pushing me to the limits on this thesis, for spending hours on my drafts and for ceaselessly providing me with feedback and discussion.

I would like also to thank Dr. Patrick, who has made substantive recommendation in my research and sharing her wealth of knowledge and experience.

I want to acknowledge Dr Besley for her support and guidance in the early stages of the thesis.

I would like also to thank Prof. Gronn and Prof. Briggs for their valuable comments and advice.

My sincere gratitude to the father and builder of the modern Omani renaissance, His Majesty, Sultan Qaboos, who provides chances and inspires all Omanis for education and learning.

My sincerest appreciation goes to His Excellency, Yahia AlSuleimi who provided me with the opportunity to join this Ph.D program.

Special appreciation is extended to all who have helped me along the way I can not mention them by name, but they know who they are. In particular I want to thank His Excellency Mr Saud Al Balushi, Her Excellency Dr Muna Al Jaradani, Dr. Said Al kitani Dr Sana Al Balushi, Dr. Amal Al Busaidi, Mr. Abdullah Al Fori and Dr Abdullah Al Sabahi.

My sincerest appreciation goes to auntie Thuria and her family for their endless support and encouragement.

My friends did not see much of me especially during the last stages of writing, but their support was heartfull and meant a great deal to me.

My deepest thanks go to all of the MOE staff who volunteered to participate in this study.

I extend my sincerest gratitude to the Glasgow University staff and colleagues. Thank you all.


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