BY Ministry of Environment & Sustainable …

[Pages:14]Workshop on facilitating the development and long-term sustainability of processes, and the establishment and

maintenance of national technical teams, for the preparation of national communications, including GHG

inventories Bonn, Germany

BY Ministry of Environment & Sustainable Development

MAURITIUS, 20?21 June 2011

Outline of Presentation

! Mauritius ? Profile ! GHG Inventories in Mauritius ! Sectors covered, Methodology and Key Categories Analysis ! Institutional Arrangement ! Constraints and Challenge. ! Ongoing Capacity building Initiative ! Key lessons learnt ! Conclusions

Mauritius - Bird view Profile

Republic of Mauritius

Mainland and a group of small islands (Rodrigues, the Cargados Carajos, Agalega, Tromelin and the Chagos Archipelago).


Port Louis


Total 2,040 km2 ( Mainland Mauritius :1865 km2 )



Per Capita GDP USD 6, 725 (2009)

Key Economic Activities

Tourism (934 K, Rs 39.4 billion, 8.3% of GDP), Textiles and EPZ (19.5% of GDP), Agriculture (3.6 % of GDP) , Financial and Business Services (11.7% of GDP) and other emerging sectors such as ICT, Seafood Hub (1% to GDP) and others


Energy ? 64% and Waste - 27%

Carbon Sink NFP Target

Forest - 6% Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development 35% Renewable by Year 2025 (presently : around 20%)

GHG Inventories in Mauritius

! 1998: First Inventory published in the Climate Change Action Plan (1 page Inventory data ? 1990)

! 1999: Initial National Communication (data for 1995) ! 2011: Finalisation and submission of the Second National

Communication and the Second National Inventory Report (period 2000 to 2006) ! Annual emissions data (as from Yr 2000) published by the Central Statistics Office for

CO2, CH4 , N2O, NOx ,CO , NMVOCs and SO2

Sectors Covered in the IR

! Energy ! Industrial Processes ! Agriculture ! Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry ! Waste

Gases directly contributing to greenhouse effect : CO2, CH4 , N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6

Additional gases that indirectly affect global warming : NOx , CO, NMVOCs, SO2

Approach and Methodology

! Working group set up, Sectoral experts trained ! Collection of activity data ! Selection of emission factors (EFs) based on 1996 IPCC Guidelines +

Appropriate EF developed for the livestock sector. Carbon stock approach for the LULUCF ! Tier 1 and Tier 2 methods applied

? Tier 2 applied in sectors such as Energy industries, Road Transport, Agriculture ? enteric fermentation and manure management, LULUCF (detailed data were available)

? Tier 1 applied in the case of Wastewater and Industrial processes

Methodology (continued)

! Appropriate MS Excel worksheets designed and appropriate data gathered from relevant institutions

! Computation of GHG emissions (UNFCCC software & Excel) ! Key category analysis (Tier 1 & Tier 2 approaches) ! Uncertainty analysis (IPCC 1997; IPCC 2000); QC/QA

procedures were adopted (IPCC 2000); Assessment of completeness made for individual sectors ! Recalculations ? carried out for emissions calculated in previous inventories ! Trend analysis, Report writing, and approval of Government thro' NFP

Key Categories Analysis- Findings

! Energy Sector ! 64.2 % ! Waste Sector ! 27.3 %

Main Contributor to the GHG emissions (2006)

! CO2 ! CH4 ! N2O ! HFCs

? 66.4% ? 28.5% ? 3.8% ? 1.3%

! PFCs ? 0.005%


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