
Name__________________________________ Jesus Christ: His Mission and Ministry

Chapter 9 Directed Reading Guide

Date___________________________________ Friends and Disciples of Jesus

Directions: Read through the chapter and fill in the missing information. All the questions run sequential to the chapter. If a true/false statement is false, correct it.

Pages 214-215 The Heart of a True Friend

1. What does Jesus call us?

2. What is a true friend?

3. What two things did Jesus win for us by shedding his blood on the cross?

Pages 215-218 What It Means to Be a Disciple of Jesus

4. What are the three steps to being a disciple?

5. The word ________________ comes from a Latin word for pupil—“____________________________________

______________________________________” the teaching of another.

6. Jesus was known as a “teacher” or “_______________” by his friends because they truly wanted to ____________ from him. But his _____________________ called him rabbi when they were _________________________ him.

7. True or False? All those who heard Jesus were ready to follow after him.

8. The rich man was attracted to the ______________________ of Jesus but Jesus looked into this young man’s _______________ and saw that he was preoccupied by his _______________________. They were preventing him from being truly ______________, and giving himself to __________.

9. What is the most important lesson we can glean form the story of the rich man?

10. True or False? In the Gospels Jesus specifically condemned wealth.

11. What do many scripture scholars believe Jesus was referring to when he referred to “The Needle’s Eye?”

12. True or False? In the mind of the Jews, great wealth had long been seen as a sign of God’s favor.

13. True or False? Jesus asked all of his disciples to give up their wealth.

14. What does the story of the rich man point out?

15. The true _________________ of Jesus not only ________________ from the teacher, but he ____________ and builds on what he has been ___________________. For his disciples, the teachings of Jesus are like the _________

_____________________________—solid and true.

Pages 218-223 Growing in Friend with Jesus

16. What is the first step to discipleship for follower of Jesus? Explain.

17. What is the second step to discipleship for follower of Jesus? Explain.

18. True or False? The Gospels tell us that Jesus did not have many friends.

19. Jesus certainly counted his ___________________ among his friends and shared his ______________ with the Twelve. Jesus also ___________________ his friends such as at the _________________________ when he said, “Do not let your hearts be ___________________.”

20. The Gospels report that Jesus forgave the shortcomings of two of his Apostles? Which two, and why?

21. ______________________ was a particularly close friend who was sometimes referred to as “________________ ___________________________________.” Jesus entrusted the care of the _____________________________ to him as he was dying on the cross.

22. What did Jesus’ raising of his friend Lazarus show about Jesus?

23. Which of Jesus’ friends betrayed him by turning Jesus over to be arrested?

24. What are four kinds of love expressed by the Greeks?

25. True or False? Jesus expects us to love others in a self-giving way, even forgiving and loving our enemies.

26. What are four common characteristics of friendship?

27. _____________________ availability means making _______________ for friends. ___________________ availability means that when we are with our friends, we are available to _____________________ and _____________________ connect with them.

28. True or False? If you are the only one giving in a relationship, then it probably is not a true friendship.

29. Best friends are special because they have ______________ that we would like to have ourselves. As a result, we are drawn in friendship to certain people in order to ________________________________________.

30. True or False? On the social level, what happens to one friend happens to the other.

31. In establishing the ____________________, Jesus gave all generations to come the same, uniting _____________ of Life and the same ______________ of Salvation. Down through the ages, the Eucharist gathers in people from every ___________________ and __________________ and unites his followers with him and with each other through the ____________________.

32. True or False? Jesus is always present to us.

33. What are eight important aspects of Jesus’ command that Jesus gave us?

34. What does Jesus want in return for putting our interests and desires in us?

Pages 223-225 Committed Disciples Help to Spread the Gospel

35. Disciples of Jesus must not only follow their __________________, they must ______________ the Gospel with others. Jesus sent his followers out to ______________________________________ to make even more disciples.

36. True or False? Christ Jesus warned that discipleship will not be easy.

37. Jesus asks us to die to our own _________________________ and assures us that through the process of _____________ to selfishness, we will truly ____________. It is the first step to loving others by ______________

________________________ ahead of our own.

38. What are two modern examples of our “faithless and sinful generation?

39. Jesus tells us that following him takes ____________________. Pope Benedict XVI says that Jesus reminds us that everyone has an equal ________________ to enter through the _______________________, but it is demanding and requires ______________________, self-denial, and mortification of one’s own ___________________.

40. True or False? Jesus wants everyone to go to Heaven.

41. What will be the basis of our own judgment?

Pages 226-227 St. Paul: Apostle and Dedicated Disciple

42. St. Paul is a model of ______________ and a Christian disciple worth emulating. Because of his zeal as a _____________________, he joined the ____________________ of the early followers of Jesus. But after a life-changing _____________________ with the Risen Lord, he converted to __________________.

43. What is a Gentile?

44. Paul embarked on three ____________________ journeys. During his travels he wrote ________________ to his new converts in which he dealt with various problems, included ____________________ reflections concerning Jesus Christ, and _______________________ on how to deal with __________________________.

45. True or False? Although seven of the New Testament letters are attributed to St. Paul, modern scholars think he wrote thirteen of them.

46. Paul was kept under house arrest in _____________ for two years. One tradition holds, that afterward he preached in ______________ and may have returned _______________. Paul was martyred by __________________ in Rome by the emperor ________________ during one of his ______________________ of Christians.

47. What are some of the theological themes of Paul’s preaching?


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