Labor Relations – Agency Account Assignments - Minnesota

Labor Relations ? Agency Account Assignments

Jennifer Claseman, Enterprise Director Labor Relations, 651-259-3758

? Attorney General ? Education ? Employment and Economic Development ? Explore Minnesota ? Corrections (shared with Matt Begansky) ? Governor's & Lt. Governor's Office

? Legislative Auditor ? Minnesota Management and Budget ? Natural Resources ? Office of the State Auditor ? Public Utilities Commission ? Sentencing Guidelines Commission

(shared with Matt Begansky)

Amanda Johnson, Labor Relations Consultant 3,

? Amateur Sports Commission ? Capitol Area Arch and Planning Board ? Higher Ed. Facilities Authority ? Human Services (shared with Matt

Begansky) ? Investment Board ? MNsure ? Minnesota State

? MN State Retirement System ? Minnesota Office of Higher Education ? Minnesota Housing Finance ? Public Employee Retirement Association ? Revenue ? Teacher's Retirement Association ? Veteran's Affairs ? Water and Soil Resources Board

Steve Bohrer, Labor Relations Consultant 4, 651-201-8175

? Accountancy, Board of ? Administration ? AELSLA, Board of ? Barber Examiners Board ? Commerce and related boards ? Cosmetologist Examiners Board ? Gambling Control Board ? Health ? Health Related Boards:

o Chiropractic Examiners Board o Dentistry Board o Dietetics and Nutrition Practice

? Health Related Boards, cont. o Emergency Medical Serv. Reg. Board o Marriage and Family Therapy Board o Medical Practices Board o Nursing Board o Nursing Home Admin o Optometry Board o Pharmacy Board o Physical Therapy Board o Podiatric Medicine Board o Psychology Board o Social Work Board

Labor Relations ? Agency Account Assignments | 1

Steve Bohrer, Labor Relations Consultant 4, 651-201-8175, Cont.

? Military Affairs ? MN State Residential Academies ? Perpich Center for Arts Education ? Public Safety and related boards ? SmART Boards:

o Arts Board (SmART) o Bureau of Mediation Services (SmART) o Campaign Finance and Disclosure

Board (SmART) o Chicano/Latino Affairs Council

(SmART) o Council for MN of African Heritage

(SmART) o Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans

(SmART) o Indian Affairs Council (SmART) o MN Council on Disability (SmART) o MN Department of Human Rights

(SmART) o Ombudsman for Families (SmART) o Ombudsman for Mental Health and

Developmental Disabilities (SmART) o Professional Educator Licensing and

Standards Board (SmART) o Racing Commission (SmART) o Secretary of State (SmART) o Tax Court (SmART) ? Workers' Comp. Court of Appeals


? Veterinary Medicine Board ? Zoological Gardens

Matt Begansky, Labor Relations Consultant 4, 651-259-3763

? Administrative Hearings ? Agriculture ? Animal Health Board ? Corrections (shared with Jennifer

Claseman) ? Department of Iron Range Resources and


? Human Services (shared Amanda Johnson)

? Labor and Industry ? Lottery ? MN.IT Services ? Pollution Control ? Sentencing Guidelines Commission

(shared with Jennifer Claseman) ? Transportation

Labor Relations ? Agency Account Assignments | 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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