Office of the Minister


Date: 28.11.2018



The Minister for Education Hon Nick Kuman, MP has acknowledged and commended the students, teachers, principals, provincial and national education authorities for their support in completing the national examinations without any major incidences of mal-practices.

"I am really happy that this year is the second year that we have not had any major incidences of cheating or other mal-practices reported. Misconduct, deception and other forms of unethical behaviors are not condoned by my Ministry. We have given attention to eliminate cheating and bring credibility to the national examination system over the last few years, and I am pleased that we have made a turnaround", the minister stated.

The Minister said that there are quality control measures already in place for a number of years now to curb cheating which include the marking process, moderation of internal and external marks and security from the writing of the exam to packing and distribution to schools.

Meanwhile, the Minister announced the online release of national examinations results for grades 10 and 12. A total of 72,012 Grade 10 students in 328 High/Secondary Schools and 30,662 Grade 12 students in 170 Secondary/NHS Schools will now have access to their final examination results.


The students and parents can access their results by accessing the website:

through a browser on their Computer/ Laptop/ Tablet/ Mobile.

Alternatively, they can even access the result through a Mobile APP on their smart phone which can be downloaded on their Android Smart Phones by typing 'Exam Results PNG' on Google Play Store.

Students and parents can access the application through web or mobile, the Provision to input the search criterion for extracting the exam results based on Surname, GivenName, GivenName+middleName, and SLF Number as per the records of the department with 2018 at the front.

This service portal is accessible 24 x 7 with integrated data control and supervisory algorithms for the duration endorsed by the department of Education and shall be made available to employees in the near future who would like to confirm academic results with what is on the certificate during recruitment.

I appreciate the true efforts placed by the Measurement Services Division and the technology service provider PureMath Solutions under the leadership of the Secretary for Education Dr. Uke Kombra for achieving this benchmark which should bring us on par with the latest technology to enable us to improve communications with students and parents regarding their examination results.

"I am happy to announce that this application is part of the quality reforms we have introduced to improve the examination and selection processes and also our communication with the students and parents regarding their examination results," the Minister said.

Authorized by: ..................................................... HON. NICK KUMAN, MP Minister for Education



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