Tracy Area Public Schools

Tracy Area Public Schools

District #2904




Monday, January 17, 2011, at 7:00 p.m., HS Media Center

Board Chairperson, Jody Bauer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. (Note: The weather was not good.)

A roll call was then taken with the following results:

Board Directors Present: Jody Bauer, Rod Benson, Eric Fultz, Tom Hook, Al Landa, Annette Miller, Nikki Swanson, and Peggy Zwach. Board Directors absent were Roland Dobberstein, Kelly Fricke, Jody Kruger, Leo Lindquist, Chris Schons, and Dan Zimansky.

Administrators Present: Secondary Principal Chad Anderson, Elementary Principal Tracey Olson, Activities Director/Community Education Director Bill Tauer, Assistant (K-12) Principal Kathy Vondracek, and Superintendent David A. Marlette were present for the meeting.

Community Input Time was extended to any community members that wanted to address the board.

Item II: Approval of Board Agenda was the next item for the board. Director Fultz made the motion, second by Director Miller, to approve the agenda as presented with no changes. Motion carried on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

Item III: General Business: The next item on the agenda called for the approval of our Consent Agenda which consisted of the minutes of the December 20, 2010 Regular Board Meeting, the Treasure’s Reports, Revenues and Disbursements Reports, Vendor Payments, and the Trust and Agency Reports. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Director Miller and second by Director Swanson. Motion carried on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

Item IV: Oral Reports:

Mr. Chad Anderson, Secondary Principal: Mr. Anderson reported on the exploring of Q-Comp by visiting the Minneota and Lakeview School Districts. The TEA staff will continue to explore this option.

Mrs. Tracey Olson, Elementary Principal: Mrs. Olson reported PLC’s training, Ronald McDonald House pennies, Guided Reading Programs, Daily Five Programs, and Parent Teachers Conferences

Mrs. Kathy Vondracek, Assistant (K-12) Principal: Mrs. Vondracek had no board report at this time.

Mr. Bill Tauer, Activities/Community Education Director: Mr. Tauer reported on Panther Pride Cards Program and the winter sports programs.

Mr. David Marlette, Superintendent: Mr. Marlette reported the MSBA Convention, MSBA Director Bob Meeks budget information, Chester visit for on-line schools option, Q-Comp, and news from the State Economist.

School Board Members: Director Hook talked about the “New Normal” information form the MSBA Convention.

Item V: Old Business: None at this time.

Item VI: New Business:

The first item on the agenda is the REORGANIZATION OF THE 2011 TRACY AREA PUBLIC SCHOOL #2904. Superintendent Marlette took charge of the meeting and opened up nominations for the office of Chairperson for the 2011 school year:

A motion was made by Director Miller to nominate Director Bauer as the 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools Chairman, second by Director Zwach. A motion was then made by Director Hook to nominate Director Fultz as the 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools Chairman, second by Director Landa. A motion was made by Director Bauer, second by Director Zwach, to close nominations and to take a written vote on the above two nominations. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

A written vote was then taken to declare if the Directors wanted Director Bauer or Director Fultz to become the 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 Chairperson of the School Board. Superintendent Marlette counted the votes and declared Director Eric Fultz our new 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 Board of Directors Chairman. Chairman Fultz took over the meeting and opened up nominations for Vice-Chairperson.

A motion was made by Director Landa, second by Director Miller, to nominate Director Bauer as the 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 Board of Directors Vice-chairperson. A motion was made by Director Hook, second by Director Benson, to close all nominations. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors to close nominations for Vice-chairperson.

Chairman Fultz called for the question and on a (8-0) vote by all directors Director Jody Bauer was elected our 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 Vice-Chairperson. Chairman Fultz called for nominations on the position of Board Clerk.

A motion was made by Director Bauer to nominate Director Miller as the 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools Board Clerk, second by Director Benson. A motion was made by Director Kruger, second by Director Zwach, to close all nominations. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

Chairman Fultz called for the question and on a (8-0) vote by all directors, Director Annette Miller was elected our 2011 Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 Board Clerk.

Chairman Fultz designated the following committee assignments for 2011:

Community Education: Minnesota High School League: Common Planning Time (CPT)

Peggy Zwach Rod Benson Peggy Zwach

Nikki Swenson Nikki Swenson Roland Dobberstein

Jody Kruger Annette Miller Jody Bauer

Staff Development Committee: TMB Joint Athletic Committee: Employee Relations Committee:

Roland Dobberstein Rod Benson Tom Hook

Jody Kruger Al Landa Nikki Swenson

Tom Hook Jody Bauer Eric Fultz

Building/Grounds & Health/Safety: Technology Committee: MSBA Legislative Liaison:

Eric Fultz Rod Benson Peggy Zwach

Roland Dobberstein Leo Lindquist Al Landa

Leo Lindquist Annette Miller Jody Kruger

Finance and Negotiation Committee:

Al Landa Tom Hook Annette Miller Eric Fultz Jody Bauer

Director Zwach made the motion, second by Director Hook, to approve the resignation, with special thanks, of Mr. Al Landa as our Tracy Area Public Schools TMB assistant track coach, effective January 11, 2011. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

Director Swanson made the motion, second by Director Miller, to approve the resignation, with special thanks, of Mr. Kenny Shaw as one of our Tracy Area Public Schools bus drivers, effective December 31, 2010. The motion passed on a (8-0) roll call vote by all directors.

Director Benson made the motion, second by Director Swanson, to approve the intent for the Tracy ECFE programs in Tracy and Balaton to withdraw from the MCC Early Childhood Family Education Joint Powers Agreement, effective June 30, 2011. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

Director Zwach made the motion, second by Director Landa, to approve the following resolution:


WHEREAS, Independent School District No. 2904, also known as Tracy Area Public Schools, formerly known as Independent School District No. 417, has agreed to sell to the Economic Development Authority of Tracy, Minnesota, certain real estate owned by said school district, and;

WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable that a formal resolution of the school board document and authorize said sale and the execution of a deed to make a conveyance of the real estate sold.

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by Independent School District No. 2904, by and through its school board, as follows:

1. The real estate involved in this matter is legally described as:

All that part of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 (SE1/4SW1/4) of Section 23, T. 109 N., R. 40 W., being

more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Southeast 1/4 of said Southwest 1/4; thence South 88 degrees 46 minutes 44 seconds West, bearing based on Lyon County Coordinate System, along the South line of said Southwest 1/4, a distance of 1321.80 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 988.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 46 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 835.52 feet to the point of

beginning; thence continuing North 88 degrees 46 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 115.48 feet; thence South 00 degrees 06 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 35.00 feet; thence North 88 degrees 46 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 334.56 feet, to a point 35 feet West, at right angles, of the East line of said Southwest 1/4; thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 55 seconds East, parallel to said East line, a distance of 390.00 feet; thence South 88 degrees 46 minutes 44 seconds West a distance of 450.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 55 seconds West a distance 425.00 feet to the point of beginning.

TOGETHER with a 30-foot wide easement, adjoining the above described parcel, for utility purposes over, across and under the following described premises: the East boundary of said easement premises shall be the West line of the right-of-way of South 4th Street, also known as County Road 11, as said right-of-way currently exists; the North boundary of said easement premises shall be the South boundary of the parcel above-described by metes and bounds; and the South boundary of said easement premises shall be the North line of the right-of-way of Pine Street, also known as County Road 14, as said right-of-way currently exists. Said parcel is subject to any existing highways, roadways, or easements.

2. The sale of the above-described real estate to the Economic Development Authority of Tracy, Minnesota, for the gross sales price of $35,042.28, and in accord with the terms of a previously executed purchase agreement, is hereby authorized and confirmed, and upon the closing of such sale, the chairperson and clerk of the board is hereby authorized to execute a deed to said real property in favor of said purchaser, and to provide a certified copy of this resolution to said buyer. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the school board on January 17, 2011.

On a roll call vote of (8-0) by all Directors, the above resolution did pass.

Director Miller made the motion, second by Director Swanson, to approve the resignation, with special thanks, of Mrs. Crystalynn Larson as one of our Tracy Area Public Schools SPED para-professionals, effective January 27, 2011. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors.

Item VII: Other Business:

Director Benson made the motion, second by Director Bauer, to adjourn from the public session and move to a closed session for the purpose of negotiation and personnel items. The motion passed on a (8-0) vote by all directors. The time out of the public session was 7:47 p.m. and we returned to the pubic session at 8:36 p.m.

Item VIII: Adjournment:

Chairman Eric Fultz adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Respectively Submitted,

David A. Marlette

David A. Marlette


David A. Marlette Chad Anderson Tracey Olson Pat Sommervold

Superintendent Secondary Principal Elementary Principal Finance Officer

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