SDDS DQAF Templates

|Romania |

|SDDS - DQAF View |

|Category: Central government debt |


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H.Header data

H.0.1 National Descriptor

[National Descriptor]

| |

H.0.2 Metadata Update date

[Metadata Last Updated]

|      |

H.0.3 SM Update date

[SM Update date]

|      |

H.0.4 Certification date

[Certification date]

|     |

H.0.7 Data category notes

[Data category notes]

|the General Department of Treasury and Public Debt is responsible for reporting general government gross debt. |

0. Prerequisites

0.1 Legal environment

0.1.1 Responsibility for collecting, processing, and disseminating statistics

[Laws and administrative arrangements specifying the responsibility for collecting, processing, and disseminating statistics]

|Ministry of Finance |

|Data on government debt are compiled according to the EU methodology. |

|Article 8 of the GEO no 64/2007 on public debt specifies that: “The Ministry of Finance issues an annual report regarding the|

|government public debt and submits it to the Government for approval. The approved version of the report is sent to the |

|Parliament for information purposes, but no later than June 30 of the year following the year which is reported.” |

|At the Ministry of Finance level, the General Department of Treasury and Public Debt is responsible for the compilation of |

|general government gross debt according to Cooperation Agreement no. 20403/24148 from 2003 concluded between Ministry of |

|Finance and National Institute of Statistics, on the exchange of statistical information |

0.1.2 Data sharing and coordination among data producing agencies

[Data sharing and coordination among data producing agencies are adequate.]

|Central Government debt |

|• the existing good co-operation among MoF, INS, NBR and NCSP, is confirmed by the results of the Working Group established |

|for the compilation of the Reporting of Government Deficits and Debt Levels since 2001; |

|• there is a Cooperation Agreement no. 20403/24148 from 2003 concluded between Ministry of Finance and National Institute of|

|Statistics, on the exchange of statistical information |

0.1.3 Confidentiality of individual reporters' data

[Measures ensuring individual reporters’ data are kept confidential and used for statistical purposes only.]

|Ministry of Finance |

|The law no.182/2002 protects the confidentiality of the classified data |

|„ART.2:(1) The right to access public information is guaranteed by law. |

|(2) Access to classified information is allowed only in the cases, under the conditions and in compliance with the procedures|

|provided by the law” |

0.1.4 Ensuring statistical reporting

[Legal mandates and/or measures to require or encourage statistical reporting.]

|The central government debt is posted on the MoF |

|webpage:  |

0.2 Resources

0.2.1 Staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing

[Staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing for statistical programs currently available as well as what would be required for programmed statistical outputs.]

|Central Government Debt |

|i. Staff resources for compiling the statistics are adequate to perform required tasks. |

|Overall, the number of staff is adequate to perform the required tasks. The qualifications of the staff are adequate, with |

|their skills maintained and developed to perform the required tasks. A core staff with adequate training is maintained and |

|staff turnover is manageable. |

|• Office building provide adequate working facilities (e.g., lighting, heat, and cooling). |

|• Office furniture and equipment (e.g., desks, chairs filing cabinets, telephones, and related equipment) are adequate to |

|perform required tasks. |

|• Transportation arrangements (e.g., for data collection) are adequate. |

|ii. Computing resources for compiling the statistics are adequate to perform required tasks. |

|Overall, sufficient resources are allocated and best efforts are made to exploit the full potential of effective computing |

|technology for compiling and disseminating the statistical series. |

|Software utilized for compiling and analyzing the statistical series is effective, periodically updated, and well adapted to |

|perform existing and emerging tasks. |

|Hardware is distributed adequately to facilitate the efficient collection and processing of data, and management of |

|databases. |

|Adequate protection is provided for computer resources. |

|iii. Physical facilities and other resources are adequate to perform required tasks. |

|• Office building provide adequate working facilities (e.g., lighting, heat, and cooling). |

|• Office furniture and equipment (e.g., desks, chairs filing cabinets, telephones, and related equipment) are adequate to |

|perform required tasks |

|iv. Funding for compiling the statistics is adequate to perform required tasks. |

|Funding is reasonably secure for the identified needs of the statistical program. Budgeting practices provide clear |

|information to financing authorities (e.g., when reviewing priorities for improvements, cutbacks, or increase in certain |

|elements of programs). The funding horizon is amendable to planning for statistical developments (e.g., over a two-to-three |

|year period). |

0.2.2 Ensuring efficient use of resources

[Measures implemented to ensure efficient use of resources.]

|Central government debt |

|Management ensures that resources are used efficiently. |

|Periodic reviews of staff performance are conducted |

0.3 Relevance

0.3.1 Monitoring user requirements

[How the relevance and practical utility of existing statistics in meeting users’ needs are monitored.]

|Central government debt |

|Statistical data are primarily produced in connection with requirements arising from the statistical laws, EU directives and |

|international agreements. |

0.4 Quality management

0.4.1 Quality policy

[Processes in place to focus on quality.]

|Central Government Debt |

|The system of official statistics follows international and European quality standards. |

|Management is sensitive to all dimensions of data quality, and promotes a shared concern for quality throughout the |

|organization (e.g., mission statement emphasizes importance of quality, managers are held accountable for achieving quality).|

|Staff training programs emphasize the importance of quality and give staff an understanding as to how quality may be |

|achieved. |

|The organization provides an infrastructure for quality by recognizing trade-offs, economies of scale, and interrelations |

|between datasets. |

|The organization has implemented externally recognized processes or activities that focus on quality (e.g., quality |

|initiatives within the European Statistical System, and independent evaluations). |

|Information is publicly available on the organization’s commitment to quality, including information about trade-offs |

|affecting the statistical work program. |

0.4.2 Quality monitoring

[Processes in place to monitor the quality of the statistical program.

|Central Government Debt |

|Measures are in place for a systematic monitoring and review of quality. |

|Monitoring processes are in place to inform managers on the quality achieved for ongoing statistical activities (e.g., |

|response rates, editing rates, revisions history, timeliness evaluations). |

|Compiling areas have access to expert guidance on the quality of their statistics and on strategies for improving data |

|production. |

|Periodic reviews are undertaken to identify steps necessary to maintain quality requirements. |

|In planning the statistical program, quality issues (including implicit and explicit trade-offs among the dimensions of |

|quality) are considered. |

|Quality issues, such as the following, are addressed explicitly and taken into account in the work program planning process: |

|quality improvements identified during ongoing monitoring and in periodic reviews; |

|feedback from users on quality standards and on new and emerging data requirements; and |

|trade-offs among the dimensions of quality (e.g., resources availability, timeliness, and accuracy/reliability). |

0.4.3 Quality planning

[Processes in place to deal with quality considerations in planning the statistical program.]

1. Integrity

1.1 Professionalism

1.1.1 Impartiality of statistics

[Measures to promote impartiality in production of statistics.]

|Central Government Debt |

|One of the fundamental principles on which official statistics are based is impartiality, as stated in Article 5 of Law |

|226/2009: |

|"Impartiality - Statistics must be developed, developed and disseminated in a neutral way and all users must be treated |

|equally" |

|The Law no.226/2009 on the official organization and functioning of statistics in Romania, with all its subsequent amendments|

|and updates stipulate the professional independence by, for example: |

|addressing the general need for the professional independence of the data producing agency (e.g., the importance of |

|professional independence in carrying statistical functions is clearly stated and recognized); |

|prohibiting interference from others, including other government agencies, in the compilation and/or dissemination of |

|statistical information. |

|In the MoPF the staff from General Directorate of Treasury and Public Debt report the public debt statistics, in accordance |

|with the provisions of the Law no. 226/2009 on the official organization and functioning of statistics in Romania. |

|Professionalism is actively promoted and supported within the organization. |

|Recruitment and promotion are based on relevant aptitude and/or expertise in statistics (e.g., sampling techniques or in the |

|subject matter area). |

|Formal (using internal National Training Centre in Statistics, Public Finance School and outside experts) and on-the-job |

|training in the methodology and compilation methods is provided, including participation in seminars, courses, and workshops |

|arranged by regional and international organizations (EUROSTAT, FMI, CEF) to further knowledge of statistical practices and |

|providing easy access to professional literature. |

|Processes and activities in the workplace promote a culture of professionalism (e.g., by professional accreditation of staff,|

|peer review of statistical work, recognition of authors of methodological papers, organization of lectures and conferences, |

|and the institutional support of professional bodies). |

1.1.2 Selection of sources, methodology, and modes of dissemination

[Selection of sources, methodology, and modes of dissemination.]

|Central Government Debt |

|Choices of sources and statistical techniques as well as decisions about dissemination are communicated only by statistical |

|considerations. |

|i. The choices of data sources and statistical techniques are comunicated only by statistical considerations. |

|The choice of source data (e.g., among surveys, between surveys and administrative records, or between collected data and |

|administrative records) is based on measurement objectives and data requirements. |

|ii. Decisions about dissemination are communicated only by statistical considerations. |

|Decisions to disseminate data are based solely on statistical considerations. |

|Decisions about the timing, media, and other aspects of dissemination are based solely on statistical considerations. |

1.1.3 Commenting on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics

[Entitlement to, opportunity for, and historical frequency of, comment on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics by the appropriate statistical entity.]

|Central Government Debt |

|The General Department of Treasury and Public Debt seeks to prevent misinterpretation or misuse of statistics by providing |

|explanatory materials and briefings (e.g., to the media). |

|There is a formal policy or well-established custom to deal with data misinterpretations or misuse of statistics. |

|The data producing agency |

|• monitors media coverage of its data (“clipping service”), and comments publicly and in a timely manner on erroneous |

|interpretations or misuse of the statistics in the media and in other fora. |

1.2 Transparency

1.2.1 Disclosure of terms and conditions for statistical collection, processing, and dissemination

[Disclosure of terms and conditions for statistical collection, processing, and dissemination.]

|Ministry of Finance |

|The central government debt is posted on the MoF |

|webpage:  |

1.2.2 Internal governmental access to statistics prior to release

[Disclosure of Internal governmental access to statistics prior to their release.]

|Ministry of Finance |

|No government official outside the Ministry of Finance has access to the data before release to the public |

1.2.3 Attribution of statistical products

[Identification of statistical agencies/units producing disseminated statistics.]

|In the MoF the staff from General Directorate of Treasury and Public Debt produce and disseminated statistics data and report|

|the public debt statistics, in accordance with to the provisions of the Law no. 226/2009 on the official organization and |

|functioning of statistics in Romania. |

1.2.4 Advance notice of major changes in methodology, source data, and statistical techniques.

[Advance notice of major changes in methodology, source data, and statistical techniques.]

|Central Government Debt |

|Any methodological changes are explained in the MF's Monthly Bulletin. The public is informed of major methodological changes|

|when data are published in the MF's Monthly Bulletin. |

|Any methodological changes are explained in the MF's Monthly Bulletin. The public is informed of major methodological changes|

|when data are published in the MF's Monthly Bulletin |

|Notice of major changes in methodology is provided together with the data at the time when changes are implemented. The |

|metadata are regularly revised. |

1.3 Ethical standards

1.3.1 Guidelines for staff behavior

[Measures implementing and enforcing guidelines for staff behavior.]

|Central Government Debt |

|i. A clear set of ethical standards has been prepared. |

|There are clear guidelines outlining correct behavior when the agency or its staff are confronted with potential conflict of |

|interest situations. |

|There are clear guidelines that make the connection between ethics and staff work (e.g., with respect to guarding against |

|misuse and misrepresentation of statistics (see also 1.1.3)). |

|ii. Staff are made aware of the ethical standards. |

|Management acknowledges its status as a role model and is vigilant in following the standards. |

|New staff are made aware of the standards when they join the organization. |

|Staff are reminded periodically of the standards (e.g., in staff training, announcements to staff, or by requiring staff to |

|periodically reaffirm ethical practices or adhere to conflict of interest policy). |

2. Methodology

2.1 Concepts and definitions

2.1.1 Concepts and definitions

[Degree to which the overall structure of concepts and definitions follows internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.]

| |

|Definition: Government debt is defined as the outstanding stock of direct liabilities of the government to the rest of the |

|economy and the rest of the world. |

|Government guaranteed debt is defined as the outstanding stock of non-government liabilities for which the government accepts|

|the liability in case of default of the original debtor. |

|Debt statistics are consistent with the definition adopted in the Protocol on the Excessive Deficit Procedure of the |

|Maastricht Treaty (following the methodology stated in Council Regulation (EC) No 479/2009; usually known as Maastricht |

|debt). This definition does not include financial derivatives; shares and other equities; insurance, pension and standardized|

|guarantee schemes; and other accounts payable. |

|SNA2008/ESA 2010 criteria are adopted to identify general government units as well as debt instruments. The concepts set out |

|in the SNA2008 are harmonized with those of Public Sector Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users 2011 and Government|

|Finance Statistics Manual 2014. |

2.2 Scope

2.2.1 Scope Scope of the data

[Scope of the data.]

| |

|Institutional coverage:  These data comprise all debt incurred by the central government authorities, as The Public Debt|

|Law of Romania No. 64/2007. |

|Data on central government debt are compiled under the terms of EU methodology (ESA2010). |

| |

|Instrument coverage: The central government debt includes currency and deposits, securities on short and medium and long|

|term, loans on short and medium and long term., External debt includes the external credits on lent by the government to|

|economic agents, the external credits contracted by line ministries and guaranteed by the state and also the guaranteed |

|loans of companies for which the MFP paid from risk fund for 3 years the installments as guarantor. | Exceptions to coverage

[Exceptions to coverage.]

|In the internal central government debt, the loans from the availabilities of state treasury general account are not |

|included, but include the balances of the economic agents in the state treasury general account. | Unrecorded activity

[Unrecorded activity.]

|Not the case |

2.3 Classification/sectorization

2.3.1 Classification/sectorization

[Broad consistency of classification/sectorization systems used with internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.]

|The central government sector and its subsectors are defined in accordance with the ESA 2010 guidelines and the ESA 2010 |

|Manual on Government Deficit and Debt, which are also consistent with the 2008 SNA and GFSM 2014. |

|Classification: |

|The central government debt liabilities (excluding equity) includes: |

|- Domestic debt, short and long-term and |

|- Foreign debt also short and long-term. |

|By type of instrument: |

|- Currency and deposits |

|- Securities other than shares |

|- Loans |

|- Insurance technical reserves |

|- Financial derivatives |

|- Other accounts receivable |

|Sector classification of units is checked on yearly basis and changed, if necessary. One of the priorities of the MoF is to |

|keep GFS data and sector accounts consistent as far as sector delimitation is concerned |

2.4 Basis for recording

2.4.1 Valuation

[Types of prices (market, historical, administrative, basic, purchasers’, producer, etc.) used to value flows and stocks.]

|Valuation practices: The value of foreign debt in domestic currency terms is calculated by using the market exchange rate for|

|these currencies as of the end of the month. |

2.4.2 Recording basis

[Degree to which recording meets requirements for accrual accounting.]

|Accounting practices: Domestic and foreign debt data are recorded on an accrual basis. |

|Data are expressed in millions of national currencies. The accounting year (fiscal year) is the calendar year. |

2.4.3 Grossing/netting procedures

[Broad consistency of grossing/netting procedures with internationally accepted standards, guidelines, or good practices.]

| |

|The MFP follows the rules set by the regulation (ESA2010). |

3. Accuracy and reliability

3.1 Source data

3.1.1 Source data collection programs

[Comprehensiveness of source data from administrative and survey data collection programs, and appropriateness of the collection modality for country-specific conditions.]

| |

|Data sources: the central government debt data are produced and processed by the Treasury General Public Debt Directorate. |

|Data for financial institutions classified as government units are transmitted and reported by these units under MoF’s |

|website application. |

3.1.2 Source data definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording

[Degree to which source data approximate the definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording required (as described in 2.1.1-2.4.3).]

|Debt instruments included in central government debt: |

|Currency and deposits (AF22) |

|In central government debt, there are reported the balances of economic agents accounts (availabilities) opened in State |

|treasury accounts and the treasury certificates issued by the Ministry of Finance for individuals until 2003 and not redeem |

|by individuals until present (as deposits). |

| |

|Debt Securities (AF 3) |

|The Ministry of Finance issues treasury bills (with the original maturity less than 1 year and issued with discount) and long|

|–term bonds (with initial maturity more than 1 year, issued with coupon and discount/premium) on domestic market but also |

|Eurobonds on international capital market (long –term securities issued with coupon and when they are reopened with discount |

|or premium). According to national legislation (the GEO no 64/2007 on public debt) only the Ministry of Finance is authorized|

|to issue debt at central level and due to this, no other central government units have issued any debt securities or |

|contracted loans. |

| |

|Loans (AF4) |

|The instruments under this position are: |

|- loans contracted directly by the Ministry of Finance |

|- loans contracted by companies and guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance which are repaid from state budget and classified |

|as government debt at inception; |

|- repeated called guaranteed loans according to Eurostat methodology at central and local level; |

|- until 2012 financial leasing. |

|- loans contracted by companies and guaranteed by the Ministry of Finance which are repaid from state budget and classified |

|as government debt at inception; |

|- repeated called guaranteed loans according to Eurostat methodology at central level; |

|The companies reclassified in central government subsector have contracted also loans from the financial institutions. |

| |

|The Ministry of Finance, through the General Directorate of Treasury and Public Debt, calculates the central government debt |

|using the financial statements issued by General Division of Public Accountant and Settlement System in Public Sector having |

|in view that according to national legislation the Ministry of Finance has information for all debt instruments contracted |

|directly or guaranteed by the Government, through the Ministry of Finance as well as the reports beneficiaries of on- lending|

|(debt contracted by Government and on-lent them) or repeated called guarantees issued by Government (for repeated called |

|guarantees – 3 times in line) in accordance with the provisions of GEO no 64/2007on public debt. |

|The companies reclassified in central government sub-sector, report to the Ministry of Finance their debt on a monthly basis,|

|in accordance with the MoF Order no 2873/2016 on the settlement of the reporting procedure of economic and financial |

|indicators by economic agents reclassified in S1311 while the companies reclassified in local government sub-sector also |

|report their debt to the Ministry of Finance. |

|The National Bank of Romania (the Statistic Department) reports to the General Directorate of Treasury and Public Debt (GDTPD|

|- MoF) the level of the holdings of the government securities by the residence criterion (domestic and external) and the |

|GDTPD adjusts the stock of government issuances with these amounts. |

| |

|The Ministry of Finance, through General Division of Treasury and Public Debt collects the debt data, and calculates central |

|government debt. |

| |

3.1.3 Source data timeliness

[Source data timeliness relative to what is required for producing statistical outputs whose timeliness meets applicable data standard (SDDS requirements or GDDS recommendations).]

|• If source data are not available on time (especially for the current year) estimations are made on the basis of previous |

|results. The estimated data are replaced by the actual data when available. |

|• Consolidation: Debt data are not consolidated. |

3.2 Assessment of source data

3.2.1 Source data assessment

[Routine assessment of source data—including censuses, sample surveys, and administrative records (e.g., for coverage, sample error, response error, and nonsampling error); whether assessment results are monitored; how results are used to guide statistical processes.]

|According to Law no. 94/1992 republished on the organization and functioning of the Court of Accounts (Auditors) is the only |

|institution responsible for certifying the accuracy and veracity of the data from the execution account. |

|Sub -sectors S1311 are annually audited by the Court of Accounts. |

|For business accounts according to the Accounting Law no.82/1991, Article 34, paragraph 1 and 2, the annual financial |

|statements of public legal persons are financially audited. The financial audit is performed by auditors, whether individual |

|or legal persons authorized by law. |

3.3 Statistical techniques

3.3.1 Source data statistical techniques

[Statistical techniques in data compilation to deal with data sources (e.g., to align them with target concepts from 2.1.1).]

| |

| Other changes in the stock of debt: No adjustments are made to data derived from primary sources. |

|If source data are not available on time (especially for the current year) estimations are made on the basis of previous |

|results. The estimated data are replaced by the actual data when available. |

3.3.2 Other statistical procedures

[Statistical techniques employed in other statistical procedures (e.g., data adjustments and transformations, and statistical analysis).]

|Data adjustments are carried out in compliance with the ESA methodology. |

3.4 Data validation

3.4.1 Validation of intermediate results

[Assessment and investigation of statistical discrepancies in intermediate data.]

|During the compilation process, yearly changes in relative and absolute terms are verified. |

3.4.2 Assessment of intermediate data

[Assessment and investigation of statistical discrepancies in intermediate data.]

|Intermediate data are assessed during the production process. The source data is compared with counterpart information. |

3.4.3 Assessment of discrepancies and other problems in statistical outputs

[Investigation of statistical discrepancies and other potential indicators of problems in statistical outputs.]

|In the context of the compilation process intermediate results are assessed by reconciling the basic source data and the |

|final results. In case discrepancies are detected these are further investigated and clarified. |

3.5 Revision studies

3.5.1 Revision studies and analyses

[Periodicity with which studies and analyses of revisions are carried out; whether and how they are used internally to inform statistical processes (see also 4.3.3).]

|The data are preliminary when first released, and are revised quarterly and annually. |

4. Serviceability

4.1 Periodicity and timeliness

4.1.1 Periodicity

[Periodicity of statistical outputs relative to applicable dissemination standard (SDDS requirement or GDDS recommendation).]

|Quarterly |

| |

4.1.2 Timeliness

[Timeliness of statistical outputs relative to applicable dissemination standard (SDDS requirement or GDDS recommendation).]

|No later than 4 months. |

4.2 Consistency

4.2.1 Internal consistency

[Consistency of statistics within the dataset.]

|Internal consistency within the dataset is ensured. Quarterly data are fully consistent with published annual data – EDP data|

|published in April and October on NIS web site (these data are submitted to Eurostat at the end of March and September). |

4.2.2 Temporal consistency

[Consistency or reconcilability of statistics over a reasonable period of time.]

|Time series on quarterly government gross debt are consistent with annual time series on government debt. Time series data |

|concerning central government debt for SDDS Plus cover the period starting with 4st quarter 2011. |

4.2.3 Intersectoral and cross-domain consistency

[Consistency or reconcilability of statistics with those obtained through other data sources and/or statistical frameworks.]

|The data are preliminary when first released, and are revised quarterly and annually. |

4.3 Revision

4.3.1 Revision schedule

[Transparency and regularity of revision schedule.]

|Data are provisional when first released. They can be revised in the subsequent two years; after which they are considered as|

|finalized. When revisions occur outside the regular cycle they are communicated to the public. |

4.3.2 Identification of preliminary and/or revised data

[Identification of preliminary and/or revised data.]

|The data is reviewed annually after the verification and certification by the Court of Accounts (Auditors). |

|According to Law no. 94/1992 republished on the organization and functioning of the Court of Accounts (Auditors) is the only |

|institution responsible for certifying the accuracy and veracity of the data from the execution account. |

4.3.3 Dissemination of revision studies and analyses

[Dissemination of revision studies and analyses (see also 3.5.1).]

|The data are preliminary when first released, and are revised quarterly and annually. |

5. Accessibility

5.1 Data

5.1.1 Statistical presentation

[Statistics are presented in a way that facilitates proper interpretation and meaningful comparisons (layout and clarity of text, tables, and charts).]

| Central government debt data are disseminated in millions of national currency for the following breakdowns: |

|· by type of instruments (currency and deposits, debt securities and loans), |

|· by currency (domestic or foreign), |

|· by residence of the creditor (domestic or external). |

5.1.2 Dissemination media and format Hard copy - New release

[Hard copy - New release.]

|• Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin |

|Monthly Bulletin (MoF, in Romanian and English) |

|Ministry of Finance |

|15 Libertatii Street |

|Bucharest 5, Romania |

|• Electronic - On-line bulletin or data |

|MoF: . | Hard copy - Weekly bulletin

[Hard copy - Weekly bulletin.]

|Not the case | Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin

[Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin.]

|Monthly Bulletin (MoF, in Romanian and English) |

|Ministry of Finance |

|15 Libertatii Street |

|Bucharest 5, Romania | Hard copy - Quarterly bulletin

[Hard copy - Quarterly bulletin.]

|Monthly Bulletin (MoF, in Romanian and English) |

|Ministry of Finance |

|15 Libertatii Street |

|Bucharest 5, Romania | Hard copy - Other

[Hard copy - Other.]

|Not the case | Electronic - On-line bulletin or data

[Electronic - On-line bulletin or data.]

|MoF: | Electronic - Other

[Electronic - Other.]

|Not the case |

5.1.3 Advance release calendar

[Pre-announcement of the release schedule for statistics.]

|An advance release calendar, which shows the precise release dates for the coming months, is sent to the National Institute |

|of Statistics to be uploaded to the IMF website. |

| |

|An advance release calendar, which gives one-quarter ahead notice of the precise release dates, is also disseminated on the |

|Internet on the IMF's Data Dissemination Bulletin Board (). | ARC Note

[ARC Note.]

|The calendar data for the dissemination of information is established after the quarterly publication of the data by |

|EUROSTAT - Quarter news release (respectively in January, April, July and October) |

5.1.4 Simultaneous release

[Degree to which statistics are made available to all users at the same time, and modalities used to achieve this.]

|Quarterly data on central government debt are available to all users simultaneously at the time of release via the website of|

|the Ministry of Finance. Data are also available later in hard copy in the MoF's Monthly Bulletin. |

5.1.5 Dissemination on request

[Dissemination on request of unpublished but non-confidential statistics.]

|Data are available on request in hard copy from the contact person. |

5.2 Metadata

5.2.1 Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques

[Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques, including annotation of differences from internationally accepted standards, guidelines.]

|The data are calculated conform UE methodology bases ESA 2010 Manual. |

|The data source is the collection and processing of primary data from computer databases used by the General Treasury and |

|Public Debt Department. |

|The table is according to Public Sector Debt Statistics Guide 2011 and GFS 2014 Manual. |

5.2.2 Disseminated level of detail

[Customization of detail and format of tables for the target groups of users.]

|Not the case |

5.3 Assistance to users

5.3.1 Dissemination of information on contact points

[Dissemination of information on contact points for each subject field.]

|Data on central government debt are published quarterly in the MoF's bulletin prepared by the General Directorate of |

|Treasury and Public Debt, which are available on the Ministry of Finance’s website |

5.3.2 Availability of documents and services catalogs

[Dissemination of catalogs of publications, documents, and other services, including information on any charges.]

|Not the case |

Contact Person(s):

[Please provide information below as relevant]

|Contact 1 |

|Applies To: |Base page |Summary Page |Dissemination Page |

|Prefix/First Name/Last Name: |Mrs. |Mihaela |Demetriuc |

|Title: |Had of division |

|Unit: |      |

|Division: |Risk Analysis and Management |

|Department: |Public Debt Department |

|Agency: |Ministry of Finance |

|Address1: |15 Libertatii Street |

|Address2: |      |

|City/State: |Bucharest |      |

|Country: |Romania |

|Postal Code: |      |

|Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number |(40) |(21) |226 4021 |

|Fax: Country Code/City Code/Number |      |      |      |

|Email: | |

|Contact 2 |

|Applies To: |Base page |Summary Page |Dissemination Page |

|Prefix/First Name/Last Name: |Mrs. |Rodica |Morosanu |

|Title: |counselor |

|Unit: |      |

|Division: |      |

|Department: |Public Debt Department |

|Agency: |Ministry of Finance |

|Address1: |15 Libertatii Street |

|Address2: |      |

|City/State: |Bucharest 5 |      |

|Country: |Romania |

|Postal Code: |      |

|Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number |(40) |(21) |226 1118 |

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|Email: | |

|Contact 3 |

|Applies To: |Base page |Summary Page |Dissemination Page |

|Prefix/First Name/Last Name: |Mrs. |Damian |Simona Dana |

|Title: |counselor |

|Unit: |      |

|Division: |      |

|Department: |Public Debt Department |

|Agency: |Ministry of Finance |

|Address1: |15 Libertatii Street |

|Address2: |      |

|City/State: |Bucharest 5 |      |

|Country: |Romania |

|Postal Code: |      |

|Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number |(40) |(21) |226 1118 |

|Fax: Country Code/City Code/Number |      |      |      |

|Email: | |

|Contact 4 |

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|Title: |      |

|Unit: |      |

|Division: |      |

|Department: |      |

|Agency: |      |

|Address1: |      |

|Address2: |      |

|City/State: |      |      |

|Country: |      |

|Postal Code: |      |

|Phone: Country Code/City Code/Number |      |      |      |

|Fax: Country Code/City Code/Number |      |      |      |

|Email: |      |

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Table Of Contents

H.Header data 1

H.0.1 National Descriptor 1

H.0.2 Metadata Update date 1

H.0.3 SM Update date 1

H.0.4 Certification date 1

H.0.7 Data category notes 1

0. Prerequisites 1

0.1 Legal environment 1

0.1.1 Responsibility for collecting, processing, and disseminating statistics 1

0.1.2 Data sharing and coordination among data producing agencies 2

0.1.3 Confidentiality of individual reporters' data 2

0.1.4 Ensuring statistical reporting 2

0.2 Resources 2

0.2.1 Staff, facilities, computing resources, and financing 2

0.2.2 Ensuring efficient use of resources 2

0.3 Relevance 3

0.3.1 Monitoring user requirements 3

0.4 Quality management 3

0.4.1 Quality policy 3

0.4.2 Quality monitoring 3

0.4.3 Quality planning 3

1. Integrity 3

1.1 Professionalism 3

1.1.1 Impartiality of statistics 3

1.1.2 Selection of sources, methodology, and modes of dissemination 4

1.1.3 Commenting on erroneous interpretation and misuse of statistics 4

1.2 Transparency 4

1.2.1 Disclosure of terms and conditions for statistical collection, processing, and dissemination 4

1.2.2 Internal governmental access to statistics prior to release 4

1.2.3 Attribution of statistical products 4

1.2.4 Advance notice of major changes in methodology, source data, and statistical techniques. 5

1.3 Ethical standards 5

1.3.1 Guidelines for staff behavior 5

2. Methodology 5

2.1 Concepts and definitions 5

2.1.1 Concepts and definitions 5

2.2 Scope 5

2.2.1 Scope 5 Scope of the data 6 Exceptions to coverage 6 Unrecorded activity 6

2.3 Classification/sectorization 6

2.3.1 Classification/sectorization 6

2.4 Basis for recording 8

2.4.1 Valuation 8

2.4.2 Recording basis 8

2.4.3 Grossing/netting procedures 8

3. Accuracy and reliability 8

3.1 Source data 8

3.1.1 Source data collection programs 8

3.1.2 Source data definitions, scope, classifications, valuation, and time of recording 9

3.1.3 Source data timeliness 9

3.2 Assessment of source data 9

3.2.1 Source data assessment 9

3.3 Statistical techniques 9

3.3.1 Source data statistical techniques 9

3.3.2 Other statistical procedures 10

3.4 Data validation 10

3.4.1 Validation of intermediate results 10

3.4.2 Assessment of intermediate data 10

3.4.3 Assessment of discrepancies and other problems in statistical outputs 10

3.5 Revision studies 10

3.5.1 Revision studies and analyses 10

4. Serviceability 11

4.1 Periodicity and timeliness 11

4.1.1 Periodicity 11

4.1.2 Timeliness 11

4.2 Consistency 11

4.2.1 Internal consistency 11

4.2.2 Temporal consistency 11

4.2.3 Intersectoral and cross-domain consistency 12

4.3 Revision 12

4.3.1 Revision schedule 12

4.3.2 Identification of preliminary and/or revised data 12

4.3.3 Dissemination of revision studies and analyses 12

5. Accessibility 12

5.1 Data 12

5.1.1 Statistical presentation 12

5.1.2 Dissemination media and format 14 Hard copy - New release 14 Hard copy - Weekly bulletin 15 Hard copy - Monthly Bulletin 15 Hard copy - Quarterly bulletin 15 Hard copy - Other 15 Electronic - On-line bulletin or data 15 Electronic - Other 16

5.1.3 Advance release calendar 16 ARC Note 16

5.1.4 Simultaneous release 16

5.1.5 Dissemination on request 17

5.2 Metadata 17

5.2.1 Dissemination of documentation on concepts, scope, classifications, basis of recording, data sources, and statistical techniques 17

5.2.2 Disseminated level of detail 17

5.3 Assistance to users 17

5.3.1 Dissemination of information on contact points 17

5.3.2 Availability of documents and services catalogs 18

Contact Person(s): 18


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