Richfield Fun Club & Fun For 4’sSchool Age Care and Preschool ProgramPolicies & Procedures(Parent Handbook)Richfield Fun Club612-866-6400Table of ContentsPhilosophy1Purpose and Mission1Goals1Program1-2Daily Fees2Sites2Enrollment2Curriculum2Before & After School2Childcare Program Plan3Fun For 4’s3Rest & Nap Policy3Staff3Nutrition & Physical Activity3Daily Check In4Hours and Holidays4Release Day Policy5Fieldtrips & Activity Fees5Snow Day Policy5Billing & Vacation Day Policy6Absence6Vacation Day Credit Policy6Discipline7Parent Policies7Parent Advisory Board7Parent Involvement7Classroom Visitation7Responsibilities of Parents8Parent Conferences/Communication8Dress Code8Children’s Belongings8Pets9Lost and Found9Rest Policy9Field Trips/Permission Forms9Solicitations9Required Parental Consent9Data Privacy9Insurance Coverage10Accidents10Grievance Procedure10Health and Medical Information 11Health Concerns11Accidental Ingestion11Universal Precautions12Medication12 Health Policies13Exclusion of Sick Children/Staff19Behavior Guidance Policies19-21Maltreatment of Minors Mandated Reporting Policy21-23Parent HandbookFun Club staff and Parent Advisory Board welcome you to our program. We are delighted that you have chosen us to be such a special part of your child’s life. Your child’s presence in our center is considered a privilege, a wonderful opportunity, and an act of trust. Fun Club is a non-profit organization, run by a Parent Advisory Board. All center decisions are made by our acting board members, along with the staff and the Director. Fun Club leases space and works in conjunction with the Richfield School District, but is not part of the Community Education Program. The policies outlined in this handbook are what you can expect from Fun Club and what Fun Club expects from you in return. We all need to work together to ensure that your child’s experience is positive. We hope you find this handbook helpful. If you ever have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our program, please feel free to contact our Director or your site supervisors.Our PhilosophyThe primary purpose of Richfield Fun Club is to provide quality childcare for the families of Richfield students. We are committed to providing an educational, recreational, and social environment that meets the needs of developing children. Children are encouraged to develop confidence, creativity, independence, and friendships within a respectful and nurturing atmosphere.Our Purpose and MissionWe believe that every child is unique and special; therefore we will provide a variety of activities that are both quiet and active, teacher directed and child initiated, all of which use varied equipment and materials. We will provide a safe, caring, and fun environment for your child and peace of mind for you. GoalsTo provide a relaxed, trusting atmosphere in which our children can grow, develop new interests and friendships, and have fun.An environment where they are encouraged to build confidence, creative thinking, and respect for themselves and others.ProgramFun Club and Fun For 4’s serves children ages 4 years old through fifth grade. All children must be toilet trained. We are currently in all of Richfield’s elementary schools and serve over 300 children. All children attend the Fun Club located in their respective school. The Fun for 4’s class size is limited to 20 children with a 1:10 staff:child ratio.Fun Club does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, or national origin. We make every effort to accommodate special needs and to ensure integration into our program.Before school begins in the fall, a parent meeting will be held. This meeting will familiarize the parent with the school and the Fun Club staff. Parents will learn about our policies, billing, daily operations, etc. Also, in the fall, there will be an open house for families in our Fun for 4’s program where the parents and children will acquaint with their new classroom, their new teachers, and meet new friends. Daily FeesFun for 4’s Tuition $40 per day / $200 per week All SitesCentennial, RDLS, Sheridan & STEMBefore Only $11 per day / $55 per weekBefore & After $25 per day / $125 per weekAfter Only $16 per day / $80 per weekRelease Days $40 per daySummer Full Time $200 per week / Part Time $40 per day (3 day minimum)EnrollmentYour enrollment packet will contain the following:Enrollment FormEmergency Info SheetHealth Care SummaryInformation Release Form Parent HandbookAuto-pay authorization form (upon request)Richfield Fun Club policy requires a health care summary within 30 days of enrollment and an immunization record of a child at the time of enrollment.It is necessary that all of the above items be returned (except the Parent Handbook) to the center in the folder provided before your child starts the program. To keep this information current we ask that you notify us of any changes (phone numbers, address, etc.). The registration fee must accompany the registration forms. This fee is non-refundable.CURRICULUMBefore & After School/School Release Days/Summer ProgramChildren are offered a variety of activities to participate in while they are in our care. On release days and during our summer program we provide a well-planned program for all ages. On these days the children are involved in activities such as sports, arts and crafts, movies, field trips, and more. Children and parents are encouraged to offer suggestions for new and unique activities.Childcare Program Plan At the time of a child’s enrollment, the parent can access the Childcare Program Plan by requesting it from the Director or Site Supervisor. Fun Club and Fun for 4’s serves children ages 4 years through 5th?grade. Our STEM Fun Club serves 18 Fun for 4’s children and a maximum of 110 school age children. Our Sheridan location serves 18 Fun for 4’s children and a maximum of 90 school age children. At RDLS, we serve a maximum of 100 school age children. At Centennial, we serve a maximum of 25 school age children. ?Our Fun Club staff:child ratio is 1:15 and our Fun for 4’s staff:child ratio is 1:10.Fun For 4’sWe also offer a structured 4 year old program. This is designed for your child’s pre-k year. Children must be 4 years old by September 1st. Fun For 4’s reinforces basic skills such as letter recognition, numbers, printing, and social skills through age appropriate curriculum. Field trips to the local library and other special places are taken on a regular basis. For specifics on daily schedules, field trips, and special events check with Fun For 4’s teachers at our Sheridan Hills & STEM locations.Rest & Nap PolicyChildren enrolled in the Fun For 4’s Program will participate in a time of rest or sleeping. Each child is assigned a cot and will be expected to remain quietly on it during rest time. Cots must be placed so there are clear aisles and unimpeded access for both adults and children on at least one side of each piece of napping and resting equipment. Cots must be placed directly on the floor and must not be stacked when in use. A child who has completed 30 minutes of rest time must not be required to remain on his or her cot. Children who are engaged in an activity that will disrupt a napping or resting child will move to an alternate supervised space. Restful music is played during this time. Each child may bring a small blanket, small pillow, and stuffed toy for rest time. These items are stored in your child’s locker or cubbie and are sent home for laundering at the end of each week. Rest time varies in length according to the specific needs of each child. StaffFun Club is very proud of the fact that numerous staff members have been with us for many years. This promotes consistency and continuity for your children. Our full time staff have strong backgrounds in elementary education and take part in on-going, in-service training. Many of our part time staff have experience in working with children and are working towards a career in education.Fun Club Nutrition and Physical Activity PolicyFun Club knows that teaching children the importance of healthy habits at a young age is a great way to ensure that they will grow into healthy adults. Fun Club is committed to providing our children with snacks and food projects that are designed to introduce the children to healthy foods. Children are encouraged to try new foods but never forced or bribed to eat a food they choose not to eat. It is important for children to be well hydrated. Water will be freely available to children all day. Other healthy beverages will be offered at meal time. These include 1% milk and occasionally 100% fruit or vegetable juice.Fun Club does not provide lunch during the summer or release days. Children need to bring a cold lunch from home. Fun Club provides morning and afternoon snacks, water and milk are always readily available. Please notify staff of any special dietary needs.Fun Club will monitor and supplement children’s lunches and snacks in accordance with the USDA Food Guidelines.Fun For 4’s may be a part of the school lunch program or bring their own cold lunch.Due to allergies, your child’s center may need to become nut free. Please respect this rule and check labels for allergen information before packing your child’s lunch to ensure the safety of other children. Supervised and guided outdoor play and/or gym opportunities are offered to all children each day for a minimum of 30 minutes.Daily Check InHere at Fun Club we have an electronic biometric ID check in station. Daily check-In is required when you bring your child in each day and take them home at night. Any person that regularly picks up your child must register at their site. Checking your child in and out is important so that we track your child’s attendance. It is mandatory that you physically drop off and pick up your child in the presence of a staff person. Parents are responsible for transporting their children to and from the center and must inform us if anyone else will be picking up their child. If your child is being picked up by someone new they will be asked to present their picture I.D. Always check the parent table and your parent file for any important announcements and schedules. Hours and HolidaysFun Club is open from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday thru Friday. Please respect our open and closing hours. A late fee of $1.00 per minute, per family, will be charged after 6:00 p.m. and should be paid directly to the staff on duty at the time. Out of respect for our staff please call whenever possible if you think you are going to be late. We reserve the right to increase the late fee after repeated tardiness.Fun Club has a full day program available for release days and holidays, with some exceptions. These exceptions include major holidays and district wide building closures:383780715240Days are subject to change due to district wide closings***These 4 days are the only days that you are NOT charged for unless otherwise specified. You are charged for holidays as the staff get paid for these days.00Days are subject to change due to district wide closings***These 4 days are the only days that you are NOT charged for unless otherwise specified. You are charged for holidays as the staff get paid for these days.New Year’s Eve Day Labor DayNew Year’s DayThanksgiving DayMartin Luther King Jr. DayFriday after ThanksgivingPresident’s DayChristmas Eve & Christmas DayMemorial Day4th of July ***The first and last 2 days of our summer programRelease Day PolicyIf you are signed up to use our release day program on days that there is no school, we provide full day child care. If your child is going to be in attendance on these days, you need to sign-up in advance. A sign-up sheet will be put up at each center. This sheet will clearly state specific dates and deadlines for the sign-up. You will need to mark the sheets either ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ as to what your plans are. If you mark ‘NO’ you will still pay your regular daily/weekly rate. After the deadline we may not be able to take any additional children. If space is available, a $10 fee will be assessed to your release day rate. It is your responsibility to sign-up in advance. If your child was signed up to be at Fun Club but does not come, you will be charged the full day rate. You may choose not to sign up for our release day program and you will not be charged your regular rate on release days. If you need to use a release day during the school year a $25 change of status fee will be assessed and you will then be charged your regular daily rate on release days until the end of the year. Field Trips & Activity FeesFun Club provides many opportunities for children to participate in field trips on school release days and during the summer. Fun Club owns and operates 15-passenger vans with appropriate car seats, booster seats, and buckles. These field trips are included in your release day/summer fees unless otherwise specified. There may be an additional cost for special field trips. All important information about the field trip including date, times, and costs (if any) will be posted on the parent table. A parent signature is required for all field trips.Snow Day Policy If the public schools are closed due to severe weather conditions, so is Fun Club. Watch for school closings either on television or on the radio. If the schools close during the day due to severe weather, Fun Club will also close. You are charged your daily rate for weather related school closings.COVID PoliciesFun Club will follow the most current guidelines put out by the Minnesota Department of Health, CDC and Richfield Public Schools. You will be charged your regular rate if your center is closed or your child/ren are out for reasons due to COVID. Vacation days may be used. (See vacation day policy)Billing & Vacation Day PolicyFull payment of your contracted weekly rate is due whether your child is in attendance or not, including release days. The only exception to this policy is if you use a vacation day (see vacation day policy) or your child is out of Fun Club, due to illness, for 5 or more consecutive days. In this case you will be charged ? your normal weekly rate.Monthly statements are emailed at the beginning of the month for the month prior. Fun Club accepts cash, checks, or credit cards. Payments may be made weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Fun Club is a self-supporting, non-profit organization, prompt payment of fees is necessary so our expenses can be met. If your monthly balance is not paid, dismissal from the program may result. Should you need assistance, please contact our director for your options. Tuition Express is our child care payment software. Tuition Express allows us to make secure automatic payments and allows our families to pay at our check-in stations or online from home. We offer automatic bi-weekly fixed payments or monthly balance payments through your bank account or credit card (Visa or MasterCard only). You will be assessed a service fee for any declined payments. Please see your site supervisors or billing coordinator to sign up. We appreciate a 2 week notice if you plan to withdraw your child from our program. A 5% fee will be charged monthly to any remaining balances. After 60 days of non-payment all unpaid accounts are transferred to our collections agency.AbsenceIf your child will not be at Fun Club for any reason (i.e. illness, appointment, picked up from school, etc.), please contact the center and let us know. Vacation Day Credit PolicyEach child will be given 2 times their weekly enrollment in vacation days at the beginning of each school year. For example: Weekly enrollment x2 = Vacation days5 days = 10 vacation days4 days = 8 vacation days 3 days = 6 vacation daysThese vacation days can be used for any day your child is not at Fun Club. You can use them for when your child is sick or for a pre-planned day off, they cannot be used as a credit to your account. Your vacation days must be used within the year (ie: Sept. 2017 – Sept. 2018), and no vacation days will be rolled over to the next year. Please submit an email request to use vacation days by the end of the month to the billing coordinator. We do not credit vacation days after the month end deadline. Your account must be in good standing to use vacation days. If you have any other questions please see your site supervisors or billing coordinator. DISCIPLINEStaff members will observe and record persistent unacceptable behaviors and the staff response to the behavior. If necessary, a plan will be developed to address the problem behavior in consultation with the child’s parent, other staff members, and professionals when appropriate. This behavior plan will be individualized according to the specific needs of the child. If the child’s unacceptable behavior does not improve after implementation of the specified plan, further conversations will take place involving the student, the parents or guardians, Fun Club staff, and possible school staff before dismissal from the program. PARENT POLICIESParent Advisory BoardThe Fun Club Parent Advisory Board consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary and other board members. The board works in conjunction with the Director and site supervisors to continuously oversee the development and success of our program. There are quarterly meetings and everyone is welcome to participate. Free childcare is available during all meetings.Parent InvolvementFun Club encourages parents and staff to work together for your child/children to have the best experience possible at Fun Club. The center offers the following avenues of involvement and communication:Parents may request a conference with Fun Club staff at any time.Parents may serve on our Parent Advisory Board or attend the meetings.Parents may make donations (toys, games, etc.) to the center at any time.Parents are welcome as visitors or volunteers for a special project or field trip.Parents may become involved with Fun Club family events whenever possible.Notices are always posted on or around the parent table. Please read this information daily.Classroom VisitationParents are welcome to visit their child’s classroom at any time. If parents plan to visit, they should let Fun Club staff know ahead of time. We require all visitors, including parents, to stop at the main office and sign in for those occasions that you need to be in the building. Responsibilities of ParentsPay fees on timePick up your child/children on timeInform the center if someone other than you will pick up your child. Please let that person know that they will have to present their picture I.D. if not familiar to the rm the center of an absence or illnessNotify the center in advance of planned vacation daysKeep emergency information currentHave children adequately dressedParent Conferences/CommunicationRichfield Fun Club believes that parents are the child’s first teachers, and a child grows and flourishes when families are actively involved in the educational process. To keep families fully involved, Richfield Fun Club will use a variety of communication tools. This will be accomplished through:Written NotesContacting parents by personal telephone callsRegular letters to parents covering activities, upcoming events, and other informationParent/Teacher conferences once per year for school agers and twice for pre-schoolersParent BoardThe intellectual, physical, social, and emotional progress is documented in the child’s record and conveyed to the parent during conferences, once or twice per year. Dress CodeChildren should wear clothing to school that is comfortable and appropriate for daily activities and messy experiences. Unless the wind chill is below zero or it is raining, the children will spend some time outside every day and should be properly dressed for the weather (i.e. hats, mittens, and warm coats when it is cold and boots in wet or snowy weather).*Undergarments should not be visible. Shorts should be worn under dresses. Straps on girls’ tops must be at least two inches wide.Children’s BelongingsAll Fun Club centers are well supplied with toys and materials. Therefore, children do not need to bring any additional items to school unless for special days. It is difficult to monitor individual children’s toys and objects of value due to the number of children in the program. If an item is brought in, your child will be asked to store this item in his or her locker. Please see your site supervisors for lost and found items. PetsThe preschool may have class pets in the classroom. Regular pet care is taken to ensure that our pets and their surroundings are maintained according to health standards. Pets from home are not allowed in our classrooms unless specific arrangements have been made with the supervisors.Lost and FoundPlease mark your child’s clothing and other items plainly. Items are frequently lost and owners are difficult to find. Items that are found will be placed in our Lost and Found. Please check it periodically for any item you or your child may have misplaced. Our Lost and Found will be emptied at certain times during the year with the contents being sent to some charitable organizations. Rest PolicyChildren enrolled in the Fun for 4’s program will be given the opportunity to rest during an afternoon quiet rest time. Children will be expected to remain quiet in their rest area during this time. Relaxing music will be played, and the rest time duration will vary according to the needs of the child. Field Trips/Permission FormsField trips are normally offered as an educational experience. Students may only participate in a field trip with a properly signed Field Trip Permission form. The number of chaperons may be limited and other children/siblings should not be brought along. SolicitationsThere will be no solicitation and/or distribution of literature or products in the center. Required Parental ConsentChildren may only participate in research, experimental procedure, or public relations activity with the express written consent of the parent. Permission must be granted in writing by the parent before the child’s shot is published either electronically or on paper. These options are found in the registration enrollment packet.Data PrivacyRecords concerning your child – enrollment forms, health records, observation records, written parent/teacher reports and all other information about your child – are confidential information and will only be accessible to you, school office personnel, your child’s teacher, a person designated by the state licensing department to review our records for licensing purposes, and the validators for accreditation. Insurance CoverageInsurance coverage for the Fun Club program and its staff is in compliance with the State of Minnesota and the Hennepin County licensing regulations. This information is on file in the main office.AccidentsIf a child has an injury resulting in a bump, bruise, cut or scrape, the matter will be relayed to the parent by a phone call, written note, or verbal conversation. If a serious accident occurs, which may need medical attention, the parent will be contacted immediately so that the child may be taken for treatment. This would include stitches, broken bones, etc. An accident report will be filled out and kept on file. In an emergency when immediate attention is needed or when a parent cannot be reached, 911 will be called. *Please update emergency information when changes occur.Grievance ProcedurePersons served by or employed by Richfield Fun Club and their authorized representatives may bring a grievance to the highest level of authority in the program. It is expected that when a concern arises, the following steps are to be taken:Bring concern to person with whom it appliesNext, bring it to that person as well as the directorIf needed, bring concern to the President of the Parent Board Advisory Committee. (This is the final step after repeated attempts at resolution have been unsuccessful.)A grievance over a program policy or procedure should be taken up directly with the staff involved. If the matter cannot be resolved at this level, the complaint should go to the program director. It is then the program director’s responsibility to handle the grievance. If the director cannot work to resolve the issue, the director will contact the Parent Board President.A grievance over a staff member should be taken up directly with the director. It is the program director’s responsibility to handle the grievance. If the director cannot work to resolve the issue, the director will contact the Parent Board President to see that a resolution to the grievance takes place. All grievances regarding equipment or the facility will be made to the director. It is the director’s responsibility to make timely repairs so that all equipment is in good repair as mandated by Rule 3 licensing.HEALTH AND MEDICAL INFORMATIONHealth ConcernsAll children are required to have a Health Care Summary signed by the child’s source of medical care. Up-to-date immunizations are required and the form must be in by the first day of enrollment. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the school of any special medical conditions, needs, or allergies for their child. Immunization records must be updated with each vaccination.First aid will be provided to an injured child. In case of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact the parent or designated adult responsible for the child. If neither can be contacted, transportation may need to be provided by the local emergency resource, with a staff person accompanying the child to the hospital. In case of an emergency, Fairview – Southdale Hospital will be used. In order to protect your child and all children in the program, we request that parents have a back-up care plan for their child if symptoms of illness are present. If a child develops one or more of the following symptoms while at school, he/she will be separated from others, but remain under adult supervision until the child can be picked up (within the hour). The symptoms include:Fever of more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit Vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, or sore throatDischarge from any body openingAny undiagnosed or contagious rashParents of any child who does not seem well enough to participate in the school activities will be called. Children who are sent home must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.Parents will be notified in writing if their child has been exposed to any communicable disease. Parents are responsible for notifying the school when their child has a communicable disease.Accidental IngestionIn the event of accidental ingestion, Poison Control or 911 will be contacted. Qualified staff personnel will aid the child as instructed by the authorities at Poison Control or local emergency medical service.Universal PrecautionsUniversal/Standard Precautions are enforced at this school:All body fluids will be treated as if they are known to be contaminated with an infectious diseaseAll staff must always use disposable gloves when handling body fluidsStaff and children must wash their hands often and at the appropriate timesStrict guidelines are followed regarding toileting and cleaning and sanitizing of contaminated surfacesMedicationRichfield Fun Club must have written permission from the parent and physician before administering medications. The medications will only be administered according to the pharmacy label. All medication must be in its original container and have a current pharmacy label issued to the child with the prescribed dosage, time to be administered, and the current date. All medications will be stored in the office. Medication permission slips are available in the office and in the classroom.Sunscreen lotions and insect repellents require only a parent’s signature.The staff is instructed to record and give:The name of the child DateTimeName of the medication or prescription numberDosageThe name and signature of the person who dispensed the medicineThe record will be available to the parent and maintained in the child’s record.HEALTH POLICIES(Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0410, subparts 1-18)Subpart 1.Richfield Fun Club has a health consultant who will review the program’s health policies and practices specified in item A and certify that Richfield Fun Club is adequate to protect the health of children in care. The review will be done before initial licensure, submitted with the application for initial licensure and repeated every year after the date of initial licensure. A copy of the consultant’s findings must be placed in the program’s administrative records. The consultant must review the following first aid and safety policies and procedures required by part 9503.0110, subpart 3, items A, B, and C:First AidAll staff members are required to complete eight hours of first aid training every three years and must be completed within 90 days of employment. At least one staff person with current training in CPR and in the treatment of obstructive airways (training to be completed every two years, four to six hours of training) must be present at all times per DHS requirement. In the case of accident or injury, the staff will administer first aid. An Injury Report will be completed and placed in the child’s file. The incident will be recorded in the Injury Report Log and the parent or guardian will be notified. If immediate attention is needed, the following procedure will be followed:Contact parent or guardianContact others listed on the Emergency Information Sheet if parent or guardian cannot be reachedCall the child’s physician/dentist for adviceCall 911 and have child transported as deemed necessary. A staff member will accompany the child if an adult listed above is not available. (Any expenses occurred are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.) In the event of serious accident or injury, steps #1-3 will be waived and 911 will be contacted immediately.If an injury occurs to an employee on the job or to a visitor on site, where complications may develop or where employment time may be lost, an immediate medical exam may be needed. Report all injuries to the director or designee. The employee or visitor will need to make arrangements to see a physician. Staff will complete an injury report.An annual analysis of accident, injury, and incident records will take place, and modification of the program’s policies based on the analysis may be requiredB. Safety and Potential HazardsSafety rules have been established in order to avoid each of the following:Injuries: Children are supervised at all times to prevent possible injury. Children are provided boundaries and guidance as they learn to interact appropriately. The facility, materials and equipment are kept in good repair and inspected regularly. Possible hazards are made inaccessible to children.Burns: The environment is inspected and monitored daily for sources that may cause burns. All outlets are covered when not in use. Children may not plug or unplug any electrical cords. Adults will refrain from handling hot beverages in the presence of children. The building is in compliance with the fire code, inspected by the fire marshal, and the school holds monthly fire drills.Poisoning: All medications, cleaning supplies, and other potential hazards are kept out of the reach of children. Special attention is paid to bags/purses brought into the environment by classroom visitors as they may contain unsafe items. Choking: Children are supervised at all times to prevent choking. Age appropriate materials are made available. Children are required to be seated during snack and lunch to avoid the possibilities of chokingSuffocation: Children are supervised at all times. Any materials that may present the possibility of suffocation when used inappropriately are closely monitored while in use. Large muscle equipment indoors and outdoors is inspected and monitored daily to avoid any interruption in a child’s ability to breathe freely.Traffic and Pedestrian Accidents: Procedures are clearly explained and enforced for drop-off and pick-up times. Children may not enter the street unless under direct supervision of designated staff or responsible adult. Parents are instructed to hold their child’s hand prior to entering the street.Daily InspectionsThe staff will inspect the indoor and outdoor environments and materials daily to avoid safety hazards. Staff, children, and parents are instructed in safety policies and procedures in regards to pick-up, drop-off, acceptable items in the building, use of materials and equipment, movement of children, and possible allergy triggers when applicable. Subpart 2. Before a child is admitted to the program, Richfield Fun Club must obtain a report on a current physical examination of the child signed by the child’s source of medical care.Subpart 3.For children already admitted to the program, Richfield Fun Club shall obtain an updated report of physical examination signed by the child’s source of medical care.Subpart 4.When a child is enrolled in Richfield Fun Club, the staff must obtain documentation of current immunization according to MN Statutes, section 121A.15, a signed notarized statement of parental objection to the immunization, or medical exemption. Subpart 5. All children in Richfield Fun Club Fun for 4’s are to be fully toilet trained before entering the program. Children will not be punished for toileting accidents. Staff members will be available to assist children with toileting needs as necessary.Subpart 6. Notices about the illness or condition of a child must be given as required in items A to E; The staff must:Ensure that a parent is notified immediately when the parent’s child becomes sick at the schoolRequire a parent to inform the school within 24 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays, when a child is diagnosed by a child’s source of medical or dental care as having a contagious reportable disease specified in part 4605.7040, or lice, scabies, impetigo, ringworm, or chicken pox.Post or give a notice to the parents of exposed children the same day a parent notifies the center of a child’s illness or condition listed in item B.Notify a parent if their child’s skin has been broken by an animal bite or scratch. The staff will also notify the Commissioner of Health immediately by calling the Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control Division at 651-201-5414 or 1-877-676-5414. The notification shall be given before any steps are taken to destroy the animal and the staff shall take reasonable steps to confine the animal. The staff will also notify the school’s health consultant at the Richfield/Bloomington Public Health Division at 952-563-8900.Ensure that the health authority is notified of any suspected case of reportable disease as specified in part 4605.7040 within 24 hours of receiving the parent’s report.Subpart 7. The staff must ensure that the procedures in items A to D are followed in order to administer medicine.Get written permission from the child’s parent before administering medicine, sunscreen lotions, and insect repellents. Nonprescription medicines, sunscreen lotions, and insect repellents must be administered according to the manufacturer’s instructions unless there are written instructions for their use provided by a licensed physician or dentist.Get and follow written instructions from a licensed physician or dentist before administering each prescription medicine. Medicine with the child’s name and current prescription information on the label constitutes instructions. All medicine must be kept in its original container and have a legible label stating the child’s name. The medicine must be given only to the child whose name is on the label. The medicine must not be given after an expiration date on the label, and any unused portion must be returned to the child’s parent or destroyed. The staff must ensure that the administration of medicine is recorded and give:The name of the childName of the medication or prescription numberDateTimeDosageThe name and signature of the person who dispensed the medicineThe record must be available to the parent and maintained in the child’s record.Medicines, insect repellents, and sunscreen lotions must be stored according to directions on the original container and so that they are inaccessible to children.Subpart 8.The staff will ensure that the indoor and outdoor space and equipment of the program are clean.Subpart 9. The toilet rooms of the program must be cleaned daily. Toilets and seats must be washed with soap and water and disinfected when soiled or at least daily.Subpart 10.All staff members are required to wash hands:Before starting work and when returning from breaksAfter coughing, sneezing, or blowing noseAfter handling trash and other dirty equipmentAfter touching hair, face, or nose of self or othersAfter assisting a child with toiletingBefore handling snacksAfter using restroom facilitiesAfter eating and drinkingAfter cleaning and handling chemicalsAll children are required to wash hands:After using restroom facilities Before eating a meal or snackAfter coughing, sneezing, or blowing noseAfter handling dirty equipmentSubpart 11.The staff will provide the following supplies and make them accessible to children:Toilet paperLiquid hand soapFacial tissuesSingle use paper towelsSubpart 12.The staff must ensure that a first aid kit is available within the program and accessible. The kit must be taken on field trips. The kit must contain:Sterile bandages and band-aidsSterile compressesScissorsAn ice bag or cold packAn oral or surface thermometerAdhesive tapeA current first aid manualSubpart 13. Hazardous objects such as sharp objects, medicines, plastic bags, and poisonous plants and chemicals, including household supplies, must be stored out of reach of children.Subpart 14.The program must have a battery-operated flashlight and battery operated portable radio.Subpart 15.Equipment and furniture must be durable, in good repair, structurally sound and stable following assembly and installation. Equipment must be free of sharp edges, dangerous protrusions, points where a child’s extremities could be pinched or crushed, and openings or angles that could trap a part of a child’s body. Tables, chairs, and other furniture must be appropriate to the age and size of children who use them. Toys that become soiled must be cleaned and disinfected daily.Subpart 16. The area used by children must be free from debris, loose flaking, peeling, or chipped paint, loose wallpaper, or crumbling plaster, litter, and holes in the walls, floors, and ceilings. Rugs must have a nonskid backing or be firmly fastened to the floor and be free from tears, curled or frayed edges, and hazardous wrinkles.Subpart 17.The staff must ensure that written procedures for emergencies and accidents are posted in a visible place. The procedures must:Identify primary and secondary exitsIdentify a tornado shelter areaIdentify building evacuation routesDescribe how to use a fire extinguisher and close off the fire area; and List the phone numbers and sources of emergency medical and dental care, poison control center, fire department, health authority, and licensing division of the Department of Human Services.Subpart 18.Parents will be informed if pets are present in the classroom.Suspected child abuse/neglect: All staff are required by Minnesota law to report any suspected incidents of child abuse or neglect to appropriate authorities.Seatbelts and Transportation: When planned activities at our school (i.e. field trips) require transportation, the methods used will be in accordance with the Department of Human Services regulations and Minnesota Law. Minnesota law requires federally approved age-appropriate car seats and seat belts to be used to transport children.Sanitation Procedures for Food not Prepared On-site: All food and snacks that are not prepared at Richfield Fun Club must be commercially prepared and packaged. This includes daily snacks and food items for parties and celebrations. Staff members will wash hands before handling the food. Cold foods will be kept refrigerated until time of use. Any leftover portions that have been handled will be thrown out.Sanitation Procedures for On-site Food Handling:All lunch tables will be washed with a sanitizing solution at the beginning of each lunch period and after it is over. Any non-disposable dishes, serving utensils, and equipment used in the classroom will be washed in soapy water, rinsed, and sanitized in a bleach solution for two minutes or washed in the commercial dishwasher/sanitizer after each use. Classroom tables will be sanitized at the beginning of each day, before and after snacks, and other times as necessary.Exclusion of Sick Children/Staff(Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0080)A child or staff with any of the following conditions or behaviors is sick and must be excluded from a program not licensed to operate a sick care program. If the child or staff becomes sick while at the program, they must be isolated from the children in care and the parent called immediately. A sick child must be supervised at all times. The staff must exclude a child:With a reportable illness or condition as specified in part 4605.7040 that the commissioner of health determines to be contagious and a physician determines has not had sufficient treatment to reduce the health risk to others;With chicken pox until the child is no longer infectious or until the lesions are crusted over;Who has vomited two or more times since admission that day;Who has had three or more abnormally loose stools since admission that day;Who has contagious conjunctivitis (pink eye) or pus draining from the eye;Who has a bacterial infection such as streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat) or impetigo and has not completed 24 hours of microbial therapy;Who has unexplained lethargy;Who has lice, ringworm, or scabies that is untreated and contagious to others;Who has a 100 degree Fahrenheit (oral) or higher temperature of undiagnosed origin before fever reducing medication is given;Who has an undiagnosed rash or a rash attributed to a contagious illness or condition;Who has significant respiratory distress;Who is not able to participate in the program activities with reasonable comfort; or Who requires more care than the program staff can provide without compromising the health safety of other children care.BEHAVIOR GUIDANCE POLICIES(Minnesota Rules, part 9503.0055, subparts 1-6)Subpart 1.Staff members will:Ensure that each child is provided with a positive model of acceptable behaviorTailor to the developmental level of the children we are licensed to serveRedirect children and groups away from problems toward constructive activity in order to reduce conflictTeach children how to use acceptable alternatives to problem behavior in order to reduce conflictProtect the safety of children and staff personsProvide immediate and directly related consequences for a child’s unacceptable behaviorSubpart 2. NO staff person will subject a child to:Corporal punishment, which includes but is not limited to – Rough handling ShovingHair pullingEar PullingShakingSlappingKickingBitingPinchingHittingSpankingEmotional stress, which includes but is not limited to – Name callingShamingOstracismMaking derogatory remarks about a child or their familyUsing language that threatens, humiliates, or frightens a childSeparation of a child from the group except as provided in subpart 4Punishments for lapses in toiletingWithholding food, light, warmth, clothing, or medical care as a punishment for unacceptable behaviorThe use of physical restraint other than to physically hold a child where containment is necessary to protect a child or others from harmThe use of mechanical restraints, such as tyingSubpart 4. NO CHILD may be separated from the group unless the following has occurred:Less intrusive methods of guiding the child’s behavior have been tried and were ineffectiveThe child’s behavior threatens the well-being of the child or other children in the program.A child who requires separation from the group must:Remain within an unenclosed part of the classroom where the child can continuously be seen and heard by a program staff personThe child’s return to the group must be contingent on the child’s stopping or bringing under control the behavior that precipitated the separationThe child must be returned to the group as soon as the behavior that precipitated the separation abates or stopsSubpart 5. All separations from the group must be noted on a daily log that must include the following:The child’s nameThe staff person’s nameTimeDateInformation indicating what less intrusive methods were used to guide the child’s behaviorHow the child’s behavior continued to threaten the well-being of the child or other children in careIf a child is separated from the group three or more times in one day, the child’s parent shall be notified and the parent notification shall be indicated on the daily logIf a child is separated five or more times in one week, eight times or more in two weeks, the procedures in subpart 2 must be followedSubpart 6.For children with learning disabilities or related conditions or children under the age of five as specified in MN Rules, parts 9525.0004 to 9529.0036, the standards governing the use of aversive and deprivation procedures in MN Rules parts 9525.2700 to 9525.2810 apply.MALTREATMENT of MINORS MANDATED REPORTING POLICY(Minnesota Statutes, sections 245A.145 and 245A.66)Who Should Report Child Abuse and NeglectAny person may voluntarily report abuse or neglect.If you work with children in a licensed facility, you are legally required or mandated to report and cannot shift the responsibility of reporting to your supervisor or to anyone else at your licensed facility. If you know or have reason to believe a child is being or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused within the preceding three years you must immediately (within 24 hours) make a report to an outside agency.Where to ReportIf you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger, call 911.All reports concerning suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring in a licensed facility should be made to the Department of Human Services, Licensing Division’s Maltreatment Intake Line at (651) 431-6600.Reports regarding incidents of suspected abuse or neglect of children occurring within a family or in the community should be made to Hennepin County Child Protection (612) 348-3552 or the local non-emergency police number.If your report does not involve possible abuse or neglect, but does involve possible violations of Minnesota Statutes or Rules that govern the facility, you should call the Department of Human Services, Licensing Division at (651) 431-6500.What to ReportDefinitions of maltreatment are contained in the Report of Maltreatment of Minors Act (Minnesota Statutes, section 626.556) and should be attached to this policy.A report to any of the above agencies should contain enough information to identify the child involved, any persons responsible for the abuse or neglect (if known), and the nature and extent of the maltreatment and/or possible licensing facility, the report should include any actions taken by the facility in response to the incident.An oral report of suspected abuse or neglect made to one of the above agencies by a mandated reporter must be followed by a written report to the same agency within 72 hours, exclusive of weekends and holidays.Failure to ReportA mandated reporter who knows or has reason to believe a child is or has been neglected or physically or sexually abused and fails to report is guilty of a misdemeanor. In addition, a mandated reporter who fails to report maltreatment that is found to be serious or recurring maltreatment may be disqualified from employment in positions allowing direct contact with persons receiving services from programs licensed by the Department of Human Services and by the Minnesota Department of Health, and unlicensed Personal Care Provider Organizations.Retaliation ProhibitedRichfield Fun Club shall not retaliate against the mandated reporter for reports made in good faith or against a child with respect to whom the report is made. The Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act contains specific Provisions regarding civil actions that can be initiated by mandated reporters who believe that retaliation has occurred.Internal ReviewWhen Richfield Fun Club has reason to know that an internal or external report of alleged or suspected maltreatment has been made, we must complete an internal review and take corrective action, if necessary, to protect the health and safety of children in care. The internal review must include an evaluation of whether:Related policies and procedures were followed;The policies and procedures were adequate;There is a need for additional staff training;The reported event is similar to past events with the children or the services involved; andThere is need for corrective action by the license holder to protect the health and safety of children in care.Primary and Secondary Person or Position to Ensure Internal Reviews are CompletedThe director of the program will complete the internal review. If this individual is involved in the alleged or suspected maltreatment, the president of the Parent Advisory Board will be responsible for completing the internal review. Documentation of the Internal ReviewRichfield Fun Club must document completion of the internal review and provide documentation of the review to the commissioner upon the commissioner’s request.Corrective Action PlanBased on the results of the internal review, Richfield Fun Club must develop, document, and implement a corrective action plan designed to correct current lapses and prevent future lapses in performance by individuals or the licensed holder, if any.Staff TrainingRichfield Fun Club must provide training to all staff related to the mandated reporting responsibilities as specified in the Reporting of Maltreatment of Minors Act (Minnesota Statutes, section 626.556). Richfield Fun Club must document the provision of this training in individual personnel records, monitor implementation by staff, and ensure that the policy is readily accessible to staff, as specified under Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.04, subdivision 14. ................

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