Pursuit Report - Minnesota Department of Public Safety

[MN State Based Form]


This form is to be used to report any pursuit by a peace officer of a fleeing suspect in a motor vehicle as outlined in Minnesota Statutes § 626.5532. Within 30 days of the pursuit, the chief law enforcement officer for an agency must submit a completed form to the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension.

Submit Report Online at: Send Questions to: Bca.Crimestats@state.mn.us

REPORT ONLY ONE INCIDENT (CASE NUMBER) PER FORM – Report all vehicles pursued in this incident.

| *Pursuing Agency ORI: [pic] *Agency Name: [pic] |

| *Date of Incident: (mm/dd/yyyy) [pic] *Incident/Case Number: [pic] (8 characters) |

| |

|Yes No The date given above is the actual incident date of the pursuit, and not the date the incident was reported? |

|Initiating Agency Information if Different than Pursuing Agency Reported Above |

|ORI: [pic] |Name: [pic] |Initiating Agency Case #: [pic] (If Unknown YY000000) |

| *Number of vehicles pursued in this incident: [pic] |[pic] |

| *Number of ‘OTHER’ Minnesota agencies participating in this pursuit. [pic] DO NOT COUNT AGENCIES LISTED ABOVE |

| Assisting Agency’s (ORI): | Assisting Agency Name: | Assisting Agency’s (ORI): | Assisting Agency Name: | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

|*Time Pursuit Started: (military time) |[pic] |*Time Pursuit Ended: (military time) |[pic] |

| |

|*Initial Reason for Pursuit (check one) | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Comments: [pic] |

|*Reason for Termination of Pursuit (Check ‘one’ for each vehicle pursued) |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Comments: [pic] |

| |

|*Miles Covered in Pursuit (Round to nearest mile): |[pic] |

| Property Damage: | | |

| If yes: (check all that apply) |[pic] [pic][pic] |

| | | |

|*Required Fields |Page 1 |Minnesota Pursuit Form –R 1/1/2014 |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Enter Information for at least One Officer/Deputy/Trooper

*Officer/Deputy/Trooper Pursuit Information

Number of your agency’s officers involved in pursuit: [pic]

Officer Injury Count and Type: (See “Injury Type” Codes below)

|K |A |B |C |N |U | |


|Persons Involved |Age |Sex |Injury Type |

|1 = Violator Driver |01-98 = Exact age in years | M = Male |K = Fatal |

|2 = Violator’s Passengers | | |A = Incapacitating Injury |

|3 = Party in Unrelated Vehicle |99 = 99 years or older | F = Female |B = Non-incapacitating injury |

|4 = Unrelated Pedestrian | | |C = Possible Injury |

| |00 = Unknown | U = Unknown |N = No Injury |

| | | |U = Unknown |

*Complete Information Below for All Other Persons Involved in This Pursuit. (Non Law Enforcement)

Must have at least one violator driver per vehicle pursued.

(Use “Person Involved/Age/Sex/Injury Type Codes” from above to complete this section)

|Persons Involved Code |Age Code |

|Title: |[pic] |

|*E-Mail: |[pic] |

|*Phone: |[pic] |

|Agency Head: |[pic] |

| | |

* Required fields Page 2 Minnesota Pursuit Form-R 1/1/2014



Assisting Agency – Law enforcement agency vehicles that aided the initiating agency in the pursuit.

Charge - The name of each offense and the corresponding number of each statute or ordinance that the person is accused of violating, as shown on the citation, tab charge, complaint, or indictment.

Flee definition – Min. Stat. § 609.487, subdivision 1. “For purposes of this section, the term flee means to increase speed, extinguish motor vehicle headlights or taillights, refuse to stop the vehicle, or use other means with intent to attempt to elude a peace officer following a signal given by any peace officer to the driver of a motor vehicle.”

Initiating Agency – The first agency involved in pursuing the violator.

Minnesota Statutes – Min. Stat. § 626.5532, Pursuit of Fleeing Suspects by Peace Officers.

Subdivision 1. Reports. If a peace officer pursues a fleeing suspect, the officer's department head must file a notice of the incident with the commissioner of public safety within 30 days following the pursuit. A pursuit must be reported under this section if it is a pursuit by a peace officer of a motor vehicle being operated in violation of section 609.487. The notice must contain information concerning the reason for and circumstances surrounding the pursuit, including the alleged offense, the length of the pursuit in distance and time, the outcome of the pursuit, any charges filed against the suspect as a result of the pursuit, injuries and property damage resulting from the pursuit, and other information deemed relevant by the commissioner.

Motor Vehicle definition – Min. Stat. § 609.487, subdivision 2a: “For purposes of this section, ‘motor vehicle’ has the meaning given it in section 169.011, subdivision 42, and includes a snowmobile, as defined in section 84.81, off-road recreational vehicles as defined in section 169A.03, subdivision 16, and motorboats as defined in section 169A.03, subdivision 13.“

Peace Officer definition – Min. Stat. § 609.487, subdivision 2: “For purposes of this section, ‘peace officer’ means:

1) an employee of a political subdivision of state law enforcement agency who is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training, charged with the prevention and detection of crime and the enforcement of the general criminal laws of the state and who has the full power of arrest, and shall also include the Minnesota State Patrol and Minnesota conservation officers;

2) an employee of a law enforcement agency of a federally recognized tribe, as defined in United States Code, title 25, section 450b(e), who is licensed by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training; or

3) member of a duly organized state, county, or municipal law enforcement unit of another state charged with the duty to prevent and detect crime and generally enforce criminal laws, and granted full powers of arrest.”

Pursuing Agency ORI – ORI of the agency on whose behalf the form is submitted. This agency could have either initiated or assisted in the pursuit of the vehicle(s).

Pursuit Time – Started and Ended. Report utilizing military time.

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