Al-Jahra ELT Supervision

6174105-74295447040-66040 ???? ?????? State of Kuwait ????? ??????? Ministry of Education ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Jahra Educational Zone??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Jahra Educational Zone??????? ????? ???? ?????????? E.L.T. Supervision????? ??????? 2013/2014Scholastic Year 2013/2014 ???? ?????? Grade 5New Fun With EnglishSpelling - 1stPeriod ????? ??????? - ?????? ???????? ??????31940549530gold16192549530buildcoat18542049529lettuce31940550165paraffin lamp56197553340electricity28067043815scarf119380-50809525052070number16637052070studysouq11938060960heavy32385061595stairs2806706542?????? ???????? ??????Short and Long Forms/Combinations 1st Period did not =didn’t What is =What’s I have = I 've I will = I 'll 6174105-74295447040-66040 ???? ?????? State of Kuwait ????? ??????? Ministry of Education ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Jahra Educational Zone??????? ????? ???? ?????????? E.L.T. Supervision????? ??????? 2013/2014Scholastic Year 2013/2014 ???? ?????? Grade 5New Fun With EnglishSpelling - 2ndPeriod ????? ??????? - ?????? ???????? ???????cloth16700568580mobile phone381000190524257067945blow16700559690road323850116840scary24257059690snow26225541275storybook238125107950writertruck2425704127516700541910car light14287580010dust storm24257041910think?????? ???????? ??????? period Short and Long Forms /Combinations 2nddon’t = do not snow+ ing =snowing could not = couldn’t careful +ly =carefully It’s = It is arrive+ ed =arrived Have+ing = having *???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????? ???????? .6174105-74295447040-66040 ???? ?????? State of Kuwait ????? ??????? Ministry of Education ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Jahra Educational Zone??????? ????? ???? ?????????? E.L.T. Supervision????? ??????? 2013/2014Scholastic Year 2013/2014 ???? ??????Grade5New Fun With EnglishSpelling - 3rdPeriod ????? ??????? - ?????? ???????? ???????13842944140treasuresailor3238507810534734574930compass13842978740historian25717578740coin65214575565bottle35750428575pointrunner2571753175016637031750piano35750551435muscles29527510160heart9969514605temple?????? ???????? ??????? period Short and Long Forms /Combinations 3rd swim + ing=swimming write + ing=writing haven't = have notrun +er = runner I am = I'm stretch +s = stretches She is = She's* ???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ??????? .6174105-74295447040-66040 ???? ?????? State of Kuwait ????? ??????? Ministry of Education ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Jahra Educational Zone??????? ????? ???? ?????????? E.L.T. Supervision????? ??????? 2013/2014Scholastic Year 2013/2014 ???? ?????? Grade 5New Fun With EnglishSpelling 4th Period ????? ??????? - ?????? ???????? ???????6223068580shelf142875163830meal9969668580windowgums119380596907620059690fillings3302059690car park-4445-6350scientist266700146050dentist18542069850dictionary29083051435light14287551435medicine9969551435Take off?????? ???????? ??????? Short and Long Forms /Combinations 4th period spell + ed = spelled can't = can notcome + ing = coming We're = We are family + s = families that is = that's filling +s = fillings You have = You've *???? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ??????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????? ??????? ???????? .6174105-74295447040-66040 ???? ?????? State of Kuwait ????? ??????? Ministry of Education ??????? ?????? ?????? ??????? ????????? Jahra Educational Zone??????? ????? ???? ?????????? E.L.T. Supervision????? ??????? 2013/2014Scholastic Year 2013/2014 ???? ?????? Grade 5New Fun With EnglishSpelling -2ndSession????? ??????? -????? ?????? / ???? ????? ????233680106680heart4762568580dining room34734568580windowscientist300355-26035419100116840mobile phone394970116840scarymuscles29083041275266700146050dentist252095136525truck30035551435light41910051435medicinerunner34734551435????? – ????? ?????? / ???? ????? ????Combination/ Short and Long Forms 2nd Session Shop +ing =shopping wouldn't=would notbaby + s = babies that is = that's learn + ed= learned They are = They'rewrite +er =writer???? ?????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ?????? . ................

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