Annexure D - Namibia Qualifications Authority

Annexure E




Tel: 384100 Private Bag 13247

Fax: 384114 Windhoek

Application for the Registration of Qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework

|This submission covers these qualifications | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

This is a submission of ( new qualifications ( qualifications for re-registration

|Name of body responsible for developing these| |

|qualifications | |

|Name of contact person | |

|Position | |

|Postal address | |

| | |

|Email | |

|Telephone | |Fax | |

The following documents have been attached to this submission:

Rationale for the qualifications ( Yes ( No ( NQA check

Evidence of national support ( Yes ( No ( NQA check

Quality assurance checklist ( Yes ( No ( NQA check

|The preferred review date for these | |

|qualifications is | |

|Signature of contact person | |

|Date | |

Checklist for the Quality Assurance of Qualifications

|Name of body responsible: | |

|Qualification Titles | |

|(show Reference Numbers if the | |

|qualifications are being reviewed) | |

| | |

| |Checked by |Tick box for compliance, or include explanatory comments and expand in |

| | |covering letter if required |

|Requirement |Body |NQA |Comments |

|GENERAL | | | |

|There is a clear and justified purpose for | | | |

|the qualification | | | |

|The content of the qualification aligns with | | | |

|the rationale and is consistent with the | | | |

|title | | | |

|The contents of the document are internally | | | |

|coherent, make sense and are simply stated | | | |

|Broad as well as specific outcomes are | | | |

|included | | | |

|Language is clear and does not present | | | |

|potential barriers to access | | | |

|Text is free from typographical, grammatical,| | | |

|and punctuation errors (publishable quality) | | | |

|& meets current formatting requirements | | | |

|SPECIFICS | | | |

|1.Rationale | | | |

|The purpose of the qualification is | | | |

|elaborated | | | |

|There is evidence of sector wide support for | | | |

|the qualification and its structure | | | |

| |Checked by |Tick box for compliance, or include explanatory comments and expand in |

| | |covering letter if required |

|Requirement |Body |NQA |Comments |

|2. Type of Qualification | | | |

|The qualification fits the outcome, credit | | | |

|and level requirements for the relevant type | | | |

|of qualification on the NQF. | | | |

|3. Qualification Structure | | | |

|The total number of credits is shown | | | |

|Credits are shown for each Level | | | |

|Credits by level are shown for each set (and | | | |

|strand) | | | |

|The arithmetic is correct | | | |

|Other bodies whose unit standards are used | | | |

|are listed (where relevant) | | | |

|4. Title | | | |

|The title is concise, distinctive, | | | |

|appropriate and indicative of the content | | | |

|The title indicates the qualification type | | | |

|The title includes a Classification category | | | |

|The title does not refer to products, | | | |

|organisations or documentation. | | | |

|5. Outcomes | | | |

|The outcome(s) represented by attainment of | | | |

|the whole qualification is stated clearly | | | |

|Component outcomes that make up the | | | |

|qualification are stated | | | |

|The component outcomes are expressed as | | | |

|specifically as possible | | | |

|Details of component outcomes not unit | | | |

|standards are publicly accessible and include| | | |

|criteria for assessment decisions | | | |

|Component outcomes not unit standards are | | | |

|appropriately assigned Levels and credit | | | |

|values | | | |

| |Checked by |Tick box for compliance, or include explanatory comments and expand in |

| | |covering letter if required |

|Requirement |Body |NQA |Comments |

|6. Purpose | | | |

|The purpose statement is consistent with the | | | |

|rationale | | | |

|Explanation for any strands or optional sets | | | |

|is provided | | | |

|Significant relationships with other | | | |

|qualifications are identified | | | |

|Entry restrictions are clear and the reason | | | |

|for restricted access given | | | |

|Guidance to potential graduates is clear. | | | |

|Registration or licensing requirements | | | |

|additional to the qualification are stated | | | |

|7. Qualification Requirements | | | |

|The requirements for the award of the | | | |

|qualification are coherent and simply stated | | | |

|Minimum number of credits and/or unit | | | |

|standards and/or outcomes are shown for each | | | |

|set | | | |

|Other maximum and minimum credit or level | | | |

|requirements are shown | | | |

|The qualification sets are shown in a | | | |

|sensible and logical order | | | |

|The components of each set are shown in a | | | |

|sensible and logical order | | | |

|All listed unit standards are currently | | | |

|registered | | | |

|Id, title, credit and level are shown for | | | |

|listed unit standards | | | |

|Unit standards are grouped by Classification | | | |

|category and listed in numeric order within | | | |

|each category | | | |

|Unit standards are listed before non-unit | | | |

|standard components | | | |

|Classification categories are listed in | | | |

|alphabetical order | | | |

|Credit transfer represents not more than 50% | | | |

|of the qualification requirements | | | |

| |Checked by |Tick box for compliance, or include explanatory comments and expand in |

| | |covering letter if required |

|Requirement |Body |NQA |Comments |

|8. Special Arrangements | | | |

|Special arrangements for assessment are | | | |

|given, and include arrangements for external | | | |

|quality assurance | | | |

|Special arrangements for delivery of | | | |

|programmes are given | | | |

|Special arrangements do not represent | | | |

|unreasonable barriers | | | |

|9. Transition Arrangements | | | |

|Transition arrangements are in place to | | | |

|protect learners currently working towards an| | | |

|existing qualification | | | |

|Transition arrangements are in place to | | | |

|protect learner interests following the | | | |

|review of the qualification or its component | | | |

|unit standards | | | |

|The transition arrangements treat learners | | | |

|fairly | | | |

|10. Body Responsible | | | |

|Name shown is that recognised by NQA | | | |

|On behalf of Body | |On behalf of NQA | |

| | | | |

|Checked by | |Checked by: | |

| | | | |

|Date checked | |Date checked: | |

To be submitted for the Re-registration of qualifications only

| |Checked by |Tick box for compliance, or include explanatory comments and expand in |

| | |covering letter if required |

| |Body |NQA |Comments |


|Outlines the review process | | | |

|Provides rationale for, and summary of, the | | | |

|major changes | | | |

|Includes a summary of main changes to the | | | |

|content and/or structure of the qualification| | | |

|Outlines transition arrangements | | | |

|On behalf of Body | |On behalf of NQA | |

| | | | |

|Checked by | |Checked by: | |

| | | | |

|Date checked | |Date checked: | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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