Secondary Schools Drama Association

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


The Caribbean Secondary Schools’ Drama Association (CSSDA)

(represented by Mr. Anderson La Barrie, President)


The Theatre Arts Schools’ Association (TASA) of St. Lucia and The Ministry of Education, Innovation, Gender Relation and Sustainable Development (MoEIGRSD)

(represented by Mrs. Michelle Theobalds & Ms. Kentilla Louis)

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) sets the terms and understanding between the CSSDA, the TASA of St. Lucia and MoEIGRSD to host the Caribbean Secondary Schools’ Drama Festival (CSSDF) in November 2019.


The Caribbean Secondary Schools’ Drama Association believes in partnering with interested Caribbean territories with the hope of encouraging the development and sharing of quality Theatre Art across the region. It is also an opportune time for persons within the region to be exposed to the best of secondary school’s theatre and encourage cultural exchange while providing exposure to all theatre-interested students.


This MOU will:

• Outline the rules for hosting the 2019 CSSDF

• Identify the expectations of the CSSDA

• Outline the division of funding as agreed upon by the CSSDA (June 2018)

The above goals will be accomplished by undertaking the following activities:

• Monthly communication with the President of the CSSDA and a representative of the TASA and MoEIGRSD.

• Open communication with other members of the CSSDA, TASA and MoEIGRSD through available social media platforms.


The Host Country through the MoEIGRSD will:

• Be responsible for sending out official invites for participation to the Caribbean countries. Invitations must be sent at least 12 months in advance of the festival.

• Determine structure of the festival, making it unique to their context (TASA will assist).

• Submit a first draft of the schedule of the festival six months prior to the festival for review and final approval of the CSSDA

• Advertise locally and encourage the promotion of the festival as approved by the CSSDA festival committee.

• Be responsible for all promotional artwork of the festival. This must be approved by the CSSDA before distribution

• Use the official CSSDA Facebook page and Instagram accounts for promotion, in addition to other forums. Media for promotion on the official sites must be sent to the CSSDA Public Relations Officer who will remain the administrator of these accounts.

• Nominate a local adjudicator and provide with a detailed biography (TASA must approve).

• Attempt to provide large props for performances (e.g. chairs, tables, etc.)

• Organize the filming/recording of the performances through video and still photography and distribute these to all participating countries within three months of the festival’s conclusion.

• Provide accommodation for no more than three (3) members of the CSSDA executive.

• Collect all cash related to and have proper accountability of funds to have a fair distribution at the end of the festival.

• Prepare and submit a financial report to the CSSDA no later than three months after the conclusion of the festival.

CSSDA Festival Committee team will:

• Arrange for no more than three (3) members to attend festival. The cost of airfare will be borne by the CSSDA.

• Collate a list of adjudicators, inclusive of relevant bios, for the festival. There must be a total of three (3) adjudicators with one person on the panel who is a member of the host country.

• Assist in marketing the festival through social media or any other available platform to the countries in the Caribbean and beyond. There will be collaboration with the CSSDF host to sync all advertising (TASA must Assist).

The Theatre Arts Schools’ Association (TASA) of St. Lucia will:

• Be responsible for the local selection of the representing school.

• Assist in raising funds


Cash collection is classified as:

- Monies collected from visiting countries

- Money collected from gate receipts except for the charity event (if any)

- Monies collected from sponsorship collected by host country or CSSDA team.

- It will not include donations made by persons who made contributions to the specific countries.

- Note that 90 % of the monies collected will be given to the host country and 10 % to the CSSDA

90% of the monies collected will be used to offset the cost of:

- Payments of hotel, meals, transport, performance venue and staff of the festival committee of the host team.

- Marketing of festival.

- Other related costs of festival.

10% collected is to be used to offset cost:

- For travel expenses of members of the CSSDA not exceeding three (3) members at any one festival or Caribbean meeting/ workshop.

- Payment of stipends of Association members.

- The printing of stationery for the respective communication of countries before any festival/ event.

- Incidentals that may occur with the hosting of events.


Representatives of the CSSDA and the TASA, and MoEIGDE will record and evaluate the effectiveness and adherence to the agreement as determined by all parties.


This MOU is not a commitment of funds and acts as a guide to what is expected by all parties.


This MOU is at-will and may be modified by mutual consent of authorized officials from the CSSDA, TASA and MoEIGRSD. This MOU shall become effective upon signature by the authorized officials from the CSSDA, TASA and Ministry of Education GRID, and will remain in effect until modified or terminated by any one of the partners by mutual consent. In the absence of mutual agreement by the authorized officials from the CSSDA, TASA and MoEIGRSD. This MOU shall end on December 31st, 2019.

Contact Information

Caribbean Secondary Schools’ Drama Association (CSSDA)

Mr. Anderson La Barrie


8 Maripa Circle

Roystonia, Couva

Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

1 (868) 686 6931

E-mail - andelab1@

Theatre Arts Association (TASA) of St. Lucia

Mrs. Michelle Theobalds

President (not sure)

CP 5966,



1(758) 716 2987

E-mail – mtheobalds@

Ministry of Education IGE (St. Lucia)

Ms. Kentilla Louis

Curriculum Officer, Theatre Arts

E-mail – ker_louis@

Date: __________________________

Mr. Anderson La Barrie

Date: __________________________

Mrs. Michelle Theobalds

________________________ Date: __________________________

Ms. Kentila Louis


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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