Vol. 328, Part 3 12 October 2001 Pages 515 — 840



Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar

50 Phillip Street, Sydney, N.S.W.

ISSN 0028-677X


Vol. 328, Part 3 12 October 2001

Pages 515 — 840


Awards and Determinations —

Awards Made or Varied —

Crown Employees (Public Sector — Salaries January, 2000) (AIRC) 515

(VIRC) 828

Enterprise Agreements Approved by the Industrial Relations Commission 836

(385) SERIAL C0509




Application by the Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales, industrial organisation of employees.

(No. IRC 6111 of 1999)

Before the Honourable Justice Schmidt 21 March 2000



1. Arrangement


Clause No. Subject Matter

1. Arrangement

2. Definitions

3. Salaries

4. Disputes Settlement Procedure

5. Anti-Discrimination

6. Salary Sacrifice to Superannuation

7. No Extra Claims

8. Area, Incidence and Durations

Schedule A – List of Awards, Agreements and Determinations




In this award:

(i) “1997 Award” means the Crown Employees (Public Sector - Salaries June, 1997) Award which award was made by the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales on 6 June 1997 and varied by the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales on 19 October 1998.

(ii) “Employees” means and includes any person appointed to or performing the duties of any of the positions covered by the Awards, Agreements and Determinations that are listed in Schedule A.

(iii) “Association” means the Public Service Association and Professional Officers Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales.


(i) The salaries under this Award are payable to employees appointed to or performing the duties of any of the positions covered by the Awards, Agreements and Determinations that are listed in Schedule A.

(ii) The salaries payable are prescribed in Part B, Monetary Rates, of this Award.

(iii) The salaries prescribed in Part B, reflect increases of:

(a) 2% to salaries which are contained in those awards, agreements and determinations listed in Schedule A to this Award and which are payable with effect from the first pay period to commence on or after 1 January 2000; and

(b) a further 2% to salaries paid under paragraph (a) above, which are payable with effect from the first pay period to commence on or after 1 January 2001.


Any dispute between employees, the Association and employers should follow the steps below. In addition, the underlying principles relating to the resolution of grievances should be followed in dealing with disputes. The Industrial Relations Act 1996 specifies that normal work must continue while these procedures are being followed. If a health or safety risk is present, the relevant Occupational Health & Safety Manager should be notified for appropriate assessment and action.

Step 1 — Employees or the Association representative should contact the relevant supervisor in the first instance. The supervisor must commence to deal with the dispute as quickly as possible.

Step 2 — If the dispute is unresolved, the employees or Association representative may approach the relevant Manager to resolve the dispute, where the grievance has industrial or human resource implications, the relevant manager should seek the advice of the Statutory Head of the employing organisation.

Step 3 — The employee, Association or employer may refer the dispute to the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales.


(i) It is the intention of the parties bound by this award to seek to achieve the object in section 3(f) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996 to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the workplace. This includes discrimination on the grounds of race, sex, marital status, disability, homosexuality, transgender identity and age.

(ii) It follows that in fulfilling their obligations under the dispute resolution procedure prescribed by this award the parties have obligations to take all reasonable steps to ensure that the operation of the provisions of this award are not directly or indirectly discriminatory in their effects. It will be consistent with the fulfilment of these obligations for the parties to make application to vary any provision of the award which, by its terms or operation, has a direct discriminatory effect.

(iii) Under the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977, it is unlawful to victimise an employee because the employee has made or may make or has been involved in a complaint of unlawful discrimination or harassment.

(iv) Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:

(a) any conduct or act which is specifically exempted from anti-discrimination legislation;

(b) offering or providing junior rates of pay to persons under 21 years of age;

(c) any act or practice of a body established to propagate religion which is exempted under section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977;

(d) a party to this award from pursuing matters of unlawful discrimination in any State or federal jurisdiction.

(v) This clause does not create legal rights or obligations in addition to those imposed upon the parties by the legislation referred to in this clause.


(i) Employers and employees may also be subject to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation.

(ii) Section 56(d) of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 provides:

“Nothing in the Act affects … any other act or practice of a body established to propagate religion that conforms to the doctrines of that religion or is necessary to avoid injury to the religious susceptibilities of the adherents of that religion.”


(i) Notwithstanding the salaries prescribed in Clause 3, Salaries, of this Award, and Part B to this Award, an employee may elect, subject to the agreement of the employee’s Department or agency, to sacrifice a portion of the salary payable under Clause 3, Salaries, and Part B to this Award, to additional employer superannuation contributions. Such election must be made prior to the commencement of the period of service to which the earnings relate. The amount sacrificed must not exceed thirty (30) percent of the salary payable under Clause 3 or thirty (30) percent of the currently applicable superannuable salary, whichever is the lesser. In this clause, “superannuable salary” means the employee’s salary as notified from time to time to the New South Wales public sector superannuation trustee corporations.

(ii) Where the employee has elected to sacrifice a portion of that payable salary to additional employer superannuation contributions:

a) subject to Australian Taxation law, the sacrificed portion of salary will reduce the salary subject to appropriate PAYE taxation deductions by the amount of that sacrificed portion; and

b) any allowance, penalty rate, payment for unused leave entitlements, weekly worker’s compensation or other payment, other than any payments for leave taken in service, to which an employee is entitled under this Award or any applicable Award, Act or statute which is expressed to be determined by reference to an employee’s salary, shall be calculated by reference to the salary which would have applied to the employee under Clause 3 of this Award in the absence of any salary sacrifice to superannuation made under this Award.

(iii) The employee may elect to have the portion of payable salary which is sacrificed to additional employer superannuation contributions:

a) paid into the superannuation scheme established under the First State Superannuation Act 1992 as optional employer contributions; or

b) subject to the Department or agency’s agreement, paid into a private sector complying superannuation scheme as employer superannuation contributions.

(iv) Where an employee makes an election in terms of subclause (iii) of this clause, the employer shall pay the portion of salary, the subject of election, to the relevant superannuation fund.

(v) Where the employee is a member of a superannuation scheme established under:

(a) the Police Regulation (Superannuation) Act 1906;

(b) the Superannuation Act 1916;

(c) the State Authorities Superannuation Act 1987;

(d) the State Authorities Non-contributory Superannuation Act 1987; or

(e) the First State Superannuation Act 1992,

the employee’s Department or agency must ensure that the amount of any additional employer superannuation contributions specified in subclause (i) above is included in the employee’s superannuable salary which is notified to the New South Wales public sector superannuation trustee corporations.

(vi) Where, prior to electing to sacrifice a portion of his / her salary to superannuation, an employee had entered into an agreement with his / her Department or agency to have superannuation contributions made to a superannuation fund other than a fund established under legislation listed in sub-clause (v) above, the Department or agency will continue to base contributions to that fund on the salary payable under Clause 3 to the same extent as applied before the employee sacrificed portion of that salary to superannuation. This clause applies even though the superannuation contributions made by the Department or agency may be in excess of superannuation guarantee requirements after the salary sacrifice is implemented.


(i) This Award provides pay increases of 2% with effect from the first pay period to commence on or after 1 January 2000 and a further increase of 2% with effect from the first pay period to commence on or after 1 January 2001. These increases are provided arising from the agreement of the parties as contained in the Memorandum of Understanding between the New South Wales Government and Health and Research Employees’ Association of NSW, NSW Nurses’ Association, Public Service Association of NSW and Labor Council of NSW entered into on 2 March 2000.

(ii) The pay increases provided by this Award are premised on the basis that there shall be no new salaries or conditions claims arising from negotiations of productivity and efficiency improvements covered by the agreement referred to in subclause (i) of this Clause.

(iii) The no extra claims commitment does not preclude any claims that may arise following the adoption of a new Equal Remuneration Principle by the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission.


(i) This Award shall apply to employees employed in the classifications covered by the Awards, Agreements and Determinations that are listed in Schedule A of this Award.

(ii) This Award shall not apply to:

(a) persons employed by the New South Wales Lotteries Corporation;

(b) persons falling within the operation of the Rural Lands Protection Boards Wages and Conditions Award, 1998;

(c) persons employed by the Totalizator Agency Board of NSW; and

(d) persons falling within the operation of the NSW TAFE Commission Institute Managers Consent Award.

(i) This Award rescinds and replaces the Crown Employees (Public Sector – Salaries December 1993) Award published 20 June 1997 (299 I.G. 1), the Crown Employees (Public Sector – Salaries August 1995) published 8 October 1999 (311 I.G. 1) Award and the Crown Employees (Public Sector – Salaries June, 1997) Award published 9 June 2000 (316 I.G. 1).

(ii) This Award shall take effect from the beginning of the first full pay period to commence on or after 1 January 2000 and shall remain in force until 31 December 2001.


The salaries under this Award are payable to employees appointed to or performing the duties of any of the positions covered by the following Awards, Agreements and Determinations

Crown Employees (Administrative and Clerical Officers - Salaries)

Crown Employees (Archivists)

Crown Employees (Casino Inspectors Department of Gaming and Racing)

Crown Employees (Catering Officers – Department of Sport & Recreation)

Crown Employees (Commissioned Officers, Department of Corrective Services)

Crown Employees (Department of Community Services Community Living and Residential (Interim) (State)

Crown Employees (Department of Community Services Residential Centre Support Services Staff (State)

Crown Employees (Department of Juvenile Justice Direct Care Staff (Centres)

Crown Employees (Department of Urban Affairs and Planning)

Crown Employees (Division Controllers State Emergency Services)

Crown Employees (Domestic Services Officers – Department of Agriculture)

Crown Employees (Environment Protection Authority New South Wales)

Crown Employees (Forestry Officers, &c., Forestry Commission of N.S.W.)

Crown Employees Field Officer – Kosciusko and George River National Parks (National Parks and Wildlife Service)

Crown Employees (General Assistants in Schools – Department of Education and Training) Interim

Crown Employees (Geoscientists-Department of Mineral Resources and Development)

Crown Employees (Harness Racing Authority of New South Wales)

Crown Employees (Heritage Office 1997)

Crown Employees (Home Care Service of New South Wales – Administrative Staff)

Crown Employees (Home Care Service of NSW – Administrative Staff – Training Wage)

Crown Employees (Interpreters and Translators, Ethnic Affairs Commission) (Transitional)

Crown Employees (Kingsford Smith Airport Travel Centre)

Crown Employees (Laboratory Operators - Water Resources Commission) (Salaries)

Crown Employees (Land Information Officers – Department of Mineral Resources)

Crown Employees (Land Officers, Department of Land and Water Conservation and Department of Information Technology and Management 1999)

Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor’s Office, Legal Services Commission, Office of the Solicitor for Public Prosecutions and the Clerk of the Peace and Parliamentary Counsel's Office)

Crown Employees (Librarians)

Crown Employees (Lord Howe Island Board Salaries and Conditions 2001)

Crown Employees (Mine Safety and Environment Officers - Department of Mineral Resources)

Crown Employees (Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences – Casual Guide Lecturers)

Crown Employees (NSW Fisheries Salaries and Conditions of Employment)

Crown Employees (Operational Staff - Department of Agriculture)

Crown Employees (Parking Patrol Officers Police Service of NSW)

Crown Employees (Parks and Garden Horticulturalists & Rangers Staff) Consent 1998

Crown Employees (Parliamentary Attendant Staff)

Crown Employees (Parliamentary Electorate Officers)

Crown Employees (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Music Therapists) (State)

Crown Employees (Police Service of NSW Radio & Communication Operators)

Crown Employees (Police Service of NSW Special Constables) (Police Band)

Crown Employees (Police Service of NSW - Special Constables) (Security)

Crown Employees (Prison Officers, Department of Corrective Services)

Crown Employees (Professional Officers - Department of Agriculture)

Crown Employees (Public Authorities Superannuation Board Salaries and Conditions)

Crown Employees Rangers & Project / Research Officers (National Parks & Wildlife Service)

Crown Employees (Regional Directors & Valuers - All classes - Valuer Generals Office, Department of Land & Water Conservation) 1996

Crown Employees (Regulatory Officers - Department of Agriculture)

Crown Employees (Research Scientists)

Crown Employees (Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales) Officers Salaries and Conditions

Crown Employees (Safety Inspectors - Department of Industrial Relations)

Crown Employees (School Administrative and Support Staff)

Crown Employees Security Officers (Parliament House)

Crown Employees (Senior Officers Salaries 1997)

Crown Employees (State Library Security Staff)

Crown Employees (Technical Officers – Treasury) Award

Crown Employees (Tipstaves to Justices)

Crown Employees (Toll Plaza Attendants – Department of Main Roads)

Crown Employees (Tradesmen's Assistants)

Crown Employees (Valuation Manager & Valuers – All Classes – State Valuation Office, Department of Land & Water Conservation) Consent 1998

Crown Employees (Water Resources Commission Hydrographic Staff Salaries)

Crown Employees (WorkCover Authority – Inspectors)

Exhibition Project Managers and Officers Australian Museum

Fire Brigade Miscellaneous Officers (State)

Forestry Field Officers (Forestry Commission of New South Wales)

Greyhound Racing Authority (New South Wales)

Taronga Zoological Park Trust Employees (Staff Officers)

Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales Employees' (State)

Agreements and Determinations:

Adviser - Children Services, Department of Family and Community Services Board Determination

Advisory Officers, Plumbing and Drainage Ordinance Administration Public Works Department Determination

Agriculture Inspectors

Non-Graduate Agronomists, &c, Department of Agriculture Determination No. 585 of 1990

Architects Agreement No. 173 3 of 1971


Area Directors and Assistant Area Directors Soil Conservation

Area Maintenance Supervisor, Sydney Technical College TAFECOM Determination

Artists, Designers, Exhibitions Officers, etc., Agreement No. 2196 of 1975

Assistant Electorate Secretaries Determination

Assistants, Division of Forensic Medicine Department of Health Determination No. 788/83

Assistant Technical Officer (Architectural Drafting) Department of Public Works Determination 776/83

Audio Visual Aids Technician TAFECOM Determination No. 814 of 1993

Audit Officers, Auditor General’s Department Agreement No. 2496 of 1996

Biometrician’s Assistants, Department of Agriculture Determination

Braille Writers and Braille Proof Readers A & C Equivalent Determination

Branders Agreement No. 2398 of 1982

Building Advisory Officers

Car Drivers Agreement No. 2478 of 1985

Career Medical Officer Determination

Cartographers, Photogrammetrists, Computers, Engineering, Survey Drafting Officers Agreement No. 2439 of 1982

Cartographic Assistants, Central Mapping Authority Determination No. 677 of 1992

Chiropodist (Podiatrist) Board Determination

Clerical Assistants Agreement No. 2347 of 1981

Clerical Assistants 5th Schedule Hospitals Agreement No. 2409 of 1982

Clerical Officers Agreement No. 2515 of 1988

Clerical Officers Parliament House Agreement No. 2360 of 1982

Communications Operators (Police Radio) Agreement No. 2495 of 1986

Computer Operators Determination No. 642 of 1981

Computer Systems Officers Computer Services Division

Conservators Agreement No. 2504

Co-ordinators and Directors Community Justice Centres, Department of the Attorney General - Board Determination

Corporate Affairs Commission Officers (Investigations and Corporate Finance and Accounting Divisions) Business and Consumer Affairs Agreement No. 2397 of 1982

Non-Graduate Counsellors, Community Health and Mental Health Services Agreement No. 2345 of 1981

Counselling Officers (Graduate), Division of Epidemiology and Drug Co-ordination Services, Department of Health, NSW and Works Release Counsellors,

Silverwater Complex of Prisons Department of Corrective Services - Board Determination

NSW Government Courier Service Determination No. 749/82

Course Information Officers - Department of TAFE

Court Reporters - Department of Attorney-General Agreement No. 2407 of 1982

Curatorial Staff Agreement No. 2508 of 1987

Dental Officers/Therapists Determination No. 521 of 1976

Departmental Professional Officers Determination No. 866 of 1987

Deputy Chief of Division, Department of Agriculture State Wage Circular No. 16 of 1990

Dietitians, Fifth Schedule Hospital - Department of Health Agreement No. 2443 of 1982

Director of Centennial Park Determination No. 767 of 19 82

District Managers Inspection Services DIRE Agreement No. 2482 of 1985

Editorial Staff Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and Other Agreement No. 2399 of 1982

Education Officers Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing, Premier's Department (Art Gallery, Australian Museum and Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences) Determination No. 473 of 1975

Education Officer Department of Training and Education Co-ordination Determination No. 912 of 1996

Education Officers, Officers of the Minister of Education Determination No. 537 of 1978

Engineers Agreement No. 1734 of 1971

General Division Instructional Staff, etc., Institutions, Department of Family and Community Services Determination No. 796/83

General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement Salary Classes and Annual Salaries

General Printing Staff Agreement - Government Printing Office, Crown Lands Office and Registrar General's Department Agreement No. 2415 of 1982

General Staff, Institutions, Department of Family and Community Services Determination No. 796/83 General Support Officers Police Service Determination

Geoscientists Department of Minerals and Energy Agreement No. 1757 of 1971

Glenfield Park School Staff, Department of Education Determination No. 787 of 1983

Guidance Officer, Department of Industrial Relations; Research Officers, Division of Vocational Guidance Services, Department of Industrial Relations, Department of Corrective Services, Department of Family and Community Services, Department of Health NSW; Research Officers (Non-Legally Qualified) Law Reform Commission, Department of Attorney General; Psychologists, Department of Health NSW, Department of Corrective Services, Department of Family and Community Services; Research Anthropologists, Department of Health NSW; Rehabilitation Counsellor Workers Compensation Commission Agreement No. 2405 of 1982

Guidance Officers, Research Officers, etc., Department of Technical and Further Education Determination No. 435 of 1974

Hansard Reporters Agreement No. 2408 of 1982

Health Education Officer, Department of Health NSW Determination No. 702 of 1982

Inspectors, Department of Minerals and Energy (Ex. Energy Authority) Determination No. 554/80

Inspectors (Pesticides) Department of Agriculture Determination No. 782 of 1982

Inspectors, Water Supply and Sewerage; PWD Agreement No. 2201 of 1975

Interior Designers, Public Works Department Determination No. 818/93

Interpreters/Translators Ethnic Affairs

Laboratory Attendants - Various Departments, Laboratory Aides and Laboratory Assistants Oliver Latham Laboratory, Lidcombe Hospital (not including the Divisions of Analytical Laboratories or Occupational Health) and the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research Determination Nos. 777 and 785 of 1983

Land Purchasing Officers Department of Housing Determination No. 671 of 1982

Lands Officer Determination No. 870 of 1988

Lecturers, Agricultural Colleges, Department of Agriculture Agreement No. 1765

Library Technicians Amending Agreement No. 2328 of 1981

Parliamentary Library Staff, Library Technicians Determination No. 812 of 1983

Managers and Assistant Managers 5th Schedule Hospitals Agreement No. 2357 of 1981

Manager, Senior and Supervisory Staff, School Furniture Complex, Department of Education Agreement No. 2331 of 1981

Medical Records Administrators Agreement No. 2332 of 1981

Medical Technologists Determination No. 547 of 1980

Occupational Therapists Agreement No. 2223 of 1977

Officer-in-Charge, Government Printing Office

Officers Who Crew Research Vessels Determination No. 908 of 1996

Parliamentary Staff (Security Officer, Attendants/Gatekeepers - Agreement 2379/81,

Joint Services Staff - Determination: 774/83, Food and Beverages Staff - Determination No. 772/83)

Petty Sessions Officers - Local Courts Administration

Physiotherapists Agreement No. 2223 of 1977

Pilots - National Parks and Wildlife Services and Forestry Commission Determination 924 of 1983

Planning Assistants, Department of Planning Determination No. 800 of 1983

Planning Officers Housing Commission of NSW Determination No. 476 of 1975

Private Secretaries and Assistant Private Secretaries to Ministers Agreement No. 2356 of 1992

Probation and Parole Officers, Corrective Services

Professional Division Officers, General Scale, Professional Assistants, Registrar

General’s Department Agreement No. 2372

Programme Officer and Technical Assistant, Department of Housing Determination

Programming and Works Officers National Parks and Wildlife Service Board Determination

Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Publicity Officers and Public Relations Officers Agreement No. 2126 of 1975

Quantity Surveyors, Dept of Public Works and Housing Determination No. 421 of 1974

Regional Directors National Parks and Wildlife Service Determination No. 626 of 1980

Research Officers Department of Consumer Affairs and Industrial Relations Agreement 1788 of 1971, Determination No. 346 of 1976

Research Officers Department of Industrial Development and Decentralisation Agreement 1764 of 1971

Research Officers - Graduate Programmers (Computer Programming) A.D.P. Implementation Service Group, Department of Administrative Services Agreement No. 2358 of 1982

Research Statistician, Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research Department of Attorney General Determination No. 703 of 1982

Roadway Dust Examiner Determination

School Crossing Supervisors

Scientific Officers Various Departments Agreement No. 2433 of 1983

Secretaries, Stenographers, Typists, Amanuenses Parliament House Agreement No. 2401 of 1982

Security Officers and Senior Security Officers, Various Departments Determination No. 768 of 1982

Senior Technical Officer (Scientific) Determination No. 793 of 1993

Shorthandwriters and Typists, Attorney General's Department Agreement No. 2399 of 1992

Special Olympic Trainees NSW Public Service Determination No. 913 of 1997

Social Educator Department of Health NSW Board Determination

Social Workers Various Departments Agreement No. 2374 of 1982

Special Constables (Police Bands) Agreement No. 2451 of 1993

Stenographers and Machine Operators Agreement No. 2346 of 1981

Stenographers and Machine Operators, Typists and Communications Assistants, 5th

Schedule Hospitals, FACS Agreement Nos. 2409 of 1982, 2410 of 1982 and 2348 of 1981

Storekeepers, Institutions, Department of Family and Community Services Determination 817/83

Stores Officers, Various Departments Determination No. 747/82

Student Activities Co-ordinator, Department of Technical and Further Education Agreement No. 2455 of 1983

Superintendents and Deputy Superintendents, etc., Institutions, Residential Care Division, Department of FACS Agreement No. 2288 of 1980

Survey Drafting Officers Agreement No. 2439 of 1982

Non-Graduate Supervisors &c., Dairy Industry Marketing Authority Determination No. 622 of 1980

Supervisory and Technical Staff Public Works Department Determination

Surveyors, Trigonometrical Surveyors and Cartographic Surveyors, Various Departments No. 2449 of 1982

Switchboard Operators and Clerical Assistants, Joint Staff Parliament House Agreement No. 2400 of 1982

Technical Officers

Technical Officers (Scientific), Trainee Technical Officer (Scientific) and Senior Technical Officers (Scientific), Oliver Latham Laboratory, Lidcombe Hospital (not including the Divisions of Analytical Laboratories or Occupational Health). The

Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research and Various Departments Agreement No. 2370 of 1992

Technical Officers (Engineering) Determination No. 803/83

Technical Surveyors Agreement No. 2494 of 1986

Technicians, Technical Services Branch, Government Supply Department Agreement No. 2453/83

Tick Control and Other Animal Health Duties Agreement No. 2533 of 1991

Timekeepers and/or Storekeepers, Various Departments Agreement No. 2418/92

Tipstaves to Justices

Titles Officer - Land Titles Office Agreement No. 2536 of 1991

Tracers Determination No. 676 of 1982

Trainee Food Services Assistant Agreement No. 2506 of 1987

Trainee Officer Assistant Agreement No. 2490 of 1986

Trainee Laboratory Assistant Agreement No. 2492 of 1986

Trainee Stenographer Agreement No. 2511 of 1987

Trainee Stores Assistant Agreement No. 2312 of 1987

Transcription Typists Agreement No. 2350 of 1982

Typists and Communications Assistants Agreement No. 2348 of 1981

Valuers Department of Planning Determination No. 735 of 1982

Visual Aids Officer(s) C.A.E.'s Determination No. 8 14 of 1983

Registered Industrial Agreements:

Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales Agreements:

Inspectors - Vehicle Regulation Industrial Agreement No. 8411 of 1990

Works Supervisor and Superintending Officer Industrial Agreement No. 8504 of 1990

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Draftsmen (Other than Road Design) and Associated Groups Industrial Agreement No. 5399

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Graduate Surveyors. Unregistered and Registered Industrial Agreement No. 4519

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Architects Agreement No. 4274

(Commissioner for Main Roads & NSWPSPOA) EDP - Technical, Programmer, Systems Analyst, Senior Systems Analyst, Industrial Agreement No. 4410

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Landscape Architect Industrial Agreement No. 6647

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Metallurgists Industrial Agreement No.4273

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Investigations Officer and Senior Investigations Officer Industrial Agreement No.6071

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Quantity Surveyor Industrial Agreement No. 4275

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Scientific Officers Industrial Agreement No. 6747

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Photogrammetric Officers Industrial Agreement No. 4514

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Traffic Engineering Officers Industrial Agreement No. 6049

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Legal Officers, Senior Legal Officer, Supervising Legal Officer Industrial Agreement No. 5454

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWSPOA) Librarians (Non-Graduate and Graduate), Senior Librarian Industrial Agreement No. 5524

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Assistant Library and Library Officers Industrial Agreement No. 5525

(Commissioner for Main Roads and NSWPSPOA) Assistant Manager - Works (Property Rentals) Workshop Superintendents Industrial Agreement No.7723

Photogrammetrists - Senior and Supervising Determination by Commissioner for Main Roads No. 6539

Department of Water Resources Agreement:

(Department of Water Resources and NSWPSPOA) Miscellaneous Professional Officers Agreement No. 2535 of 1991

Department of Health Agreement:

Scientific Officer Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research, Westmead and Oliver Latham Laboratories, Ryde, Health Commission of New South Wales (Public Service Board and PSA and NSWPSPOA) Agreement No. 2429 of 1982


Administrative and Clerical Officers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Clerks General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or 18 years |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service Minimum at 20 years |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service Minimum at 21 years |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Provided that officers who on 6th December 1979 were on 14th year of | | | |

|General Scale and paid a personal allowance of $417.00 p.a. in terms of| | | |

|Circular No. 202 of 1979 shall be paid by way of allowance above 10th | | | |

|year of the General Scale. | | | |

| |33,442 |34,111 |34,793 |

|Provided that an Officer on the General Scale qualified at standard | | | |

|scale be paid not less than, at 19 years of age and over | | | |

| |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Thereafter |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Grade 7 | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade 8 | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Grade 9 | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|Grade 10 | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Grade 11 | | | |

|1st year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Thereafter |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Grade 12 | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Administrative and Clerical Officers - Salaries) Award.

Adviser, Home Purchase Advisory Service,

Department of Housing and Co-operatives

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |67 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Adviser, Handicapped and Licensing (Part IX Child Welfare Act)

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 Per annum |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |$ |

| |Class |$ |$ | |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Adviser, Residential Accommodation for Handicapped,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Adviser, Residential Facilities Handicapped Persons Bureau,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Adviser, Sheltered Workshops,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 Per annum |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |$ |

| |Class |$ |$ | |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Adviser Vocational Facilities Handicapped Persons Bureau,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Adviser, Children's Services,

Department of Family & Community Services

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Adviser | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|4th year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Senior Adviser on appointment |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination

Advisory Officers, Plumbing and Drainage Ordinances Administration,

Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Principal Advisory Officer, Ordinances | | | |

|1st year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|2nd year and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Advisory Officer Ordinances | | | |

|1st year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination

Agricultural Extension and Liaison Officer, Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area

Department of Agriculture

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year of service |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year of service |73,313 |74,779 |76,275 |

|2nd year of service |74,886 |76,384 |77,912 |

Instrument: Architects etc. (Public Service Board) Agreement No. 1733 of 1971


|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Archivist - Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|2nd year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|2nd year of service |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year of service and thereafter |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Archivists) Award

Area Construction Supervisors, Housing Commission

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|Wollongong |T213 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|Elsewhere |T183 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Area Programmers, B C & M Branch, Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T140 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T146 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Area Supervisor of Maintenance,

Department of Technical & Further Education

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

| |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Artificer, Australian Museum and Art Gallery of NSW

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T20 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T25 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Artist, Audio Visual Education Section

Department of Technical and Further Education

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Artists, Designers, Exhibitions Officers, etc.

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Artists Australian Museum and Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|3rd year of service |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|4th year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|5th year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|6th year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Keeper of Exhibits (Non Graduate) | | | |

|Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences | | | |

|1st year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year of Service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|3rd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|5th year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| | | | |

|Designers (Exhibitions and Publications) | | | |

|National Parks and Wildlife Services | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|3rd year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|4th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|5th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|6th year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|7th year of service |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|8th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|9th year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|10th year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|11th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|12th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | |

|Senior Designer (Exhibitions and | | | |

|Publications) National Parks and Wildlife Service | | | |

|On Appointment |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|Exhibitions Officer, Australian Museum | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|2ns year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|Chief, Exhibitions Department | | | |

|Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences | | | |

|1st year of service |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

Instrument: Artists, etc., Australian Museum; Designers and Senior Designer, National Parks & Wildlife Service; Artist, Chief, Exhibitions Department and Keeper of Exhibits, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences; Agreement No.2196 of 1975

Assistant, Trangie Agricultural Research Station, Department of Agriculture

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Department of Agriculture (1)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

(1) Promotion from Grade 1 to Grade 2 shall be subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Australian Museum (1)(2)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

(1) Promotion from Grade 1 to Grade 2 shall be subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

(2) Provided that an Assistant who is pursuing the Biology Certificate Course or the Chemistry Certificate Course of the Department of Technical and Further Education or the part-time Degree Course in Applied Chemistry of the University of New South Wales, or such other certificate or degree course which in the opinion of the Industrial Authority is appropriate, shall be granted, in addition to the salary prescribed, allowances as follows:

(a) $104 per annum on completion of Stage II of the Certificate Course or equivalent;

(b) $156 per annum on completion of Stage III of the Certificate Course or equivalent.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant, Mining Museum

Department of Mineral Resources (1)(2)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

(1) Progression from Grade 1 to Grade 2 shall be subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

(2) Provided that an Assistant who is pursuing the Biology Certificate Course or the Chemistry Certificate Course of the Department of Technical and Further Education or the part-time Degree Course in Applied Chemistry of the University of New South Wales, or such other certificate or degree course which in the opinion of the Industrial Authority is appropriate, shall be granted, in addition to the salary prescribed, allowances as follows:

(a) $104 per annum on completion of Stage II of the Certificate Course or equivalent;

(b) $156 per annum on completion of Stage II of the Certificate Course or equivalent.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (1)(2)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

(1) Promotion from Grade 1 to Grade 2 shall be subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

(2) Provided that an Assistant who is pursuing the Biology Certificate Course or the Chemistry Certificate Course of the Department of Technical and Further Education or the part-time Degree Course in Applied Chemistry of the University of New South Wales, or such other certificate or degree course which in the opinion of the Industrial Authority is appropriate, shall be granted, in addition to the salary prescribed, allowances as follows:

(a) $104 per annum on completion of Stage II of the Certificate Course or equivalent;

(b) $156 per annum on completion of Stage III of the Certificate Course or equivalent.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant, National Herbarium, Premier's Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Soil Conservation Service (1)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

(1) Progression from Grade 1 to Grade 2 shall be subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement 2368 of 1982

Assistant, Brackish Water Fish Culture

Research Station, N.S.W. State Fisheries

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant, Inland Fisheries

Research Station, N.S.W. State Fisheries

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant, Scientific Section Brackish Water Fish Culture

Research Station, N.S.W. State Fisheries

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant, Department of Valuer General (4)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

(4) Progression to Grade 2 subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Conservator, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Electorate Secretaries

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Electorate Secretary | | | |

|1st year of service or age 18 |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year or service minimum age 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service minimum age 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Determination by The Speaker, Legislative Assembly of New South Wales

Assistant, Foreman, Government Motor Garage

Department of Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service and thereafter |T39 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No.2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No.764 of 1982

Assistant-in-charge, Stationery Room,

Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Information Manager

Government Information Service

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Manager, Catering Services

Department of Corrective Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |130 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Manager, Jenolan Caves (6)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |143 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

(6) The salary includes compensation for work performed outside normal hours on weekends and on public holidays. Annual leave 6 weeks per annum.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Manager, Dutton Trout Hatchery

and Experimental Station, N.S.W. State Fisheries

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Plus "stand by" allowance of $461 per annum.

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Assistant Manager, Electrical Service Workshop

Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T114 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Assistant Manager (Ess)/Cook

Police Headquarters

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Manager (Ess), Food Services

State Office Block

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Manager (Ess)/Chef, Food Services

Goodsell Building

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Officer-in-charge, Jugiong

Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Plant Superintendent - State Office Block

Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T130 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Assistant Senior Steel Work Inspector

of Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T76 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Assistant Skilled Mechanic - Museum of Applied Arts

and Sciences Premier's Department

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T14 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service |T19 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|3rd year of service |T23 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T27 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Assistant Stocker, Leichhardt Depot, Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Assistant Supervisor of Cleaning Government Store Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| |103 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Supervisor of Public Watering Places

Agriculture Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistant Technical Officer (Architectural Drafting)

Department of Public Works

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year of service |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year of service |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

|6th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|8th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|9th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|10th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|11th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|12th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|13th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|14th year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Assistant Technical Officers (Architectural Drafting) Public Service Board Determination No.776 of 1983

Assistant to Station Manager, Inland Fisheries Research

Station, Narrandera

N.S.W. State Fisheries (8)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

(8) Designation and salary personal to Mr. V. Humphris (by allowance).

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Assistants to Quantity Surveyors, Housing Commission

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T70 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year of service |T76 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year of service |T82 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |T89 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|5th year of service |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|6th year of service |T102 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Attendant, Art Gallery of N.S.W. (9)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

(9) A special responsibility allowance of $400 per annum, effective on and from 4th July, 1980, is payable to Attendants who perform installation work for more than 50 per cent of time on a permanent basis. Such allowance to be adjusted in accordance with State Wage Case decisions.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant, Car Park

Department of Attorney General and of Justice

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant, Core Library, Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant, Mining Museum

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant, Elizabeth Bay House, Premier's Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant - Cleaner, Letter Delivery Bureau, Newcastle

Department of Public Works

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant/Courier, Central Mapping Authority

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant - Gardener, Australian Museum

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Attendant-in-charge, Plan Issue Section, Design Branch,

Housing Commission

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


Assistant Service Officer (88)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

(88) In addition, a Service Officer or an Assistant Service Officer who regularly attends either House of Parliament on evenings when Parliament is in session, or attends the House during the temporary absence of an officer normally so attending, shall be paid an allowance of $18.80 ($82.90 wb) $19.50 ($86.00 wb) $20.20 ($89.10 wb) for each week during which he attends. Such an allowance to be treated as in lieu of overtime.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Attendant (87)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|(87) Attendants appointed to Department of Education | | | | |

|Regional Offices to be paid at Grade 1 rate. | | | | |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|Grade 2 |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|Grade 3 |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Audio/Visual Operator, McKell Building,

Department of Public Works

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Audit Officer, Auditor General's Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Auditor | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Audit Senior | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|4th year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Auditor | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|3rd year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|4th year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Audit Manager | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|3rd year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|4th year of service |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Senior Audit Manager | | | |

|1st year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|2nd year of service |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

|3rd year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|4th year of service |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Auditor Officers, Auditor-General's Office Public Service Board Agreement No. 2496 of 1986

Biometricians Assistant, Department of Agriculture

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Biometricians Assistant Head Office | | | |

|1st year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|3rd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Biometricians Assistant Orange, Trangie, Windsor, Wagga Wagga, | | | |

|Wollongbar and Glenfield. | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Senior Biometricians Assistant | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination

Botanical Collector, Royal Botanical Gardens

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Braille Writers and Braille Proof Readers,

Department of Education

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Trainee Braille Writer/Proof Reader | | | |

|1st year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | |

|Braille Writer/Proof Reader | | | |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|3rd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Senior Braille Writer | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: Braille Writers and Proof Readers Public Service Board Determination

Branders, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Junior Brander | | | |

|Percentage of Salary Class | | | |

|16 (CSP 13) | | | |

|16 years of age 55.62% |13,548 |13,819 |14,095 |

|17 years of age 55.62% |13,548 |13,819 |14,095 |

|18 years of age 75.38% |18,360 |18,727 |19,102 |

|19 years of age 92.38% |22,501 |22,951 |23,410 |

|20 years of age 95.19% |23,186 |23,650 |24,123 |

| | | | |

|Provided that a person who has attained 21 years of age and is enrolled| | | |

|in the Meat Inspection Certificate Course shall be appointed or | | | |

|promoted to the first year Adult Brander rate. | | | |

| | | | |

|Adult Brander | | | |

|1st year of service |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

|2nd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Agreement No.2398 of 1982

Building Advisory Officers,

Local Government Office

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Building Advisory Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|Principal Building Advisory Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

| | | | |

|Technical Liaison Officer | | | |

|On appointment |60,686 |61,900 |63,138 |

Instrument: Building Advisory Officers, Local Government Office, Department of Local Government and Lands and Registrar General - Public Service Board Agreement

Building Controller, State Office Block,

McKell Building

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |125 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| |130 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Building Inspector

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T60 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|2nd year of service |T66 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|3rd year of service |T70 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T75 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Building Manager, Central Mapping Authority (12)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

(12) includes consideration for safety functions.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Building Manager, Goodsell Building

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Building Manager, Rawson Place, Government Officers

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |112 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| |115 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |118 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Building Manager,

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |112 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| |115 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |118 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Building Manager, Police Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Building Operations Officer, Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |103 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| |109 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Building Supervisor, Builders Licensing Board

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |100 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Building Supervisor - Long Service Leave Division

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T87 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|2nd year of service |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year of service |T102 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T110 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups); Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Building Supervisor

State Superannuation Board

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 3 |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Buyers and Inspectors,

Government Stores Department (14)

(14) A Buyer and Inspector shall be eligible to progress to the rate for a Senior Buyer and Inspector after two years service on the 7th year rate for Buyers and Inspectors.

Assistant Buyer and Inspector

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

Buyer and Inspector

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |87 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Senior Buyer and Inspector

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Section Supervisor

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |116 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Canteen Manager, Registrar General's Office

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Car Drivers

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Car Drivers - Driver/General Assistant |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|Departmental - Driver/Assistant |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|Departmental - Driver/Assistant (in Charge), | | | |

|Public Works Department |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Ministerial Driver/Assistant | | | |

|* Salary Class 52 with allowance to Salary |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| Class 122 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: Agreement No. 2478 of 1985

Car Examiner - Government Motor Garage

Public Works

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T85 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Career Medical Officers

|Classification and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Career Medical Officer | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |57,834 |58,991 |60,171 |

|2nd year |62,414 |63,662 |64,935 |

|3rd year |66,808 |68,144 |69,507 |

|4th year |71,967 |73,406 |74,874 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year |75,117 |76,619 |78,151 |

|2nd year |77,652 |79,205 |80,789 |

|3rd year |80,720 |82,334 |83,981 |

|4th year |83,824 |85,500 |87,210 |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year |86,429 |88,158 |89,921 |

|2nd year |91,495 |93,325 |95,192 |

|3rd year |99,546 |101,537 |103,568 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Hospital Medical Officers) Award

Caretaker - Attendant, The Observatory

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Caretaker - Attendant, Sports House (16)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

(16) Salary includes provision for unusual hours of duty.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Caretaker/Carpenter - Government House, Premier's Department

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T37 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service |T44 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T51 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Cartographers, Engineering Survey Drafting Officers,

Survey Drafting Officers, Photogrammetrists, Computers

All Departments

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|11th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|12th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|13th year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|14th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Officer with HSC aged 19 and over paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Class 1 | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Class 5 | | | |

|1st year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Class 6 | | | |

|1st year |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|Class 7 | | | |

|1st year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Agreement No. 2439 of 1982

Cartographic Assistants, Central Mapping Authority

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year or under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year or at 17 |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year or at 18 |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year or at 19 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year or at 20 |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|8th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|9th year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|Thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|Thereafter |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

Instrument: Cartographic Assistants Central Mapping Authority - Public Service Board Determination No. 677 of 1982.

Catering Officer

Department of Sport and Recreation

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |101 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Cement Quality Control Officer

Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |128 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| |133 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Cereal Technician, Agriculture Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| | | | | |

|Grade II |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | | |

|Cereal Technician-in-training |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Cereal Technician (17) |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |101 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

(17) Promotion to Senior Cereal Technician subject to Industrial Authority being satisfied:

(a) nature and scope of work justify such promotion;

(b) the officer is capable of performing high grade individual work requiring demonstrated capacity for independent judgement.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Channel Attendants, Department of Water Resources

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Channel Attendants including Attendants whose duties include the | | | |

|operation of electrically driven pumps | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|3rd year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Planner | | | |

|1st year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|2nd year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | |

|Senior Channel Attendant | | | |

|1st year of service |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Channel Superintendent | | | |

|Grade 1 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Grade 2 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Grade 3 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

Instrument: Channel Attendants, Department of Water Resources; Agreement No. 2541 of 1991

Check Valuer Department of Housing & Co-operatives

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T97 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year of service |T105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|3rd year of service |T115 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|4th year of service |T124 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|5th year of service |T135 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups); Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Chief Artificer, Australian Museum and Art Gallery of NSW

Premier's Department

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T30 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year of service |T33 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T35 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Chief Building Inspector, Builders Licensing Board

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T197 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T207 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Chief Inspector, Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainers Board

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T177 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Thereafter |T187 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Classifier, Records and Postal Branch

Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Cleaner - Attendant, Hurlstone Agricultural High School

Education Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Cleaner - Attendant, Chemical Laboratory

Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Cleaner - Attendant, Government House

Premier's Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Cleaner/Housekeeper, Elizabeth Bay House (Premier's Dept.)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |19 |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Clerical Assistants, All Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year of service or at 17 |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|3rd year of Service or at 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year of service or at 19 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year of service or at 20 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|6th year of service or at 21 |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|7th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|8th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|9th year of service |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Class 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|2nd year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| | | | |

|Where an officer under the age of 21 years is appointed to a graded | | | |

|position above the General Scale, that officer shall be paid a | | | |

|percentage of the first year rate for that graded position as set out | | | |

|hereunder. | | | |

| Under 17 years 50% | | | |

| At age 17 years 60% | | | |

| At age 18 years 70% | | | |

| At age 19 years 80% | | | |

| At age 20 years 90% | | | |

Instrument: Clerical Assistants Public Service Board Agreement No.2347 of 1981

Clerical Assistants

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year of service or at 17 |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|3rd year of service or at 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year of service or at 19 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year of service or at 20 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|6th year of service or at 21 |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|7th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|8th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|9th year of service |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Class 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|2nd year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Where an officer under the age of 21 years is appointed to a graded position above the General Scale, that officer shall be paid a percentage of the first year rate for that graded position as set out hereunder:

Under 17 years 50%

At age 17 years 60%

At age 18 years 70%

At age 19 years 80%

At age 20 years 90%

Instrument: Clerical Assistants, 5th Schedule Hospitals, Health Commission of New South Wales and Institutions, Department of Youth and Community Services Agreement No. 2409 of 1982

Clerical Officer, All Departments

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Group A | | | |

|1st year of service under 17 |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year of service or 19 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service or 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|6th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|8th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|9th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|10th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Group B | | | |

|1st year of service under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year of service or 19 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service or 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|6th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|8th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|9th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|10th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Minimum rate at 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| | | | |

|Grade ½ | | | |

|Group C | | | |

|1st year of service under 17 |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year of service or 19 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|5th year of service or 20 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|6th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|7th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|8th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|9th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|10th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|11th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|12th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Group D only | | | |

|1st year of service or 17 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service or 19 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service or 20 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|*Minimum rate for HSC at 19 years of age |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Minimum rate at 21 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade ¾ | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 7 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 8 | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Clerical Officer Public Service Board Agreement No. 2515 of 1988 and Determination No.877 of 1989

Clerk of Works

Various Departments

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year of service |T102 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year of service |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year of service |T118 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

(Provided that in respect of officers appointed after 10th December, 1980, progression beyond the third year of service shall be dependent upon possession of the Building Foreman and Clerk of Works Certificate of the Department of Technical and Further Education or a qualification deemed by the Industrial Authority to be appropriate and equivalent).

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Coal Resources Officer, Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Commissionaire, Goodsell Building

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Commissionaire, Administrative Services Branch

Housing Commission of N.S.W.

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Commissionaire, State Office Block

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Communication & General Support Officers,

Police Service of NSW

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Junior | | | | |

|- under 17 years |2 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|- 17 years |4 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|- 18 years |6 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|- 19 years |9 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|- 20 years |11 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

| | | | | |

|Adult | | | | |

|1st year of service |17 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|2nd year of service |20 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|3rd year of service |23 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | | |

|- progression beyond 3rd year subject to satisfactory | | | | |

|attainment of proficiency | | | | |

| | | | | |

|4th year of service |25 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|5th year of service |28 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|6th year of service |32 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|7th year of service |36 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|8th year of service |40 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Communication and General Support Officers Police Service Determination

Communications Officer, Bush Fire Committee

Forestry Commission & State Emergency Services

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T69 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|2nd year of service |T73 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |T77 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups); Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Communications Officer, South West Tablelands Water Supply

Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T41 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Communications Operator, Police Department

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Communications Operator - (Police Radio) | | | |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|3rd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|4th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|5th year and thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Senior Shift Operators - (Communication) | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year and thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Senior Communications Operators | | | |

|(Police Radio) Newcastle and Warilla | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year and thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: Communication Operators (Police Radio) Police Department; Agreement No. 2495 of 1986

Community Liaison Officer, Housing Commission

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |107 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Community Worker, Department of Youth

and Community Services

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Computer Operators, All Departments

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Trainee Computer Operator | | | |

|At 18 and under |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|At 19 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|At 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|At 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| | | | |

|Computer Operator - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|2nd year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|3rd year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Computer Operator - Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Senior Computer Operator - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Senior Computer Operator - Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of Service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: Computer Operators - Salaries - Public Service Board Determination No.642 of 1981 and Determination No.801 of 1983

Conservation Assistants, Mint Barracks Buildings,

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Conservator, The Australian Museum (19)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |97 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

(19) Progression beyond Grade 1 subject to 12 months satisfactory service at the maximum salary rate for Grade 1 and the approval of the Industrial Authority upon the recommendation of the Department Head that the nature of the work being performed by and the manner of performance of the officer warrant such progression.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Conservator, Art Gallery (20)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |97 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| | | | | |

|(20) Personal to Mr W. M |105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|Boustead - Salary Classes: |110 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| |114 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Conservator, Library of NSW

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |97 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Conservators, Cultural Institutions

|Classifications and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Conservator - Class 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|2nd year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|3rd year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|4th year of service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|5th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|6th year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|3rd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| | | | |

|Conservator - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|2nd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|3rd year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|4th year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|2nd year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|3rd year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|4th year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|5th year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|2nd year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|3rd year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

| | | | |

|Head Conservator | | | |

|1st year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|2nd year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|3rd year of service |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

Instrument: Conservators, Cultural Institutions, Public Service Board Agreement No.2504 of 1987

Contract Officer, Public Works

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T39 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Controls Technician State Officer Block

Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T60 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|2nd year of service |T63 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T67 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No.2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No.764 of 1982

Co-ordinators & Director, Community Justice Centres

Department of Attorney General

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Co-ordinator |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Director |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

Instrument: Co-ordinators & Directors, Community Justice Centres Public Service Board Determination No.808 of 1983

Contract Restoration Manager,

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |97 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |103 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Contracts Officer, Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Co-ordination Officer (Transport)

Department of Education

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Core Librarian, Caretaker, Kingswood Core Library

Department of Mineral Resources and Energy

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Counselling Officers (Graduate), Division of Epidemiology and Drug Co-ordination Services Department of Health, NSW and Works Release Counsellors, Silverwater Complex of Prisons. (Excluding Department of Health).

Counselling Officers (Graduate); Work Release Counsellors

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|5th year of service & thereafter |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

Instrument: Counselling Officers (Graduate), Division of Epidemiology and Drug Co-ordination Services Department of Health, NSW and Works Release Counsellors, Silverwater Complex of Prisons Public Service Board Determination No.711 of 1982

Counsellor - Small Business Agency

Department of Industrial Development and Decentralisation

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |100 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

| |107 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| |114 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |121 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| |128 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Courier/Attendant, Government Offices Dubbo

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Court Reporters

Department of Attorney General and of Justice

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Court Reporter | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|3rd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|4th year of service |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|5th year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|6th year of service & thereafter |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|Assignment Officers | | | |

|1st year of service |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

|2nd year of service & thereafter |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

| | | | |

|Shorthand Training Officer |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Transcription Training Officer |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Assignment Officer |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

Instrument: Court Reporters Public Service Board Agreement No.2407 of 1982


Department of Attorney General and of Justice

Courtkeepers and Cleaners

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Darlinghurst |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|Queens Square |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| | | | | |

|Supreme Court |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | | |

|Parramatta, Attorney General’s Department |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Courtkeeper, Cleaner and Messenger, Bathurst, Dubbo,

Goulburn, Newcastle, Penrith, Tamworth, Queanbeyan

Attorney General's Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Crafthand Framer Art Gallery of NSW (21)

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|(21) Personal to Mr W. J. Lamont - Salary Class 56: | |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Curatorial Staff

|Classification & Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Curator/Assistant Registrar - Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Curator/Assistant Registrar - Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|3rd year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| | | | |

|Curator/Registrar – Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|2nd year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|3rd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|4th year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Curator /Registrar – Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|2nd year of service |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|3rd year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|4th year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|5th year of service |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|Senior Curator Senior Registrar |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

Instrument: Curators and Registrars Cultural Institutions; Public Service Board Agreement No. 2508 of 1987

Custodian of Plans, Crown Lands Office

Department of Local Government and Lands

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Custodian of Plans, Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Custodian of Lands, Forestry Commission

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Custodian of Plans, Plan Room, Public Works Department

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Day Attendant, Australian Museum

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Dental Classifications

|Classification and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Dental Officer - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |41,699 |42,533 |43,384 |

|2nd year of service |44,872 |45,769 |46,684 |

|3rd year of service |48,046 |49,007 |49,987 |

|4th year of service |51,218 |52,242 |53,287 |

|5th year of service |54,388 |55,476 |56,586 |

|6th year of service |57,564 |58,715 |59,889 |

|7th year of service |60,734 |61,949 |63,188 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |63,115 |64,377 |65,665 |

|2nd year of service |65,489 |66,799 |68,135 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |68,187 |69,551 |70,942 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |71,044 |72,465 |73,914 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 |75,010 |76,510 |78,040 |

|1st year of service | | | |

| | | | |

|Dental Specialist | | | |

|1st year of service |70,248 |71,653 |73,086 |

|2nd year of service |72,945 |74,404 |75,892 |

|3rd year of service |75,642 |77,155 |78,698 |

|4th year of service |78,496 |80,066 |81,667 |

|5th year of service |81,352 |82,979 |84,639 |

|# Supplementary payment in lieu of Private Practice and On call/Recall | | | |

|Allowance see Dental Staff Specialists Determination. | | | |

Instrument: Dental Officers (Public Hospitals and Department of Health)(State) Award

Departmental Professional Officers - All Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II - | | | |

|1st year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|3rd year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade III - | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|3rd year of service |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV - | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

| | | | |

|Grade V - | | | |

|1st year of service |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI - | | | |

|1st year of service |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

| | | | |

|Grade VII - | | | |

|1st year of service |72,515 |73,965 |75,444 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

| | | | |

|Grade VIII - | | | |

|1st year of service |76,521 |78,051 |79,612 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Departmental Professional Officers Public Service Board Determination No. 866 of 1987

Deputy Chief Building Inspector, Builders Licensing Board

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T154 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T159 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Deputy Chief Inspector (Trading Standards), Department of Consumer Affairs

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |132 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| |139 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Deputy Manager, Home Purchase Advisory Service,

Department of Co-operative Societies

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Deputy Principal Apprenticeship Supervisor

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

| |T144 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Deputy Security Officer

Sheriff's Office

|Classification & Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Deputy Senior Electrical Inspector, All Departments

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T130 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Deputy Senior Mechanical Inspector, Public Works

|Classification & Grades |T.B. Salary|1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Class |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T130 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980. Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Director of Centennial Park

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Director of Centennial Park |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

Instrument: Director of Centennial Park, Public Service Board Determination No. 767 of 1982.

Directorate Films Officer, Film Library, Newcastle,

Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Display and Equipment Officer,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

District Managers Inspection Services,

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant District Manager |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|District Manager Grade 1 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|District Manager Grade 2 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Assistant Regional Co-ordinator Grade 1 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Assistant Regional Co-ordinator Grade 2 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|State Coordinator |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

Instrument: District Managers, etc., Inspection Services Division, Department of Industrial Relations Public Service Board Agreement No. 2482 of 1985

Drafting Assistant

Forestry Commission (23)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 1 |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

(23) Provided that progression to Grade 1 shall be subject to the officer having demonstrated to the Commissioner that he has the capacity to exercise independent judgement and his experience and efficiency and value of work performed warrants payment of rates in excess of Annual Salary Class 50.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Diving Supervisor, Department of Public Works

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |129 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

| |135 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Editorial Staff, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Editor of Publications - | | | |

|1st year of service |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Editor of Publications - on appointment |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Extension Officer (Arts and Display) - | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Extension Officer (Radio Services) - | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Editorial Officer Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|3rd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|5th year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|2nd year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Extension Officer (Photographic and Other Aids) - | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|3rd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|5th year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: Editorial Staff, etc., Department of Agriculture, Public Service Board Agreement No. 2399 of 1982

Education Officers, Department of Sport,

Recreation & Racing, Premier's Department

(Art Gallery, Australian Museum & Museum of Applied

Arts & Sciences)

|Classifications and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Education Officer - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|5th year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|6th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|7th year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|8th year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|9th year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Senior Education Officer - | | | |

|1st year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

| | | | |

|Allowance after 12 months on the 9th year of service: $1789 per annum | | | |

|After a further 12 months: $1789 per annum | | | |

Instrument: Education Officers, etc., Department of Culture, Sport and Recreation, Public Service Board Determination No. 473 of 1975

Electrical Foreman, Various

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 2 |T83 |40,184 | | |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Electrical Foreman, Various

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 3 |T96 |41,724 |40,988 |41,808 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Electrical Foreman, Various

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 5 |T126 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Electrical Inspectors, Various

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T118 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982


|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I Diplomate Experience Since Qualifying | | | |

|In first year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|After one year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|After two years |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|After three years |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|After four years |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|After five years |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade I Graduate Experience Since Qualifying | | | |

|In first year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|After one year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|After two years |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|After three years |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|After four years |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year of service |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year of service |73,313 |74,779 |76,275 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |74,886 |76,384 |77,912 |

Instrument: Engineers etc., Public Service Board Agreement No. 1734 of 1971

Engineer, Dairy Produce Factory,

Food Plant Engineer, Hawkesbury Agricultural College,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T61 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T68 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Engineer-in-charge, Mulwala, S.W.T. Water Supply

Public Works Department (24)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

(24) Plus $144 per annum in lieu of quarters personal to occupant of position as at 14.10.74.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Enquiry Officer, Entomology Branch

Agriculture Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Entomological Assistant, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Environmental Planning Officer, Department of Urban Affairs and Planning

|Classification and Grades |Salary |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Point |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|Environmental Planning Officer (Professional) | | | | |

|Level 1 |1 |38,223 |38,987 |39,767 |

| |2 |42,202 |43,046 |43,907 |

| |3 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |4 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

| |5 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| |6 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

| |7 |53,874 |54,951 |56,050 |

| |8 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

| |9 |58,327 |59,494 |60,684 |

|Environmental Planning Officer (Professional) | | | | |

|Level 2 |10 |61,899 |63,137 |64,400 |

| |11 |63,695 |64,969 |66,268 |

| |12 |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|Environmental Planning Officer (Professional) | | | | |

|Level 3 |13 |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| |14 |70,404 |71,812 |73,248 |

| |15 |72,515 |73,965 |75,444 |

| | | | | |

| |16 |75,668 |77,181 |78,725 |

| |17 |78,687 |80,261 |81,866 |

|Environmental Planning Officer Manager | | | | |

|(Professional) Level 4 |18 |86,752 |88,487 |90,257 |

| |19 |90,387 |92,195 |94,039 |

| |20 |94,095 |95,977 |97,897 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Administration) Level 1 |1 |21,108 |21,530 |21,961 |

| |2 |23,901 |24,379 |24,867 |

| |3 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |4 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |5 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |6 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |7 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Administration) Level 2 |8 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |9 |36,784 |37,520 |38,270 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Administration) Level 3 |10 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |11 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Administration) Level 4 |12 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| |13 |47,866 |48,823 |49,799 |

| |14 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|1 (Administration) Level 5 |15 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| |16 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| |17 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Administration) Level 6 |18 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| |19 |61,899 |63,137 |64,400 |

| |20 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Administration) Level 7 |21 |66,902 |68,240 |69,605 |

| |22 |69,741 |71,136 |72,559 |

| |23 |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

| |24 |77,375 |78,923 |80,501 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 1 |1 |15,458 |15,767 |16,082 |

| |2 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| |3 |21,108 |21,530 |21,961 |

| |4 |23,901 |24,379 |24,867 |

| |5 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |6 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |7 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |8 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |9 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 2 |10 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 3 |11 |36,784 |37,520 |38,270 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 4 |12 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 5 |13 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 6 |14 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Officer) Level 7 |15 |47,866 |48,823 |49,799 |

| |16 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 1 |1 |21,108 |21,530 |21,961 |

| |2 |23,319 |23,785 |24,261 |

| |3 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |4 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |5 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |6 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |7 |31,721 |32,355 |33,002 |

| |8 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |9 |36,784 |37,520 |38,270 |

| |10 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |11 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 2 |12 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| |13 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 3 |14 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 4 |15 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 5 |16 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| |17 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 6 |18 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Cartographer) Level 7 |19 |62,696 |63,950 |65,229 |

| |20 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Tracer) Level 1 |1 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

| |2 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| |3 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

| |4 |23,686 |24,160 |24,643 |

| |5 |25,129 |25,632 |26,145 |

| |6 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |7 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Tracer) Level 2 |8 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Tracer) Level 3 |9 |30,808 |31,424 |32,052 |

|Environmental Planning Officer (Designer) |1 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|Environmental Planning Officer (Librarian) |1 |38,966 |39,745 |40,540 |

| |2 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |3 |43,417 |44,285 |45,171 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Senior Librarian) |4 |45,556 |46,467 |47,396 |

| |5 |47,358 |48,305 |49,271 |

| |6 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Library Technician) |1 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |2 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Photographic Co-ordinator) |1 |36,784 |37,520 |38,270 |

| |2 |38,223 |38,987 |39,767 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Assistant) Level 1 |1 |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

| |2 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| |3 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

| |4 |22,528 |22,979 |23,439 |

| |5 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |6 |27,437 |27,986 |28,546 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Assistant) Level 2 |7 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Assistant) Level 3 |8 |29,854 |30,451 |31,060 |

| |9 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Clerical Assistant) Level 4 |10 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Environmental Planning Officer | | | | |

|(Student Planner) |1 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |2 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |3 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |4 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Key:_________________ ”Hard Barrier” means a barrier to a level within a classification that can only be accessed by merit through a competitive selection process.

“Soft Barrier” means an identified progression requirement (as distinct from normal incremental progression) to move from one salary point to the next within the same level. This progression is not automatic but based on meeting specific performance or skill competency requirements as set out in this award.

Instrument: Crown Employees (Department of Urban Affairs and Planning) Award

Estate Officer, B. C. & M. Branch, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T130 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Estimator, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year of service |T102 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Ethnic Advisory Officer,

Workers Compensation Commission of NSW

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Ethnic Liaison Officers, Police Service of NSW

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Examiner, Miners' Pension Claims,

Department of Mineral Resources (27)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

(27) Progression to Grade 2 subject to completion of twelve months' satisfactory service on maximum rate for Grade 1 and to Industrial Authority being satisfied on the recommendation of the Department Head that the officer is proficient in his duties and has sufficient knowledge of the relevant statutes to justify such promotion.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Examiner of Hairdressing, Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |87 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Executive Officer, Sports Resources Centre, Sports House,

Department of Sport and Recreation

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |126 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| |133 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Farm Foreman, Agriculture Department (28)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade A |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|Grade B |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

(28) Rates include component for recognition of the conditions under which work is performed on research stations.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Farm Foreman, Education Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Advisory Officer, Workers Compensation Commission (30)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade II |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | | |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| | | | | |

|Grade I |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | | |

|OIC |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| |113 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

(30) (i) Progression beyond third year rate subject to approval of the Industrial Authority upon the recommendation of the Department Head that the nature of the work performed by and the manner of performance of the officer warrant such progression.

1) Promotion from Grade I subject to approval of the Industrial Authority upon the recommendation of the Department Head that the qualifications of the officer and the nature of the work performed warrant progression to Grade I.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Assistant (Brucellosis), Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Assistant, Coal Strategy Branch, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Assistant, Geological Survey of N.S.W.,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Assistants, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Officer, Housing Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T37 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service |T44 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|3rd year and thereafter |T51 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups): Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Field Officer, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Noxious Weeds, Tamworth, Orange and Leeton |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |67 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Pastures Protection Section |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | | |

|Public Watering Places |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Officer, Soil Conservation Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Service Officer (Artificial Stock Breeding Service), Berry, Department of Agriculture (32)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

1) 16% allowance for work performed outside normal working hours.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Field Technician (34), Soil Conservation Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | | |

|Grade II |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

1) Promotion to Grade II shall be subject to an officer having completed two years service on the maximum salary of Grade I and to the Commissioner being satisfied that he has shown sufficient initiative in performance of his duties, in respect of the adoption of improved techniques or in the furtherance of soil conservation, as to warrant promotion.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Fire Brigades Miscellaneous Officers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Manager | | | |

|Construction |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|Building Services |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

| | | | |

|Area Supervisor | | | |

|1st year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|3rd year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|4th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|5th year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|6th year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| | | | |

|Senior Property Officer |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Supervisor Electrical (Country) |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Supervisor Electrical (Metropolitan) |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Radio Foreperson |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Country Maintenance Officer |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Senior Officer (Electrical/Communications) | | | |

|1st year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|2nd year and thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor Electronics/Radio |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| | | | |

|Transport Officer | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Thereafter |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor Fitting & Machining |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|Supervisor Body & Painting |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|Supervisor Mechanical |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| | | | |

|Senior Officer (Mechanical) | | | |

|1st year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|2nd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor Boot Factory |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Supervisor Hose Department |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| | | | |

|Stores Supervisor | | | |

|1st year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year and thereafter |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor Electrics/Radio |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

| | | | |

|Coordinator (Engineering Services) | | | |

|1st year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

Instrument: Fire Brigades Miscellaneous Officers (State) Award.

Fire Protection Officers, Bush Fire Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Deputy Fire Protection Officer |116 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | | |

|Assistant Fire Protection Officer |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | | |

|Fire Protection Officer (Communications) (33) |99 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| |102 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Fire Protection Officer |154 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

1) Salary Class 117 Personal to Mr. H. Freeman

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Fisheries (NSW Staff)

Administrative and Clerical Officers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|Year 1 |22,394 |22,842 |23,299 |

|Year 2 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|Year 3 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Year 4 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Year 5 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Clerical Officers – Grade ½ | | | |

|Year 1 |22,394 |22,842 |23,299 |

|Year 2 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|Year 3 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Year 4 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Year 5 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Fisheries Officers – Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |29,599 |30,191 |30,795 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |32,851 |33,508 |34,178 |

|Year 2 |33,815 |34,491 |35,181 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |35,711 |36,425 |37,154 |

|Year 2 |37,832 |38,589 |39,361 |

| | | | |

|District Fisheries Officer | | | |

|Year 1 |37,832 |38,589 |39,361 |

|Year 2 |40,211 |41,015 |41,835 |

| | | | |

|Supervising Fisheries Officer | | | |

|Year 1 |44,719 |45,613 |46,525 |

|Year 2 |47,833 |48,790 |49,766 |

|Clause 4 (ii)(a)(1) Fisheries Officers receive a salary loading of | | | |

|13.7% | | | |

| | | | |

|Fisheries Scientific Technicians | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |24,730 |25,225 |25,730 |

|Year 2 |26,394 |26,922 |27,460 |

|Year 3 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Year 4 |29,725 |30,320 |30,926 |

|Year 5 |31,390 |32,018 |32,658 |

|Year 6 |33,053 |33,714 |34,388 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |34,381 |35,069 |35,770 |

|Year 2 |36,190 |36,914 |37,652 |

|Year 3 |37,999 |38,759 |39,534 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |39,809 |40,605 |41,417 |

|Year 2 |41,860 |42,697 |43,551 |

|Year 3 |45,142 |46,045 |46,966 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|Year 1 |45,961 |46,880 |47,818 |

|Year 2 |47,349 |48,296 |49,262 |

|Year 3 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|Year 1 |50,546 |51,557 |52,588 |

|Year 2 |52,355 |53,402 |54,470 |

|Year 3 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Fisheries Maintenance Technician | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |24,730 |25,225 |25,730 |

|Year 2 |26,394 |26,922 |27,460 |

|Year 3 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Year 4 |29,725 |30,320 |30,926 |

|Year 5 |31,390 |32,018 |32,658 |

|Year 6 |33,053 |33,714 |34,388 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |34,381 |35,069 |35,770 |

|Year 2 |36,190 |36,914 |37,652 |

|Year 3 |37,999 |38,759 |39,534 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |39,809 |40,605 |41,417 |

|Year 2 |41,860 |42,697 |43,551 |

|Year 3 |45,142 |46,045 |46,966 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|Year 1 |45,961 |46,880 |47,818 |

|Year 2 |47,349 |48,296 |49,262 |

|Year 3 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|Year 1 |50,546 |51,557 |52,588 |

|Year 2 |52,355 |53,402 |54,470 |

|Year 3 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Fish Hatchery Staff | | | |

|Assistant Manager | | | |

|Year 1 |34,381 |35,069 |35,770 |

|Year 2 |36,190 |36,914 |37,652 |

|Year 3 |38,000 |38,760 |39,535 |

| | | | |

|Manager | | | |

|Year 1 |39,809 |40,605 |41,417 |

|Year 2 |41,860 |42,697 |43,551 |

|Year 3 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|Clause 4 (ii)(c) Fish Hatchery Staff receive a salary loading of 11.05%| | | |

| | | | |

|Senior Manager | | | |

|Year 1 |80,396 |82,004 |83,644 |

|Year 2 |88,158 |89,921 |91,719 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (NSW Fisheries Salaries and Conditions of Employment) Award

Fitter Operators, Various

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|On appointment |T43 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Provided that, in addition to the above salary, allowances shall be paid to a Fitter Operator who has a licence or certificate specified hereunder and who is required to act upon such licence or certificate during the course of his duties.

Fitter Operators, Various

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per week |Per week |Per week |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(i) NSW Electrician's Licence |29.10 |29.70 |30.30 |

| | | | |

|(ii) Department of Industrial |9.20 |9.40 |9.60 |

|Relations First Class | | | |

|Refrigeration Certificate | | | |

| | | | |

|(iii) Department of Industrial |4.90 |5.00 |5.10 |

|Relations Electrically Fired | | | |

|Boiler Attendant's Certificate | | | |

|Department of Industrial Relations Open All Class Boiler |9.20 |9.40 |9.60 |

|Attendant's Certificate | | | |

| | | | |

|Refrigeration Mechanic's |9.20 |9.40 |9.60 |

|Certificate Course of the Sydney | | | |

|Technical College | | | |

Provided that, in addition to the above salary, allowances shall be paid to a Fitter Operator who has a licence or certificate specified hereunder and who is required to act upon such licence or certificate during the course of his duties.

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Foreman (Other Than State Brickworks)

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 2 |T72 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Grade 3 |T85 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|Grade 4 |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Grade 5 |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Foreman, Soil Conservation Service (35)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 3 |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

(35) (a) Progression to Grade 2 subject to completion of three years service on the maximum rate for Grade 1 and to the Department Head certifying that the quality of the work being performed by the officer is such as to justify progression to Grade 2.

1) Promotion to Grade 3 shall be subject to the occurrence of a vacancy.

1) Allowance of $8.10 per week effective 16 July 1979, future adjustments will be made in accordance with similar allowance paid to tractor drivers.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Forest Assistant,

Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | | |

|Grade II |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Forester, Road Survey, Civil Engineering Branch

Forestry Commission (36)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |122 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

1) Personal to Mr. W. Bruce.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Forestry Field Officers

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

|Classifications and Grade |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Forest Assistant - | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|3rd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|5th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Forester | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|3rd year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|5th year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|6th year of service |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|2nd year of service |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|3rd year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

|Grade 4 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Grade 5 |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|2nd year of service |75,670 |77,183 |78,727 |

|Grade 7 |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Forestry Field Officers (Forestry Commission of NSW) Award.

Attendant, Motor Services Branch

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |26 |26,486 |27,016 |27,556 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Gardening, Parks and Horticultural and Landscape Staff

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Gardener Tradesman |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|Gardener Experienced |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|Garden Labourer |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|Garden Labourer, 1st class |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|Chief Propagator (Royal Botanical Gardens) |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Groundsman |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Horticultural and Landscape Officers: | | | |

|Horticultural Assistants - | | | |

|1st year of service |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|2nd year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|3rd year of service |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|4th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|5th year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|6th year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|7th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | |

|Promotion beyond 3rd year rate dependent upon possession of the | | | |

|Certificate of Horticulture | | | |

| | | | |

|Ranger |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|Senior Ranger (plus appropriate Leading Hand Allowance) |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|Foreman |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Foreman Special Grade |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| | | | |

|Superintendent, Centennial Park |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|Supervisor Royal Botanic Gardens and Mount Tomah - | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|3rd year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Development Officer (Horticulture) |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Living Collections Registrar |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Mount Tomah |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Instrument:*Gardening, Parks and Horticultural and Landscape Staff Amending Agreement No. 2320 of 1981.Gardening Parks and Horticultural and Landscape Staff Agreement No. 2266 of 1980; Determination No. 767 of 1982

Gardens Advisory Officer, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Gas Examiner, Energy Authority of N.S.W.

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Deputy Foreman Gas Meter Examiner |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | | |

|Foreman Gas Meter Examiner |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | | |

|Gas Examiner |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | | |

|Gas Meter Examiner |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Gate Attendant, Government House, Premier's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement, Salary Classes and Annual Salaries

|T.B. | |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

|S.C. |CSP |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|T1 |36 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|T2 |36 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|T3 |36 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|T4 |37 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|T5 |37 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|T6 |38 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|T7 |38 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|T8 |38 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|T9 |39 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|T10 |39 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|T11 |39 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|T12 |40 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|T13 |40 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|T14 |41 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|T15 |41 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|T16 |41 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|T17 |42 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|T18 |42 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|T19 |43 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|T20 |43 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|T21 |43 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|T22 |44 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|T23 |44 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|T24 |45 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|T25 |45 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|T26 |45 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|T27 |46 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|T28 |46 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|T29 |47 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|T30 |47 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|T31 |47 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|T32 |47 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|T33 |48 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|T34 |48 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|T35 |49 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|T36 |49 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|T37 |49 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|T38 |50 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|T39 |50 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|T40 |50 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|T41 |51 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|T42 |51 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|T43 |51 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|T44 |52 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|T45 |52 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|T46 |52 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|T47 |53 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|T48 |53 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|T49 |54 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|T50 |54 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|T51 |54 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|T52 |55 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|T53 |55 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|T54 |55 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|T55 |56 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|T56 |56 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|T57 |56 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|T58 |57 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|T59 |57 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|T60 |57 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|T61 |58 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|T62 |58 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|T63 |58 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|T64 |59 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|T65 |59 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|T66 |59 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|T67 |59 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|T68 |60 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|T69 |60 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|T70 |61 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|T71 |61 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|T72 |61 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|T73 |61 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|T74 |62 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|T75 |62 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|T76 |62 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|T77 |63 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|T78 |63 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|T79 |63 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|T80 |63 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|T81 |64 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|T82 |64 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|T83 |64 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|T84 |65 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|T85 |65 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|T86 |65 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|T87 |66 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|T88 |66 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|T89 |66 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|T90 |66 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|T91 |67 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|T92 |67 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|T93 |67 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|T94 |68 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|T95 |68 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|T96 |68 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|T97 |69 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|T98 |69 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|T99 |69 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|T100 |69 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|T101 |70 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|T102 |70 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|T103 |70 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|T104 |71 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|T105 |71 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|T106 |71 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|T107 |71 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|T108 |72 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|T109 |72 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|T110 |72 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|T111 |73 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|T112 |73 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|T113 |73 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|T114 |74 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|T115 |74 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|T116 |74 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|T117 |75 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|T118 |75 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|T119 |75 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|T120 |75 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|T121 |76 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|T122 |76 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|T123 |76 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|T124 |76 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|T125 |77 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|T126 |77 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|T127 |77 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|T128 |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|T129 |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|T130 |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|T131 |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|T132 |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|T133 |79 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|T134 |79 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|T135 |79 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|T136 |80 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|T137 |80 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|T138 |80 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|T139 |80 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|T140 |81 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|T141 |81 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|T142 |81 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|T143 |82 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|T144 |82 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|T145 |82 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|T146 |82 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|T147 |82 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|T148 |83 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|T149 |83 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|T150 |83 |48,322 |49,288 |50,274 |

|T151 |84 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|T152 |84 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|T153 |84 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|T154 |84 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|T155 |85 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|T156 |85 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|T157 |85 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|T158 |85 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|T159 |86 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|T160 |86 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|T161 |86 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|T162 |86 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|T163 |87 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|T164 |87 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|T165 |87 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|T166 |87 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|T167 |88 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|T168 |88 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|T169 |88 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|T170 |88 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|T171 |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|T172 |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|T173 |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|T174 |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|T175 |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|T176 |90 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|T177 |90 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|T178 |90 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|T179 |90 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|T180 |91 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|T181 |91 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|T182 |91 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|T183 |91 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|T184 |92 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|T185 |92 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|T186 |92 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|T187 |92 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|T188 |93 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|T189 |93 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|190 |93 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|191 |93 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|192 |93 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|193 |94 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|194 |94 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|195 |94 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|196 |94 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|197 |95 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|198 |95 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|199 |95 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|200 |95 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|201 |95 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|202 |96 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|203 |96 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|204 |96 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|205 |96 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|206 |96 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|207 |97 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|208 |97 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|209 |97 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|210 |97 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|211 |98 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|212 |98 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|213 |98 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|214 |98 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|215 |98 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|216 |99 |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|217 |99 |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|218 |99 |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|219 |99 |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|220 |99 |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|221 |100 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|222 |100 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|223 |100 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|224 |100 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|225 |100 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|226 |101 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|227 |101 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|228 |101 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|229 |101 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|230 |102 |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

General Hand (Adult), Sport and Recreation Centres,

Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing (38)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |16 |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

(38) Plus free board and lodging.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

General Support Officers, Police Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Junior | | | |

|under 17 years |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|at 17 years |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|at 18 years |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|at 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|at 20 years |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

| | | | |

|Adult - | | | |

|1st year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|2nd year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|3rd year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | |

|Progression beyond 3rd year is subject to the attainment of a | | | |

|satisfactory standard of proficiency | | | |

|4th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|5th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|6th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|7th year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|8th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: General Support Officers Police Service Determination.

General Workshop Assistant, Veterinary Research Station, Glenfield,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Georges River State Recreation Area (Wages Field Staff)

|Classification and Grades |(CWP) |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| | |Per week |Per week |Per week |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|Park Worker |29 |542.20 |553.04 |564.06 |

|Park Worker Grade 1 |33 |562.20 |573.44 |584.46 |

|Tractor Driver |35 |571.90 |583.34 |594.66 |

| | | | | |

|Leading Hand Park Worker | | | | |

|Grade 2 |38 |587.00 |598.74 |610.98 |

|Foreman Grade 1 |47 |637.20 |649.94 |663.00 |

|*includes component for weekly Disability Allowance | | | | |

* Rates supplied Wages Transition Schedule dated 1/7/91

Instrument: Georges River State Recreation Area (Wages Field Staff), Agreement No. 2403 of 1982

Geoscientists, Department of Minerals and Energy

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Geoscientists Department of Mineral Resources - | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|4th year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|5th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Senior Geologist/Geophysicist | | | |

|1st year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|3rd year of service |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|4th year of service & thereafter |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Principal Geologist/Geophysicist Research Officer, Curator Geological | | | |

|and Mining Museum | | | |

|1st year of service |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|2nd year of service & thereafter |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Director of the Geological Survey | | | |

|1st year of service |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

|2nd year of service |72,515 |73,965 |75,444 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |75,670 |77,183 |78,727 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Geoscientists Department of Mineral Resources and Development) Award.

Glenfield Park School Staff, Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Supervisor of Residential Care - Uncertified | | | |

|Probation Grade II |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade I |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|Special Grade |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Deputy Supervisor of Residential Care - | | | |

|Probation Grade II |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|Grade I |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|Special Grade |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor of Residential Care - Certified |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|Dormitory Supervisor (Day) - Probation | | | |

|1st year |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

|Thereafter |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |24,611 |25,103 |25,605 |

|Thereafter |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

| | | | |

|Special Grade - | | | |

|1st year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|Thereafter |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| | | | |

|Dormitory Supervisor (Night) - Probation | | | |

|1st year |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

|Thereafter |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |24,611 |25,103 |25,605 |

|Thereafter |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

| | | | |

|Special Grade | | | |

|1st year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|Thereafter |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| | | | |

|Dormitory Supervisor Day Allowance = 22.13 x 1 week's salary | | | |

| | | | |

|Dormitory Supervisor Night Allowance = 22.90 x 1 week's salary | | | |

| | | | |

|Storekeeper Attendant | | | |

|1st year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Gardener |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Glenfield Park School Staff Department of Education Public Service Board Determination No. 787 of 1983

Guidance Officers, etc.

(Excluding Department of Health)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(A) Non-Classified Positions | | | |

|Guidance Officer Department of Industrial Relations, Research Officer | | | |

|Department of Industrial Relations, Family and Community Services, | | | |

|Corrective Services, Department of Health NSW: Research Officer | | | |

|Non-Legally Qualified Law Reform Commission, Attorney General, | | | |

|Psychologist Department of Health NSW Corrective Services, Family and | | | |

|Community Services, Research Anthropologists Department of Health NSW, | | | |

|Social Anthropologists Department of Health NSW, Youth Counselling | | | |

|Officers Department of Industrial Relations | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|5th year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|6th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|7th year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|8th year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|9th year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Clinical Psychologist Department of Health, Family and Community | | | |

|Services, Department of Attorney General | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|4th year of service |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

| | | | |

|A Clinical Psychologist appointed to one of the following positions | | | |

|shall be paid as follows: | | | |

|Program Co-ordinator | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Senior Program Co-ordinator | | | |

|1st year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

| | | | |

|Program Director | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

| | | | |

|Project Director Department of Health NSW | | | |

|1st year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| | | | |

|Rehabilitation Counsellor Workers Compensation Commission | | | |

|1st year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|2nd year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| | | | |

|Senior Rehabilitation Counsellor Workers Compensation Commission | | | |

|1st year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|(B) Classified Positions (Group a) | | | |

| | | | |

|Senior Guidance Officer, District Guidance Officer, Grade I, Careers | | | |

|Research Officer, Division of Vocational Guidance Services, Department | | | |

|of Industrial Relations, Senior Research Psychologist Department of | | | |

|Health NSW | | | |

|On Appointment |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

| | | | |

|1st year of service | | | |

|2nd year of service | | | |

|3rd year of service and thereafter | | | |

| | | | |

|Group (b) | | | |

|Deputy Senior Psychologist, Family and Community Services, Chief | | | |

|Research Psychologist, Department of Health NSW, Senior Research | | | |

|Officer, Senior Psychologist, Corrective Services, District Guidance | | | |

|Officer, Grade II, OIC Research Section, OIC Special Section for | | | |

|Handicapped Persons, Division Of Vocational Guidance Services, | | | |

|Principal Counsellor, Youth Counselling Service, Department of | | | |

|Industrial Relations | | | |

|On Appointment |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Group (c) | | | |

|Senior Clinical Psychologist, Department of Health NSW, and Family and | | | |

|Community Services, Regional Psychologist New England Region, | | | |

|Department of Health NSW, Psychologist In Charge Department of Health | | | |

|NSW | | | |

| | | | |

|On Appointment |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Group (d) | | | |

|Chief Guidance Officer Department of Industrial Relations | | | |

|On Appointment |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

| | | | |

|Chief Psychologist Corrective Services | | | |

|On Appointment |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Director Division of Vocational Guidance Services Department | | | |

|of Industrial Relations | | | |

|On Appointment |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

| | | | |

|Deputy Director, Division of Health Services Research, Department of | | | |

|Health, NSW, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Principal Psychologist, | | | |

|Department of Health NSW, Senior Research Consultant (Personal to Dr. | | | |

|J. Kraus) Family and Community Services, Principal Psychologist, | | | |

|Psychological Counselling Service, Family and Community Services | | | |

|Principal Psychologist (Bureau of Personal Health Services) Department | | | |

|of Health NSW | | | |

|On Appointment |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Deputy Director, Division Of Vocational Guidance Services, Department | | | |

|of Industrial Relations | | | |

|On Appointment |73,313 |74,779 |76,275 |

Instrument: Agreement No. 2405 of 1982; Amending Agreement No. 2520 of 1989

Guide, Department of Tourism

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Guide/Attendant, Trout Hatcheries, N.S.W. State Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Guide-Attendant/Caretaker, Inland Fisheries Research Station,

N.S.W. State Fisheries (40)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

40) Plus an allowance at the rate of $303 per annum to compensate for all incidents of employment outside normal hours of duty.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Guide-Attendant, Inland Fisheries Research Station, N.S.W. State Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Guide/Lecturer, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Head Steward, Yanco Agricultural Research Station, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Herd Organiser, Department of Agriculture (41)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

41) Salary includes remuneration for all incidents of employment including work on Public Holidays.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Herd Recorder, Department of Agriculture (41)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

(41) Salary includes remuneration for all incidents of employment including work on Public Holidays.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Historic Sites Officer, Hartley Historic Site, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

House Officers

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Broken Hill, Cootamundra, Gunnedah, Moree |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|Grade 1 |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| | | | | |

|Goulburn, Grafton |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|Grade 2 |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | | |

|Dubbo, Orange, Department of Services, Department of |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|Education, Bathurst, State Office Block, (Assistant), | | | | |

|McKell Building (Assistant) | | | | |

|Grade 3 |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| | | | | |

|Archives Building, Goodsell Building, Relief, Wagga Wagga |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|Government Offices | | | | |

|Grade 4 |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| | | | | |

|Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Grade 5 |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| | | | | |

|Francis Street, Central Square, Caga Building, Oxford |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Street, State Office Block, McKell Building, Government | | | | |

|Printing Office | | | | |

|Grade 6 |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

House Supervisor - Assistant House Supervisor, C.B. Alexander College,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

House Supervisor, C.B. Alexander College, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Housing Welfare Officer, Housing Commission (42)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|Grade II |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

(42) Progression to Grade II will be dependent upon the Officer having served 12 months on the maximum of Grade I and possessing the Welfare Work Certificate of the N.S.W. Department of Technical and Further Education or its equivalent. Future appointees possessing the Certificate will commence at not less than the second year rate of Grade I.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Industrial Building Officer, Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T28 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |T34 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service |T40 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|4th year of service |T46 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|5th year of service |T51 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|6th year of service |T56 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |T60 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups): Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Information Officer, Forestry Commission (43)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|(43) Personal to Mr. Gooch - Salary Class 63: |63 |38,836 |39,613 |40,405 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Information Officer, Government Information Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Information Manager, Government Information Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |116 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector (Animal Health) |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| | | | | |

|Inspector (Animal Health), Brucellosis Eradication | | | | |

|Campaign, |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector, Various Acts and Seed Production, Agriculture Department

Inspector (53) -

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 3 |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

(53) Progression

(i) beyond the first year of Grade 1; and

(ii) from Grade 1 to Grade 2;

subject to meeting departmental in-service requirements. Promotion from Grade 2 to Grade 3 subject to Industrial Authority's approval upon a recommendation of the Department Head that the nature of duties undertaken and the aptitude displayed by the officer are such as to warrant the promotion.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector, Timber Marketing Act, Forestry Commission (Personal to Mr W. C. Gabb)

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T62 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |T71 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |T81 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |T89 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|5th year of service |T97 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|6th year of service |T105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|7th year of service |T115 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Inspector, Meat Industry Authority

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement, Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector, Plumbers, Gasfitters and Drainers Board

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year of service |T113 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|3rd year of service |T123 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T128 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Inspector (Dust Diseases Board), Workers Compensation Commission (45)(46)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade II |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | | |

|Grade I |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | | |

|(46) Personal to Mr. J. Keogh |98 | | | |

(45) (i) Progression beyond third year rate subject to approval of the Industrial Authority upon the recommendation of the Department Head that the nature of the work performed by and the manner of performance of the officer warrant such progression.

(ii) Promotion from Grade I subject to approval of the Industrial Authority upon the recommendation of the Department Head that the qualifications of the officer and the nature of the work performed by him warrant progression to Grade I.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector-in-Charge, Board of Tick Control, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector in Charge | | | | |

|1st year of service |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|2nd year of service |87 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year of service |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|5th year of service |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector, Rural Workers Accommodation Act, Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspector (Clay and Concrete Products), Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspectors, Builders Licensing Board

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T102 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|2nd year of service |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|3rd year of service |T118 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Inspectors, Department of Consumer Affairs (47)

(47) (a) An Inspector who has been in receipt of the maximum salary prescribed for the general scale for 12 months shall be eligible for promotion to Grade 1, subject to satisfying the criteria for such promotion.

(b) Promotion to Grade 1 shall be subject to approval of the Industrial Authority upon the recommendation of the Department Head that the nature of the work performed by and the manner of performance of the officer warrant such promotion.

(c) An Inspector in charge of an office either on his own or supervising other employees shall be paid not less than the first year of Grade 1 and when supervising one or more employees, shall receive an allowance of $400 per annum.

(d) The commencing rate for an Inspector who is a qualified tradesman shall be not less than the rate prescribed for the second year of service, provided that the commencing rate for an Inspector who is a qualified motor mechanic and who will be engaged partly or wholly on the inspection of motor vehicles shall be not less than the rate prescribed for the 3rd year of service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector - |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 1 |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |93 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Inspector - |102 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | | |

|Supervising Inspector - |113 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| |117 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | | |

|Deputy Chief Inspector - |132 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| |139 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

| | | | | |

|Chief Inspector - |146 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| |152 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Inspectors, Department of Minerals and Energy (ex. Energy Authority)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspectors | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|4th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|5th year of service |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|6th year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|and thereafter | | | |

| | | | |

|Senior Inspectors - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

Instrument: Inspectors, Energy Authority of NSW Salaries, Public Service Board Determination 554 of 1980

Inspectors, District Offices, Bathurst, Cootamundra, Newcastle, Port Kembla,

Department of Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Inspectors of Stock, etc., NSW Agriculture and Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector of Stock | | | |

|1st year of service |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|2nd year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|3rd year of service |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| | | | |

|Inspector of Stock (Clerk) | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year of service |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | |

|Supervising Inspector of Stock | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year of service |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year of service |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|4th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Inspector in Charge | | | |

|1st year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|2nd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|3rd year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|4th year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|5th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| | | | |

|Senior Inspector in Charge | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Agreement No. 2533 of 1991.

Inspectors (Pesticides), Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector | | | |

|1st year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|2nd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|3rd year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|4th year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|5th year of service |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Senior Inspector | | | |

|1st year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

Instrument: Inspectors (Pesticides) Department of Agriculture, Public Service Board Determination No. 782 of 1982

Inspectors, Theatres and Public Halls, Department of Local Government and Lands

(Salaries and conditions of progression as prescribed for Clerk of Works)

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year of service |T102 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year of service |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year of service |T118 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|(Provided that in respect of officers appointed after 10th | | | | |

|December, 1980, progression beyond the third year of | | | | |

|service shall be dependent upon possession of the Building | | | | |

|Foreman and Clerk of Works Certificate of the Department of| | | | |

|Technical and Further Education or a qualification deemed | | | | |

|by the Industrial Authority to be appropriate and | | | | |

|equivalent). | | | | |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Inspectors, Water Supply and Sewerage, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspectors, Water Supply and Sewerage Branch | | | |

|1st year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|2nd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|3rd year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|4th year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|5th year of service |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Senior Inspectors | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

Instrument: Inspectors, Water Supply and Sewerage Branch, Department of Public Works, Public Service Board Agreement No. 2201 of 1975

Instructor, Self Defence, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Instructor of Correspondence Courses, Adult Migrant Education Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Interior Designers, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Interior Designer | | | |

|1st year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|Interior Designer | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|4th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|Senior Interior Designer | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|3rd year of service |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: Interior Designers etc., Department of Public Works Public Service Board Determination No. 819 of 1983

Interpreters and Translators, Ethnic Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Interpreting/Translating Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |34,829 |35,526 |36,237 |

|2nd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|3rd year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | |

|Interpreter/Translator | | | |

|1st year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|2nd year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|3rd year of service |42,615 |43,467 |44,336 |

|4th year of service |45,142 |46,045 |46,966 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Senior Interpreter/Translator | | | |

|1st year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|2nd year of service |50,243 |51,248 |52,273 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Casual Interpreter | | | |

|Base Hourly Rate (Unloaded) |25.93 |26.40 |26.90 |

|Hourly Rate (Base + 54.5%) |40.06 |40.90 |41.70 |

|Base Overtime Rate (Base + 34.5%) |34.88 |35.60 |36.30 |

| | | | |

|Casual Translator | | | |

|Standard Document |20.03 |20.40 |20.80 |

|Non Standard Document | | | |

|Translation | | | |

|First 200 words or part thereof |40.06 |40.90 |41.70 |

|Then 100 words thereafter or part thereof |20.03 |20.40 |20.80 |

| | | | |

|Editing | | | |

|First 200 words or part thereof |30.05 |30.70 |31.30 |

|Then 100 words thereafter or part thereof |15.02 |15.30 |15.60 |

| | | | |

|Proof Reading | | | |

|First 200 words or part thereof |20.03 |20.40 |20.80 |

|Then 100 words thereafter or part thereof |10.01 |10.20 |10.40 |

| | | | |

|Checking | | | |

|First 200 words or part thereof |30.05 |30.70 |31.30 |

|Then 100 words thereafter or part thereof |15.02 |15.30 |15.60 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Interpreters and Translators, Ethnic Affairs Commission) (Transitional) Award

Interpretive Assistants, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Interpretive Assistants | | | |

|Year 1 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Year 2 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Investigations Officer, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T30 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Investigating Officer, Division of Wood Technology, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Investigating Officer, Department of Industrial Development and Decentralisation

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |88 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |102 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Investigating Officer, Housing Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Investigating Officer, Public Solicitor's Office

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Investigators (Law Enforcement)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | | |

|First year |64 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Second year and thereafter |71 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | | |

|First year |73 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Second year and thereafter |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | | |

|Head of Law Enforcement | | | | |

|On appointment |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination

Keeper, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |101 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| |115 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Kosciusko National Park Wages Field Staff, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per week $ |Per Week $ |Per Week $ |

|Park Worker |551.60 |562.63 |574.26 |

|Park Worker Grade 1 |566.60 |577.93 |589.56 |

|Driver Operator |581.50 |593.13 |604.86 |

|Stonemason |598.40 |610.37 |622.20 |

|Foreman |704.90 |719.00 |733.38 |

Instrument: Agreement No. 2303 of 1981

Laboratory Attendants, Various Departments

(Excluding Department of Health)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Laboratory Attendant (Junior) | | | |

|At 16 and under |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|At 17 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|At 18 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|At 19 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|At 20 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| | | | |

|Laboratory Attendant General Scale (Adult) | | | |

|1st year of service |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|2nd year of service |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Laboratory Attendant Grade 1 (Adult) | | | |

|1st year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Instrument: Laboratory Attendants, Various Departments; Public Service Board Determination No. 777 of 1983

Laboratory Craftsmen, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | | |

|1st year of service |T13 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|2nd year of service |T16 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|3rd year of service |T19 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T22 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | | |

|1st year of service |T25 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|2nd year of service |T28 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T31 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Laboratory Craftsman |T54 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

Labourer, Export and Import Branch,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Labourer, Housing Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Land Acquisition Officer, Public Works Department (56)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Land Acquisition Officer, Public Works Department (56)

(56) Progression beyond the rate prescribed for the 2nd year of service subject to a certificate from the Department Head that the officer is performing the full range of duties, including the more important and difficult investigations, and to approval by the Industrial Authority. Any officer occupying the position of Land Acquisition Officer or Land Inspection Officer, who is a qualified Valuer, shall be paid a salary appropriate to the following scale of salary classes -

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Land Inspection Officer (56)

(56) Progression beyond the rate prescribed for the 2nd year of service subject to a certificate from the Department Head that the officer is performing the full range of duties, including the more important and difficult investigations, and to approval by the Industrial Authority. Any officer occupying the position of Land Acquisition Officer or Land Inspection Officer, who is a qualified Valuer, shall be paid a salary appropriate to the following scale of salary classes - 77, 83, 89, 95.

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Education Department |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | | |

|Housing Commission |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | | |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Land Inspector, Crown Lands Office

Department of Local Government and Lands (57)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade II |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | | |

|Grade I |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Land Inspector, Crown Lands Office

Department of Local Government and Lands (57)

(57) Progression from Grade II to Grade I subject to 12 months satisfactory service on the maximum rate of Grade II and to Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work performed warrants classification in Grade I.

Progression to the rate prescribed for the 9th year of service of Grade I subject to an officer having completed 5 years' satisfactory service on the rate prescribed for the 4th year of service and to Industrial Authority being satisfied, after consideration of a report by the Department Head, that such officer has demonstrated his ability and capacity to perform work of a more difficult and responsible nature.

Subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that he is engaged on the more important valuations of land and that the manner of performance of his duties so warrant, an officer who is qualified for admission as an Associate of the Commonwealth Institute of Valuers shall be paid a salary appropriate to the following scale of salary classes:

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |100 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

| |105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Land Purchasing Officers, Department of Housing

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Land Purchasing Officer - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|3rd year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|4th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|5th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|5th year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|6th year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|3rd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|4th year of service |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Senior Land Purchasing Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|2nd year of service |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

Instrument: Land Purchasing Officers etc., Housing Commission of NSW; Public Service Board Determination No. 671 of 1982

Lands Officer, Department of Lands

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Lands Officer General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|Age 19 and over with HSC |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|11th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|12th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Further progression to 13th year shall be either: | | | |

|On successful completion of an approved external course of study and | | | |

|after 12 months experience at the 12th | | | |

|year of service rate of | | | |

|(ii) completion of an approved Departmental training programme with | | | |

|relevant experience acceptable to the Department Head or | | | |

|(iii) relevant experience acceptable to the Departmental Head. | | | |

|13th year of service |35,793 |36,509 |37,239 |

|14th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Provided that: | | | |

| | | | |

|(a) the salaries of officers shall be advanced by way of accelerated | | | |

|progression to the 10th year of service from the date of appointment to| | | |

|take charge of a field party provided that the officer has 3 years | | | |

|experience on the general scale. | | | |

|(b) the salaries of officers shall be advanced by way of accelerated | | | |

|progression to the 13th year of service rate upon the successful | | | |

|completion of an approved external course of study and 2 years relevant| | | |

|experience acceptable to the Department Head. | | | |

| | | | |

|Promotion to the following salary levels will be subject to a vacancy | | | |

|occurring and successful completion of an approved course of study (or | | | |

|equivalent), or relevant experience acceptable to the Department Head | | | |

| | | | |

|Class 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Class 5 | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Class 6 | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|Class 7 | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Class 8 | | | |

|1st year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Thereafter |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Class 9 | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|2nd year of service |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Lands Officer, Department of Lands Industrial Authority Determination No. 870 of 1988

Lapidary, Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Leading Hand, Inland Fisheries Research Station, Narrandera

NSW State Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Leading Inspector (Clay and Concrete Products), Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Leading Steelworks Inspectors, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T61 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Lecturers, Agricultural Colleges, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Lecturer Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Provided that the salary of an officer who has completed two years of |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|service on the rate prescribed for the second year of service of Grade | | | |

|II shall be advanced to | | | |

| | | | |

|Deputy Principal C.B Alexander Tocal | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

| | | | |

|Senior Lecturer Yanco Tocal | | | |

|1st year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|2nd year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

Instrument: Lecturers, Agricultural Colleges, Department of Agriculture Agreement No. 1765 of 1971

Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor’s Office,

Legal Aid Commission, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

and Parliamentary Counsel's Office) Award

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Legal Officers | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|2nd year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|5th year of service |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|4th year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|5th year of service |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|3rd year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

|2nd year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|2nd year of service |75,670 |77,183 |78,727 |

Instrument: Crown Employees - Legal Officers (Crown Solicitors Office, Legal Aid Commission, Office of Director of Public Prosecutions and Parliamentary Counsel's Office) Award.

Legal Officers, Various Departments

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

|Classification and Grades |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Legal Officers | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|2nd year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|5th year of service |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|4th year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|5th year of service |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|3rd year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

|2nd year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|2nd year of service |75,670 |77,183 |78,727 |

Instrument: Legal Officers, Various Departments; Public Service Board Agreement No. 2375 of 1982

Liaison Officer, Ethnic Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Liaison Officer, Adult Probation Service, Department of Corrective Services (58)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

58) Personal to Mr N Reay.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Librarian - Graduate and Non-Graduate | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|7th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Senior Librarian | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|2nd year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| | | | |

|Divisional Librarian | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|3rd year of service |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|2nd year of service |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

|3rd year of service |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

| | | | |

|Assistant State Librarian; Associate Librarian, TAFE & Department of | | | |

|Education | | | |

|On Appointment |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Librarians) Award

Library Technicians

|Classifications and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Library Technician | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Junior | | | |

|Under age 17 years |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|At age 17 years |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|At age 18 years |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|At age 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|At age 20 years |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

| | | | |

|Adult | | | |

|1st year of service |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|2nd year of service |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|3rd year of service |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|3rd year of service |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Library Technician | | | |

|1st year of service |33,255 |33,920 |34,598 |

|2nd year of service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|3rd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| | | | |

|Senior Library Technician | | | |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: Library Technicians and Assistant Library Technicians, State Library of NSW and Department of Technical and Further Education, Library Technicians Agreement 2384 of 1982 (See Also Public Service Board Agreement No. 2189 of 1975).

Linen Controller, Parramatta Linen Service

Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |118 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Locust Patrol Officer, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Lord Howe Island Board Officers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |28,786 |29,332 |29,889 |

|Year 2 |30,069 |30,640 |31,223 |

|Year 3 |30,810 |31,396 |31,994 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |31,630 |32,233 |32,848 |

|Year 2 |31,943 |32,552 |33,173 |

|Year 3 |33,324 |33,960 |34,609 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |33,880 |34,528 |35,189 |

|Year 2 |34,832 |35,499 |36,179 |

|Year 3 |35,983 |36,673 |37,376 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 4 | | | |

|Year 1 |37,027 |37,738 |38,463 |

|Year 2 |38,782 |39,528 |40,289 |

|Year 3 |40,266 |41,041 |41,832 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 5 | | | |

|Year 1 |41,122 |41,914 |42,722 |

|Year 2 |42,295 |43,111 |43,943 |

|Year 3 |44,746 |45,611 |46,493 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 5A | | | |

|Year 1 |44,746 |45,611 |46,493 |

|Year 2 |46,056 |46,947 |47,856 |

|Year 3 |51,653 |52,656 |53,679 |

|Year 4 |53,739 |54,784 |55,850 |

|Year 5 |55,397 |56,475 |57,575 |

|Year 6 |57,234 |58,349 |59,486 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 6 | | | |

|Year 1 |46,056 |46,947 |47,856 |

|Year 2 |51,653 |52,656 |53,679 |

|Year 3 |53,739 |54,784 |55,850 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 7 | | | |

|Year 1 |55,397 |56,475 |57,575 |

|Year 2 |57,234 |58,349 |59,486 |

|Year 3 |60,888 |62,076 |63,288 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Officer Grade 8 | | | |

|Year 1 |62,654 |63,877 |65,125 |

|Year 2 |65,682 |66,966 |68,275 |

|Year 3 |68,402 |69,740 |71,105 |

|Lord Howe Island Board Senior Officer Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |75,609 |77,091 |78,603 |

|Year 2 |78,875 |80,423 |82,001 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Lord Howe Island Board Salaries and Conditions 2001) Award

Maintenance Officer, Corporate Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Maintenance Officer, Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Maintenance Officer, Kuring-gai Chase National Park

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Maintenance Officer, Lake Jindabyne Sport and Recreation Centre

Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Maintenance Supervisor, Kosciusko National Park

National Parks and Wildlife Service (59)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

(59) Grading personal to present occupant, Mr. LeMaitre. Salary includes compensation for overtime worked on the maintenance of essential services and has regard to the fact that he may be "on call" on alternate weekends.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Maintenance Supervisor, Royal National Park, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T44 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service |T49 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|3rd year of service and T/A |T53 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Maintenance Supervisor, State Office Block, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Manager, Catering Services, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |140 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

| |150 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Garages and Industrial Equipment

Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |138 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Marketing and Development, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |138 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| |143 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Primary Industries, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |138 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| |143 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Secondary Industries, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |143 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| |148 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Stores and Ancillary Service, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |170 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Home Purchase Advisory Service, Department of Housing and Co-operatives

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Museum Shops

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |93 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| |113 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| |119 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager (ESS), Food Services Division

Police Headquarters (62)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|(62) Personal to Mrs V. Hardin, effective 8 May 1981 | | | | |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Prison Arts and Crafts Shop, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |131 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| |136 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Food Services, State Office Block

Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |109 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| |115 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |121 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Government Motor Services

Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |155 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Glebe Garage, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T151 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|2nd year of service |T155 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T165 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Manager (Leichhardt Workshops), Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T160 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|2nd year of service |T168 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|3rd year of service |T172 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T177 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Personal to Mr Munro |T188 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Manager, Dutton and Garden Trout Hatcheries

NSW State Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Manager, Jenolan Caves, Tourism Commission (61)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |168 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

(61) Salary includes compensation for all incidents of employment, including the disabilities of working on weekends and public holidays, being on duty seven days per week, and being on-call whenever required, and is fixed on the basis of the annual leave attached to the position being 6 weeks per annum.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manager, Electrical Services Workshop

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T150 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Manager Technical Services, Mines Subsidence Board

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Managing Secretary, Prisoners' Aid Association

Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manuscript Repairer, State Library (64)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale |21 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

| |24 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 1 |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

(64) A Manuscript Repairer who has served for 4 years on the 4th year of service rate of the General Scale shall be eligible to progress to Grade 1, subject to the normal requirements for payment of increments.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Manuscript Restorer, Archives Office

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Market Reporters, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Marketing and Sales Manager, Prison Industries

Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |143 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| |148 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Matron, Police Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Matrons and Sub-Matrons, Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Matron |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | | |

|Sub-Matron |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Mechanical Foreman, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade III |T39 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|Grade II |T50 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|Grade I |T61 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Mechanical Inspectors, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T95* |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year of service |T102* |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year of service |T111** |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year of service |T118 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

* Provided that an officer possessing the Boiler Inspector Licence shall commence at the 3rd year of the scale (or proceed to that point on obtaining the qualification).

** Progression beyond the 3rd year of the scale in respect of all officers shall be subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the officer is adequately performing the full range of inspections (not limited to the Inspector's own trade or calling) required by the Department.

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Media Monitors

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Media Monitor, Level 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,454 |38,203 |38,967 |

|2nd year of service |38,946 |39,725 |40,520 |

|3rd year of service |40,562 |41,373 |42,200 |

|4th year of service |42,491 |43,341 |44,208 |

| | | | |

|Senior Media Monitor, Level 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,272 |45,157 |46,060 |

|2nd year of service |46,008 |46,928 |47,867 |

|3rd year of service |47,779 |48,735 |49,710 |

|4th year of service |49,264 |50,249 |51,254 |

Instrument: Media Monitoring Unit, Premier’s Department Agreement No.2546 of 1997

Messenger, Services Centre, Goodsell Building

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Messenger, Caretaker and Cleaner, Land Board Office

Department of Local Government and Lands

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Mine Safety and Environmental Officers

|Classification and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector Grade 1 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|Mine Safety Officer Level 1 | | | |

|Inspector (Information and Analysis) Level 2 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|Inspector (Mining) Level 3 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|Inspector (Environment) Level 4 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|Level 5 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Level 6 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|Level 7 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Level 8 |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|Level 9 |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|Inspector Grade 2 |73,283 |74,749 |76,244 |

|Inspector (Review, Enforcement and Systems) Level 1 | | | |

|Mine Safety Officer Level 2 |75,745 |77,260 |78,805 |

|Inspector (Mining) Level 3 |78,154 |79,717 |81,311 |

|Inspector (Environment) Level 4 |80,122 |81,724 |83,358 |

|Level 5 |82,786 |84,442 |86,131 |

|Level 6 |84,824 |86,520 |88,250 |

|Inspector Grade 3 |93,501 |95,371 |97,278 |

|Inspector (Management and/or Systems) Level 1 | | | |

|Inspector (Mining) Level 2 |96,966 |98,905 |100,883 |

|Inspector (Environment) Level 3 |100,748 |102,763 |104,818 |

|Level 4 |104,481 |106,571 |108,702 |

|Level 5 |108,213 |110,377 |112,585 |

|Inspector Grade 4 |109,679 |111,873 |114,110 |

|Regional Manager Grade 4 | | | |

|Assistant Director | | | |

|Deputy Chief Inspector Grade 4 | | | |

|Level 1 | | | |

|Level 2 |113,743 |116,018 |118,338 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Mine Safety and Environmental Officers) Award

Mining Occupations Inspectors, Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Miscellaneous Professional Officers, Department of Water Resources

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Cadets/Trainees | | | |

|1st year of service |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|5th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|6th year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|3rd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|5th year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|6th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|2nd year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|3rd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Thereafter |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Thereafter |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|Thereafter |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|1st year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Thereafter |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

Instrument: Miscellaneous Professional Officers, Department of Water Resources; Agreement No. 2535 of 1991

Museum Assistant, Captain Cook's Landing Place

National Parks & Wildlife service (65)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

(65) (a) Salary range includes the requirements to work on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

(b) Promotion from Grade 1 to Grade 2 subject to the Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work being performed warrants such progression.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

N.S.W. Government Courier Service

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Courier Assistant |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|Courier Operator |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|Courier Operator (Newcastle) |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|Senior Courier Operator |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | |

|Courier Supervisor | | | |

|1st year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| | | | |

|Radio Operator, Transport | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Transport Officer |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Transport Officer |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

Instrument: NSW Government Courier Service, Government Stores Department General Division Staff Salaries Public Service Board Determination No. 749 of 1982.

Night Attendant, Australian Museum

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Night Supervisor, Central Mapping Authority (66)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

(66) Salary includes compensation for working afternoon shifts.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Records and Vouchers

Auditor-General's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Standards, Department of Consumer Affairs

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |121 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| |127 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| |134 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Mail Despatch Section, Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Plan Room, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Print Room, Housing Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Records Branch, Land Tax Office

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Basement, Rawson Place, Government Offices Building

Services Branch, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Common Mail Despatch Room, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Cumly-Gumly Pumping Station

Public Works Department (67)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

(67) Overtime allowance at six per cent of salary.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Jugiong Pumping Station, South West Tablelands Water Supply

Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T60 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|2nd year of service and T/A |T65 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Plan Printing and Microfilming Section,

Public Works Department (68)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

(68) Personal to Mr N Joyce.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Records, Ministry of Transport

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Investigations

Workers' Compensation Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |100 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

| |102 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Mail Room, Central Square and Francis Street

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Basement Areas, Goodsell Building

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Mail Room, Goodsell Building

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officer-in-Charge, Basement Areas, State Office Block

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Officers-in-Charge, Workshops, Baradine, Casino, Bateman's Bay

and Newcastle Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T68 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T74 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Officers-in-Charge, Workshops

Bathurst, Batlow, Coffs Harbour, Putney, Eden

and Wauchope, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T100 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

OIC Maintenance Section, Housing Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Sydney Area Office |T186 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Parramatta and Liverpool |T169 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Outdoor Officer, Public Trust Office

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Overseer, Pillar Construction, Central Mapping Authority (70)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

(70) Salary includes compensation for site and weather conditions.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Panel Interpreters and Translators, Ethnic Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Interpreters (rates per day) | | | |

| | | | |

|(i) Every interpreter not hereunder specified to be paid a minimum fee |99.50 |101.49 |103.02 |

|of: | | | |

| | | | |

|(ii) Where an assignment exceeds three hours |167.80 |171.16 |174.42 |

| | | | |

|(iii) Every interpreter residing such a distance from the assignment | | | |

|that he/she cannot travel to and from the assignment on the same day to| | | |

|be paid a fee - | | | |

| | | | |

|(a) for each complete day of 24 hours necessarily absent from home |167.80 |171.16 |174.42 |

|(b) for each day's assignment |48.60 |49.57 |51.00 |

| | | | |

|(iv) In the case where an interpreter is absent from his/her residence |216.10 |220.42 |224.40 |

|overnight but for a period of less then 24 hours, to be paid a fee, in | | | |

|lieu of any fee under (ii) above of | | | |

| | | | |

|(v) If any interpreter carries out an assignment which commences on or | | | |

|after 9.00 pm and ceases at or before 6.00 am then providing that the | | | |

|assignment arose specifically as a result of a police request for the | | | |

|interpreter's services, the following rates shall be paid: | | | |

|(a) for assignments of two hours or less duration |99.50 |101.49 |103.02 |

|(b) for each additional hour or part thereof |49.70 |50.69 |52.02 |

| | | | |

|Fees and Allowances - Translators | | | |

|Basic document |18.20 |18.56 |19.38 |

|Standard document |18.20 |18.56 |19.38 |

|Complex document up to 150 words |33.90 |34.58 |35.70 |

|between 151 and 175 words |36.90 |37.64 |38.76 |

|between 176 and 200 words |39.10 |39.88 |40.80 |

|per 100 words over 200 words |20.10 |20.50 |21.42 |

|per 25 words extra |4.90 |5.00 |5.10 |

| | | | |

|Fees and allowances payable to panel interpreters and translators | | | |

| | | | |

|Checking - | | | |

|up to 200 words |29.30 |29.89 |30.60 |

|per 25 words extra |3.70 |3.77 |4.08 |

| | | | |

|Editing - | | | |

|up to 200 words |19.40 |19.79 |20.40 |

|per 25 words extra |2.40 |2.45 |2.04 |

| | | | |

|Proof Reading - | | | |

|up to 200 words |10.10 |10.30 |10.20 |

|per 25 words extra |1.10 |1.12 |1.02 |

Instrument: Industrial Determination

Parole Officers, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Parole Officer | | | |

|Min 3 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Max 3 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Min 4 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Max 4 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Min 5 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Max 5 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Min 6 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Max 6 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Unit Leader | | | |

|Min 7 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Max 7 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Max 8 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|District Manager 4 | | | |

|Min 7 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Max 7 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|District Manager 3 | | | |

|Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Max 8 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Min 9 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Max 9 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|District Manager 2 | | | |

|Min 9 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Max 9 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Min 10 |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Max 10 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|District Manager 1 | | | |

|Min 10 |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Max 10 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Min 11 |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Max 11 |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Pastoral Inspector, Western Lands Commission,

Department of Local Government and Lands (71)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade II |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | | |

|Grade I |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

(71) Progression from Grade II to Grade I subject to 12 months satisfactory service on the maximum rate for Grade II and to Industrial Authority being satisfied that the nature of the work performed warrants classification in Grade I.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Pay Escort, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Pest Control Officers, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T71 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T76 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Petty Sessions Officers - Local Courts Administration

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade1/2 | | | |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Officer with HSC at 19 paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|General Scale | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service Max 1 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service Min 2 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Thereafter Max 2 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service Max 3 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year of service Min 4 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Thereafter Max 4 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|1st year of service Max 5 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service Min 6 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter Max 6 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|1st year of service Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter Max 9 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Grade 7 | | | |

|1st year of service Min 11 |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Thereafter Min 12 |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination 741 of 1982 which reflected flow-ons awarded to Administrative and Clerical Division Officers in the Industrial Commission on 7 April 1982


|Classification and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Pharmacist - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |32,377 |33,025 |33,686 |

|2nd year |33,589 |34,261 |34,946 |

|3rd year |35,645 |36,358 |37,085 |

|4th year |38,102 |38,864 |39,641 |

|5th year |40,744 |41,559 |42,390 |

|6th year |43,332 |44,199 |45,083 |

|7th year |45,430 |46,339 |47,266 |

|8th year |46,895 |47,833 |48,790 |

| | | | |

|Pharmacist - Grade 2 | | | |

|After 2 yrs on maximum |48,294 |49,260 |50,245 |

| | | | |

|Part-time Pharmacist |26.00 |27 |28 |

| | | | |

|Pharmaceutical Advisor | | | |

|Pharmaceutical Services Branch | | | |

|1st year |52,465 |53,514 |54,584 |

|2nd year |54,225 |55,310 |56,416 |

|3rd year |55,741 |56,856 |57,993 |

|4th year |57,259 |58,404 |59,572 |

| | | | |

|Principal Pharmaceutical Advisor | | | |

|Pharmaceutical Services Branch | | | |

|1st year |62,694 |63,948 |65,227 |

|2nd year |64,275 |65,561 |66,872 |

| | | | |

|Deputy Chief Pharmacist | | | |

|Pharmaceutical Services Branch | | | |

|1st year |66,406 |67,734 |69,089 |

|2nd year |68,058 |69,419 |70,807 |

| | | | |

|Chief Pharmacist | | | |

|Pharmaceutical Services Branch | | | |

|1st year |73,294 |74,760 |76,255 |

|2nd year |75,017 |76,517 |78,047 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Chief Pharmacist | | | |

|Group 1 & 3, Grade 5 | | | |

|Corrections Health Service | | | |

|1st year |62,691 |63,945 |65,224 |

|2nd year |64,276 |65,562 |66,873 |

Instrument: Pharmacists, PSB Agreement 2441 of 1982

Photographic and Allied Staff, Various Departments (78)

(78) (A) Photographic and Allied Staff: Various Departments Photographic Operators and Photographers, Grade I on the successful completion of the 1st year of:

(i) The Photography Certificate Course of the NSW Department of Technical and Further Education; or

(ii) a course of equivalent or higher status; or

(iii) a photographic related Certificate or Trade Course deemed by the Industrial Authority to have provided the officer with a general basic knowledge of photography;

shall be eligible for the payment of an allowance of 2 salary classes, provided that on the successful completion of the first 2 years of one of the Certificate or Trade courses specified in (i), (ii) and (iii) above an allowance of 5 salary classes shall be payable. Photographic Operators and Photographers Grade I currently in receipt of an allowance for completing 1 or 2 years of the old 5 year Photography Certificate Course shall be eligible for the payment of an allowance of 2 and 5 salary classes respectively.

Assistant to Officer-in-Charge, Copying Services Division,

Registrar General's Office (On Appointment),

Department of Local Government and Lands

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Films Officer

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | | |

|Films Officer, NSW Films Council |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|Films Officer, Teaching Resources Centre, | | | | |

|Education Department | | | | |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Senior Films Officer, NSW Films Council |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|Senior Films Officer, Teaching Resources Centre, Education | | | | |

|Department | | | | |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Museum Photographer and Visual Aids Officer, Australian Museum

Personal to Mr H D Hughes

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |106 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Officer in Charge

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Officer-in-Charge, Photographic and Plan Printing Section, |82 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Public Works Department (on appointment) | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Officer-in-Charge, Photographic Laboratory, Crown Lands |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|Office, Department of Local Government and Lands | | | | |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| | | | | |

|Second Officer, Photographic and Plan Printing Section, |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Public Works Department | | | | |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| | | | | |

|Second Officer, Photographic Section, Department of |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Environment and Planning | | | | |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Camera Operator, Corporate Affairs Commission |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | | |

|Film Processing Operator, Corporate Affairs Commission |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Photographer (78A)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|Senior Photographer, Central Mapping Authority, Senior |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|Photographer, Crown Lands Office, Department of Local | | | | |

|Government and Lands | | | | |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

(78A) (A) Promotion from Photographer, Grade 1 to Photographer, Grade 2, is subject to the successful completion of at least the first two years of:

(i) The Photography Certificate of the NSW Department of Technical and Further Education; or

(ii) A course of equivalent or higher status; or

(iii) A Photographic related Certificate or Trade Course deemed by the Industrial Authority to have provided the officer with a general basic knowledge of Photography; and

(iv) The performance of duties either in terms of supervision of Photographic staff or in terms of complexity and nature of duties considered by the Industrial Authority to warrant progression to Grade 2.

(B) Officers recruited prior to 1 January 1976 will be eligible for promotion from Photographer, Grade 1 to Photographer, Grade 2, without the formal qualifications specified in (i), (ii) and (iii) above, subject to them successfully completing a Proficiency Examination to be set up and conducted by the School of Graphic Arts, Sydney Technical College. Such examination to determine if the officer has reached the optimum level of proficiency in Photography, taking into account previous work experience, current nature of duties and type of equipment being used.

Photographic and Film Services Unit,

Department of Technical and Further Education

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Cinecameraman (78B) |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | | |

|Film Editor (78B) |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| | | | | |

|Producer/Director |93 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| | | | | |

|Supervisor, Photographic and Services Unit (78B) |103 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | | |

|Supervisor, Photographic Section |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Photographic Assistant

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

(78B) Future appointees must possess as a minimum qualification the Film Production Techniques Certificate of NSW Department of Technical and Further Education or a course of equivalent or higher status; or a Certificate Course offered by the Australian Film and Television School deemed by the Board to be equivalent

Photographic Operator (78C)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Photographic Operator, |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|Registrar Copy Section, Registrar General's Office | | | | |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

(78C) A Photographic Operator who successfully completes the four year Photography Certificate Course of the NSW Department of Technical and Further Education or a course of equivalent or higher status shall be eligible to be classified as a Photographer, Grade 1, subject to:

(a) having demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Industrial Authority that the said officer is capable of performing work normally expected of a Photographer, Grade 1, following established photographic procedures; and

(b) the said officer being employed full-time on the full range of duties with respect to (a) above.

Photographic Supervisor,

Department of Education,

Department of Environment and Planning

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Projectionist, State Office Block,

Health Commission of NSW

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Supervisor, Certificate of Title Production Section,

Registrar General's Office,

Supervisor of Microfilming, Corporate Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Music Therapists

|Classification and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Physiotherapists - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,617 |43,469 |44,338 |

|6th year of service |45,142 |46,045 |46,966 |

|7th year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 |49,269 |50,254 |51,259 |

|Grade 3 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Grade 4 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Grade 5 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Grade 6 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|Grade 7 |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

| | | | |

|Occupational Therapists - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,617 |43,469 |44,338 |

|6th year of service |45,142 |46,045 |46,966 |

|7th year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 |49,269 |50,254 |51,259 |

|Grade 3 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Grade 4 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Grade 5 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Grade 6 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Speech Pathologist - Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,617 |43,469 |44,338 |

|6th year of service |45,142 |46,045 |46,966 |

|7th year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 |49,269 |50,254 |51,259 |

|Grade 3 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Grade 4 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Grade 5 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Music Therapists | | | |

|1st year of service | |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service | |32,111 |32,753 |

|3rd year of service | |33,670 |34,343 |

|4th year of service | |35,526 |36,237 |

|5th year of service | |37,152 |37,895 |

|6th year of service | |38,987 |39,767 |

|7th year of service | |40,592 |41,404 |

|Sole Allowance $1,454 a year | | | |

|Part-time Student Unit Supervisor Allowance $5.27 a student each | | | |

|supervised shift | | | |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists and Music Therapists) Award

Piling Overseer, Crown Lands Office,

Department of Local Government and Lands

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Pilots, National Parks & Wildlife Services & Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Manager (Flight Operations) - | | | |

|Helicopter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Fixed Wing |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

| | | | |

|Pilot (Fixed Wing) - | | | |

|1st year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|2nd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|3rd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Pilot (Fixed Wing under 3360 kg) |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| | | | |

|Pilot (Helicopter) - | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|3rd year |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|4th year |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| | | | |

|Where 4th Class Instrument Rating | | | |

|Required | | | |

|1st year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|2nd year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|3rd year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|4th year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

| | | | |

|Turbo Allowance (Fixed Wing Aircraft) | | | |

|$3791 | | | |

|Check & Training Allowance $2425 | | | |

|(Fixed Wing) $2861 | | | |

|(Helicopter) $2384 | | | |

| | | | |

|Agricultural Rating Helicopter | | | |

|Crewman - | | | |

|1st year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Plan Mounter, Plan Room, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Plan Room Assistant, Plan Room, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Planning Assistants, Department of Planning

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Planning Assistant | | | |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|At 19 with HSC paid not less than |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

| | | | |

|Planning Assistant Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|5th year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|6th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|7th year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

Instrument: Planning Assistants, Department of Planning; Public Service Board Determination No. 800 of 1983

Planning Officer (Furniture), Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |67 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Planning Officers, Housing Commission of NSW

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Planning Officer - | | | |

|1st year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|Planning Officers - | | | |

|Grade I - | | | |

|1st year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year of service |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II - | | | |

|1st year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Grade III - | | | |

|1st year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year of service |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV - | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| | | | |

|Grade V - | | | |

|1st year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI - | | | |

|1st year of service |73,313 |74,779 |76,275 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |74,886 |76,384 |77,912 |

| | | | |

|Technical Coordinator - | | | |

|1st year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|2nd year of service |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

Instrument: Planning Officers, Housing Commission of NSW; Public Service Board Determination No. 815 of 1983

Plant Inspectors, Agriculture, Public Works,

Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T71 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T74 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Plant Maintenance Officer, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T46 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Plant Officer, Education Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Plant Superintendent, State Office Block, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T182 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year of service |T188 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|3rd year of service and T/A |T196 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|Personal to Mr V Condon |T227 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Plant Superintendent, Soil Conservation Service

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|2nd year of service and T/A |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Plant Superintendent, Jenolan Caves, Department of Tourism (72)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |87 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

(72) Rostered to work Sunday to Thursday with Friday and Saturday to be days off.

Payment at the rate of 3/4 time extra for work done on Sundays.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Preparator, Australian Museum and Geological and Mining Museum

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Preparator (74) |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | | |

|Cadet Preparator (75) |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | | |

|Chief Preparator |125 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| |129 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

| | | | | |

|Preparator (76) | | | | |

|Grade I |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | | |

|Grade II |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | | |

|Preparator, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences | | | | |

|Grade I |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | | |

|Grade II |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

(74) Promotion to Preparator subject to completion of 12 months' satisfactory service on the maximum of the scale for Assistant Preparator, to a recommendation by the Director, Australian Museum or Director-General, Department of Mineral Resources and to Industrial Authority's approval.

(75) Promotion to Assistant Preparator subject to completion of 12 months' satisfactory service on the maximum of the scale for Cadet Preparator, to a recommendation by the Director, Australian Museum, or Director-General, Department of Mineral Resources and to Industrial Authority's approval.

(76) Promotion to Preparator, Grade II, subject to completion of 12 months' satisfactory service on the thereafter rate of Grade I and to Industrial Authority's approval following a certificate by the Director, Australian Museum, or Director-General, Department of Mineral Resources, that the officer has displayed special skill and has special experience warranting such promotion.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Prickly Pear Inspector, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Principal Apprenticeship Supervisor

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T171 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Prison Officers - Non-Commissioned Officer and Commissioned Officer

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Non-Commissioned Officer - | | | |

|Probationary Prison Officer |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| | | | |

|Prison Officer | | | |

|1st year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year and thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Prison Officer 1st Class | | | |

|1st year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year and thereafter |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | |

|Senior Prison Officer |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| | | | |

|Commissioned Officer - | | | |

| | | | |

|Assistant Superintendent |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|Senior Assistant Superintendent |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent | | | |

|Grade 3 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|Grade 2 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Grade 1 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Superintendent | | | |

|Grade 3 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Grade 2 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Grade 1 |70,936 |72,355 |73,802 |

|Overseer | | | |

|1st year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year and thereafter |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | |

|Senior Overseer |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Superintendent of Industries |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

| | | | |

|Allowance Industries & Maintenance Overseer 1st year $4361 per annum | | | |

|2nd year and thereafter $1937 per annum | | | |

| | | | |

|Senior Overseer $3808 Assistant Superintendent of Industries $3477 | | | |

| | | | |

|The allowance prescribed above shall be considered as part of salary | | | |

|for all purposes | | | |

| | | | |

|The contract hourly rate is calculated by ascertaining 5% of the | | | |

|appropriate weekly rate for each classification | | | |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Commissioned Officers, Department of Corrective Services)

Prisoner Welfare Officers, Department of Corrective Services (77)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 3 |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |87 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

(77) (a) Progression from Grade 1 to Grade 2 is subject to completion of the Welfare Work Certificate of the Department of Technical and Further Education. Progression from Grade 2 to Grade 3 is subject to completion of the Diploma Course in Welfare Work offered by the Department of Technical and Further Education or its equivalent.

Grade 2, Year 1, is the minimum applicable to officers who have completed the Certificate Course, whilst Grade 2, Year 4, is the maximum applicable to officers who have not completed the Diploma Course or Diploma Conversion Course or its equivalent.

(b) Future appointees possessing the Welfare Work Certificate are to commence at Grade 2. New appointees who have commenced the Certificate Course and/or have potential to complete it shall commence at Grade 1.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Prisoners Aid Officer, Department of Corrective services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Private Secretaries and Assistant Private Secretaries to Ministers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Private Secretary to Minister | | | |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Thereafter |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Private Secretary to Minister | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Thereafter |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Private Secretary to Leader of the Opposition | | | |

|1st year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|2nd year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|3rd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|4th year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Private Secretary to the Premier | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|3rd year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|4th year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Thereafter |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

Instrument: Private Secretaries and Assistant Private Secretaries to Ministers; Public Service Board Agreement No. 2356 of 1982

Probation and Parole Officers, Department of Corrective Services

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Probation Officer | | | |

|Min 3 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Max 3 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Min 4 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Max 4 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Min 5 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Max 5 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Min 6 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Max 6 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Unit Leader | | | |

|Min 7 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Max 7 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Max 8 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|District Manager 4 | | | |

|Min 7 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Max 7 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|District Manager 3 | | | |

|Min 8 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Max 8 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Min 9 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Max 9 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|District Manager 2 | | | |

|Min 9 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Max 9 |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Min 10 |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Max 10 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|District Manager 1 | | | |

|Min 10 |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Max 10 |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|Min 11 |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Max 11 |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

Instrument: Probation and Parole Officers, Department of Corrective Services

Production Manager, Prison Industries, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |138 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Professional Division Officers, General Scale, Professional Assistants,

Registrar General's Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|11th year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|12th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|13th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Officer with HSC at 19 paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

Instrument: Professional Division Officers, General Scale, Professional Assistants; Registrar General's Department; Public Service Board Agreement 2372 of 1982

Programme Officer and Technical Assistant, Department of Housing

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|4th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|(Rate equated to Technical Officer (Engineering) Grade II) | | | |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination

Project Managers/Project Co-ordinators,

Property Services Group

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|2nd year of service |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

|3rd year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|4th year of service |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination

Project Officer, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Property and Maintenance Officer, Youth and Community Services

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T125 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Property Inspector, Public Trust Office

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T83 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |T92 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|3rd year of service |T100 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Property Supervisor (Resident), Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Protection Officer, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement

|Annual Salary Class |CSP |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| | |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| | |$ |$ |$ |

|11, 12 |10 |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|13 |11 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|14 |12 |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

|15, 16 |13 |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

|17, 18 |14 |24,611 |25,103 |25,605 |

|19 |15 |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|20, 21 |16 |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|22 |17 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|23 |18 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|24 |19 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|25, 26 |20 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|27 |21 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|28 |22 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|29, 30 |23 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|31 |24 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|32, 33 |25 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|34 |26 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|35 |27 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|36, 37 |28 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|38 |29 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|39, 40 |30 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|41 |31 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|42, 43 |32 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|44 |33 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|45, 46 |34 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|47 |35 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|48, 49 |36 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|50 |37 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|51 |38 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|52, 53 |39 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|54 |40 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|55, 56 |41 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|57 |42 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|58, 59 |43 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|60 |44 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|61, 62 |45 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|63 |46 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|64, 65 |47 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|66 |48 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|67, 68 |49 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|69 |50 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|70, 71 |51 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|72, 73 |52 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|74 |53 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|75, 76 |54 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|77 |55 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|78, 79 |56 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|80, 81 |57 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|82 |58 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|84, 84 |59 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|85, 86 |60 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|87, 88 |61 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|89 |62 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|90, 91 |63 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|92, 93 |64 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|94, 95 |65 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|96, 97 |66 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|98, 99 |67 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|100 |68 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|101, 102 |69 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|103, 104 |70 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|105, 106 |71 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|107, 108 |72 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|109, 110 |73 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|111 |74 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|112, 113 |75 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|114, 115 |76 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|116, 117 |77 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|118, 119 |78 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|120, 121 |79 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|122, 123 |80 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|124, 125 |81 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|126, 127, 128 |82 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|129, 130 |83 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|131 |84 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|132, 133, 134 |85 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|135, 136 |86 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|137, 138 |87 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|139, 140 |88 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|141, 142, 143 |89 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|144, 145 |90 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|146, 147 |91 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|148, 149 |92 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|150, 151, 152 |93 |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|153, 154 |94 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|155, 156, 157 |95 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|158, 159 |96 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|160, 161 |97 |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|162, 163, 164 |98 |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|165, 166 |99 |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|167, 168, 169 |100 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|170 |101 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Publicity Officers and Public Relations Officers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Assistant Publicity Officers | | | |

|1st year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|Publicity Officers | | | |

|1st year of service |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year of service |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Senior Publicity Officers Ministry of Education | | | |

|1st year of service and thereafter |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Public Relations Officer | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|2nd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|2nd year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Allowance in lieu of overtime - $8,073 p.a. | | | |

Instrument: Publicity Officers and Public Relations Officers; Public Service Board Agreement No. 2126 of 1975

Purchasing Officer, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Quantity Surveyors, Departments of Public Works & Housing

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Quantity Surveyors Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year of service |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Chief Quantity Surveyor Housing Commission |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

| | | | |

|Chief Quantity Surveyor Housing Commission | | | |

|1st year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|2nd year of service |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

Instrument: Quantity Surveyors, Department of Public Works and Housing; Public Service Board Determination No.421 of 1974

Radio Monitor/Technician, Premier's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No.2368 of 1982

Radio Technician, Police and Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T29 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year of service |T33 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T38 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Regional Directors, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|Grade II |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

|Grade III |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

Instrument: Regional Directors National Parks and Wildlife Service; Determination 626 of 1980

Regional Industries Officer, Department of Decentralisation

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |100 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

| |107 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| |114 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |121 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| |128 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

| | | | | |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Regional Media Officer, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|Year 1 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|Year 2 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|Years 3 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|Year 2 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|Year 3 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Year 4 and thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: Department of Agriculture Agreement 2470 of 1984

Regional Media Officer, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Regional Media Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|2nd year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Regional Media Officer Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|2nd year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|3rd year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|4th year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: Regional Media Officers, Department of Agriculture, Public Service Board Agreement No.2470 of 1984

Regional Officer, Bush Fires Branch, Department of Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Regional Subsidence Supervisor, Mines Subsidence Board

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|3rd year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

Instrument: Reference 93/408

Regional Valuers, Valuer-General's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |116 |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |118 |68,239 |69,604 |70,996 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Regional Valuers Valuer-General's Department) Award.

Regulatory Officers, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|Year 2 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|Year3 |31,222 |31,846 |32,483 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|Year 2 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|Year3 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |39,335 |40,122 |40,924 |

|Year 2 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|Year3 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|Year 1 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Year 2 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|Year 1 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Year 2 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|Year 1 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Year 2 |56,172 |57,295 |58,441 |

| | | | |

|Grade 7 | | | |

|Year 1 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|Year 2 |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

| | | | |

|Grade 8 | | | |

|Year 1 |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

|Year 2 |63,125 |64,388 |65,676 |

|Year 3 |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Regulatory Officers – Department of Agriculture) Award.1998

Repository Manager, Archives Office, Premier's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Research Assistant, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |104 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Research Officers, Departments of Consumer Affairs and Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Research Officer, Industrial Information Bureau | | | |

|Division of Industrial Relations | | | |

|Research Officer, Consumer Affairs | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Officer-in-Charge, Industrial Information Bureau, Division of | | | |

|Industrial Relations | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

Instrument: Research Officers, etc., Industrial Information Bureau, Division of Industrial Relations; and Research Officers, Division of Consumer Affairs, Department of Labour and Industry; Public Service Board Determination No. 346 of 1974

Research Officers, Department of Decentralisation and Development

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Research Officer Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|2nd year of service |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

| | | | |

|Senior Research Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Chief Research Officer |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

Instrument: Research Officers, Department of Decentralisation and Development; Public Service Board Agreement No. 1764 of 1971

Research Officers Graduate Programmers (Computer Programming (A.D.P., Implementation

Service Group, Department of Administrative Services

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|5th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|6th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|7th year of service |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|8th year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|9th year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|10th year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|11th year of service and thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Research Officers Graduate Programmers (Computer Programming) A.D.P. Implementation Service Group; Department of Administrative Services; Public Service Board Agreement No. 2358 of 1982

Research Scientists

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Research Scientist - |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

| |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Efficiency Barrier - |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

| |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

| | | | |

|Senior Research Scientist – |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

| |68,239 |69,604 |70,996 |

| |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

| | | | |

|Efficiency Barrier - |72,515 |73,965 |75,444 |

| |74,886 |76,384 |77,912 |

| | | | |

|Principal Research Scientist - |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

| |79,142 |80,725 |82,340 |

| |81,152 |82,775 |84,431 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Research Scientists) Award

Research Statistician, Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research,

Attorney General's Department

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

|Classification and Grades |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Research Statistician | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|7th year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|8th year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Provided that the Statistician who has completed two years service on |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|the 8th year of service shall be adjusted to: | | | |

Instrument: Research Statistician, Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, Attorney General's Department; Determination 703 of 1982

Reserve Inspector, Parks and Reserves Branch, National Parks and Wildlife Service (80)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade II |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | | |

|Grade I |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |90 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

(80) Progression to rate prescribed for 9th year of service of Grade I subject to completion of 5 years' satisfactory service on the rate prescribed for 4th year of service and to Industrial Authority being satisfied, after consideration of a report by the Department Head, that an officer has demonstrated his ability and capacity to perform work of a more difficult and responsible nature.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Reserve Overseer, Jenolan Caves, Department of Tourism

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Resident Courtkeeper, Wollongong, Attorney General's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Resources Co-ordinator, Small Business Agency,

Department of Industrial Development and Decentralisation

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |133 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| |135 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Restoration Supervisor, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Restorer, Art Gallery of NSW and Library of NSW

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Cadet Restorer (Adult) (81) |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | | |

|Restorer |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

(81) Promotion to Restorer subject to completion of 3 years' service, including 12 months' satisfactory service on maximum rate for Cadet Restorer (Adult), satisfactory completion of the prescribed training and examinations; the recommendation of the Director, Art Gallery of NSW and approval by the Industrial Authority.

A Cadet Restorer who is at least 24 years of age, has completed three years' satisfactory service, and has satisfactorily completed the prescribed training and examinations will be eligible for consideration for appointment as Restorer should a vacancy occur.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Roadway Dust Examiner

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

|Classification and Grade |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Safety Inspectors,

Department of Industrial Relations and Employment

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Safety Inspector | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year of service |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|3rd year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service and thereafter |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

| | | | |

|Senior Safety Inspector | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service and thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Safety Inspectors Department of Industrial Relations) Award.

Safety Officers,

Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T38 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year of service |T50 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|3rd year of service |T62 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year of service |T71 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | | |

|5th year of service |T80 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|6th year of service |T85 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |T92 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Sales Representative, Government Information Service,

Department of Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Sales Supervisor, Blacktown Brickworks

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

School Crossing Supervisors

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|School Crossing Supervisor Casual Employees only |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| | | | |

|Per hour 4/48ths of the hourly equivalent | | | |

| | | | |

|This rate is also paid to Escort, Handicapped Children, Department of | | | |

|Education | | | |

| | | | |

|These are casual employees. There is no full-time equivalent. Based | | | |

|on 38-hour week. | | | |

Instrument: Public Service Board Determination.

Scientific Instrument Maker, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service and thereafter |T42 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Scientific Instrument Officers (*), Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T50 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T54 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

(*) In addition to the salary, the Leading Hand allowance under the Crown Employees (Skilled Trades) Award shall be paid.

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Scientific Officers, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|3rd year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|2nd year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year of service |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

|2nd year of service |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

Instrument: Scientific Officers Various Departments; Public Service Board Agreement No. 2433 of 1982

Second-in-Charge, Central Records Branch, Crown Lands Office,

Department of Local Government and Lands

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |67 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Second-in-Charge, Contracts Branch, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Second-in-Charge, Plan Room, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Second-in-Charge, Basement Areas, State Office Block

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Second Officer, Department of Housing and Co-operatives

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T159 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Thereafter |T167 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Second Officer, Plan Records Branch, Department of Local Government and Lands

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Second Officer, Common Mail Despatch Room, State Office Block

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Security Attendant, Office of the Sheriff of NSW, Attorney General's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Security Control Officer, Education Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Security Officer |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Security Officer |93 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |97 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| |101 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Security Manager, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |144 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Security Officer, Office of the Sheriff of NSW

Attorney General's Department (84)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |123 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

| |130 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

| |137 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| |144 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

(84) Progression beyond Annual Salary Class 137 subject to special approval of the Industrial Authority.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Security Officers and Senior Security Officers,

Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Security Officer |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Senior Security Officer |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Security Officers and Senior Security Officers Various Departments; Determination No. 768 of 1982

Seed Analyst, Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Principal Analyst |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |75 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | | |

|Analyst |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|Trainee Analyst (86) | | | | |

|Grade 1 |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |27 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|Senior Analyst |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

(86) Progression from Trainee Analyst to Analyst shall be subject to:

(a) at least 4 years' experience in a Seed Testing Laboratory;

(b) possession of the Australian Seed Analyst Proficiency Certificate;

(c) recommendation by the Department Head.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Seed Production Officer, Department of Agriculture & Fisheries (85)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 2 |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | | |

|Grade 3 |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

(85) (i) Appointment to Grade 3 will be contingent upon completion of a 2-year (full-time equivalent) Certificate of Agriculture or appropriate discipline from the Department of Technical and Further Education or a 2-year (full-time) advanced certificate in Agriculture from Yanco Agricultural College or C. B. Alexander Agricultural College or other qualifications deemed equivalent by the Industrial Authority; satisfactory service and a certificate that the officer has demonstrated that he is an experienced, capable and efficient Seed Production Officer.

(ii) Future appointees possessing the academic qualifications referred to in (i) above shall be appointed at the 1st year Grade 2 level of the current scale.

(iii) Progression from 1st year Grade 1 to 2nd year of Grade 1 shall be on the recommendation of the Chief, Division of Plant Industry.

(iv) Except as provided in (ii) above, the conditions for progression to Grade 2 shall be the passing of internal examinations.

(v) Officers occupying a position of Seed Production Officer as at 11 February 1981 may progress to Grade 3 without the formal qualifications required in (i) upon satisfying the conditions for progression to Grade 2 specified in (iv).

(vi) New appointees of Seed Production Officer will be required to possess a licence to drive a motor vehicle in N.S.W.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Adviser, Handicapped Persons Bureau,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |114 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |116 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| |118 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Apprenticeship Supervisor, Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|On appointment |T128 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Attendant, Art Gallery of N.S.W.

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Attendant, Australian Museum

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Attendant, Elizabeth Bay House, Premier's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Attendant, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Audio/Visual Operator, McKell Building

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |87 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Basement Attendant, Police Headquarters, Police Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Building Inspector, Builders Licensing Board

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T144 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Check Valuer, Department of Housing and Co-operatives

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |T181 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Thereafter |T195 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Controls Technician, Building Services Branch

Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T79 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Counsellor, Small Business Agency

Department of Industrial Development and Decentralisation

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |138 |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

| |142 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| |146 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Electrical Inspector, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T150 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|2nd year of service |T155 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Estimator, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T107 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Examiner, Miners' Pensions Claims,

Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Field Service Officer, (Artificial Stock Breeding Service), Berry

Department of Agriculture (32)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| |101 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

| |105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

(32) 16% allowance for work performed outside normal working hours

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Field Officer, Noxious Weeds,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Field Officer, Pastures Protection Section,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Guide (Jenolan Caves), Department of Tourism

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Information Officer,

Government Information Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Inspector, Various Acts and Seed Production

Agriculture Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Inspector (Animal Health),

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Inspector-in-charge, Board of Tick Control

Department of Agriculture & Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |109- |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| |114 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| |120 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Liaison Officer, Ethnic Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |98 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| |101 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Market Reporter (Meat, Livestock and Trade)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |95 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

| |100 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Market Reporter (Fruit, Vegetables and Miscellaneous)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |91 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| |96 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Mechanical Inspector

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T150 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T155 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980, Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981, Determination No. 764 of 1982

These Senior Officer awards do not apply where the positions therein are covered by determinations of the Statutory and Other Offices Remuneration Tribunal. The parties understand that a number of the positions have been abolished or replaced by other positions. It is further understood that no new positions have been or are to be established to which those awards would have application, without the approval of the Director-General, Premier's Department.

Senior Officers

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |86,576 |88,308 |90,074 |

|Year 2 |93,287 |95,153 |97,056 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |94,867 |96,764 |98,699 |

|Year 2 |101,554 |103,585 |105,657 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |104,953 |107,052 |109,193 |

|Year 2 |115,208 |117,512 |119,862 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Senior Officers 1997) Award

Senior Pest Control Officers, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T85 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T95 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Plant Inspectors,

Public Works and Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T93 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Plant Superintendent,

Soil Conservation Service

| |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T145 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Prickly Pear Inspector,

Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |109 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| |116 |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Publicity Officer,

Ethnic Affairs Commission

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: Senior Publicity Officer - Determination No 736 of 1982

Senior Purchasing Officer,

Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Radio Technician,

Police and Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T59 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T62 |37,826 | | |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Regional Industries Officer

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |142 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| |146 |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Safety Officer, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T100 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T107 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Sales Representative, Government Information Service,

Department of Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |72 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Scientific Instrument Maker (*)

Various Departments, On appointment

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T42 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

*In addition to the salary, the Leading Hand allowance under the Crown Employees (Skilled Trades) Award shall be paid.

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Steelwork Inspector, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T99 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Technical Inspector,

NSW Meat Industry Authority

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |108 |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| |113 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Voucher Attendant,

Auditor-General's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Senior Works Supervisors,

Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T150 |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T155 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Senior Assistant Service Officer

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Service Officer (88)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |41 |31 |32 |33 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | | |

|Service Officer (Caretaker-Attendant), Mt Druitt Polyclinic|30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

(88) In addition, Service Officer or an Assistant Service Officer who regularly attends either House of Parliament on evenings when Parliament is in session, or attends the House during the temporary absence of an officer normally so attending, shall be paid an allowance for each week during which he/she attends. Such an allowance is in lieu of overtime.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Service Officers (Crown Employee - Not Ministerial)

Police Service of NSW

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|3rd year of service |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|4th year of service |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Shift Supervisor, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T74 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Shorthand Writers and Typists, Attorney General's Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|Supervisor (Shorthand Writers) | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Shorthand Writers and Typists, Attorney General's Department; Agreement No. 2525 of 1989

Skilled Mechanic - Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T33 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year of service |T36 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |T41 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |T46 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Social Workers

|Classification and Grade |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Social Worker | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |33,026 |33,687 |34,361 |

|2nd year |34,613 |35,305 |36,011 |

|3rd year |36,781 |37,517 |38,267 |

|4th year |38,739 |39,514 |40,304 |

|5th year |41,046 |41,867 |42,704 |

|6th year |42,897 |43,755 |44,630 |

|7th year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|8th year |46,217 |47,141 |48,084 |

|9th year |48,458 |49,427 |50,416 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 |51,242 |52,267 |53,312 |

|Grade 3 |55,007 |56,107 |57,229 |

|Grade 4 |57,890 |59,048 |60,229 |

|Grade 5 |60,772 |61,987 |63,227 |

| | | | |

|Regional Social Worker Advisor | | | |

|South Eastern, South West, Orana and Far West |51,243 |52,268 |53,313 |

| | | | |

|Regional Social Worker Advisor | | | |

|North Coast, Illawarra, New England and Central West |55,008 |56,108 |57,230 |

| | | | |

|Regional Social Worker Advisor | | | |

|Metropolitan & Hunter |60,772 |61,987 |63,227 |

| | | | |

|Part-time Social Worker |24.48 |24.97 |25.50 |

| |per hr |per hr |per hr |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Social Workers Health Commission of New South Wales) Award

Social Workers, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Social Worker, Community Services Consultant | | | |

|1st year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|4th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|5th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|6th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|7th year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|8th year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|9th year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Senior Allotment Officer |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| | | | |

|Community Services Officer |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| | | | |

|Social Worker Grade I |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| | | | |

|Senior Social Worker |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| | | | |

|Regional Social Work Adviser | | | |

| | | | |

|South Eastern, Orana and Far West and South Western Health Regions |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

| | | | |

|Central Western, North Coast, Illawarra and New England Health Regions |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| | | | |

|Southern Metropolitan, Northern Metropolitan, Western Metropolitan and |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

|Hunter Health Regions | | | |

Instrument: Social Workers, Various Departments; Agreement No. 2374 of 1982

Special Assistant, Timber Advisory Council

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Special Constables (Police Bands)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Bandsperson | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|3rd year of service |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|4th year of service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|5th year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | |

|Director of Music | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Provided that the present occupant of the position of Director of |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|Music, Mr. T Lambert, shall receive a personal salary of: | | | |

Instrument: Special Constables (Police Bands); Agreement No. 2423 of 1982; Amending Agreement No. 2451 of 1983

Steelwork Inspector, Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T44 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T52 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Stenographers and Machine Operators

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or at 17 |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year of service or at 18 |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year of service or at 19 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service or at 20 |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year of service or at 21 |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|7th year of service |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|8th year of service |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|9th year of service |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|10th year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|11th year of service |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|12th year of service and thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

Instrument: Stenographers and Machine Operators; Agreement No. 2346 of 1981

Stenographers, Typists and Office Assistants, Department of Water Resources

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Clerical Assistants*(D.W.R.) | | | |

| | | | |

|Junior | | | |

|1st year or under 17 years |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year or aged 17 years |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|3rd year or aged 18 years |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year or aged 19 years |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year or aged 20 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Provided that an officer shall be eligible to progress to the 1st year | | | |

|rate of Grade 1 on attaining the age of 21 years or on completion of 12| | | |

|months' service on the 5th year rate of the Junior Scale | | | |

| | | | |

|Adult | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|2nd year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|3rd year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|Thereafter |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|Thereafter |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|Thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Thereafter |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 | | | |

|1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|Thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 | | | |

|1st year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|Thereafter |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| | | | |

|Telephonists (D.W.R.) *(Present Occupants Only) | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 years |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or aged 17 years |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year of service or aged 18 years |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year of service or aged 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service or aged 20 years |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

| | | | |

|Adult | | | |

|6th year of service or aged 21 years |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Officers Appointed as Typists Exclusively and Office Assistants | | | |

|(D.W.R.) | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 years |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or aged 17 years |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year of service or aged 18 years |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year of service or aged 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service or aged 20 years |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year of service or aged 21 years |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|7th year of service |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|8th year of service |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|9th year of service and thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Supervisors Allowance: * Applicable only to persons employed before 1.1.1987.

Instrument: Agreement No. 6610 of 1982

Stocktaker, Burrows Road, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Storeman, Parramatta Linen Service, Department of Corrective Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Storeman/Attendant, Yanco Agricultural High School,

Education Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Storeman/Attendant, Police Headquarters

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Stores Officer, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Stores Officers | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Stores and Despatch Officer | | | |

| | | | |

|Art Gallery of N.S.W. | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Drug Checker and Counter Hand | | | |

|Commercial Services Group | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | |

|Area Supervisors | | | |

| | | | |

|Commercial Services Group | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| | | | |

|Second O.I.C. (Other Areas) | | | |

| | | | |

|Commercial Services Group | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | |

|Area Supervisors (Shea's Creek Stores) | | | |

| | | | |

|Despatch Section, Government Supply Department | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Packing Section and Sheds 68-72 | | | |

| | | | |

|Commercial Services Group | | | |

|1st year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | |

|Section O.I.C. (Areas) | | | |

| | | | |

|Commercial Services Group | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Packing Section and Sheds 68-72 | | | |

| | | | |

|Commercial Services Group | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Inspector of Packing and Quality Control, Commercial Services|37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|Group | | | |

| | | | |

|Inspector of Packing and Quality Control, Commercial Services Group |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Controller of Order Processing, Commercial Services Group |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Plant Officers, Department of Technical and Further Education| | | |

|1st year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|Stores Controller, CMA |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Stores Controller, CMA |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Chief Stores Officer, Government Motor Garage | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: Stores Officers Various Departments; Agreement No. 2038 of 1973; Determination 534 of 1978; Determination 747 of 1982

Subsidence Officer, Mines Subsidence Board

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Superintendent, Abercrombie Caves, Tourism Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Superintendent, Wombeyan Caves, Tourism Commission (89A)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |92 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|Personal to Mr C Stiff |100 | | | |

(89A) Salary includes compensation for work performed at night, on weekends, on public holidays and recall to duty outside normal hours in connection with both the caves and the caravan park.

Annual leave at rate of six weeks per annum.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Superintendents and Deputy Superintendents, etc., Institutions,

Residential Care Division

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Equivalent Grade 9 A and C | | | |

|Superintendent Mount Penang, Renwick, Minda, Ormond | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|Equivalent Grade 8 A and C | | | |

|Superintendent Yawarra, Minali, Brush Farm, Clairvaux, Keelong, St | | | |

|Heliers, Werrington Park, Cobham Campbelltown Youth Centre, Woromi | | | |

|Youth Centre | | | |

|Superintendent Anglewood, Endeavour House, Tallimba | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent (Administration) Mount Penang | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Equivalent Grade 7 A and C | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent Daruk, Minda, Renwick | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent (Programmes) | | | |

|Mount Penang, Yawarra | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent Yawarra, Minali, | | | |

|Brush Farm, Clairvaux, St Heliers, Werrington Park, Cobham, Ormond, | | | |

|Keelong, Riverina Youth Centre, Campbelltown Youth Centre, Woromi Youth| | | |

|Centre | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Equivalent Grade 6 A and C | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent (Relief) All Positions | | | |

|Deputy Superintendent, Anglewood, Kamballa, Endeavour House, Tallimba | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Equivalent Grade 5 A and C | | | |

|Assistant Superintendent All Positions | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Instrument: Superintendents and Deputy Superintendents etc, Institutions, Residential Care Division, Department of Youth and Community Services; Agreement No. 2288 of 1980

Superintending Inspector,

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | | |

|1st year of service |T145 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |T151 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|Grade 2 |T159 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Grade 3 |T171 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|Grade 4 |T185 |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Superintending Inspector, Rural Workers' Accommodation Act.

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |99 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Argentine Ant Eradication Campaign

Agriculture Department (89B)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |64 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | | |

|(89B) Where filled by secondment to be paid at the rate of |84 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|salary class 84, 89 and 94 by way of allowance over | | | | |

|existing salary, such remuneration to cover all incidents | | | | |

|of employment. | | | | |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| |94 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Security and Attendants,

Art Gallery of N.S.W.

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Security and Attendants,

Australian Museum

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Driver Attendants, Police Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Elizabeth Bay House

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Register Books and Search Area, Registrar General's Office

Department of Local Government and Lands (90)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

(90) Salary Class 48 personal to Mr. W. O'Connor.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Security and Attendants

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, Metropolitan and Country Repairs,

Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |T50 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|2nd year |T53 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |T56 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination

Supervisor of Apprentices and Safety Officers,

Public Works

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T111 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Supervisor of Catering Services,

McKell Building

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor of Cleaning, Government Stores Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |133 |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| |143 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor of Public Watering Places, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |70 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |79 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisor, On Site Servicing Centres, Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |T85 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Supervisor of Vehicles, Division of Research Services, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supervisory and Technical Staff, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Building Supervisor | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year and thereafter |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Building Supervisor | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|3rd year and thereafter |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| | | | |

|Senior Building Supervisor | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Building Coordinator |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

Instrument: Industrial Authority Determination.

Supply Assistant, Stores Branch, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supply Officer, Expenditure Section, Department of Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Supply Officer, B.C. and M. Branch, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |58 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |66 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Survey Assistant

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Survey Drafting Officers, All Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|11th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|12th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|13th year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|14th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Officer with HSC at 19 not paid less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Class 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Class 5 | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

Instrument: Cartographers, Engineering Survey Drafting Officers, Survey Drafting Officers, Photogrammetrists, Computers - All Departments; Agreement 2439 of 1982

Survey Foreman, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Surveyor's Assistant, Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|At 21 years of age |23 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|At 22 years of age |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|At 23 years of age |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|At 24 years of age |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Thereafter |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Survey (D.W.R.) (Present Occupants Only), Department of Water Resources

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|3rd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year of service |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|5th year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|6th year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

|Senior Surveyor | | | |

|1st year of service |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

Allowance (See Papers S77/8)

Up to and including Surveyors Grade III, an allowance of $500 per annum is payable to surveyors who are registered with the Board of Surveyors, N.S.W.

Instrument: Surveyors (D.W.R.); Agreement No. 6085 of 1979.

Surveyors, Trigonometrical Surveyors and Cartographic Surveyors,

Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|3rd year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year of service |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year of service |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year of service |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year of service |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year of service |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

Instrument: Surveyors, Trigonometrical Surveyors and Cartographic Surveyors, Various Departments; Agreement No. 2449 of 1982

Technical Advisory Officer, NSW Meat Industry Authority

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |128 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Argentine Ant Eradication Campaign, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Australian Museum

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |43 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant (Marine), Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant (Various Branches), Department of Mineral Resources

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant (Restorer), Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Aboriginal Historical Resources Management and Natural Areas

Investigation Sections, National Parks and Wildlife Service

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |25 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Division of Occupational Health and Pollution Control (93)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

(93) Progression beyond 4th year of Service rate subject to the Department Head certifying that the nature of the duties and the aptitude displayed by an officer are such as to warrant his progression and to the Industrial Authority approval thereof.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Hydraulics and Soils Laboratory,

Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |28 |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, NSW State Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant, State Pollution Control Commission (97)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |29 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |32 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |39 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| | | | | |

|(97) Personal to Mr. G. Sherwin Salary Classes 46, 49, 52 |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|effective on or after 9 January 1981 | | | | |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical Assistant and Demonstrator (Electronics) and Second OIC Science Resources

and Development Unit, Department of Education

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T40 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year of service |T43 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |T46 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Technical Inspectors,

Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T34 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year of service |T43 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service |T52 |36,781 |37,517 |38,267 |

|4th year of service |T62 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|5th year of service |T71 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year of service |T81 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|7th year of service |T89 |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|8th year of service |T97 |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|9th year of service |T105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|10th year of service and thereafter |T115 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Technical Officers (Engineering)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|4th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service and thereafter |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Senior Technical Officer | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|3rd year of service |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|2nd year of service |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

Instrument: Technical Officers (Engineering); Determination No. 803 of 1983

Technical Officers (Scientific), Trainee Technical Officer (Scientific) and Senior

Technical Officers (Scientific), Oliver Latham Laboratory, Lidcombe Hospital (not

including the Divisions of Analytical Laboratories or Occupational Health), The

Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research and various Departments,

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Trainee Technical Officer (Scientific) | | | |

|1st year of service |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|2nd year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|3rd year of service |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

| | | | |

|Technical Officer (Scientific) | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year of service |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|3rd year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|4th year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|5th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|6th year of service |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year of service |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|8th year of service and thereafter |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|2nd year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Senior Technical Officer (Scientific) | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|2nd year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|3rd year of service |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year of service |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|5th year of service and thereafter |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

Instrument: Technical Officers (Scientific), Trainee Technical Officer (Scientific) and Senior Technical Officers (Scientific), Oliver Latham Laboratory, Lidcombe Hospital (not including the Divisions of Analytical Laboratories or Occupational Health), the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research and Various Departments; Agreement No. 2370 of 1982

Technical Resources Manager, NSW State Fisheries

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |78 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Technical services Officer - Works Manager, Department of Housing

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Technical Services Officer | | | |

|Year 1 |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Year 2 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Year 3 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Works Manager |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Supervisor Technical Operations |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|(Maintenance) |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Supervisor Technical Operations |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|(Construction) |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Project Officer (Technical) | | | |

|Package Contracts Works Supervisor | | | |

Instrument: Technical Services Officer — Works Manager, Department of Housing; Industrial Authority Agreement No. 2537/91

Technical Surveyors, All Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Technical Surveyors | | | |

|1st year of service |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|5th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|6th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|7th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|8th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|9th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|10th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|11th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|12th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|13th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|14th year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|15th year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|16th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|Officer with HSC at 19 paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Technical Surveyor | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|3rd year of service |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|4th year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

Instrument: Technical Surveyors, All Departments; Agreement No. 2494 of 1986

Technicians, Technical Services Branch, Government Stores Department

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Technician | | | |

|Class 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

| | | | |

|Class 5 | | | |

|1st year of service |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Class 6 | | | |

|1st year of service |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Class 7 | | | |

|1st year of service |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| | | | |

|Class 8 | | | |

|1st year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Deputy Manager | | | |

|1st year of service |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|Thereafter |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

| | | | |

|Manager | | | |

|1st year of service |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|Thereafter |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

Instrument: Technicians, Technical Services Branch, Government Stores Department; Agreement No. 2453 of 1983


|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Senior Telephonist (98) |35 |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| | | | | |

|(98) Personal to Mr K. J. Ward, Sydney Technical College | | | | |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | | |

|Telephonist |22 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

| |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| |31 |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| |34 |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Timber Inspector, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Chief Timber Inspector (99) |135 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|(99) Personal to Mr E. R. Kelly |163 |44,576 |45,468 |46,377 |

| | | | | |

|Deputy Chief Timber Inspector |105 |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| |111 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | | |

|Senior Timber Inspector |81 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |85 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| |89 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | | |

|Timber Inspector |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| |62 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |69 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| |73 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Timber Stores Officer, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |38 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Timekeepers and/or Storekeepers, Various Departments (other than State Dockyard)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Timekeeper and/or Storekeeper | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

| | | | |

|Assistant to Supervisory Timekeeper | | | |

|On Appointment |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Special Grade | | | |

|1st year of service |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

Instrument: Timekeepers and/or Storekeepers, Various Departments (other than State Dockyard) Salaries Agreement; Agreement No. 2418 of 1982

Timekeeper and/or Storekeeper, Other than the Public Works Department and the State Dockyard (100)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |40 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|Grade II |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

(100) Promotion to Grade II is subject to completion of 12 months' service on the maximum rate for Grade I and to the Board being satisfied, on the recommendation of the Department Head that:

(a) the officer is capable of carrying out the full range of duties of a Timekeeper and/or Storekeeper; and

(b) the officer's conduct, efficiency and ability to perform more responsible duties warrant such promotion.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Tipstaves to Justices

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Associate to Chief Judge of the District | | | |

|Court | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|3rd year and thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Masters Associates | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Masters Associates under 21 | | | |

|18 years or under |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

|19 years |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|20 years |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| | | | |

|District Court Associates | | | |

|1st year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|District Court Associates under 21 | | | |

|18 years or under |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|19 years |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|20 years |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | |

|Tipstaff to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|Tipstaves to Judges of the Supreme | | | |

|Court | | | |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Tipstaves to Justices) Award

Titles Officer, Land Titles Office

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Level 1 | | | |

|Year 1 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|Year 2 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|Year 3 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|Year 4 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|Year 5 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|Year 6 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Year 7 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|Year 8 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Year 9 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|Year 10 and thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Level 2 | | | |

|Year 1 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Year 2 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Year 3 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Year 4 and thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Level 3 | | | |

|Year 1 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Year 2 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Year 3 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Year 4 and thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Level 4 | | | |

|Year 1 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Year 2 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Year 3 |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Year 4 and thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Level 5 | | | |

|Year 1 |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Year 2 and thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Level 6 | | | |

|Year 1 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Year 2 and thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Level 7 | | | |

|Year 1 |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Year 2 and thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Level 8 | | | |

|Year 1 |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Year 2 and thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Level 9 | | | |

|Year 1 |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Year 2 and thereafter |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Level 10 | | | |

|Year 1 |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Year 2 and thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Titles Officer, Land Titles Office; Industrial Authority Agreement No. 2536 of 1991

Tobacco Officer, Division of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Tracers, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year of service or 19 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year of service or 20 |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year of service or 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|8th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|9th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|2nd year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 | | | |

|1st year of service |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Tracers, Various Departments; Determination No. 676 of 1982 and Determination No. 800 of 1983

Trades Assistants

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per week |Per week |Per week |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Classification - | | | |

|Blacksmith's striker |503.00 |513.10 |523.40 |

|Cold saw operator |507.20 |517.30 |527.60 |

|Driller (stationary machines) |503.00 |513.10 |523.40 |

|Dresser and grinder (portable machines) |512.00 |522.20 |532.60 |

|Dresser, shot blast or sand blast- | | | |

|(a) who operates from outside a properly enclosed cabin |507.20 |517.30 |527.60 |

|(b) other |528.70 |539.30 |550.10 |

|Dogman and/or crane chaser |512.00 |522.20 |532.60 |

|Forger's assistant |503.00 |513.10 |523.40 |

|Fork Lift Driver (Dept. of Technical and Further Education) |542.30 |553.10 |564.20 |

|Assistant Furnaceman |507.20 |517.30 |527.60 |

|General assistant assisting tradespersons or employed in a metal And/or|503.00 |513.10 |523.40 |

|electrical workshop (Dept. of Technical and Further Education) | | | |

|General assistant, other (Dept. of Technical And Further Education) |528.70 |539.30 |550.10 |

|General assistant/tool storeperson assisting tradespersons or employed |512.00 |522.20 |532.60 |

|in a metal and/or electrical workshop (less than 20 hpw toolstore | | | |

|duties) (Dept. of Technical and Further Education) | | | |

|General assistant/tool storeperson, other (less than 20 hpw toolstore |538.00 |548.80 |559.80 |

|duties) (Dept. of Technical and Further Education) | | | |

|Hammer driver |507.20 |517.30 |527.60 |

|Heat treater operative |512.00 |522.20 |532.60 |

|Machinist second class (Metal Trades) |533.90 |544.60 |555.50 |

|Operator of straight line oxy-acetylene Cutting machine |512.00 |522.20 |532.60 |

|Pipe fitter |533.90 |544.60 |555.50 |

|Rigger and/or splicer (other than construction work) |551.60 |562.60 |573.90 |

|Rigger and/or splicer (construction work) |561.70 |572.90 |584.40 |

|Spray painter (ironwork) and/or brush hand |512.00 |522.20 |532.60 |

|Tool and/or material storeman |528.70 |539.30 |550.10 |

|Tool Storeperson (Classroom only, Dept. of Technical and Further |551.60 |562.60 |573.90 |

|Education | | | |

|Trades assistant (Metal Trades) |503.00 |513.10 |523.40 |

|Trades assistant (foundries) |507.20 |571.30 |527.60 |

|Trades assistant (Electrical Trades) |516.80 |527.10 |537.60 |

|Trades assistant on Lifts in Dept. of Public Works (Electrical Trades) |533.90 |544.60 |555.50 |

|Cupola furnaceman (foundries) |533.90 |544.60 |555.50 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Trades Assistants) Award.

Training Co-Ordinator, Bushfire Personnel

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |154 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Training Officer, Timber Advisory Council, Forestry Commission

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |68 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |74 |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| |77 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| |83 |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Transcription Typists

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Transcription Typists | | | |

|1st year of service |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|2nd year of service |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|3rd year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor | | | |

|1st year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year of service |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | |

|Senior Supervisor | | | |

|1st year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|2nd year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Transcription Typists; Agreement No. 2350 of 1982

Transport Officers, Education Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Transport Officer (Conveyance Subsidies), |26 |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|Metropolitan (101) | | | | |

| |30 |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| |33 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| |37 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | | |

|Transport Officer (Conveyance Subsidies), Country (101) |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | | |

|Transport Officer, (Conveyance Subsidies), Metropolitan |42 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|(101) | | | | |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |56 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| |59 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

101) Rates and allowances prescribed to include remuneration for all incidents of the employment, including overtime

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Transport Officer, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |60 |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Travel Officers, Department of Tourism

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |36 |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |46 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Typists and Communications Assistants

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year of service or 19 |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year of service or 20 |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year of service or 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|8th year of service |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Senior Typist | | | |

|1st year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Instrument: Typists and Communications Assistants; Agreement No. 2348 of 1981

Uniform Fitter and Advisory Officer, Police Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |50 |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Valuers, Department of Planning

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Valuer | | | |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|11th year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|12th year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|13th year of service and thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Officer with HSC at 19 paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Commencing rate Diplomate Hawkesbury Agriculture College or Wagga |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Agriculture College | | | |

| | | | |

|Valuer | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|4th year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|5th year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|6th year of service |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|Deputy Principal Valuer |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

|Manager Valuations Branch |70,936 |72,355 |73,802 |

Instrument: Valuers, Department of Planning; Determination 735 of 1982

Vehicle Maintenance Officer, Central Mapping Authority

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T24 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T29 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Veterinary Officers, Department of Agriculture

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|3rd year of service |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|4th year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|5th year of service |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|6th year of service and thereafter |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

|Grade 3 |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

|Grade 4 |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Director Cattle Tick Control & | | | |

|Chairman, Board of Tick Control |71,725 |73,160 |74,623 |

| | | | |

|Director of Animal Health | | | |

|Administration; Director of Veterinary | | | |

|Research; Director of Meat Inspection |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

Instrument: Veterinary Officers, Department of Agriculture; Public Service Board Agreement No. 1745 of 1971; Determination No. 805 of 1983

Video Tape Editor, Communications Division, Premier's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Video Tape Technician, Monitoring Services Section, Premier's Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |48 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |61 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Visual Aids Designer, State Emergency Services (102)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |71 |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |76 |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| |80 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | | |

|(102) Salary Class 86 Personal to Mr G. W. Pearton |86 |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|effective on and from 9 June 1981 | | | | |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Vocational Counsellor, Department of Industrial Relations

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |45 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |51 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| |53 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Water Distribution Officers, Demondrille and Temora, Public Works Department (103, 104)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |55 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

(103) Plus quarters - Personal to occupant of position as at 14.10.74.

(104) Water Distribution Officers at Demondrille, Temora and Wyalong to be paid overtime allowance at 3% of salary. Any specific duty of an emergency nature required to be performed outside the scope of routine work to be regarded and paid for as overtime.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Water Distribution Officer, Fish River Water Supply, Public Works Department (105)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

(105) Plus quarters in respect of occupant of the position at Dukmaloi - Personal to occupant of position as at 14.10.74.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Water Distribution Officer, Wyalong, Public Works Department (104)

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |41 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| |44 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

(104) Water Distribution Officers at Demondrille, Temora and Wyalong to be paid overtime allowance at 3% of salary. Any specific duty of an emergency nature required to be performed outside the scope of routine work to be regarded and paid for as overtime.

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Welfare Officer, Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |47 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| |49 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| |52 |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| |54 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| |57 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Works Manager, Blacktown Brickworks, Public Works Department

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |155 |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

Instrument: Public Service General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Works Supervisors, Various Departments

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T130 |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |T139 |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Workshop Manager, Soil Conservation Service

|Classification and Grades |T.B. |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |T71 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year of service |T74 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

Youth Resources Officer,

Department of Youth and Community Services

|Classification and Grades |Annual |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Salary |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |Class |$ |$ |$ |

| |63 |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| |65 |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| |67 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) - Agreement No. 2301 of 1980; Amending Agreement 2317 of 1981; Determination No. 764 of 1982

NSW Greyhound Racing Control Board (Salaried Staff)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Group A | | | |

|(ii) Administrative Officer | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|(iii) Chief Clerk | | | |

|1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|(iv) Accountant | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|(v) Officer-in-Charge (Greyhound Registrations) | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Thereafter |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|(vi) Chief Steward | | | |

|1st year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|(vii) Deputy Chief Steward |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|(viii) Stewards | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Thereafter |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| | | | |

|(ix) Cadet Steward | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|(x) Field Officer | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|(xi) Marking and Earbranding Steward | | | |

|1st year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|Thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Group B - Clerical Officers | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|Group A | | | |

|1st year of service under 17 |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| | | | |

|Group B | | | |

|1st year of service under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| | | | |

|Group A & B | | | |

|4th year of service or 19 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service or 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|6th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|8th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|9th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|10th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1/2 | | | |

| | | | |

|Group C | | | |

|1st year of service under 17 |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Group D | | | |

|1st year of service |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Group C & D | | | |

|4th year of service or 19 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|5th year of service or 20 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|6th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|7th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|8th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|9th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|10th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|11th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|12th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service and thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Instrument: The New South Wales Greyhound Racing Control Board (Salaried Staff) Award.

Harness Racing Authority of New South Wales

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Group 1 Classified Officer | | | |

|(i) Chief Steward | | | |

|1st year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|(ii) Chief Handicapper | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|5th year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|6th year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|(iii) Deputy Chief Steward | | | |

|1st year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|(iv) Deputy Chief Handicapper/ Club Liaison Officer | | | |

|1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|(v) Steward | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|3rd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|4th year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|5th year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|6th year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|7th year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|8th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|(vi) Handicapper | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|5th year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|6th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|(vii) Cadet Steward | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|3rd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|4th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|5th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|6th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|(viii) Cadet Handicapper | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|3rd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|4th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|(ix) Freeze Branding Officer | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|(x) Assistant Freeze Branding Officer | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|3rd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|4th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|(xi) Customer Relations Officer | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|3rd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|4th year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|(xii) Assistant Customer Relations Officer | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|(xiii) Registrar | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|(xiv) Deputy Registrar | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|(xv) Accountant | | | |

|1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|4th year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|5th year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|6th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|(xvi) Senior Accounts Clerk | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|5th year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|6th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|(xvii) Secretary to Department Head | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|3rd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|4th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|(xviii) Executive Assistant to General Manager | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Attendance at Race Meetings

(i) The Chief Steward, Deputy Chief Steward, Steward, Starter, Cadet Steward required to attend race meetings on weekends and public holidays shall be paid an allowance of (A) per race meeting held less than 175 kilometres from the Authority's office, and shall be paid an allowance of (B) per race meeting held further than 175 kilometres from the Authority's office.

This rate includes all incidents of work in the attendance at the race meeting.

(ii) An officer, other than Chief Steward, Deputy Chief Steward, Steward, Starter, Cadet Steward required to attend a race meeting outside normal working hours, shall be paid an allowance of (C) per meeting. Such allowance is subject to adjustment according to State Wage Case movements.

The rate includes all incidents of work associated with attendance at race meetings.

| |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(A) Stewards Allowance - less than 175 km |183.85 |187.53 |191.76 |

|(B) Stewards Allowance - further than 175 km |220.20 |224.60 |229.50 |

|(C) Other than Stewards – Allowance |119.30 |121.69 |124.44 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Harness Racing New South Wales) Conditions of Employment Award

Home Care Service of New South Wales Administrative Staff

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Home Care Gradings and Pay Scales - | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|Step 1 |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|Step 2 |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|Step 1 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|Step 2 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|Step 1 |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Step 2 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Grade 4 - | | | |

|Step 1 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|Step 2 |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Grade 5 - | | | |

|Step 1 |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Step 2 |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|Grade 6 - | | | |

|Step 1 |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Step 2 |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|Grade 7 - | | | |

|Step 1 |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Step 2 |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|Grade 8 - | | | |

|Step 1 |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|Step 2 |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|Grade 9 - | | | |

|Step 1 |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|Step 2 |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|Grade 10 - | | | |

|Step 1 |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|Step 2 |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|Grade 11 - | | | |

|Step 1 |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Step 2 |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|Grade 12 - | | | |

|Step 1 |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Step 2 |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|Grade 13 - | | | |

|Step 1 |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|Step 2 |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|Grade 14 - | | | |

|Step 1 |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|Step 2 |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|Grade 15 - | | | |

|Step 1 |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

|Step 2 |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|Grade 16 - | | | |

|Step 1 |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|Step 2 |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|Grade 17 - | | | |

|Step 1 |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

|Step 2 |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

|Grade 18 - | | | |

|Step 1 |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|Step 2 |72,515 |73,965 |75,444 |

|Grade 19 - | | | |

|Step 1 |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Step 2 |75,670 |77,183 |78,727 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Home Care Service of New South Wales Administrative Staff) Award.

Parliament of New South Wales, Legislative Assembly,

Clerical Officers, Parliament House

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Legislative Council - Clerk Assistant | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

| | | | |

|Usher of the Black Rod - | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year of service |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|3rd year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Thereafter |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Table | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year of service |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|3rd year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Bills | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|*Parliamentary Officer - Accounts and Records | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Papers | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Legislative Assembly - | | | |

|Clerk Assistant - Administrative | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

| | | | |

|Clerk Assistant - Procedure - | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

| | | | |

|Serjeant-at-Arms - | | | |

|1st year of service |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Thereafter |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

| | | | |

|**Clerk of Committees (Parliamentary Officer - Committees) | | | |

|1st year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Table | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|**Parliamentary Officer - Administration | | | |

|(Administrative Officer) - | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Bills | | | |

|1st year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Thereafter |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Votes | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Thereafter |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer - Papers | | | |

|1st year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Thereafter |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Officer | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Accountant | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year of service |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|3rd year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|*Sub-Accountant | | | |

| | | | |

|Senior Accounts Clerk | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|Accounts Clerk (Computer) and Senior | | | |

|Salaries Clerk - | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Salaries Clerk - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Accounts Clerk - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|*Clerical Officer - | | | |

|Joint Staff, Legislative Council and Assembly | | | |

| | | | |

|Building Manager - | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Building Manager - | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Administrative Assistant - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|Thereafter |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Library - | | | |

|*Voucher Examination Clerk | | | |

|Hansard - | | | |

|*Hansard Secretary | | | |

* Position deleted from establishment.

** Title of position changed old title appears in brackets.

Instrument: Agreement 2360 of 1982

Other Clerical Officers, Parliament House

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|Group A - | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| | | | |

|Group B - | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year of service |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|4th year of service 19 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year of service 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|6th year of service |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|8th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|9th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|10th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1/2 - | | | |

|Group C - | | | |

|1st year of service or under 17 |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|2nd year of service or 17 |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year of service or 18 |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Group D only - | | | |

|Officer with HSC at 19 paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year of service or 19 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|5th year of service or 20 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|6th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|7th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|8th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|9th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|10th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|11th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|12th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3/4 - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 - | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 - | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 - | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 7 - | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year of service |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 8 - | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year of service |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Instrument: Determinations of the Presiding Officers

Administrative and Clerical Officers, Parliament House

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Clerks General Scale | | | |

|1st year of service or 18 |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service min. at 20 |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service min. at 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Officer with HSC at 19 paid not less than |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year of service |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|Thereafter |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|Thereafter |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 - | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 - | | | |

|1st year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|Thereafter |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 - | | | |

|1st year of service |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|Thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Grade 7 - | | | |

|1st year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Thereafter |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade 8 - | | | |

|1st year of service |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|Thereafter |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Grade 9 - | | | |

|1st year of service |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|Thereafter |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|Grade 10 - | | | |

|1st year of service |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|Thereafter |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Grade 11 - | | | |

|1st year of service |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|Thereafter |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Grade 12 - | | | |

|1st year of service |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|Thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Determinations of the Presiding Officers

Parliamentary Staff (Security Officers, Attendants/Gatekeepers,

Joint Services Staff, Food and Beverages Staff)

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|** Parliamentary Officers Chef - Grade 4 (Head Chef) | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year and thereafter |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|**Parliamentary Officer Chef - Grade 3 (Chef) |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|**Parliamentary Officer Chef - Grade 2 - (Assistant Chef) |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Parliamentary Steward | | | |

|1st year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year and thereafter |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| | | | |

|Dining Room Supervisor |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Dining Room Supervisor |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | |

|**Catering Supervisor (Cafeteria Supervisor) |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | |

|**Catering Supervisor (Room Service Supervisor) |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Senior Dining Room Attendant/Cleaner |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|Dining Room Attendant/Cleaner |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|Senior Bartender |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|Bartender |27,842 |28,399 |28,967 |

|Kitchen Attendant |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|Kitchen Assistant |26,927 |27,466 |28,015 |

| | | | |

|Stock Clerk - | | | |

| 1st year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| 2nd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| 3rd year and thereafter |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Pantry Supervisor |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|Assistant Pantry Supervisor |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

| | | | |

|**Cleaning Supervisor (Foreman Cleaner) |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|**Assistant Cleaning Supervisor | | | |

|(Assistant Foreman Cleaner) |27,842 |28,399 |28,967 |

| | | | |

|General Useful |26,927 |27,466 |28,015 |

| | | | |

|Stores Officer | | | |

|1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year and thereafter |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Housekeeper |26,186 |26,710 |27,244 |

|*Senior Laundry Assistant |25,951 |26,470 |26,999 |

|Laundry Assistant |25,691 |26,205 |26,729 |

|Cleaner |25,691 |26,205 |26,729 |

|**Horticulturalist Grade 2 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|(Gardener - experienced) | | | |

|*Attendant/Gatekeeper |26,927 |27,466 |28,015 |

|*Parliament House Security Officer |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

*Position deleted from establishment.

**Title of position changed - old title appears in brackets.

Instrument: Agreement 2379 of 1982, Agreement 2381 of 1981, Agreement 2382 of 1981

Parliamentary Attendant Staff

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Parliamentary Officer - Attendant, | | | |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|Thereafter |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|Thereafter |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 | | | |

|1st year of service (Level 1) |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|Thereafter (Level 2) |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (Parliamentary Attendant Staff) Award, Determinations of the Presiding Officers)

Parliamentary Library Staff, Library Technicians

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Library Technician - | | | |

|Grade I - | | | |

|Under 17 years of age |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|At 17 years of age |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|At 18 years |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|At 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|At 20 years |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|Adult - | | | |

|1st year of service |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|2nd year of service |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|3rd year of service |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|Grade II - | | | |

|1st year of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year of service |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|3rd year of service |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|Library Technician - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year of service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|3rd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|Senior Library Technician - | | | |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|4th year of service and thereafter |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Instrument: Determination 812 of 1983

Parliamentary Library Staff, Librarians

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Librarian - Graduate and Non-Graduate | | | |

|1st year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|7th year of service and thereafter |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Senior Librarian - Grade I | | | |

|1st year of service |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year of service |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year of service |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|2nd year of service |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year of service and thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Instrument: Determinations of Presiding Officers (Based on Crown Employees (Librarians) Award)

Security Officers - Parliament House

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Security Officer |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Instrument: Crown Employees Security Officers (Parliament House) Award

Parliamentary Electorate Secretaries

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd and 4th year of service |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|5th, 6th and 7th year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|8th year of service and thereafter |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Instrument: Parliamentary Electorate Secretaries Salaries Award

Assistant Electorate Secretaries

|Classification and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year of service |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year of service |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year of service or at 21 |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year of service |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year of service |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year of service |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|8th year of service |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year of service |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year of service |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

Instrument: Determinations of the Speaker

Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW

All officers employed by the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW subject to this award are employed under Section 63 of the Transport Administration Act 1988.


"Architect" shall mean a person who holds a Degree in Architecture of the University of Sydney or of the University of New South Wales or who holds the Diploma in Architecture of the Department of Technical Education or the holder of a similar Degree or Diploma of any other school of Architecture recognised by the Chief Executive Officer.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

Electronic Data Processing (Technical) Staff

"Programmer" or "Systems Analyst" shall mean a person so appointed on Electronic Data Processing (Technical) who holds the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, the Degree of Bachelor of Economics or the Degree of Bachelor of Science of an Australian University, or other examination qualifications recognised by the Chief Executive Officer.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|2nd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|5th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Systems Analyst | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|5th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|Senior Systems Analyst | | | |

|1st year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|3rd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|4th year |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

Quantity Surveyors

"Quantity Surveyor" shall mean a person who holds the Diploma in Quantity Surveying of the Department of Technical Education or such other qualification as the Chief Executive Officer may deem equivalent.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

Scientific Officer

"Scientific Officer" shall mean an officer who holds a Bachelor of Science degree from an Australian University, or such other qualifications deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to be appropriate or equivalent thereto.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|5th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|3rd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|4th year |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

|1st year |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |


"Metallurgist" shall mean a person who holds a Degree or Diploma in Metallurgy of an Australian University or recognised Technical College, or other examination qualifications recognised by the Chief Executive Officer.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|5th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|3rd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|4th year |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

Investigations Officer

"Investigations Officer" shall mean an officer who is engaged on one or more of the following duties:- investigation of the need for routes and appropriate classifications of roads; investigation of the impact of road proposals on the environment; investigation of proposals for financing roads and preparation of expenditure forecasts; arranging the collection, processing and statistical analysis of data related to traffic engineering or engineering materials; any work incidental to the foregoing.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|5th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|2nd year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

|3rd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|4th year |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

|1st year |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

|2nd year |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

Legal Officers

"Legal Officer" shall mean an officer who has been admitted as a Barrister or Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Legal Officers | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|3rd year |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|4th year |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|5th year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|6th year |53,300 |54,366 |55,453 |

|7th year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|8th year |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|9th year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

|1st year |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

| | | | |

|Supervising | | | |

|1st year |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

|2nd year |70,936 |72,355 |73,802 |

|3rd year |72,515 |73,965 |75,444 |

Landscape Architect

"Landscape Architect" shall mean a person who holds a Degree in Landscape Architecture of the University of New South Wales, or any qualifications deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to be equivalent thereto.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|5th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|6th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|3rd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|4th year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|2nd year |66,254 |67,579 |68,931 |

|3rd year |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |


"Librarian" means an officer appointed as such, who is performing the work of a Librarian and who possesses a qualification acceptable for professional membership of the Library Association of Australia or a qualification deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to be equivalent thereto.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Non-Graduate Librarian | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|3rd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|4th year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|5th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|6th year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|7th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|8th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|9th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|10th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Graduate Librarian | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|7th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

| | | | |

|Senior Librarian | | | |

|1st year |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|2nd year |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Thereafter |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

Library Officers

"Library Officer" shall mean a person so appointed who has successfully completed Stage II of the Library Practice Certificate Course of the Department of Technical and Further Education.

"Assistant Library Officer" shall mean a person so appointed who has passed the Higher School Certificate Examination at a level to satisfy the requirements for admission to the Library Practice Certificate Course of the Department of Technical and Further Education.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Library Officers | | | |

|Under 19 years |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|At 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|At 20 years |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|Adult 1st year |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|Adult 2nd year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|Adult 3rd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Adult 4th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Library Officers | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|3rd year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|3rd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|4th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

Surveyors — Graduate

"Graduate Surveyor" shall mean an officer who holds the Bachelor of Surveying Degree from the University of New South Wales, or such other qualification deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to be appropriate or equivalent thereto.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Unreg. | | | |

|1st year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | |

|Registered Class I | | | |

|1st year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|4th year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Registered Class II | | | |

|1st year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Reg. Class III | | | |

|1st year |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|2nd year |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Reg. Senior | | | |

|1st year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Reg. Superv. | | | |

|1st year |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|2nd year |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |


"Photogrammetrist" shall mean an officer engaged in research and development of procedures into the use of photogrammetry in Highway Engineering and administration of contract works.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|2nd year |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|2nd year |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Supervising | | | |

|1st year |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|2nd year |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

Road Design Officer

"Road Design Officer" shall mean an officer engaged in any of the following duties, or any work incidental thereto:

(i) Investigation of Traffic Data for road planning proposals and road designs.

(ii) Investigations for new road proposals.

(iii) Preliminary location of roadworks and bridges.

(iv) Design and/or design checking of channelized intersections and interchanges.

(v) Design and/or design checking of road construction proposals and any associated design requirements.

(vi) Calculation, design and/or design checking of drainage schemes and minor structures.

(vii) Design and/or design checking of Traffic signal installation layouts and associated works.

(viii) Preparation and checking of schedules of quantities, estimates and specifications for road construction proposals.

(ix) Examination of road design proposals.

(x) Examination of motorway and road widening proposals.

(xi) Preparation of reports, correspondence and submissions (including survey instructions) on any of the above matters.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|5th year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|6th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|8th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

| | | | |

|Class V | | | |

|1st year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Class VI | | | |

|1st year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

| | | | |

|Class VII | | | |

|1st year |60,686 |61,900 |63,138 |

Drafting Officers and Associated Groups

"Architectural Officer" shall mean an officer who carries out general architectural work including the preparation of plans for new buildings or alterations or additions to existing buildings, and in connection with road widening projects additionally undertakes the design, preparation of estimates and specifications and supervises the contracts for demolition, relocation or adjustment of the improvements to properties.

"Artist Draftsman" shall mean an officer who prepares perspective models and drawings illustrating special aspects of a design project.

"Cartographer" shall mean an officer who is engaged on the compilation, fair drawing and final production of cadastral, topographic and miscellaneous maps, colour art work, charts and diagrams.

"Computer" shall mean an officer who is engaged in computations for the preparation and checking of plans for the resumption, acquisition, appropriation and/or subdivision of lands and computations associated with road design.

"Electrical Draftsman" shall mean an officer who designs, draws or checks designs for electrical equipment or installation and carries out any work incidental thereto including the preparation and checking of schedules of quantities, estimates and specifications.

"Geological Draftsman" shall mean an officer who is engaged in the preparation of geological drawings, plotting of information from geological and seismic surveys, preparation of graphs and charts, information search and general drawing office duties.

"Laboratory Equipment Officer" shall mean an officer who is engaged on the preparation of drawings and specifications for laboratory equipment and layouts, the maintenance and verification of testing equipment, the installation and use of special instrumentation and any work incidental thereto.

"Landscape Technical Officer" shall mean an officer having expertise in Horticulture, experience in the preparation of landscape plans, specifications and reports and is able to provide field assistance in all aspects of landscape work.

"Mechanical Draftsman" shall mean an officer who designs, draws or checks designs for machines, structures or mechanical layouts or appliances and any work incidental thereto and prepares or checks schedules of quantities, estimates and specifications.

"Search Officer" shall mean an officer who is engaged in searching plans and titles of land, sub-divisions, etc.

"Specification Writer" shall mean an officer who is engaged in the preparation of specifications for building works and any work incidental thereto.

"Structural Draftsman" shall mean an officer who draws or checks plans for bridges, other structures and any work incidental thereto and prepares or checks schedules of quantities, estimates and specifications.

"Survey Draftsman" shall mean an officer who is engaged in the compilation and/or drafting of plans, maps or diagrams for real property acquisition, road planning or investigation and the preparation of reports and replies concerning land development control and work associated therewith.

"Traffic Survey Technician" shall mean an officer who is engaged in the installation, maintenance, servicing and use of technical devices used in traffic surveys.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|5th year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|6th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|8th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|Architectural Officer |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Artist Draftsman |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Computer |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Cartographer |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Electrical Draftsman |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Laboratory Equipment Officer |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Landscape Technical Officer |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Mechanical Draftsman |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Search Officer |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Specification Writer |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Structural Draftsman |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|Survey Draftsman |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|Traffic Survey Technician |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

| | | | |

|Class V | | | |

|Architectural Officer |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

|Artist Draftsman |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|Cartographer |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Laboratory Equipment Officer |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Mechanical Draftsman |55,012 |56,112 |57,234 |

| | | | |

|Search Officer |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Structural Draftsman |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|Survey Draftsman |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

| | | | |

|Class VI | | | |

|Mechanical Draftsman |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|Structural Draftsman |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|Survey Draftsman |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Manager - Works (Property Rentals ) | | | |

Central Workshop

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|Workshop Superintendent |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|Workshop Superintendent |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|Workshop Superintendent |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

Electronic Engineering Officers

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|5th year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|6th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|8th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

| | | | |

|Class V | | | |

|1st year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Assistant Valuer | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|6th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|7th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|11th year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|12th year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|13th year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | |

|Valuer | | | |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|3rd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|4th year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|5th year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|6th year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|3rd year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|4th year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

|2nd year |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

Surveyors - Engineering

"Survey Assistant" shall mean an officer who, under the direction of an Engineering or Registered Surveyor, is engaged on surveys for the Authority's purposes, either in the field or the office.

"Engineering Surveyor" shall mean an officer employed on engineering survey work for the Authority's purposes and who may be directed to take charge of a survey party.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Survey Assistants | | | |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| | | | |

|Survey Assistants | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Engineering Surveyors | | | |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Engineering Surveyors | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Photogrammetric Officers

"Photogrammetric Officer" shall mean an officer at the technical level who operates the stereometrograph and associated equipment for routine work.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Class V | | | |

|1st year |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

|3rd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

Traffic Engineering Officers

"Traffic Engineering Officer" shall mean an officer who in accordance with approved standards collects and analyses traffic data, investigates traffic management and planning schemes and the need for traffic devices, designs traffic devices and undertakes the service commissioning thereof, and carries out any work incidental to the foregoing.

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|5th year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|6th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|8th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |49,709 |50,703 |51,717 |

| | | | |

|Class V | | | |

|1st year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Class VI | | | |

|1st year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

Radio Engineering Officers

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |25,130 |25,633 |26,146 |

|6th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|5th year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|6th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|8th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|4th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Clerical Officers

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|6th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|7th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|8th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|9th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|10th year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|11th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|12th year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|13th year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|14th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|2nd year |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Administrative Officers (Clerical)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|2nd year |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

| | | | |

|Class III | | | |

|1st year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|2nd year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

| | | | |

|Class IV | | | |

|1st year |57,289 |58,435 |59,604 |

|2nd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|3rd year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Class V | | | |

|1st year |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|2nd year |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

|3rd year |65,604 |66,916 |68,254 |

| | | | |

|Class VI | | | |

|1st year |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

Computer Systems Officers

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Computer Systems Officer In Training | | | |

|1st year |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

|2nd year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|3rd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|4th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|5th year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|6th year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|3rd year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|4th year |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|2nd year |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|2nd year |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

| | | | |

|Shift Manager | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Network Controller | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

Electronic Data Processing (Commercial) Staff

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Computer Operator Trainee | | | |

|1st year or at 18 years of age |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|2nd year or at 19 years of age |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|3rd year or at 20 years of age |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|4th year or at 21 years of age |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|3rd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|4th year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|3rd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|4th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Senior Computer Operator

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|2nd year |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|3rd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|4th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Programmer | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|4th year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|5th year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

| | | | |

|Programmer (Senior or Specialist) | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

| | | | |

|Systems Analyst | | | |

| 1st year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|5th year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

| | | | |

|Senior Systems Officer | | | |

|1st year |56,710 |57,844 |59,001 |

|2nd year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Manager | | | |

|1st year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year |64,364 |65,651 |66,964 |

Public Relations Staff

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Publicity Assistant | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|3rd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| | | | |

|Publications Officer | | | |

|1st year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|2nd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|3rd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Media Liaison Officer | | | |

|1st year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|2nd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|3rd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Media Liaison Officer |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

Economist - Accounts Branch

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Class I | | | |

|1st year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|3rd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|5th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Class II | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|4th year |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|5th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

Training Staff

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Training Officer | | | |

|1st year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|3rd year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|Principal Training Officer |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

|Special Projects Officer |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|2nd year or at 17 years of age |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year or at 18 years of age |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year or at 19 years of age |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year or at 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 years of age |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|7th year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|8th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|2nd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | |

|Grade VII | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| | | | |

|Grade VIII | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

Machine Operators

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|In Training | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year or at 17 years of age |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year or at 18 years of age |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year or at 19 years of age |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year or at 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 years of age |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|8th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|2nd year or at 17 years of age |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year or at 18 years of age |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year or at 19 years of age |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year or at 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 years of age |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|2nd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | |

|Grade VII | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| | | | |

|Grade VIII | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year or at 17 years of age |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year or at 18 years of age |18,600 |18,972 |19,351 |

|4th year or at 19 years of age |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year or at 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 years of age |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|8th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|2nd year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|2nd year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|3rd year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|4th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|2nd year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|3rd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

|1st year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Chief Executive's Suite |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|1st year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|2nd year |24,611 |25,103 |25,605 |

| | | | |

|Day Street and Palmer Street Garage | | | |

Customer Service Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Customer Service Officer | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|2nd year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|3rd year |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|4th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|5th year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|6th year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|7th year |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Supervising | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|2nd year |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

Driver Testing Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

Motor Registry Manager

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year | | | |

|Grade I |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Grade II |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|Class I |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|Class II |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|Class III |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|2nd year | | | |

|Grade I |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|Grade II |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|Class I |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|Class II |51,763 |52,798 |53,854 |

|Class III |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

Audio Visual Services

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant | | | |

|1st year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|2nd year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|3rd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor | | | |

|1st year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Catering Staff

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Catering Assistant | | | |

|1st year |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|2nd year |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

| | | | |

|First Assistant to Catering Officer | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Catering officer | | | |

|1st year |32,349 |32,996 |33,656 |

Cleaning Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Cleaning Inspector |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Communications Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

Controller - (Toll Collection)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|3rd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

Courier - Mail Delivery Service

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|2nd year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|3rd year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|4th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|5th year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|3rd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Courier - Supply Section

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|2nd year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|3rd year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|4th year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Departmental Driver/Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Departmental Driver/Assistant |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Display Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|3rd year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|4th year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Drawing Office Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |26,012 |26,532 |27,063 |

|2nd year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|3rd year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|4th year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|2nd year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

Enquiry Officer (Traffic Control Centre)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|2nd year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|3rd year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|4th year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

Equal Employment Opportunity Section

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Co-ordinator | | | |

|1st year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

|2nd year |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|3rd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

| | | | |

|Liaison Officer | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|3rd year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

| | | | |

|Implementation Officer | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|3rd year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

First-aid Attendant - Central Workshop

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|2nd year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|3rd year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

First-aid Instructor

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|2nd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Graphic Services Staff

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|2nd year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|3rd year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|2nd year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|3rd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|4th year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|3rd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|Graphic Service Officer | | | |

|1st year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | |

|Production, Distribution & Micrographic Supervisor | | | |

|1st year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

| | | | |

|Estimator/Planner & Materials Controller | | | |

|1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|3rd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| | | | |

|Graphic Service Controller & Design Supervisor | | | |

|1st year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

| | | | |

|Graphic Service Superintendent | | | |

|1st year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|2nd year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

|3rd year |55,563 |56,674 |57,807 |

Inspector - Vehicle Weights

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|3rd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|3rd year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

|1st year |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

|2nd year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|Supervising | | | |

|1st year | | | |

|2nd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|Senior Supervising | | | |

|1st year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Chief | | | |

|1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Chief | | | |

|1st year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|2nd year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

Inspector - Vehicle Regulation

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|3rd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|3rd year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Junior General

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Under 16 years of age |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|At 16 years of age |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|At 17 years of age |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|At 18 years of age |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|At 19 years of age |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|At 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

Model Maker

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant | | | |

|1st year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|2nd year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|3rd year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|4th year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|3rd year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|2nd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Night Security Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Night Security Officer |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

Senior Night Security Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Senior Night Security Officer |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Occupational Health Nurse

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Nurse | | | |

|1st year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| | | | |

|Senior in Charge | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

Office Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|2nd year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|3rd year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|4th year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|2nd year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

Pay Escort

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|2nd year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|3rd year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

Photographer (Community Relations Branch)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Junior | | | |

|1st year |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|5th year |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Photographer | | | |

|1st year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|2nd year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|3rd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|4th year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | |

|Photographer Grade I | | | |

|1st year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|2nd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|3rd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|4th year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Photographer Grade II | | | |

|1st year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|Thereafter | | | |

|Senior Photographer | | | |

|1st year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|2nd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Production and Despatch Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

Senior Drawing Office Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Senior Mail Room Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|3rd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Staff Amenities Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant | | | |

|1st year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|4th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | |

|Officer | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

Stores Officer - Head Office

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|3rd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|4th year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Storeman Supervisor, Central Stores

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|3rd year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

Supervisor - Toll Collection

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Supervisor - Toll Collection |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

Supervisor, Traffic Communications

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Telephonist (Head Office)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year under 17 years of age |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year or at 18 years of age |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year or at 19 years of age |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year or at 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 years of age |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|8th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|9th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

| | | | |

|1st year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|2nd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|3rd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Telephonist (Central Workshop)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|2nd year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|3rd year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|4th year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

Testing Laboratory Assistant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Testing Laboratory Assistant |30,322 |30,928 |31,547 |

Testing Laboratory Operator

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Trainee | | | |

|1st year |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|2nd year |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|3rd year |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|4th year |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |24,611 |25,103 |25,605 |

|2nd year |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|3rd year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|4th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|5th year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|6th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|7th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|8th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|9th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|2nd year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|3rd year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|4th year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

Timekeeper or Storekeeper

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|3rd year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|4th year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|5th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Toll Plaza Officers

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Toll Plaza Officers |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

Toll Plaza Officer - Group Leader

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Toll Plaza Officer - Group Leader |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year or at 18 years of age |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year or at 19 years of age |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year or at 20 years of age |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year or at 21 years of age |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year age |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|8th year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|Grade V | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Grade VI | | | |

|1st year under 17 years of age |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year at 17 years of age |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

Traffic Checking Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|2nd year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|3rd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

Traffic Supervisor, Sydney Harbour Bridge

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Traffic Supervisor, Sydney Harbour Bridge |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

Apprenticeship Training Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 | | | |

|1st year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Asphalt Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Asphalt Inspector |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

Bridge Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Inspector |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|Chief |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Building Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year |43 |44 |45 |

|4th year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|5th year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Building Maintenance Supervisor

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant | | | |

|1st year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|2nd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor | | | |

|1st year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|2nd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|3rd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

Building Services Superintendent

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Superintendent | | | |

|1st year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|3rd year |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Fleet Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Plant Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Senior | | | |

|1st year |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

Explosives Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Explosives Officer |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Fire and Security Controller

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|2nd year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |


|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|In Training | | | |

|1st year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|2nd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Grade V |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

Superintending Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|2nd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|2nd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| | | | |

|Grade IV | | | |

|1st year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Works Supervisor

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|2nd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|Grade III | | | |

|1st year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

Garage Supervisor

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor | | | |

|1st year | | | |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|5th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|6th year |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|7th year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|8th year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|9th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Landscape Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant Officer | | | |

|1st year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| | | | |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Quality Assurance Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|3rd year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|4th year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Safety Co-ordinator

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Assistant | | | |

|1st year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|2nd year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

| | | | |

|Co-ordinator | | | |

|1st year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Safety Inspector

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade I | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|3rd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|4th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Grade II | | | |

|1st year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|2nd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

Supervising Foreman (Central Workshop)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Supervising Foreman (Central Workshop) |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

Manager, Rehabilitation and Welfare

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|2nd year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

Managers Workers' Compensation

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |60,686 |61,900 |63,138 |

|2nd year |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

Education Officer Occupational Health

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |54,440 | | |

|2nd year |56,171 | | |

Career Development Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|2nd year |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

Training and Development Co-ordinator

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

|2nd year |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

Training and Development Consultant

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

|2nd year |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

Technical Officer (Training)

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Occupational Hygienist |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|1st year |63,126 |64,389 |65,677 |

|2nd year |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

Occupational Health Co-ordinator

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

Safety Manager

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|2nd year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

Regional Planner, Northern Region

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |66,903 |68,241 |69,606 |

Council Administration Officer

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |67,570 |68,921 |70,299 |

|2nd year |68,990 |70,370 |71,777 |

Youth Traineeships

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Under 17 years of age |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|At 17 years of age |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|At 18 years of age |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|At 19 years of age |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

Bridge Operators

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|For first 2 years |533.90 |544.58 |555.90 |

|After first 2 years |538.30 |549.07 |559.98 |

|After first 5 years |542.30 |553.15 |564.06 |

State Authorities Superannuation Board

|Classifications and Grades |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|General Scale - | | | |

|1st year of service |15,577 |15,889 |16,207 |

|2nd year of service |17,504 |17,854 |18,211 |

|3rd year of service |19,078 |19,460 |19,849 |

|** Additional rate, payable to 19 year old employee with HSC or |21,580 |22,012 |22,452 |

|equivalent | | | |

|4th year of service |23,892 |24,370 |24,857 |

|5th year of service |25,620 |26,132 |26,655 |

|6th year of service |26,356 |26,883 |27,421 |

|7th year of service |27,392 |27,940 |28,499 |

|8th year of service |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|9th year of service |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|10th year of service |29,774 |30,369 |30,976 |

|11th year of service |30,817 |31,433 |32,062 |

|12th year of service |31,887 |32,525 |33,176 |

| | | | |

|Graded Positions | | | |

|1st year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|and thereafter |34,672 |35,365 |36,072 |

|2nd year of service |35,732 |36,447 |37,176 |

|and thereafter |36,614 |37,346 |38,093 |

|3rd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|and thereafter |38,754 |39,529 |40,320 |

|4th year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|and thereafter |41,298 |42,124 |42,966 |

|5th year of service |44,435 |45,324 |46,230 |

|and thereafter |45,826 |46,743 |47,678 |

|6th year of service |47,678 |48,632 |49,605 |

|and thereafter |49,057 |50,038 |51,039 |

|7th year of service |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|and thereafter |52,119 |53,161 |54,224 |

|8th year of service |54,245 |55,330 |56,437 |

|and thereafter |55,879 |56,997 |58,137 |

|9th year of service |57,779 |58,935 |60,114 |

|and thereafter |59,402 |60,590 |61,802 |

|10th year of service |61,564 |62,795 |64,051 |

|and thereafter |63,200 |64,464 |65,753 |

|11th year of service |66,477 |67,807 |69,163 |

|and thereafter |69,740 |71,135 |72,558 |

|12th year of service |73,556 |75,027 |76,528 |

|and thereafter |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

Instrument: Crown Employees (State Authorities Superannuation Board) Award.


Assistant - Enrolled Nurses Training Programme (Part-time)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 30) 1st year |13.91 |14.19 |14.28 |

|(S.C. 32) 2nd year |14.16 |14.44 |14.28 |

|(S.C. 37) 3rd year |14.52 |14.81 |15.30 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Assistant Library Technician

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

| Junior - | | | |

| under 17 years |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

| at 17 years |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

| at 18 years |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

| at 19 years |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| at 20 years |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

| Adult - | | | |

| 1st year |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

| 2nd year |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

| 3rd year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

| 4th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

| 1st year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

| 2nd year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| 3rd year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| 4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Assistant Library Technician (Part-time)

(for staff employed prior to 1/8/87)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per hour |Per hour |Per hour |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|Up to 5 years experience |18.44 |18.81 |19.38 |

|Over 5 years experience |19.53 |19.92 |20.40 |

Agreement No. 2384 of 1982.

Assistant Operations Controller

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Port Macquarie/Campbelltown | | | |

|(S.C. 53) 1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 57) 2nd year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Assistant Operations Manager

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Hamilton, Ryde, Werrington - | | | |

|(S.C. 83) 1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|(S.C. 87) 2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|(S.C. 93) 3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|(S.C. 98) 4th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|East Sydney - | | | |

|(S.C. 78) 1st year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|(S.C. 85) 2nd year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |


Audio/Video Operator

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 58) 1 year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|(S.C. 60) 2nd year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|(S.C. 63) 3rd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Audio Visual Aids Technician

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|East Sydney, Ryde, Wollongong |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

| | | | |

|Bankstown - | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

| | | | |

|Sydney - | | | |

|1st year |42,204 |43,048 |43,909 |

|2nd year |42,617 |43,469 |44,338 |

Technicians, Technical Services Branch, Government Stores Department Agreement No. 2453 of 1983.

Boiler Maintenance Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 33) 1st year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|(S.C. 35) 2nd year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|(S.C. 37) 3rd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

Buyer and Inspector

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 52) 1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 58) 2nd year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|(S.C. 64) 3rd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|(S.C. 71) 4th year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|(S.C. 78) 5th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|(S.C. 83) 10th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 28) 1st year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|(S.C. 31) 2nd year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

Catering Services Manager - Ryde

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 103) 1st year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|(S.C. 112) 2nd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

Catering Supervisor - Kurri Kurri

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 73) 1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|(S.C. 77) 2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Chief Security Controller - Sydney

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

Chief Security Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Sydney - | | | |

|(S.C. 85) 1st year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|(S.C. 92) 2nd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

| | | | |

|Newcastle - | | | |

|(S.C. 80) |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

Security Officers and Senior Security Officers (various departments).

Determination No. 768 of 1982.

Class Preparation Assistant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Tourism and Hospitality/Rural Studies (Floristry) - | | | |

|(S.C. 30) 1st year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|(S.C. 32) 2nd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|(S.C. 34) 3rd year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| | | | |

|Hairdressing | | | |

|(S.C. 22) 1st year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|(S.C. 25) 2nd year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|(S.C. 28) 3rd year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

P. S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Computer Systems Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |24,115 |24,597 |25,089 |

|2nd year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|3rd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|4th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|5th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|6th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|7th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|2nd year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|3rd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|4th year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|5th year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|6th year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Trainee - | | | |

|1st year |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|2nd year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|3rd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|4th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Level 1 - | | | |

|1st year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Level 2 - | | | |

|1st year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

User Support Programmer = CSO Grade 1 and 2

Programme/Analyst = CSO Grade 2 and 3

Software Co-ordinator = CSO Grade 3

Crown Employees (Administrative and Clerical Officers) Award.

Controller Security and General Services

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 86) 1st year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|(S.C. 93) 2nd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

Award/Agreement: P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Course Information Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Course Information Officer - | | | |

|Clerk Grade 1/2 - | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|3rd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Course Information Officer | | | |

|(Regional) - | | | |

|Clerk Grade 2/3 - | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|4th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Senior Course Information Officer | | | |

|Clerk Grade 3/4 - | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|4th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

Determination No. 801 of 1983.

Customer Relations Manager (Ryde)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 103) 1st year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|(S.C. 112) 2nd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Dental Auxiliaries Assistant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Clinical - | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|3rd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|5th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|6th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | |

|Technical - | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|3rd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|4th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|5th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|6th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | |

|Senior Dental Auxiliaries Assistant | | | |

|1st year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|2nd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

PSB Determination 77/4514 of 14.7.82


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|3rd year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|4th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|5th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|6th year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|7th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|8th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|9th year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|10th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|11th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|12th year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Artist's Designers and Exhibition Officers Agreement No. 2196 of 1975.


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Driver/General Assistant |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|(S.C. 44) | | | |

|Departmental Driver/Assistant |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 52) | | | |

General Division Driver/Assistant, etc.

Various Departments Agreement No. 2478 of 1985

Duty Manager - Ryde

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 80) |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Equipment Liaison Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 52) 1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 58) 2nd year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|(S.C. 64) 3rd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|(S.C. 71) 4th year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|(S.C. 78) 5th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|(S.C. 83) 10th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982

Food and Beverage Controller

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 53) 1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 57) 2nd year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

Food School Assistant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 23) 1st year |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|(S.C. 24) 4th year |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|(S.C. 26) 7th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

Food School Supervisor

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 48) 1st year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|(S.C. 50) 2nd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|(S.C. 52) 3rd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|Electrical | | | |

|Grade 2 (T83) |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|Grade 3 (T96) |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|Grade 5 (T126) |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Other than Electrical - | | | |

|Grade 1 (T59) |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|Grade 2 (T72) |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|Grade 3 (T85) |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|Grade 4 (T111) |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|Grade 5 (T125) |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Mechanical Foreman - | | | |

|(T72) | | | |

Instrument: General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement.

General Assistant/Caretaker

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 33) |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

Instrument: P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Guest Services Agent (Ryde)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 46) 1st year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|(S.C. 49) 2nd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

House Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Sydney - | | | |

|(S.C. 60) 1st year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|(S.C. 64) 2nd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|(S.C. 67) 3rd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Newcastle - | | | |

|(S.C. 55) 1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|(S.C. 57) 2nd year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|(S.C. 59) 3rd year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

House Supervisor (Goulburn/Kurri Kurri)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 53) 1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 55) 2nd year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

Instrument: P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Interpreter to the Deaf

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per hour |Per hour |Per hour |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Part-time (per hour) |33.60 |34.27 |34.68 |


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Librarian | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|4th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|6th year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|7th year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|Senior Librarian Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |43,859 |44,736 |45,631 |

|2nd year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Senior Librarian Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |46,933 |47,872 |48,829 |

|2nd year |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|Divisional Librarian Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

|3rd year |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

| | | | |

|Divisional Librarian Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|2nd year |62,514 |63,764 |65,039 |

|3rd year |64,984 |66,284 |67,610 |

| | | | |

|Associate Librarian |70,340 |71,747 |73,182 |

| | | | |

|Head, TAFE Library Services |83,893 |85,571 |87,282 |

|Head, TAFE Library Services |83,893 |85,571 |87,282 |

Crown Employees (Librarians) Award.

Librarian (Part-time)

Note: For staff appointed part-time prior to 1/8/87

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per hour |Per hour |Per hour |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Up to 3 years equivalent | | | |

|full-time experience |20.38 |20.79 |21.42 |

| | | | |

|3 years or more equivalent | | | |

|full-time experience |23.50 |23.97 |24.48 |

Crown Employees (Librarians) Award.

Library Technician

|Classifications |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Library Technician - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year of service |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|3rd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|4th year of service |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| | | | |

|Senior Library Technician - | | | |

|1st year of service |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|2nd year of service |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|3rd year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|4th year of service |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Agreement No. 2384 of 1982.

Maintenance Officer (Air-conditioning and Refrigeration)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 35) 1st year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

|(S.C. 37) 2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|(S.C. 39) 3rd year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Manager, Main Store

(Previously O.I.C. Main Store/Transport)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 83) 1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|(S.C. 87) 2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

|(S.C. 93) 3rd year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|(S.C. 98) 4th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Manager, Metal Centre (Wollongong)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(T156) |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |


General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement.

Manager Policy Unit

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Salary equivalent to Institute Manager Level 4 |79,522 |81,112 |82,734 |

|(Hours per week: 35) | | | |

Institute Managers Enterprise Agreement.

Night Manager (Ryde)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 80) |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Occupational Health Co-ordinator

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year (T121) |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year (T142) |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement.

Officer-in-Charge, Media Centre

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 50) 1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|(S.C. 53) 2nd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 56) 3rd year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

File: 82/S14/14483/

Operations Controller (Campbelltown, Port Macquarie, Orange)

|Classifications |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 73) 1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|(S.C. 77) 2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

Hours per week: 38

Operations Manager - Tourism and Hospitality

(Brookvale, Dubbo, Werrington)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 97) 1st year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|(S.C. 117) 2nd year |45,531 |46,442 |47,371 |

Operations Manager - Tourism and Hospitality/Horticulture/

Technical Support/Purchasing and Stores Controller

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|East Sydney - | | | |

|(S.C. 113) 1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|(S.C. 119) 2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|(S.C. 127) 3rd year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|(S.C. 133) 4th year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Ryde - | | | |

|(S.C. 113) 1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|(S.C. 119) 2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|(S.C. 127) 3rd year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|(S.C. 133) 4th year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Hamilton/Wollongong | | | |

|(S.C. 107) 1st year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|(S.C. 113) 2nd year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|(S.C. 119) 3rd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

|(S.C. 127) 4th year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

Operations Supervisor Tourism and Hospitality

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 73) 1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|(S.C. 77) 2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Photographic and Allied Staff

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Photographic Assistant - | | | |

|(S.C. 28) 1st year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|(S.C. 30) 2nd year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|(S.C. 32) 3rd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|(S.C. 34) 4th year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

| | | | |

|Photographic Operator - | | | |

|(S.C. 40) 1st year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|(S.C. 42) 2nd year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|(S.C. 44) 3rd year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|(S.C. 46) 4th year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

| | | | |

|Photographer Grade 1 - | | | |

|(S.C. 50) 1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|(S.C. 53) 2nd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 56) 3rd year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|(S.C. 59) 4th year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

| | | | |

|Photographer Grade 2 - | | | |

|(S.C. 68) 1st year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|(S.C. 71) 2nd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

| | | | |

|Film Editor - | | | |

|(S.C. 60) 1st year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|(S.C. 63) 2nd year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|(S.C. 66) 3rd year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

| | | | |

|Cinecameraman - | | | |

|(S.C. 75) 1st year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|(S.C. 78) 2nd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|Supervisor - | | | |

|(Photographic Section) | | | |

|(S.C. 77) |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Producer/Director - | | | |

|(S.C. 93) 1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|(S.C. 96) 2nd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor - | | | |

|(Photographic and Film Services Unit) | | | |

|(S.C. 103) |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

Producer/Director (Productions Officer)

|Classifications |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 93) 1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|(S.C. 96) 2nd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Amending Agreement No. 2305 of 1980.

Professional Assistant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year (or at 18 years) |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year (or at 20 years) |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year (or at 21 years) |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|11th year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|12th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|13th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|19 years with HSC |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

Agreement No. 2372 of 1982

Public Relations Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Public Relations Officer Grade 2 | | | |

|(Media Relations Officer, Policy Support Officer-Media) | | | |

|1st year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|2nd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|3rd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Public Relations Officer Grade 1 | | | |

|1st year |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|2nd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|3rd year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

Determination No. 807 of 1983

Purchasing Manager/Stores Co-ordinator

|Classifications |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Ryde - | | | |

|(S.C. 83) 1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|(S.C. 87) 2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Hamilton - | | | |

|(S.C. 67) 1st year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|(S.C. 71) 2nd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Safety Co-ordinator

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year (T121) |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

|2nd year (T142) |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

Senior Housekeeper (Ryde)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 80) 1st year |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|(S.C. 90) 2nd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Service Officers - Attendants

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|(S.C. 22) 1st year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|(S.C. 23) 2nd year |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|(S.C. 25) 3rd year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|(S.C. 26) 4th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|(S.C. 28) 5th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|(S.C. 31) 1st year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|(S.C. 32) 2nd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|(S.C. 33) 3rd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|(S.C. 34) 4th year |28,312 |28,878 |29,456 |

|(S.C. 35) 5th year |28,541 |29,112 |29,694 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|(S.C. 36) 1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|(S.C. 37) 2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|(S.C. 38) 3rd year |29,078 |29,660 |30,253 |

|(S.C. 39) 4th year |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

Steel Production Assistant

(formerly Cold Saw Operator)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 33) Full-time |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Steel Production Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year (T95) |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|2nd year (T102) |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|3rd year (T107) |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement.

Steel Production Supervisor

(formerly Charge Hand, Cold Saw Operator)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 54) |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Stock and Production Control Officer (Footwear)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 46) |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

Stores Attendant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Hairdressing | | | |

|(S.C. 28) 1st year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|(S.C. 30) 2nd year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|(S.C. 32) 3rd year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

| | | | |

|Food | | | |

|(S.C. 22) |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Student Services Officer

(formerly Student Activities Co-ordinator)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Student Services Officer | | | |

|1st year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|3rd year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|4th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|5th year |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|6th year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|7th year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|8th year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

| | | | |

|Regional Senior Student Services Officer Newcastle, Wollongong |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Chief Student Services Officer |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

Determination No. 2455 of 1983.

Supervisors of Exams (Part-time)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|1 candidate |15.40 |15.71 |16.32 |

|2-50 candidates |17.60 |17.95 |18.36 |

|Each additional 100 candidates or part thereof |2.70 |2.75 |3.06 |

|Minimum payment for TAFE exam supervisors |19.40 |19.79 |20.40 |

| | | | |

|Assistant Presiding Supervisor |16.60 |16.93 |17.34 |

| | | | |

|Supervisor - | | | |

|At age 21 years and over |15.40 |15.71 |16.32 |

|Under age 21 years |12.40 |12.65 |13.26 |

|Evening/Night Supervisor - | | | |

|Duration of examination: | | | |

|1 hour or less |4.10 |4.18 |4.08 |

|More than 1 hour but less than 2 hours |2.70 |2.75 |3.06 |

|More than 2 hours |2.20 |2.24 |2.04 |

Technical Assistant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Electrical Engineering/Applied Electricity - | | | |

|1st year (T38) |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|2nd year (T44) |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|3rd year (T50) |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

| | | | |

|Mechanical Engineering/Civil Engineering/Building - | | | |

|1st year (T27) |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year (T30) |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|Vehicle Building - | | | |

|1st year (T27) |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year (T30) |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

| | | | |

|Toolmaking - Engineering Trades - | | | |

|1st year (T27) |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year (T30) |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

General Division (Trade Based Groups)Agreement.

Technical Assistant

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Art, Ceramics, T.V. Studio - | | | |

|(S.C. 42) 1st year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|(S.C. 45) 4th year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|(S.C. 47) 7th year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Design - | | | |

|(S.C. 47) 1st year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|(S.C. 50) 2nd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|(S.C. 53) 3rd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

| | | | |

|Refrigeration and Air-conditioning - | | | |

|(S.C. 43) |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

| | | | |

|Rural Studies - | | | |

|(S.C. 45) 1st year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|(S.C. 48) 2nd year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|(S.C. 52) 3rd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|(S.C. 56) 4th year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|(S.C. 60) 5th year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|(S.C. 65) 6th year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|(S.C. 69) 7th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|(S.C. 74) 8th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|(S.C. 78) 9th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|(S.C. 83) 10th year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|(S.C. 87) 11th year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

P.S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Technical Manager, Plastic Skills Centre

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(T230) |58,399 |59,567 |60,758 |

General Division (Trade Based Groups) Agreement.

Technical Officer (Scientific)

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Trainee - | | | |

|1st year |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|2nd year |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|3rd year |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|4th year |24,358 |24,845 |25,342 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|2nd year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|3rd year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|4th year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|5th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|6th year |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

|7th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|8th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|2nd year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|4th year |45,143 |46,046 |46,967 |

| | | | |

|Senior Technical Officer (Scientific) | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year |48,332 |49,299 |50,285 |

|3rd year |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Senior Technical Officer (Scientific) | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

|2nd year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|3rd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year |52,747 |53,802 |54,878 |

|5th year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

Instrument: Laboratory Attendants, Trainee Technical Officers (Scientific), Technical Officers (Scientific), Various Departments Agreement No. 2369 of 1982

Technician - School of Graphic Arts

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 73) 1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|(S.C. 78) 2nd year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

P. S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Technician - TAFENET

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|2nd year |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

Technician, Technical Services Branch Government Stores Dept.

Agreement No. 2453 of 1983.

Textile Maintenance Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|1st year (T23) |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

|2nd year (T27) |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year (T31) |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|4th year (T35) |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

General Division (Trade Based Groups).


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|2nd year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

P. S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Visual Aids Equipment Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|(S.C. 53) |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

P. S. General Division Staff Salaries Agreement No. 2368 of 1982.

Visual Aids Officer

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Non-Graduate - | | | |

|1st year |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|2nd year |34,192 |34,876 |35,574 |

|3rd year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|4th year |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

|5th year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

|6th year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|7th year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|8th year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

| | | | |

|Graduate - | | | |

|1st year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|3rd year |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|5th year |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|6th year |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

|7th year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|8th year |46,430 |47,359 |48,306 |

|9th year |48,758 |49,733 |50,728 |

| | | | |

|Senior Visual Aids Officer - | | | |

|1st year |47,355 |48,302 |49,268 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

|3rd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|4th year |53,873 |54,950 |56,049 |

Visual Aids Officer Agreement No. 1810 of 1971.

Waste Management Authority of N.S.W. (Lidcombe) Site Agreement

Waste Recycling and Processing Service of N.S.W.

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Process Operator - | | | |

|Probationary Period First three months of service |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|On Confirmation of Appointment, i.e., | | | |

|next nine months of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|4th year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|5th year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|Waste Receivals/Plant Attendant | | | |

|Probationary Period First three months of service |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|On Confirmation of Appointment, i.e., next nine months of service |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|2nd year of service |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|3rd year of service |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

|4th year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Maintenance Services Technicians | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year of service |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|2nd year of service |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|3rd year of service |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|4th year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|5th year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year of service |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|2nd year of service |36,424 |37,152 |37,895 |

|3rd year of service |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|4th year of service |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|5th year of service |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year of service |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year of service |41,000 |41,820 |42,656 |

|3rd year of service |41,724 |42,558 |43,409 |

|4th year of service |42,616 |43,468 |44,337 |

|5th year of service |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

Instrument: Waste Recycling and Processing Service of N.S.W. Lidcombe Site Agreement No. 8776 of 1992.

Taronga Zoo

Zoological Parks Board of NSW Employees (State) Award

|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|Clerks - | | | |

| | | | |

|General Scale - | | | |

|1st year (up to 18 years) |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|2nd year (or 20 years) |23,902 |24,380 |24,868 |

|3rd year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|4th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|5th year |27,584 |28,136 |28,699 |

|6th year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|7th year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|8th year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|9th year |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

|10th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|At 19 years + (HSC) |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

| | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Grade 4 - | | | |

|1st year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|2nd year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Grade 5 - | | | |

|1st year |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

|2nd year |46,061 |46,982 |47,922 |

| | | | |

|Grade 6 - | | | |

|1st year |47,867 |48,824 |49,800 |

|2nd year |49,270 |50,255 |51,260 |

| | | | |

|Grade 7 - | | | |

|1st year |50,745 |51,760 |52,795 |

|2nd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

| | | | |

|Grade 8 - | | | |

|1st year |54,440 |55,529 |56,640 |

|2nd year |56,171 |57,294 |58,440 |

| | | | |

|Grade 9 - | | | |

|1st year |57,845 |59,002 |60,182 |

|2nd year |59,472 |60,661 |61,874 |

| | | | |

|Grade 10 - | | | |

|1st year |61,900 |63,138 |64,401 |

|2nd year |63,744 |65,019 |66,319 |

| | | | |

|Grade 11 - | | | |

|1st year |66,903 |68,241.06 |69,605.82 |

|2nd year |69,740 |71,134.80 |72,557.70 |

| | | | |

|Grade 12 - | | | |

|1st year |74,109 |75,591 |77,103 |

|2nd year |77,374 |78,921 |80,499 |

| | | | |

|Stenographers and Machine Operators | | | |

|1st year (up to 17 years) |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year (or 17 years) |17,424 |17,772 |18,127 |

|3rd year (or 18 years) |19,763 |20,158 |20,561 |

|4th year (or 19 years ) |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|5th year (or 20 years) |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year (or 21 years) |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|7th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

|8th year |27,857 |28,414 |28,982 |

|9th year |30,087 |30,689 |31,303 |

|10th year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

|11th year |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|12th year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|2nd year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |35,802 |36,518 |37,248 |

|2nd year |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Clerical Assistants - | | | |

|1st year (or under 17 years) |13,756 |14,031 |14,312 |

|2nd year (or 17 years) |15,454 |15,763 |16,078 |

|3rd year (or 18 years ) |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year (or 19 years) |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year (or 20 years) |22,393 |22,841 |23,298 |

|6th year (or 21 years) |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|7th year |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|8th year |26,465 |26,994 |27,534 |

|9th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Class 1 - | | | |

|1st year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Class 2 - | | | |

|1st year |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|2nd year |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Class 3 - | | | |

|1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year |32,070 |32,711 |33,365 |

| | | | |

|Class 4 - | | | |

|1st year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|2nd year |33,254 |33,919 |34,597 |

| | | | |

|Typists and Communications Assistants - | | | |

|1st year (or under 17) |14,679 |14,973 |15,272 |

|2nd year (or 17 years ) |16,384 |16,712 |17,046 |

|3rd year (or 18 years) |18,593 |18,965 |19,344 |

|4th year (or 19 years) |21,117 |21,539 |21,970 |

|5th year (or 20 years) |23,685 |24,159 |24,642 |

|6th year (or 21 years) |25,761 |26,276 |26,802 |

|7th year |26,243 |26,768 |27,303 |

|8th year |26,965 |27,504 |28,054 |

| | | | |

|Senior Typist - | | | |

|1st year |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|2nd year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

| | | | |

|Garden Labourer - | | | |

|Grade 1 |24,844 |25,341 |25,848 |

|Grade 2 |26,014 |26,534 |27,065 |

|Grade 3 |26,716 |27,250 |27,795 |

|Horticultural Labourer - | | | |

|Grade 1 |28,084 |28,646 |29,219 |

|Grade 2 |29,325 |29,912 |30,510 |

|Grade 3 |30,616 |31,228 |31,853 |

| | | | |

|Horticulturalist Level 1 - | | | |

|Grade 1 |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|Grade 2 |33,577 |34,249 |34,934 |

| | | | |

|Horticulturalist Level 2 - | | | |

|Grade 1 |34,476 |35,166 |35,869 |

|Grade 2 |35,168 |35,871 |36,588 |

| | | | |

|Horticultural Technician - | | | |

|Grade 1 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

|Grade 2 |37,458 |38,207 |38,971 |

| | | | |

|Senior Horticultural Technician - | | | |

|Grade 1 |39,796 |40,592 |41,404 |

|Grade 2 |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

| | | | |

|Keeper Grade 1 - | | | |

|Level 1 |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|Level 2 |29,845 |30,442 |31,051 |

|Level 3 |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|Level 4 |30,926 |31,545 |32,176 |

| | | | |

|Keeper Grade 2 - | | | |

|Level 1 |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

|Level 2 |32,429 |33,078 |33,740 |

| | | | |

|Keeper Grade 3 - | | | |

|Level 1 |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|Level 2 |36,783 |37,519 |38,269 |

| | | | |

|Keeper Grade 4 (Specialist) - | | | |

|Level 1 |40,520 |41,330 |42,157 |

|Level 2 |44,652 |45,545 |46,456 |

| | | | |

|Publicity and Assistant Publicity Officer - | | | |

| | | | |

|Public Relations Officer - | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |50,244 |51,249 |52,274 |

|2nd year |51,255 |52,280 |53,326 |

|3rd year |52,264 |53,309 |54,375 |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |58,937 |60,116 |61,318 |

|2nd year |60,076 |61,278 |62,504 |

|3rd year |61,292 |62,518 |63,768 |

| | | | |

|Publicity Officer - | | | |

|1st year |42,201 |43,045 |43,906 |

|2nd year |43,410 |44,278 |45,164 |

|3rd year |44,207 |45,091 |45,993 |

|Assistant Publicity Officer - | | | |

|1st year |38,222 |38,986 |39,766 |

|2nd year |39,334 |40,121 |40,923 |

| | | | |

|Gate Receptionists | | | |

| | | | |

|Graphic Artists - |31,482 |32,112 |32,754 |

| | | | |

|Artists - | | | |

|Grade 1 - | | | |

|1st year |28,781 |29,357 |29,944 |

|2nd year |29,559 |30,150 |30,753 |

|3rd year |30,369 |30,976 |31,596 |

|4th year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|5th year |31,926 |32,565 |33,216 |

|6th year |33,010 |33,670 |34,343 |

|7th year or thereafter |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

| | | | |

|Grade 2 - | | | |

|1st year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|2nd year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|3rd year and thereafter |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

| | | | |

|Grade 3 - | | | |

|1st year |37,826 |38,583 |39,355 |

|2nd year and thereafter |38,967 |39,746 |40,541 |

| | | | |

|Designers (Exhibitions and Publications) | | | |

|1st year |31,223 |31,847 |32,484 |

|2nd year |31,808 |32,444 |33,093 |

|3rd year |32,685 |33,339 |34,006 |

|4th year |33,836 |34,513 |35,203 |

|5th year |34,830 |35,527 |36,238 |

|6th year |35,442 |36,151 |36,874 |

|7th year |36,108 |36,830 |37,567 |

|8th year |37,129 |37,872 |38,629 |

|9th year |38,575 |39,347 |40,134 |

|10th year |40,184 |40,988 |41,808 |

|11th year |41,419 |42,247 |43,092 |

|12th year and thereafter |43,044 |43,905 |44,783 |

Zoological Parks Board of NSW Employees (State) Award


|Classification |1.1.99 |1.1.00 |1.1.01 |

| |Per week |Per week |Per week |

| |$ |$ |$ |

|First-aid Allowance |9.30 |9.49 |9.18 |

|Laundry Allowance for staff other than Gate Receptionists |3.90 |3.98 |4.08 |

|Laundry Allowance for Gate Receptionists |7.00 |7.14 |7.14 |

|Disability Allowance for Zookeepers at Western Plains Zoo |15.20 |15.50 |16.32 |

NOTE: The reference to Instrument in this schedule may not represent all the instruments for these classifications.



Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.

(385) SERIAL C0513



Application by the Public Service Association and Professional Officers' Association Amalgamated Union of New South Wales, industrial organisation of employees.

(No. IRC 4026 of 2000)

Before the Honourable Justice Schmidt 21 August 2000


Insert in clause 1, Arrangement, of the Crown Employees (Public Sector — Salaries January, 2000) Award, made 21 March 2000, under Schedule A — List of Awards, Agreements and Determinations, the following:

Schedule B — Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award

Insert after Schedule A — List of Awards, Agreements and Determinations, the following new Schedule B — Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award:



This Schedule contains a summary of the Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award made 30 July 1990 published 276 IG 941 and erratum 277 IG 576.

The parties have agreed to the rescission of the Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award in accordance with the s19 Award Review process, and to the inclusion of a summary of the award as a schedule to the Crown Employees (Public Sector — Salaries January, 2000) Award and any replacement award, until such time as a new classification and grading system has been agreed and implemented by the parties.

The Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award was introduced under the Structural Efficiency Principle to establish a set of 130 common salary points, replacing about 1400 salary points spread across about 500 separate classifications in the NSW public service. The introduction of common salary points allowed for the simplification of pay structures, the encouragement of the review and redesign of jobs to improve work arrangements and the simplification of pay administration.

Summary of the Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award

The Crown Employees (Common Salary Points) Award applied to all persons employed by an organisation specified in Table 1 for whom an annual salary rate was prescribed by an award specified in Table 2 or by an agreement or determination but did not include a person who was occupying a position specified in Table 3.

It took effect from the beginning of the first full pay period to commence on or after 1 July 1991.

The annual salary rates applicable to the various classifications of employees were to be drawn from the common salary points prescribed by Table 4. The actual common salary points applicable to a particular classification of employees were to be prescribed by an award, agreement or determination. Annual salary rates prescribed by an award, agreement or determination that exceeded the rate prescribed by the highest common salary point were not affected by the award.

Table 1:

Organisations — Departments —

Department of Administrative Services

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Ministry of the Arts

Attorney General’s Department

Business and Consumer Affairs

Cabinet Office

Chief Secretary’s Department

Department of School Education

Ministry of Education and Youth Affairs

Ministry for the Environment

Department of Family and Community Services

Department of Health

Department of Housing

Department of Industrial Relations and Employment

Department of Lands

Department of Local Government

Department of Minerals and Energy

New South Wales Superannuation Office

Premier’s Department

Public Works Department

Department of Sport, Recreation and Racing

Department of State Development

Department of Technical and Further Education

Department of Transport

The Treasury

Department of Water Resources

New South Wales Fire Brigades

Organisations — Administrative Offices —

Auditor-General’s Office

Bush Fire Council

Department of Corrective Services

New South Wales Dairy Corporation

Darling Harbour Authority

Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions

Ethnic Affairs Commission

Forestry Commission

Land Titles Office

Legal Aid Commission

New South Wales Meat Industry Authority

Motor Accidents Authority

National Parks and Wildlife Service

Ombudsman’s Office

Department of Planning

Police Department

Property Services Group

Public Trust Office

Rural Assistance Authority

Soil Conservation Service

State Drug Crime Commission

State Electoral Office

State Emergency Services and Civil Defence

State Lotteries Office

State Pollution Control Commission

Tourism Commission

Valuer-General’s Department

WorkCover Authority

Organisations — Declared Authorities —

Community Welfare Employment Corporation

Fish Marketing Authority

Greyhound Racing Control Board

Harness Racing Authority of New South Wales

Home Care Service of New South Wales

Roads and Traffic Authority

Sydney Cove Redevelopment Authority

Sydney Market Authority

Waste Management Authority of New South Wales

Zoological Parks Board of New South Wales

Other organisations —

Parliament House

Rural Protection Boards

Table 2:

Industrial Gazette

Awards Reference vol./page

1. Crown Employees (Administrative and Clerical Officers – Salaries) Award 225/456

2. Crown Employees (Agricultural Inspectors, Department of Agriculture) Award 255/951

3. Crown Employees (Agricultural Mechanisation Advisory Officers) Award 230/2049

4. Crown Employees (Apprenticeship Supervisors, &c., Department of

Industrial Relations) Award 250/149

5. Crown Employees (Archivists) Award 232/748

6. Crown Employees (Area Directors and Assistant Area Directors of Soil

Conservation) Award 217/1512

7. Crown Employees (Assistant Stock Inspectors, Tick Quarantine Gatekeepers

and Patrolmen) Award 195/770

8. Crown Employees (Centre Superintendent and Assistant Centre Superintendent,

Sport and Recreation Service of New South Wales Officers’) Award 253/777

9. Crown Employees (Field Assistants — Department of Agriculture) Award 216/2288

10. Crown Employees (Geoscientists — Department of Mineral Resources and

Development) Award 237/27

11. Crown Employees (Inspectors of Coal Mines — Department of Industrial Relations)

Award 247/341

12. Crown Employees (Inspectors of Fisheries, New South Wales State Fisheries)

Award 218/1711

13. Crown Employees (Inspectors of Mines (Metalliferous) Department of

Industrial Relations) Award 236/639

14. Crown Employees (Inspectors of Mines — Metalliferous — Department of Mines)

Award 95/984

15. Crown Employees (Inspectors, Dangerous Goods Branch, Department of

Industrial Relations and Technology) Award 215/2118

16. Crown Employees (Interpreters and Translators, Ethnic Affairs Commission)

Award 255/461

17. Crown Employees (Laboratory Operators — Water Resources Commission)

(Salaries) Award 225/61

18. Crown Employees — Legal Officers (Crown Solicitor’s Office, Legal Services

Commission, Office of the Solicitor for Public Prosecutions and the Clerk of the

Peace and Parliamentary Counsel’s Office) Award 227/1310

19. Crown Employees (Librarians) Award 243/823

20. Crown Employees (Mechanical Inspectors — Water Resources Commission)

(Salaries) Award 243/107

21. Crown Employees (Parliamentary Attendant Staff) Award 203/692

22. Crown Employees (Parliamentary Electorate Secretaries — Salaries) Award 207/700

23. Crown Employees (Poultry Inspectors and Senior Poultry Inspectors, Department

of Agriculture) Award 231/1528

24. Crown Employees (Prison Officers) (Interim) Award 265/457

25. Crown Employees (Public Service General Division Staff Salaries) Award 220/1006

26. Crown Employees (Rangers and Associated Professional Officers, National Parks

and Wildlife Service) Award 228/1385

27. Crown Employees (Recreation Officers, &c. — Department of Sport and

Recreation) Award 245/504

28. Crown Employees (Regional Directors — National Parks and Wildlife Service)

Award 228/1391

29. Crown Employees (Regional Valuers — Valuer-General’s Department) Award 210/2251

30. Crown Employees (Research Scientists) Award 235/325

31. Crown Employees (Scientific Officers, &c. — Department of Agriculture,

Mines, Chief Secretary’s, Public Works, Government Stores and Conservation, National

Parks and Wildlife Service, Health Commission, Australian Museum, The Observatory,

Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Division of Wood Technology, Forestry

Commission of New South Wales) Interim Award 208/2397

32. Crown Employees Security Officers (Parliament House) Award 242/1141

33. Crown Employees (Sheriff's Officers) Award 217/1069

34. Crown Employees (Surveyors and Trigonometrical Surveyors — All

Departments) Interim Award 203/1523

35. Crown Employees (Tipstaves to Justices) Award 154/678

36. Crown Employees (Town Planners and Specialists — Department of

Environment and Planning) Award 234/887

37. Crown Employees (Trout Hatcheries Staff) Award 207/1241

38. Crown Employees (Valuers — Valuer-General’s Department) Award 241/349

39. Veterinary Inspectors (State) Award 195/921

40. Crown Employees (Veterinary Officers) Award 230/633

41. Crown Employees (Water Resources Commission Hydrographic Staff

Salaries) Award 220/1001

42. Crown Employees (Water Resources Commission, General Miscellaneous

Salaries – Metering Inspectors) Award 230/534

43. Crown Employees (Department of Water Resources, General Miscellaneous

Salaries) Award 215/1653

44. Crown Employees (Harness Racing Authority of New South Wales) Award 252/810

45. Crown Employees (Home Care Service of New South Wales — Branch

Administrative Staff) Award 252/977

46. Crown Employees (Home Care Service of New South Wales Head Office Staff)

Award 252/821

47. Home Care Service of New South Wales (Co-ordinators and Assessors)

(State) (Interim) Award 243/828

48. Pastures Protection Boards — Secretaries (State) Award 231/1573

49. Crown Employees (Department of Main Roads — Engineering Surveyors) Award 251/227

50. Crown Employees (Road Design Drafting Officers, Department of Main Roads)

Award 230/630

51. Crown Employees (Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales) Officers’

Salaries and Conditions Award 269/201

52. Crown Employees (Valuers — Roads and Traffic Authority) Award 256/295

53. Fire Brigade Miscellaneous Officers (State) Award 234/1283

54. Fire Brigade Senior Administrative Officers (State) Award 241/360

55. The New South Wales Greyhound Racing Control Board (Salaried Staff) Award 198/1630

56. Crown Employees (Clerical Assistants in Schools, General Division) Award 226/119

57. Crown Employees (Industrial Inspectors — Department of Labour and Industry)

Award 215/1638

58. Crown Employees (Safety Inspectors — Department of Industrial Relations)

Award 243/8

59. Crown Employees (Science Assistants) Award 201/561

60. Crown Employees (Teachers Aides in Schools) Award 216/756

61. Crown Employees (Technical Officers) Award 223/2310

62. Crown Employees (Timekeepers and/or Storekeepers, Department of Public

Works) Award 214/93

63. Rangers and Noxious Animal Inspectors (State) Award 217/1078

64. Sydney Farm Produce Market Authority Wages and Salaries Award 234/1102

65. Crown Employees (Toll Plaza Attendants — Department of Main Roads) Award 219/1287

66. Crown Employees (Senior Officers) Award 240/682

67. Crown Employees (Senior Officers — Health Commission of New South Wales)

Award 240/680

68. Crown Employees (Forestry Officers, &c. — Forestry Commission of New

South Wales) Award 195/243

69. Egg Marketing Board (Salaried Staff) Award 223/1363

Table 3:

Classifications (by organisation) excluded

Department of Health —

Career Medical Officers

Hospital Medical Officers

Hospital Medical Officers, Lidcombe Hospital

Medical Specialists

Medical Specialists, Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research

Medical Superintendents, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Administrative Medical Officers

Scientific Officers

Dental Officers

Dental Therapists

Dental Assistants

Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists

Music Therapists

Health Inspectors

Health Surveyors

Food Inspectors

Social Workers

Social Educators

Land Purchasing Officers

Clerical Assistants, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Typists and Communications Assistants, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

General Administrative Staff, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Dietitians, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Medical Records Administrators

Non-Graduate Counsellors, Community Health

Engineers, Fifth Schedule Hospitals


Radiation Inspectors


Aboriginal Health Workers

Managers and Assistant Managers, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Stenographers and Machine Operators, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Indoor and Outdoor Staff, Fifth Schedule Hospitals

Nurses, Prison Medical Service

Ministry of Education and Youth Affairs —

Teachers, Adult Migrant Education Service

Department of Administrative Services —

Cleaners, Government Cleaning Services

Various organisations specified in Table 1 —


Medical Officers


Lift Attendants

Basement Attendants


Watchmen – Tell Tale

Watchmen – Other Duties

Window Cleaners

Mobile Patrolmen


Tea Attendants

Female Cleaners

Home Science Assistants

Cleaners, Government Supply

General Services Officers

Security Officers (employed in terms of the Crown Employees (Security and

General Services) Award)

Table 4:

Common salary points operative from the first pay period to commence on or after 1 July 1991

| | | | |

|Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |Per annum |

|$ |$ |$ |$ |

| | | | |

|1. 9,814 |34. 22,260 |67. 30,358 |100. 41,992 |

|2. 10,507 |35. 22,443 |68. 30,584 |101. 42,399 |

|3. 11,090 |36. 22,669 |69. 30,934 |102. 42,806 |

|4. 11,788 |37. 22,885 |70. 31,236 |103. 43,199 |

|5. 12,567 |38. 23,076 |71. 31,550 |104. 43,592 |

|6. 13,447 |39. 23,313 |72. 31,818 |105. 44,036 |

|7. 14,327 |40. 23,505 |73. 32,148 |106. 44,482 |

|8. 15,344 |41. 23,771 |74. 32,404 |107. 44,926 |

|9. 16,302 |42. 23,958 |75. 32,730 |108. 45,372 |

|10. 17,273 |43. 24,196 |76. 33,089 |109. 45,821 |

|11. 17,436 |44. 24,375 |77. 33,374 |110. 46,270 |

|12. 17,596 |45. 24,611 |78. 33,763 |111. 46,724 |

|13. 17,777 |46. 24,802 |79. 34,033 |112. 47,179 |

|14. 17,968 |47. 25,062 |80. 34,402 |113. 47,633 |

|15. 18,144 |48. 25,273 |81. 34,711 |114. 48,088 |

|16. 18,358 |49. 25,530 |82. 35,086 |115. 48,562 |

|17. 18,832 |50. 25,778 |83. 35,426 |116. 49,039 |

|18. 19,022 |51. 25,979 |84. 35,740 |117. 49,529 |

|19. 19,194 |52. 26,244 |85. 36,113 |118. 50,017 |

|20. 19,362 |53. 26,468 |86. 36,437 |119. 50,568 |

|21. 19,550 |54. 26,699 |87. 36,827 |120. 51,119 |

|22. 19,737 |55. 26,962 |88. 37,196 |121. 51,557 |

|23. 20,200 |56. 27,216 |89. 37,569 |122. 51,994 |

|24. 20,407 |57. 27,457 |90. 37,941 |123. 52,574 |

|25. 20,578 |58. 27,725 |91. 38,309 |124. 53,153 |

|26. 20,749 |59. 28,017 |92. 38,663 |125. 53,738 |

|27. 20,919 |60. 28,277 |93. 39,068 |126. 54,322 |

|28. 21,096 |61. 28,563 |94. 39,489 |127. 54,893 |

|29. 21,314 |62. 28,831 |95. 39,904 |128. 55,464 |

|30. 21,497 |63. 29,169 |96. 40,323 |129. 56,089 |

|31. 21,666 |64. 29,455 |97. 40,728 |130. 56,714 |

|32. 21,876 |65. 29,700 |98. 41,173 | |

|33. 22,055 |66. 30,053 |99. 41,571 | |

3. This variation shall take effect from 21 August 2000.



Printed by the authority of the Industrial Registrar.




(Published pursuant to s.45(2) of the Industrial Relations Act 1996)

|EA01/274 — Valleys to Plateau Community Support Services Incorporated Enterprise Agreement 2001 |

|Made Between: Valleys to Plateau Accommodation Support Inc -&- Peter Addison, Jennette Barbat, Richard Barber, Janice Barber, Brenda|

|Baxman, Vicki Brown, Marcelle Cash, Narelle Fry, Kerry Furey, Ava Gibson, Anne Grace, Julie Heany , Josie Henry-Zell, Leanne |

|Howarth, Tracy Hutchinson, Bill Jollie, Karen Lee, Trish Linker, Ruth Maitland, Philip McCarthy, Sharon McPherson, Cherry Miller, |

|Gillian Morrison, Lesley Morrison, Brian Mulvihill, Robyn Mulvihill, Trish Newman, Jen O'Reilly, Sue Parkhill, Helen Parnell, Ross |

|Paterson Lorraine Quinn, Gaye Rofe, Mike Sailer, Heather Schembri, David Stamel, Bevan Stuart, David Tredinnick, Jen Tredinnick, |

|Christiane Waldorf, Carolyn Ward, Ben Welsh, Kim Willemsen, Ann Withers. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. Replaces EA 98/196 |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved and commenced 9 August 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged under Social and Community Services Employees (State) Award. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 36 months. |

|EA01/275 — Lycon Electrical Construction Enterprise Agreement 2000 |

|Made Between: Lycon Electrical -&- Electrical Trades Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved and commenced 7 August 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged under the Electrical Contracting Industry (State) Award. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 13 months. |

|EA01/276 — Rocla Quarry Products NSW Enterprise Bargaining Agreement 2001 |

|Made Between: Rocla Ltd trading as Rocla Quarry Products -&- The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. Replaces EA97/94 |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 8 August 2001 and commenced 15 February 2001. |

| |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged under the Quarrying Industry (State) Award. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 24 months. |

|EA01/277 — Cadbury Schweppes Liverpool Site Agreement |

|Made Between: Cadbury Schweppes Pty Ltd -&- National Union of Workers, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 18 September 2001 and commenced 23 July 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged pursuant to the Storeman & Packers General (State) Award, located at 42 |

|Orange Grove Road Liverpool, NSW 2170. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 24 months. |

|EA01/278 — Youngdown Pty Ltd, t/as Go-Lo Distribution Centre Enterprise Agreement 2001-2003 |

|Made Between: Youngdown Pty Ltd t/as Go-Lo -&- National Union of Workers, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 18 September and commenced 1 August 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees of the Go-Lo Ingleburn Distribution Centre, at 5 Inglis Road, Ingleburn, NSW |

|2656. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 24 months. |

|EA01/279 — Spicers Paper Employees Riverwood Enterprise Agreement 2001 |

|Made Between: Spicers Paper Limited -&- National Union of Workers, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 18 September 2001 and commenced 1 July 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged at the company's site located at 82 Belmore Road, Riverwood NSW 2210. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 24 months. |

|EA01/280 — Women's Legal Resources Limited Remuneration Packaging Agreement 2001 |

|Made Between: Women's Legal Resources Centre Limited -&- Judith Albecz-Solyom, Catherine Carney, Katrina Gai Francis, Elizabeth Mary|

|Goss, Sohret Hussein, Winsome Ruth Matthews, Patricia Karen Mundy, Susan Nanlohy, Monica Neville, Thao Nguyen, Belinda Paxton, |

|Leanne Payne, Shyanika Peeligana, Janette Joy Pritchard, Toni Quiggley, Margot Lee Rawsthorne, Lynne Mary Ann Smart, Kerry Anne |

|Squires, Mary Turco, Jennifer Louise Wong. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved and commenced 10 August 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all full-time and part-time employees of Women's Legal Resources Limited. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 12 months. |

|EA01/281 — Alcatel Submarine Networks Pty Ltd Enterprise Agreement 2001 |

|Made Between: Alcatel Submarine Networks Pty Ltd -&- Automotive, Food, Metals, Engineering, Printing and Kindred Industries Union, |

|New South Wales Branch, Electrical Trades Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch, The Australian Workers' Union, New South |

|Wales. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. Replaces EA99/275 |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved and commenced 10 September 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to employees engaged by Alcatel Submarine Networks at Bumborah Point Road, Port Botany in the |

|following classifications; Trainee Cable Operator, Cable Operator, Technician 1, Technician 2, Senior Technician, Factory Services |

|Level 1A and Factory Services Level 2A. Applies to all employees engaged in the manufacture of fibre optic cabling. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 18 months. |

|EA01/282 — Budgewoi-Halekulani Pre-School Kindergarten Enterprise Agreement |

|Made Between: Budgewoi-Halekulani Pre-School Kindergarten -&- New South Wales Independent Education Union. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved and commenced 21 August 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to teachers employed by the Kindergarten located at the corner of Ocean and Erurdgerea Streets, |

|Budgewoi 2262. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 12 months. |

|EA01/283 — Pioneer Country Concrete Drivers Enterprise Agreement 2000 |

|Made Between: Pioneer Construction Material Pty Ltd -&- Transport Workers' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 11 September 2001 and commenced 1 August 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged as Maxi Truck Drivers in New South Wales. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 28 months. |

|EA01/284 — AWU-EUREST Australia Pty Ltd Steelworks Canteens Enterprise Agreement 2001 |

|Made Between: Eurest (Australia ) Pty Ltd -&- The Australian Workers' Union, New South Wales. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 10 September and commenced 1 April 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees engaged in and around the Steelworks Canteens at the BHP Site, Port Kembla. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 24 months. |

|EA01/285 — BOC Gases Australia Limited Sydney Gassurance Enterprise Agreement, 2000 |

|Made Between: BOC Gases Australia Limited -&- Transport Workers' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. Replaces EA99/222 |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 10 August 2001 and commenced 1 July 2001. |

| |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all team members engaged as Sales Service Providers or Team Leaders employed in Sydney. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 36 months. |

|EA01/286 — Advantage Petroleum Transport Agreement 2000 |

|Made Between: Advantage Petroleum Pty Limited -&- Transport Workers' Union of Australia, New South Wales Branch. |

| |

|New/Variation: New. Replaces EA98/120 |

| |

|Approval and Commencement Date: Approved 22 May 2001 and commenced 17 May 2000. |

|Description of Employees: Applies to all employees of the Company engaged pursuant to the Transport Industry - Petroleum & c., |

|Distribution (State) Award. |

| |

|Nominal Term: 24 months. |

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