How to calculate work hours in excel between two dates


How to calculate work hours in excel between two dates

In many companies, staff are paid by working hours. To calculate the net work hours in a day is easy, but how about calculating net hours in a date range? For that, this article, introduces the formulas on calculating the net work hours between two dates excluding weekends and holidays in Excel. Calculate workday exclude weekends Calculate working hours exclude weekends/holidays Calculate workday exclude weekends In this part, I introduce the formula to calculate workday between two date times excluding weekends. 1. Select two cells which you will input the start date time and end date time, and right click to select Format Cells form the context menu. See screenshot: 2. In the Format Cells dialog, click Number tab, and select Custom form the Category list, and enter m/d/yyyy h:mm into the Type textbox in right section. See screenshot: 3. Click OK. And enter the start date time and end date time into the two cells separately. See screenshot: 4. In the cell next to these two cells, C13, for instance, enter this formula =NETWORKDAYS(A13,B13)-1-MOD(A13,1)+MOD(B13,1), and press Enter key, and you will get the result with custom format, select the result cell, and click Home tab, and go to the Number Format list to select General to format it as the correct format. See screenshot: Calculate working hours exclude weekends/holidays If you want to calculate the net working hours excluding weekends or holidays, you can do as bellow: Calculate net working hours exclude weekends 1. Select two cells and format them as custom format m/d/yyyy h:mm, and enter the start date time and end date time. See screenshot: 2. And in the next to cell, C2 for instance, enter this formula, =(NETWORKDAYS(A2,B2)-1)* ("17:30"-"8:30")+IF(NETWORKDAYS(B2,B2),MEDIAN(MOD(B2,1),"17:30","8:30"),"17:30")-MEDIAN(NETWORKDAYS(A2,A2)*MOD(A2,1),"17:30","8:30"), press Enter key, then you get a number string. See screenshot: 3. Right click at the number string, and click Format Cells from context menu, and in Format Cells dialog, select Custom form Category list under Number tab, and enter this [h]:mm into Type textbox. See screenshot: 4. Click OK. Now the net working hours between two dates excluding weekends are counted. Tip: In the formula, A2 is the start date time, B2 is the end date time, 8:30 and 17:30 are the general start time and end time in each day, you can change them as you need. Calculate net working hours excluding weekend and holidays 1. As the same as above, select two cells and format them as custom format m/d/yyyy h:mm, and enter the start date time and end date time. 2. Select a blank cell, and enter the holiday date into it, here I have 3 holidays and I type them separately in H1:H3. See screenshot: 3. Select a blank cell which will place the counted result, C2 for instance, =(NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A2,B2,11,H$1:H$3)-1)*("17:30"-"8:30")+IF(NETWORKDAYS.INTL(B2,B2,11,H$1:H$3),MEDIAN(MOD(B2,1),"8:30","17:30"),"17:30")-MEDIAN(NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A2,A2,11,H$1:H$3)*MOD(A2,1),"8:30","17:30"), and press Enter key, you will get a number string, and format it as custom format [h]:mm. See screenshot: Tip: In the formula, A2 is the start date time, B2 is the end date time, 8:30 and 17:30 are the general start time and end time in each day, H1:H3 is the holiday cells, you can change them as you need. Supposing you have a date time format data in a cell, and now you need to add a number of days, years, months, hours, minutes, or seconds to this date. Normally, using formula is the first method for all Excel users, but it's hard to remember all formulas. With Kutools for Excel's Date & Time Helper utility, you can easily add days, years, months, or hours, minutes or seconds to a date time, moreover, you can caculate the date difference, or the age based on a given birthday without remembering the formula at all. Click for full-featured free trial in 30 days! Kutools for Excel: with more than 300 handy Excel add-ins, free to try with no limitation in 30 days. Read time: 34 minutes We may need to calculate work hours between two dates when workers are paid for working hours between dates. We can achieve this by calculating work days between two dates excluding the weekends and holidays between two dates and then multiplying it with a specified number of working hours in a workday Figure 1. Calculating Work Hours Between Dates Work Hours ? Excluding Default Weekends and Holidays To calculate work hours between dates excluding default weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays we need to use a formula based on the Excel NETWORKDAYS function as per the following generic syntax; =NETWORKDAYS(start_date, end_date, [holidays]) * daily_working_hours The Excel NETWORKDAYS function returns net workdays between two dates and we will multiply the net workdays by the number of working hours in a workday to get the result. Suppose we have the start date in cell B2 and end date in cell C2 and holidays in range B7: B9, and the number of working hours per day are 8. We need to use the following formula in cell D2; =NETWORKDAYS(B2, C2,$B$7:$B$9)*8 Figure 2. Work Hours Between Dates ? Excluding Default Weekends and Holidays Work Hours ? Excluding Custom Weekends Only If we want to calculate the work hours between two dates excluding only custom weekends, say Sunday, without taking holidays into account, then we need to use the Excel NETWORKDAYS.INTL function as per following formula syntax; =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(start_date, end_date, [weekend]) * daily_working_hours The Excel NETWORKDAYS.INTL function returns the number of workdays between two dates with custom weekend parameters. As we want to exclude custom weekend Sunday only, by ignoring the holidays, so we need to use the following formula in cell D3; =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(B3,C3,11)*8 Figure 3. Work Hours Between Dates ? Excluding Custom Weekends Only Work Hours ? Excluding Custom Weekends and Holidays We will use the following formula syntax to get the work hours between two dates excluding the custom weekends and holidays; =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(start_date, end_date, [weekend], [holidays]) * daily_working_hours In our example, we use the following formula in cell D4 to calculate the work hours excluding Sundays (custom weekend) and holidays; =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(B4,C4,11,$B$7:$B$9)*8 Figure 4. Work Hours Between Dates ? Excluding Custom Weekends and Holidays Instant Connection to an Expert through our Excelchat Service: Most of the time, the problem you will need to solve will be more complex than a simple application of a formula or function. If you want to save hours of research and frustration, try our live Excelchat service! Our Excel Experts are available 24/7 to answer any Excel question you may have. We guarantee a connection within 30 seconds and a customized solution within 20 minutes. Counting the number of hours between dates and times in Excel is normally a straightforward process. Since Excel stores dates as decimal numbers, you can just subtract the two to get your result. But when you are working with business hours, like for time sheets or hours worked, you need to take weekends and holidays into account. Excel has a function called NETWORKDAYS, but this only works with complete days. To calculate the Net Work Hours between two dates, we need to build our own formula. Here's how... Details of the Net Work Hours Formula A lot of assumptions have to be made about any formula that works with dates and times. Definitions of terms like work day, weekend, and holiday can vary, so this is a summary of the assumptions of this net work hours formula: The eligible work hours in a given work day start and end at the same time each work day. Weekend days do not count as work days. The weekend is defined as Saturday and Sunday of each week (look ahead to Non-Standard Weekends with NETWORKDAYS.INTL to change this). Holidays, as listed, do not count as work days. Partial work days at the start and end of a date period are included for their fraction of hours. If the start time of the work day is later than the end time of the work day, the formula nets zero. If the start date and time is later than the end date and time, the formula nets zero. There are modifications available to the above rules later in this tutorial: If your definition of weekend is different than above and you have Excel 2007 or newer, you can look ahead to Non-Standard Weekends with NETWORKDAYS.INTL to change this. If you want to include all 24 hours of each work day rather than a specified range of work hours, you can look ahead to 24 Hour Net Workday Hours Variation to tally the total number of hours each work day. Setting Up the Variables for Net Work Hours In order to calculate the net work hours between two dates, we need to have some information to start with. Here are the variables necessary to make the net work hours formula work. $Start_Time ? This is the time that the work day starts, as an Excel-formatted time. (e.g. 9:00AM) No date should be attached. The variable is marked with a dollar sign because you will probably want to anchor this cell reference in the formula. $End_Time ? This is the time that the work day ends, as an Excel-formatted time. (e.g. 5:00PM) No date should be attached. The variable is marked with a dollar sign because you will probably want to anchor this cell reference in the formula. Start_Date ? This is the starting date and time for your period, as an Excel-formatted date and time (e.g. 12/30/2013 11:00AM) End_Date ? This is the ending date and time for your period, as an Excel-formatted date and time (e.g. 1/14/2014 4:00PM) HolidayList ? This is a named range containing a list of days that are to be considered holidays and not counted as work days, even if they are not on the weekend. (e.g. New Year's Day ? 1/01/2013) It is usually located elsewhere on the worksheet. Setting Up the HolidayList Named Range The function NETWORKDAYS takes an array input called [holidays] that lists all the non-weekend days that should be excluded from the calculation. This means that we could give the function a series of dates in brackets, but they would need to be formatted in Excel date format. This means that they need to be converted using a DATE function. (See the Definitive Guide to Using Dates and Times in Excel for an explanation.) An easier approach is to build a named range. In a separate worksheet tab, or in an un-used portion of your current spreadsheet, make a column list of the dates you want to include as holidays in Excel date-format. You can either use a DATE function to specify the year, month, and day for each, or let Excel auto-convert as you type. When you finish your list, select the list (and maybe a few extra cells, if you plan to add to it later). The name of the first cell in the selection appears in the name box above the spreadsheet cells... With your list selected, select the cell name in the name box, type in "HolidayList", and press ENTER. You have now named the selected cells as an array. It can be referred to in the net work hours formula as HolidayList instead of manually entering the range, and the NETWORKDAYS function can automatically exclude those dates from calculations. The Net Work Hours Formula Here is the formula, in all it's glory. Replace the variable names like $Start_Time and HolidayList with your specific references. You can look to the sample file at the end of this post for an example of the formula in action. =IF(OR($End_Time

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