MTB 06 Advanced Minitab® Macros

MTB ? 06 Advanced Minitab? Macros

This module will cover:

? Creating tables of statistics ? worked example which includes: ? Creating and saving a series of similar graphs (eg. For each production line) ? How to reference specific rows ? Using constants to fine tune graphs, add date sub-titles, etc. ? Creating a text report & HTML report

? Creating a control charting macro with dynamic stages which demonstrates: ? Reading Excel? files via ODBC

? Looping through subsets ? Adding statistics to each row of a dataset ? Using Excel?'s indirect addressing capability to better access difficulty

formatted files ? How to save worksheets as CSV files (readable by Excel?) or as Web Pages ? Avoiding errors which will stop autojob execution; Handling no data

"subsets" ? Reference macro code to handle many macro programming situations ? Adding a different "reference" line to each panel of a graph (for a graph using

a BY variable).

M. A. Sibley Consulting ? All Rights Reserved

MTB 06 ? Advanced Minitab Macros



Before you tackle this module you should:

? Know how to create, save and execute Minitab? macros

? Have set up your PC for Minitab? macro execution

M. A. Sibley Consulting ? All Rights Reserved

MTB 06 ? Advanced Minitab Macros


Using a Table of Statistics to Create Multiple Graphs, etc.

M. A. Sibley Consulting ? All Rights Reserved

MTB 06 ? Advanced Minitab Macros


Creating a Table of Statistics

Creating a table of Summary Statistics is Minitab ?'s version of Excel?'s Pivot Table ? albeit in a noninteractive form.

Let's start by opening a CSV file containing the same Wind Turbine output data we used in module 2. Using

File > Open we open:


We start capturing the code in a macro.

M. A. Sibley Consulting ? All Rights Reserved

MTB 06 ? Advanced Minitab Macros


Creating a Table of Statistics ? cont'd

My plain text editor ? EditPad Pro? adds in the colour coding.

As in Module 2 we combine the Date and Time columns to create a

Date/Time column using Calc > Calculator. We capture the code

from the session window and add it in to the macro. We add in the

command to change the format of the date to International Date


M. A. Sibley Consulting ? All Rights Reserved

MTB 06 ? Advanced Minitab Macros



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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