Minutes Template - OASIS

Draft Minutes of OASIS TOSCA TC MeetingURL OF CALENDAR EVENT: : 03/09/2020TIME: 12:00 pm EDTScribe: Damian A. Tamburri (PoliMi – JADS) Meeting was quorate: YESObservers: N/ARoster N / AApproval of Minutesmotioning to approve minutes for June 4th meeting. Christina Seconds.Approved Agenda:Damian seconds, no discussion, approved with unanimous consentOther Motions and Results (broken out from below):The TC approves the slide deck named TOSCA Webinar - 2020-09-09 as posted at for use by TC members to facilitate outreach and education and authorizes the chairs to make cosmetic changes as well as other modifications that dont materially change the content. The TC reminds members that if non-trivial semantic changes are made to any information in a slide, then that slide should be clearly identified by the presenter as an expression of the presenters opinions, and not of the TOSCA TC.Motion to Adjourn:motioning to adjourn, Calin seconds, no discussion, meeting adjourned at 7.39 CEST.Raw Chat Log: ATTENDANCE RECORDING: Participants are responsible for logging their attendance on the TC calendar event page. When you join the meeting, use this page to record your attendance by clicking "Record My Attendance". If you are not on the internet during the meeting, you can verbally request the Chairs to record your attendance on your behalf during the meeting. TODAY'S TC CALENDAR EVENT PAGE OF ABSENCE:(Please send requests to TC mailing lists (CC Chairs) at least one week in advance. Must specify start/stop dates.)- None - REGRETS RECEIVED: - None - Thanks to our TC Secretary, Damian Tamburri! ============================ TOSCA-teers! While you are waiting, please check out and contribute to the following: A.TOSCA github WIKI: Information regarding IMPLEMENTATIONS at B.TOSCA OASIS WIKI: Information regarding PUBLICATIONS AND BLOG POSTS at github repository with contributions from the TOSCA community: D.TOSCA LINKEDIN GROUP at our LINKEDIN GROUP to customers and colleagues!b.LIKE what is there!MENT! d.CONTRIBUTE some news/updates/discussion! ============================Please change your name from 'anonymous' using the Settings buttonanonymous morphed into Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe)anonymous morphed into Calin Curescu (Ericsson)Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Waiting a few mins for more people to join...Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): @everone, please record your attendance or speak up so we can record it for you! Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Calling the meeting to orderDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): The meeting is quorateanonymous morphed into Tal Liron (Red Hat)Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Motioning to approve the agenda as posted and as shown in the slides, recapDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Damian seconds.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): No discussion, motion passes unanimously.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Approved minutes for the last meetingDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Christina seconds.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): No discussion, motion passes unanimously.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Thing is recapping and announcing that ETSI has approved the packaging and descriptors logic featuring a TOSCA specificationDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Two separate releases are envisioned adopting TOSCA 1.3Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Same thing for the packaging for VNFs and file-packaging structureDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Chris asks whether ETSI is documenting any migration practices that might be adoptedDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Thinh remarks that a working document is currently in progressDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Tal is also recapping other engagements he has put forth to discuss within the OpenShift community and several connected user groups thereDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Tal is also now reporting on recent advances in the language ad-hocDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Chris is filling in a few gaps, more info on his presentation as wellDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): They are currently working on CSD03Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Currently targeting ambitious items such as TOSCA policiesDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Chris remarks that the next increment shall be what we want to tackle for us to comfortably call TOSCA 2.0Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): One good topic could be discussing the instance modelDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Currently discussing the deck of slides going to be presented in the TOSCA recap next weekChris Lauwers (Chair): The TC approves the slide deck named TOSCA Webinar - 2020-09-09 as posted at for use by TC members to facilitate outreach and education and authorizes the chairs to make cosmetic changes as well as other modifications that dont materially change the content. The TC reminds members that if non-trivial semantic changes are made to any information in a slide, then that slide should be clearly identified by the presenter as an expression of the presenters opinions, and not of the TOSCA TC.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Chris makes the motionDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Calin seconds.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): No discussion, motion passes unanimously.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Slides decks are approved official product for TOSCA evangelization.Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Chris is now recapping the other dissemination opportunities that he was involved in recently..Damian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Very interesting participation reflected interaction with Gardner who highlights an opportunity for TOSCA to act as a connecting Bridge between the Terraform+Annibale industrial de-facto to the networking DevOps and cloud layer that TOSCA can support fullyDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Other participations feature the ONUG group for enterprise networking and others as wellDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): More to follow and more info on Chris slidesDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Chris is remarking now about the migration to the github page of the Wiki which was loosely accessible earlierDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Please contribute if possibleDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Damian and Tal secondDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Motioning to adjourn the meetingDamian A. Tamburri / JADS (TC Secretary - Scribe): Motion passes unanimously. ................

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