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25th Year No.8 ADDIS ABABA 29th November, 2018


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Proclamation No.1097/2018

Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of .................................

Ethiopia Proclamation.--..................Page 10634





WHEREAS, a government organization that allows the proper exercise of the constitutional powers and duties of the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is necessary;

WHEREAS, such government organization is essential for the success, sustainability and institutionalization of the reform underway in Ethiopia;

WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to redefine the organization, powers and duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;

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NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby Proclaimed as follows.

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Federal Negarit Gazette No. 8, 29th November, 2018 ....page 10635


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1. Short Title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 1097/2018 "


2. Definition

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In this Proclamation, unless the context otherwise requires:

1. "Constitution" means the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

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2. "Regional State" means any state referred to under Article 47 of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and includes the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa City Administrations.

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3. "Council" means the Council of Ministers;

4. Any expression in the masculine gender includes the feminine.





3. Powers and Duties of the Prime Minister

The powers and duties of the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are those defined under Article 74 of the Constitution.


4. Powers and Duties of the Deputy Prime Minister


The powers and duties of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are those defined under Article 75 of the Constitution.


5. Powers and Duties of the Council of Ministers

The powers and duties of the Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia are those defined under Article 77 of the Constitution.


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6. Members of the Council of Ministers

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1. The Council of Ministers shall have the following members: a. the Prime Minister; b. the Deputy Prime Minister;

c. Ministers heading the Ministries specified under Article 9 of this Proclamation; and

d. other Officials to be designated by the Prime Minister.

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2. Where any Minister o f a Ministry referred to in sub- article 1(c) of this Article can not attend the meeting of the Council, the Minister of State of the Ministry shall take part in the meeting of the Council. Where there are more than one ministers of state and no specific delegation has been given by the Minister, the Minister of State who is senior by appointment shall take part in the meeting of the Council.

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7. Meeting Procedure of the Council of Ministers 1. The Council of Ministers shall:

a. have its own internal procedural rules for a proper conduct of its activities;

b. conduct ordinary and extraordinary meetings in accordance with its procedural rules;

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c. have a quorum where more than half of its members are present;

d. pass decisions by consensus, or failing that, by majority vote; where the Council has given an equal number of votes for and against a decision, the Prime Minister shall have the casting vote.

2. The Prime Minister shall: a. without prejudice to the rights of the members of the Council of Ministers to propose agenda items, determine the agenda of the Council;

b. preside over the meetings of the Council;

c. adjourn the meetings of the Council under circumstances where he finds it necessary to refer a matter included in the Council's agenda to the relevant Committee of the Council.


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3. In the absence of the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister shall preside over the meetings of the Council.


8. Standing Committees of the Council of Ministers



1. The Council of Ministers may, with a view to facilitating its functions, establish various standing committees comprising of its members;

2. The powers and duties of the Standing Committees shall be defined in the internal rules of the Council.


PART THREE MINISTRIES 9. Establishment of Ministries


The following ministries are established by this Proclamation: 1. the Ministry of Peace;


2. the Ministry of National Defense;

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3. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; 4. the Ministry of Finance; 5. the Attorney General; 6. the Ministry of Agriculture; 7. the Ministry of Trade and Industry; 8. the Ministry of Innovation and Technology; 9. the Ministry of Transport; 10. the Ministry of Urban Development and

Construction; 11. the Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy; 12. the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum;

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13. the Ministry of Education;

14. the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;

15. the Ministry of Health;


16. the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth;


17. the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs;


18. the Ministry of Culture and Tourism;


19. the Ministry of Revenues.


10. Common Powers and Duties of Ministries


Each ministry shall have the power and duties to:


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Federal Negarit Gazette No. 8, 29th November, 2018 ....page 10638

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1. In its area of jurisdiction: a. undertake research and studies; gather, synthesize, and disseminate information;

b. formulate evidence-based policies;

c. initiate federal laws, and implement the same;

d. work in coordination with other ministries to implement policies of the Federal Government;

e. prepare plans and budgets, and implement same upon approval;

f. undertake capacity building activities; implement, cause the implementation, and ensure the effectiveness of reform and good governance activities;

g. provide, as necessary, assistance and advice to Regional States; and provide coordinated support to Regional States eligible for affirmative support as coordinated by the Ministry of Peace;

h. provide proper support to the develop ment of pastoral and semi-pastoral areas;

i. enter into contracts and international agreements in accordance with law;






2. Direct and coordinate the performances of the executive organs made accountable to it under the laws establishing them or under Article 33 of this Proclamation; review their organizational structures as well as their work programs and budgets, and submit same to the appropriate government organs for approval;

3. Ensure that the policies, laws, development programs and projects it formulates benefit women, children and youth;

4. Create,within the purview of its authority, conditions whereby persons with disabilities, the elderly, and segments of society vulnerable to social and economic problems benefit from equal opportunities and full participation;

5. Exercise the powers and duties given to it under this Proclamation and other laws;

6. Where necessary,delegate part of its powers and duties to other Federal or Regional State Organ;


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